Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product F9199nf Savin
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Operating I nstructions <Advanced Fe atures> For safe and correct use of this machine, please be sure to read the Safety Information in the Basic Features manual before you u se it.
Operating Ins tructions <Advanced Fea tures> Type fo r 3799/F919 9/LF51 0 AG/5510 L Type fo r 3799nf/F9 199nf/L F515e AG/ 5510NF Printed i n Japan UE USA H310-87 00A.
Introduction This manu al descri bes detail ed inst ructions o n the oper ation and no tes about the use of thi s machin e. To get m aximum versat ility from thi s mach ine all opera tors are reques ted to re ad th is manu al caref ully and follo w the in structi ons.
In accord ance wi th IEC 60 417, this mach ine uses the follow ing sy mbols fo r the main power s witch: a a a a means POWE R ON. b b b b means POWE R OFF .
i TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Read thi s Manual ........ .......... .......... .......... ......... ........... ......... ........... ........ 1 Paper M ark ....... ....... ...... ...... ......... ....... ...... ...... ...... .......... ...... ...... ...
ii Box File Manager Functions ....... ......... ....... .......... ......... ....... ......... ........ ......... .... 67 Printin g Perso nal B ox Me ssag es ........... ...... ...... ...... ....... ......... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... 67 Storing Mess ages in Inform atio n Boxe s .
iii Printed Reports ............. .......... ....... ......... ......... ....... .......... ......... ......... ....... ........ 107 File Re serve Report (Memo ry Tran smis sion) . ...... ....... ......... ...... ...... ....... ......... ..... 107 Commu nicat ion Re sult Re port (Memo ry T ransm issio n) .
iv 5. Copying Copying...... ......... .......... ......... ......... ....... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ......... ...... 127 Making Copi es on Spec ial P aper ..... ...... ...... ......... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..
v 7. Key Operator Settings Accessing the Key Operator Tool s ..... ......... ......... ........... .......... ......... ........... .. 171 Syst em Set ting s .. .... .... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... .... ....... .... .... ..... .... .....
vi Memory Lock .... ....... ...... ......... ...... ..... (Having Mes sages f rom Certain Sende rs Stor ed in Memor y Instead of Being Printed Out) ... ....... ......... ...... ...... ....... ...... ..... 233 Setting up M emory Lock ...... ...... ....
vii 9. Maintaining Your Machine Loading Paper i nto the Opt ional Paper Tray Unit ...... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... . 267 Loading Paper i nto the Optional Bypass Tray Unit ........ .......... ......... ......... .... 268 Changing the Pape r Size .
viii Specificati ons......... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ..... .......... ..... ....... .......... ..... ...... 294 Accepta ble Types o f Or igina ls ............ ...... ...... ...... ....... ......... ...... ...... ....... ....
1 How to Read this Manual The following set of symbols is used in this manual. R WARNING: This symb ol indicates a potenti ally hazar dous situation tha t might resu lt in death or serious injury when you misuse the machi ne without following the in- structions under this symbol.
2 Paper Mark Paper Directions are shown a s following on this book. Portrait direction towards originals set direc tion is shown as K , and landscape direction towards original set di rection is shown as L . Portrait direction on the p aper tray is s hown as K , and lan dscape direction on the paper t ray is shown as L .
3 Manuals for This Machine Two Facsimile Reference manuals are provided, the Basic Features manual and the Advanced Features manual. For Type 2 machi nes and Type 1 machines with options, NIC FA X Un it manual and NIC F AX Unit CD-ROM manua l are also provided.
4 NIC FAX Un it Manual (on CD-ROM) ( Option for Type1 ) The NI C Fax Unit m anual explains about the In ternet Fax fun ction, IP-Fax func- tion, LAN FAX function and Sc anner function . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Chapt er 1 Getti ng Starte d Explains names and fu nctions for the control panel and necessary settings.
5 1. Transmission Mode Sending at a Specific Time (Send Later) Using the Send L ater function , you can delay transmis sion of your fax messag e unt il a spe cified t ime. This allows you to take advan tage of off- peak telephone line charges withou t havin g to be by the mach ine at the time of t ransmi ssion .
Transmission Mode 6 1 E E E E Press [ OK ] . The Transmission Mode menu is shown on the disp lay. A check mark is a dded t o Send Later . Note ❒ To cancel Send L ater, press [ Cancel ] and the display will re- turn to the Transmission Mode menu. F F F F Press [ Exit ] .
Sending Confidential Messages 7 1 Sending Confidential Messages This fea ture is ca lled Conf idential Transmission. Use this feature if you do not want your m essage t o be picked up casually by anybody at the other end. Th e message will be stored in the memory at the o ther end.
Transmission Mode 8 1 D D D D Depending on the Confidential Transmission type, use one of the follo wing pr ocedur es: Default ID A Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to select "De- fault ID". B Press [ OK ] . The Transmission Mode menu is shown again.
Sending Confidential Messages 9 1 F F F F Dial, and the n press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Note ❒ You ca n ca ncel tr ansmi ssion of a message set up for Confiden- tia l Transm issio n. Se e p.35 “ Canceli ng a Trans mission or Reception ” .
Transmission Mode 10 1 User Code Transmission Use r Co des allow you to ke ep t rack of machin e usage. If everyon e uses a User Code when they use the fax ma- chine, the codes or the names pro- grammed for the codes will be printed in th e Journal and other re- ports.
User Code Transmission 11 1 B Press [ Yes ] . Proceed to step G . E E E E Press [ OK ] . The Transmission Mode menu is shown again. A check mark is add- ed to "Us er Co de". Note ❒ When an unregistered User Code is entered, the following mess age appe ars: " Not pro - grammed.
Transmission Mode 12 1 Entering a User Code with a Quick Dial Key When a SU B Cod e (User Code ) for a Personal Box has been a ssigned to a Quick Dial key, you can pe rform Us er Code T ransmission by just pre ssing that key.
SUB Code Transmission with the Mode Key 13 1 SUB Code Tr ansmission with the Mode Key Confidential Transmiss ion is only possible with machines of the same make that have the Confidential Transm ission f eature.
Transmission Mode 14 1 G G G G Press [ SUB/SID ] . H H H H Enter the SUB co de. Note ❒ You can enter up to 20 charac - ters . ❒ You can en ter digits 0-9, q , p and sp aces. To en ter a s pace, press [ Space ] (the first character cannot be a sp ace).
SUB Code Transmission with the Mode Key 15 1 J J J J Press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ You ca n ca ncel tr ansmi ssion of a message se t up for SUB Code Transmission.
Transmission Mode 16 1 SEP Code Polling Reception If you wish to receive a message stored in the memory of anoth er par- ty's fax machine, use thi s feature. The machine wil l receive the mess age with the SEP and PWD code that matches th e SEP and PWD code you enter in the procedure below.
SEP Code Polling Rec eption 17 1 F F F F Press [ SE P/PWD ] . G G G G Enter the SE P code. Note ❒ You can enter up to 20 charac - ters . ❒ You can en ter digits 0-9, q , p and sp aces. To en ter a s pace, press [ Space ] (the first character cannot be a sp ace).
Transmission Mode 18 1 If you wish to specif y another destinat ion A Press [ Add ] . B Repeat steps E E E E to H H H H . I I I I Press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ You can can cel SUB Code Re- ception. See p.35 “ Cance ling a Transm ission or Recept ion ” .
Polling Reception 19 1 Polling Reception Use this function if you wish to poll a messag e from another termi nal. You can also poll docum ents from many terminals with only one operation (use Groups and Keys troke programs to fully exploit th is feature).
Transmission Mode 20 1 B B B B Enter the code for "Polling RX" with the number k eys. Note ❒ If "Polling RX" is not displayed, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Polling Reception 21 1 F F F F Dial, and the n press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Note ❒ You can cancel Polling Recep- tion. See p.35 “ Canceling a Transm ission or Recept ion ” .
Transmission Mode 22 1 Polling Transmission Use Polli ng Transmission when you wish to leave a document in the m a- chine's memory for others to pick up. The message w ill be se nt when the other party calls your machine. There are three types of Polling Transmissi on.
Polling Transmission 23 1 A A A A Set the original and select any scan settings you require. B B B B Press [ Mode ] . The Transmiss ion Mode menu ap- pears. C C C C Enter the code for "Polling TX" with the number k eys. Note ❒ If "Polling TX" is not displayed, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Transmission Mode 24 1 E E E E Press [ S S S S File ] to speci fy whether to save the stored original or not. Each time yo u press the key, the text at the middle r ight corne r of the di splay sw itch es bet ween "Save" and "Use onc e".
Polling Transmission 25 1 - - - - Polling Documents to Other Manufacturers' Fax Machines Standard Polling Transmission only works with machines of the same make that have the Polli ng Reception feature.
Transmission Mode 26 1 Reduced Image Transmission You can redu ce the document image slightly to 9 3% o f the o rigina l imag e by using thi s feature so that t here is extra space on the left edge w hen the image is printed out by the other par- ty's fax machine.
Reduced Image Transmission 27 1 D D D D Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to switch Re- duced Im age on or off. Note ❒ To cancel changes to the Re- duced Image set ting, pr ess [ OK ] without making chang e s to the setting. The Tr ansmission Mode menu is sho wn.
Transmission Mode 28 1 Transfer Request Transfer Request allows fax machines to automatica lly distribute incoming messages to multiple fax de stina- tions. This feature helps you reduce costs when you send the same mes- sage to more than one place in a dis- tant area, and saves time since many messages c an be sent in a single oper- ation.
Transfer Request 29 1 B B B B Press [ Mode ] . The Transmiss ion Mode menu ap- pears. C C C C Enter the code for "Tran sfer Re- quest" with the number k eys. Note ❒ If "Transfer Request" is not dis- played, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Transmission Mode 30 1 H H H H When you have specified all the Tran sfer Stations, pr ess [ No ] . Note ❒ If you wish to en ter an addition- al T ran s fer S tat io n, p res s [ Enter ] and re pe at step s D to F . Tra nsm is sion M od e m enu is shown and a check mark is added to Transfer Request.
Transfer Request 31 1 Specifyi ng an End Receiv er When you ma ke a Tr ansfer Requ est, you must spe cify the fina l destina - tions (End Receiver s) for your mes- sage.
