Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product BDP-S5000ES Sony
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BDP-S5000ES 4-116-399- 11 (1) © 2008 Sony Corporation 4-116-399- 11 (1) Operating Instructions Blu-ra y Disc / D VD Pla yer BDP-S5000ES 4-116-399- 11 (1).
2 WARNING To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rai n or m oisture. To avoid el ectrical shock, do no t open the ca binet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only. Batterie s or batteries installed apparatus shall not be exposed to excessive heat s uch as sunshine, fire or the like.
3 For Cu stom ers in C ana da If this product is not working properly, please call 1-877-602- 2008 for Peace of Mi nd Warran ty Replac emen t service .
4 • D o no t place any obje cts othe r than disc s on the disc tray. Doi ng so may ca use da mage to the play er or the ob ject. • W hen yo u move the player, take out any discs. If you don’t, the d isc ma y be damage d. • W hen yo u move the player, disconn ect the AC power cord and all other cabl es from the player.
5 Importa nt Safety Instructio ns 1) Read these instructions. 2) Keep these instructions. 3) Heed all warnings. 4) Follow all ins tructions. 5) Do not u se this appar atus near water. 6) Clean only wit h dry cloth. 7) Do not b lock any ventilation openings.
6 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Guide to Parts and Controls .
7 Addi tio nal Info rm ation Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Self-Diagnosis Fu nction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Playable Discs .
8 Guide to Part s and Contro ls For more in form atio n, see the page s in parent heses. Number 5, AUDIO, C H +, and N PLAY buttons have a tact ile dot. Use the t actile dot as a re ference when operat ing the player . A Z OPEN/CLOSE (page 33) Open s or clos es the di sc tr ay.
9 D Color buttons (RED/GREEN/ BLUE/YELLOW) Short cut keys f or sele cting ite ms on some BD ’s men us (c an also be u sed fo r BD’s Java in teractive op erations). E TOP MENU (pag e 35) Open s or cl oses t he BD ’s or DVD ’s Top Menu. POP UP/MENU (page 35) Open s or clos es the BD- ROM’s Pop- up Menu, or th e DVD’s menu .
10 A [ / 1 (on/stand by) (page 30) Turns on the p layer, or sets to standb y mode . B 24P indicator (page 47) Light s up whe n outputti ng 1080p /24 Hz vide o signals of BD-ROM s. HD AUDIO indicator Lig hts u p in the foll ow ing ca se s wh en a BD is inserted.
11 A N , X Lights up during pl ayback or pause. B HD (page 46) Lights up when out putting 720p/10 80i/ 1080p vi deo s ignals fr om the HD MI OUT jack or 720p/ 1080 i video si gnals from the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks. C HDMI (page 15) Light s up when an HDMI device i s connec ted.
12 A EXT slot (pag e 25 ) B RS232C port Used for m ain tena nce and serv ice. C AUDIO OUT (L/ R ) jacks (pa ge 1 8, 24) D MULTI CHANNEL OUTPUT (FRONT L/R, SURROUND L/R, SUR BACK L/R, CENTER, SUB WOOFE.
13 Hooku ps and Settings Hook ups and Settin gs Hookin g Up the Pla yer Chec k that you ha ve the foll owing ite ms. • Audio/vide o cabl e (phono plug × 3) (1) • AC power cor d (1) • External m.
14 Step 1 : Connecti ng to Your TV About vid eo/HDMI OUT ja c ks The player has the fol lowing vid eo jack s. C onnec t the player to your TV acco rding to the inpu t jack on your TV. When c onnec ting th e player to your TV us ing the HDMI ca ble, yo u can en joy high qua lity digita l pictu res and so und thr ough t he HDMI OUT j ack.
15 Hooku ps and Settings Connect the pl ayer a nd your TV usi ng an H DM I cable t o enjoy high q uality digital p ictur es and sound t hrough t he HDMI OUT jac k. If you con nect a Sony TV that is compatible with the “ Control fo r HDMI” function (page 16), refer to the operating i nstructions suppl ied with the TV.
