Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product C4535 Savin
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FAX Option Type 400 0 Operatin g Inst ruction s Facsimile Referen ce (option) <Advanced Features> ZCHH010 N.eps Read this man ual careful ly before you use thi s product and keep i t handy for future reference. For safety, please follow the instructions in this manual.
FAX Option Type 4000 Operatin g Instructions Printed in Japan UE USA B383-86 57A.
Available Options • Expansion Memory (FAX Feature Expan der Type 450) • Optional Hard Disk (FAX Feature Expander Ty pe 4000) • 400 dpi O ption (FA X 400dpi Opti on Type 450 ) • ISDN Un it (ISD.
i NOTICE R CAUT ION: Use of co ntrol s, adjust ment s or perfo rmance of proced ures ot her than those specified herein may resul t in hazardous radiation exposure. Shie lde d inte rco nnec t cab les must b e empl oye d wit h thi s equi pmen t t o ensu re complianc e with the p ertinent RF em ission limits g overning this d evice.
ii - - - - ENERGY SAVING INFORMATION As a n Energy Star Partne r, we ha ve de termined that th is fax m odel m eets Ener - gy Star g uidelines for ener gy efficiency. T his product was designed to reduce the environmental impac t associated with fax equip ment.
iii Important S afty Inst ructions Caution When usi ng your telephon e equipmen t, basic safety prec autions shou ld always b e f o l l o w e d t o r e d u c e t h e r i s k o f f i r e , e l e c t r .
iv FUNCT ION MA P 08 09 10 11 01 02 03 06 05 07 04 [ Mode ] ND0x01 e7.eps.
v Select the file 1 Delete Print Check 3 4 7 8 5 1 2 3 6 2 [ Info. ] eps.
vi TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Transm ission Fe atures Handy Di aling Functio ns ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ....... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... . 1 Chain Dial....... ...... ....... ..... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... .
vii Printi ng F unctio ns ..... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 23 Print Completio n Beep ..... .... ....... ....... ....... ....... .... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .... 23 Checkered M ark .
viii Printi ng a Lis t of Files in Memory (Print TX File Lis t) ..... ...... ...... ...... ... 64 Checking the Transmission R esult (TX File Status) ............................ 65 Checking the Reception R esult (RX File Status) ......................
ix Date/Ti me ....... .... ....... ....... ....... ....... .... ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... ..... ....... ....... .. 136 Summer T ime....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ...... ....... ....... ..... ....... ...... ....... ....... ..... .. 137 Counter s .
1 1. Transmission Features Handy Dialing Functions Chain Dial This allows you to compose a tel e- phone number from various parts, some of which may be store d in Quick Dials or Speed Dials and some of which may be input using the number keys.
Transmissi on Feat ures 2 1 C Pre ss [ Tel.D ir. ] . D Enter the search letter by p ressing one of th e Quick D ial keys (A to Z). The nam es or fax numbers regis- tered in Speed Dials are shown in num erical order on the dis play. E Enter the two d igit code (00 to 99) of speed dial for the desti nation with nu mber keys .
Handy Dialing Fu nctions 3 1 Lim ita tion ❒ The following kind s of destina- tions are n ot mem orized: • Qui ck Dia ls • Speed Dials • Group Dials • Dest inat ions dia led by a Pro - gram .
Transmissi on Feat ures 4 1 D Press the User Function key ( { { { { F1 } } } } - { { { { F5 } } } } ) in which t he Subad- dre ss fun cti on has b een re gis- tered. “ / ” will appear on the display. E Enter the destination s ubaddress with the numb er keys.
On-hook Dia l 5 1 On-hoo k Dial This is just like using the external te l- ephone , excep t you do not h ave to pick up the exte rnal telephone before diali ng. Just pr ess the { On Hook Dial } key and dial the number . If you hear a voice, you ca n pick up the external telephon e and sp eak with the other party.
Transmissi on Feat ures 6 1 Manual Dial The externa l telephone is r equired. Pick up the handset of the external telephone and dial. When the lin e is connected and you hear a high- pitched to ne, press the { St art } key to send your fax message.
Changing t he Line Type 7 1 Changing the Line Type The optiona l ISDN Uni t is required. When the optional ISDN Unit is in- stalled, you can connect to up to a maxi mum of 2 line s. This mach ine comes wit h a single An- alog (PSTN) line co nnection for G3 communicat ion as st andard.
Transmissi on Feat ures 8 1 Transmiss ion Features Sta mp ARDF a nd Stamp Uni t are requ ired. When sending a fax mess age using the Docu ment Feeder (ADF), the m a- chine can st amp a cir cle ma rk at th e top of the ori ginal. When sending a double sided document, t hey are marked at top left o f the front pag e and top right of the rea r page.
Transmiss ion Features 9 1 F Code ( SUB) Normally you can o nly use Confiden- tial Transmis sion to send to fax ma- chines of the same make that have the Con fide ntial R ecep tion featu re.
Transmissi on Feat ures 10 1 F Code ( PWD) Ther e are tim es when you ma y wish to use a password when sending con- fidential faxes w ith the F Code “ SEP “ feature. Limitatio n ❒ You can enter a pass word up to 20 digits long. Note ❒ Messages you send using this fea- ture a re marked “ PW D ” on all re- ports.
More Tran smission Fu nctions 11 1 More Transmission Functions Auto Fax Reception Power-u p This machin e can be set to shut dow n auto matically if nobod y has u sed the it for a while. In these si tuations, even though the operation switch is off, the machine can still receive incoming messages as long as the Main Powe r switch i s on.
