Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 3.5" hard disk drives Samsung
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Product Manual 3.5” Hard Disk Drives SPINPOINT V40 JULY 7, 2001 (Rev 1. 0).
ii SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual.
SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual iii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 SCOPE ................................................................................................................ .................. 1 1.1 U SER D EF IN IT ION ........................
iv SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual Time Base Generator .................................................................................................... ....................... 32 Automa tic Ga in Control .............................
SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual v 6.4.4 Flush Cache (E7h)........................................................................................................ ............ 57 6.4.5 Format Track (50h) ..................................................
vi SpinP oint V40 P roduct Manual 6.7.4 Ultra DMA data transfer .................................................................................................. ........ 96 Initiating an Ultra DMA data in burst...............................
SpinPoint V40 Product Manual vii TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 4-1 Mech anical Dimension ................................................................................................ .......... 12 Figure 4-2 Mou nting Dimensions (in Millimeters ) .......
SCOPE SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 1 CHAPTER 1 SCOPE Welcome to the SpinPoint V4 0 series of Samsung hard disk drives. This series of drives consists of the follow ing models : SV2001H, SV3012H,S V4002H, SV 6003H,SV6014H and SV8004H .
SCOPE SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 2 1.3 Terminology and C onventions The following abbreviations are used in this m anual: µ in ches Microinches(10 -6 inches ) µ s Microseconds Bpi Bits per inch D.
SCOPE SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 3 • Param eters Parameters are given as initial capitals when spelled out and as all capitals when abbreviated. For exam ple: Prefetch Enable: PE Cache Enable: C E • Nam es of Bits and Regi sters Bit names and regi ster names are presented in initial capitals.
DESCRIPT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 4 CHAPTER 2 DESCRIPTION Thi s chap ter summar ize s ge nera l func tio ns and ke y feat ure s of the Spinpoi nt V40 drive, as well as th e standards an d regulations they meet. 2.1 Introduction The Samsung S pinPoint V40 3.
DESCRIPT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 5 • Proprietary 2048KB read look- ahead cache w ith a segm ented buffer an d write s tacking capability • Transparent m edia defect m apping • Read an.
SPECIFICA T IONS SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 6 CHAPTER 3 SPECIFICATIONS This chapter gives a detailed description of the physi cal, electrical, and environmental characteristics of the SpinPoint V40 hard d isk drives.
SPECIFICA T IONS SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 7 3.2 Physical Specifications Table 3-2 Phy sical Specifications DESCRIPTION SV2001H SV3012H SV4002H SV6003H SV6014H SV8004H Track pitch ( µ i nches) 17.39 Data head flying height ( µ inch es) 0.5 Inner m ost data track radi us (in ches) 0.
SPECIFICA T IONS SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 8 3.4 Performance Specifications Table 3-4 Perform ance Specifications DESCRIPTION SV2001H SV3012H SV4002H SV6003H SV6014H SV 8004H Seek Time (R d/Wt, typical): Averag e seek tim e Track to track seek tim e Full stroke seek tim e 8.
SPECIFICA T IONS SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 9 3.5 Power Requirements Table 3-5 Pow er Requirements Typical Current (m A rm s) Mod e +5 Volts +12 Volts Typical Power (Watts) M a xi mu m Power (Watts) Spin- up 750 2070 26 28.71 Norm al (400) (235) 4.
SPECIFICA T IONS SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 10 3.6 Environmental Specifications Table 3-6 Environmenta l Specifications DESCRIPTION SV2001H SV3012H SV4002H SV6003H SV6014H SV 8004H Am bient T emper.
SPECIFICA T IONS SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 11 Table 3- 6 Envi ronmenta l Spe cific a tio ns ( co ntinued ) DESCRIPTION SV 2001H SV3012H SV4002H SV 4002H SV6014H SV6003H Shock (1/2 sine pulse); Operating 2.0 m s Non-operatin g 2.0 m s 1.0 ms 0.5 ms Rotational Shock Operating 2.
INS T ALLAT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 12 CHAPTER 4 INSTALLATION This chapter describes h o w to un p ack, mount, con figure, and conn ect a SpinPoint V40 hard dis k drive. It also describes how to install the drive in sy stems. 4.1 Space Requirements Figu re 4-1 show s the external dim ension s of th e drive.