Transmission Mode 32 1 Fax Header Print Norm ally, the Fa x Head er pr o- grammed in your machine is printed at the top of each of t he pages you trans mit when they are r eceived at the ot her en d. Th e top of the i mage will be overprinted if there is no mar- gin at the top of the transm itted page.
Fax Header Print 33 1 D D D D Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to switch Fax Header Print on or off. Note ❒ Press [ OK ] to cance l switch ing the setting an d return to the st ep C display. E E E E Press [ OK ] . The Transmission Mode menu is shown. A check mark is added to Opt ions.
Transmission Mode 34 1.
35 2. Communication Information Checking and Canceling Transmission Files You can can cel a tra nsmiss ion or re- ception that is in progress, or delete the Transmission files that ha v e been stored in memory and are awaiting transmiss ion.
Communication Information 36 2 A A A A Press [ Info. ] . The "Inf ormation" m enu is s hown. B B B B Enter the code for "Check/Can cel Files" with the number keys. C C C C Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key u ntil the file you wish to delete is shown .
Checking and Canceling Transmission Files 37 2 Note ❒ Pres s [ No ] to cancel the oper- ation and return to the step C display. ❒ To delete another file, select the file by pressing the 0 or 1 key, then repeat the same steps. D D D D Press [ Ex it ] .
Communication Information 38 2 F F F F Press [ Ex it ] . The "In format ion" men u is show n again. Note ❒ To print another file, sele ct the file by pressing the 0 or 1 key, then repeat the same steps . G G G G Press [ Ex it ] . The stan dby dis play is shown.
Checking and Canceling Transmission Files 39 2 A A A A Press [ Info. ] . The "Inf ormation" m enu is s hown. B B B B Enter the code for "Check/Can cel Files" with the number keys. C C C C Press the 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key until the file you wish to print is shown.
Communication Information 40 2 Changing the transmission time A Enter the code for "Change Start T ime" w ith the num ber keys. B Enter the transmission time (four dig i ts) wi th the number keys. Press [ AM/PM ] to s witch b etw een AM an d PM .
Checking and Canceling Transmission Files 41 2 D Enter the start time with the number keys . Press [ AM/PM ] to s witch b etw een AM and PM. Note ❒ You cannot specify a start time more than 24 ho urs into the future. ❒ To start transmission imme- diately, p ress [ Immedi ate ] .
Communication Information 42 2 D Press [ Exit ] . F F F F Press [ Ex it ] . The "Inf ormation" m enu is s hown. G G G G Press [ Ex it ] . The stan dby dis play is shown.
Printing a List of Files in Memory (Print TX File List) 43 2 Printing a List of Files in Memory (Print TX File List) Print th is list if you wish to fi nd out which files are stored in memory and what their file numbers are. Knowing the file number can be useful (for ex- ample, when erasing fil es).
Communication Information 44 2 Checking the Transmission Result (TX Status) If you wish to fi nd out whether a file was sent successfu lly, you don't have to always print the Journ al. With this functio n you can browse through t he last 250 completed transmissions on the display.
Checking the Reception Result (RX Status) 45 2 Checking the Reception Result (RX S tatus) This functio n lets you check the last 250 messages received without hav- ing to print the Journal. You can browse through t he received messag- es on the display.
Communication Information 46 2 Printing a Confidential Message This feature is designed to prevent messages being picked up casually by anyo ne wh en t he y ar e r eceiv ed. If someone sends you a message using Conf ide ntial Transm iss ion, it is stored in m emory and not aut omati- cally pr inted.
Printing a Confidential Message 47 2 D D D D Enter the Confidential ID (4-digit number) with the nu mber keys. Note ❒ If you receive a fax by Confiden- t i a l I D O v e r r i d e R e c e p t i o n , e n - ter the override Conf idential ID. See p.7 “ Sending Co nfidential Mess age s ” .
Communication Information 48 2 Printing a Memory-locked Messag e This is a s ecurity feature designed to prevent unauthori zed users from reading your message s . If Memory Lock is switched on, all received mes- sages are stored in memory and are not automat i cally pri nted.
Printing a Memory-locked Message 49 2 E E E E Press the { { { { Start } } } } key. The received messages ar e printed. Wh en the pri nti ng is com ple ted, the "I nforma tion" menu is s hown. Note ❒ I f n o m e s s a g e s h a v e b e e n r e - ceived, the following message appears: " No matching fil e found.
Communication Information 50 2 Printing the Journal The Jour nal contain s inform ation on up to 50 of the last com mun ications made by your machine. It is printed automatically after every 50 commu- nications (receptions + trans mis- sions). You can also print a copy of the Jour- nal at any time by following the p ro- cedure below.
Printing the Journal 51 2 A A A A Press [ Info. ] . The "Inf ormation" m enu is s hown. B B B B Enter the code for "P rint Journa l" with the number k eys. Note ❒ If "Pri nt Journal" is not s h own, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Communication Information 52 2 Whe n choo sin g "Dat e" A Press [ OK ] . B Select the month using the [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Month ] and [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Month ] , p ress 1 1 1 1 key, and then enter the d ate us- ing the number key s. D D D D Press the { { { { Start } } } } key.
Printing the Journal 53 2 Prin ting th e Jou rna l You can ch eck the co mmunicat ion resu lts on this report. Note ❒ When choosing "File No.", "User Code" or "Date", Personal Journal is printed. ❒ Communications made after the machine is connected to the line are pr inted on t he Jour nal.
Communication Information 54 2 3. ADDRESS The other party 's names are printed in the foll owing pr iority order: *1 When in the G4 transmission, G4 TID is pr inted . When in a transmission, 1 or 2 is print- ed, however, you can change the pri- ority order to 3, 4, 1, 2 with User Parameter s (switc h 04 bit 4).
Printing the Journal 55 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Date 1. The time of the output of the Jour- nal 2. FAX HE ADER S The names or numbers regi stered un- der FAX HEADER 1 and FAX HEAD- ER 2 are printe d. 3. The Footnote on the Journal Explains the code s printed on the Journal.
Communication Information 56 2 Displaying the Files in Memory Use this functio n to display a sum ma- ry of cu rrent memory usage. It ems shown are the percenta ge of free memory space, t he number of r e- ceived con fidential mess ages, the number of files to be sent , and the number of received messages to be print ed.
Displaying the Files in Memory 57 2 D D D D Press [ Ex it ] . The stan dby dis play is shown..
Communication Information 58 2 TX/RX File Save This fea ture requires the opti onal Function Upgra de Unit and O ptional 40M B Memory Card. When turned on, sent or received messages a re automaticall y saved to memory. Once st ored you can t hen check on previous comm unications and prin t them out as n ecessary.
TX/RX Fi le Sav e 59 2 ❒ When "Subs titute Receptio n" is s et t o " M e m o r y R e c e p t i o n i f n o O w n Name or Own Fax Number re- ceived" an d the incoming fax does not ha ve eithe r Ow n Nam e or Ow n Fax Number information, you can- not use the TX/RX File Save func- tion.
Communication Information 60 2 Note ❒ To print a list of all the sent fax- es, press [ Prt .List ] . The display in step I will appear. E E E E Enter the code of the search meth- od you require. F F F F Do one of the following: Searc hing B y Se nder Name / N o.
TX/RX Fi le Sav e 61 2 Reference p.10 “ Us er Code Tran smis- sion ” . B Press [ OK ] . Note ❒ When an unr egistered User Code is entered, the fol low- ing message appears: " Not programmed. ", then the dis- play in step B will reappear.
Communication Information 62 2 J J J J Press the { { { { Start } } } } key to print the list. Reference p.65 “ Disk Fi le Search List/V i- sual List ” K K K K Press [ Pr evMenu ] . L L L L Press [ Exit ] to return to the stand- by mode. Searching Memor y for Received Faxes A A A A Press [ Info.
TX/RX Fi le Sav e 63 2 Reference See p. 98 “ Enter ing C harac - ters ” , <Basic Features> and p.55 “ Own Name/Fax Head- er/O wn Fax Num ber ” , <Ba- sic Features> .
Communication Information 64 2 B Press [ OK ] . Note ❒ When an unr egistered User Code is entered, the fol low- ing message appears: " Not programmed. ", then the dis- play in step B will reappear. Reference p.10 “ Us er Code Tran smis- sion ” Searching By File Number A Enter the file number (four digits) with the number key s.
TX/RX Fi le Sav e 65 2 J J J J Press the { { { { Start } } } } key to print the list. Reference p.65 “ Disk Fi le Search List/V i- sual List ” K K K K Press [ Pr evMenu ] .
Communication Information 66 2 E E E E Press the { { { { Start } } } } key to print the message. F F F F Press [ Pr evMenu ] . G G G G Press [ Exit ] to return to the stand- by mode. Deleti ng Files Follow these steps to delete files that have been stor ed in your machine' s memo ry.
Box File Manager Functions 67 2 Box File Manager Functions See the f ollowing pag es for how to register, print an d delete messa ges stored in box func tions .
Communication Information 68 2 C C C C Enter the code for "Print Personal- Box" with the number keys. D D D D Enter the SUB code of the Person- al Box you wish to print. E E E E Press [ OK ] . Note ❒ If a password is required , enter the password then press [ OK ] .
Box File Manager Functions 69 2 Storing Mess ages in Inform ation Bo xes Follow these steps to store a message in an Information Box. Note ❒ Only one message can be stored in each Information Box. ❒ To delete a stored mess age in In- formatio n Box, see p.
Communication Information 70 2 F F F F Set the o riginal you wish to store, and select any scan settings as necessar y. Note ❒ If you p ress [ Cancel ] , the display in step D reappears. G G G G Press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Your docume nt is scan ned in.
Box File Manager Functions 71 2 E E E E Press [ OK ] . Note ❒ If a password is required , enter the password then press [ OK ] . ❒ If no message is stored, " No matchi ng file f ound. " i s dis - played and the sc reen in step D reappears.
Communication Information 72 2 B B B B Enter the code for "Box File Man- ager" with the nu mber keys. Note ❒ If "Box File Manager" is not dis- played, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev. ] or [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] until it is. C C C C Enter the co de for "Del.
Box File Manager Functions 73 2 I I I I Press [ Exit ] to return to the stand- by mode..
Communication Information 74 2.