Transmissi on Feat ures 12 1 Printed Report Memory Storage Report Thi s repor t is pr inted a fter a n orig inal is stored in me mory. It he lps you r e- view the contents and th e destina- tions of stored o riginal s. Even if the machi ne is set u p not to pr int this r e- port, it is still printed if an or iginal could no t be st ored.
Printed Report 13 1 Transmissi on Result Report (Immediat e Transmission) If you turn this repor t on, a repo rt will be pri nted after every Imme diate Transmission so you have a record of whet her the transmis sion wa s suc- cessful or not.
Transmissi on Feat ures 14 1.
15 2. Reception Features Recepti on Imme diate Recepti on Each pa ge of a re ceived fax messa ge is prin ted as soon as it is re ceiv ed. Thi s method is used for standard fax mes- sages. - - - - Displa y Duri ng Recept ion The send er's RTI or CSI a ppears on the fir st lin e.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 16 2 This method is u sed wi th the follow - ing features: • Combine 2 or iginals ⇒ P.26 “ Co m- bine 2 Origin als ” • Mul ti-cop y whe n set to mult iple copies ⇒ P.25 “ Multi-copy Re cep- tion ” • Reverse Order Printi ng ⇒ P.
Recepti on 17 2 Screen ing Out Messages from Anonymous Senders To help you scre en out unwanted messages that may fill up machine memory, the machine can be pro- gramme d to only use S ubstitute Re- cept ion un der the f ollo wing con dit ions .
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 18 2 When the Recei ve File Indica tor is Lit If th e Receive File i ndicator is blinking, a message has been received and sto red in memo ry wi th Memo ry Loc k.
Reception Fu nctions 19 2 Reception Functions Transfer Station Transfer Stations allow you to expand the standard featur es of your fax ma- chine to set up complex networ ks. T r a n s f e r S t a t i o n s m u s t b e m a c h i n e s o f the s ame ma ke.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 20 2 - - - - Sendin g the Tr ansfer Result Report This machine comp ares the fax number of the Requesting Party with the R equesti ng Party's nu mber pro- grammed in a Quick Dial or Speed Dial , If the lo wer fiv e digits of the two numbers match, it send s the Transfer Result Report to the Requesting Par- ty.
Reception Fu nctions 21 2 Note ❒ The ID can be up to 20 digits long and consist of digits. ❒ Mak e sure th e ID ma tche s the specifica tion of the fax y ou are sending to. ❒ You can store IDs in Quic k Dials, Speed Dials, Groups and Pro- grams with number keys, space, # and *.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 22 2 ID Override Polling Reception A Press t he < < < < or > > > > key to change the Override ID and press [ OK ] . B Enter a polling ID (4 cha rac- ters) with t he number keys and Quick Dial keys . The ID can cont ain di gits 0 – 9 and letters A-F (0000 and FFF F are not available).
Printi ng Functions 23 2 Printing Functions Print Completi on Beep By defa ult, the mach ine beeps to let you know when a r eceived message has been printed. Note ❒ You can a lter the volume of the beep or turn it off completely (set the v olu me to the mini mum l evel) .
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 24 2 Note ❒ The date and time w hen th e mes- sage was printed can also be re- corded on t he message. If you need this feat ure, please contact your service represen tative. 2-Sided Printing You can have a received message printe d on bot h sides of the pape r.
Printi ng Functions 25 2 180 Degree Rotat ion Printing When printing on both sides of the pape r, t his mac hine rotat es i mages as shown in the dia gram. Multi-copy Receptio n Option al Expa nsion Mem ory is req uired for using thi s feature. If yo u sw itch thi s fe atur e on, m ultip le copies of each incomi ng fax message will be prin ted.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 26 2 Combine 2 Originals When two messages of the same size and direction are received cons ecu- tively, they are pri nted on a singl e sheet when you turn thi s featur e on. This can help you economize on pa- per. • Two A5 K messages are printed side by side on a sheet of A4 L .
Printi ng Functions 27 2 Note ❒ Your service represent ative can customiz e this feature with the fol - lowing settings. Bracketed values are defaults.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 28 2 TSI P rint Usually the sender's TTI is printed on receiv ed message s. If th e sender ha s not progr ammed their TTI, you will not be able to identify th em. However, if you turn this feature on, the sender's RTI or CSI is printed instead so you can find out where the mess age came from.
Printi ng Functions 29 2 When There is No Paper of the Correct Size If there is no paper in your machine that matches the size of a received message, the machine wi ll choose a pa per size based upo n the pape r you have availabl e.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 30 2 • KK and LL indicate t hat the me ssage is split over two p ages of pa per with the orientation and size shown. Limitatio n ❒ Paper place d in the bypass tra y is not usuall y selected for printing a rece ived message.
Printi ng Functions 31 2 Out of paper display message If the pape r tray runs out of paper, yo u can have a mess age appear on the dis- play asking you to add more paper. Note ❒ By d efault, thi s messag e is tur ned off. You can turn it on with the User Param- eters.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 32 2.
33 3. Advanced Transmission Features Overv iew This feature describes va rious options that you can choose when sending a fax message. The selections you make will only apply to the current fax message.