16 b • Not all hig h definiti on televi sion sets ar e fully compatib le with this pro duct and may cause artifact s to be displaye d in the pictur e. In the case of 480i/4 80p/720p /1080i/1080p scan pictu re pro blems, it is r ecomm ende d that the u ser sw itch the connection to the VIDEO OUT VIDEO or S VIDEO jack.
17 Hooku ps and Settings Connect the C OMPO NEN T VIDE O OUT jac ks of th e pla yer an d you r TV usi ng a c ompone nt video c able or t hree vid eo cab les (not su pplied ) of the s ame ki nd and len gth. Y ou can enjoy high-q ualit y pictu res. Be sure to connect to the AUDIO OUT (L/R) jacks using the audio /video cable.
18 Connect the VIDEO OUT (VIDEO) jack and AUDIO OUT (L/R) jacks of the player and your TV usi ng the au dio/vi deo ca ble. You can enj oy stan dard qualit y pictures and so und. b When you connect the playe r and TV using an S- video cable, disconnect the video plug (yello w) of the audi o/video cable.
19 Hooku ps and Settings Step 2: C onnecting to Your AV Ampl ifier (Recei ver) AV ampl ifier (receive r) and ca ble requ irements differ a s follo ws, depe nding on the sour ce. To enjoy BD high quality sound, se t “BD Audio Setting” to “ Direct” in the “Au d io Setting s” setup (pa ge 52) .
20 b • W hen yo u connect the play er to you r AV ampli fier (receiv er) using an HD MI cable , do one of the f ollowin g: – Conne ct your A V am plifier (receive r) to your TV using an HDMI cable.
21 Hooku ps and Settings If your AV ampl ifier (r eceive r) ha s an HD MI inpu t, you ca n enjoy s urround sound . If you co nnect a Son y AV am plif ier (rece iver) t hat is com patibl e with th e “Cont rol for HDMI” function ( page 16), refer to the operating i nstructions sup plied with the AV ampli fier (receive r).
22 If your AV amp lifier (r eceiv er) has a Dolby *1 Digital, Do lby Pr o Log ic, or D TS *2 dec oder an d a digita l input ja ck, you ca n enjoy Dol by Di gital (5.1c h), Dolb y Pro Logi c (4.0c h), or DTS (5.1ch ) surround e ffects. 1 Connec t the digit al jack of th e player and your AV amp lifier (receiver).
23 Hooku ps and Settings If your AV ampl ifier (r eceive r) ha s 7.1 chan nel inp uts, you can enj oy mul ti chan nel sur round sound. 1 Conne ct the 7.1 c hannel jacks of the player and you r AV amplifier (receiver). 2 Set “Audio Output Priority ” to “Multi Channe l Analog” in the “Aud io Settings ” setup (pag e 49).
24 If your AV amp lifier (re ceiver ) only has L and R audi o input jac ks, use t his conn ection. Connecting to audio L /R jacks AV amplifier (receiver) Audio/vi deo cabl e (suppl ied) : Signal flow Blu-ray Disc/DVD player (white) (red) (white) (red) Match the co lor of th e plug to that of t he j ack.
25 Hooku ps and Settings Step 3: In serting th e Extern al Memory To enjoy additional content (such as BonusV iew/BD -Live) on certai n Blu-ray Disc titl es, you will need to use the supplied external memory. Insert the extern al memory dev ice (1 GB or larger US B flash me mory, such as Sony USM1GH) into th e EXT slot as your loca l stor age.
26 Step 4 : Connecti ng to the Netw ork Conn ect the LAN (10 0) term inal of the pl ayer to your Interne t sourc e using a netwo rk cab le to update the pl ayer’s software. You c an also enjoy the BD-Live function (page 36). 1 Connec t the LAN (1 00) terminal of the player to your Intern et source.
27 Hooku ps and Settings b Do not connect th e LAN terminal of the play er to the LA N term inal of the PC. Step 5: Co nnec ting the AC Powe r Co rd After all of the other conn ections are compl ete, co nnect th e suppl ied AC po wer cord to the AC IN terminal of the player.
28 Step 6: Preparing the Remote You ca n contro l the pl ayer usi ng the s upplied remo te. In sert two S ize A A (R6) batte ries by matchi ng the 3 an d # ends on the bat teries to the mar k ings insid e the battery compartment. When using the remote, point it at th e remote s ensor on the player (page 1 0).
