Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 106760804 Avaya
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Command Reference Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, Softwa re Version 6.1 Doc. No. 10-300090 Issue 1 January 2004.
Command Reference Guide for the A vaya P580 and P882 Multiservi ce Sw itches, Sof tware V ersion 6.1 Copyright A vaya Inc., 2004 ALL RIGHTS RE SER VED Pr oduced in USA, January 2004 The produc ts, speci ficati ons, and oth er tec hnical info rmatio n regardi ng the prod ucts conta ined in t his documen t are subjec t to change wit hout noti ce.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 iii T able of Content s Chapter 1 — Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Command Mode Summaries . . .
iv Comm and Refere nce Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P882 M ultiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Table o f Content s show appletal k globals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21 show appletal k interf ace .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 v Table of Contents ip dvmrp min-rout e-flash-update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 ip dvmrp neigh bor-probe-i nterval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi Comm and Refere nce Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P882 M ultiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Table o f Content s Chapte r 10 — Int ellige nt Mu lticast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 vii Table of Contents clear tcp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-8 interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
viii Comm and Refere nce Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P882 M ultiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Table o f Content s show ip route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-59 show ip route s ummary .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 ix Table of Contents ipx sap-multipl ier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-25 ipx sap-name- filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
x Comm and Refere nce Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P882 M ultiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Table o f Content s Chapter 16 — Loggi ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 xi Table of Contents ip ospf as- boundary-router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-12 ip ospf aut hentication-key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xii Comm and Refere nce Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P882 M ultiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Table o f Content s set port auto-negoti ation-speed- advertiseme nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-10 set port auto-vlan-c reate . . . . . .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 xiii Table of Contents Chapter 23 — 80-Series QoS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xiv Comm and Refere nce Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P882 M ultiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Table o f Content s snmp-server us er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-12 snmp-server view . . . .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 xv Table of Contents show spantree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28-26 show spantree blocked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xvi Comm and Refere nce Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P882 M ultiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Table o f Content s dir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-37 erase . . . . .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 xvii Table of Contents Chapter 32 — User I nterface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xviii Comm and Refere nce Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P882 M ultiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Table o f Content s Chapter 34 — VRRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4-1 Overview . . . . . . . .
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 1-1 1 Overview This chapt er descri bes: ■ Command Mode Summaries ■ Enteri ng and Exiti ng the Command Mode s .
Chapt er 1 1-2 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Entering and Exiting the Command Modes See Ta b l e 1 - 2 for an e xplanati on of how to acce ss and exi t the command modes. T able 1-2. Entering and Exiting the Command Modes Router Configurati on Commands t o configure th e routi ng protocol s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 1-3 Overview Basic Funct ions This sect ion pro vides inf ormation a bout the f ollowing s witch func tions: ■ Help ■ Command Syn tax Conventi ons ■ No Form Commands ■ Command Li ne History Keys Help Enter a que stion mark ( ? ) a t the syst em prompt to display all of the commands in a mod e.
Chapt er 1 1-4 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Command Syn t ax Conventions See Ta b l e 1 - 4 for an e xplanati on of the c ommand syntax c onventions . T able 1-4. Comm and Syntax Conventions No Form Com mands Most CLI command s have a no form .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 1-5 Overview Accessing the CLI There are two ways to a ccess the A vaya P550R, P580, P 880, and P882 Multise rvice Swit ch CLI: ■ Using te lnet ■ Using a s erial interf ace Accessing th e CLI Using T elnet T o access the CLI using t elnet: 1.
Chapt er 1 1-6 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 2-1 2 AFT Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ clear a ft in sta nce in val id- le arn.
Chapt er 2 2-2 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 clear a f t in st ance invali d-le arned- ent ries v lan Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Delet e all le arned ent ries fr om a partic ular AFT ins tance.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 2-3 AFT clear af t inst ance lear ned-entr ies vlan Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Delete all l earned en tries an d inval id learn ed entri es from a pa rticu lar AFT inst anc e.
Chapt er 2 2-4 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set af t ageti m e Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 2-5 AFT set af t auto-sizi ng- thres hold Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Se ts th e AF T auto siz ing th res hold ( per cen tag e b efo re aut o-i ncre men ting hash tabl es). The def ault per centage i s 40%.
Chapt er 2 2-6 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set af t entr y Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Creat es a static AFT entr y or modify an ex isting stati c or learned AFT entry . The negat ive form of this command deletes a static or learn ed aft ent ry .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 2-7 AFT priority Options include: • normal - The AFT entry has norm al priority . • high - The AFT entry has high prio r ity . sa-prior ity port Uses the pri ority of the physical port, Cis co ISL tag, or 802.
Chapt er 2 2-8 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Sample Output T o. . . Enter . . . Set an aft entry on “Default” vlan, with a por t bin ding op.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 2-9 AFT Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882. • Associate MAC address 00:00:00: 00:00:55 with port 1 on the module in slo t 3 and with VLAN 50. • Forward frames that have a source or destinatio n MAC address of 00:00: 00:00:00 :55.
Chapt er 2 2-10 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set af t inst ance vlan (auto-i ncrement) Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the auto- increment flag for a partic ular VLAN’ s AFT instance.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 2-1 1 AFT set af t inst ance vla n (hash-t able-size) Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the hash table si ze for a p articul ar VLAN’ s AFT instance.
Chapt er 2 2-12 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set af t supe r- age ti me Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 2-13 AFT show af t config Command Mode User . Description Displays the AFT’ s global configur ation. Synt ax show aft config Sample Output The following e xample d isplays t he aft mana ger confi guration table.
Chapt er 2 2-14 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show aft entry Command Mode User . Descr iption Perfor ms a s earc h fo r a ll o f the A FT en trie s th at ma tc hes the cr iter ia specifi ed in the command.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 2-15 AFT Sample Output The following e xample d isplay th e aft ent ry table . > show af t en try Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 2 2-16 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show af t ins t a n ce Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa ys t he AF T in stan ce for a p art icul ar VL AN o r sh ow a ll A FT in sta nces for al l VL A Ns .
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 3-1 3 App let alk Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ applet alk acces s-group ■ ap.
Chapt er 3 3-2 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 applet alk access-g roup Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Assig n an access list t o an Apple talk inter face. The no form of th is command r emoves the a ccess li st from th e inte rface.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-3 Appletalk applet alk access- list Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Creates an Applet alk Access List. T he no form of this command r emoves an Appletalk Access List . The defau lt is to permit all zone s and all NBP objects.
Chapt er 3 3-4 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Sample Output The foll owing exa mple disab les Applet alk acces s list 630. (configuration)# no appl etalk acce ss-lis t 630 Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-5 Appletalk applet alk address Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Co nfi gur e an A ppl e talk Phas e I A ddr ess fo r an interf ace . The no f orm o f this com m an d remo ves the Ap pl et alk i nte rfac e its e lf.
Chapt er 3 3-6 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 applet alk admin- st ate Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Set t he adminis trative state of an Appleta lk Interfa ce. The defa ult value is up.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-7 Appletalk applet alk cable- range Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Configure a ca ble range for an Appl etalk Phas e II for an i nterfac e. The no form of this command d isables Appleta lk for th is inter face.
Chapt er 3 3-8 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 applet alk echo Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Send an Appletalk echo reque st to a sp ecified Appletalk node. Syntax appleta lk ech o <n etw ork .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-9 Appletalk applet alk mac-forma t Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Se ts w hich A pp leta lk Int erfa ce MA C f orma t is to be use d. T he d efaul t val ue is sn ap. T he n o form of th is co m man d re s ets t he MAC form at fo r the inte rfac e to th e de fa ult valu e .
Chapt er 3 3-10 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 applet alk routing Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es Appletalk r outing. The no form of t his command di sables Appletal k routing .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-1 1 Appletalk applet alk st atic cable- ran ge Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Creates an Appl etalk st atic rou te. The no f orm of this command removes the stat ic route itself , or onl y removes a z one from the stat ic route if the zone name is supplied.
Chapt er 3 3-12 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Sample Output The foll owing exam ple creat es a stati c route t o a remote rout er whose address is 1.5 on th e remote ne twork 1 10-120 in the remote zone “adams”.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-13 Appletalk applet alk vlan Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Assigns the Appl etalk inte rface to a VLAN. The no for m of this c ommand rese ts th e VL AN to the disc a rd V L AN, whic h is the de fau lt va lu e.
Chapt er 3 3-14 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 applet alk zone Command Mode Interf ace Config uration.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-15 Appletalk clear appl et alk arp Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Deletes a si ngle or al l entri es from the Appletalk ARP and Applet alk Routing ta bles, and c lears th e Appletal k counters .
Chapt er 3 3-16 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 clear a pplet alk route Command Mode Global Conf igurati on Descr iption Delet e a singl e or all Appletalk routing en tries f rom the Apple talk Routi ng Ta b l e .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-17 Appletalk clear appl et alk traffic Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Clears the Appl etalk co unters.
Chapt er 3 3-18 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ping a pplet alk Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Sends an Appletal k Echo Reques t to a spe cific Appl etalk nod e. Syntax ping appl etalk <netw ork .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-19 Appletalk show app le t alk acce ss-lis t s Command Mode User . Description Displays curr ently def ined Apple talk acce ss list s. Synt ax show appl etalk ac cess-list Sample Output The following e xample d isplays t he Appleta lk access list.
Chapt er 3 3-20 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show ap p le t alk arp Command Mode User . Descr iption List entries in the Applet alk ARP T able. Syntax show apple talk arp [all] Sample Output The foll owing exa mple displ ays the Appl etalk ar p table.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-21 Appletalk show apple t alk globa ls Command Mode User . Description Displays inf ormation ab out the ro uter’ s Appletalk stat us. Synt ax show appl etalk global s Sample Output The following e xample disp lays inf ormation ab out the r outer ’ s Appletal k status .
Chapt er 3 3-22 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show applet alk interfac e Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa ys Ap ple ta lk- rela ted in ter face s etti ngs fo r a sp ecifi c in terf ace , or al l inter face s wh en in t erfa ce- name is o mitte d.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-23 Appletalk show apple t alk nbp Command Mode User . Description Displays all Appletalk Name Bi nding Prot ocol (NBP) e ntries. Synt ax show appl etalk nbp Sample Output The following e xample shows the displ ay for th e sho w Appletalk nbp command.
Chapt er 3 3-24 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show applet alk route Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the co ntents of the Applet alk Routi ng T able.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-25 Appletalk show apple t alk st atic cable- ran ge Command Mode User . Description Displays the static r outes tha t are confi gured for Appletalk .
Chapt er 3 3-26 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show ap p le t alk traf fi c Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays Applet alk Protoc ol Counters an d S tatistic s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 3-27 Appletalk show apple t alk zone Command Mode User . Description Displays the content s of the Apple ta lk Zone Inf or mati on T able (ZIT). Synt ax show appl etalk zo ne [ <zon e-name> ] Sample Output The following e xample disp lays the contents of the Zone1 Appletalk Zone Info rmat ion table .
Chapt er 3 3-28 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 4-1 4 Buffering Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ set bu ffering fabr ic-p ort (age.
Chapt er 4 4-2 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set b ufferi ng fabr ic-po rt (age -timer) Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the inpu t or output bu ffe r age ti mer range for a f abric po rt.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 4-3 Buffering set buffe ring fabric-port (hipri- alloc) Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Set the input or output buffer high prio rity al location percenta ge. The default p ercentag e value is 20%.
Chapt er 4 4-4 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set b ufferi ng fabr ic-po rt (hip ri-se rvice-r atio) Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the input or output buff er high pr iority service r atio for a fabri c port.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 4-5 Buffering set buffe ring fabric-port (pri- threshold) Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the inpu t or output buf fer priori ty thres hold for a fabric p ort. The defa ult value for t he p ri ori ty th re sho ld i s 4 .
Chapt er 4 4-6 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set buf fe rin g p or t (ag e- ti mer ) Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the output buf fer ag e timer for a physic al port. Th e default settin g is 168.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 4-7 Buffering set buffe ring port (hipri-alloc) Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the out put buf fer hi gh priorit y allocat ion perc entage fo r a physi cal port . The defaul t setti ng is 20.
Chapt er 4 4-8 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set b uffering port (hipri -servic e-ratio) Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Set the out put bu ffer hi gh pri orit y se rvi ce rati o fo r a ph y sic al po r t.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 4-9 Buffering set buffe ring port (pri- threshold) Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Se ts th e out put buffer priori ty th res hold for a phys ica l por t.
Chapt er 4 4-10 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show buff ering fabric-po rt Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the buf fering co nfigurat ion and st atisti cs for a f abric por t. Syntax show buf fering fabric -port [ <fabr ic-port -spec> [.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 4-1 1 Buffering show buffe ring port Command Mode User . Description Displays the buff er config uration a nd stati stics f or a physic al port.
Chapt er 4 4-12 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 5-1 5 Console Ove rview This chapt er descri bes: ■ set con sole baud ■ set con sole data bits ■ set con sol.
Chapt er 5 5-2 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set c onsole baud Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 5-3 Consol e set consol e dat abit s Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the cons ole seri al port’ s databit width. The d efaul t value i s 8. * Note: This comm an d is no t ap p lica ble when the cons ole s eri al po rt is configur ed in PPP mode.
Chapt er 5 5-4 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set c onsole flowc ontrol Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the flow co ntrol ty pe for the serial console po rt. The def ault for both TTY and PPP is xon/xof f.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 5-5 Consol e set consol e initc md Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the mod em initia lizatio n string for consol e serial port mo dem control software. The defa ult Modem Confi guratio n Str ing is AT & D 0 S 0 = 1 .
Chapt er 5 5-6 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set c onsole p arity Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption * Note: Sets th e pari ty for t he console serial p ort. The def ault set ting is none.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 5-7 Consol e set con sol e stopb it s Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the serial console port stopbits to 1 or 2 bits wide. The def ault sett ing is 1. Stopb its is no t compat ible wit h the se rial con sole port configur ed in PPP mode.
Chapt er 5 5-8 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set cons ole transf er ppp Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption T ransfers control o f the ser ial cons ole port a nd the CLI se ssion to the PPP protocol layer .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 5-9 Consol e set consol e type Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the c onsole type to t he i ndicat ed va lue - eit her t ty o r ppp. The defa ult i s tty . Synt ax set co nsole type {tty | pp p} Sample Output The following e xample set s the cons ole type t o tty .
Chapt er 5 5-10 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show conso le Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the se rial con sole port configur ation. Syntax show consol e Sample Output The foll owing exa mple displ ays the se rial por t config uration i nformatio n.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 6-1 6 DNS Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ ip domain -looku p ■ ip nam e- serv e.
Chapt er 6 6-2 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip domain-lookup Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enable s DN S cl ie nt. T he no fo rm of this com mand dis abl es DNS clie nt. Syntax Sample Output The f ollo wing ex ampl e en able s DN S .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 6-3 DNS ip name-s erver Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Ad ds a DNS ser ver ad dre ss. T he no form of t his comman d removes the DNS server ad dress. Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample adds the DNS serve r with an I P address of 210.
Chapt er 6 6-4 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip domain-li st Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Adds a domain name to the domain name list . The no form of this co mmand removes t he domain name.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 6-5 DNS ip domain-name Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Adds a domain name to t he domain name lis t. The no form of this command removes the domain name. Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample adds the name “av aya.
Chapt er 6 6-6 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show host Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Displ ays the DNS doma in config uration.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 7-1 7 DVMRP Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ ip dvm rp ■ ip dvm r p in terf a ce.
Chapt er 7 7-2 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip dvmrp Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Enabl es and conf igure DVMRP se rvices o n an int erface. T he no form of this co mmand disab les DVMRP servi ces on an i nterface .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 7-3 DVMRP ip dvmrp interface-metric Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Configures th e DVMRP inter face metr ic.
Chapt er 7 7-4 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip dvmrp inter face type Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Confi gures the DVMRP interf ace type. The no form of this command resto res the i nterf ace to th e d efa ult interf ace typ e, wh ic h is bro ad cas t.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 7-5 DVMRP ip dvmrp min-rout e-flash -up date Command Mode DVMRP Router Config uration. Description Sets the DVMRP minimum route flash upd ate peri od. Use the no form of this com m and to re tur n t o th e defa ult v alu e of 5.
Chapt er 7 7-6 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip dvmrp neighbor-p robe-interv al Command Mode DVMRP Router Co nfiguratio n. Descr iption Sets the DVMRP neigh bor probe interva l. Use the no form of this c ommand to retu rn to the default v alue of 10 seconds.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 7-7 DVMRP ip dvmrp ne ighbor-timeo ut Command Mode DVMRP Router Config uration. Description Sets the DVMRP neighb or timeout interva l. Use the n o form of th is command to ret urn to th e default value of 35 seconds.