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 34 3 Sending at a Speci fic Time (Send Later) Using this feature , you can instruct the m achin e to delay t ransm issi on of your fax message until a la ter time which you speci fy. This allows you to take advantage of off-peak telephon e charges without having to be by th e machi ne at the time.
Sending at a Specific Time (Send Lat er) 35 3 E Pre ss [ OK ] . The Transmission Mode menu is shown on the d isplay. A check mark is adde d to “ Send Later ” . F Pre ss [ Exit ] . The init ial displ ay is shown. Note ❒ “ Send La ter ” is shown on the display.
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 36 3 Confidentia l Transmis sion If you do not w ant your message to be picked up casually at the other end, use this feature. The message w ill be stored in me mory at the oth er end and will n ot be print ed unti l an ID is ent ered .
Confidenti al Transmis sion 37 3 Default ID A Press th e < < < < or > > > > key to turn Default ID on and press [ OK ] . The Transmission Mode menu is shown again. A check m ark is added t o “ Confidentia l TX ” . Note ❒ To cancel the Confidential Transmission, press [ Cancel ] .
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 38 3 Personal Code Transmission Personal Codes a llow you to keep track of machi ne usage (for example, for billin g purposes). If e verybody uses a Pe rsonal Code when the y use the fax machine, th e codes or the names programme d for the codes wi ll be printed in t he TCR and ot her re- ports.
Sending a n Auto Do cument 39 3 Sending an Auto Document If you often have to send a particular page to peop le (f or exam ple a map, a standard attach ment or a set of in- structions), store it as an Auto Docu- ment assigned to a Quick Dial key.
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 40 3 E If you are sending just the Auto Docu ment, pre ss [ # # # # ] . If you wish to send it along with another orig- inal, pr ess [ OK ] . The Transmission Mode menu is redispl ayed. A check mark is add- ed to “ Auto Docu ment ” .
2-Sided Tr ansmission (Dou ble-Side d Transmission ) 41 3 2-Sided Transmiss ion (Double-Sided Transmiss ion) Use this feat ure to send 2-sided or igi- nals from the Document Feed er (AR- DF).
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 42 3 F Pre ss [ Exit ] . The init ial displ ay is shown. Note ❒ “ 2-Sided TX ” is s hown on the display. If you set up another advanced transmission function (except Polling Rec eption), “ Others ” is displayed.
Book Fax 43 3 Book Fax Use to send bo ok originals from the exposure glass. Pages a re scanned in the or der sho wn below . Note that depending on the paper siz- es available on the destination m a- chine, th e message may be re duced when printed at the other end.
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 44 3 F Pre ss [ OK ] . The Transmission Mode menu is shown. A check mark is added to “ Book Fax ” . G Pre ss [ Exit ] .
Choosing t he Area to be Scanned Yourself (Ir regular Sca n Area) 45 3 Choosing t he Area to be Scanne d Yourself (Irregular Scan Area) Usually the machine automatical ly detects the si ze of an ori ginal when it is scan ned. Howeve r, you may w ish to ove rride this a nd cho ose th e are a to be scanned yo urself.
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 46 3 F Pre ss [ Exit ] . The init ial displ ay is shown. Note ❒ “ Irreg.Area ” is shown on the display. If you set up another advanced transmission function (except Polling Rec eption), “ Others ” is displayed.
Poll ing Tran smissio n 47 3 Polling Transm issio n Use Polling Trans mission when yo u want to leave an ori ginal in the ma- chine' s memory for others t o pick up . The message will be sent whe n the other party calls you up. There are t hree types of Pollin g Transmis sion.
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 48 3 C Enter the “ Polli ng TX ” function number with the number k eys. Note ❒ If the a ppropri ate displ ay i s not shown, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Poll ing Tran smissio n 49 3 B Enter the 4 character P olling ID with letter keys/ number keys. Note ❒ If you make a mistake, pr ess the { Clear/Stop } key and try agai n. 0000 and FFFF is not available. C Press [ S S S S File ] and specif y whet h- er to save the stored original.
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 50 3 Polling Recept ion Use this func tion if you want to poll a message from anot her terminal . You can also poll documents from many term inals w ith only one oper ation (use Groups and K eystr oke P rogr ams to fully exploit thi s feature).
Polling Re ception 51 3 C Dependi ng which me thod you are using, ch oose one of the fol- lowing p rocedures : Default ID Polling Reception A Press th e < < < < or > > > > key to select the Default ID. ID Override Polling Reception A Press th e < < < < or > > > > key to select the Override ID.
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 52 3 Transfe r Re quest Transfer Requ est allows fax machines that have this feature to au tomaticall y distri bute inco ming me ssages onto mu ltiple fax de stin ation s.
Transfer Request 53 3 C Enter the “ Transfer Requ est ” fun c- tion number wi th the number key s. Note ❒ If the a ppropri ate displ ay i s not shown, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev. ] or [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] . D Enter a T ransfer Stati ons and pre ss [ Recv.
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 54 3 H Pre ss [ Exit ] . The f ollow ing displa y is s hown. Note ❒ The numbers o f Transfer Sta- tions and End Receivers are dis- play ed.
Transmissi on Options 55 3 Transmiss ion Option s This s ection descr ibes variou s fea- tures that you ca n switch on and o ff for any pa rticular t ransmission b y fol- lowing th e procedure at the end o f this section .
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 56 3 - - - - ID Transm ission If you turn th is featur e on, tra nsmi s- s i o n w i l l o n l y t a k e p l a c e i f t h e d e s t i n a - tion's Polling ID is the same as yours.