INS T ALLAT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 13 4.2 Unpack ing Instructions (1) Open the shipping contain er o f the SpinPoint V40. (2) Lif t the packin g assem bly that contain s the drive ou t of the sh ipping cont ainer. (3) Rem o ve the drive from the packing assem bly.
INS T ALLAT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 14 Figure 4-2 Mountin g Dimen sions (in Millim eters).
INS T ALLAT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 15 4.3.2 Clearance The printed circuit board ( PCB) is designed to be very close to the moun ting holes.
INS T ALLAT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 16 4.3.3 Ventilation SpinPoint V40 hard d isk drives are desig ned to operate witho ut the need of a coolin g fan, provided the ambient air temperature does n o t exceed 55ºC. Any user-design ed cabinet must provide adequa te air circulation to prev ent exceeding the m axim um temperature.
INS T ALLAT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 17 Figure 4-4 DC Pow er Connector, Config uration Jum per B lock & AT-Bus Interf ace Connector (JHST).
INS T ALLAT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 18 4.5 Jumper Block Configurations Mas ter Mode This mode is selected as the factory default. It config ures the drive as the Mas ter.
INS T ALLAT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 19 Figure 4-5 Jum per Pin Location s on the Dri ve PCBA Master Mas ter Mode with 32G B Cl ip Slave Slave Mode with 32GB C lip Cable Select Cable Select M.
INS T ALLAT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 20 4.6 D rive Installation The SpinPoint V40 hard disk drive can be installed in an AT-compatible sy stem in tw o way s: • To install the drive w ith a motherboard th at contains a 40- pin AT-bus connector, con nect the drive to th e mot herboard usi ng a 40- pin ribbon cable.
INS T ALLAT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 21 4.7 System Startup Procedure Once the Spin Point V40 hard disk drive and along with the adapter board (i f required) h a ve been inst alled in your system, the drive can now be partitioned and form at ted for operation.
INS T ALLAT IO N SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 22 addressin g mode. • Windows 95 or 98 that use FAT16 file system w ill limit the drive’s logical partition at 2.1GB per logical drive. Win dows 95 OSR2 or later allow for the FA T32 file sys tem w hich provides access to greater than 2GBof log ical capacity.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 23 CHAPTER 5 DISK DRIVE OPERATION This chapter describes the op eration of the SpinPoint V40 functional sub systems. It is intended as a guide to the operation of the drive, rather th an a detailed theory of operation.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 24 Figure 5-1 Ex ploded Mechanical View.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 25 5.1.3 Disk Stack Assembly The disk stack assembly in th e SpinPoint V40 hard disk drive con sists of 1 or 2 disks and disk s pacers secured on the hub of the spindle motor as sembly by a disk cla mp.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 26 5.2 Drive Electronics SpinPoint V40 drives attain their intelligence and perf or mance through th e specialized electronic com ponents mou nted on th e PCBA. The com ponents are m ounted on on e side of th e PCBA.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 27 Figure 5-2 SID2001 A T Controll er Block Di agram kzw j p j kz w j p .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 28 The Host I nterface Control Block The SID2001 AT Controller prov ides an ATA interf ace to the host computer and can attach to an ATA-1, 2,3,4 or ATA-5 h ost.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 29 • Support f or Master/Slave con figuration of two em bedded disk cont roller driv es. • Autom atic d e tectio n of Host status reads. • Support of both LBA an d CHS Task File reg isters form ats.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 30 The Disk Co ntrol block co nsis ts of the p rogrammable seq uencer (Disk Seque ncer), CDR/d ata sp lit logic, dis k FIFO, fa ult toleran t sync det ect logic, an d other su pport logic.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 31 The Di sk E CC Control Block The SID2001 s upports a p rogrammable 10-w a y inte rleaved Reed-Solom on ECC. The code is capable of correcting up to ten 3 b ytes, one 30 bytes bursts in hardware up to o r 60 bytes correction with erasure po inter.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 32 The read/write channel functions include a time base generator, AGC circuitr y, asymmetry correction circuitry (ASC), analog anti-aliasing lo w-pa.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 33 Figure 5-3 Read/ Write 88C5200.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 34 5.3 Servo System The Servo System contro ls the positio n of the read/write heads a nd holds the m on track durin g read/write operations.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 35 The SID2001 Disk Controller manages the flow of data between the Data Synchronizer on the Read/Write IC and its AT Interface Controller. It also con trols data access for the ex ternal RAM buffer. The ENDEC of 88C5200 deco des the 32/ 34 with post-processor format to produce a serial bit stream.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 36 Thus Read Caching can provide su bstantial time savings during at least half of all disk requests. For example, Read Caching could save m o st of the disk transaction time by elim i nating the seek and rotation al latency delays that prom inently dominate the ty pical d isk transaction.