Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MX-B400P Sharp
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System settings Configuring settings to make the machine easier to use. T roub leshooting F requently asked questions and how to clear paper misf eeds. Quic k Star t Guide Quic k Star t Guide Quic k Star t Guide LASER PRINTER Before using the mac hine Functions of the machine and procedures for loading paper .
OPERATION MANUALS AND HOW TO USE THEM Three printed manuals and a ma nual in PDF format are provided with the machine. Printed manuals Quic k Star t Guide (this manual) Software Setup Guide T o learn .
1 Manuals in PDF format For detailed information * T o view the Operation Guide in PDF f ormat, Adobe ® Reader ® or Acrobat ® Reader ® of Adobe Systems Incorporated is required. Adobe ® Reader ® can be downloaded from the f ollowing URL: http://www .
2 CHECKING THE IP ADDRESS To check the IP address of the ma chine, print out the all custo m setting list in the system settings. 1 Press the [SYSTEM SETTINGS] key. 2 Select the all custom setting list. (1) Select the [Lis t Print (User)] key. (2) Select the [Pri nt] key to the right of "All Custom Set ting List".
3 ACCESSING THE WEB SERVER IN THE MACHINE When the machine is connected t o a network, the machine's b uilt-in Web server can be accessed from a Web br owser on your computer. Opening the Web pages Recommended Web br owsers • Internet Explor er: 6.
4 Downloading the Operation Guide The Operation G uide, which is a more detailed manu al, can be downloa ded from the machin e's Web pages. Downloading the Operation Guide. (1) Click [Op eration Manual Download] in the menu of the Web page. (2) Select th e desired language .
5 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHECKING THE IP ADDRE SS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ACCESSING THE WEB S ERVER IN THE M ACHINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PART NAMES AN D FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Friday, Nove mber 6, 2009 6:24 PM.
Bef ore using the mac hine Bef ore using the mac hine 7 This section provides gen eral information abo ut the machine, including the names and functions of the parts of the machine and its perip heral devices, and the proc edures for loadin g paper. X PART NAMES AND FUN CTIONS .
8 PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS (1) Output tray (center tray) Jobs are delivered to this tray. (When a finisher is installed, the output tray (center tray) cannot be used.) (2) Operation panel (3) Finisher* This can be used to staple output. (4) Main power switch This is used to power on the machine.
9 (8) Front cover Open to replace a toner cartridge. (9) Bypass tray Special types of paper and envelopes can be fed from the bypass tray. (10) USB connector (B type) Supports USB 2.0 (Hi-Speed). A computer can be connected to this connector to use th e machine as a printer.
10 OPERATION PANEL PRINT JOB ST A TUS SYSTEM SETTINGS READ Y DA T A LOGOUT BACK OK 2010/04/04 2010/04/04 Display [PRINT] key When you wish to print a print hold job, press this ke y to switch to print mode. Y ou can hold down the [PRINT] k ey to check the total pages used, remaining toner , and machine display .
11 [PO WER] key [OK] key / [B ACK] key / Arr ow keys [OK] key Press to enter a setting that has been selected. [BA CK] key Press to return to the previous screen lev el. Arrow ke ys Press to mov e the selection frame that selects setting ke ys and items in the display .
12 USING THE OPERATION PANEL This sectio n explains th e procedure s for selectin g setting items in the screen. Selecting setting items The frame that appears in the disp lay is the selection frame. Move the se lection fram e to the item that you wish t o select and press the [OK] key.
13 Press the [ BACK] key to retu rn to the previo us screen leve l. 2010/04/04 2010/04/04 When the [BACK] key is pressed in the operation selection screen, you return to the base screen.
14 ITEMS IN THE DISPLAY Useful items in the display are explained below. Messages appear here. An operation hint appears here. Numbers in the f or mat "1/2" indicate that there are more items. These numbers mean "current screen / total number of screens".
15 Important operations to know (1) When a checkbox is selected and the [O K] key is pressed, a checkmark will appear to indi cate that the setting is en abled. (2) You can select "Basic Menu" to return to that scr een. (3) can be used to increase or decrease a value.