29 Hooku ps and Settings To contro l other TVs with the remote You can contr o l the v olume, in p ut source , channe l, and po wer swi tch of no n-Sony TVs as well. If yo ur TV is lis te d in th e tabl e be low , set the approp riate ma nufa cturer ’s co de.
30 Step 7: Easy Setu p Follow the st eps below to make th e minimum numb er o f basi c a djustm ents f or us ing the playe r. If you do not com plete Eas y Setup, it will a ppear ea ch tim e you turn on your play er. Make the settings below in the follo wing orde r.
31 Hooku ps and Settings 7 Select a vide o output resolu tion for the co nnected TV , and pre ss ENTER. For details about the vi deo out put resol ution, se e page 47. When yo u sel ect “HDM I” in step 6 Sele ct from “Aut o,” “480i ,” “480p, ” “720p, ” “108 0i,” or “10 80p.
32 10 Select “Al low” to allow In ternet conn ectio ns from BD con tents, and pres s ENTER. Sele ct “Do n ot allo w” to no t allow Intern et connection s from BD conte n ts. 11 Set “Q uic k Star t Mode ” to “On ” or “Off, ” and press ENT ER.
33 Play back Playback Playi ng BD s/DVD s 1 Switc h the input selec tor on your TV so that the signal f rom the pl ayer appear s on you r TV scr een. 2 Press Z OPEN/CLOSE, and place a disc on the dis c tray. 3 Press Z OPEN/CLOSE to clo se the disc t ray.
34 4 Press HOM E . 5 Sele ct “Vid eo” us ing < / , . 6 Sele ct using M / m , and pres s N PLAY or ENTE R. For com mer ciall y availa ble BD- ROMs or DVD VIDEOs, playback s tarts. For BDs o r DVDs recorded on o ther equi pment, th e titl e list ap pears.
35 Play back Available OPTIONS 1 Press OPTIONS. The op tions menu appea rs. 2 Select an item using M / m , an d press ENTER. The available items differ dependin g on the disc t ype or player situatio n. To displ ay Top Men u When you play a BD or DVD , you ca n displa y the Top M enu.
36 Some BD -ROM s ha ve bon us c ontent s and othe r data t hat can be downl oaded t o the external me mory (l o cal st orage) for enjo yment. 1 Turn the pla yer off . 2 Insert the ex ternal memory (supp lied) into t he EXT sl ot on the rear of the player.
37 Play back To canc el Scen e Searc h mode Pre ss SCE NE SEAR CH, E NTER, N PLAY, or X PAUSE. Playba ck star ts from the poi nt you pr esse d the button. b • Th e Scene Search functi on is availa ble for titles longer than 100 se conds and sho rter than 100 hours.
38 To adju st the pictu re 1 Press O PTIONS during pl ayback . The op tions menu ap pears. 2 Select “A/V Se ttings” using M / m , a nd press ENTER. 3 Select “Vi d eo Setti ngs” using M / m , and press ENTER. The “ Video Sett ings ” scre en app ears.
39 Play back “NR” element s 1 Selec t “NR” i n step 4 ab ove, and p ress ENTER. 2 Select an ite m, and press ENTER. To use th e Play back Memory fu ncti on When yo u play BDs *1 /DVDs *2 , the play er stor es pictur e settings fo r each disc, lett ing you play th e same disc with the sa m e sett in gs later.
40 Play ing CDs 1 Insert a CD . The M usic Pl ayer screen app ears. 2 Press N PLAY. Play back st arts. To select a track 1 Press HOME. 2 Select (Music) u sing < / , . 3 Select , and press EN TER. The m usic l ist app ears . 4 Sele ct a tra ck usi ng M / m .
41 Play back Play ing Photo Fi les *1 BD-REs /BD-Rs cont aining JPEG image file s *2 DVD+RWs/DVD+Rs/DVD-RWs/DVD-Rs containing JP EG image files *3 CD-RWs/ CD-Rs containi ng JPEG imag e files 1 Press HOME. 2 Select (Photo) usin g < / , . 3 Select , and pre ss ENTER.
