Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FQ60BPE Smeg
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Manual de instrucciones en it Instruction Manual Manuale di istruzioni pt nl fr sv da es ru de Gebruiksaanwijzing Notice d'Utilisation Bruksanvisning Brugsvejledning Bedienungsanleitung FQ60XPE.
Please read this manual first! Dear Customer , We hope that your pr oduct, which has been produced in modern plants and checked under the most meticulous quality control pr ocedures, will pr ovide you an effective service.
EN 2 1 Your refrigerator 3 2 Important Safety Warnings 4 Intended use ..................................... 4 For products with a water dispenser; . 6 Child safety ........................................ 6 HCA W arning ...............................
EN 3 C Fi g u r es t ha t t a ke pl a c e i n t hi s in s tr u ct i on m an u al ar e sc he ma ti c an d ma y no t co rr es p on d ex ac tl y w it h yo ur p r od uc t. I f th e su bj ec t pa rt s ar e no t in cl ud ed in t he pr od uc t yo u h av e pu r ch as ed , th en i t is v al id f or o th er mo de ls .
EN 4 2 Important Safety Warnings Please review the following information. Failure to observe this information may cause injuries or material damage. Otherwise, all warranty and reliability commitments will become invalid. The usage life of the unit you purchased is 10 years.
EN 5 • Do n ot p ul l by t he c ab le w he n pu ll in g of f th e pl u g. • Pl ac e th e be ve ra ge w it h hi gh er p r oo fs ti gh tl y cl os ed a nd v er ti ca ll y . • Ne ve r st or e s pr ay ca ns c on ta in in g fl am ma bl e an d ex pl os iv e su bs ta nc es in t he r ef r ig er at o r .
EN 6 • As t he y r eq ui r e a pr ec is e te mp er at ur e, va cc in es , he at -s en si ti ve m ed ic in e an d sc ie nt if ic m at er ia ls a nd e tc . sh ou ld n ot be k ep t in t he r ef ri ge ra to r . • If n ot t o be u se d fo r a lo ng t im e, r ef ri ge ra to r sh ou l d be u np lu gg ed .
EN 7 Things to be done for energy saving • Do n ot l ea ve t he d oo rs o f yo ur r ef ri ge ra to r op en fo r a lo ng t im e . • Do n ot p ut h ot f oo d or d ri nk s in y ou r r ef ri ge ra to r . • Do n ot o ve rl oa d yo ur r ef ri ge ra to r so th at t he a ir c ir cu la ti on i ns id e of i t is n ot pr ev en te d.
EN 8 3 Installation B Pl e as e r em em be r th at t he ma nu fa ct ur e r sh al l n ot b e he ld l i ab le i f th e in fo rm at io n gi ve n in t he i ns tr uc ti on ma nu al i s no t ob se rv ed .
EN 9 Before operating your refrigerator Before starting to use your r efrigerator check the following: 1. Is t he i nt er io r of t he r ef ri ge ra to r dr y an d ca n th e ai r ci rc ul at e fr e el y i n th e r ea r of i t? 2.
EN 10 • Y ou m a y co ns ul t yo ur au th or iz ed de al er o r wa st e co ll ec ti on c en te r of yo ur m un ic ip al it y ab ou t th e di sp os al of y ou r r ef ri ge ra t or .
EN 11 • Y ou can adjust the gap between the fridge compartment doors as illustrated in the figures. • Adjust the door as you desire by loosing the screws. Adjusting the gap between the upper door Center Screw • Fix the door you have adjusted by tightening the scr ews without changing the position of the door .
EN 12 4 Preparation C Y ou r r ef ri ge ra to r sh ou ld b e in st al l ed a t le as t 30 c m aw ay f ro m he at s ou r c es su ch a s ho bs , ov en s, c en tr al h ea te r an d st ov es a nd a t le as t 5 cm a wa y fr om e le ct r ic al o ve ns a nd sh ou ld n ot be l oc at ed u nd er d ir ec t su nl ig ht .
EN 13 C F ig u r es t ha t ta ke p la ce i n th is i ns tr uc ti on m an u al a r e sc he ma ti c an d ma y no t co rr es p on d ex ac tl y w it h yo ur p r od uc t. I f th e su bj ec t pa rt s ar e no t in cl ud ed in t he pr od uc t yo u h av e pu r ch as ed , th en i t is v al id f or o th er mo de ls .
EN 14 1. Fridge Compartment Temperature Setting Button Press this button to set the temperature of the fridge compartment to 8, 6, 4, 2, 8... respectively .
EN 15 8. Vacation Function Indicator Indicates that the vacation function is active. If this function is active, "- -" appears on the indicator of the fridge compartment and no cooling is performed in the fridge compartment. Other compartments will be cooled in accordance with the temperatur e set for them.
EN 16 Egg tray • Y ou can install the egg holder to the desired door or body shelf. • Never store the egg holder in the freezer compartment. Sliding Body Shelves Sliding body shelves can be pulled by slightly lifting up from the fr ont and moved back and forth.
EN 17 Rotating Middle Section Rotating middle section is intended to prevent the cold air inside your refrigerator fr om escaping outside. Rotating middle section aids in sealing since the gaskets on the door presses on the surface of the Rotating middle section when the doors of the fridge compartment are closed.
EN 18 6 Maintenance and cleaning A Ne ve r us e ga so li ne , be nz en e or si mi la r su bs ta nc es f or c le an in g pu rp os es . B W e r ec om me nd t ha t yo u un pl ug t he ap pl ia nc e be fo r e c le an in g.
EN 19 7 Recommended solutions for the pr oblems Please review this list befor e calling the service. It might save you time and money . This list includes frequent complaints that ar e not arising from defective workmanship or material usage. Some of the features described her e may not exist in your product .
EN 20 • Y o u r ne w r ef rig er at or m ay b e wi d er t ha n th e pr ev io us o ne . Th is i s q ui te n or ma l. La rg e r efr ig er at or s op er at e f or a l on ge r pe ri od of t im e. • Th e am bi en t r oom t em pe ra tu r e m ay b e hi gh .
EN 21 • Th is n oi se i s c om in g fr om t he s ol en oi d va lv e of th e re fr ig er at or . So le no id v al ve fu nc ti on s fo r t he p ur po se o f en su r in g co ol an t pa s sa ge t hr ou .
Built-in Product Dimensions - 4 Doors SIDE BY SIDE REFRIGERA TOR INST ALLA TION INSTRUCTIONS If you want to install your product inside the kitchen furniture, adjust the furniture dimensions in accordance with the following measures. • Provide an opening of min.
Overall space required in use - 4 Door 1441 mm 56,7” 61 mm 2,4” 14 mm 0,6” 1078 mm 42,4” 1034 mm 40,7” 1078 mm 42,4” 120 ° 90 °.
48 9827 0000/AB EN-İT -PT -NL-FR-SV -DA-ES-RU-DE.
An important point after buying a device Smeg FQ60BPE (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Smeg FQ60BPE yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Smeg FQ60BPE - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Smeg FQ60BPE you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Smeg FQ60BPE will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Smeg FQ60BPE, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Smeg FQ60BPE.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Smeg FQ60BPE. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Smeg FQ60BPE along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center