Chapt er 7 7-8 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip dvmrp prune-me ssage-l ifetime Command Mode DVMRP Router Co nfiguratio n. Descr iption Sets th e D VMR P p rune me ssag e li feti me. Use the no f orm of this com ma nd to ret urn to the defa ult va lue of 7 20 0 s ec ond s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 7-9 DVMRP ip dvmrp re mote-tunne l-addres s Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Configures th e DVMRP remote-tu nnel-addr ess on an i nterface. Th e no form of this command res tores th e default , which is: no defined ad dress.
Chapt er 7 7-10 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip dvmrp route- limit Command Mode DVMRP Router Co nfiguratio n. Descr iption Sets the maxim um routes al lowed in DVMRP . Use the no f orm of thi s command t o return t o the def ault val ue of 7000 r outes.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 7-1 1 DVMRP ip dvmrp st at s-re set Command Mode DVMRP Router Config uration. Description Resets the DVMRP glob al stat istics. Synt ax ip dvmrp stats -reset Sample Output The following e xample shows the command fo r IP DVMRP stats -reset.
Chapt er 7 7-12 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip dvmrp timers basic Command Mode DVMRP Router Co nfiguratio n. Descr iption Adjus t s the D V MRP net w ork ti mer s . Us e the no fo r m o f th is c omm a nd t o retur n to the de fau lt va lu es.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 7-13 DVMRP ip multic ast prune-sour ce Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Configures th e host addr ess used i n DVMRP prune pack ets forwar ded on this inte rfa ce . The no fo rm of t his comm and rest ore s t he d efaul t, wh ich is host-addr .
Chapt er 7 7-14 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip multicas t ttl-t hres hold Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets the minimum TTL ( time-to- live) re quired fo r a packet to leave the inter face .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 7-15 DVMRP router dvmrp Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Enables DVMRP routin g globall y on an interf ace. The no f orm of the command disabl es DVMRP routin g. The defaul t state is Enabled. Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample enabl es DVMRP routin g.
Chapt er 7 7-16 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show ip dvmr p Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays configur ation inf ormation a bout the DVMRP proto col.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 7-17 DVMRP show ip dvmrp designat ed forwarders Command Mode User . Description Displays all DVMRP designat ed forward ing routers for the source net work address a nd addre ss mask.
Chapt er 7 7-18 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show ip dvmr p down stream de pendent r outers Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays all DVMRP downs tream depe ndent neig hbor route rs for t he source n etwork addr ess and add ress mask.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 7-19 DVMRP show ip dvmrp f orwarding ca che Command Mode User . Description Displays the DVMRP Multi cast Forwar ding Cache. Synt ax show ip d vmrp forward ing cache Sample Output The following e xample disp lays the DVMRP Multicast Fo rwarding c ache.
Chapt er 7 7-20 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show ip dvmr p interface Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the r elate d informat ion abo ut the DVMRP i nterfac e.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 7-21 DVMRP show ip dvmrp interf ace neighbors Command Mode User . Description Displays all DVMRP neighbors o n all DVMRP confi gured int erfaces .
Chapt er 7 7-22 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show ip dvmr p routes Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays all DVMRP ro utes. Syntax show ip dvmr p routes Sample Output The foll owing exam ple displ ays all DVMRP ro utes.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 8-1 8 Hunt Group s Ove rview This chapt er descri bes: ■ set hunt group ■ set hunt group aut o-flush ■ set h.
Chapt er 8 8-2 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set h untgroup Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 8-3 Hunt Groups set huntgro up auto-flush Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables or disa bles the auto f lush feature for the ports partic ipating in a hun t group.
Chapt er 8 8-4 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set h untgroup ( redis tribute) Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Redis tribute s learned addresses to a huntg roup. The MAC a ddresses are redist ributed a mong the hunt group po rts.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 8-5 Hunt Groups set huntgro up internal- error-shut down Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables or dis ables in ternal- error -shutd own on the hun tgroup. Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample enabl es inte rnal-er ror -shutdown on a huntgrou p.
Chapt er 8 8-6 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show huntg roup Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays a sing le huntgroup o r , if no huntgroup n ame is spec ified, then a ll of the c onfigured huntgroups display .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 8-7 Hunt Groups show huntgro up det ailed Command Mode User . Description Displays deta iled inf ormation a bout all of the hunt groups con figured on your switc h. Synt ax show hunt group deta iled Sample Output The following e xample shows detailed huntgroup information.
Chapt er 8 8-8 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show huntg roup interna l-error- config Command Mode User .
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 9-1 9 IGMP Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ ip igmp ■ ip igmp max-gr oups ■ ip.
Chapt er 9 9-2 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip igmp Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Enable s the Inte rne t G rou p Man agem ent P roto c ol (I GMP ) on a n in te rfac e. The no for m of this c ommand disable s IGMP on an interface .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 9-3 IGMP ip igmp max-group s Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Sets the maximum nu mber of IGMP gr oups on an i nterf ace. The no form of this command r estores th e defau lt value, whic h is 32 gr oups.
Chapt er 9 9-4 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip igmp proc ess-lea ves Command Mode Interf ace Config uration.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 9-5 IGMP ip igmp querier Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Enables IGMP qu erier on an interfac e on a r outer . Synt ax Sample Output The foll owin g exa mple ena b les I GMP q uerie r on in terf ace la bel ed “boston”.
Chapt er 9 9-6 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip igmp querier-timeout Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets the tim e that needs to elapse from th e time the last query wa s heard before this rout er take s over as a desi gnated que rier fo r the in terface .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 9-7 IGMP ip igmp query-interval Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Configures th e frequenc y at which the router s ends IGMP host- query messages. The no form o f this comma nd restores the defaul t value o f 125 seconds.
Chapt er 9 9-8 Com mand Refe rence Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip igmp query-max- response-time Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Confi gures the maximum respons e time advert ised in I GMP queries.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 9-9 IGMP ip igmp query-timeout Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Se ts th e ti m e th at nee ds to ela p se fr om th e tim e the las t que r y wa s hea rd befo re th is ro uter take s ov er as a desi gna ted queri er fo r the inter face .
Chapt er 9 9-10 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip igmp robustness Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Confi gures the IGMP robust ness variable. Use the no form of thi s command to rest ore the de fault va lue of 2.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 9-1 1 IGMP ip igmp version Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Configures whic h IGMP versi on the ro uter wil l use.
Chapt er 9 9-12 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip mtrace Command Mode User . Descr iption Global ly configur es MT race ca pability on this rout er . The no form of thi s command di sables MT race cap ability .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 9-13 IGMP mtrace Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Tra ces th e path fr om a source t o a desti nation br anch fo r a multic ast dist ribu tio n tree . The tr ace foll ow s the mu ltic ast path from the des tina tio n to the sourc e by passin g an mtr ace reques t packet to each hop.
Chapt er 9 9-14 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 router ig mp Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Globa lly en ab les or di sab les IGMP . The no form of the command disab les a IGMP . The defa ult s tate is: Enabled .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 9-15 IGMP show ip igmp group s Command Mode User . Description Displays multi cast gro ups, learn ed but thi s router via IGMP . Synt ax show ip igmp gr oups Sample Output The following e xample disp lays multi cast gro ups learn ed by this router vi a IGMP .
Chapt er 9 9-16 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show ip igmp in terfac e Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays IGMP inte rface con figurat ion. Syntax show ip i gm p in terf ace Sample Output The foll owing exa mple displ ays IP IGM P interfa ce infor mation on th e switc h.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 9-17 IGMP show ip igmp st atistics Command Mode User . Description Di spl ays IG MP stat isti cs for all in ter fa ces . Synt ax show ip ig m p st at isti cs Sample Output The foll owin g ex amp le di spl ay s IG M P st atis tics for all of th e in te rfa ces configure d on the swi tch.
Chapt er 9 9-18 Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 10-1 10 Intelligent Multicast Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ clear c gm p stat i.
Chapt er 10 10-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ■ set lgm p server ■ set lg mp se rve r pr iori ty ■ set lgm p server proxy ■ set lgm p ser.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-3 Intellige nt Mult icast clear cgmp st atisti cs Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Clears CGMP snoo ping stat istics. Synt ax clear cgmp stati stics Sample Output The following e xample cle ars cgmp snooping st atisti cs.
Chapt er 10 10-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 clear igmp-snoo ping st atistics Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Clear s IGMP snoo ping stat istics. Syntax clear i gmp-snoopin g statis tics Sample Output The foll owing exa mple clear s igmp snoop ing stat istics.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-5 Intellige nt Mult icast clear int ellig ent-mult icast clie nt-po r t Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Removes the s pecified learned c lient po rts from a n Inte lligent Multica st session.
Chapt er 10 10-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 clear inte lligent-multic ast rout er-port Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Removes ma nually or dynamicall y added rou ter port s. * Note : Y ou can remove only one rout er port at a ti me.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-7 Intellige nt Mult icast clear int ellig ent-mult ic ast sessi on Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Removes the s pecified learned s ession f rom Inte lligent Multic ast. * Note: Y ou cannot use this c ommand to remove static mu lticast sessions .
Chapt er 10 10-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 clear inte lligent-mult icast st ati c-client -port Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Remo ve s th e sp ec ifie d m a nua lly a dded clie nt p o rt fr om an Int elli gen t Multi cast sess ion.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-9 Intellige nt Mult icast clear int ellig ent-mult ic ast st atic-session Command Mode Global Configur atio n.
Chapt er 10 10-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 clear lgmp c lient st atist ics Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Clear s LGMP client st atisti cs. If you o mit the par ameters, thi s command will cl ear the gl obal counter s repres enting al l LGMP clients.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-1 1 Intellige nt Mult icast clear lgmp server st atistics Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Clears the LGM P server globa l or per VLAN statist ics. Exclu ding para mete rs c lears t he g loba l coun ters that r epr esent all L GMP s erv er s.
Chapt er 10 10-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set cgmp Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es or disa bles CGMP snooping f unctiona lity . CGMP snooping is disable d by defaul t.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-13 Intellige nt Mult icast set igmp-snoop ing Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables or di sa ble s I GMP sno opi ng. The d efa ult s ta te of IGMP s noopi ng is disabled. Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample enabl es IGMP snoopi ng.
Chapt er 10 10-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set intellige nt-multicast Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enable s or d isab l es In tell ig en t Mu ltic ast in g. T he d ef aul t stat e is en a ble d.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-15 Intellige nt Mult icast set inte lligen t-mult icast cl i ent-lea ve-pr ocessing Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Configures pr ocessing o f client por t leave me ssages. The default s tate of this command i s disabled.
Chapt er 10 10-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set int elligent-multicast clie nt-port- pruning Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es or disa bles auto matic c lient port pruning.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-17 Intellige nt Mult icast set intelligen t-multicas t client-port -pr uning time Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Se ts th e ti m e in te rva l aft er whi ch a cl ien t port will be r em ove d fro m a session i f no IGMP report s have been heard.
Chapt er 10 10-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set int elligent-multicast router- port Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Confi gures rout er ports on a selecte d VLAN or all VLANs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-19 Intellige nt Mult icast set inte lligen t-mult i cast rou te r-port- pruning Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables or dis ables automat ic route r port pr uning. The de fault st ate is enabled.
Chapt er 10 10-20 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set inte lligent- multicas t router- por t- prun ing time Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the tim e interv al after which quie t router ports will b e remove d.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-21 Intellige nt Mult icast set inte lligen t-mult icast se ssion-pr uning Command Mode Global Configur atio n.
Chapt er 10 10-22 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set intellige nt-multicast session-prun ing time Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the tim e interv al after which inac tive lea rned s essions a re removed.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-23 Intellige nt Mult icast set inte lligen t-mult icast st atic-cl ient-p ort Command Mode Global Configur atio n.
Chapt er 10 10-24 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set i ntell igent-mul ticast st atic- session Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Create s a n Inte llig ent Mu ltic a st se s sion.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-25 Intellige nt Mult icast set lgmp cl ient Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables or dis ables th e LGMP client functiona lity . The defaul t state is disabled. Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample enabl es lg mp client.
Chapt er 10 10-26 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set lgmp server Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enable s or dis ab les the LGM P serv er . T he L G MP serv er i s dis a bled by default .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-27 Intellige nt Mult icast set lgmp ser ver prio rity Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Se ts t he L GM P ser ver ID pr ior ity . E xc ludin g t he p aram ete r sets the pri ori ty to its de fault of 128.
Chapt er 10 10-28 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set lgmp server proxy Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-29 Intellige nt Mult icast set lgmp ser ver route r-repor t- time Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Se ts th e LG MP ser ve r ro ute r re po rt tim e. Om i ttin g th e para m ete r s ets the router r eport ti me to it s defaul t time of 1 25 secon ds.
Chapt er 10 10-30 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set lg mp server ro bust-v ariable Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the LGMP ser ver robus tness var iable. Omitti ng the par ameter set s the robustne ss varia ble to its defa ult valu e of 2.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-31 Intellige nt Mult icast show cgmp st atistics Command Mode User . Description Di spl ays C GMP - rela ted st atis tics . Synt ax show cgmp sta tist ics [ de tai led ] Sample Output The following e xample d isplays c gmp statis tics: > show cgmp st atisti cs CGMP Snooping is currently disabled.
Chapt er 10 10-32 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show igmp-sno oping st atistics Command Mode User .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-33 Intellige nt Mult icast show inte llig ent -mult icast cl ient-p ort Command Mode User . Description Displays curr ent cli ent ports that are assi gned to a pa rticula r sessio n.
Chapt er 10 10-34 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show intelligent-mult icas t confi guration Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays global confi guration informati on for Intell igent Mu lticast ing.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-35 Intellige nt Mult icast show in te lligent -mult icast rou ter-po rt Command Mode User . Description Di splay s the Inte ll ige nt Mult ic ast ro uter p ort s.
Chapt er 10 10-36 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show intelligent -multic as t se ss ion Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays Intel ligent Multicast sessions that opti onally mat ch specifi ed searc h cr iter ia.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-37 Intellige nt Mult icast show in te lligent -mult icast st atic-cl ient Command Mode User . Description Displays all static ally conf igured cl ient ports for a given I ntellige nt Multicast session.
Chapt er 10 10-38 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show intelligent -multic as t st atic-session Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa ys all ma nu all y con figur ed se ssi o ns fo r Inte llig ent Mu ltic ast in g.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 10-39 Intellige nt Mult icast show lg mp cl ient Command Mode User . Description Displays curr ent LGMP clie nt config uration i nformati on or stat istics . Omitting pa rameter s after th e stat istics keyword dis plays glo bal LGMP cli e nt st atis tics .
Chapt er 10 10-40 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show lgmp server Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa ys c u rren t LGM P se rve r co nf igu rati on i n form atio n or stat isti c s.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 1 1-1 11 IP Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ arp ■ arp timeout ■ clea r a rp- .
Chapt er 11 1 1-2 Command R eference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiservic e Switches , v6.1 ■ ip irdp m ultica st ■ ip irdp p referenc e ■ ip mac- format ■ ip max- arp-entr ies ■ .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 3 IP ■ show ip i rdp ■ show ip r edistribut e ■ show ip r oute ■ show ip r oute summary ■ show ip sho r t-liv ed ■ show ip traff ic ■ show tcp.
Chapt er 11 1 1-4 Command R eference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiservic e Switches , v6.1 arp Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Creat es a perman ent entry in the Addr ess Resolu tion Prot ocol (ARP) tabl e. The no form of th is c omm an d d el ete s an e n try .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 5 IP arp ti meout Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Configures t he amount o f time t hat an e ntry remai ns in t he ARP cache on an interfa ce. The no form of thi s command restores the defa ult value .
Chapt er 11 1 1-6 Command R eference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiservic e Switches , v6.1 clear a rp-ca che Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 7 IP clear ip ro ute Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Deletes rout es from the IP rou ting tabl e. Synt ax clear ip route { <net work > [ <mask> ] | *} Sample Output The following e xample dele tes ip r outes fro m the networ k with an IP address of 10.
Chapt er 11 1 1-8 Command R eference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiservic e Switches , v6.1 clear tc p Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Ends th e TC P se ss ion tha t y ou s p ecif y .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 9 IP interface Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Co nfi gur e s an inte rfac e typ e an d en te rs In ter face C on f i gur atio n mo de. T he no form o f thi s c om m and d ele tes a n inte rfa ce w it h th e na me sp eci fied.
Chapt er 11 1 1-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip addres s Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Assig ns a n IP add ress t o an in ter face . T o remove a n IP addr ess or disab le IP process ing, use th e no form of this command.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 11 IP ip admin - st ate Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Se ts th e adm in i s trat ive stat e o f an IP int erfa ce.
Chapt er 11 1 1-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip bootp-dhc p agent-info Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es BOOTP/DHCP option 82, suboption 2 (agentID) . The no command di sables op tion 82, su boption 2.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 1 3 IP ip bootp-d hcp circuit- info Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables BOOTP/DHCP opti on 82, subopt ion 1 (circ uitID).