Transmissi on Options 57 3 H Pre ss th e < < < < or > > > > key to switch Auto Reduction on or off. Note ❒ The de fault set ting is on. ❒ To cancel the setting, press [ Can- cel ] . The Transmission Mode menu is shown. I If you want to set another option, pre ss [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Advanced Trans mission Featur es 58 3.
59 4. Communication Information Checki ng and Cancel ing Transm issio n Files Transmission files are originals that have been stored in mem ory and are awaiting tran smission. The fea tures that produce transmission files are Memory Tra nsmissio n, Confide ntial Trans mission, Tr ansfe r Reques t, Poll- ing Reception and Polling T ransmis- sion.
Communicati on Informat ion 60 4 D Pre ss [ Yes ] . The file is erased. E Pre ss [ Exit ] . Note ❒ To de lete an othe r fil e, repe at steps C and D .
Checkin g and Canc eling T ransmission Files 61 4 F Pre ss [ Exit ] twice. The init ial displ ay is shown. Checking and Editing a File Use this procedure to check or edit destination(s), check opti ons selected or alte r the transmiss ion time. A Pre ss [ Info.
Communicati on Informat ion 62 4 B Enter the transmission time (4 digits) with the number keys. Use 24-hour or 12-ho ur format depending on your area. For 12- hour format, press [ AM ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ PM ] to switch between AM and PM (North Americ a only).
Checkin g and Canc eling T ransmission Files 63 4 Changing a Destination You ca n delete o r add destinations. A Enter the “ Change Dest. ” number with the number keys. B Change the destinat ion. Note ❒ To cancel a destinati on, press the < or > key until the d es- tination you w ant to cancel is shown and press the { Clear/ Stop } key.
Communicati on Informat ion 64 4 Printing a Li st of Files in Memo ry (Print TX File List ) Print this list if you wish to find out which fi les are sto red in memory and what their file numb ers are. Knowing the file num ber can be useful (for ex- ample when er asing files).
Checking the Transmissi on Result (TX File Stat us) 65 4 Checking the Transmission Re sult (TX File Status) If you wish to fi nd out whethe r a file was sent su ccess fully, you d o not have to a lways pr int the TC R. With this func tion you ca n brow se t hrou gh the last 50 completed transmiss ions on the displ ay.
Communicati on Informat ion 66 4 Check ing the Recepti on Result (RX Fi le Status) This function lets you check up on the last 50 me ssages received wi thout having to print the TCR. You can browse through the received messag- es o n th e dis play . Limitatio n ❒ Onl y the last 5 0 com mun icat ions are displayed.
Print ing a Co nfidential Message 67 4 Printing a Confidential Message Option al Expansio n Memory is required for using this feat ure. This feature is des igned to pr eve nt messages being picked up casually by anyone w hen they are received .
Communicati on Informat ion 68 4 Note ❒ If n o Co nfid ent ial Mess age s have been rece ived, the mes- sage “ No reception file( s) ex- ists. ” is shown. Press [ Exit ] . ❒ If the Confidential IDs or Per- sona l Co nfide ntia l IDs do not match, the m essage “ No file(s) exist for th is Confiden tial ID.
Printi ng a File Received with Memory Lock 69 4 Printing a File Received wit h Memory Lock This is a securit y feature designed to preve nt un autho rized user s f rom reading your m essages. If Mem ory Lock is s witch ed on, all recei ved mes- sag es ar e st ore d in mem or y and are not auto matical ly printed.
Communicati on Informat ion 70 4 Note ❒ If no messages have been re- ceived, while Mem ory Lock is switched on, the message “ No reception file(s) exists. ” is shown. Press [ Ex it ] . ❒ If the Me mory Loc k ID does not match, the message “ Wrong Memor y Loc k ID.
Printi ng the TCR 71 4 Printing the TCR The TCR co ntains in format ion about the las t 50 communica tions made by your machine . It is printe d automa ti- cally after every 50 communications (receptions+transmissions). You can al so print a copy of t he TCR at any ti me by fo llowing t he proce- dure b elow.
Communicati on Informat ion 72 4 Displayi ng the Memory Status Use thi s function to displa y a summ a- ry of current memory usage. Items shown are t he percen tage of fre e memor y spa ce, t he nu mber of r e- ceived co nfidential messages, the numb er of files to b e sent, and t he number of received messages to be printe d.
73 5. Facsimile User Tools Accessi ng the User Tool s The User To ols allow you to program the machine wi th your identification, store frequently used numbers and settings, and customize the default settings to match your need s.
Facsimil e User Tools 74 5 B Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key. C Enter the number t hat matches the category you require. Note ❒ I f y o u s e l e c t K e y O p e r a t o r S e t - tings, yo u must enter the func- tion nu mber for “ Key Op.
Registe r/Delete Menu 75 5 Regis ter/D elete Menu Storing Keyst roke Programs If you regularly send messag es to a par ticula r dest inati on or tran smit u s- ing the same features, you can save a lot of repetiti ve keypad operations by storing this information in a K ey- stroke Program.
Facsimil e User Tools 76 5 D Enter the fun ction number for “ Store Progra m ” with th e number key s. Note ❒ If “ Delete Speed Dial ” is n ot shown, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev. ] or [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] . E Pre ss the Qu ick Di al key yo u want to register the program in.