75 3. Other Transmission Features Handy Dialing Functions Chain Dial This featur e allows you to co mpose a telephone number from various part s, some of which ma y be stor ed as Quick D ial keys or Speed Dial codes, and some o f which may be ente red with the nu mber keys.
Other Transmission Features 76 3 G G G G Press { { { { 0 } } } }{ { { { 0 } } } }{ { { { 1 } } } } . Note ❒ If you wish to spe cify an other destinat ion, pres s [ Add ] , then re- peat step s from B .
Handy Dialing Functions 77 3 Note ❒ When th e optional Func tion Upgrade Unit is installed, enter a Speed Dial code in the range 000 to 999. ❒ If the list does n ot contain the desired de stinati o n, pres s [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev. ] or [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] .
Other Transmission Features 78 3 SUB/SID (SUB Code Transmission) Normally you ca n only us e Confiden- tial Transmission or T ransfer Request to send t o fax machi nes of the sa me make that have the Confidential Re- ception or the Transfer Request fea- ture.
Handy Dialing Functions 79 3 E E E E Enter the SUB code, then press [ OK ] . Note ❒ Make sure to enter th e same SUB code that is stored in the Personal Box, or the SUB code of the Transfer Box of the other parties' . ❒ You can enter up to 20 charac - ters .
Other Transmission Features 80 3 G G G G Press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ When in Immediate Transmis- sion, if the othe r party does not support th is function, an error message appears on the di splay.
Handy Dialing Functions 81 3 C C C C Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to select "De- fault ID", an d then press [ OK ] . The Transmission Mode menu is shown. A check mark is added to Polling Reception. D D D D Press [ Ex it ] . The Polling Reception menu is shown.
Other Transmission Features 82 3 B Enter the PWD code then press [ OK ] . Note ❒ You can enter up to 20 ch ar- acte rs. ❒ You can enter digi ts 0-9, q , p and spaces.
Handy Dialing Functions 83 3 C C C C Dial the fax number with the number ke ys. D D D D Press the User Function key ( { { { { F1 } } } } to { { { { F10 } } } } ) in which the Sub-ad- dress functio n has been re gis- tered. "/" appears on the di splay.
Other Transmission Features 84 3 D D D D Press the User Function key ( { { { { F1 } } } } to { { { { F10 } } } } ) in which the Tone func- tion has been re gistered. " • " appear s after the fax number you e ntere d. E E E E Enter the UUI code with the nu m- ber ke ys.
On Hook Dial 85 3 On Hook Dial You can send a fax me ssage without lift ing t he re ceive r, wh ile still l isten - ing to the dial tone. When a conne ction is made t o anoth- er fax mach ine (you will hear a h igh- pitched tone), pre ss the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key.
Other Transmission Features 86 3 Using On Hook Dial with ISDN This feature requires the optional IS DN Unit . When only conn ected to an ISDN line, t he On Hook Dial feature be - comes available for ISDN. The following example describes how to use th is feature to co nnect to a fax information service.
On Hook Dial 87 3 D D D D Follow the instructions provided by th e other p art y. E E E E When you hear a message such as "Pleas e pre ss th e star t butt on", press the { { { { Start } } } } key. After a while, rece p tion will begin. When recep tion has finished, the machine will return to the standby mode.
Other Transmission Features 88 3 Manual Dial The optiona l handset or an externa l telephone i s required to u se this fun ction. Pick up the handset or the external tele ph one and d ial. Wh en t he lin e is connected and you hear a high- pitch ed tone, press th e { { { { Start } } } } key to send your fax mess age.
Selecting the Line 89 3 Selecting the Line This feature requires the optional Extra G3 Interface Unit or the optional ISDN Unit. Installing all of these options expands the machine's line capacity to a maxi- mum o f 3 li nes. The optional Extra G3 Inte rface Unit connects to the PST N, the optional ISDN Un it to the ISDN.
Other Transmission Features 90 3 • I-G3 : G3 communicatio n using ISDN ( ISDN-G3) ❒ When holding more than one com- munication at one time, the infor- mation of th e first commun ication established is shown on the dis- play. ❒ Up to three comm uni cat ions can be held at one time.
Selecting the Line 91 3 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ G4 Press the { { { { Line Selecti on } } } } key to light the G4 indicator. ISDN is se- lected. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ G4 Display ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ PABX Press the { { { { Line Selecti on } } } } key to light the PABX in di cato r.
Other Transmission Features 92 3 A A A A Make sure that the G3 indicator is lit. B B B B Press the User Function key ( { { { { F1 } } } } to { { { { F10 } } } } ) with the Line Select function stored in. C C C C Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to select the line.
Transmission Features 93 3 Transmission Features Stamp When sending a fax message, the ma- chine c an stamp a c ircle ma rk at the bottom of the document. This stamp indicates that the document has been succes sfully stored in memory fo r Memory Tr ansmission, or that i t has been succes sfully sent for Im mediate Transmissi on.
Other Transmission Features 94 3 ID Trans m ission If you use this feature, transmission is limited to destination machines of the same ma ke an d wit h the same store d Polling ID. This is us eful when send- ing document s containing co nfiden- tial or sensitive information.
Transmission Features 95 3 D D D D Select any scan settings as neces- sary. E E E E Dial the destination num ber. F F F F Press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Scanning the fr ont page will begin. When scanning has finished, the following display appears: G G G G Set the original with the back page fac e-up.
Other Transmission Features 96 3 Batch Origi nal Documents Transmission When sending a fax message which has a large number of page s, you can divide and scan the original do cu- ments in part s to store in th e memory, and then send the whole data in one transmiss ion.
Transmission Features 97 3 H H H H Press the { { { { Start } } } } key. When the machin e finish es scan- ning the set d ocuments, the screen below appears. Note ❒ If you have m ore doc ument s to be scanned, repea t the proce- dure f rom G . I I I I When yo u finish s cannin g all document s, press the { { { { q q q q } } } } key.
Other Transmission Features 98 3 Label Inser tion With this featur e you can have the re- ceiver' s name programmed i n Quick Dial key or Speed Dial printed on the message wh en it is received at the other end . Th e name wi ll be pri nted at the top o f the page an d will be pre- ceded b y "TO:".
Transmission Features 99 3 Preparation In order to have the receiv er's name printed on the Label, store the do cumen t in memor y and reg- ister the name of the receiv er be- forehand.
Other Transmission Features 100 3 Note ❒ Althou gh you c an sp ecify scan s et- tings wh en sending an Au to Docu- ment, these settings will only apply t o the doc umen t you s end alo ng w ith the A u to D ocu ment . The settings used when yo u scann ed in and stor ed the Auto Docum ent w ill apply to the A uto Document itself.
Transmission Features 101 3 Blank Sheet Det ect This featur e is designed to help you avoid m aking mi stakes whi le scan- ning in docu ments. If you try to scan in an almost com - pletely blank document, an alarm sounds af ter Imme diate Tr ansmis - sion, and as soon as the d ocument has been scanned for Memory Transmis- sion.
Other Transmission Features 102 3 Backup File Tr ansmission When turned on, this feature s ends a backup copy of all fax es you send to destinations that you specify. Preparation You must specify the backup desti- nations bef orehand. Se e p.243 “ Backup File Transm ission Set- ting s ” .
More Transmission Functions 103 3 More Transmission Functions The fol lowing func tions ar e useful when t ransmitting d ocum ents. If Memory Runs out While Scannin g Is in Progress Scanning of docume.
Other Transmission Features 104 3 Broadcasti ng Sequenc e If you dial several destina t ions for the same message (Broa dcasting), the messages are sent in the order in which the y were dialed. If the docu - ment could not be transmitted, the machine redials that des tination after the last destina tion specified f or Broadcasting.
More Transmission Functions 105 3 Auto mati c Re dial If a document cannot be transmitted beca use th e line is busy or due to a transm ission error, redialing is done twice at 5-minute intervals for Imme- diate Transmission, and four times at 5-mi nute int ervals fo r Memo ry Tran s- mission.
Other Transmission Features 106 3 Limita tion ❒ Parallel Memory Transmissio n is not a vaila ble w ith G 4. Note ❒ Standard Memory Transmission is used instead of Parallel Memory Transmi ssion in .
Printed Reports 107 3 Printed Reports File Reserv e Report (M emory Transmission) This report is printed after a docu- m e n t i s s t o r e d i n m e m o r y . I t h e l p s you review the contents and regi s- tere d dest ination s of do cumen ts stored for transmission.
Other Transmission Features 108 3 ❒ Normally, when specifying the destination wi th a Q uick Dial key or Speed Dial, "ADDRESS" on this report shows Ow n Name or Own Fax N um ber r egist ered in th e re - c e i v e r ' s m a c h i n e .
109 4. Reception Features General Ther e are two type s of r eception methods, Immediate Reception an d Memo ry Recep tion . Normally, th e machi ne recei ves all the faxes wi th Immediate R eception, however, in the case of Confidential Recepti on (see p.
Reception Features 110 4 Memory Recept ion The mac hin e waits until all pages o f the me ssage have be en rece ived into memo ry bef ore pr inti ng the mes sage. Important ❒ If the power switch is turned off for 12 ho urs or longer, docume nts saved in memory are deleted.
General 111 4 Substitu te Receptio n If any of the conditions listed below are met, the machine automatically switc hes to Mem or y R ece pti on mod e a nd sto re s me ssa ge s in mem or y i nste ad of pri nti ng them. This reception mode, in which a received fax message is stored in memory and not printed, is called Substitute Reception.
Reception Features 112 4 Screening Out Messa ges From Anonymous Senders To help you screen out unwanted messages that may fill up your memo ry, the machine can be program med to only us e Substitute Re ception for message s that arrive with Own Na me/Own Fax Number identification.
Selecting the Reception Mode 113 4 Selecting the Reception Mode There are two ways you can set up your machine to handle incoming calls: • Fax m ode (A uto Receiv e Mode) • Tel mode (optional handset or ex- ternal telephone r equired) Reference p.
Reception Features 114 4 Reception Func tions Transfer Statio n Transfer Stations allow you to expand the standard f eatures of your fax ma- chine to set up c omplex networks .
Reception Functions 115 4 ❒ If the Requ esting Party sp ecifies a Group for the End Receivers and the total number of End Receivers exceeds 250, the T ransfer Station cannot transfe r the m essage and sends a Tr ansfer Resu lt Report to the Requesting Party.