Chapt er 11 1 1-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip bootp-dhc p relay Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es relaying BOOTP a nd DHCP service t o the BOOTP/DHCP server . The no command d isables r elaying BOOTP and DHCP s ervice t o the BOOT P/D HCP serv e r .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 1 5 IP ip bootp-d hcp serve r Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Adds a BOOTP/DHCP server ent ry .
Chapt er 11 1 1-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip def aul t-ga tew ay Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Defin es a default gateway (rout er) when IP routi ng is disabl ed. The no form of this command remo ves a defa ult gate way .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 1 7 IP ip dir ected broadcas t Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description When the IP Direc ted-Broad cast fea ture is e nabled, it allows a net-dire cted broadcast (unicast IP add ress with the host I D set to a ll ones) to be forwarded by the rout er on the selected interfa ce.
Chapt er 11 1 1-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip domain-li st Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Defin es a defau lt domain na me to complet e unquali fied host names. Y ou can defi ne a maximum of six defaul t domain name s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 1 9 IP ip domain-looku p Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables DNS clie nt. The no form of this comm and disabl es DNS clie nt. Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample enabl es DNS. (configure)# ip doma in-lookup Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 11 1 1-20 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip domain-name Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Defin es a defau lt domain na me to complet e unquali fied host names. Y ou can defi ne a maximum of six defaul t domain name s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 2 1 IP ip http Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Enables or dis ables HTTP and ch anges the p ort number f or HTTP . V alid port numbers ar e 80 or a port number from 90 00 through 65535. The def ault setting is por t 80.
Chapt er 11 1 1-22 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip ird p Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Enabl es the ICMP Rout er Discovery Protocol ( IRDP) on an i nterface. The no form of this command r estores th e default , which is d isabled.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 2 3 IP ip ird p hold time Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Sets the leng th of time , in seconds , that adv ertisements are held v alid. The holdtim e value must be gr eater th an the maxadver tinterv al valu e and cannot be greate r than 9000 seconds.
Chapt er 11 1 1-24 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ird p ma xadve rtint erval Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets the maximum interval in sec onds between advertis ements. The range is 4 to 1800 s econds.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 2 5 IP ip ird p minad verinter val Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Sets the minimum i nterv al in s econds between adve rtis ements. The rang e is 3 to 1799 se conds. The de fault se tting is 450 seconds .
Chapt er 11 1 1-26 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip ird p multica st Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets the route r discove ry address ing mode. For ces this interfa ce to send adverti sements t o the multi cast addr ess (224.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 2 7 IP ip ird p prefe rence Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the pref erence of the addr ess as a de fault ro uter addr ess, rela tive to other rou ter addre sses on the same su bnet.
Chapt er 11 1 1-28 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip mac-format Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets the MAC for mat of the I P interf aces. The n o form of th is command restor es the default ethv2.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 2 9 IP ip max- arp-entri es Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Specifies t he maximum number o f ARP cache en tries al lowed in t he ARP cache. The def ault maxi mum number of entr ies is 16,3 84.
Chapt er 11 1 1-30 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip max- route- entri es Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Speci fies the maximum number of routes t hat can be added to t he routin g table.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 3 1 IP ip mult icas t-routi ng Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Gl oba lly enab les IP mult icas t rou ting . I P mu ltic ast rout ing mus t be ena bled to config ure IGMP or DVMRP . The n o form of th is command disables IP multic ast rout ing.
Chapt er 11 1 1-32 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip name-se rver Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Adds a DNS s erver add ress. The no form o f th is com man d re m ove s the DNS server address.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 3 3 IP ip netbio s-rebr oadcast Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Enables NETBIOS rebroa dcasts on an interf ace. The no form of th is command disabl es NETBIOS rebr oadcasts on an inte rface (d efault).
Chapt er 11 1 1-34 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip netmas k-for m at Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Specif ies the fo rma t of net mask s in t he show command o utput. The no for m of this command re stores t he defaul t, which is a dotted d ecimal for mat.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 3 5 IP ip prox y- arp Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Enables proxy ARP on an inte rf ace . Th e no for m of thi s comman d disa bl es proxy ARP on an i nterfac e. The defa ult stat e is disabl ed.
Chapt er 11 1 1-36 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip proxy-arp -default- rout e Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es use of t he defaul t route a s the route f or proxy ARPs .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 3 7 IP ip proxy- arp -l imit Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables proxy ARP . When enabled, the ro uter only re sponds to ARP requests when the source and tar get IP add ress are in the same IP network and dif ferent IP subnet s.
Chapt er 11 1 1-38 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip redir ect s Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Enabl es the sending of redire ct messages when the route r is forced to resen d a packet throug h the same int erface on which it was receive d.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 3 9 IP ip r eset-st at s Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Resets the IP statist ics. Synt ax ip reset -s tat s Sample Output The foll owin g ex a mple rese ts th e IP s t a tist ics. (configure)# ip r eset-s tats Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 11 1 1-40 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip route Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Creat es a st atic r oute. The no form of this co mman d remove s a st ati c route . The defau lt stat ic routi ng prefer ence is Low .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 4 1 IP Sample Output The following e xample est ablishes a s tatic r oute on ip a ddress 10. 10.10.1, mask 255.25 5.0.0 with a n ext hop addres s of 10.15.1. 1 and a low pa th cost. (configure)# ip ro ute 10.
Chapt er 11 1 1-42 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip route- preferen ce Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Assig ns prefer ence value s to rout es. The IP r outing ta ble use s these va lues to deter mine the be st ro utes.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 4 3 IP ip routin g Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables IP rou ting. The no form of thi s command disa bles IP r outing. The defa ult stat e is e n able d. Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample enabl es IP rou ting.
Chapt er 11 1 1-44 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip routing-mode Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets the IP rou ting mode on a n interf ace. The no f orm of this co mmand restor es the defaul t set ti ng of R T_MGMT .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 4 5 IP ip short-lived Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n Description En ab les a fi lter for a sho r t -liv ed I P pr otoc ol.
Chapt er 11 1 1-46 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip source -route Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Allows the route r to handl e IP data grams with s ource-rou ting heade r options.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 4 7 IP ip telnet inactivit y-p eriod Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Se ts th e IP te lne t ina c tivi ty p er iod . Spe cif i e s ho w many sec onds a te lnet session i s to remain ope n wi th no activ ity .
Chapt er 11 1 1-48 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip telnet Command Mode Global Conf igurati on Descr iption Enable s or dis ab les T e lne t an d ch an ges the T CP po rt n umbe r fo r T eln et.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 4 9 IP ip vlan Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Sp eci fies th e V L AN o n whi ch a n IP in terf ace re sid es. T he no form o f th is com m an d s ets the IP inte rfa ce to th e Dis card v lan .
Chapt er 11 1 1-50 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 pin g Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Checks host reac habilit y and networ k connecti vity .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 5 1 IP redistribute Command Mode Router Confi guratio n (RIP or OSPF). Description Creates an IP redistr ibute li st entry . IP re dis trib ute lis t en trie s co n trol the di stri but ion of stat ic, local , or dynamicall y learned routes f rom one prot ocol to an other prot ocol.
Chapt er 11 1 1-52 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Syst ems P580 and P882. T able 1 1-28. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments Name Defi nitio n ospf Redi stribut es OSPF routes to RIP . Y ou must be in RIP Router Configurat ion mode to enter thi s keyword.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 5 3 IP show arp Command Mode User . Description Displays the ARP cache. Synt ax show arp [ <ip-addr > ] [ <if-name > ] [s ta tic] Sample Output The following e xample disp lays the ARP cache e ntry for IP address 122.
Chapt er 11 1 1-54 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show host s Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays DNS Client i nformation . Syntax show hosts Sample Output The foll owing command di splays th e DNS Client i nformation.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 5 5 IP show ip ar p Command Mode User . Description Displays the Address Resolution Pr otocol (ARP) cache. Synt ax show ip arp [ <ip- addr> ] [ <i f-name> ] [sta ti c] Sample Output The following e xample disp lays the ARP cache e ntry for IP address 122.
Chapt er 11 1 1-56 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ip interface Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa ys co nfig ura t ion inform at io n fo r the I P in terf ac e.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 5 7 IP show ip ird p Command Mode User . Description Displays ICMP Router Discover y Protocol (IRDP) confi guration. Synt ax sho w ip ir dp [ <interfac e-name> ] Sample Output The following e xample disp lays the IRDP configur ation on t he switch .
Chapt er 11 1 1-58 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ip red istribute Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays IP redis tr ibu te li st entries .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 5 9 IP show ip r oute Command Mode User Description Displays inf ormation ab out the IP unicas t routin g table.
Chapt er 11 1 1-60 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ip route summary Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays a summary of the rou ting table.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 6 1 IP show ip short- lived Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n Description Displays the short-li ved IP protocol filter s that ar e current ly enable d.
Chapt er 11 1 1-62 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show i p tr affic Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa ys I P t raffic sta tisti cs info rma tion. Syntax show ip t ra ffic Sample Output The foll owing exa mple displ ays the I P traf fic statis tics inf ormation.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 6 3 IP show tcp conf igura tion Command Mode User . Description Displays the current TCP port sett ings for T elnet a nd HTTP .
Chapt er 11 1 1-64 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show tcp connection s Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays a list o f open TCP conn ections. Syntax show tcp c onnections Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 11 - 6 5 IP show tcp st atistic s Command Mode User . Description Displays TCP conn ection st atisti cs. Synt ax show tcp statist ics Sample Output TCP statistic.
Chapt er 11 1 1-66 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ud p st atistics Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays UDP connec tion stat istics.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 12-1 12 IP-RIP Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ defa ult-metr ic ■ ip rip a uth .
Chapt er 12 12-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 defaul t-metr ic Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets the de fau lt RIP route metric . The no form of thi s com mand re store s the default value.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 12-3 IP-RIP ip r ip auth entica tion key Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Se ts th e aut hen tica tio n p ass w ord u sed on t he int erfa c e. Th e no form of th is command clear s the pass word.
Chapt er 12 12-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip rip authentica tion mode Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Speci fies the type of au thenticati on mode used i n RIP V ersion 2 packet s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 12-5 IP-RIP ip rip de fault-rout e-mode Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Sets the RIP de fault ro ute chara cteristic s. The no form of thi s command disables the de fault ro ute chara cteri stics.
Chapt er 12 12-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip rip poison-reverse Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Enabl es split -horizon with poison reverse on an inter face. The no form of this co mmand disab les the p oison- reverse me chanism.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 12-7 IP-RIP ip r ip rece ive ver sion Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Specifies a RIP version to re ceive on an interfa ce basis. Use the no form of this command t o restore t he default s etting o f RIP V e rsion 1.
Chapt er 12 12-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip rip send version Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Speci fies a RIP version to send on an inte rface basis. Use th e no form of this command t o restor e the defa ult sett ing of RIP V ersio n 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 12-9 IP-RIP ip rip send-re ceive-mod e Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Sets the RIP Sen d and Receiv e mode on an i nterface .
Chapt er 12 12-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 net wor k Command Mode RIP Router Configurati on. Descr iption Enabl es RIP rout ing on a net work or net works. The no form of th is command di sables RI P routing.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 12-1 1 IP-RIP output-d elay Command Mode RIP Router Con figuration. Description Sp eci fies th e in terpa cke t dela y fo r RIP upda tes. T he no for m of thi s command remov es a delay definitio n. The defaul t delay t ime is 1 secon d.
Chapt er 12 12-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 router rip Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Global ly enable s or disable s RIP . The no form of t he command dis ables RIP . T he d e fau lt sta t e is E nab l ed.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 12-13 IP-RIP timers bas ic Command Mode RIP Router Con figuration. Description Ad jus ts RI P ne twor k tim e rs. The n o fo rm of this c omm and re sto res the default t imers. The default f or the upd ate timer is 30 sec onds, and the invalid t ime default is 120 seco nds.
Chapt er 12 12-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 triggered up dates Command Mode RIP Router Configurati on. Descr iption Global ly enable s the use of RIP trigge red update s. The no form of thi s command gl obally di sables RI P trigger ed updates .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 12-15 IP-RIP show ip r ip st atis ti cs Command Mode User . Description Displays RIP in terface statis tics. Synt ax sho w ip ri p s tati stic s Sample Output The followi ng example d isplays I P inte rface st atisti cs on inte rface 3.
Chapt er 12 12-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 13-1 13 IPX Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ clea r i px r out e ■ clear i px s .
Chapt er 13 13-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ■ ipx sa p-network- filter ■ ipx send- receive- mode ■ ipx send- trig gered-upda tes ■ ipx .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-3 IPX clear ipx route Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Deletes rout es from the IPX routing t able. This command only de letes routes l earned via the RIP rout ing prot ocol. S tati c and lo cal rout es canno t be deleted u sing this command.
Chapt er 13 13-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 clear ip x servic e Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Delete s se rv ice s fro m the IP X ser vic e tab l e. T h is co mm an d o nly de lete s service s learne d via the S AP protoc ol.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-5 IPX ipx advert ise-de fault-r oute-onl y Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Advertises only t he defaul t RIP rout e. The no for m of this c ommand advertis es all kn own rout es out the interfa ce.
Chapt er 13 13-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ipx defa ult-route Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Forwar ds all pa ckets for which a rou te to the destinat ion networ k is unknown, to t he defa ult ne twork.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-7 IPX ipx delay Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Se ts th e ti ck s fo r an IP X int erfa ce.
Chapt er 13 13-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ipx down Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Adminis tratively shuts down an IPX net work. The n o form restar ts the network. Th e default state is di sable, whi ch means IPX is n ot shut down.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-9 IPX ipx gns-reply -disable Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Disables the sending of replies to IPX Get Nea rest Ser ver (GNS) queri es. The no fo rm restores t he defaul t state of enable d.
Chapt er 13 13-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx gns- response- delay Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets the delay time (millis econds) whe n respondi ng to IPX GNS reques ts.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-1 1 IPX ipx network Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Enable IPX on a part icular int erface and sel ect the network numbe r and type of encapsu lation ( optional). Th e no form of this command d isables I PX routing.
Chapt er 13 13-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Sample Output The foll owing exa mple enabl es IPX routi ng on networ k 2 on an interfa ce labeled “boston” a nd sets en capsulat ion to SNAP .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-13 IPX ipx output-rip- delay Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Sets the i nte rpa cket del ay fo r RIP upda tes s ent on a si ngl e int er face. The no form of this command r esults i n no in terpacke t delay .
Chapt er 13 13-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx out pu t -s ap- de la y Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets the in terpacke t delay fo r Serv ice Advert ising Prot ocol (SAP) updates sent on a single i nterfac e.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-15 IPX ipx rip Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description En ab les I P X RIP on a n inte rfa ce. T he n o f orm o f th is co mma nd di sab les IPX RIP o n th e i nte rfac e. Th e def ault inte r face set ting is IPX R IP en ab led.
Chapt er 13 13-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx rip-filt er Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Contr ols which ne tworks ar e present in RIP packe ts sent a nd receiv ed on the in terf ace.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-17 IPX Sample Output The following e xample: ■ sets th e IP X RI P f ilt e r pre ced e nce to 5 ■ sets th e st art- netw ork to 2 ■ sets t he end-net wo.
Chapt er 13 13-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx rip -ma x- p acket size Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Enabl es th e maximum pa cket si ze for RIP up dates se nt ou t the int erfa ce.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-19 IPX ipx rip-multiplier Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Sets the inter val at whic h a network ’ s RIP entr y ages out . The no form of this comm an d rest ores t he d efa ul t. T h e de fa ult v alue is th ree tim es th e R IP update int erval.
Chapt er 13 13-20 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx route Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Adds a s tatic rout e to the r outing tabl e. The no for m of this c ommand removes a route fro m the ro uting tab le.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-21 IPX ipx router Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables the I PX RIP or IPX SAP prot ocol on a gl obal basi s. Use the n o form of the command to disable t he protocol s. The defau lt stat e is enabl ed.
Chapt er 13 13-22 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx routing Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es IPX routi ng. The no f orm of this command disab les IPX rout ing. The d efa ul t sta te is dis ab led .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-23 IPX ipx sap Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Enables IPX SAP on a n inte rface. The no form of t his comman d disables IPX SAP on an interface. Defaul t interf ace sett ing is I PX SAP enabled.
Chapt er 13 13-24 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx sap -ma x- p acke t s iz e Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Enabl es use of t he maximum packe t size for SAP updates s ent out th e inter face .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-25 IPX ipx sap-mul tip lier Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Se ts th e in te rva l at w h ich a ne tw or k or se rve r ’ s SA P e n try a ges out. The n o form of th is co mma nd re sto res t he def aul t, wh ich is th re e tim es th e SA P update int erval.
Chapt er 13 13-26 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx sap -n a me- fi lte r Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Speci fies whic h service s (by name) are prese nt in S AP packets s ent and receive d on the in terf ace.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-27 IPX Sample Output The following e xample: ■ sets t he precede nce to 2 ■ sets th e fi lter-na m e to netbi os ■ sets th e se rvi ce typ e to 1 ■ ap.