Registe r/Delete Menu 77 5 H Pre ss [ OK ] . I Pre ss [ Nam e ] . Note ❒ You must register a name for the progra m. J Enter the program n ame. Note ❒ If a progr am name is already registered in the Quick Dial key, the name is shown on the dis- play.
Facsimil e User Tools 78 5 B Pre ss the Qu ick Di al key conta in- ing the Keystroke Program. In this examp le, the program name “ WEEKLY ” is shown on the dis- play. C Pre ss [ Exit ] then the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. The machine starts s canning the origin al.
Registe r/Delete Menu 79 5 E Press the Quic k Dial key contai n- ing the progr am you wish to delete. The co ntents o f the pr ogram are shown on the displa y. Note ❒ If you make a m istake, press [ No ] and try agai n. ❒ To view the cont ents of a key, press [ Sta tus ] .
Facsimil e User Tools 80 5 B Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key. C Enter the fun ction number for “ Register/De lete ” with the numb er key s. D Enter the fun ction number for "Reg. Auto Doc." with the number key s. Note ❒ If “ Reg.
Registe r/Delete Menu 81 5 J Select a size u sing the < < < < or > > > > key and pres s [ OK ] . The document name and original size are shown on the display. K Set your original and press the { { { { Start } } } } key. The machine starts s canning the origin al.
Facsimil e User Tools 82 5 D Enter the func tion number “ De- lete Auto Doc. ” w ith the number key s. Note ❒ If “ Del ete Auto Doc. ” is not shown, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev. ] or [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] . E Enter the number of the Auto Document you want to delete with the numb er keys.
Registe r/Delete Menu 83 5 C Enter the funct ion number for “ Re- ports/Li sts ” with the number keys. D Enter the fun ction number for "Auto Doc. orig ." with the numb er key s. Note ❒ If “ Reg. A uto Doc. ” is not shown, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Facsimil e User Tools 84 5 C Enter the fun ction number for “ Register/De lete ” with the numb er key s. D Enter the fun ction number for “ Reg. Ir reg. Area ” with the numb er key s. Note ❒ If “ Reg. Irreg. Ar ea ” is not shown, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev.
Registe r/Delete Menu 85 5 J Pre ss [ OK ] . K Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key. Deleting a n Irregular Are a A Make sure that the machine is in Facsimile m ode and the standby display is shown. Note ❒ If the standby display is not shown , press the { Facsimile } key.
Facsimil e User Tools 86 5 Reports /Lists This functi on allo ws you to prin t the foll owin g re ports a nd li sts ma nuall y. Select a re port or li st as needed. • TCR ⇒ P.71 “ Printing the TCR ” • Quic k Di al list See Chapter3, “ Quick Dial ” in the Basic Features manual.
Reports/ Lists 87 5 Printing the Speed Dial List A Enter th e function nu mber for “ Speed Dial List ” with the numbe r keys. Note ❒ If you make a mistake, pr ess [ Cancel ] and try again. Printing the Group Dial List A Enter th e function nu mber for “ Group Dial List ” with the numbe r keys.
Facsimil e User Tools 88 5 Initial Set up TX When you turn on th e machine o r re- turn t o Cop y mod e, the mach ine re - turns to the ho me settings. You ca n change th ese home sett ings so that the machine starts wi th your most fre- quently u sed features selected.
Ini tial S etup T X 89 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Resolution ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Photo O rigina l ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Auto Image Density Note ❒ If you want to c hange other home settings, r epeat steps D and E . F Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key . Us165- 3.
Facsimil e User Tools 90 5 Initial Set up RX The Initia l Setup Rec eption fun ction allows you to t urn the following re- ceptio n funct ions on or off. • Recepti on Mode See Chapter2, “ Selecting th e Re- ception Mode ” in the Basic Fea- tures manual .
Init ial Set up RX 91 5 D Enter the function number of the item you want to change with the numb er key s. Note ❒ If you make a m istake, press the { Clear/Stop } key and enter the correct numbe r. E Change the setting using the < < < < or > > > > key and press [ OK ] .
Facsimil e User Tools 92 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Fax Prin t Color ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2nd Color Choice Note ❒ If you wish to change other functions, re peat steps D and E . ❒ Select on or of f for Checkered Mark, Center Ma rk, Print RX Time, 2-Sided Pri nting, Author- ized RX, Spe cial RX Nos.
Init ial Set up RX 93 5 G Enter the horizont al size with the number keys and press [ OK ] . H Pre ss [ OK ] . I Pre ss [ OK ] . J Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key.
Facsimil e User Tools 94 5 Assig ning User Func tion Keys You can progra m each of the Us er Functi on keys ( { F1 } – { F5 } ) with a function that you use frequently. When you wish to use that function, inste ad of hav ing to sea rch thro ugh several menus to fi nd it, just press the appropriate Us er Function key.
Assigni ng User Function Keys 95 5 D Press the User Function key ( { { { { F1 } } } } — { { { { F5 } } } } ) y ou w ant to use . Note ❒ If you make a m istake, press [ Cancel ] and press the correct key. ❒ You can press [ St atus ] to see how the U ser Function keys are currently program med.
Facsimil e User Tools 96 5 Functions You Can Store in User Function Keys *G4 and stamp is option. Functi on Name Default Key Note Manual Reception F1 Registrable/editable Transmiss ion Result F2 Regi .