Reception Features 116 4 Remote Transf er T h i s f e a t u r e a l l o w s s a m e m a k e o r o t h - er make fax mac hines wi thout the Transfer Request fun ction to perform transfer requests to this machine.
Reception Functions 117 4 ❒ If you enter the wr ong Remote ID 5 times, the li ne will be auto- matically cut off, and if you d o no t cha ng e th is mac hin e's Re- mote ID, rem ote transfe r will not be accepted. The figure of 5 carries over fro m previous non- valid attempts .
Reception Features 118 4 ❒ If you keep on getting the er- ror tone , the end recei ver may not be regist ered in the Quick Dial key or Speed Dial you are specifyin g. ❒ When the optional Fu nction Upgrade Unit is installed, en- ter a Gro up num ber in the range 01 to 30.
Reception Functions 119 4 D D D D Press the { { { { Start } } } } key. - - - - Remote Transfer Example Input • Destination (Transfer Station) tele- phone number = 061234567 • Remote ID = 7777 • .
Reception Features 120 4 Printing Functions Center Ma rk When this function is turned on, marks are printed halfway down the left side and a t the top center of each page received. This makes it easy for you to position the hole puncher cor- rectly when you file received messag- es.
Printing Functions 121 4 Note ❒ Only one set of prints is made when using t he follow ing feature s: • Confidential Reception • Memory Lock Rece ptio n • Polling Reception ❒ You canno t cancel th e job in progress by pressing the { { { { Stop } } } } key.
Reception Features 122 4 ❒ This feature is not availa ble when the Image R otation functi on is turned on. See p.122 “ Image Rota- tion ” . ❒ You can turn th is feat ure on or off with User Parameters . See p.178 “ User Parameters ” (switch 10 bit 1).
Printing Functions 123 4 ❒ You can t urn this functio n on o r off with User Parameters. See p.178 “ User Parameters ” (swi tch 10 bit 4). Page Separa tion and Lengt h Reduction When the size of.
Reception Features 124 4 Note ❒ You can t urn CIL o n and off with User Parameters. See p.178 “ User Parameters ” (switc h 02 bit 5). TID Print This function requires the optional ISDN Unit . If turned on, this information is print- ed on every page.
When There Is No Paper of the Correct Size 125 4 When There Is N o Paper of the Correc t Size If there is no paper in you r machine that matches the size of a received message, the machine choose s a paper size based upon the paper you have available.
Reception Features 126 4 *1 The printed image is rotat ed by the Image Rotation function. *2 The printed image is reduced in size. Important ❒ T h e w i d t h o f d o c u m e n t t h a t f a x m a c.
127 5. Copying Copying This section describes how t o make copies. Important ❒ When making m ultiple copy sets, copying starts once all originals have been scanned into memory. If memory runs ou t (free memory reaches 0%) while scanning in, the copy job is canceled and t he scanne d data is deleted from m em- ory.
Cop ying 128 5 A A A A Press the { { { { Copy } } } } key. The R esoluti on auto matica lly change s to Su per Fin e. Note ❒ If you press the { { { { Copy } } } } key again, the machine returns to standb y mode.
Copying 129 5 F F F F Press the { { { { Start } } } } key to star t copy- ing. When copying is complete, stand- by display reappears. Note ❒ To stop copying while it is in progress, press the { { { { Stop } } } } key . Then open the AD F cov er and ADF unit and remove any orig- inals that are left i nside.
Cop ying 130 5 C C C C Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to select the pa- per size of the optional Bypass Tray Unit. Note ❒ You ca n enter the paper size by pres sing [ Custo m ] .
131 6. Facsimile User Tools Accessing the User To ols You can utilize fax features in ful l by accessing the User Tools and storing fax numbers of destinat ions or register ing ofte n used func tions. Y o u can als o enable various func tion s such as Prin ting Reports/Li sts, User Fu nction Keys or F ax On Demand.
Facsimile User Tools 132 6 Rep ort s/ Lists Journal Allows you to pr int the Journal ma nu- ally. You can check information about the recent 50 communica tions (recep- tions + transmissions).
Accessing the User Tools 133 6 Note ❒ The numbers that appear wi t h function names on the display vary depen ding on which options are installed. ❒ Access the user tools i n standby mode. If the machi ne is in another operation mode, retu rn it to s tandby mode .
Facsimile User Tools 134 6 - - - - About the Display • You can scro ll through item s by pressing [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev. ] or [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] . • You c an re turn t o the previ ous m enu b y pres si ng [ PrevMenu ] . • Items on the display are highlighted when selected.
Accessing the User Tools 135 6 D D D D Press [ Exit ] to return to the stand- by mode. Selectin g the Display Language If your n ative languag e is Spanish o r French, you can have the m essages that appear o n displays, lists and re- ports shown in either of these lan- guages instead of in English.
Facsimile User Tools 136 6 Program/Delete Menu Mult i-st ep Tr ans fer Group Setting s This proced ure describes how t o store a Tran sfer Stati on in a Group. On ce set up, this machine can then forward incoming tran sfer requests that speci- fy this Group on to the stored Transfer Station.
Program/Delete Menu 137 6 F F F F Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to select "Mul- tistep Group". G G G G Press [ Next ] . H H H H Specify the Transfer Station . Note ❒ You can enter the Trans fer Sta- tion fax number us ing a Quick Dial key, a Sp eed Dial or the number keys.
Facsimile User Tools 138 6 K K K K Press [ Add RcvStn ] . Note ❒ If you do not add any end re- ceivers, proceed to s tep M . L L L L Specify the remaining end receiv- ers in the same way. M M M M Press [ Others ] . Regi steri ng/Ed iting t he Gr oup Name A Enter the code for "Group Name" with the number keys.
Program/Delete Menu 139 6 D Press [ Exit ] . N N N N Press [ OK ] Note ❒ If you pre ss 0 or 1 key, you can view and ch eck end receiv- ers already st ored. ❒ To dele te the d isplayed end re- ceiver, press the { { { { Clear } } } } key. ❒ To cancel pr ogramming th is Grou p, pr ess [ Cancel ] .
Facsimile User Tools 140 6 ❒ The maxi mum nu mber o f pro- grams you can register is 144 (244 when the optional Function Up- grade Unit is installed). A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools } } } } key. B B B B Enter the nu mber of the "Fax Fea- tures" with the numb er keys.
Program/Delete Menu 141 6 B Enter the code of the Speed Dial you wish to stor e or edit the program in. Note ❒ To ch eck w hich progra ms ar e currently stor ed, press [ Sta- tus ] . ❒ You can a lso sel ect the Spee d Dial to stor e the program in from the statu s screen.
Facsimile User Tools 142 6 I I I I Press [ Na me ] . Note ❒ Stor ing of prog ram names can be skipped. If you wish to skip it, proceed to step L . J J J J Enter the program name. Note ❒ If a program name is already registered in the Quick Dial key, the na me is show n on the d is- play.
Program/Delete Menu 143 6 B B B B Select the Quick Dial k ey or Speed Dial with the program stored in by press ing the Quic k Dial key, or pressing the Speed Dial key and en tering the Speed Dial co de.
Facsimile User Tools 144 6 E E E E Press a Quick Dial k ey in which the program y ou wish to delete is stored. The cont ents of the progr am ar e shown on the dis play. Note ❒ If you wish to delete a Key- stroke Program st ored in a Speed Dial, press [ Sw itc h ] .
Program/Delete Menu 145 6 Register ing Auto Documents If you find that you often have to send a particular page to people (for exam- ple, a map, a standard attachment, or a set of in structions), store that page i n m e m o r y a s a n A u t o D o c u m e n t .
Facsimile User Tools 146 6 E E E E Press a Q uick Dial key or a Spee d Dial that the Auto Document you wish to store in. To store a n Auto Docume nt in a Quick Dial key A Press the Quick Dia l key that you wish to store the Auto Docume nt in. Note ❒ Pres s [ Status ] to check the document s current ly stored.
Program/Delete Menu 147 6 D Press [ Label ] . E Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to select "Large(1x2)" or "Normal". F Press [ OK ] . When the de sti nat ion is re gist ere d A Press [ Label ] . B Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to select "Large(1x2)" or "Normal".
Facsimile User Tools 148 6 E E E E Press a Quick Dial k ey in which the Auto Docu ment you wish to delete is stored. The stored document is shown on the di splay. Note ❒ If yo u wish to delet e an Au to Document stored in a Speed Di- al, press [ Swit ch ] .
Reports/Lists 149 6 Report s/Li sts This func tion allows you to print the following reports and li sts manually. Select a report or list as needed. • Journal See p.50 “ Printing the Journ al ” . • Quick Dial list/Quick Key L abel See p.73 “ Quick Dial Key Label (Dial Label) ” , <Basic Features> .
Facsimile User Tools 150 6 E E E E Press the { { { { Start } } } } key. When pr inti ng is co mpleted, the disp lay show n in s tep D appears again. Note ❒ If you press the { { { { Stop } } } } key be- fore printing starts, the printing stops and the dis play shown in step D appears again.
Setup 151 6 Setup Adjustin g the Dis play Contrast Follow these steps to adjust the con - trast of the control panel display. Eight levels of contrast are available. A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools } } } } key. B B B B Enter the code for "Fax Features" with the number k eys.
Facsimile User Tools 152 6 C C C C Enter the code for "Setup " with the number keys. D D D D Enter the code for "Date/Ti m e" using the number keys.
Setup 153 6 E E E E Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to select a peri- od of time. F F F F Press [ OK ] . Note ❒ If you p ress [ Cancel ] , the display in step D reappears. G G G G Press [ Pr evMenu ] twice. H H H H Press [ Exit ] to return to stan dby mode.
Facsimile User Tools 154 6 User Function Keys You can program each of the User Function keys ( { { { { F1 } } } } to { { { { F10 } } } } ) with a function that yo u us e freque ntly. When you w ish to use th at fun ction, instea d of ha ving to search through severa l m enus to fi nd it, ju st press th e appropriate User Fun c- tion key.
User Function Keys 155 6 *1 Option(s ) required • " ✓ " mark in the "Indicator" column indicates that the indicator on the User Function key is lit when the function is selected.
Facsimile User Tools 156 6 Register ing/Edit ing the Contents of a Us er Fun ction Key Th ere a re tw o t ypes of pr ogr am min g metho ds. • Program ming the co ntents of a User Function key by sp .