42 Variou s photo playba ck operatio ns b • W hen you attempt to pla y the follo wing photo files, t he mark appea rs on the scre en and they canno t be played.
43 Settings and Adjustment s Settings and Adjust ments Usin g the Sett ing s Displ ays Select (Setu p) on the h ome me nu when you need to c hange the sett ings of the pl ayer. 1 Press HO ME. 2 Selec t (Set up) using < / , . 3 Selec t the setup ca tegory icon to change u sing M / m , and pres s ENTER .
44 Setting list You ca n setup t he foll owing opt ions. Networ k Update You ca n upda te and im prove t he funct ions of the pl ayer. For info rmation about update func tions, re fer to the fo llowing website; http ://esup port.s m 1 Select “N etwork Update ” using M / m , and pr ess EN TER.
45 Settings and Adjustment s To updat e th e softw are usi ng an upd ate disc You ca n upda te and im prove t he funct ions of the playe r using a n update disc prov ided by Sony dealer or l ocal a uthori zed Sony se rvic e facilit y . 1 Insert the update disc.
46 Selects t he display con figuration for play back of 16:9 scre en pict ures on a 4:3 screen TV (sel ectable when “T V Type” i s set to “4:3 ” and “Sc reen For mat” i s set to “Fixe d Aspect Ratio”). b Depending on the DVD, “Letter B o x” may be select ed automati cally ins tead of “Pan & Scan” or vice versa.
47 Settings and Adjustment s b • I f the picture is dis torted or no p icture appears, wait f or about 30 se conds w ithout pressing a ny buttons. The disp lay retu rns to the resol ution setti ng screen.
48 Sets the co lor setting for v ideo sig nals output from the HDMI OUT jack. Select the setting that matches th e connected TV type. Sets the Deep Co lor (col or depth) settin g for video signal s output from th e HDMI OUT jack. The c olor depth i s indica ted by the nu mber of bits, an d more colors ca n be re produce d as the value inc reases .
49 Settings and Adjustment s b • Performanc e and features are not guaran teed. • If the type of your co nnecting ca ble or connec tor differs f rom those reco mmende d, optimum values m ay n ot be ac hieved. • If the se ttings are h igher than those recomm ended, t he fine detail s on t he scre en ma y beco me too hars h.
50 3 Select a setup item using M / m , and pres s ENTER . 4 Select or s et a setting u sing M / m , and press ENTER. Size Selec ts the si ze of the spea kers . •F r o n t •C e n t e r • Surro und • S urro und Back • Subw oofer b • Depe nding on the se ttings of oth er speakers, the subwoofer may output excess ive soun d.
51 Settings and Adjustment s Change the “Dis tance” setting each t ime you move the spea kers. Sta rt from t he fro nt speake rs. To adju st th e spea ker lev el 1 Sele ct “Spea ker Set tings ” in “Audi o Sett ings,” an d press ENT ER. 2 Sele ct “Tes t Tone” using M / m , and press ENTER.
52 Sel ec ts th e sig nal type for the HDM I O UT jack. b Select “2ch PCM” when co nnecting a TV o r an AV amplif ier (rec eiver ) that does not supp ort Dolby Digital or DTS, othe rwise noise or no sound may result.
53 Settings and Adjustment s b • If you select “96kHz/24bit” when an AV amplifi er (rece iver) t hat does not suppor t 96 k Hz is connected , no sound or a loud sound m ay result. • “48k Hz/96kHz PCM ” is not effective whe n “Audio Out put Prior ity” is set to “HDMI,” “ Multi Channel Ana log,” or “Ster eo Analog.
54 BD/DVD Vie win g Setting s The de fault set tings are unde rlined . Selects t h e default menu language for BD- ROMs or DVD VIDEOs. When yo u selec t “Selec t Langua ge Code ,” the display for ente ring th e lang uage co de appear s. En ter the code f or your langua ge by refer ring to “Langu age Co de List ” (pag e 72 ).
55 Settings and Adjustment s z You can change the pass word (see “Pa s sword” on page 55). b • If you forget the password , reset the player (page 60) and set a new password (see “Password” on page 55). • When you play discs whic h do not have the Parental Control functi on, playba ck cannot be limite d on this player .
