Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product D9225 Scientific Atlanta
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If receiver set up details are unavailable, you c an perform a Quick Setup of your Headend Satellite Rec eiver by following the st ep-by-step instruc tions in this Quick Setup Guide. Aft er performing the Qu ick Setu p, you can change the current set- tings t o bet ter suit your receiver operating requirement s.
4XLFN6HWXSLQVWUXFWLRQV Foll ow the se qui ck setup i nstr uction s to set up th e re ceiver via th e menu i nter face using fron t panel buttons, and to find a sig nal us ing the built- in sig nal se arch function.
,03257 $17 6$)(*8$5'6 Read Instructions: All the safety and operat ing instructions should be read before this product is operated. 1. Retain Instructions: The safety and operating instructions should b e retained for future reference. 2. Heed War nings: All warnings on the produc t and in the operating inst ructions should be adhered to.
9. Heat: This produ ct shou ld be locate d away from heat sourc es such as radiators, heat registers, stov es or other products (inc luding amplifiers) that radiate heat . 10. Power Sources: This product should be operated only from t he type of power source indicated on t he marking label.
«$ERXWU HFHLYHUVDWHOOLWHDQWHQQDJU RXQGLQJ Before you can operate your Headend Satellit e Receiver system, b oth the receiv er chassis and the satellit e antenna LNB co nnection(s) must be properly grounded. Information about grounding your receiver and sat ellite antenna follow.
$&0$,16/($'&211(&7,21,03257 $17 The wires in this mains lead are coloured in acc ordance with the following c ode: As the colour s of th e wir es in the mai ns le ad.
:$ 5 1 8 1 * Um Feuer oder elektrischen Sc hock zu vermeiden: $'9(57(1&,$ Para prevenir incendio o una descarga elec trica: &$87,21 35e&$87,21635(1'5( 9256,&+7.
… … … … … … … … … … … … … 7 DEOHRIFRQWHQWV.
… … … … … … ….
« $ERXWWKLVJXLGH This Installation and Operat ion Guide includes all the information you’ll need to install and begin using your S cientific-A tlanta PowerVu Headend Satellite Re- ceiver. Use it to familiarize yourself with product feat ures and operation, and for quick reference when needed.
&RQQHFWLQJRXUVVWHP The following information is provided to help you set up and connect the Headend Satellite Receiver to the sat ellite antenna, TV monit or, and other A/ V (Audio/Video) headend equipment. The accompanying figure shows receiver rear panel connections for t he NTSC rec eivers base version.
795)SOXVRSWLRQDOFRQQH FWLRQV The accompanying figure shows the cable c onnections required for the sate llite LNB and TV m onitor plus ot her (optional) connec tions that can be made from t he rear panel of your Headend Satellite Rec eiver.
This Inst allation and Operat ion Guide provides all the information you need t o setup and operate your Po werVu Headend Satellite Rec eiver. )URQWSDQHOFRQWUROVGLVSOD The front panel o.
0 ) NHSDG The multi-function keypad includes the , , and arrow buttons an d the SELECT b utton. Use the arrow but tons and the SELECT b utt on to operate t he on- screen menus. The arrow b uttons are found on the receiver front panel together with the SELECT bu tton.
This section provides import ant operating informat ion regarding the setup and operation of your PowerVu Headend S atellite Receiv er and satellite ant enna signal source, including signal search. Before you b egin using the receiver, it is important that you read all of the information in this sec tion first.
When you select EXIT or if you press the MENU button after making changes, a pop-up menu displays available Save options (see “ … About sav ing changes”).
Menu interface : After m aking changes to current receiver set up, you must save or discard changes. Saved c hanges are used to updat e the current receiver set tings which are st ored in non-volatile memory. Discarding changes restores the previ- ously saved sett ings.
… $ERXWWKH1H WZRUN,' Operating t he Headend S atellite Receiv er in a DVB 1 net work requires a valid Net- work ID. Th is numbe r must be co rre ctly se t to match the Networ k ID as socia ted with the uplink signal. Loss of serv ice will result if the receiv er Network ID does not match t he uplink signal Net work ID information.
is only reset to Lev el 0 after t he correct P assword is entered (Lock Level 3 is set). In addition, the Password prompt displays after the Lock Lev el setting is c hanged.
Setting up your H eadend Satellite Rece iver via the Alt Mode interface requires setup of frequency-related and other options. These set tings are used by the re- ceiver for locking onto the signal, and for optimizing receiver performance. Some menu interface functions are also available via the Alt Mode interface.