User Function Keys 157 6 Note ❒ To see a func tion number not displayed on t he display, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev. ] or [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] . ❒ If another function is already registered, press the { { { { Clear } } } } key or the { { { { Stop } } } } key to de le te i t.
Facsimile User Tools 158 6 Note ❒ The operation you have stored is shown as "Custo m Funct ions" on th e displa y. Using a User Funct ion Key A A A A Press the User Function key ( { { { { F1 } } } } to { { { { F10 } } } } ) in which the function you wi sh to use is stored.
User Function Keys 159 6 B Press t he User Func tion key you wish to clear . Note ❒ You can also s elect the User Func tion key to c lear fr om the status scr een. ❒ If yo u press [ OK ] , the func - tion is not deleted and the display in step D reappears.
Facsimile User Tools 160 6 Fax On Demand This featu re re quir es th e option al Fa x On De mand unit . Fax On Demand lets you s tore docu- ments in memory with a number at- tached (the box number).
Fax On Demand 161 6 C C C C Enter the code for "Fax On De- mand" with the number keys. D D D D Enter the cod e for "Progr am FOD" with the number k eys. Note ❒ If "Program FOD" is not d is- played, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Facsimile User Tools 162 6 Deleting F ax On Demand Documents Follow these ste ps to delete a docu- ment stored usin g Fax On Dem and. A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools } } } } key. B B B B Enter the code for "Fax Features" with the number k eys.
Fax On Demand 163 6 F F F F Choose one of the fo llowing pro- cedures. Deleting just the document A Press [ Document ] . B Press [ Yes ] . Note ❒ If you pres s [ No ] , the display in s te p E reappears. Deleting just the label A Press [ Label ] . B Press [ Ye s ] .
Facsimile User Tools 164 6 Printing Fax On Demand Documents Follow these steps to prin t out a doc- ument sto red using F ax On Demand. A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools } } } } key. B B B B Enter the code for "Fax Features" with the number k eys.
Fax On Demand 165 6 G G G G Press [ Pr evMenu ] twice. H H H H Press [ Exit ] to return to the stand- by mode. Printing the Fax On Demand List A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools } } } } key. B B B B Enter the code for "Fax Features" with the number k eys.
Facsimile User Tools 166 6 C C C C Enter the code for "Fax On De- mand" with the number keys. Note ❒ If "Fax On Deman d" is not d is- played, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev. ] or [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] until it is. D D D D Enter the code for "Access Report" with the number k eys.
Fax On Demand 167 6 ❒ By tailoring mes sage 3, you can di- rect calle rs to just download the document stor ed in box 1, or have them choose any of up to five box- es. ❒ You can also choo se whether a password i s require d with User Parameters. When turned off, mes- sage 2 is skipped .
Facsimile User Tools 168 6 G G G G Press [ Start ] then speak the mes- sage into the microphone. As you speak, the rema ining ti me available is shown on the display. Note ❒ Each of the me ssag es ca n be up to 30 seconds l ong. ❒ If there is still time left wh en you have finished your mes- sage, press [ St op ] .
Fax On Demand 169 6 E E E E Enter the code f or "Confirm G uid- ance" with t he number keys. F F F F Enter the number of the message you w ish to conf irm w ith the number ke ys. Note ❒ If the ite m yo u r eq uir e is no t disp layed, pres s [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Facsimile User Tools 170 6 When the P assword Is Turned O n A A A A Dial usi ng On Hook Dial, or lift the hand set an d dial. You will hear message 1, then 2 . B B B B Enter the password with the num- ber key s, then pre ss the { { { { q q q q } } } } key.
171 7. Key Operator Settings Accessing the Ke y Operator Tools This sect ion descri bes settings of funct ions that are m ainly managed by key op- erators, such as variou s types of ID c odes, type of telephone line the machine is connected to, User Parameters, or destinations for transmissions .
Key Operator Settings 172 7 System Settings G3 D igit al Line *2 Allows you to register Own Fax Number, Sub- addre ss, and CSI if the m achin e is connected to a G3 digital line.
Accessing the Key Operator Tools 173 7 System Settings Dele ting Entr ies Allows you to delete a group of ID codes or destinations programmed into Quick Dial keys by specifying their type.
Key Operator Settings 174 7 Note ❒ The code for each function that appears on the display varies depending on the installed options or function settings. Box Settings Registering/ Editing/ Dele ting Personal Boxes Allows you to regis ter, edit, or delete Per- sonal Bo xes.
System Settings 175 7 System Settings Economy Transmis sion Econ omy Tr ansmissio n allows y ou to take advantage of off-peak rates by delayin g transmissi on of messages until a specified time. Follow the procedu re below to speci- fy the Econom y Transmission T ime when the phon e rates are lower.
Key Operator Settings 176 7 Night Timer Use this feature to have t he machine turn its heater on and off automatical- ly at the times that you pres cribe. For example, by having the heater turned off during the ni ght, on holidays or at other times when you are abs ent, you can cut p ower costs .
System Settings 177 7 G G G G Press [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] to sc roll through the days of the we ek and timers (1 or 2). Note ❒ The days of t he week and timers (1 or 2) are displayed in the fol - lowi ng ord er: Sun. Se t 1 → Sun. Set 2 → Mon.
Key Operator Settings 178 7 - - - - The Message Displayed While the Heater is Turned Off While the Night Ti mer is activa ted and the heater is turned off, the mes- sage " Currentl y the m achin e is in Energy Saver Mod e. Press [Clear Modes/En ergy Sa ver] key to use fu ncti ons.
System Settings 179 7 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ User Parameter List Switch Bits It em Availabl e Settings Reference 00 0 Stamp home position 1: On 0: Off p.93 “ Stamp ” 3,2,1 Image density adjustment level home position 000: N ormal 001: Lig hter 010: Da rker p.
Key Operator Settings 180 7 02 0 F orwarding Mark 1: On 0: Off p.22 3 “ Forward- ing ” 1C e n t e r M a r k 1 : O n 0: Off p.12 0 “ Center Mark ” 2 Print RX Time 1: On 0: Off p.12 1 “ Reception Time ” 3 TSI Print 1: On 0: Off p.12 3 “ TSI Pri nt ” 4 Checkered Mark 1: On 0: Off p.
System Settings 181 7 04 0 Print Confidential File Report automa tically 1: On 0: Off p.47 “ Confiden- tial File Report ” 1 *3 Print Fa x O n D ema nd A c- cess Report automatically 1: On 0: Off p.16 5 “ Printing the Fax On De- mand Access Re- port ” 3 Print failed transmission re- sult s in th e Jour nal 1: On 0: Off p.
Key Operator Settings 182 7 05 0 S ubst itut e Re cepti on 1: On 0: Off p.11 1 “ Substitute Reception ” 1 Condition for Substitu te Rece pt ion 1: If Own Na me or Own Fax Numb er i s re- ceived 0: All incoming fax mess ages p.11 1 “ Substitute Reception ” 3 High Temperatur e Standby mod e 1: On 0: Off p.
System Settings 183 7 08 1,0 Mul ti-cop y Recepti on 00: Off 01: C opy me s- sages fr om specified send- ers 11: C opy me s- sages fr om send ers oth er than those you spec ify p.
Key Operator Settings 184 7 09 1 ,0 Mem ory L ock 00: Off 01: M essa ges from specified send ers 11: M essa ges from send ers other than those you specify p.23 3 “ Memory Lock ” 3,2 *6 TX/RX File S ave 0 0: Off 01: S tore mes- sages fr om specified send- ers 11: S tore mes- sages fr om send ers oth er than those you spec ify p.
System Settings 185 7 10 5 *5 Use the opt ional Bypa ss Tray Unit exclusively for PC Pri nti ng 1: On 0: Off — 7 Halftone Mode 1 : Speed Mode 0: Sta ndard Mode p.44 “ Original Type ” , <Basic Features> 11 0 Transf er Request 1: On 0: Off p.
Key Operator Settings 186 7 19 2,1,0 *4 or *5 The pa per tray us ed for printing Repor ts 000: N ot spe ci- fied 001: M ain p aper tray 010: O ptio nal Paper Tr ay Unit (tray 2) 011: O ptio nal Paper Tr ay Unit (tray 3) 100: O ptio nal Paper Tr ay Unit (tray 4) 101: O ptio nal Paper Tr ay Unit (tray 5) 111: O ptio nal Bypass Tray Unit p.
System Settings 187 7 Necessary Options: *1 Extra G3 Interface U nit *2 ISDN Unit *3 Fax On Demand Unit *4 Paper Tray Uni t *5 Bypass Tray Unit *6 Fun ctio n U pgr ad e Un it and Opt io nal 4 0M B M e.
Key Operator Settings 188 7 How to Set User Parameters This sec tion desc ribe s how to set User Parameters, usi ng transmission mode as an example. To change the trans- mission mode from Memory Trans- miss ion to Immedia te Tran smissi on, you need to change the bit 6 of switch 00 from 0 to 1.
System Settings 189 7 Note ❒ If you p ress [ Cancel ] , the display in step D reappears. ❒ The bits are di splayed in a s- cending order from right to left, the r ight most bi t being b it 0 . ❒ Some items use multiple bits for their settings such as "Image density adjustment level.
Key Operator Settings 190 7 • PSTN Access Num ber Use this se tting if your machine is connected to a PBX that re- quires you to dial certain num- ber such as "0" followed by a pause to connect to the outside line.
System Settings 191 7 Note ❒ "G3-2 Analog Line" appear s only when the opti onal Extra G3 Interface Unit is installed. The setting procedure is the same for both lines.
Key Operator Settings 192 7 C Press [ OK ] . Note ❒ If you are mak ing se ttings for the "G3 – 1 Analog Line, " change the settin g for the standar d G3 line to PA BX with User Parameters after registering the PSTN Access Number. See p.178 “ User Pa- ram ete rs ” (switch 13 bits 1,0).
System Settings 193 7 C C C C Enter the code for "System Set- tings" with the number keys. D D D D Enter the code for "G3 Digital Line" with the num ber keys . Note ❒ If "G3 Digita l Line " is not d is- played, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Key Operator Settings 194 7 Regis tering the Own Fax Nu mber (CS I) A Enter the code fo r "Own Fax No.(CSI)" with the numb er keys. B Enter the Own Fax Number (CSI). Note ❒ Own Fax Number (CSI) can contain a p lus sign (+), num- bers and spaces.