16 USER AUTHENTICATION When user authent ication is enabled, you must log in before using the machine. User au thenticati on is initially disabled. When you have finished us ing the machine, log out. User authentication methods There are two methods fo r performing user auth entication: login by user number and login by login name and passwor d.
17 Logging out When you have finishe d using the m achine, log ou t. Logging ou t prevents unauthor ized use of the mach ine. How to log out You can log out from any mode of the machine by pressing the [L OGOUT] key. If a preset duration of time elapses after the machine is last used, the auto clear function will activate.
18 CHANGING PAPER IN A TRAY Names of the trays The names of the t rays are shown below. For the number of sheets of paper that ca n be loaded in each tray, see the following manuals: • Operation Gui.
19 Loading paper in a tray To change the paper in a tray, load the desired paper in the tray and then change the tray settin gs in the machine to specify the loade d paper.
20 Changing the tray settings When you chang e the paper i n a tray, the tray settings in the system settings must also be changed. 1 Press the [SYSTEM SETTINGS] key. 2 Configure the tray settings. (1) Select the [Pap er Tray Settings] key . Select with and press [OK].
21 Configure the tray settings. (Continued) (3) Select the [C hange] key in "Tray 1". Select with and press [OK]. (4) Sele ct [Recycled] from the "Type" sele ct box. Select with and press [OK]. (5) Make Sure that [Auto- Inch] is selected in the "Size" select bo x.
22 Loading paper in bypass tray Place paper that is 7-1/4" x 10-1/2" (A5) or smaller in the horizontal orientation. Only the address side of en velopes can be printed on. Place en velopes with the address side face down. Do not place heavy objects on the b ypass tray or press do wn on the tray .
PRINTING PRINTING 23 This section exp lains the basic proc edure for printing using the printer d river of the machin e. The settings th at can be selected in the printe r driver are also introd uced. The explanations of screens and procedure s are primarily for Windows Vista ® in Windows ® en vironments, and Mac OS X v10.
24 PRINTING This section explains the basic pro cedures for printing. The following example explains ho w to print a letter size document from WordPad, w hich is a stan dard acces sory program in Windows.
25 When removing printed output ... Remove the output ho rizontally so that it does not ge t caught on the actuator for output tray f ull detection. 3 Select print settings. (1) Clic k the [Paper] tab. (2) Select [Le tter]. (3) Cl ick the [OK] butt on.
26 Using printer driver help When selecting settings in the printe r driver prop erties window, you can display Help to view explanations of the se ttings. (Only in Windows) 1 Open the printer driver properties window. (1) Select the printer drive r of the m achine.
27 To view Help for a speci fic setting Click the setting that you wish to learn about and press the [F1] key. Help for that setting will appear. * To view Help for a part icular setting in Windows 98/Me /NT 4.0/2000/XP/ Server 2003, click the button in the upper rig ht-hand corner of the printer driver window and then click the setting.
28 The following example explains ho w to print a letter size document from "TextEdit" ("SimpleText" in Ma c OS 9), which is a standard accessory program on Macintosh comp uters. In a Macintosh en vironment, the PS3 expansion kit must be inst alled to use the machine as a network prin ter.
29 Printing a file When removing printed output ... Remove the output ho rizontally so that it does not ge t caught on the actuator for output tray f ull detection. 1 Execute printing from TextEdit. (1) Open the [F ile] menu. (2) Select [Pri nt]. In Mac OS 9, select [Print] from the [File] menu of Simple Text.
30 CANCELING PRINTING (AT THE MACHINE) You can cancel a job if you cancel before print ing actually begins. 1 Press the [JOB STATUS] key. 2 Select settings. (1) Change t he job status mode to [Spool] or [Job Queue]. Select either of the keys with the keys and press the [OK] key.
31 Configure the tray settings. (Continued) (4) Select the [Yes] key . Select with and press [OK]. OK BACK User_2 (4) Page 31 Friday, Nov ember 6, 2009 6:24 P M.
32 SELECTING PRINT SETTINGS To use the print function o f the machine, the sett ings in the printer driver properties windo w must be configured. See "PRINTING" (pa ge 24) for the procedure for ope ning the printer driver properties window and th e basic procedure f or printing.