Chapt er 13 13-28 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx sap -n e tw ork -f ilt er Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Speci fies whic h service s (by networ k) are pres ent in SAP pac kets sent and receive d on the interf ace.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-29 IPX Sample Output The following e xample: ■ sets th e SA P na me fi lter prec ede n ce t o 1 ■ sets th e fi lter-netw ork t o 3 ■ sets th e se rvi ce.
Chapt er 13 13-30 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx s end-recei ve-mo de Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets th e R IP/S AP se nd and rece ive cha ract eri stics of th e IP X in ter face .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-31 IPX ipx send-trigge red-up dates Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Immediately se nds RIP or SAP u pdates to the networ k in respon se to changes in the networ k topology . The no command di sables tr iggered updates.
Chapt er 13 13-32 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx servi ce Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Specif ies stat ic SA P en trie s. T o remo ve s tati c SAP ent ries , use the no fo r m of this command.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-33 IPX Sample Output The following e xample a dds a stat ic servi ce to the service table. (configure)# ipx ser vice 4FS _ENG01 361 121 14 00:00: 00:00:00: 01 451 100.02:e0 :3b:00:45: 63 Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 13 13-34 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx type -20-prop agation Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Speci fies wh ether or not an IPX i nterf ace acc epts an d forwar ds IPX ty pe 20 propagat ion packet broadcas ts.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-35 IPX ipx up date interval Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Adjusts the RI P or SAP update interva l.
Chapt er 13 13-36 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx vlan Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Specif ies t h e VLA N on whic h th e IPX inte rf ace opera tes . The no f o rm of this co mmand assi gns the IPX i nterfac e to the d iscard VLAN.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-37 IPX show ip x ca che Command Mode User . Description Di spl ays th e co nten ts of the I P X fas t-sw itc h ing cache . Synt ax show ipx cache Sample Output The following i s an exampl e of the ou tput that display s after y ou enter t he show ipx cache command.
Chapt er 13 13-38 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ipx interface Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa ys t he det ails o f IPX inte rfac es c o nfig ure d on t he sw itch .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-39 IPX show ipx ri p st atist ics Command Mode User . Description Displays the following IPX RIP inte rface statisti cs: ■ T riggered Updates Sent ■ Non-t.
Chapt er 13 13-40 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ipx rip-filte r Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays IPX RIP fil ters. Syntax show ipx r ip-filter Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-41 IPX show ipx rout e Command Mode User . Description Displays the contents o f the IPX Rou ting T able. Synt ax show ipx route [{ <n etwork> | defa ult}] Sample Output The following i s an exampl e of the ou tput that display s after y ou enter t he show ipx r oute command .
Chapt er 13 13-42 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ip x sa p st atis tic s Command Mode User .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-43 IPX show ipx sa p-name- fi lter Command Mode User . Description Displays IPX SAP na me filter s. Synt ax show ipx sap-name-f ilter Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 13 13-44 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ipx s ap-network- filter Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays IPX SAP net work fi lters. Syntax show ipx sa p-network -filter Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 13-45 IPX show ip x se rvice Command Mode User . Description Lists the IP X services added via s tatic c onfigurati on or disco vered thr ough Service Adv ertisin g Proto col (SAP) ad vertiseme nts.
Chapt er 13 13-46 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show i px tr affic Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the numbe r and type of IPX packe ts trans mitted and received .
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 14-1 14 Layer 3 Forwa rding Cache Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ ip mu lt icas t.
Chapt er 14 14-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip multicas t route- cache a ging Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enable s a ging of IP m ul ticas t fo rw ardin g c ache en trie s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 14-3 Layer 3 Fo r ward ing Cache ip mult icas t route- cache h ash-mode Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Configures th e ip multicas t route c ache hashi ng mode. The no form of this command resto res the de fault, whi ch is sa- da .
Chapt er 14 14-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip mult icast route -cach e ma x-size Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets a maximum limit on the number of entr ies in th e ip multicas t route cache per forwardi ng chip.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 14-5 Layer 3 Fo r ward ing Cache ip mu lticas t route- cache r eadd-timeout Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description This command i s useful o nly for ne tworks tha t are design ed to rout e mul ticas t tra ffic.
Chapt er 14 14-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Sample Output The fo llowing exa mple sets the IP multicast route cache re- add tim eout interv al to 1 0 seconds. (configure)# ip mul t i cas t route - cac he read d -ti meou t 10 Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 14-7 Layer 3 Fo r ward ing Cache ip mult icas t route- cache u p date-ti meout Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the peri od of cach e invali dation due to aging. Th e no form of this restore s the defa ult of 120 seconds.
Chapt er 14 14-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip unica st rout e- cache ag ing Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es aging of IP unicas t route c ache entr ies. The no f orm of thi s command di sables a ging.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 14-9 Layer 3 Fo r ward ing Cache ip uni cast route-ca che hash -mode Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Configures th e IP unica st route cache hashi ng mode. Th e no form of this command resto res the de fault, whi ch is da- only .
Chapt er 14 14-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip unica st route- cache max-s ize Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets a maxi mum li m it on th e number of en tr ie s i n the i p un ic ast rout e cach e per for warding chi p.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 14-1 1 Layer 3 Fo r ward ing Cache ip uni cast route-ca che up date-timeou t Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the peri od of ip un icast r oute cache invalida tion due t o aging. The no form of this command res tores th e default of 120 sec onds.
Chapt er 14 14-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx rou t e- cach e ag in g Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es and disa bles IPX r oute cache aging. The no form of th is command disable s aging.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 14-13 Layer 3 Fo r ward ing Cache ipx route- cache hash -mode Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Configures th e IPX unicas t route c ache hashi ng mode. The no f orm of thi s command resto res the de fault, whi ch is da- only .
Chapt er 14 14-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ipx rou t e- ca ch e max- s ize Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets a maximum limit on the numb er of ent ries in the IPX rou te cac he.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 14-15 Layer 3 Fo r ward ing Cache ipx route- cache up date-tim eout Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the peri od of IPX route cache inva lidatio n due to aging . The no for m of this command r estores the defau lt of 120 sec onds.
Chapt er 14 14-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ip multicast cac he Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the I P multicast L3 forwar ding ca che entries.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 14-17 Layer 3 Fo r ward ing Cache show ip u n ic ast ca che Command Mode User Description Di spl ays th e IP u nica st L3 forwa rdi ng c a che entr ie s.
Chapt er 14 14-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show i px cach e Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa ys t he IPX f orw ardi ng c ach e e ntr ies.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 15-1 15 LDAP Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ ldap exe cutio n-option ■ ldap s e.
Chapt er 15 15-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ldap exe cution-o ption Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets whether A vaya Policy Manag er (APM) s tops or co ntinues to ap ply a policy i f an err or with a c ommand occurs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 15-3 LDAP ldap searc h-base Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Defines the Li ghtweight Dir ectory Acc ess Protoc ol (LDAP) searc h base. The no form of th is command remov es a sear ch base def inition.
Chapt er 15 15-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ldap ser ver prima ry Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Changes the prima ry LDAP server ’ s IP address an d port. The no form of this com mand rem oves the prim ary L DA P Ser ver ’ s IP Ad dre ss.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 15-5 LDAP ldap server sec ondary Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Changes the sec onda ry L DAP server ’ s IP Address a nd p ort . The no form o f this command r emoves the secondary LDAP Server’ s IP Address.
Chapt er 15 15-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show ldap Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa ys t he cur ren t L DAP co nf igu rati on i nform at ion. Syntax show ldap Sample Output The foll owing exa mple displ ays the LDAP co nfigurat ion in formation .
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 16-1 16 Logging Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing comma nds: ■ logging clear ■ logging console.
Chapt er 16 16-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 logging clear Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Clear s the cont ents of t he event l og. Syntax logging c lear Sample Output The f ollo wing ex ampl e cle ars the ev ent log .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 16-3 Loggin g logging console Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Se ts t he t ype of sy slog mes sag es t hat are sent t o th e co nsol e. T he no form of this command d isables the type s pecifie d.
Chapt er 16 16-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 service_por t Logs status changes in service p orts. Use the set port category comma nd to set a port as a service port . For info rmation on this command, see Chapt er 21 .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 16-5 Loggin g Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882. unknown_mac Logs unknown MAC addres ses if received. login_st atus Lo gs User l ogin or logout. acl_log Logs packets that m atch access control rules . ssl_ss h Logs S SH events .
Chapt er 16 16-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 loggin g his tory Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the ty pe of syslo g message s that are s ent to the event log and s hutdown log.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 16-7 Loggin g pow er Logs t h e ad diti on or remo va l of a po wer supp l y service_po rt Lo gs status ch anges in serv ice ports. Use the set po rt category co mmand to set a port as a service por t. For inform ation on this command, see Chap ter 21 .
Chapt er 16 16-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882. vrrp Logs VRRP events, i f VRRP p rotocol even t logg ing is e nab led . unknown_m ac Logs unkn own MAC addresses if receiv ed.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 16-9 Loggin g logging history size Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Ch an ge th e num ber of syslo g me ssag es sto red in th e event log. The no fo rm of this c ommand resets the numb er of messa ges to the default value, whic h is 512.
Chapt er 16 16-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 logging prot ocol event Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the categ ories of the proto col event s that gen erate not ificat ions.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 16-1 1 Loggin g Sample Output The following e xample logs all of t he LDAP fault messages. (configure)# logg ing pr otocol ev ent ldap fault Completed set configuration for protocol eve nts. Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 16 16-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 logging shut down size Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Change the number of syslog mes sages sto red in the shutdown lo g. The no form of t his comman d resets the numbe r of message s to the d efault v alue, which is 16.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 16-13 Loggin g logging trap s Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the type of syslog mess ages that are sent to SNMP trap rece ivers. The no form o f th is co mm and disa bles the typ e sp ecifie d.
Chapt er 16 16-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Sample Output The foll owing exa mple sends all of th e switch_f abric sy slog message s to the SNMP trap receivers. (configure)# loggi ng traps swi tch_fabri c Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 16-15 Loggin g set sysl og Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables or dis ables sys log event reporti ng. The defau lt sett ing is di sabled. Synt ax set sy slog {enabl e | disa ble} Systems P580 and P882.
Chapt er 16 16-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set sys l og fa ci lity Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the event types, also call ed “faci lities ,” for whic h syslog ev ents are generat ed.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 16-17 Loggin g fan Logs fan status chan ges. Fan fa ilures will eventually lead to overh eating the system. The fan status message provides a goo d early warning for a failure that could eventually caus e the sw itch to shut d own.
Chapt er 16 16-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Syst ems P580 and P882. cli Logs CLI events, if CLI even t logging is enab led. snmp Logs SNMP events, if SNMP protocol ev ent logg ing is e nab led .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 16-19 Loggin g set sysl og server _i p Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the IP ad dresses o f remote sy slog serv ers to whic h you want sy slog events fo rwarded . The no command stops forwardin g syslog ev ents to t he syslog s erver that you specif y .
Chapt er 16 16-20 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set s yslog s everity Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the sever ity of er ror messag es that you want logged. Ta b l e 1 6 - 9 describ es the di ffe rent sysl og severi ty level s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 16-21 Loggin g show alarms Command Mode User . Description Displays the contents o f the act ive alar m table. Synt ax sho w alar ms Sample Output The following e xample disp lays the contents of the act ive alar m table.
Chapt er 16 16-22 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show loggin g Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the co ntents of the event or shutdo wn log. The number of event s can be spe cified at t he end of t he command.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 16-23 Loggin g show sysl og buffer Command Mode User . Description Di spl ays ev en ts in th e sy sl og b uffer .
Chapt er 16 16-24 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show syslog config Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the cu rrent con figurat ion for sy slog ev ent repor ting. Syntax show sysl og config Sample Output Syslog Server: Enabled Severity: informational Server IP: 135.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 17-1 17 Module Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ reset-modul e ■ set modul e name.
Chapt er 17 17-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 reset- module Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Reset s an indiv idual mo dule other t han the sup ervis or module. Syntax reset- module <mod - num > * Note : Y ou cannot r eset an i ndividual module from t he W eb Agent.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 17-3 Modul e set module name Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Creates the n ame for a modul e. Omittin g the <mod- name > v aria ble cl ears the module n ame.
Chapt er 17 17-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set module notes Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Creat es a notes page for a module. Omi tting the <mod- not es> variab le clears the module n otes.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 17-5 Modul e show module Command Mode User . Description Displays inf ormat ion a bout th e modu les in st al le d in the s wit ch c has sis. The default s tate di splays in formati on for al l module s instal led in t he switch.
Chapt er 17 17-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show module inventory Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa ys i nf orma tio n ab o ut th e hard ware in t he s w itch ch as sis.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 18-1 18 NEDR and IEDR Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing comma nds: ■ set hunt group int ernal-e .
Chapt er 18 18-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set h untgroup int ernal-error-shu t down Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Global ly enable s or disa bles intern al error detecti on and reco very (IEDR) for all ports i n hunt group s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 18-3 NEDR and IEDR set internal-error-threshold Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the IEDR th reshold f or inter nal erro rs. Whe n a port r eaches th is threshol d, it is shut down. By default this thr eshold is set to 10 inter nal errors in a 5-se cond ti me period.
Chapt er 18 18-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set port inte rnal -erro r-s h ut down Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 18-5 NEDR and IEDR set port net work-erro r-dete ct ion Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Configure net work err or det ection an d r ecover y (NEDR) for a p ort or ports .
Chapt er 18 18-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Sample Output The foll owing command se ts NEDR on po rts 1-5 on module 3. (configure)# set po rt netwo rk-err or -detection 3/ 1-5 Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 18-7 NEDR and IEDR show huntgro up internal- error-conf ig Command Mode User Description Displays the IEDR settin g (enab led or disabl ed) for hunt groups and the glob al I EDR thre s hol d se ttin g. Synt ax show hunt group int ernal-er ror -config Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 18 18-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show port internal-error- config Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa ys a li st of the por ts that hav e IEDR ena b led , the I EDR sett ing fo r hunt grou ps, and the global IEDR t hreshold setting.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 18-9 NEDR and IEDR show port net work-error detectio n Command Mode User . Description Displays the ports tha t have NEDR enab led . Synt ax show port network- error -detec tion Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 18 18-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 19-1 19 OSPF Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ area ■ area as e-filt er ■ area .
Chapt er 19 19-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ■ ip os pf tr ans mit-d ela y ■ network ar ea ■ passiv e-inte rface ■ router o spf ■ show.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-3 OSPF area Command Mode OSPF Router Conf iguration. Description Defines an OSPF Are a. T o remove an area, us e the no fo rm of th is command. Synt ax Sample Output The following c ommand removes t he OSPF Area f rom the indica ted route r .
Chapt er 19 19-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 area ase- fi lt er Command Mode OSPF Router Con figuration . Descr iption Enabl es the fil tering of type 3 ASE LSAs into an OSP F Area. T o disable the filteri ng of type 3 ASE LSAs, use th e no form of th is com m an d .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-5 OSPF area de faul t-cos t Command Mode OSPF Router Conf iguration. Description Defines the cost for rout es advertise d into stu b area by an area borde r router . T o rest ore the d e fau lt va lu e, us e th e no form o f thi s co mma nd.
Chapt er 19 19-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 area nssa Command Mode OSPF Router Con figuration . Descr iption Confi gure an ar ea as a Not S o Stub by Area (NSSA). T o remove the NSSA distin ction fr om the area , use the no form of th is co m man d.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-7 OSPF area range Command Mode OSPF Router Conf iguration. Description Consolidates and summarizes r outes at an area bou ndary . T o disable this function, use th e no form of this comm and . Synt ax Sample Output The following c ommand sets a n area ran ge on th e indicated area.
Chapt er 19 19-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 area stub Command Mode OSPF Router Con figuration . Descr iption Defin es an are a as a s tub area. Use th e no form of t his command to re move the stu b area distinctio n.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-9 OSPF area tr ans late-ns sa-to-e xternal Command Mode OSPF Router Conf iguration. Description Enables the t ranslat ion of typ e 7 LSAs into t ype 5. T o disable this featu re use t he no form of th is c omm and.
Chapt er 19 19-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 area vi rt u al -li nk Command Mode OSPF Router Con figuration . Descr iption Defin es an OSPF vir tual link. T o remove a virt ual link, us e the no form of this co mmand.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-1 1 OSPF Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882. <transit- delay> Estimated number of second s it takes to transmit a link state update packet over this vi rtual link. The value range is 1- 3600. The def ault is 1.
Chapt er 19 19-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip osp f as-boundar y-router Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption * I mport ant: This command i s not suppo rted by v6.0 and la ter applicat ion soft ware.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-13 OSPF ip o sp f auth enticat ion-k ey Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Assign a passwor d to be use d by neighbo ring router s that ar e using OSPF’ s simple password authe nticati on. T o remove a previ ously ass igned OSP F password, us e the no form of th is command.