97 6. Key Operator Setting Changing Key Operator Setti ngs Use to program/check: y our name, your fax number, line t ype, various ID codes, A djusting Volume, date and time, numb er of tran smitt ed/re - ceiv ed docu ment s Personal Codes This func tion allow s you to kee p track of machine usage.
Key Operator Set ting 98 6 C Enter the fun ction number for “ Key Op . Settings ” using the number ke ys and press the { { { { # } } } } key wit hin 3 s econds. Note ❒ If “ Key Op . Settings ” is not shown, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev. ] or [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] .
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 99 6 Referen ce See Chapter3, “ Entering Text ” in the Basic Fe atures manual. I Pre ss [ OK ] . The enter ed Personal Code and name are shown on the display.
Key Operator Set ting 100 6 F Enter the Personal Code you want to delete using the number keys. Note ❒ If you make a m istake, press the { Clear/Stop } key and enter the correct code. ❒ You can press [ St atus ] to see which codes have been already prog rammed .
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 101 6 D Enter the fun ction number for “ Personal Code ” using the numb er key s. E Enter the fun ction number for “ Pers.Code Access ” using the numb er key s. F Switch access on or off us ing the < < < < or > > > > key and then pres s [ OK ] .
Key Operator Set ting 102 6 Printing the Perso nal Code Li st Print th is list to find out the regi stered Personal Codes and their names. A Make sure that the machine is in Facsimile m ode and the standby display is shown. Note ❒ If the standby display is not shown, press the { Facsi mile } key.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 103 6 A Make sure that the machine is in Facsimile m ode and the standby display is shown. Note ❒ If the standby display is not shown , press the { Facsimile } key. B Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key. C Enter the fun ction number for “ Key O p.
Key Operator Set ting 104 6 Note ❒ If the standby display is not shown , press the { Facsimile } key. B Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key. C Enter the fun ction number for “ Key O p. Se tting s ” with the number ke ys and press the { { { { # } } } } key wit hin 3 s econds.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 105 6 Multistep Tr ansfer Option al Expansion Me mory required. This machin e can be used to b uild up a multi-st ep facsim ile networ k that allows messages to be sent via multiple Transfer Stations and achieve greater efficienc y in processing Transfer Requests.
Key Operator Set ting 106 6 B Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key. C Enter the fun ction number for “ Key O p. Settings ” wit h the number keys and press the { { { { # } } } } key wit hin 3 s econds. Note ❒ If “ Ke y Op. Set tin gs ” i s not shown, press [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] .
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 107 6 Note ❒ You can press [ Sta tus ] to see the current status of the Grou p. ❒ If the machine has the Optional Group feature (op tional Expansion Mem- ory is required), you can register a Transfer Station. Select the Group type you wish to register using the number keys.
Key Operator Set ting 108 6 Forwarding Option al Expa nsion Mem ory is req uired to use this function. Using this featur e, you can select message s from Specified Se nders to be printe d on your mac hine and t hen sent on to anot her fax ma chine .
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 109 6 Note ❒ If the standby display is not shown , press the { Facsimile } key. B Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key. C Enter the fun ction number for “ Key O p. Se tting s ” with the number ke ys and press the { { { { # } } } } key wit hin 3 s econds.
Key Operator Set ting 110 6 Deleting a Forwarding Station A Make sure that the machine is in Facsimile m ode and the standby display is shown. Note ❒ If the standby display is not shown , press the { Facsimile } key. B Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 111 6 H Pre ss [ Yes ] . The Forwardi ng Station is del eted. Note ❒ When y ou press [ No ] , the For- warding Station is not deleted and the display shown in step D appears a gain. I Pre ss [ PrevMenu ] 3 time s. J Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key.
Key Operator Set ting 112 6 G Pre ss [ RTI/CS I ] . H Register an RTI or CSI of a sender and press [ OK ] . Referen ce See Chapter3, “ Entering Text ” in the Basic Fe atures manual. I Sel ect whe the r or no t to re gist er the sender as a wild c ard.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 113 6 C Enter the fun ction number for “ Key O p. Se tting s ” with the number ke ys and press the { { { { # } } } } key wit hin 3 s econds. Note ❒ If “ Key Op . Settings ” is not shown, press [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] .
Key Operator Set ting 114 6 Specified Sender/Forw arding Station list Print thi s list to find out whic h Specif- ic Senders are assigned to which For- warding Stations. A Make sure that the machine is in Facsimile m ode and the standby display is shown.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 115 6 Treating Messa ge from Certain Send ers Di ffere ntly ( Speci fied Senders) Special Reception num bers (Special RX Nos.
Key Operator Set ting 116 6 Note ❒ To register a sender, use an RTI or CSI. When you communicate with a se nder using G 4, r egist er a G4 TI D ❒ You can find the RTI or CS I of a sender by looking in the destina- tion name colu mn of the TCR ❒ Before usi ng the Special RX No s.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 117 6 H Enter an RTI or CSI of a sender and press [ OK ] . Referen ce See Chapter3, “ Entering Text ” in the Basic Fe atures manual. I Sel ect whe the r or no t to re gist er the sender as a wild c ard. J Pre ss [ RX Mo de ] .
Key Operator Set ting 118 6 Deleting a Specific Sender A Make sure that the machine is in Facsimile m ode and the standby display is shown. Note ❒ If the standby display is not shown , press the { Facsimile } key. B Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 119 6 Note ❒ If you press [ No ] , the sender is not de leted and th e displa y shown in step D appears again. I Pre ss [ PrevMenu ] 3 time s. J Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key. Specified Sender list Print thi s list to see th e current ly pro- grammed S pecific Senders.