Table 4 provides a summary of available Alt Mode function s. «$ERXWIU HTXHQFVHWWLQJV As you make chan ges to the curr ent se tup, the r eceiver checks that the Local Os- cillator frequencies, Crossov er frequency, Frequency and Frequency Mode set tings are compatible with each ot her.
For high resolution (B), pressing the left or right arrow butto n di splay s the four least signif icant digit s (i.e., 5225). At high resolutio n (decimal point flashes ON and OFF), pressing the up or down arrow button advanc es the frequenc y up or down in 250 kHz steps (i.
For high resolution (B), pressing the left or right arrow butto n di splay s the four least signif icant digit s (i.e., 3465). At high resolutio n (decimal point flashes ON and OFF), pressing the up or down arrow bu tton adv ances the Sym bol Rate up or down in 100 b it/s steps ( i.
%DXG5DWH The Baud Rate option is an Alt-2 Mode function. The selected Baud Rate sets the Baud Rate for the serial Exp ansion Port (if used). If you are unsure about which Baud Rate to use, c ontact your dealer/ reseller, or local service prov ider.
&URVVRYHUIUHTXHQF The Crossover frequency option is an Alt-2 Mode function. The Crossover fre- quency is an internal threshold frequenc y used for selecting t he L-Band 1 or L-Band 2 frequency, depending on the current Downlink and L-Band frequenc y settings.
Available options: Press 1 to save t he new setting (donE), or press 2 to disc ard all changes (rstr), or press 3 to c ancel the operation (ab rt). Repeat this action to display or change the operating frequency. You can use the / arr ow button s to ch ang e betwe en lo w an d high r esol ution.
Repeat th is a ction to chan ge th e Lock Level setti ng. Th e Lo ck L evel setti ng can be changed from any channel. If Lock Lev el 3 is set and any b utt on is pressed, you are prompted to enter t he current Password. After t he correct Password is entered, the Lock Level sett ing is automatic ally changed to Level 0.
Repeat th is acti on to ch ange to an other fre quency. You can use the / arrow buttons to chan ge betw een low a nd h igh reso lution . Wh en di spla ying hig h r eso lu- tion (i.e., least significant digits), the dec imal point flashes ON and OFF repeatedly.
Available options: Press 1 to save t he new setting (donE), or press 2 to disc ard all changes (rstr), or press 3 to c ancel the operation (ab rt). Repeat this action to change ( i.e., enable or disab le) the S earch sett ing. A Signal Search can b e execut ed from any channel.
9LHZ The View option is an Alt Mode function (i.e., A lt-1 or Alt-2 Mode), and is pro- vided for exiting from Alt Mode to video (current channel). Available options: Press 1 t o sav e the new set tings (donE), or press 2 to discard all changes (rstr), or press 3 to c ancel the operation (ab rt).
Setting up your H eadend Satellite Rece iver via the menu interface requires setup of frequency-related and other options. These sett ings are used by the receiver for locking onto the signal, and for optimizing receiver performance. Most menu inter- face functions are also availa ble via the Alt Mode interface.
5HFHLYHU6HWXSPHQX Setting up your Headend Satellit e Receiver for normal operation requires set up of frequency-related and other opt ions from the Receiver Setu p menu, and from other menus.
Pop-up error messages that display for inv alid settings are liste d in Table 6. Use this informat ion to help you correct frequency-relat ed receiver setu p errors. The pages that follow cont ain detailed setup informat ion for each Receiver S etup menu option.
Available options: Press 1 t o sav e the new settings (Yes), or press 2 t o discard all changes (No), or press 3 to cancel the operation (Cancel). Repeat this act ion to change t o another frequency.
Available options: Press 1 t o sav e the new settings (Yes), or press 2 t o discard all changes (No), or press 3 to cancel the operation (Cancel). Repeat this action to change to another Symbol Rate. The selected Symbol Rate must match the Symbo l Rate asso ciate d with the tr ans mitted s ign al.
Once ac tivat ed, t he receive r begins searching for a signal asso ciated wit h any Net- work ID. When a possible mat ch is found, the search is t emporarily interrupted while the receiver at tempt s to synchronize wit h the found signal.
8VHU6HWXSPHQX Setting up your H eadend Satellite Rece iver for normal operation requires that user- related options be set from the User Setu p menu. These settings are used for opti- mizing receiv er performance (see also “Rec eiver Set up menu” and “Search Setu p menu”).
Available options: Press 1 t o sav e the new settings (Yes), or press 2 t o discard all changes (No), or press 3 to cancel the operation (Cancel). Repeat th is acti on to ch ange the Lo ck Level setti ng. Men u opti ons appea r g ray ed- out if disabled by t he current Loc k Level sett ing.