Chapt er 19 19-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip osp f a uto-vli nk-cre ate Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enable s th e auto m ati c cr ea tio n of vi rtua l lin ks. U se t h e no form of th is command t o disable this behavior .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-15 OSPF ip osp f cost Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Specifies t he cost of sending a packet on a n interf ace. The no form o f thi s command resto res the de fault settin g of 1 . Th e valid r ange is 1 to 65 534.
Chapt er 19 19-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip osp f dead-interval Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets the dead i nterva l time fo r neighbor s to decl are this router do wn.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-17 OSPF ip osp f ext -route- me tric Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Se ts th e me tric type u sed for e x tern al r ou tes to ty p e1 o r ty pe 2. U se th e no form of this command to r estore d efault va lues.
Chapt er 19 19-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip osp f he llo-interval Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Specif ies the he llo in ter val time. The h ell o int erval tim e is t he tim e be twee n hello pa ckets tha t the rou ter sends on t he inter face.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-19 OSPF i p o s pf m a x - pa t h s Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Configures th e maximum number of Si mple Path Fi rst (SPF) paths tha t OSPF can use.
Chapt er 19 19-20 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip osp f message-dige st-key md5 Command Mode Interf ace Config uration.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-21 OSPF i p o s pf pa c k e t t r a c i n g Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Enables or disabl es OSPF packe t tracing. Synt ax Sample Output The following c ommand enables packet t racing. (configure)# ip ospf packet tracing Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 19 19-22 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip osp f poll interval Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Speci fies the poll inter val time. Th e valid r ange is 1 t o 3600 secon ds.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-23 OSPF i p o s pf r e s e t - s ta ts Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Resets the OSPF gl obal sta tistics. Synt ax ip ospf rese t- st ats Sample Output The following c ommand reset s the OSPF glo bal stat istics.
Chapt er 19 19-24 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip osp f retransmit- interval Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Specif ies the t i m e bet wee n li nk sta te a dvert isem ent retra ns missi ons for adjacen cies belon ging to the int erface.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-25 OSPF ip osp f router-id Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the router -id for the syst em. Use the no comma nd to rest ore the defaul t setting (the lowes t IP addre ss config ured on the system).
Chapt er 19 19-26 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip osp f t ransmit -delay Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets the esti mated time i t takes to transmi t a link s tate upda te packet on the interf ace.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-27 OSPF network are a Command Mode OSPF Router Conf iguration. Description Defines the int erfac es on which OSPF run s and defi nes an are a ID for tho se inte rfac es.
Chapt er 19 19-28 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 p assive -interf ace Command Mode OSPF Router Con figuration . Descr iption Preve nts OSPF fr om sending routing u pdates ac ross the network. T o disable passive interfa ce, use the no form of th is co mm and.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-29 OSPF router osp f Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Enables the OSPF p rotocol o n this sys tem. The no for m of th is command disables it globa lly . The default is dis abled . Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample enabl es OSPF routing .
Chapt er 19 19-30 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ip osp f Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays genera l informa tion about OSPF r outing. Syntax show ip osp f Sample Output The foll owing exam ple displ ays genera l informa tion about OSPF r outing.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-31 OSPF show i p osp f d at a bas e Command Mode User . Description Di spl ays li sts o f in form atio n rela ted to the OSPF d ata bas e f or a speci fic router .
Chapt er 19 19-32 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ip osp f interface Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the OSPF- related interfa ce infor mation.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-33 OSPF show ip osp f neighbor Command Mode User . Description Displays OSPF-ne ighbor inf ormation o n a per -inte rface bas is.
Chapt er 19 19-34 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ip osp f st at s Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays OSPF stat istics . Syntax show ip ospf s tats Sample Output The foll owing command di splays OSPF s tatistics .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-35 OSPF show ip o sp f virtual- links Command Mode User . Description Displays para meters that expl ain the c urrent s tate of OSPF virtual links. Synt ax show ip o spf virtual -links Sample Output The following c ommand displa ys par ameters abo ut the cur rent st ate of th e virtual links to the switc h.
Chapt er 19 19-36 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 timers lsa-gr oup-p acing Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the number of LSAs that shoul d be processed a t one time, du ring a SPF calcula tion.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 19-37 OSPF timers sp f Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Configures th e delay ti me (seconds ) between runs of OSPF’ s SPF calculat ion. Use th e no form of this co mm and to res tore the def au lt ( 3 seconds ).
Chapt er 19 19-38 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 20-1 20 Policy Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ acce ss-lis t ■ ip acce ss-group.
Chapt er 20 20-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 access -list Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Create s a rul e in a n acc ess co ntro l list (ACL ). Th e rule that y ou s e t is applied on all of the ports on the swit ch.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 20-3 Policy T able 20-1. Parameters, Keywords, and Arguments Name Definition <access-list-name> A unique name that identifies the acces s control list. <access-list-index> The rule number within the access list.
Chapt er 20 20-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 fwd1 | fwd2 | fwd3 | fwd4 | fwd5 | fwd6 | fwd7 | fwd8 The priority that you want to set. The number following the fwd specifies the priority . The fwd x ar guments are 1 -based, while the queue priorities are 0-based.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 20-5 Policy Sample Output: St andard ACL Rules The followi ng table pro vides exampl es of sta ndard ACL rules. <dest-wild car d> The inverse of a networ k mask. Enter a 32-bit number in fo ur-par t, dotted decimal f ormat.
Chapt er 20 20-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Sample Output: Extended ACL Rules The foll owing ta ble provides example s of exten ded ACL rul es. • Replace the existing DSCP with a DSCP of 5 for all traf fic that has a source IP add ress in the 10.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 20-7 Policy Use the DSCP in the packet to classify all traffic th at has a: • Source IP address in the 3.0 subnet • D estination address in the 5.0 subnet • Mask the three least significant bits of the DSCP access-list MyAccessList2 2 permit use- dif fserv mas k ip 3.
Chapt er 20 20-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882. • Use the lay e r 2 prior ity in the packet to classify all TCP traf fic that has a: — Source IP address in the 5.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 20-9 Policy CAUTION: ip access -group Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n Description Enables an acce ss control li st (ACL) and opti onally sets t he default ac tion to deny . The de fault-ac tion-deny option is a global s etting a nd is not a vailable in the W eb Agent.
Chapt er 20 20-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Sample Output The fo llowing comm and enabl es the acc ess-lis t fwdrule s : (configure)# ip acc ess-gr oup fwdrules Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 20-1 1 Policy ip acces s- lis t Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Creates a rul e in an ac cess cont rol list (ACL). The ru le that y ou set is app lied on al l of th e po rts on t he sw itch. * Note: Y ou must enable the ACL on which you want to set a rule.
Chapt er 20 20-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ip acl-logging Command Mode Global Conf igurati on Descr iption Enabl es or disa bles ACL logg ing. The def ault set ting for ACL log ging is disable d.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 20-13 Policy ip acl-loggin g logging- inter val Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n Description Sets the inter val for ACL loggi ng. The vali d range i s 1 to 60 se conds. The default s etting i s 2 second s. Synt ax ip acl-l oggi ng log ging-i nt erv al <tim e-in-se conds> Systems P580 and P882.
Chapt er 20 20-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show a ccess-gro up Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa ys the ena b led acces s co ntrol list . Syntax show acces s-group Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 20-15 Policy show acces s-li st s Command Mode User . Description Displays the contents o f access lists co nfigured on the sw itch. The s witch displays all acce ss lists by defaul t. Synt ax show acc ess -l ists [ <acce ss-list -name> ] Sample Output The following c ommand displa ys the acc ess list s.
Chapt er 20 20-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show acl-match-timer Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 20-17 Policy show ip a cc ess-l i st s Command Mode User . Description Displays the contents o f the IP a ccess li sts confi gured on t he switch.
Chapt er 20 20-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 21-1 21 Port Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ clear port count ers ■ set por t 3.
Chapt er 21 21-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ■ set port mirror Fa bric_mode2 ■ set p ort name ■ set po rt networ k-error -det ection ■ s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-3 Port clear port count ers Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Clears port e thernet statist ics counter s. Omitting input cl ears all por t counters on the switch. Sel ecting a mod- num clears all port counters on the module.
Chapt er 21 21-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set p ort 3com-mapping- t able Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the 3Com mapp ing ta ble for a specifi ed switch p ort or al l switch p orts on a speci fied modul e.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-5 Port set port allo w-learning Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Disables or e nables le arning fo r a spe cified sw itch port or all s witch port s on a speci fied module .
Chapt er 21 21-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set port aut o- fl u sh Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-7 Port set p or t auto -ne got iati on Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Enables or dis ables aut o-negotiat ion on the specifie d port or ports.
Chapt er 21 21-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set p ort a uto-negot iation- duplex- advert isement Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Confi gures auto negotiat ion adv ertisement o f the dupl ex capabil ity for a specifi ed port o r port s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-9 Port set p or t auto -ne gotia tion -flo w-co ntrol - adverti sement Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the auto -negotia tion flo w control a dvertise ment on a modul e or range of modules.
Chapt er 21 21-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set p ort auto -negotia tion-speed- advertise ment Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the auto- negotiat ion speed c apabili ty advert isement of fast et hernet ports t o support s peeds of 1 0Mbps, 100Mbps , or eithe r .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-1 1 Port set p or t auto -vla n-cr eate Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Enables or dis ables auto VLAN cr eation f or a speci fied switch port or a ll switch por ts on a spe cified mod ule.
Chapt er 21 21-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port cat eg o r y Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the categ ory of ports. Syntax set port categor y { <mod-nu m> | <mod-port- range> }[.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-13 Port set port disab le Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Disables a spe cified p ort or ports .
Chapt er 21 21-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set p ort duplex Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the duplex ity of fa st ether net port s. Syntax set port duplex { <mod -num> | <mod- port-range> }[.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-15 Port set port edg e admin st ate Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Specifies whe ther a por t is an ed ge port or a nonedge po rt. An edge p ort is not connect ed to any other b ridge. Only edge ports and point -to-poin t lin ks can r api dly tr ans itio n to fo rwa r din g sta te.
Chapt er 21 21-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port ena b le Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es a speci fied port or ports . Syntax set port enable { <mod-nu m> | <mod-port- range> }[.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-17 Port set port fl ow-contr ol Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Set the port flow contr ol. * Note: Setting this para meter on an y M5548-100 TX port set s all physical ports on t he module t o the same va lue.
Chapt er 21 21-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port frame- t ags Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the switc h ports to use or ign ore fram e tags. Syntax set port fr am e-ta gs { <mod-num> | <mod-swpo rt-range> }[.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-19 Port set port hunt group Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets or clea rs the hunt group ass ignment for a spec ified switc h port. Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample set s the hunt group assi gnment of switc h port 1 on the module i n slot 5 to hu ntgroup na med sales .
Chapt er 21 21-20 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port internal-er ror-shut down Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets switch por ts to shutdown if th eir r ate of in ternal e rrors exceed s the thres hol d se tting .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-21 Port set port in trusion-tra p Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Enables or dis ables th e switch po rt intr usion tra p. Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample enabl es the swi tch port intrusi on trap on module in slot 3.
Chapt er 21 21-22 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port intrus io n- tra p -t ime r Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the tim e interv al at wh ich intr usion tr aps are gen erated.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-23 Port set port kno wn-mode Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Enables or dis ables kno wn mode for th e specifi ed switch port or po rts.
Chapt er 21 21-24 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port mirror Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-25 Port Sample Output The following e xample set s a port mi rror sampling rule for a single source port that has 2 fab ric ports. (configure)# set port mirr or 4/1-10 sour ce-port 4/2 mirr or -port 4/3 sampling always piggy back-port 4/ 4 Port mirroring rule configured.
Chapt er 21 21-26 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port mirror Fabric_mode2 Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-27 Port {always | disable | periodic} How often you wan t the mirror port to receive tr affic sampl es. [sa <MAC - addr ess> ] The source MAC a ddress that you wan t to mirror traf fic for . Use this opti on only if you entered sa for the direction of tra ffic.
Chapt er 21 21-28 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Syst ems P580 and P882. 8-por t gigab it modu les • 1–4 •5 – 8 • Any si ngle po rt Y ou ca n mi rro r a ny fo ur sin gl e por t s simultan eously (one port per channel).
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-29 Port set port name Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Se ts th e nam e for a port . Omi ttin g the <port-name> variab le cl ear s the po rt name.
Chapt er 21 21-30 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port network-er ror-detection Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Confi gure ne twork er ror de te ction and rec overy ( NEDR) for a port or p orts.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-31 Port Sample Output The following c ommand sets NEDR on por ts 1-5 on modu le 3. (configure)# set port networ k-err or - detection 3/1- 5 Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882. <rising- thr eshold value> The rising threshold.
Chapt er 21 21-32 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port p a ce -p rio rit y-mod e Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es or disa bles pace priority mode on a speci fied port or ports.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-33 Port set port point -to-poin t admin st atus Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Specifies whe ther a por t is connect ed to a sha red LAN segment or a point - to-point LAN segment.
Chapt er 21 21-34 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set p ort rate -limit -burst-s ize Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-35 Port set po rt rate -limit-mo de Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Se ts th e ra te lim it mo de for fast eth ern et por ts. Synt ax set po rt rat e-l im it- m ode { <mod-num> | <mod-port -range> }[.
Chapt er 21 21-36 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port rate- lim it- r at e Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the ra te limit rate for fast et hernet po rts. Syntax set po rt ra te- li mit -rat e { <mod-num> | <mod-p ort-range > }[.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-37 Port set port- redundan cy Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables or dis ables al l existi ng redunda ncy pairs .
Chapt er 21 21-38 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set p ort-redunda ncy name Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-39 Port set po rt remo te-fau lt-de tect Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Enables or dis ables re mote fault detecti ons for gi gabit por ts.
Chapt er 21 21-40 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set p ort sp anning-tr ee-mode Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enable s or dis ab les spa nning tre e m od e fo r sp ec ifie d sw i tch por ts.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-41 Port set port spe ed Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Se ts th e po r t spe ed . Synt ax set po rt sp eed { <m od -nu m> | <mod-port-range> }[.
Chapt er 21 21-42 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port trunki ng- fo rmat Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the trunk ing form at for swi tch port s. The defau lt sett ing is cl ear .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-43 Port set port vl an Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the VLAN fo r a spec ified swi tch port or all switch p orts on a specifi ed module. Synt ax set po rt vl an { <mod-num> | <mod- swport-ra nge> }[.
Chapt er 21 21-44 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port vlan - bi nd i ng - met h od Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets VLAN binding method for a specif ied switch port or all switch port s on a specifi ed module .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-45 Port set port vt p-snoop in g Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Disables or e nables vt p-snooping for speci fied swit ch ports .
Chapt er 21 21-46 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show port Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the co nfigurat ion of spe cified sw itch ports. By default, the configur ation of all sw itch port s is dis played.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-47 Port show port coun ters Command Mode User . Description Displays the port stat istics on a module. If no <mod-nu m> or <mod- swport-spe c> is speci fied , the n the p ort stat isti cs for all s wit ch por ts on a ll modules are displaye d.
Chapt er 21 21-48 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show port mirror Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the port mir rori ng confi gurat ion for a speci fic so urce por t or ra nge or all source por ts or ran ges on a swi tch in Fabr ic mode 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-49 Port show port mirr or Fabric_mod e2 Command Mode User . Description Displays the source por ts, mirror por t, dir ection bein g mirrored , MAC address f ilter , sampler t ype, and maxi mum packet per second for all por t mirrors t hat are c urrentl y set up .
Chapt er 21 21-50 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show port physical Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the co nfigurat ion of the specifi ed physica l port or ports. Syntax show port phy sical [{ <m od- num> | <mod-port-ra nge> } [.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 21-51 Port show port st atus Command Mode User . Description Displays port status i nformati on. The stat us informa tion of all ports is displayed by defa ult. Synt ax show port status [{ <mod -n um> | <mod-port- range> }[.
Chapt er 21 21-52 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show port redundanc y Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the gl obal port redundanc y setting , enabl ed or disable d, and the configur ed red undancy pai rs.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 22-1 22 Power Cool RAM Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ show syst em fans ■ show.
Chapt er 22 22-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show s ystem fa ns Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the st atus of t he cooli ng system. Syntax show syst em fans Sample Output The foll owing exa mple list s the st atus of t he switch f ans.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 22-3 Power Cool RAM show syste m power Command Mode User . Description Displays the status of the po wer suppli es instal led in t he chassi s. Synt axt show s yst em power Sample Output The following example display s the status o f the power supplies in stalled in the c has sis .
Chapt er 22 22-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show s ystem ram Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the st atus of Random Acc ess Memory (RAM). Syntax show syst em ram Sample Output The foll owing exa mple displ ays the RAM status.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 23-1 23 80-Series QoS Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ acce ss-lis t ■ reset por.
