Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product TM-U590/U590P Seiko
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slip printer TM-U 590/U590P Op erator ’s Ma nual MICR Option Included 4006 769 02.
Printe r Part s a nd Lab els Labels CAUTION : Cau tion l abels for draw er ki ck-ou t an d displ ay mo dule conn ectors. POWER ERROR RELEASE SLIP FORWARD REVERSE RELEASE EPSON Sli p paper co ntrol p a.
i Quick Refe rence This Quick Referen ce will direct yo u to key areas of this Opera tor’s Manual. For a complete l isting of topic s, see t he Contents . Printer Parts and Labels inside front cover Ordering Ribbons page viii Whe re to o rd er ribb ons.
ii All rig h t s r e served . N o p art o f thi s p u b l icati o n may be re p r o d u ced , s t o r ed in a r e t r ieval s ystem, o r tra n smit t e d i n an y f o r m o r b y a n y me a ns , ele c.
iii FCC CLASS A FCC Compliance Statement For Ame rican Us ers This equipment ha s been tested and found to comply with the li mits for a Class A di git al device, pursuan t to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
iv Pro du ct Na me: Pri nt er Type N ame: M128 B Thes e print ers conf or m to the fo llow ing D irec ti ves and Norms Dire ct ive 8 9/33 6/EE C EN 5 50 22 (1 986 and 19 94) C lass B EN 5 00 82-1 (199.
v EMI an d Saf ety Sta ndard s Appli ed The fol low ing stan dar ds are app lied only to the printer s th at are so labe led. ( EMC is tested using th e EPSON PS-170 power supply ) Euro pe : CE m a rk.
vi About This Manual Setting Up an d Using ❏ Chapte r 1 contains informati on on unpacking the printer, and setti ng it up. ❏ Chapte r 2 contains informati on on using the printer. ❏ Chapte r 3 contai ns t roubl esh ooti ng info rmatio n. Re f e rence ❏ Chapte r 4 contains specifi catio ns.
I ntroduction v ii Introd uction Features The TM-U5 90 and TM-U 59 0P are high -qu alit y POS prin te rs that can prin t o n s l i p paper. The print ers have t he following featur es: ❏ Wide slip paper capability (maximum characters per line: 88 with 7 × 9 fo nt ).
viii Introducti on Ordering Ribbon Cassettes The TM-U59 0/ U590P uses a lon g-last in g ribbon cassette . To order ribbon c as settes, con t act you r dealer or y our loc al affiliat e. See App end ix B for a list of EPSO N su bsid iari es with their addr esse s and t elephone nu m ber s.
ix Conten ts Qui ck Re fe renc e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Intr odu ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
x Cha pter 4 Ref ere nce Info rma tio n Pri ntin g S peci ficati on s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Pap er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Up the Prin ter 1-1 Cha pter 1 Settin g U p t he P rinte r Un pac kin g Your print er box shou ld include t hese items. If an y items ar e damaged or missing, pleas e contact your dealer f or assistance. See the n ote on pa ge 1-4 for infor matio n ab out t he he xago nal loc k scre ws.
1-2 Setting Up the Print er Removing the protective material 1. Open the pri nte r by pu lling up o n the ta b o n the f ront co ver. 2. Remo v e th e dam per fro m the pr inte r a s sh own b elow . 3. Store the da m pers with the oth e r pack i ng ma te rials a nd u se them when tr ans po rtin g yo ur pri nt er.
Setting Up the Prin ter 1-3 Con nect ing the Cab les and G r o u n ding the P rint er You can conn ect up to five cables to the printe r. Th ey al l con nect t o the c o nnec to r pan e l on th e bott.
1-4 Setting Up the Print er 2. Tig hte n the s cr ews on both si des of t he cable conne c tor. Note: Your print er h as inch - typ e hexagon al lock screws insta lled. If your interfa c e c able requires mi llimeter-type screws, replace the inch-typ e sc rews with t he enclo sed m illimete r-type screws using a hex screwdriver ( 5 mm).