56 When yo u play BD s *1 /DVDs *2 , the pl ayer stor es pict ure set tings f or each disc, l etting you play the same disc with the same settings later .
57 Settings and Adjustment s System Set tings The default setti n gs are underlined. Selects your lang uage for the play er on- screen disp lays. Ad just s the li gh tin g of th e fron t pan el d ispl ay.
58 Displays th e player’s sof tware version informatio n and the MAC address. Networ k Settings These i tems are nece ssary w hen y ou conne ct to th e Inte rnet vi a a netw ork cab le. En ter th e respec tiv e (alpha num eric) value s for your broadb and ro uter or Wirele ss LAN route r.
59 Settings and Adjustment s b When you set th e “DNS Server (Prim ary)”/ “DNS Server (Secondary)” addresses manually, e nter the “DNS Ser ver (Primary)” address .
60 Easy Setup Re-runs the Easy Setup to make th e basic setting s. 1 Select “Easy Set up,” an d press ENTER . 2 Sele ct “Sta rt ” usin g < / , , and pres s ENTER. 3 Follow th e instructions fo r “Step 7: Easy Set up” (page 3 0) from step 4.
61 Additi onal Infor mation Additional Informatio n Troubl esh ooting If you exp erienc e any of the fol lowing difficul ties while using the player, use this troubles hoot ing gui de to hel p remed y the proble m befor e reques ting re pairs . Should any prob lem per sist, co nsult your near est Sony deal er.
62 See al so “Conne cting t o an HDMI j ack” (page 1 5) w hen c onne cting equipme nt using the H DM I cabl e. There is no pict ure/pictur e noise ap pears. , Check th at all the con necting cabl es are secure ly connec ted. , Che ck whet her the co nnect ing ca bles ar e damage d.
63 Additi onal Infor mation The in teractive au dio is no t output. , Set “B D Au dio S ett ing” t o “Mi x” in th e “Aud io Setti ngs” s etup ( page 5 2). There is no pict ure or no sound when connect ed to t he HDMI OUT jac k. , Try the fo llowing: 1 Turn th e play er off and on again .
64 Bonus co ntent s or oth er dat a that are conta ined in a BD-R OM c annot be pl ayed . , Try t he follow ing: 1 Rem ove the disc. 2 Turn th e play er off. 3 R emove an d re- insert the externa l memory (pa ge 25). 4 Turn th e play er on. 5 C heck t hat the EXT ind icator lights up i n the front pane l display.
65 Additi onal Infor mation Self- Dia gnosis Fun cti on When the s elf-diagnosis f unction is activa ted to prevent the player from ma lfunctioning, an error code appea rs in the f ront panel disp lay, or ju st appe ars w itho ut an y me ssag es on the ent ire screen .
66 Play able Discs * JPEG format conforming to UDF (U niversal D isk Format). Notes about BD-ROM co mpatibility Since th e Blu-r ay Dis c specif ications are new and ev olving , some disc s may not be playab le depend ing on the disc type and t he version .
67 Additi onal Infor mation Discs tha t cann ot be pl ayed • BDs with cartr idge • DVD- RAMs • HD DVD s • DV D Au dio d iscs • PHOTO CDs • Da ta pa rt of CD -Ext ras • VCDs/Super VCDs • HD layer on Su per Au dio CDs • Au dio ma terial side on Dual Disc s • BD-ROMs/DVD VIDEOs with a d iffere nt regio n code (pa ge 67) .
68 About pl ayba ck of disc s recorde d in AVCHD forma t Thi s player can play AVC HD fo rmat discs. What is the AVCHD for mat? The AVCHD forma t is a high-definitio n digital video came ra format use.
69 Additi onal Infor mation Vide o Output Re solution Outp ut resolu tion di ffers de pend ing on the “Ou tput Vid eo For mat” set ting in the “Vid eo Setting s” s etup (pag e 45). *1 Protected contents on DVDs are output at 480p resolution . *2 No picture ap pears when out putting at 1080/24p resolution .
70 Audi o Output Sig nals The a udio out put diffe rs as foll ows, d ependin g on the so urce , output ja ck, and t he selec ted setting s. *1 When “Audi o Output Prio rity” is set to “Stereo Analog,” LPCM 2 ch signals are ou tput from each j ack.