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 37 5.5.3 Defect Management The SpinPoint V40 m edia is scanned for def ects. After defect scanning, the def ective sectors are saved in th e defect list. A defect encou ntered in the manufacturi ng process is slip ped to the next p hysical sector lo cation.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 38 Blank Page.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 39 CHAPTER 6 AT INTERFACE AND ATA COMMANDS 6.1 Introduction A Samsung disk drive with an Em bedded AT Interface fu lly supports an d enhan ces PC mass s torage requirements.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 40 6.2.3 Signal Descriptions The interface sign als and pins are described below and listed in Table 6-1. T he sign als are listed according to fun ction, rather than in numerical con nector pin order.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 41 DMACK- (DMA Acknowled ge) This sign al shall be used by the host in respons e to DMARQ to either ackn o wledge that data h a s been accepted, or that data is available.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 42 IORDY (I/O Channel Ready) This signal is active low to extend the host transfer cycle of any host register access (Read or Write) when t he drive is not read y to respond to a data transfer request.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 43 Table 6-1 A T -Bus Interface Sig nals Drive Connector Signal Nam e Pin No. Direction AT System BUS RESET - 1 ← RESET DRV Gro und 2 Gro.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 44 Table 6- 1 AT-Bus Interface Sig nals (continued) Drive Connector Signal Nam e Pin No. Direction AT System BUS DMARQ 21 → DMARQ Groun d 22 .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 45 Table 6-2 lists the sign al name mnemonic, connector pin number, wh ether input to (I) or output from (O) the drive, and the full sig nal nam e.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 46 6.3 Logical Interface 6.3.1 General Bi t Convention s Bit names are sh own in all upper case letters except w here a low er case n precedes a bit name. This indicates that when nBIT=0 (bit is zero) the action is tru e, and w hen nBIT =1 (bit is one) the action is f a lse.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 47 In LBA mode the sectors on the device are assu med to be linearly mapped with an initial definition of: LB A 0 = (Cy linder 0, head 0, sector 1).
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 48 6.3.2 I/O Register - Address Commun ication to or from the driv e is through an I/O register t hat routes the input or output data to or from regist ers addressed by a code on signals f rom the host (CS1FX- , CS3FX-, DA2, DA1, DA0, D IOR- and DIOW-).
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 49 6.3.3 Control Block Register Descriptions Alternate Statu s Register (3F6h ) This register contains the same information as the Status register in the Command Block register.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 50 6.3.4 Command Block Register Descriptions Data Register (1F0h ) This 16-bi t regist er is used to transf er data blocks between the device data buff er and the host. It is also th e register th rough which sector information is transf erred on a Format Track command.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 51 Sector Count Re gister (1F2h) This regi ster contain s the number of sectors of data requested to be trans ferred on a read or w rite operation betw een the host an d the drive. If the value in this reg ister is zero, a count of 256 sectors is specif ied.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 52 Status R egister (1F7h) This register contains the drive status . The contents of this register are updated at the completion of each command. Wh en BSY is cleared, th e other bit s in t his reg ister are valid w ithin 400 nsec.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 53 6.4 At Co mm and Register Descripti ons Commands are issued to th e drive by loading the pertin ent registers in the command block with the needed parameters, and then writing the command code to the Command register.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 54 Table 6-4 C omm and Codes and Param eters COMM AND PARAMETER USED Class DESCRIPTION CODE FR SC SN CY DH 1 Check Power Mode 98h, E5h y D 2 Download.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 55 Legend (co nt inued) y The register contain s a valid param eter for this comm and. For the Device/Head regis ter, y mean s both the device and h ead parameters are used. D Only th e d r ive parameter is valid and not the head param eter.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 56 6.4.1 Check Power Mode (98h, E5h) This comm and checks th e power mode. If the drive is in, going to, or recovering from the Standby Mod e, the drive sets BSY, sets the Sector Co unt register to 00h , clears BSY, and generates an in terrupt.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 57 Table 6-5 Diagnostic Co de s Code Description 01h No error detected 02h Formatter dev ice error 03h Sector buff er error 04h ECC circuitry error 05h Controllin g microprocess or error 8xh Drive 1 failed 6.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 58 Some parameters are defined as a group of bits. A word which is defined as a set of bits is transmitted with the in dicated bits on the respective data bu s bit (e.g., bit 15 appears on DD15). Some parameters are defin ed as a sixteen-bit value.