Setting Up the Prin ter 1-5 Connecting the Drawer WA RNI NG: Use a dra wer that m atch es the p rinte r s pec ificat ion. Usi ng an i mprope r drawer may damag e th e draw er as well as the pri nter.
1-6 Setting Up the Print er Anschließen der Lade WA RNU NG: Ein e für d en Dr uck er gee ignet e Lade verwen de n. Bei Verwe ndu ng e iner f alsche n La de kan n diese od er de r Druck er b eschä digt w erde n.
Setting Up the Prin ter 1-7 Connecting the Display Module Plug t he c able c onnec tor ( pro vided with the di re c t con nect ion display module) s ecurely in t o the printer ’s display module connecto r until it cl ick s.
1-8 Setting Up the Print er 2. Conn ect th e gro und wire to th e prin ter us i ng the FG sc re w o n the bo ttom of th e p rint er , as shown. Connecting the Power Supply Use t he optional EP SON PS-1 70 or equiv alent power su p ply fo r your pri nter.
Setting Up the Prin ter 1-9 CAUTION S: Whe n conn ect i n g or d iscon necting the p ower supp ly from the printer , ma ke su re th at the pow er su ppl y is not plug ged i nto an ele ctr ical ou tlet. Othe r wi se yo u may damage the power supply o r th e pr inter.
1-1 0 Setting Up the Print er Installing the Ribb on Cassette Use th e E PS ON ER C-3 1 (P) r ib bon cas set te fo r y our p rinte r. Note the labe l insid e this se ction that ca n assi st you in repl acin g the ribbon.
Setting Up the Printer 1-11 4. I f you are r eplacing a used r ibb on, grasp t he end of t he tab an d remove it from the pr in ter . See the illu stration in step 5 for the loca ti on o f the tab. 5. Turn the ribb on kn ob two or t hre e tim e s i n the d irecti o n of the arrow to ta ke up any s lack in th e ribbo n.
1-1 2 Setting Up the Print er Using t he Powe r Switch Co ver WA RNING : If an acc i de nt occ urs w hen the p ower sw itc h cov er is at tached, unplug the power supply cord from th e o u tlet i mmediat ely. Co ntinued usag e may lead t o fire or shoc k.
Setting Up the Printer 1-13 2. W hile holding down the REV ERSE button , tur n on th e prin ter t o beg i n the self test . (The SLI P lig ht blinks. ) 3. F eed a sheet of slip paper into the printer. The printer loads the paper a u toma ti cally, pr ints the pri nte r settin gs, an d t hen ej e cts the p aper.
1-1 4 Setting Up the Print er R emo vi ng t he Paper Gui de If you wi ll use esp ecially w ide pap er, you m ay not want to use the paper g uide o n the d o cu men t table . Y o u c an rem ove it, a s des cr ibe d bel ow . 1. Open the p rinter by pulli ng up on t he ta b o n the f ront co v er.
Setting Up the Printer 1-15 4. Turn the do cumen t tabl e o ver, loo s en th e scr ews, an d remo v e the pl ate. 5. Slide the pa pe r guide to th e left to rem o v e it. 6. R eplace t he plate and i n stall the d ocument table. Note : Be sure t o keep the pap er guide with th e manual.
Using t h e Prin ter 2-1 Chapter 2 Using t he Printe r Operating th e Control Pan els You can control th e basic paper feeding operations of th e printer with the butto ns on t he con trol pa nels . Th e ind ic a tor light s help you m onito r the pri nter’s st at us.
2-2 Usin g the Printe r RE LEA SE Pre ss t hi s butt on to rel ease sli p p aper . Indicator lights T h e c on t r ol p an e l li g h ts pro v ide in fo rm at io n o n p r in t e r c on d it io n s. Pan el lights POWER The POWER ligh t is on w hen the pr inter i s on.