Chapt er 23 23-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 access -list Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Create s a rul e in a n acc ess co ntro l list (ACL ). Th e rule that y ou s e t is applied on all of the ports on the swit ch.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-3 80-Series QoS permit Forwards the packet without changin g its priority . use-priori ty Assigns the priority that you define i n the following <p riority> parameter to the packet. <priority> The priority that you want to as sign to packets that match this ACL.
Chapt er 23 23-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 <pr otocol-id> T he ID of th e pro toco l th at yo u wa nt to a ssi gn a priorit y to. RFC 791 define s the prot ocol IDs. <sour ce-ip-add r> The source IP add ress of the subnet that you want to assign a priority to.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-5 80-Series QoS Sample Output: St andard ACL Rules The followi ng table pro vides exampl es of sta ndard ACL rules.
Chapt er 23 23-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Sample Output: Extended ACL Rules The foll owing ta ble provides example s of exten ded ACL rul es. • Use the DSCP in the packet to classify all traf fic that has a source IP address of 3.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-7 80-Series QoS • Replace the existing DSCP of packets with a DSCP of 12 for all traffi c that has a source IP add ress of 199.93. 238.83. • Mask the three least significant bits of the DSCP . (configure)# access-list MyAccessList2 4 permit remark l2 mask ip host 19 9.
Chapt er 23 23-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Syst ems ■ P550R and P880, 80-series modu les only . ■ P580 and P882. • Use the DSCP to classify all UDP traffic that has a: — Source IP addres s of 7.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-9 80-Series QoS reset p ort queue counter s Command Mode User . Description Re set s th e q ueu e stat isti cs to 0 .
Chapt er 23 23-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Sample Output The foll owing exa mple reset s the QoS st atisti cs on the ingress po rts on the module in s lot 3. > re set port que ue counters 3 ingr ess Syst ems ■ P550R and P880, 80-series modu les only .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-1 1 80-Series QoS set af t entry Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Configures th e priori ty of a sou rce MAC addres s or destina tion MAC address. Th e no command d eletes t he Address Forwarding T a ble (AFT) entry for the sour ce or dest ination MAC addre ss.
Chapt er 23 23-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 priority Options in clude: • normal - The AFT entr y has n ormal priority . • high - The AFT entry has high priority . sa-priority port Uses the priority of the ph ysical por t, Cis co ISL tag, or 802.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-13 80-Series QoS Sample Output The following t able pro vides examples of this c ommand. T able 2 3-6. Examples: set aft entry T o . . . Enter . . . • Associate MAC address 00:00:00: 00:00:55 with port 1 on the module in slo t 3 and with VLAN 50.
Chapt er 23 23-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Syst ems ■ P550R and P880, 80-series modu les only . ■ P580 and P882. • Associate MAC address 00:00:0 0:00:0 0:55 wit h port 1 on th e module in slot 3 an d with VLAN 50.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-15 80-Series QoS set diff serv plp * Import ant: This command is for f uture func tionali ty and is not current ly suppor ted. Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Assigns a packe t loss proba bility (PLP) to a Dif f Serv code point (DSCP).
Chapt er 23 23-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set diff se rv pri ority Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Assig ns a prio rity to a Dif fServ code p oint (DSCP) in th e Dif fServ Ma pping Ta b l e .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-17 80-Series QoS set port def ault-prior ity Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Se ts th e pr io rit y of a p hys ic al p ort. Synt ax set por t defa ult- prior ity {{ <mod- num> | <mod-swport -range> }[.
Chapt er 23 23-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 The foll owing comman d sets the priority t o 2 for por ts 1 thr ough 5 on the module in s lot 3 and f or port 1 on the modul e in slot 6.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-19 80-Series QoS set port ig nore-t ag-pr iority Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets a port t o ignore a ny layer 2 tag priorit y (inclu ding 802.
Chapt er 23 23-20 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Sample Output The foll owing comman d sets al l ports on the module i n slot 3 to ignore the 802.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-21 80-Series QoS set port mask -diffs erv Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets a port t o mask the t hree leas t sig nificant bits of the DSCP when th e switch is usi ng the DSCP to classify bri dged IP traff ic.
Chapt er 23 23-22 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Sample Output The foll owing comman d sets all po rts on the module i n slot 3 to ma sk the three l east sig nific ant bits of the DSCP , enter: (configure)# set po rt mask- diffserv 3 on Syst ems ■ P550R and P880, 80-series modu les only .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-23 80-Series QoS set port police Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Enables or dis ables pol icing fo r ingress traf fic on a port. Synt ax To C o n f i g u r e : set port police {{ < mod-num> | <mod-swp ort-range > } [.
Chapt er 23 23-24 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Sample Output The foll owing exa mple sets port poli ce on all ports on modu le 3. (configure)# set po rt police 3 all-por ts Syst ems ■ P550R and P880, 80-series modu les only .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-25 80-Series QoS set port que ue service cbq Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets a port, p ort range , or module t o use class- based queui ng (CBQ) queue serv icin g. Synt ax set p o rt qu eue s ervi ce { { <mod-num> | <mod-swpor t-range> }[.
Chapt er 23 23-26 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set port queu e se rvi ce cb wf q Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets a port, por t range, o r module to u se class -based weig hted fai r queuing (CBWFQ) queu e servic ing.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-27 80-Series QoS Systems ■ P5 50R and P880, 80 -series mo dules onl y . ■ P580 and P88 2. <nor mal - burst > The maximum size of burst that is guaranteed transfer . Bursts that are smaller than this si ze are guar anteed transfer .
Chapt er 23 23-28 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set p ort qu eue serv ice st rict-prior ity Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets a port, por t range, o r module to u se stri ct prior ity queue s ervicin g.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-29 80-Series QoS set port que ue service wfq Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets a port, p ort range , or module to us e weighted f air queu eing (WFQ) queue serv icing. WFQ is the def ault queu e-servic ing algor ithm.
Chapt er 23 23-30 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set p ort us e-diff serv Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets a port to classif y bridged I P traf fic by it s Dif fServ cod e point (DSCP) .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-31 80-Series QoS Sample Output The following c ommand sets po rts 4 thr ough 12 on th e module in s lot 6 to classif y bridged I P traf fic by DSCP: (configure)# set port use-d iffserv 6/4 -12 on Systems ■ P5 50R and P880, 80 -series mo dules onl y .
Chapt er 23 23-32 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show diffserv t able Command Mode User . Descr iption Displa y th e p rio rity th at i s ass igne d to each D SCP . * Note : The sh ow diff ser v tab le CLI command displa ys the packet loss probabi lity (PLP) for each DSCP .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-33 80-Series QoS show port Command Mode User . Description Displays the QoS sett ings for a physical port. This command al so dis plays the prior ity of t he port, i f the port is set to ignore 802.1p tag pr iority , and if the port i s set to use th e DSCP for bri dged IP tr aff ic.
Chapt er 23 23-34 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show port police Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the se ttings f or polic ing. Syntax show port po li ce { <mod- num> | <mod-swport- range> }[.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-35 80-Series QoS show port queu e buffer Command Mode User . Description Displays the amount of memory that is assigned t o each queu e. Synt ax show port queue buf fer {{ <mod-num> | <mo d-swport-rang e >}[.
Chapt er 23 23-36 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show port queue c ounters Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays QoS stat istics .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 23-37 80-Series QoS Sample Output The foll owin g ex amp le di spl ay s al l QoS sta tisti c s for the m odu l e in s lot 3 . > show port queue counter s 3 all Systems ■ P5 50R and P880, 80 -series mo dules onl y .
Chapt er 23 23-38 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show port queue s ervice Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the se ttings f or queu e servic ing. Syntax show port queue serv ice { <mod-num> | <mod-s wport-ran ge> }[.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 24-1 24 RADIUS Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ set rad ius aut hen ti cat ion ■.
Chapt er 24 24-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set rad i u s aut h en ti cati on Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 24-3 RADIUS set radiu s authen ti cation gro up Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the gr oup to whi ch the swi tch belon gs. If a group i s set, then the group name is inc luded in Access Request mes sages that a re sent to t he RADIUS server .
Chapt er 24 24-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set rad ius a ut h en ti ca ti on re a lm Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the real m of user ac counts tha t are aut horized t o log in to the swit ch.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 24-5 RADIUS set rad iu s authen ticati on retry -number Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the number of ti mes the switch at t empts t o co nta ct the RADIUS s erver to authen ticate a user . The def aul t value is 1 r et ry and t he val id ra nge is 0 to 10 re trie s .
Chapt er 24 24-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set rad iu s auth en ti ca ti on re t ry -t ime Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the amoun t of time i n seconds that the switch wait s before attemp ting to reau thentica te a lo gin.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 24-7 RADIUS set radiu s authen ticati on server Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets either th e primary or secondar y RADIUS server setting s. Synt ax Sample Output The foll owin g co mma n d se ts th e prim ar y R AD IUS s erv er to IP add r ess 192.
Chapt er 24 24-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set r adius authe ntication source-ip Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the IP int erface a ddress th e switch wi ll use as the so urce IP add ress in the Access Request mess ages.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 24-9 RADIUS set rad iu s authen ticati on switch- service -type- required Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description If you enable switch-s ervice-t ype-requ ired, the switch re cognize s only Access Accep t messages that have the corre ct group n ame included.
Chapt er 24 24-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set r adius authe ntication ud p-port Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the UDP port numbe r used for RADI US dekagrams. The default i s port 1812 with t he only opt ions being 18 12 or 1645.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 24-1 1 RADIUS show radius authenti cation Command Mode User . Description Displays the current RADI US configura tion.
Chapt er 24 24-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 25-1 25 SNMP Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing comma nds: ■ snmp -serv er ■ snmp -s erv er a t.
Chapt er 25 25-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 snmp-ser ver Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es or dis ables the three ve rsions of SNMP: SNMPv1, v2, and v3 . This command ov errides secure mode, which disab les SNMPv1 a nd v2 and enables SNMPv3.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 25-3 SNMP snmp-ser ver atm-co mmunity Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Creates or modi fies a co mmunity st ring to access th e A TM Uplink module. The no command deletes the communit y string. Synt ax ] Systems P580 and P882.
Chapt er 25 25-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 snmp-ser ver c ommunity Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Creat es or mod ifies a communi ty stri ng to acces s the swit ch. The no command de letes t he communit y string .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 25-5 SNMP snmp-ser ve r cont act Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Se ts th e adm in i s trat ive conta ct fo r th e s wit ch. T he s w itc h disp lay s the administr ative con tact when y ou enter t he show sn mp command.
Chapt er 25 25-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 snmp-ser ver e ngineid Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Changes the en gine ID of the switch . The default engine ID is based on the IP addre ss of the s witch.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 25-7 SNMP CAUTION: snmp-serve r group Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Creates or modi fies a gr oup. The no command deletes a specifi c group or all grou ps of a spe cific group name (if multi ple groups hav e the same group name).
Chapt er 25 25-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Syst ems P580 and P882. <r eadview> The MIB vie w to which you want the g roup to have read access. <writeview> The MIB view to which you want the grou p to have write access.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 25-9 SNMP snmp-ser ver locat ion Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the physi cal loca tion of t he switch. The swit ch displa ys the phys ical location of the swi tch when you e nter the show snmp command.
Chapt er 25 25-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 snmp-ser ver no tify Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the trap receiver for a community st ring. The no command cle ar s the trap re ceiver Syntax Syst ems P580 and P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 25-1 1 SNMP snmp-ser ve r p assword Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Ch an ges a us er pas swo rd. Y o u mu st cha nge use r pa sswo rds whe n the engine ID c hanges. The switch p rompts you t o enter t he new passwor d or passwo rds.
Chapt er 25 25-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 snmp-ser ver us er Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Creat es or modif ies an SNMPv3 us er . The no comman d deletes an SNMPv3 user .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 25-13 SNMP Systems P580 and P882. <auth- passwor d> The authentication passwor d for the user: • T ext passwords can range from 8 to 64 characters . • Localiz e d HMA C-SHA-h ashed password s m ust be 20 byte s.
Chapt er 25 25-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 snmp-ser ver v iew Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Creat e s or mo di fies a M I B vie w . Th e no command de letes a v iew or removes an OID from a view .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 25-15 SNMP show snmp Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Displays the status of SNMP (enabled or disabl ed) and th e administ rative contact a nd physica l locati on of the s witch, if set.
Chapt er 25 25-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show snmp community Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Displ ays the cu rrently configure d communit y string s. Syntax show snmp communi ty [ <communi ty-stri ng> ] Sample Output Syst ems P580 and P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 25-17 SNMP show snmp engineid Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Displays the currentl y configur ed engine ID of the s witch. Synt ax show snmp e ngineid Sample Output Engine ID: 00:00:1a:e9:01:0a:14:01:11:00:00: 00 Systems P580 and P882.
Chapt er 25 25-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show snmp group Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Displ ays the cu rrently configure d groups. Syntax show snmp gro up [ <gr oupname> ] Sample Output Syst ems P580 and P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 25-19 SNMP show snmp user Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Displays the currentl y configur ed SNMPv3 use rs. Synt ax show snmp us er [ <user name> ] Sample Output Systems P580 and P882. T able 25-13.
Chapt er 25 25-20 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show s nmp view Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Displ ays the cu rrently configure d views. Syntax show snmp vie w [ <viewname> ]] Sample Output Syst ems P580 and P882.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 26-1 26 SSH Ove rview Thi s chap ter d e scr ibes th e fo ll ow in g S ec ure Shell (SSH ) co m man ds: ■ clear .
Chapt er 26 26-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 clear s sh Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Ends an SSH session. Syntax clear s sh <sessi on-id> Syst ems P580 and P882 T able 26-1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 26-3 SSH ip ssh Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables or dis ables SSH and ch anges the p ort number f or SSH. Synt ax Systems P580 and P882. To E n a b l e : ip ssh {port [ <tcp-new-por t> ] [e nable] | [enable] } To D i s a b l e : no ip ssh T able 26 -2.
Chapt er 26 26-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ssh Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Estab lishes a n SSH connecti on to a re mote host.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 26-5 SSH ssh keygen Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Ge ne ra tes a n SSH serv er k ey . * Import ant: If SSH is enab led an d you re gene rate th e SS H ser ver ke y , you must dis able and the n reenable SSH f or the ch ange to take ef fect.
Chapt er 26 26-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ssh timeout Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the number of seconds a t which an i dle conne ction is disconnect ed, or restor es the defaul t set ti ng of 600 seconds.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 26-7 SSH show ssh Command Mode User Description Displays the SSH configur ation, SSH se rver key , or curr ent sessi ons. Synt ax show ssh {config | public-ke y | sessi ons} Sample Output Sample outpu t of the s how ssh sessi ons comm and i s as f o llows : T able 26 -6.
Chapt er 26 26-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Sample output of the s h ow ss h co nfi g com m an d is as foll o ws: Syst ems P580 and P882.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 27-1 27 SSL Ove rview Thi s cha p ter d e scr ibes the fo llo wing Sec u re S oc ket Laye r (S SL ) commands: ■ .
Chapt er 27 27-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip http s Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es or disable s SSL/HTTPS. Syntax Syst ems P580 and P882. To E n a b l e : ip https { port [ <tcp-new -port> ] [ enable] | [enabl e]} To D i s a b l e : no ip https T able 27-1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 27-3 SSL show ssl ce rt Command Mode User . Description Displays the current SS L serve r certifi cate. Synt ax show ssl cert Sample Output Certificate: Data: Ve.
Chapt er 27 27-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 12:8a:ea:19:32:94:d0:d5:1b Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption 5d:3.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 27-5 SSL show ssl ce rtreq Command Mode User . Description Di spl ays th e cu rre nt cert ific ate signi ng r equ es t (C SR). Synt ax show ssl certre q Sample Output Certificate Request: Data: Version: 0 (0x0) Subject: C=us, ST=ma, L=concord, O=avaya, OU=ccig, CN=ccig/Email=techpubs@avaya.
Chapt er 27 27-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 91:b8:f3:79:74:89:c3:d6:25:b9:71:10:26:ff:f4:60:6e:c0: b0:a0:a9:b1:96:7a:92:5a:89:a9:64:77:c1:65:66.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 27-7 SSL show ssl ci phers Command Mode User . Description Displays the supported SSL ciphers. The P580 a nd P882 Multi service switches s upport th e foll owing.
Chapt er 27 27-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show ssl conf ig Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the cu rrent SSL c onfigurat ion.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 27-9 SSL ssl backc ert Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Reverts to a b ackup vers ion of the SSL serv er certi ficate. If you rev ert to a backup cer tificat e, the cur rent cer tifica te is re named and made t he backup for late r reus e.
Chapt er 27 27-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ssl certreq Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 27-1 1 SSL ssl rest art Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Restarts SSL. Y ou must resta rt SSL aft er updati ng the SSL ser ver cert ificat e info rmat ion . Synt ax ssl r estart Systems P580 and P882.