71 Additi onal Infor mation Spec ific atio ns System Laser: Semiconduc tor laser Input s and ou tputs ( Jack name: Jack t ype/Outp ut lev el/Loa d imp edance) AUDIO OUT L/R: Phono jack/ 2 Vrms/10 kil ohms DIGITAL OUT (OPT ICAL): Opti cal o utpu t jac k/– 18 dB m (wave lengt h 660 nm) DIGITAL OUT (COA XIAL): Phono ja ck/0.
72 Langua ge Code List For details , see page 54. The lan guage spel lings co nform to the IS O 639: 1988 (E/ F) sta ndard . Parent al Control/A rea Code For details , see page 54.
73 Additi onal Infor mation Terms and Cond itions of Use an d End Use r Lice nse Agreeme nt The Sony Blu-ray Disc player (“Product”) and associated software (“Software”) ar e provided and maintaine d by Sony Electronics Inc. and its a ffiliates (“Sony”).
74 U.S. Government Restricted Rights. T he Software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disc los ure by the United States Government is subje ct to restriction as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.
75 Additi onal Infor mation 11. General P rovisions This Agreement, the limited warranty accompanying the Product, plus any additional term s pos ted on the Service or Site, together constitute the entire agreement between Sony and you with respect to your us e of the Product, Service, Site, Content, and Software.
76 Also, for each author’s protection and our s, we want to make certain that eve ryone understands that there is no warranty for this free software.
77 Additi onal Infor mation 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program) , the recipient automaticall y receives a license from the original licenso r to copy, distribute or modify the Program s ubjec t to these terms and conditions.
78 The hypothetical commands ‘show w’ and ‘show c’ should show the appropriate parts of the General Publi c License. Of course, the commands you use may be ca lled something other than ‘show w’ and ‘show c’; t he y could even be mous e -clicks or menu items--whatever suits your pr ogram.
79 Additi onal Infor mation The “Libr a ry”, bel ow, refers to any such softw are library or work which has been distributed under thes e terms. A “work based on the Library” means either the .
80 You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the Library is use d in it and that the Library and its us e are covered by this License.
81 Additi onal Infor mation 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the L ibrary into other free programs whose distribution conditions ar e incompatible with these, write to the author to ask for permission.
82 This product includes cryptogra phic software written by Eric Young ( This product includes s oftwar e written by Tim Huds on ( Original SSLeay License Original SSL eay Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.
83 Additi onal Infor mation Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. This product includes software develope d by the University of California, Berkeley and its contri butor s. This product includes software develope d by the University of California, Lawrence Be rkeley Laboratory and its contr ibutors.
84 Glos sary AACS “Adv anced Acces s Cont ent Syst em” is a speci ficat ion for m ana ging dig ital ente rtainment conten ts stor ed on the next genera tion o f prere corded a nd reco rded optical me d ia. The specification e n ables consumers to e njoy digital enter tainment conte nt, inc luding high-de finiti on conte nt.
85 Additi onal Infor mation DTS- HD High Resol utio n Audi o (pag e 70) Develo ped as an extens ion to D TS Dig ital Surrou nd f orm at. It su pport s a m axim um samp ling freq uency of 96 kHz, and 7.1 multi- channe l surro und. DTS- H D High Reso lution Aud io has a maximum transmi ssion rate of 6 Mbps, with lossy compres s ion (Lossy).
86 Index Words in quota tions appear in the on -screen di splays . Numerics 24p Tru e Cinema 85 A “A/V Settin gs” 38 AACS 84 ANGLE 8 AUDIO 8 “Audio Outp ut Priority” 49 Audio output sign als 7.
87 U Update 26 , 44 V “Video” 33 Video ou tput resolu tion 69 “Video Settings” 38 , 45 X x.v.Co lor 48 , 85.
An important point after buying a device Sony BDP-S5000ES (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony BDP-S5000ES yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony BDP-S5000ES - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony BDP-S5000ES you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony BDP-S5000ES will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony BDP-S5000ES, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony BDP-S5000ES.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony BDP-S5000ES. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony BDP-S5000ES along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center