Key Operator Set ting 120 6 Authorize d Reception This f eature he lps you to reje ct junk mail. It l ets you spec ify which te rmi- nals you wish to rece ive fax messages from ; the others w ill be shut out. This is useful if you ar e very annoyed with someone.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 121 6 D Enter the fun ction number for “ Authorized RX ” with the numb er key s. Note ❒ If “ Au thorized RX ” is not shown, press [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Prev. ] or [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] . E Enter the fun ction number for “ Register Sender ” with the number keys.
Key Operator Set ting 122 6 Deleting a Specific Sender (Authorized Reception) A Make sure that the machine is in Facsimile m ode and the standby display is shown. Note ❒ If the standby display is not shown , press the { Facsimile } key. B Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 123 6 Note ❒ If you press [ No ] , the sender is not de leted and th e displa y shown in step D appears again. I Pre ss [ PrevMenu ] 3 time s. J Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key. Sender (Authoriz ed Rec eption) List Print thi s list to find out whic h Specif- ic Senders are currently progra mmed.
Key Operator Set ting 124 6 Register ing the Economy Transmissi on Time Econo my Tra nsmis sion allow s you t o take advant age of off-peak line ra tes by delaying transmission of messages until a lat er time. Use the proc edure below to program the Economy Transmission Time for when your phone rates are cheaper.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 125 6 ID Code Use th is procedure to register th e fol- lowing kind s of ID co des. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Confidential ID This ID is usu ally requ ired for printing a message received with Confidential Reception.
Key Operator Set ting 126 6 E Choose the ID you wish to pro- gram with t he number keys . F Enter an ID code and p ress [ OK ] . Note ❒ For a Confiden tial ID and a Memory Lock ID, use the n u m b e r k e y s t o e n t e r a n I D c o d e . For a Polling ID, use the number keys and letter k eys (A to F).
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 127 6 B Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key. C Enter the fun ction number for “ Key O p. Se tting s ” with the number ke ys and press the { { { { # } } } } key wit hin 3 s econds. Note ❒ If “ Key Op . Settings ” is not shown, press [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Next ] .
Key Operator Set ting 128 6 G4 Digital Line T h i s f u n c t i o n m u s t b e s e t w h e n y o u connect t he machine to the ISDN dig- ital line. You can regi ster the follow ing items: • TID (u p to 2 2 digits ) • Own Digital Number (up to 29 dig its) Note ❒ Optional ISDN Un it requ ired.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 129 6 To Enter the Country C ode A Enter the “ Country Code ” cod e with the number keys. B Enter your Coun try Code w ith the num ber keys and p ress [ OK ] . To Enter the Your Own Digital Number A Enter th e “ Own Digital Number ” code with the numbe r keys.
Key Operator Set ting 130 6 Changin g the User Parameters The User Parameters allow you to customize various settings to match your needs. To cha nge the f unction s ettings, set the user param eter swi tches. Prep arat ion Access to some User Parameter Settings requires installation of optional equipment or that other settings be made beforehand.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 131 6 - - - - User Parameter L ist The User Parameter switches are outlined below. * : Defa ult Setti ngs Switch Bit Item 0 1 00 0 S tamp home position *Off On 3, 2, 1.
Key Operator Set ting 132 6 03 0 Au tomatic printing of the Memory TX Re sult Report Off *O n 2 Automatic printing of the Memory Storage R eport *Off On 3 Automatic printing of the Polling RX Reserve .
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 133 6 06 1 F ax communication mode home positi on (Line) *G3 G4 5 S electin g the Sheet to Print the Quick Dial Labe l *Paper label sheet Transparent lab el sheet 6 Fi.
Key Operator Set ting 134 6 Changing the User Parameters • We re commend t hat yo u prin t the User Parameter list and keep it when you register or change a user parameter. ⇒ P .135 “ Printing the User Para meter list ” • Do not change any bit switch es other than t hose show n on the pre- vious pages.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 135 6 Printing the User Parameter list Print this list t o see the current User Para meter setti ngs. A Make sure that the machine is in Facsimile m ode and the standby display is shown. Note ❒ If the standby display is not shown , press the { Facsimile } key.
Key Operator Set ting 136 6 Date/Tim e Use t his f unctio n to set your m a- chine's internal cl ock to the current time a nd date. T his time i s shown on the display, printe d on pages and used for vari ous fe ature s, suc h as Send La ter. If the current date and time are wrong, use this procedure to corre ct them.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 137 6 Sum mer T ime Whenever local custom requires ad- vancing th e clock or set ting the clock back, use this fe ature. You can easily move the clock forwar ds when day- light saving ti me begins, and back wh en i t en ds .
Key Operator Set ting 138 6 Auto Reset If the machi ne is not used for a while, the displ ay will retur n to the Ready condition. By default, the time that mus t el ap se be fo re t hi s h ap pe ns is 30 seconds.
Changing Key Oper ator Settin gs 139 6 Paper Fee d Selection Using this featur e, you can select which tray to print out the message . ⇒ P.130 “ Chang ing the User P arame- ters ” (Switch15, Bit.
Key Operator Set ting 140 6.
141 7. Troubleshooting When Toner Runs Out When the machi ne has run out of ton- er the symbol appears on the display. Note th at ev en if the re is no to ner le ft you can still send fax messages.