System Settings 195 7 ❒ After registering Own Fax Num- ber 1 or 2, you can make se t tings so that the machine d oes not respond to in coming fax es th at d o no t sen d their Own Fax Numbers with User Parameters. See p.178 “ User Pa - rameters ” (s witch 13 bit 5).
Key Operator Settings 196 7 Register ing the Sub- address A Enter the code for "S ub-ad- dress" with t he number keys. B Enter the sub-add ress (4 – digit number). C Press [ OK ] . Register ing t he G4 Ter minal ID A Enter the co de for "G4 T ermi- nal ID" with the number key s.
System Settings 197 7 Fax On Demand Recepti on This featur e requires the option al Fax O n Dema nd Un it. You can turn the Fax On Deman d function on or off, se t the password (whether the calling p arty needs to specify the password) or select the line type for the reception.
Key Operator Settings 198 7 G G G G Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to select "By port". H H H H Press [ Por t ] . I I I I Enter the code for the line type with the number k eys. Note ❒ "ISDN" appears on ly when the optional ISDN U nit is installed.
System Settings 199 7 J J J J Press [ Pr evMenu ] . K K K K Press [ OK ] . L L L L Press [ OK ] . M M M M Press [ Pr evMenu ] twice. N N N N Press [ Exit ] to return to the stand- by mode. Register ing ID Codes ID codes are require d when using transmission modes such as Poll ing Transmission or Confid ential Mes- sages .
Key Operator Settings 200 7 Note ❒ You can check the regist ered ID codes on th e User Param eter List. It is reco mme nded t hat you print and keep the list after you register or edit IDs.
System Settings 201 7 G G G G Press [ OK ] . Note ❒ To register other ID codes, re- peat the procedure f rom step E . H H H H Press [ Pr evMenu ] three times.
Key Operator Settings 202 7 Transfer Report This section describes th e procedure for regist ering the fax number of the line your machine is connected to as the retu rn addr ess for Tr ansfer Re- quests. When y ou make a Transf er Re ques t from this machine, the registered number is sen t to the Transfer Stat ion.
System Settings 203 7 C C C C Enter the code for "System Set- tings" with the number keys. D D D D Enter the code for "Tran sfer Re- port" with the number keys. Note ❒ If "Transfer Report" is not d is- played, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Key Operator Settings 204 7 Network Settin gs Use of these set tings re quires the NIC FAX Unit (Option for Type1). Adjust t hese settings to set up th e In- terne t Fa x Feat ure (O ption f or Type 1). For de tail s, see C hap ter 1, "N etw ork Settings" in the NIC FAX Unit manu- al.
System Settings 205 7 Key Layout You can cha nge the lay out of charac - ters assigned to Qui ck Dial ke ys, which are used for entering ch arac- ters.
Key Operator Settings 206 7 Print P osition If image positioning needs to be ad- justed slightly, adjust the margins for the appropriate tray (the main paper tray, the optional Paper Tray Units, or the optional Byp ass Tray Un it). Note ❒ You can adju st the top an d left margins of paper in 9 increments.
System Settings 207 7 H H H H Press [ OK ] . The margins are set. Note ❒ If you wish to adjust anoth er margin for the same tray, repeat the procedure from step F . ❒ If you wish to adju st a margin for another tray, press [ Prev- Menu ] , then r epeat the proce- dure f rom ste p E .
Key Operator Settings 208 7 A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools } } } } key. B B B B Enter the code f or "Key Op. Tools" wit h the number keys. Then press t he { { { { q q q q } } } } key. The "Key Op. Too ls" main menu appears. C C C C Enter the code for "System Set- tings" with the number keys.
System Settings 209 7 Deleting Entr ies This feature allows you to delete a group of data stored in the machine such as ID codes or Qui ck Dials at once. It is a handy tool wh en you are moving t o an office in another loc ation or disposing of t he machine.
Key Operator Settings 210 7 B B B B Enter the code f or "Key Op. Tools" wit h the number keys. Then press t he { { { { q q q q } } } } key. The "Key Op. Too ls" main menu appears. C C C C Enter the code for "System Set- tings" with the number keys.
System Settings 211 7 Reset PM Counter Follo w the pro ced ure de scribe d be- low to clear the counters that count the sheets of documents and printed paper when r eplacing the ADF Main- tenance Kit or Fusing Maintenance Uni t. If the counters are not cleared, it is not possible to notify the right time for the next replacement.
Key Operator Settings 212 7 F F F F Press [ Reset ] . Note ❒ If you pr ess [ OK ] , the screen in step D reappears. G G G G Press [ Ye s ] to clear the counter. Note ❒ If you press [ No ] , the screen in step F reappears. H H H H Press [ OK ] . Note ❒ If y ou wis h to c lear anoth er counter, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
System Settings 213 7 E E E E Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to tu rn this function on or off. F F F F Press [ OK ] . G G G G Press [ Pr evMenu ] twice. H H H H Press [ Exit ] to return to the stand- by mode.
Key Operator Settings 214 7 Initial Set Up Multi-copy Rec eption Use this feature to have t he machine print m ultiple co pies of messages from Speci fied S enders. If no Speci- fied Send ers are re gis tered, the m a- chine prints multiple copies of all messages, regardless of sender.
Initial Set Up 215 7 B B B B Enter the code f or "Key Op. Tools" with the nu mber keys th en press the { { { { q q q q } } } } key. The "Key Op. Too ls" main menu appears. C C C C Enter the code for "Initial Set Up" with the number k eys.
Key Operator Settings 216 7 Reference p.98 “ Entering Characters ” , <Bas ic Feat ures> J J J J Press [ OK ] . K K K K Choose whether to store this item as a wildcard. Reference p.98 “ Entering Characters ” , <Bas ic Feat ures> L L L L Press [ OK ] .
Initial Set Up 217 7 Printing the Specified Sender List You can c heck the register ed Speci- fied Senders by printing out the li st of the registered Specifi ed Senders. Reference See p.241 “ Printing the Specified Sender List ” f or th e print ing pr oce- dure.
Key Operator Settings 218 7 Setting up Authorized Reception A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools } } } } key. B B B B Enter the code f or "Key Op. Tools" with the nu mber keys th en press the { { { { q q q q } } } } key. The "Key Op. Too ls" main menu appears.
Initial Set Up 219 7 Note ❒ You can use lett ers, symbol s, numbers, or spaces when enter- ing the sender name or sender number. Reference p.98 “ Entering Characters ” , <Bas ic Feat ures> J J J J Press [ OK ] . K K K K Choose whether to store this item as a wildcard.
Key Operator Settings 220 7 Printing the Specified Sender List You can c heck the register ed Speci- fied Senders by printing out the li st of the registered Specifi ed Senders. Reference See p.241 “ Printing the Specified Sender List ” f or th e print ing pr oce- dure.
Initial Set Up 221 7 ❒ If the Specified Sender 's fax ma- c h i n e i s o f t h e s a m e m a k e a s y o u r machin e, registe r the sende r's name regi stered to the ir m achin e. If th e Speci fied S ender' s fax m a- ch ine is o f a di ff ere nt mak e, reg is - ter the fax number.
Key Operator Settings 222 7 Note ❒ If you enter the first digit of the code incorrectl y, press the { { { { Clear } } } } key or the { { { { Stop } } } } key to clear it and en ter the corr ect code. If you enter the code in- correctly wi th the two di gits, press [ Canc el ] in step H .
Initial Set Up 223 7 N N N N Press [ Ex it ] . O O O O Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to tu rn this function on or off. P P P P Press [ OK ] . Q Q Q Q Press [ Pr evMenu ] twice. R R R R Press [ Exit ] to return to the stand- by mode. Deleting Specified Senders You can delete registered Specified Senders as necessary.
Key Operator Settings 224 7 ❒ Th e mes sa ges f rom the S pec ifi ed Senders that you registered or messages from the senders other than those you register ed are for- warded to the specified addr esses.
Initial Set Up 225 7 Note ❒ Turn the Forwarding Mark fea- ture on or of f wit h User Param - eters. See p.178 “ Us er Parameters ” . Setting up Forwarding A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools } } } } key. B B B B Enter the code f or "Key Op.
Key Operator Settings 226 7 H H H H Enter the fax number of the For- warding Address with the num- ber ke ys. Note ❒ If you enter the number incor- rectly, press the { { { { Clear } } } } key or { { { { Stop } } } } key and try again.
Initial Set Up 227 7 O O O O Choose whether to store this item as a wildcard. Reference p.98 “ Entering Characters ” , <Bas ic Feat ures> P P P P Press [ OK ] . Q Q Q Q Press [ Pr evMenu ] . Note ❒ To register another Specifie d Sen de r, rep e at th e proc ed ure from step K .
Key Operator Settings 228 7 X X X X Press [ Exit ] to return to the stand- by mode. Deleting Forwa rding Addresse s A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools } } } } key. B B B B Enter the code f or "Key Op. Tools" with the nu mber keys th en press the { { { { q q q q } } } } key.
Initial Set Up 229 7 J J J J Press [ Pr evMenu ] . K K K K Press [ Pr evMenu ] . L L L L Press [ OK ] . Note ❒ Se lec t "O f f" i f yo u wi sh to inv al - idate a setting. If there is no reg- istered Forwarding Address, the setting automatic ally chang- es to "Off.
Key Operator Settings 230 7 F F F F Enter the code for "Prog. Receiv- er" with the number k eys. G G G G Enter the item number of the For- war din g Ad dres s wh ose S peci - fied Sender you wish to de lete with the number k eys.
Initial Set Up 231 7 N N N N Press [ Ex it ] . O O O O Press [ OK ] . When N o Spec ified Sen der Ha s Been R egis tered A Press [ OK ] . P P P P Press [ Pr evMenu ] twice. Q Q Q Q Press [ OK ] . Note ❒ Select "Off" if you wis h to inval- id ate t he se ttin g.
Key Operator Settings 232 7 D D D D Enter the code for "Forwarding " with the number k eys. E E E E Press [ Receiver ] . F F F F Enter the code for "Prog. Receiv- er" with the number k eys. G G G G Enter the item number of the For- warding Add ress you wish to print out with the number keys.