Available options: Press 1 t o sav e the new settings (Yes), or press 2 t o discard all changes (No), or press 3 to cancel the operation (Cancel). Repeat this act ion to change t he Video Standard. The Video Standard is initially preset to NTS C or PAL-B, depending on fact ory-installed options.
… $ERXWWKH3 DV VZRU G A unique Password (4-digit number) protects the current receiver settings a gainst unauthorized changes. When changing the Password, record and keep this num- ber in a secure loc ation.
… $ERXWWKH,55HPRWH&RQWU RO The IR Remote option is used for enab ling or disabling Remote Control c apability. When enabled (ON), you can operate the receiver using Remot e Control or front panel buttons.
6HDUFK6HWXSPHQX Automated signal search options are available from the Search Setup menu for setting up your Headend S atellite Receiver (see also “Rec eiver Setu p menu”). Available options: Move to Exit and press SELECT (or press 1 and then SELECT) to retur n to the pr evious menu.
… $ERXWRWKHU6HDU FK6HWXSR SWLRQV Signal searches are constrained or lim ited by t he current Search T ype and the boundary settings for t he Lower and Upp er Range. When searching for a signal, the receiver uses t he Search Type as the primary search criteria.
… $ERXW,4VLJQDOLQYHUVLRQ The I/Q Select function prov ides automatic or manual tracking of inverted and non- inver ted digi tal QPSK sign als . Wh en se t to Automati c, the I/Q Select f unction automatic ally tracks t he received digital signal and inv erts the signal, as required.
5HFHLYHU6WDWXVPHQX Information about the current rec eiver setup and about c urrent receiv er operating conditions is availab le from the Receiver St atus menu, including AD P count. The current set up is also affected b y your LNB antenna (dish) inst allation.
1HWZRUN,'« The Network ID display is the current Networ k ID. This number must be cor rectly set at the Receiver Setup menu to match th e Netwo rk ID as socia ted wi th the upl ink signal.
$YDLODEOH6HU YLFHVPHQX Information about available sat ellite broadcast services and the current setup is available from t he Av ailable Services menu. These serv ices are authorized through your dealer/reseller or local service provider. The c urrent setu p is also affected by your LNB antenna (dish) installat ion.
For more information about on-screen messages, see “Appendix B Troubleshoot- ing”. «$ERXWWKHFXUU HQWFKDQQHO When you navigate to menus from video, the information displayed is associa ted with the current (video) channel, which is also displayed on-screen at the Available Services m enu.
'LVK3 RLQWLQJPHQX Infor matio n abou t the str eng th an d qua lity of the in comin g sig na l obta ine d vi a your satellit e LNB antenna (dish) installat ion and current receiver setu p is avail- able from the Dish P ointing menu graph display.
&RQILJXUDWLRQPHQX Information ab out the cu rrently installed rece iver operating software and hard- ware is available from the Configurat ion menu. Available options: Move to Exit and press SELECT (or press 1 and then SELECT) to retur n to the pr evious menu.
,6 ( V RIW Z D UH Y HU V L RQ « The ISE display identifies t he version number of the receiv er ISE (Internal Security Element) software. The IS E software cont rols the operation of all internal data se- curity func tions.
1HWZRUN3UHVHWVPHQX This me nu lets you con figure and store s ets of n etwor k par ameter s to be use d to define as many as 24 network signals. Each configuration set is called a “preset” and is uniquely identified by a preset numb er (0 to 23).
Available options: Press 1 t o sav e the new settings (Yes), or press 2 t o discard all changes (No), or press 3 to cancel the operation (Cancel). Repeat this act ion to change t o another frequency. A valid operating Frequency is always required (i.e.
Repeat th is acti on to ch ange the FE C Rate. T he sel ected FE C Rate mus t match the FEC Rate asso ciated with th e tra nsmitte d sign al. If you a re uns ure a bout wh ich FEC rate to use, c ontact your dealer/ reseller, or local service prov ider.
Available options: Press 1 t o sav e the new settings (Yes), or press 2 t o discard all changes (No), or press 3 to cancel the operation (Cancel). « $ERXWWK H6LJQDO6WDWH During normal operat ion, your receiver is synchronized wit h the received LNB signal (confirmed by the “ Lock, Sig “ stat us display).
'LVSOD6HWXSPHQX This menu lets y ou sel ect (a ) the col our to be used f or the menu ba ckgr ound , (b) the col our to be used fo r the subtitli ng tex t and (c) the colour to be used for the subtit ling shade (background), 0HQXEDFNJU RXQ G« Menu background refers to the area over which menu fields are placed.
Available options: Press 1 t o sav e the new settings (Yes), or press 2 t o discard all changes (No), or press 3 to cancel the operation (Cancel)..