Chapt er 27 27-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 ssl self ce rt Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Self -signs a c ertifi cate sig ning reque st (CSR). After se lf-sig ning a CSR, y ou must restar t SSL fo r the cer tificate to tak e ef fect.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 28-1 28 Rapid S p anning T ree Protocol Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ set por t.
Chapt er 28 28-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set port e dge ad min st ate Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Speci fies whet her a port is an edge port or a nonedge por t. An edge por t is not conne cted to an y other br idge.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-3 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l set port point -to-poin t admin st atus Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Specifies whe ther a por t is connect ed to a sha red LAN segment or a point - to-point LAN segment.
Chapt er 28 28-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set p ort sp anning-tr ee-mode Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es or disa bles Spanni ng T ree on a port. Syntax Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-5 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l set port sp antree force- protocol-migra tion Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Forces a brid ge port to send out RSTP BP DUs. By forc ing a b ridge port t o send RSTP BPDUs, you can determi ne whether legacy 802.
Chapt er 28 28-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Syst ems P580 and P882. <vlan- id> The VLAN I D of the brid ge in which the bridge port is participatin g. Use the vlan <vlan-id> keyword and variabl e when the switch is running per -VLAN or dual-l ayer Spanning T ree.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-7 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l set port sp antree priori ty Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the prior ity of a bridg e port.
Chapt er 28 28-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Syst ems P580 and P882. <vlan- id> The VLAN I D of the brid ge in which the bridge port is participatin g. Use the vlan <vlan-id> keyword and variabl e when the switch is running per -VLAN or dual-l ayer Spanning T ree.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-9 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l set sp antree Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Enable or disa ble individ ual spanni ng tree br idges. The default s tate is enabled. Synt ax To E n a b l e : set spant ree e nab l e {8 0 2.
Chapt er 28 28-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Sample Output The foll owing exam ple disab les spanni ng tree 8 02.1D protoco l on a bridge: (configure)# set s pantr ee disa ble 802.1D Bridge successfully disabled Syst ems P550R, P580, P880,and P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-1 1 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l set sp antree confi g Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the Spanni ng T ree Protocol co nfiguration .
Chapt er 28 28-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set sp antre e de fa u lt -p ath - co s t Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the type o f default path cost s that po rts in a specific bridge wi ll use.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-13 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l Systems P580 and P882. 802.1D Use this keyword if the switch is run ning IEEE 802.
Chapt er 28 28-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set s p antree fwddel ay Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the Spanni ng T ree forward de lay time f or a bridg e. The fo rward dela y time is t he time a port take s to change to the fo rwarding s tate.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-15 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l Sample Output The following e xample set s the span ning tree forward de lay to 12 seconds. (configure)# set spantr ee fwddela y 12 802.1 D Bridge Forward Delay Time Successfully set t o 12 Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 28 28-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set sp antre e he ll o Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the spanni ng tree brid ge hello t ime. The bridge hello ti me is the time between ge neration of BPDUs by the root bri dge.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-17 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l set sp antree hold-cou nt Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Se ts th e hol d co unt fo r a b r i dge . The hold count is the maxi mum number of BPDUs that a re sent out a por t in a hel lo ti me in terv a l.
Chapt er 28 28-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set s p antree ma xage Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the maximum amount of time t hat the br idge retai ns bridgi ng inform atio n.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-19 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l Sample Output The following e xample set s the span ning tree maximum age to 25 second s. (configure)# set spantr ee maxage 25 802.1D Bridge MaxAge Successfully set to 25 Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 28 28-20 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set s p antree p ortcost Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the path c ost for t his port . The ports that you pr efer be u sed by the spanning tree shou ld have the lowest pa th cost.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-21 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l Synt ax set sp antree po rtcost <mod-swport -range> [..., <mod-swport -range> ] <port-cos t-value> {802.1D | vlan { <vlan -id> | name <vlan-name > }} T able 28-13.
Chapt er 28 28-22 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Sample Output The foll owing exa mple sets the path c ost fo r the bri dge. (configure)# set s pantr ee port cost 5/1 15 802 .1D Port 5/1 path cost successfully set to 15.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-23 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l set sp antree priorit y Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Se ts th e br id ge prio ri ty f or a p a rtic ula r bri dge. Ent er the prio r it y a s hexidecima l value.
Chapt er 28 28-24 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882. <vlan- id> The VLAN ID of the bri dge. Use the vlan <vlan- id > keyword and vari able when the switch i s running p er-V LAN or dual- layer Span ning T ree.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-25 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l set sp antree versi o n Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the vers ion of spa nning tree t hat you want the switc h to run. Synt ax set sp antree ve rsion {common- spanning- tree | r apid-spa nning-tree} Systems P580 and P882.
Chapt er 28 28-26 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show s p antree Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays infor mation about one or all spa nning tree s. Syntax show spant ree {all| 802.1D | vlan { <vlan-id> | name <vlan -na me > }} T able 28-16.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-27 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l Sample Output The following e xample shows all of t he spanning tree bri dges that are configure d on the swi tch: > show spant ree all Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 28 28-28 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show s p antree b locked Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays, by VLAN, the por ts that a re currentl y in the Bloc king stat e. Syntax show spant ree blocked Sample Output Syst ems P580 and P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-29 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l show sp antree config Command Mode User . Description Displays the current g lobal spanning tree confi guration . Synt ax show span tree conf ig Sample Output The following e xample disp lays the spanning t ree confi guration on the switch.
Chapt er 28 28-30 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show s p antree p ort Command Mode User . Descr iption Show s the port attrib utes for all brid ge port s in a par ticular br idge. Syntax show spant ree port {802.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 28-31 Rapid Spa nning T ree Protoco l Sample Output The following e xample d isplays t he port a ttributes for th e bridge p orts on the VLAN confi gured for 802.1D. > show spant ree port vlan 80 2.1D Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 28 28-32 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show sp antre e versi on Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the ve rsion of S panning T ree that t he switch i s running : either common Span ning T ree or Rapid Spanning T ree Protoc ol (RSTP).
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 29-1 29 Switch Fabric Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ set fa bric conf igure-r ed.
Chapt er 29 29-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set f abric c onfigure- redundant -hardware Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es or disa bles redu ndant (swi tch fabri c) hardwa re.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 29-3 Switch Fa bric set fabric en able-redunda nt-element Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the enabl ed redunda nt element. This comma nd does not have rev erse mappi ng. It is not save d to the runn ing or start up configu ration fil e.
Chapt er 29 29-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set f abric t oggle-a ctive-cont roller Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption T oggles the acti ve control ler b etween the current active co ntrolle r and the (standb y) redunda nt control ler .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 29-5 Switch Fa bric show fabric s t at us Command Mode User . Description Displays the switch fab ri c stat us .
Chapt er 29 29-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 30-1 30 System Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ boot sys tem fl ash ■ calen dar .
Chapt er 30 30-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ■ copy tftp ■ copy tftp boot flas h ■ copy tftp fla sh ■ copy tftp pcm cia ■ copy tft p r.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-3 System ■ set ut ilizati on monit oring ■ set ut ilizati on thres hold-e vent ■ setup ■ show boot ■ show cale ndar ■ show cloc k ■ show cpu ■.
Chapt er 30 30-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 boot s ystem flash Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Specif ies which sys t em i mage the switc h lo ads at sta rtup . Co nfig u res the image to b oot from the FEPROM.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-5 System calenda r set Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Sets the syst em calenda r . Synt ax calend ar set <time> { <da te> <month> | <mo nth> <dat e> } <year> Sample Output The foll owin g co m man d se ts the cale nd er date .
Chapt er 30 30-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 clear utilizat ion high-thre shold Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Reset s t he high uti l iza ti on thresh old to it s de fault se tting of 95 pe rc ent.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-7 System clear utilization monito ring Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Disables uti lization moni toring f or the CPU or forwardi ng engines. The default s etting f or util ization monitoring is dis abled.
Chapt er 30 30-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 clear utilizat ion threshold- ev ent Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Disab les event logging for ut ilizati on monitor ing of the CPU or forwardi ng engi nes .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-9 System clock set Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Sets the system cl ock. Synt ax clock s et <t ime> { <date> <mont h> | <month> <date> } <year> Sample Output The following c ommand sets the c lock to 2:08 p .
Chapt er 30 30-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 clock summer-time recurring Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Confi gures the switch to automatica lly chang e to summer t ime hours (U.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-1 1 System clock timezone Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Se ts th e tim e z on e. Synt ax clock t imezone { <zone-name > | <hours> [ <minutes> ]} Sample Output The foll owin g co m man d se t the ti me zone to C en tra l Standa rd ti me.
Chapt er 30 30-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 copy Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Copy a s pecifie d file i n NVRAM to another specifie d file in NVRAM.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-13 System copy <filena me> running-config Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Executes the spec ified file in NVRAM. The ru nning (curr ent) configur ation displays as a mer ge of the exe cut ed file and the e xis ti ng config urati on, wi th the execut ed file takin g precedenc e.
Chapt er 30 30-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 copy <filename> st artup-c onfig Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Copies the sp ecified file lo cated in NVRAM to the star tup (bootu p) configur ation.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-15 System copy <f ilename _opt_p ath> tft p Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Uploads a speci fied fi le in NVRAM to a s pecif ied TFTP serv er .
Chapt er 30 30-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 copy c ard-image boot flash Command Mode Privil eged.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-17 System copy card-i mage flas h Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Copies card FLASH images to and from the PCMCIA flas h card.
Chapt er 30 30-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 copy <filename1> pcm cia <file name2> Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Copies a file <fi lename1> fr om the /NVRAM file s ystem to th e /pcmcia file sy ste m <filename 2> .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-19 System copy pcmcia <filename1 > <filename 2> Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Copies a file <f ilename1> from the /pc mcia file system to the NVRAM file syst em <file name2> .
Chapt er 30 30-20 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 copy ru nning-config Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Saves the runni ng configur ation to a file i n NVRAM. Syntax copy runni ng-confi g <filen ame> Sample Output The foll owing exa mple show s the copy r unning-confi g comm and .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-21 System copy runnin g-config st artup-con fig Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Saves the runn ing (curr ent) conf igurati on as the s tartup ( bootup) configura tion in NVRAM.
Chapt er 30 30-22 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 copy ru nning-config t f tp Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Uploa ds t he ru nni ng (curre nt) con figu rati on to t he sp ecif ied file nam e on the specifi ed TFTP serv er .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-23 System copy st artup-conf ig Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Copy the start up (bootup ) configu ration to th e specif ied file in NVRAM. Synt ax copy st artup-co nfig <f ilename> Sample Output The following e xample shows the copy st artup-c onfig command.
Chapt er 30 30-24 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 copy s t artup-con fig runnin g-config Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-25 System copy st artup-conf ig t f tp Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Uploads the st artup (bo otup) configura tion to t he specif ied fil e on the specifi ed TFTP server .
Chapt er 30 30-26 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 copy t f tp Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Copies the speci fied fi le from th e specif ied TFTP serv er to NVRAM.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-27 System copy t f tp boot flash Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Copies a speci fied binary boot image f rom a speci fied TFTP serve r to bootflas h.
Chapt er 30 30-28 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 copy t f tp flash Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Copies a specif ied binar y image f rom a speci fied TFTP se rver to the fl ash locati on APP1 or APP 2.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-29 System copy t f tp pcmcia Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Copies a speci fied binary image from a specifie d TFTP server to the PCMCIA flas h card.
Chapt er 30 30-30 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 copy t f tp running-config Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Copies a specif ied fil ename from a s pecifie d TFTP server , and exec utes a script .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-31 System copy t f tp st artup-conf ig Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Copies a specifie d fil e fr om a specifi ed TFTP ser ver to the st art up (b ootup) configura tion in NVRAM.
Chapt er 30 30-32 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 cpu_redu ndancy co nsole Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Changes the ethe rnet cons ole IP a ddress fo r the supe rvisor modu le in the specifi ed sl ot.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-33 System cpu_redund ancy hello-interval Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Sets the hello time in sec onds for the standby supe rvi sor . The valid range is 1 to 300 sec onds. The def ault set ting is 5 seconds.
Chapt er 30 30-34 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 cpu-redu ndancy mac -pref ix Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Reset s the MAC pref ix for the st andby super visor . Syntax cpu_redun dancy mac-pr efix res et Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-35 System cpu_redund ancy synchro nize Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Synchronizes t he activ e and stan dby supervi sor modules . Synt ax cpu_re dundancy sync hronize Sample Output The following e xample sync hronizes t he activ e and stan dby supervi sor modules.
Chapt er 30 30-36 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 delete pcmcia Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Delete s a fi le fro m the /pcm cia f lash car d file syst e m. Syntax delete pcm ci a <fi lename> Sample Output The foll owing exa mple delet es the je rry2.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-37 System dir Command Mode User . Description Displays a di rectory l isting of a single f ile or all files l ocated in NVRAM. Synt ax dir [ <filename> ] Sample Output The following e xample disp lays all of the fi les curren tly in NVRAM.
Chapt er 30 30-38 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 erase Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Erase s the spec ified fil e from NVRAM. Syntax erase <f ilen ame> Sample Output The foll owing exam ple erase s the tes t.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-39 System erase l egacy-c onfigs Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Erases all l egacy (v3. x and earl ier) conf igurati ons ( .cfg fi les) fr om NVRAM. If you do not plan on going ba ck to 3.x co de, this command makes it pos sible f or you to f ree NVRAM space on your system easily .
Chapt er 30 30-40 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 eras e sc ript s Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Erase s all ASCII script files ( .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-41 System eras e st ar tu p -c onf ig Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Erases the st artup (b ootup) conf iguration from NVRAM. Synt ax erase startup- config Sample Output The following e xample era ses the st artup con figuration from NVRAM.
Chapt er 30 30-42 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 get 48_p ort_mode Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-43 System get Fabr ic _mode Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Displays the Fabric mode t hat the s witch is c urrentl y operati ng in. T o cha nge th e Fab ric mo de set tin g an d s peed that the swit ch o pe rates at, use the set Fabric _mode comma nd .
Chapt er 30 30-44 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 hos tna me Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Speci fies the hostname t hat is di splayed i n the syst em prompts and default configur ation fi lenames.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-45 System ip http he lp server Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Configures th e HTTP server for online h elp. The no form of th i s co mma nd clears t he server locat ion. Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample conf igures t he HTTP server for onli ne help.
Chapt er 30 30-46 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 nvram initializ e Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-47 System pcmcia ini tia li ze Description Configure Description I n itia lize s t he P CMC IA car d. Synt ax pcmc ia in it iali ze Sample Output The foll owin g exa mp le init iali ze s th e PCM CIA c ard insta lled in t he PCMCIA carri er on the Superviso r module.
Chapt er 30 30-48 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 reloa d Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Reload s the swi tch so ftw are . Syntax reloa d Sample Output The foll owing exa mple reloa ds the switch softwa re.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-49 System reset Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Resets the swi tch and re loads the software . Synt ax reset Sample Output The foll owin g ex a mp le rese ts th e sw itc h an d relo ad s the s oftw a re.
Chapt er 30 30-50 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 secure- mode Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-51 System set 48 _por t_mo de Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Enables 48-port mod e on the swi tch. If you ins tall an 8 0-serie s, 48-port , 10/100 modul e with T elco connectors (M8048R-100TC) i n a switch , you must ena ble 48-por t mode for t he module to ope rate.
Chapt er 30 30-52 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set d ebug Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es debug mode f or troubl eshooti ng. The defau lt is of f. Syntax Sample Output The foll owing exam ple enabl es debug command .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-53 System set Fabr ic_mode Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Se ts th e Fab ric mode set ting and s pee d th at the s wit c h op era te s at. Fabr ic mode 1 operat es at 55 MHz. Fa bric mode 2 operates at 66 MHz.
Chapt er 30 30-54 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set u tilization high-thre shold Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the high ut ilizat ion thre shold at whi ch the swi tch gener ates a an e vent.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-55 System Systems P580 and P882. FORE Sets the high threshold for utilizat ion of th e forwarding engine on the supervis or modul e. 100% FORE utilization is the total capacity of the supervis or module to forward out-of-band traffic.
Chapt er 30 30-56 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set u tilization monitor ing Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es utili zation monito ring for the CPU or for warding en gines.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-57 System set utiliza tion threshold-eve nt Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Enables event logging f or utili zation monito ring of t he CPU or forwa rding engines. W hen event l ogging is enabl ed, the swit ch genera tes an eve nt if the high-u tilizat ion thre shold is e xceeded.
Chapt er 30 30-58 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 setup Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets up the cons ole IP addr ess, pass word, mask a nd gateway . Syntax set up Sample Output The foll owing exa mple reset s the swi tch and re loads t he softwar e.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-59 System show boot Command Mode User . Description Displays BOOT envi ronment inf ormation. Synt ax show boot Sample Output The following e xample disp lays the boot env ironment info rmatio n. > show boot Checking for valid image in BOOT.