Using t h e Prin ter 2-3 Slip Paper Handlin g Notes : Use onl y slip p ap er t ha t matches the print er’s specifica tions. See Paper Sp ecificatio ns in Cha pter 4. Be sure tha t th e sl ip is flat, wi t hou t curl s, folds, and wrin kles. 1. Sen d appropriate con t rol c ommands fr om the com puter.
2-4 Usin g the Printe r Note: After the slip is d e tected, the printer moves the slip back and forth to detect the position of the top edge of the slip. If the set t ing positi on of the slip is not c o rrect, the printer takes a few seconds to detect t h e position of th e t op edge of the slip.
Using t h e Prin ter 2-5 2. Turn the c heck o ver so th at it is face do wn with the MICR char acter s on t he righ t-hand side. The M ICR char acters must be nex t to the ri ght edg e of th e pape r inlet. 3. Inser t th e c hec k strai ght in to the pa per inle t, usi ng the ri gh t edge of th e pape r i nlet as a gui de.
Troubl esh oot ing 3-1 Chapter 3 Troub leshooting Tr oub les hoo ting This chapter giv es solutions t o s ome p rinter prob lems you may hav e. General problems The lights o n the co ntrol panel do not c ome on.
3-2 Trou bleshooting If the self t est works properly, check the followin g: 1. Check the connect ion at bo th ends of the i n ter f ace cable betw een the pr inter a nd th e comp uter. A lso m ake sur e that th is cable meets t he specificat ions for both the printer and t he com pute r.
Troubl esh oot ing 3-3 Paper handling problems Pa per i s jammed i nside the prin ter. CAUTIONS: Do not touch the prin t head because it can be very h o t after p rin ti ng c o nti n uo u sly f or a lo ng ti m e. Do not move the print he ad carriage. To cl ear a pap er j am, f oll ow t he s t ep s b el ow : 1.
3-4 Trou bleshooting 2) Tur n off th e po wer swi tc h. 3) O pen a front cover(r id). 4) Turn on the power switch while turning on “JOURNAL / SLIP FEED bu tton . 5) Pus h “JOURNAL/SLIP FE ED” button 3 t imes. 6) Clos e a SLIP fro nt cover (rid).
Troubl esh oot ing 3-5 9) As a check paper, insert a clea ning sheet into a printe r. * S et yel low n on- stic k sid e to be up sid e w hen cl eani ng us in g adh esi ve sh ee t. 10) Remove and do a s heet after clean i ng sheet discharge. 11) T urn off the p owe r s witc h.
3-6 Trou bleshooting Hex adecimal Dump This featu re allows experienced users t o see ex actly what data is com ing to th e prin ter. T his ca n be u se f ul in fin ding softwa re probl e ms.
R eference Informa tion 4-1 Chapter 4 Reference In f o rmation Printing Spe c ificatio n s Paper Pri nti n g me tho d: Seri a l impact d ot m atrix Head wir e co nfigurat ion: 9-p in vertical line, 0.353 m m (1/72-in ch) wire pi tc h Head wir e diam eter: 0.
4-2 Referenc e I nforma tion Ribbon Specific a tions M ICR Re ader (Opt io n) The MICR r eader is a fact ory-installed option. Type: Exclu siv e cass e tte ribb on Rib bon c asse tte spec ificat ions .
R eference Informa tion 4-3 Pap er Sp ecific ation s Paper feed me thod: Fric tion feed Paper feed pi tch: Default 4.23 mm (1/6”) 0.1 76 mm (1/144”) c an b e set by a com man d Paper feed sp eed: Approximately 60.3 msec/line (4. 23 mm (1/6”) feeding) Approxim at el y 86.
4-4 Referenc e I nforma tion Pap er Paper type: Norm a l p a per Ca r bo n co py pa pe r Pr e s s u r e s e n s it iv e p ap er To tal thic kne s s: 0. 09 to 0.36 m m (.0035 t o .01 41”) See “ Co py ca pab ility an d pape r thickn ess” on th e nex t pa ge for mo r e inform ati o n.
R eference Informa tion 4-5 Note: When usin g mu lti-ply paper that consist s o f an original a nd three or four copies, be sure t o print with a 9 × 9 f o nt. If a 7 × 9 font i s used, some chara c t ers on some of the copies m ay not be reada ble.