Initial Set Up 233 7 Memory Lock You can have messages from Speci- fie d Se nd ers stor ed in m emo ry with - out printing by using the Memory Lock fu nctio n. A passw ord is re- quired when printing the Memo ry- locked messages in order to kee p them confidential and private.
Key Operator Settings 234 7 Setting up Memory Lock A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools } } } } key. B B B B Enter the code f or "Key Op. Tools" with the nu mber keys th en press the { { { { q q q q } } } } key. The "Key Op. Too ls" main menu appears.
Initial Set Up 235 7 H H H H Press [ Sender ] . I I I I Enter the se nder nam e or sende r number o f the o ther party 's fax machine you wish to register as a Specif ied Se nder. Note ❒ You can use lett ers, symbol s, numbers, or spaces when enter- ing the sender name or sender number.
Key Operator Settings 236 7 Note ❒ You c an choose to on ly lock messages from Specifie d Send- ers, or lock all messages excep t those from Specified Senders. Adjust th is setting with User Parameters. See p.178 “ User Pa- rameters ” (switch 09 bits 1, 0).
Initial Set Up 237 7 ❒ You can use up to 20 char acters when regi ster ing one ite m of Spec- ified Send ers fo r the G3 comm uni- cation , and 24 characte rs for the G4 communication. You can also spec- ify wi ldcar ds. See p.98 “ Entering Characters ” , <Basic Fe ature s> .
Key Operator Settings 238 7 G G G G Enter the 2-digit code of the Spec- ified Se nder yo u wish to register with the number k eys. Note ❒ If you enter the first digit of the code incorrectl y, press the { { { { Clear } } } } key to clear it and enter the correct code.
Initial Set Up 239 7 N N N N Press [ Ex it ] . O O O O Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to tu rn this function on or off. Note ❒ You can choo se to s ave only messages from Specifie d Send- ers , or sav e al l mess age s ex cept those from Specified Senders.
Key Operator Settings 240 7 B B B B Enter the code f or "Key Op. Tools" with the nu mber keys th en press the { { { { q q q q } } } } key. The "Key Op. Too ls" main menu appears. C C C C Enter the code for "Initial Set Up" with the number k eys.
Initial Set Up 241 7 Note ❒ To delete another Specified Sender , repeat the pro cedure from step G . K K K K Press [ Ex it ] . L L L L Press [ OK ] . Note ❒ Enter "1" if you wish t o invali- date the settin g. M M M M Press [ Pr evMenu ] twice.
Key Operator Settings 242 7 B B B B Enter the code f or "Key Op. Tools" with the nu mber keys th en press the { { { { q q q q } } } } key. The "Key Op. Too ls" main menu appears. C C C C Enter the code for "Initial Set Up" with the number k eys.
Initial Set Up 243 7 Backup File Tr ansmission Setting s By registering a destination for ad- ministr ative us e, you can au tomati- cally have backups made of all sent faxes. You can regis t er the fo llowing items: • Admini strator' s Address (2 desti- nations can be registered).
Key Operator Settings 244 7 E E E E Press 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 key to tu rn this function on or off. F F F F Press [ Receiv.1 ] or [ R eceiv.2 ] . G G G G Enter the fax number of the back- up destination (Administrator Addre ss).
Box Settings 245 7 Box Settings See the following pages for how t o set up and delete Person al Boxes, Infor- matio n Bo xes an d Tra nsfe r Boxe s. This feature provides the following functions: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Registering/Editing Personal Boxes Registe ring or editing Personal Boxe s See p.
Key Operator Settings 246 7 Personal Boxe s This feature l ets you set up the ma- chine so that incoming messages ad- dressed to c ertain users are stored in memory instead of being printed out immediately. Each user must be as- signed a SUB Code (User Code) that has been designate d as a Personal Box beforeh and.
Box Settings 247 7 Register ing/Edit ing Pers onal Boxes This se ction desc ribes how to regi ster Personal Box es. You can store the foll owing items: • SUB Cod e (req uire d) Up to 20 characters long and can be composed of digits 0-9, " q ", " p " and spaces (the first char acter can- not be a space ).
Key Operator Settings 248 7 B B B B Enter the code f or "Key Op. Tools" wit h the number keys. Then press t he { { { { q q q q } } } } key. The "Key Op. Too ls" main menu appears. C C C C Enter the code for "Box Settings" with the number k eys.
Box Settings 249 7 B Enter the p assword you wish to regi ste r. Note ❒ If you incorrectly enter the password, pr ess the { { { { Clear } } } } key or the { { { { Stop } } } } key, then try again. C Press [ OK ] . Register ing a Receiver A Enter the c ode for "P rogram Receiver" with the n umber keys.
Key Operator Settings 250 7 Deleting Personal Boxes This sec tion d esc ribe s how to del ete Personal Box es. Limita tion ❒ If the specified SUB Code is not registered as a Pe rsonal Box, or the messages of the box are registered, you cann ot delet e it.
Box Settings 251 7 I I I I Press [ Pr evMenu ] three times. J J J J Press [ Exit ] to return to the stand- by mode. Inform ation Bo xes Use the Informatio n Box fea ture to set up the mach ine as a fax information service or document server.
Key Operator Settings 252 7 A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools } } } } key. B B B B Enter the code f or "Key Op. Tools" wit h the number keys. Then press t he { { { { q q q q } } } } key. The "Key Op. Too ls" main menu appears. C C C C Enter the code for "Box Settings" with the number k eys.
Box Settings 253 7 J J J J Press [ Password ] . Note ❒ I f y o u d o n o t w i s h t o r e g i s t e r a password, proceed to st ep M . K K K K Enter the passw ord you wish to regi ste r. Note ❒ If you enter the password incor- rectly, press the { { { { Clear } } } } key or the { { { { Stop } } } } key, then try again.
Key Operator Settings 254 7 E E E E Enter the SEP Cod e of the Inf or- mation box you w ish to delete. Note ❒ If you enter the code incorrectly, press the { { { { Clear } } } } key or t he { { { { Stop } } } } key, then try again. F F F F Press [ OK ] .
Box Settings 255 7 Register ing/Edit ing Tran sfer Boxes Th is sec tio n de scri be s how to set u p a Transfer Box for for warding incom - ing SUB transfer request messages onto end receiver s.
Key Operator Settings 256 7 C C C C Enter the code for "Box Settings" with the number k eys. D D D D Enter the code for "Prog. Trans f. Box" with the number keys. Note ❒ If "Pr og. Tr ansf. Bo x" is n o t di s- played, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Box Settings 257 7 B Enter the p assword you wish to regi ste r. Note ❒ If you enter the p assword in- correctly, pr ess the { { { { Clear } } } } key or the { { { { Stop } } } } key and try aga in. C Press [ OK ] . Regis teri ng End Re ceivers A Enter the c ode for "Prog.
Key Operator Settings 258 7 Deleting Transfe r Boxes This sec tion d esc ribe s how to del ete Transfer Boxes . Limita tion ❒ If the specified SUB Code is not registered as a Transfer Box, or the messages of the box are registered you cann ot delet e it.
Box Settings 259 7 Prin ting the B ox List Follow the procedure below to print a list show ing the c urren tly register ed Personal Boxes, Information Boxes and Transfer Boxes. A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools } } } } key. B B B B Enter the code f or "Key Op.
Key Operator Settings 260 7.
261 8. Solving Operation Problems Clearing a Paper Jam in the Optional Paper Supply Units Clearing a Paper Jam in the Optional Paper Tray Unit The Fu si ng Unit a nd it s sur roun din g areas may be very hot. Do not touch areas other than those indicated i n this man u al when c learin g a paper jam.
Solving Operation Problems 262 8 E E E E Remove any jammed paper slow - ly. F F F F Push in the optional Paper Tray Unit until it clicks into place. Clearing a Paper Jam in the Optional Bypass Tr ay Unit Important ❒ Do no t attempt to pu ll out the jammed pa per with excessive force.
Clearing a Paper Jam in the Optional Paper Supply Units 263 8 E E E E Hold the Bypass Tray Unit at both ends, and reattach it to the ma- chine. Note ❒ Make sur e th at t he uni t is prop - erly atta ched to the machine. I t should not be tilted, nor should there be an y gap betwee n the unit and ma chine.
Solving Operation Problems 264 8 Reading Reports Erro r Repo rt The error report is printed after eac h unsuccessfu l communication (bot h trans mis sion a nd r ecept ion). The communication failur e may normally be caused either by your machine , or the fax machine on the other end.
Error Codes 265 8 Error Code s Fax machines use a telephone li ne. The same types of problems you experience while making phone calls (such as noisy lines, crosstalk, disconnect ion during conversatio n, and weak sig nals) also o ccur with faxing.
Solving Operation Problems 266 8 0-80~88 Poor line condition Incompatible or faulty terminal a t the other end 1-00 Document jam Impr operly inserted docum ent 1-01 Document length exceeded t he maximum limit S ame as for code 1-00 2-xx Possib le fault in your machine 3-xx There is a problem with the I S DN network.
267 9. Maintaining Your Machine Loading Paper into the Op tional Paper Tray Unit The follow ing proce dure desc ribes how to load paper in the optional Pa- per Tray Unit. A A A A Pull out the optional Paper Tray Unit. B B B B Adjust the si ze mark to the size of the paper that you are loading.
Maintaining Your Machine 268 9 Loading Paper into the Op tional Bypass Tray Unit Note ❒ You can load paper in the opt ional Bypass Tray Unit up to approxi- mately 100 sheets (8 1 / 2 " × 11 " or smaller size), 10 she et (larger than 8 1 / 2 " × 11" s ize) or 4 0 postcards ( L onl y).
Changing the Paper Size 269 9 Changing the Paper Size This sec tion de scri bes h ow to c hange the paper s ize in th e main pap er tray, optional Paper T ray Unit and option - al Bypass Tra y Unit to a desire d paper size. Do not us e paper with staples or con- ductive p aper such as aluminum foil or pa per tha t cont ains carbon .
Maintaining Your Machine 270 9 Important ❒ Make sure that the size of paper loaded in the unit matc hes the size indi cated by the si ze mark. If not, the size of the loaded pa- per is not recognized and print- ed images may be inco mplete or pape r ja ms may occ ur.