33 The procedure f or selecting printer driver settings is explain ed below using "Printing multiple images on one p age (N-Up Printing) " as an example. This function reduces t he size of each page to let you print mult iple pages on one sheet of paper .
34 CONVENIENT PRINTER FUNCTIONS Printing on both sides of the paper (2-sided printing) Fitting the print image to the paper (Fit To Paper Size) Use this fun ction to print on both sides of the pa per.
35 Printing multiple images on one page (N-Up Printing) Stapling printed pages (Staple) Use this func tion to print multiple pages on a single sheet of paper by reducing the size of the print images. This is convenient when you wish to show an overall view of multiple pages or conserve paper.
36 The machine also has these functions For information on each o f these functions, see "CONVENIENT PRINTING FUNCTIONS" and "RETENTION (PRINT HOLD) FUNCTION" in "Chapter 2 - PRINTI NG" in the Operation Gu ide.
System settings System settings 37 The system setting s let you adjust the operation of the machine to suit the n eeds of your workplace. Th is section briefly introdu ces several of the system settings. For detailed explanations of the system settings, see "Chapter 3 - SYSTEM SETTINGS" in the Operation Guide.
38 SYSTEM SETTINGS Various setting s related to the machine such as the date and time setting and paper tray setti ngs can be configured in the syste m settings screen. The procedure for opening the system settings screen and t he items in the screen are exp lained below.
39 What you can do in the system settings System settings (administrator) The system setti ngs (administrator )* are system set tings that can only be configured by th e administrator of the machine. To co nfigure these settin gs, the administrator passwor d must be entered. Page 40 Friday, Nov ember 6, 2009 6:24 P M.
T r oub leshooting T r oub leshooting 41 This sections contains answer s to frequently asked questions and expl ains how to remove paper misfeed s. X FREQUENTLY ASKE D QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 X REMOVING MISFEEDS . . . . . . . . . .
42 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Printing on envelopes The procedure for prin ting on an envelope is explained below. On ly the name and address side of an en velope can be printe d on. It is recommended t hat you do a test print to check the print resu lt before using an envelope.
43 (1) (2) (3) (4) 3 Select settings in the printer driver. (1) Selec t the size of the envelope in "Paper Si ze". (2) Selec t "Bypass Tray" from "Paper Source" in "Paper Selection". (3) Selec t [Envelope] in "Paper Type".
44 Changing the paper size used for a job When the size of paper is n ot loaded in any of the machine's paper trays, follow the steps below to chang e the paper size. Paper Empty (1) (2) (3) 1 Check details on the job. Press the [JO B STATUS] key on the operation pane l to display the job status screen.
45 2 C hange the paper size used for the job. Select the paper size on which you wish to prin t the job from the set paper sizes. To avoid cutting off part of the image, select a paper size t hat is larger than the paper size specifie d for the job. mxb400p_us_qck.
46 REMOVING MISFEEDS When a paper misfeed occurs, the mess age "A misfeed has occurred." will appear in the display and printing will stop. In this event, s elect the [Information] key in the display. When the key is selected, instructions for removing the misfeed will ap pear. Page 47 Friday, Nov ember 6, 2009 6:24 P M. Page 48 Friday, Nov ember 6, 2009 6:24 P M.
Please note • For information on your op erating system, please refe r to your operating system manual or the onlin e Help function. • The explanation s of screens and pr ocedures in a Windows environment are primarily for Windows Vista ® . The screens may vary depending on the version of the operating system or th e software application.
Qu Quic k Star t Guide Qu LASER K eep this ref erence PRINTED IN CHINA 2010A KS1 TINSE4636FCZZ MX-B400P Quick Start Guide SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 1 Sharp Plaza, Mahwah, New Jersey 07495-1163.
An important point after buying a device Sharp MX-B400P (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sharp MX-B400P yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sharp MX-B400P - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sharp MX-B400P you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sharp MX-B400P will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sharp MX-B400P, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sharp MX-B400P.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sharp MX-B400P. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sharp MX-B400P along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center