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 59 Table 6-6 IDENTIFY DEVICE inform atio n (continued) Word Content Description Capabilities 15-14 Re served 13 1=Standby timer v alues as specified .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 60 Table 6-6 IDENTIFY DEVICE inform atio n (continued) Word Content Description Com mand set supported.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 61 Table 6-6 IDENTIFY DEVICE inform atio n (continued) Word Content Description Command set/fe a ture enab led .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 62 6.4.7 Idle (97h,E3h) This command causes th e drive to set BSY, enter the Idle Mode, clear BSY, and generate an in terrupt. T he interrup t is ge nerate d even though the d rive may not have fully transitione d to Id le Mo d e.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 63 The sector count an d h ead values are not checked f or validity by this command. If they are invalid, no error will be posted until an illeg a l access is made by some other com mand.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 64 6.4.13 Read Multiple Comm and (C4h) The Read Multiple co mmand performs similarly to the Read Sectors command. Interrupts are not generated on every sector, but on the transfer of a block which contains the number of sectors defined by a Set Multiple co mma n d .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 65 6.4.14 Read Native Max Address (F8h) Thi s comma nd retur ns the nat ive maximu m ad dre ss. T he nati ve maxi mum ad dr ess is the highe st ad dr ess accepted by the device in the factory default conditio n.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 66 6.4.16 Read Verify Sector(s) (40h: with retry , 41h: without retry ) This command is identical to the Read Sectors com ma nd, except that DRQ is n e ver set, and no data is transferred to th e host.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 67 6.4.19 Set Features (EFh) This command is used by the host to establish the following param eters, which affect the execution of certain drive featu res as show n in Table 6-8.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 68 6.4.20 Set Max A ddress (F9h) Host Protected Area featu re set. Inputs Reg ister 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Features Na Sector Count Na VV Sector Num ber Nat.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 69 DRDY shall be set to one. DF (Device Fault) sh all be cleared to zero. DRQ shall be cleared to zero.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 70 6.4.21 Set Multiple Mode (C6h) This command enables the dr ive to perform Read and Write Multiple op erations and establishes the bloc k count f or these comm ands. Ref er to section 6.6.3 for th e protocol.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 71 6.4.23 Standby (96h,E2h) This comm a n d causes th e drive to set BSY, en ter th e Standby Mode, clear BS Y, and as sert INTRQ. INTRQ is asserte d even though the d evice may not have fully transitione d to Stand by Mode .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 72 Sm art enable/disab le attribute au tosave (D2h) This command enables and disables the optional attribute autosave feature of the device.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 73 If the device is in the process o f performing its off-line d ata collection activit ies and is interrupted by a STANDBY IMMEDIA T E command f rom.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 74 Table 6-12 Off -line data collection status values Value Definition 00h or 80h Off- line data co llectio n activity was n ever started. 01h Reserv ed 02h or 82h Off -line data collection activity was com p leted without error.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 75 SMART ca pa bility The following describes the de finition for the SMART capability bits. If the value of all of these bits is equal to zero, then this device does not implem ent automatic saving of SMART data.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 76 6.4.25 Standby (96h, E2h) This comm and causes the driv e to enter Standby Mode. See 6.6.3 for the protocol . The dri ve may retu rn the interrupt before the transition to Stan dby Mode is completed.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 77 6.4.30 Write Multiple Comm and (C5h) This command is sim ilar to the Write Sectors command. The drive s ets BSY wi thin 400 nsec of accepting the .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 78 If the ID is read correctly, the data loaded in the buffer is written to the data field of the s ector, f ollo wed by the ECC bytes.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 79 6.5 Program ming Requirements 6.5.1 Reset Response A reset is accepted within 400 n sec after the neg ation of RESET- or w ithin 400 nsec after SRS T has been set in the Devi ce Control regist er.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 80 Table 6-13 C omm and Errors Error Register Status Regist er C o mma n d BBK UNC IDNF ABRT TK0N F AMNF DRDY DWF DSC CORR ERR Check Pow er Mode V V .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 81 6.5.3 Power Conditions SpinPoint drives reduce the power requ ired to operate (see Table 6-14), which describes each operating mode and the st atus of th e major componen ts.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 82 N orm al mode In Normal mode, the drive is capable of respon ding immediatel y to media access requests, and comm ands complete execution in the shortest possible time. See specific pow er-related comm ands (0).