Changing the Paper Size 271 9 Important ❒ Make sure that the end plate is proper ly inse rted s o that the tabs at the lower end o f the plate are securely fastened to the bot- tom plate of the tray. H H H H Fan a stack of paper and even the edges, then load it in the main pa- per tray w ith the printable surf ace faci ng dow n.
Maintaining Your Machine 272 9 C C C C Adjust the si ze mark to the size of the paper that you are loading. Important ❒ Make sure that the size of paper loaded in the unit matc hes the size indi cated by the si ze mark. If not, the size of the loaded pa- per is not recognized and print- ed images may be inco mplete or pape r ja ms may occ ur.
Changing the Paper Size 273 9 G G G G Insert the end p late into the slot for the desired pap er size. Important ❒ Make sure that the end plate is proper ly inse rted s o that the tabs at the lower end o f the plate are securely fastened to the bot- tom plate of the unit.
Maintaining Your Machine 274 9 C C C C Adjust the paper size mark to the size of the paper that you are loading. Note ❒ T o l o a d c u s t o m s i z e p a p e r , s e t the pa per s ize to th e " p " ma rk. ❒ You can use custom size paper only for making copies or PC Pri nting (opt io n).
Cleaning 275 9 Cleaning You may not have satisfactory copy- ing or printing re sults if the pa rts of the machine are not clean. Clean your machine regu larly so that you may al- ways use it in the best condition. The parts that needs to be cleaned regularly are lis ted below.
Maintaining Your Machine 276 9 D D D D Replace the feed unit to it s origi- nal po sitio n by fir st pushi ng the far end, and then pu shing the near end into their plac es. E E E E Clos e the AD F co ver, mak ing s ure that it clicks firmly into place.
Cleaning 277 9 Cleaning the Copy Pap er Transport Mechan ism Main Paper Tray A A A A Open the side cover of the main paper t ray. Note ❒ You cannot open the paper tray side c ove r wh en th e o ption al Bypass Tray Unit is ins talled. Remov e the opt ional Bypas s Tray Unit first, and then open the paper tra y side cover.
Maintaining Your Machine 278 9 Optional Bypass Tra y Unit A A A A Shift the paper sto p lever toward the machine. B B B B Remove any rem aining paper. C C C C Hold both ends of th e Bypass Tra y Unit fi rmly , and l ift it up slightly to remove it. D D D D Wipe the entire surface of the roll- er while rotating it.
Cleaning 279 9 F F F F Even the edges of a stack of paper and load it into the unit with the prin table surfac e facin g down . G G G G Shift the paper stop lever back to its original position. Cleaning the Regi strati on Roller Some parts of the machine may be very hot.
Maintaining Your Machine 280 9 Replacing the Stamp Cartridge When the stamp mark begins to fade, it is time to replace the stamp car- tridge. Note ❒ Only use stamp cartridg es de- signed specifica lly for this ma- chine. ❒ One stam p cart rid ge ca n st amp ap- proximately 3,000 times.
281 10. Appendix Installation, Move and Disposal of the Machine This section pr ovides you with information about installation, move and dispos- al of this machine. Important ❒ Installation of this machine must be performed by an authorized d ealer or service representative.
Appendix 282 10 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Use this mac hine in an environment tha t satisfies the conditions de scribed in the di- agram below. Note ❒ When the machin e is subjec t to a sudden and drastic c hange in tempera- ture or humidity, conde nsation in the machin e may affect the printing quality of th e copied ima ges or rece ived messag es.
Installation, Move and Disposal of the Machine 283 10 Location Al low en oug h s pac e ar o und th e ma chi ne fo r sm oot h f ax o r co py op era ti on, and servicing by a service rep resentative. • Front: 70cm (2.3ft.) • Back: 0cm (0.0 in.) • Left side: 0cm (0.
Appendix 284 10 Connectin g the Power and Switc hing On R WARNING: R CAUTION: A A A A Plug in the cable t o the outlet. B B B B Turn the power switch on . Important ❒ Voltage must not fluctuate more than 10%. ❒ The sup ply from the outlet m ust no t fluctuate more th an 12V above or be- low 120V.
Installation, Move and Disposal of the Machine 285 10 Moving the Machine R CAUTION: • If you are moving th e machine to a distant locatio n such as anoth er floor or building, contact yo ur service representative. Note t hat the moving s ervice is a paid service.
Appendix 286 10 Connecting to a Telephone Line Connectin g the Machine to the Telephone Li ne R CAUTION: R ATTENTION: To connect th e machine to a tele- phone line , use a snap-in modu lar type connector. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Connector Location 1. LINE1: Telephone line c onnec- tion 2.
Connecting to a Telephone Line 287 10 Connectin g to an Additional G3 Line You can connect the machine to two G3 lines by installi ng the optional Ex- tra G3 Interface Unit . Connec t the ad- ditional G3 line to the "LINE2" socket. Important ❒ Contact your service representa- tive when connecting to the addi- tional G3 line.
Appendix 288 10 Connectin g the Opt ional Handset Instal ling th e Opti onal Hands et A A A A Fix the handset holder to the man- ual pocket using an item such as a small coin. Important ❒ Do not screw in scr ews too tightly. Doi ng so may damage the hands et holder or manual pocket.
Supplies 289 10 Supplies ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Toner Cartridge One toner cartridge can print approx imately 10,000 sheets (ITU-T #1 Chart). ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Maintenance Units The ADF maintenanc e kit should be replaced after feed ing approximately 30,000 sheets of originals.
Appendix 290 10 Options 40MB Memory Card Following features are enhan ced when you install t he Optional 40MB Memory Card: • Increasing the number of docu ments that you can sto re in the machine&ap.
Options 291 10 Function Upg rade Unit Optional Function Upgrade Unit enables you to use the TX/RX File Save func- tion. (It is necessar y to insta ll the Opti onal 40MB Memo ry Card at the same time.) The unit als o expands the fu nctions listed below.
Appendix 292 10 Extra G3 Inte rface Unit The optional Ext ra G3 Interface Unit enables you to con nect the machine to an- other G3 line in addition to the standard connection to a G3 line. ISDN Un it You can connect to ISDN and use the functions listed below by installing the op- tional ISDN U nit.
Options 293 10 Note ❒ Type2 is equipp ed with the NIC FAX Unit in standar d. Reference See NIC FAX Unit manual for detailed information. Printer In terfa ce Unit The Printer In terface enables you to conn ect the machine to a personal computer and use it as a printer.
Appendix 294 10 Specifications ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Power supply: 120V, 60Hz ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Power consumption *1 : *1 When no Option i s installe d. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Noise Emissio n Sound Po wer Level Sound Pr essure Level *1 The above measurements made i n accordance w ith ISO 7779 are actu al val- ues.
Specifications 295 10 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Transmission time: G3: Less than 3 se conds at 33,600 bps (JBIG coding) G4: Less than 2 second s at 64 kbps (MMR coding) Note ❒ The values above are m easured when sending an A4 si ze original with standard resolution (G3: 8 × 3.
Appendix 296 10 Copying • Standard: 200 × 100d pi • Detail: 200 × 200dpi • Super Fine: 400 × 400dp i • Extra Super Fine: 600 × 600dpi (Op tional 40MB Memory Card required) Reference Chapte.
Specifications 297 10 Paper Size and Scanned Area The part shaded will not be scanned, becau se it is outside the maximum scan- ning widt h range. Note ❒ Images at the edges of the original document (top 5mm (0.2 in.), bottom 4mm (0.2 in.), left 4 m m (0.
Appendix 298 10 Paper It is recommende d that you use your supplier's paper for the best printing re- sults. • You can use paper of equ ivalent thic kness to yo ur supplier 's paper . Recommended Paper Sizes and Types The recommen ded sizes, types and she ets of paper t hat you c an loa d in the ma- chine are described bel o w.
Specifications 299 10 Note ❒ You can load only custom sized pape r to the optional Bypass T ray Unit when making copi es or usin g the PC Pri nting function (opt ion). ❒ Load OHP transparencies to the optional Bypass Tray Unit one sheet at a time, and remove it from the paper tray immediately after the copying is com- plete.
Appendix 300 10 Energy Saving Introduction When your fax machine prints fax messages, it uses heat to fix th e image on pa- per. This heat is generated using a heatin g roller which must be hot enough to fuse toner to the paper properly.
Specifications 301 10 Note ❒ You can still send fax messages stored in memory while the machine is in En- ergy Saver Mode. ❒ Even in Energy Saving Standby mode, indicat ors that blink or light during communication or reception still work.
Appendix 302 10 Exiting Ener g y Saver M ode Your machine exits Energy Saver Mode when a fax is received. To exit Energy Saver Mode manuall y: • In Energy Saving Standby mode, pres s the { { { { Clear Modes/Ene rgy Saver } } } } key. • In Fax Standby mode, press any key.
Maximum Values 303 10 Maximum Values The following table desc ribes the maximum value for each item. *1 When the Opti onal 40MB Memory Card i s installed *2 When the Optional 40MB Memory Card and opti.
304 INDEX A Acce ssin g the Key Operato r To ols , 171 Adjusti ng the Disp lay Contras t , 151 Adjusti ng the Printing Density , 124 Authorized Rec eption , 217 Authoriz ed Reception, Setup , 21 8 Aut.
305 F Fax He ader , 32 Fax Mode (Aut o Receive Mode) , 113 Fax On Demand , 160 F a x O n D e m a n d R e c o r d e d M e s s a g e s , 166 Fax Re set T imer , 152 File Re serve Repo rt (Memory Transmi.
306 P PABX , 91 Page Separation and Length Reducti on , 123 Pap er , 267 , 268 Paper Specification s , 298 Parallel Me mory Trans mission , 105 Pers ona l Box es , 24 6 Polling ID , 199 Polling Recept.
307 S Scanner Cleani ng Messa ge , 101 Scanning a rea , 297 Searching Memor y for Received Faxes , 62 Searchin g Memory for Sent Fa xes , 59 Secured ID Override Polling Transmissi on , 22 Secured Poll.
308 UE USA H3 10 MEMO.
An important point after buying a device Savin F9199nf (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Savin F9199nf yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Savin F9199nf - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Savin F9199nf you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Savin F9199nf will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Savin F9199nf, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Savin F9199nf.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Savin F9199nf. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Savin F9199nf along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center