4-6 Referenc e I nforma tion Notes on s lip paper ❏ The sl ip pap er mu st b e flat, wi th out c urls or wrin kl es, especially at the top edges. Otherwise, the paper may rub again st th e r i b bon an d become di rty. ❏ There must be no glue on th e bottom ed ge.
R eference Informa tion 4-7 ❏ Use th inne r pa pe r (N30 o r equi val e nt ) betw e e n t he top an d bottom sh e e ts of mu lti-ply p ape r. I f thick p aper i s used , the copy capabili t y is lowered. [ All the numeric values are typical. ] 31 8 18.
4-8 Referenc e I nforma tion Notes : When in sert ing slip paper, be sure to u se t he slip side guide a nd form stopper. I f you insert the sli p paper exceeding the fo rm stopper, the slip pa p er m ay be ejected. Do not print on the slip p aper in the reverse paper feed d irection.
R eference Informa tion 4-9 MICR re ader me cha nism (o nly when the pr inter i s used w i th the M ICR reader): 240, 000 passes The MICR r eader is defi n ed to have reached the end of it s life when it r eaches the beg innin g of t he W earo ut Peri od.
4-1 0 Referenc e I nforma tion Environmenta l Conditions Notes : When the temperature i s 34 °C , the humidity m ust be 90% or less. When the temperature i s 40 °C , the humidity m ust be 65% or less. When the tempert ure is 45 °C , th e h u midity must be 50% or less.
Di p Switch Setting A- 1 Append i x A Dip S witch Set ting Alth ough the f actory set tings are best for almost al l uses, if you have specia l requirements, you can change the DIP swit ch. Setting th e DIP Sw itches DIP switch functions Yo ur p ri nte r ha s tw o set s of DI P sw it che s.
A-2 D ip Swit c h S etting * Wit h a RS- 485 serial int er face speci fication (a dealer opt ion ) , DIP swi tches 2- 7 and 2-8 a re ignore d. No tes : • Chan g e s in DIP sw itch s etti ngs ( exclu.
Di p Switch Setting A- 3 Paralle l interfa ce spe cification Se t 1 Se t 2 No tes : • Changes in DIP sw itc h settings (excluding switch 2-8 i nt erface re set si g nal) are re c og niz ed only when the prin t e r p ower i s turn ed on o r w hen th e print er is rese t by u sing the inter face.
A-4 D ip Swit c h S etting Changing the DIP switch settings If you n eed to ch ange s etting s, follo w the steps below to make yo ur chan ges: CAUTION: Turn off the p rinte r while re mo ving the DIP sw itch c over to preve nt an elect ric sho rt, which can damag e the p rint er.
E P SON S ales S ubsidi a ries B-1 Appe ndix B EPS ON Sales S ubsidia ries E P S ON AM E RI C A IN C . / OE M D I V . 2 077 0 M a d r o n a A ve. T o r r ance , CA 9 055 9 -2 8 42 U .S. A . T e l : 1- 3 10 - 787 - 6300 F a x : 1 - 310 - 782 - 53 5 0 E P S O N E U R O P E B .
B-2 EPSON Sales Subsid iaries EPSON HONG KONG L IMITED 2 5/ F ., Harbor Centr e, 25, Harbor Road, W anc ha i, Hong Kong T el : 852-2- 585-466 3 Fax : 852-2- 827-434 6 EPS ON T AIW AN TECHNOLOG Y 10f, N o. 287 , Nank ing E . Road, Sec. 3 & TRA DIN G L TD.
An important point after buying a device Seiko TM-U590/U590P (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Seiko TM-U590/U590P yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Seiko TM-U590/U590P - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Seiko TM-U590/U590P you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Seiko TM-U590/U590P will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Seiko TM-U590/U590P, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Seiko TM-U590/U590P.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Seiko TM-U590/U590P. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Seiko TM-U590/U590P along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center