Troublesh ooting 142 7 When an Error Repo rt is Printed An error report is printed when a message c ould not be successf ully sent or re- ceived . Possibl e causes include a p roblem with your m achine or the re ceiver' s, noi se on the telep hone line etc.
When Power is Turne d off or Fail s 143 7 When Power is Turned off or Fails Even if th e Main Power switch is turned off, the conten ts of the machi ne's mem- ory (programmed numbers etc.
Troublesh ooting 144 7.
145 8. Ma intainin g Your Machine Replacing the Stamp Car tridge The ARDF is required. When the stam p is ge tting to become lighter, replace the c artridge. Note ❒ Use t he c artri dge spec ifi ed for thi s mach ine. A Lift the document feed er and open the stamp c over.
Mai ntainin g Your Machi ne 146 8.
147 9. Appendix Connecti ng the Machine to a Te lephone Line and Tel ephone Connecting the Telephone Line To connect th e machine to a teleph one line, use a snap-in modular type connec- tor. Important ❒ Make s ure the connector is the co rrect t ype b efore you start.
Appendix 148 9 Conne cti ng the Ma chin e to the I SDN Option al ISDN Unit re quire d. For how to install the optional ISDN unit, please contact your service represen t- ative.
Connecti ng the Mac hine to a Tele phone Lin e and Tel ephone 149 9 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Adjusting the h andset bell volume Adjust the handset ringer volume using the volume switch. Selecting the Line Type Select the line type to w hich the machin e is connected.
Appendix 150 9 Optional Equipment Expansion Memory and Hard Disk A Expansion M emory and a 80 – Mbytes hard dis k can be adde d. By instal ling them, y ou can incre ase the memory .
Optional Equi pment 151 9 400 dpi Option (FAX 400dpi Option Type 450) This allows you to send and receive fax messages at high reso lution . JBIG com- pression is also avail able with this option. ISDN Unit (ISDN Option Type 450) This allows you to send and receive messages via ISDN (Integrated Servi ce Dig- ital Network ).
Appendix 152 9 Speci fications ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Power Co nsumptio n Standard G3, G4 (opti on) Resolution G3: 8 × 3.85/mm • 200 × 100dpi (Standard), 8 × 7.
Specificat ions 153 9 Acceptabl e Types of Originals Make sure your or iginals are complete ly dry before setting them in the machine . Originals containing wet ink or cor recting fluid will mark th e exposure glass and res ultin g i mage will b e a ffect ed.
Appendix 154 9 Limitatio n ❒ There may be a difference i n the size of the image when it is printed at the des- tination. ❒ If you set an ori ginal larger th an DLT /A3 on the exposur e glass, only an area of DLT /A3 is scanned .
Func tio n List 155 9 Function List Advanced Tr ansmission Fe atures Feature name Description Reference Send Later Sets the machine to automati- cally start transmissi on or polling rece ption at an ap- pointed time. P.34 “ Sending at a Specific Time (Send Later) ” Confidential Transmission Sends a confidential message.
Appendix 156 9 Transfer Request Sends an original to a destina- tion via a f acsimil e equipped with the transfer station capa - bilit y. P.52 “ Transfer Request ” Opti ons Descri ption Refere nce TTI Print You can print a message in- cludin g the name r egister ed as the TTI on the receiv ed message for e ach file.
Func tio n List 157 9 Communication Information Feature name Description Reference Checking a nd Canc eling the Transmissi on Files This featur e cancel s, confirm s, or changes a file (r eservation) for Memory Transmission, Confidential T ransmission, Transfer Request, Polling Re- ceptio n, or Polling T ransmis- sion.
Appendix 158 9 User Tools Feature name Description Reference Register/Delete Quick Dial When you register a destina- tion in a Quick Dial, you can specify the d estinat ion only by pressing the Quick Dial key. See Chapter3, “ Qu ick Dia l ” in the Basic Features manual .
Func tio n List 159 9 INITIAL S ETUP TX Default tr ansmission mode and scan settings. P.88 “ Initial Setup TX ” INITIAL S ET UP RX Allows you to switch the f ol- lowing rec eption func tions to on.
Appendix 160 9 Economy Trans mission Economy Transmission means to send a fax when communication charges are lower. The Economy TX fea- ture registers this tim e.
Func tio n List 161 9 Changing User Parameters Al lows you to change the function settings to meet your need s. P.130 “ Changing the User Pa- rameters ” Printing User Parameter List Allows you to print and check User Para meter settings .
162 INDEX 180 Degree Rotation Prin ting , 25 2nd Color Choice , 28 2-Sided Printi ng , 16 , 24 , 117 2-Sided Tr ansmission , 155 2-sided Tra nsmission , 41 A Acceptable Types of Orig inals , 153 Adjus.
163 I ID Co de , 12 5 , 160 ID Overr ide Polling Re ception , 22 ID Overr ide Polling T ransmissi on , 48 ID R ecep tion , 20 ID Tra nsmission , 8 , 56 , 156 Image Rotation , 25 Immed iate Receptio n .
164 UE USA B 383 S Select ing the L ine Type , 149 Se nder R ecept ion l is t , 123 Sending at a Specific Time (Send Later) , 34 Send Later , 155 SEP , 20 Special RX Nos .
An important point after buying a device Savin C4535 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Savin C4535 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Savin C4535 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Savin C4535 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Savin C4535 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Savin C4535, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Savin C4535.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Savin C4535. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Savin C4535 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center