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This Appendix provides important information about your P owerVu Headend Satellit e Receiver. Refer to t his section for: The accompanying tab le lists standard feat ures, available options and spec ifications information.
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This Appendix provides important information about your P owerVu Headend Satellit e Receiver. Refer to t his section for: 7 URXEOHVKRRWLQJFKHFNOLVW If you experience any problems operat ing your Headend Satellit e Receiver, the following troub leshooting guide may help you to r esolve your problem.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •.
4XHVWLRQVDQGDQVZHUV The following list of commonly-asked questions and answers may answer some questions or concerns you have about the operation o f your Headend Sat ellite Receiver.
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This Appendix provides important information about your P owerVu Headend Satellite Receiv er. Refer to this sect ion for: Your Headend Satellite Rec eiver is equipped for external remote operation and control using rem ote co ntrol comm ands via a PC/ workstation or dat a terminal connection.
All tra nsmitte d comman d cha racter s must be uppe r cas e ASCII. All char acter s a re echoed by the receiver, except for the Unit Number (i.e., b yte #3) which is decre- mented if greate r than zero (0). This permits daisy-c haining two or more receiv ers from one serial port.
(U U RUV&RU U HFWHG The CE command is available for polling t he receiver t o display the current Cor- rected Error cou nt, and for clearing or resett ing the Correct ed Error count. Observe the following syntax. CE polls the receiver for t he current C orrected Error cou nt.
,QVWDOOHU The INST c ommand is available for disp laying current receiver settings, or for changing the receiv er settings. Observ e the following syntax. INST polls the receiv er for the current receiver settings. To change any setting, you must use all INST comma nd options.
/RFN/HYHO The LOCK command is availab le for polling the receiver to display the current Lock Leve l sett ing, and for changing the Lock Leve l setting. Observ e the following syntax. LOCK polls the receiv er for the current Lock Level setting. LOCK=# cha nge s the receiver Lock Lev el.
5HVHW The RESET com mand is available for reset ting (restarting) t he receiver (i.e., main microprocessor) hardware. Ob serve the following synt ax. RESET=YES resets the receiver (i.e., warm b oot only). The receiver responds by displaying the following.
# can be any num ber fro m 0 (bad) t hrough 99 (go od). Si gnal Strengt h is the assoc i- ated wit h the AGC (Aut omatic Gain Control) signal leve l. For more information about t he Signal St rength, see “Dish P ointing menu ”.
. . . _.
This Appendix pr ovides important informat ion about your PowerV u Headend Satellite Receiver . Refer to this sect ion for: 3URGXFWVXSSRUW Scientific-A tlanta pr ovides cust omers with 24-hour hotline support fr om anywhere in North Am erica.
+RWOLQHWHFKQLFDOVXSSRUW 24-hour hotline technical support services are available to answer technical questions about the operation, maintenance and rep air of Scient ific-Atlanta product s. 7 UDLQLQJVXSSRUW On and off-site training plus technical support services are available for both equipment operat ors and system administrators.
3 U RGXFWU HWXU Q To return any Sc ientific-At lanta product for repair or replac ement, follow the steps b elow. To be eligib le for credit, a Materi al Return A uthorization (R MA) numb er must ac- company each product ret urned to Sc ientific-At lanta.
/LPLWHG: DUUDQW Scientific -Atlant a Canada, Inc., hereafter called S -A, warrants that at time of shipment , goods sold shall be free from defect s in material and workmanship, and shall be of t he quality charact erized and described b y S-A.
Scientific -Atlant a disclaims all statut ory and implied warranties such as warranties of merc hantability and fit ness for purpose . In no event shall Scient ific-Atlant a be liable for incidental, .
This Appendix provides important information about your P owerVu Headend Satellit e Receiver. Refer to t his section for: The label affixed to t he receiver rear panel cont ains a 16-digit product identification c ode number that identifies your receiv er, including fa ctory options.
Unite d States : Canada : Unite d Kingdom : Australia : Germany : Italy : Argentina : Singapore : Beijing : 4317- B Par k Drive , Norcross , G A 30093 ; T el : 1-888-949-4786 ; Fax : 1-770-903-556 7 12 0 Middlefiel d Road , Scarborough , Ontario , M1 S 4M6 , Canada ; T el.
An important point after buying a device Scientific Atlanta D9225 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Scientific Atlanta D9225 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Scientific Atlanta D9225 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Scientific Atlanta D9225 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Scientific Atlanta D9225 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Scientific Atlanta D9225, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Scientific Atlanta D9225.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Scientific Atlanta D9225. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Scientific Atlanta D9225 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center