Chapt er 30 30-60 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show calend ar Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the ca lendar settin gs. Syntax show cale ndar Sample Output The foll owing comman d displays the cale ndar sett ings.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-61 System show clock Command Mode User . Description Di spl ays th e sy ste m clo ck. T h e [de tai ls] o p tion d isp lays th e su mm er-time setting (i f any) . Synt ax show clo ck [detai ls] Sample Output The following c ommand show the c lock deta ils.
Chapt er 30 30-62 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show cpu Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays confi guration and statu s informat ion for t he supervi sor module. Syntax show cpu {con fig | st atus} Sample Output The foll owing exa mple displ ays the cp u confi guration informati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-63 System show cpu_re dundancy Command Mode User . Description Displays conf igurati on and stat us infor mation about the redu ndant superv isor .
Chapt er 30 30-64 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show fi le_n am e Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Displ ays the co ntents of a specif ied file in NVRAM. Syntax show fil e_name <filena me> Sample Output The foll owing exampl e displ ays the c ontents of the s tartup.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-65 System show flas h Command Mode User . Description Displays the layout and conten ts of fl ash memory . Synt ax show fl ash Sample Output The following e xample d isplays the layout and the con tent of t he switch’ s flash memory .
Chapt er 30 30-66 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show running- config Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Displ ays the cu rrent ru nning co nfigurat ion. Syntax show runni ng-config Sample Output The foll owing exa mple displ ays the cu rrent ru nning c onfiguratio n.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-67 System show secure -mode Command Mode User . Description Displays the secure mode s etting. Synt ax show sec ure-mode Sample Output Secure mode enabled Systems P580 and P882.
Chapt er 30 30-68 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show sntp Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-69 System show st artup-config Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Displays any e xisting s tartup c onfigurat ions (st artup.tx t file) Synt ax show sta rtup-confi g Sample Output The following e xample disp lays the startup- config.
Chapt er 30 30-70 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show time zon e Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays a lis t of time zone abbrevia tions for use in th e clock timezo ne command.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-71 System show utilizat ion result s Command Mode User . Description Displays uti lizati on statisti cs for t he CPU or forwa rding engi nes.
Chapt er 30 30-72 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show utilizat ion set tings Command Mode User .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 30-73 System show versi on Command Mode User . Description Displays the software v ersion cu rrent ly runnin g on the swit ch. Synt ax show ver sion Sample Output The following e xample d isplays the software v ersion cu rrently runnin g on the s wit ch.
Chapt er 30 30-74 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 31-1 31 T emperatures Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ clear t em per at ure s ■.
Chapt er 31 31-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 clear t emperatures Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Reset s all con figured warni ng and shut down temperatur es (in Celsi us) to their d efault va lues.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 31-3 Temperat ures set tempera ture (s hut down) Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the shutdown t emperatur e for a sp ecific compone nt of the switch. The defa ult sett ing fo r th e CP U sen sor is 100° C.
Chapt er 31 31-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set temp era tur e (w arn in g ) Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the warnin g temper ature (in Cel sius) f or a speci fic compone nt of th e switc h.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 31-5 Temperat ures Sample Output The following e xample set s the backp lane-sen sor upper warning tempera ture to 4 4° (Cel sius). (configure)# set temperatur e backplane-senso r warning upper 44 Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 31 31-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show tempe ratures Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the cu rrent te mperatu res and t he configur ed tempera ture li mits. There is no revers e mapping to this c ommand.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 32-1 32 User Interface Ove rview This chapt er descri bes the f ollowing c ommands: ■ configu re ■ connect ■.
Chapt er 32 32-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ■ terminal output pa use ■ term inal p ari ty ■ termi nal speed ■ term inal s top b its ■.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-3 User Interf ace configur e Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Enters the Glo bal Config uration m ode. Synt ax config ure Sample Output The following e xample ente rs Global Configurat ion mode on t he switch CLI: # config ure (configure)# Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 32 32-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 connect Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Log in to a hos t that suppor ts T elnet. Syntax connect { <ip-add r> | <h ostname> } Sample Output The foll owing exa mple connec ts to the host with the IP a ddress 123.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-5 User Interf ace cust om -acc ess -typ e Command Mode Global Confi gur at io n. Description Creates a cus tom access type.
Chapt er 32 32-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Sample Output For exampl e, the fol lowing command cre ates a cus tom access type that allows us er.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-7 User Interf ace disable Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Ex its Priv i lege d mo de. R eturn s to User mo de . Synt ax disabl e Sample Output The following e xample exit s Privil eged mode. # disabl e Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Chapt er 32 32-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 enabl e Command Mode User . Descr iption Enters the Pr ivi le ged m ode. Syntax enable Sample Output The foll owing exa mple enter s Privil eged mode: > enab le # Syst ems P550R, P580, P880, an d P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-9 User Interf ace end Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Exits Global Co nfigurat ion mode and r eturns to Pr ivileged mode. Synt ax end Sample Output The following e xample exit s Global Co nfigurat ion mode.
Chapt er 32 32-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 exit Command Mode All modes. Descr iption Exits th e cur ren t mod e an d r een ter s the p rev ious m ode. Syntax exit Sample Output The foll owing exam ple exit s Global Conf igurati on mode.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-1 1 User Interf ace help Command Mode User . Description Displays a li st of com mands that are avai lable in the cu rrent command mode and a bri ef descr iption of ea ch command. Synt ax help Sample Output This example displays th e commands t hat are available i n User mode.
Chapt er 32 32-12 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 length Command Mode User . Descr iption Sets the term inal sc reen lengt h. The defa ult value is 24. Use t he no form of this co mmand to re store th e defau lt value of 24.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-13 User Interf ace pa s s w o r d Command Mode User . Description Changes a user p assword. All users ca n change th eir own pass words. Synt ax passwor d <passwd > Systems P580 and P882. T able 32-4. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments Name Definition <passw d> A new passw ord.
Chapt er 32 32-14 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set c ustom-a ccess-t ype Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-15 User Interf ace Sample Output For example, the foll owing command gi ves custom a ccess typ e CA T1 read- write per mission fo r module and port s ettings .
Chapt er 32 32-16 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 set d ebug Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es or disa bles debug mode. If ena bled, this mode displa ys system messages t hat help A vaya T echnical Sup port tro ubleshoot network problems.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-17 User Interf ace set login Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Configures use r account se curity . Synt ax set l ogin [att empt s <n um-l ogi n-a ttem pts> ] [timeout-l im i t <timeou t-li mit> ] [min-pa ssword-le ngth <min-pass wor d-length> ]} Systems P580 and P882.
Chapt er 32 32-18 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show c ustom-acc ess-t ype Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the cu stom access types that are current ly configu red on the switc h. Syntax show custo m-acces s-type Syst ems P580 and P882.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-19 User Interf ace show hist ory Command Mode User . Description Displays an al phabetic list of the last 20 c ommands enter ed in the current session.
Chapt er 32 32-20 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show login Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Displ ays the cu rrent se tting s for user account s ecurity .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-21 User Interf ace show sessi ons Command Mode User . Description Displays the active T elnet, ser ial, and PPP CLI ses sions. Synt ax show ses sions Sample Output The following e xample d isplays t he activ e session s: > show sessi ons Session ID Line ID Location 1 6vty 205.
Chapt er 32 32-22 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show usern ame Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays user a ccount set tings.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-23 User Interf ace teln et Command Mode Priv ile ged. Description Star t s a T eln et s es sio n to th e ho s t tha t you s pec i fy .
Chapt er 32 32-24 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 terminal dat abit s Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Sets the datab its width on the ter minal port (also ca lled cons ole port ).
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-25 User Interf ace terminal flowcontrol Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Se ts th e fl ow co n trol for t he ter min a l po rt (a lso c a lled con s ole por t).
Chapt er 32 32-26 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 terminal leng th Command Mode User , Privilege d, or Global Configurati on. Descr iption Sets th e nu m ber o f lin es on t he te rmin al s creen for t he c u rren t sess ion .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-27 User Interf ace terminal output p ause Command Mode User . Description Enables output fr om the ter minal to pa use when the configur ed screen length is reached. A p ause is i ndicated by a --more-- prompt .
Chapt er 32 32-28 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 terminal p a rity Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-29 User Interf ace terminal speed Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Sets the baud r ate on th e console port.
Chapt er 32 32-30 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 terminal st opbit s Command Mode Global Conf igurati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-31 User Interf ace terminal wid th Command Mode User . Description Sets the numb er of cha racter c olumns on the termi nal scree n. The no form of th is co mm and re sto res t he de faul t va lue of 80 c har ac ter s.
Chapt er 32 32-32 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 user name Command Mode Privil eged. Descr iption Creat es a new use r account .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 32-33 User Interf ace Sample Output The following e xample cre ates the username boston wit h a password of mass and an a ccess-ty pe of admin: # user n am e bos ton pa ss wo rd ma ss a cce ss- type adm i n Systems P580 and P882.
Chapt er 32 32-34 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 wid th Command Mode User . Descr iption Sets the number of charact er columns on the ter minal scr een. The no form of this command rest ores the d efault va lue of 80 c haracter s.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 33-1 33 VLAN Ove rview This chapt er descri bes: ■ set 3co m-mapping- table ■ set vla n ■ set vla n (f rame .
Chapt er 33 33-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set 3com- mapping-t able Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Creat es or del etes a 3Com mapp ing table . Syntax Sample Output The foll owing exam ple clear s an entr y from a 3Com mapping table.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 33-3 VLAN set vlan Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Creates a VLAN or mod ifies the na me of an exi sting VLAN. The clear command delet es a VLAN. If the VLAN th at you spec ify do es not exis t, t his co mma nd c rea tes th e VLAN.
Chapt er 33 33-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set vlan (frame format) Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Modi fies the frame tag ging fo rmat of th e speci fied swit ch ports that are bound to t he specif ied VLAN.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 33-5 VLAN set vlan <vla n-id> <mod-swport-range> Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Binds additio nal ports to a VLAN if t runking is e nabled on t he specif ied port. Non-tr unk ports suppor t only a single , default VLAN per port.
Chapt er 33 33-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 Sample Output In the f ollowing exampl e, 5/1 refer s to port 1 on module 5. 5 /1-20 refer s to ports 1 t hrough 20 o n module 5. Thi s command al so accepts a comma- delimit ed list o f ports o r port ra nges.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 33-7 VLAN set vtp-s nooping domain Command Mode Global Configur atio n. Description Defines the VTP d omain name from whic h the swit ch learns VLANs f rom Cisco VTP fra mes. The clear form of this comman d clears any l earned or defined do main name.
Chapt er 33 33-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show 3com- mapping-t able Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the 3Com map ping tabl es.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 33-9 VLAN show vlan Command Mode User . Description Displays in formati on ab out a ll VLANs on the swit ch or t he VLAN that you specify . Synt ax Sample Output The following e xample disp lays deta iled inf ormation a bout the VLANs currentl y configu red on the s witch.
Chapt er 33 33-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show vtp- snooping co nfigure Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays the co nfigured and learne d VTP snooping configura tion inform ation. The default is None.
Command Reference G uide for t he Avaya P580 and P88 2 Multis ervice Swi tches, v6 .1 34-1 34 VRRP Ove rview This chapt er descri bes: ■ router vrrp ■ ip vrrp ■ ip vrrp (vr-id ) ■ ip vrr p (au.
Chapt er 34 34-2 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 router vrr p Command Mode Global Conf igurati on. Descr iption Enabl es and disa bles VRRP rout ing globa lly . Use the no form o f this command t o disable VRRP rou ting.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 34-3 VRRP ip vrrp Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Enables or dis ables VRRP (V irtual Router Redund ancy Protoc ol) on an inte rfac e. Use th e no form of this command to dis able VRRP on an inte rfac e.
Chapt er 34 34-4 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip vrrp (vr-id) Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Creat es a virt ual rout er with t he specif ied VRID and ad dress. Use t he no form of this comman d to re move a virt ual route r .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 34-5 VRRP ip vrrp ( auth-key) Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Enables or dis ables th e virtual router simple text pass word authen ticatio n for the virt ual router ID. Use the no form o f this co mma nd to di sabl e si mple password au thenti cation f or the vi rtual ro uter .
Chapt er 34 34-6 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip vrrp (ove rride) Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Enabl es or disa bles the address owne r overri de to a vi rtual ro uter . The default is disabl ed .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 34-7 VRRP ip vrrp (preempt) Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Enables or dis ables preempt mode for a v irtual r outer . The default is Enabled . Synt ax Sample Output The follo wing ex ample en abl es pr eempt mode to v irtual rou ter v r id 1 on an inte rfac e la bel ed bost on .
Chapt er 34 34-8 Command Reference Gui de for the Avaya P580 and P882 M ultiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip vrrp (pri ority) Command Mode Interf ace Config uration. Descr iption Sets the virt ual route r priori ty value for the vi rtual r outer ID. Us e the no form of t his command to restore the de fault value of 100.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 090 , Issu e 1 34-9 VRRP ip vrrp (timer) Command Mode Interfa ce Configur ation. Description Se t the adver tise me n t tim e r val ue fo r th e vi rtua l rou t er ID . Use the no form of this c ommand to rest ore the d efault va lue of 1.
Chapt er 34 34-10 Command Referenc e Guide for t he Ava ya P580 and P8 82 Multis ervice Swi tches, v 6.1 show ip vrr p Command Mode User . Descr iption Displ ays VRRP infor mation if it is en abled on th e switch.
Command Referen ce Guide for the Ava ya P580 an d P882 Mu ltiservic e Switches , v6.1 IN-1 Index A access li st comma nds access -list 20 -2 ip access-gr oup 20-9 ip access-l is t 20-11 ip acl-logg in.
Index IN-2 Command Reference G uide for the Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 boot syst em flash 30-4 buff ering commands set b ufferin g fab ric- p ort ( age -t ime r) 4-2 set b uffe.
Ind ex Docu ment No . 10-300090 , Issue 1 IN-3 copy ru nning-confi g 30-20 copy ru nning-confi g startup -config 30- 21 copy ru nning-confi g tftp 30-22 copy star tup-c onfig 30-23 copy star tup-c onf.
Index IN-4 Command Reference G uide for the Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 H help basic fun ctions 1-3 UI co mm and 32-11 hostname 30-44 hunt comman ds set huntg roup 8-2 , 8-5 , 8.
Ind ex Docu ment No . 10-300090 , Issue 1 IN-5 IP commands, (contin ued) ip te lnet ina ctivity -period 11- 47 ip te lnet port 11-4 8 ip vlan 11- 49 ping 11-50 redis tribute 11-51 show ip arp 11-54 , .
Index IN-6 Command Reference G uide for the Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 ip vrrp (auth- key) VRRP command 34-5 , 34-6 , 34- 7 ip vrrp (prior it y) VRRP command 34-7 ip v rrp (t i.
Ind ex Docu ment No . 10-300090 , Issue 1 IN-7 L3 Cache commands , (contin ued) ip unicas t route- cache agi ng 14-8 ip unicas t route- cache has h-dept h 14-9 ip unicas t route- cache has h-mode 14-9.
Index IN-8 Command Reference G uide for the Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 MCAST commands, (cont inued) set inte llig ent-multi cast router -port-prun ing 10-18 set inte llig ent-m.
Ind ex Docu ment No . 10-300090 , Issue 1 IN-9 Policy co mmands ip ac cess -lis t 20 -1 1 show acc ess-grou p 20-14 show acc ess-lis ts 20-15 show ip access-l ists 20-17 Port comm an d s 21-1 {set | c.
Index IN-10 Command Reference G uide for the Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 set aft instance vlan ( hash-tabl e-size) 2-1 1 set aft super -age time 2-12 set b ufferin g fab ric- p .
Ind ex Docu ment No . 10-300090 , Issue 1 IN-1 1 show 3com-m apping-ta ble 33-8 show acc ess-grou p 20-14 show acc ess-lis ts 20-15 show acl-ma tch-timer 20-16 show af t config 2- 13 show af t entry 2.
Index IN-12 Command Reference G uide for the Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 show ssl cert re q 27-5 show ssl ciphers 27-7 show ssl confi g 27-7 , 27-8 show startup- config 30-6 9 s.
Ind ex Docu ment No . 10-300090 , Issue 1 IN-13 System commands , (continu ed) copy star tup-c onfig runn ing-confi g 30-24 copy star tup-conf ig tftp 30- 25 copy tftp 30-16 , 30-17 , 30-18 , 30- 19 ,.
Index IN-14 Command Reference G uide for the Avaya P580 and P8 82 Multiserv ice Switch es, v6.1 V viewing CGM P st atis ti cs 10-31 cli ent por ts 10-33 clients 10-37 inte llig ent m ulti c ast s essi.
An important point after buying a device Avaya 106760804 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Avaya 106760804 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Avaya 106760804 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Avaya 106760804 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Avaya 106760804 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Avaya 106760804, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Avaya 106760804.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Avaya 106760804. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Avaya 106760804 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center