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 83 6.6 P rotocol Overview Commands can be grou ped i nto different classes according t o the protocols followed f or co mm and execution. The comm and classes w ith their associated protocols are defin ed below.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 84 PIO Read C om m a nd a) b) e) e) Setup Issue Read Transfer Read T r ansfer Comm and Status Data ===== Status Data BSY=0 BSY=1 BSY=0 BSY=1 .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 85 Execution i ncludes the tr ansfer of on e or more 512 by te (>512 bytes on Wri te Long) s ec tors of dat a from the drive to the host. a) T he host writes any required param eters to the Features, Sector Count, Sector Number, Cylinder and Drive/Head regist ers.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 86 6.6.3 Non-Data Comm ands This class includes: • Check Power Mode (98h,E5h ) • Flush Cache (E7h) • Execute Drive Diag nostic (DRDY=x) (90h) .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 87 6.6.4 DMA Data Transfer Commands This cla ss c omprises: • Read DMA (C8h) • Write DMA (C9h ) Data transfers us ing DMA com mands differ in tw .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 88 Norm al DM A transfer Initialize DMA Co mm a nd DM A data tra nsfer Reset DM A Status BSY=0 BSY= 1 BSY=x DRQ=x BSY=1 nIEN =0 BSY=0 Aborted DMA transfer Initialize DMA Co mm and DMA data Reset DM A Status BSY=0 BSY=1 BSY=x DRQ=1 BSY=1 nIEN =0 BSY=0 6.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 89 6.7 Tim ing The min imum cycle time s upported by the device in PIO mode 3, 4 and Mu ltiword DMA mode 1, 2 respectively , shall alw ays be greater than , or equal to the m inimum cycle tim e defined by the associated mode.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 90 t 0 ADDR valid (See note 1) t 1 t 2 t 9 t 2i DIOR-/DIO W- WRITE DD(7:0) (See n ote 2) t 3 t 4 RE AD DD(7:0) (See note 2) t 5 t 6 t 6z IORDY (See n.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 91 Table 6-16 Reg ister transfer to/f rom dev ice PIO tim ing parameters Mod e 0 ns Mode 1 ns Mode 2 ns Mode 3 ns Mode 4 ns Note t 0 Cycle time (mi n.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 92 t 0 ADDR val id (See note 1) t 1 t 2 t 9 t 2i DIOR-/DIOW- WRITE DD(15:0) (See note 2) t 3 t 4 READ DD(15:0) (See note 2) t 5 t 6 t 6z IORD Y (See .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 93 Table 6-17 PIO data transfer to/from de vice PIO t iming parameters M ode 0 ns Mode 1 ns Mode 2 ns Mode 3 ns Mode 4 ns Note t 0 Cycle time (mi n) .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 94 6.7.3 Multiword DMA data transf er Figure 6-3 defines the tim ings associated with Multiw ord DMA transfers. For Multiw ord DMA modes 1 and above, the min imum v alue of t 0 is specif ied by w ord 65 in the IDENTIFY DEVICE param eter list.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 95 Table 6-18 Multiw ord DMA data transfer M ultiwo rd DM A t iming param e t ers Mode 0 ns Mod e 1 ns Mode 2 ns Note t 0 Cycl e tim e (mi n) 480 150.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 96 6.7.4 Ultra DMA data transfer Figures 6 -4 thr ough 6 -1 3 d efine t he timings asso c iate d with all p hases o f Ultr a DM A b ursts. Table 6-19 contains th e values for the tim ings for each of th e Ultra DMA modes.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 97 6.7.4 .2 Ultra DM A da t a burst timing requirem ent s Table 6-19 Ultra DMA d ata burst timing requiremen ts Mod e 0 (ns) Mode 1 (ns) Mode 2 (ns) .
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 98 Table 6-19 Ultra DMA data burst timing req uiremen ts (co nt). NOTES − 1 Timing parameters shall be measured at the conn ector of the sender or receiver to which the parameter appli es. For example, the send er sh all st op gener ati ng STR OBE edges t RF S afte r the negation of DMARDY-.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 99 Host paus ing an Ultra DMA data in bu rst The values f or the timin gs for each of the Ultra DMA modes are contain ed in 6.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 100 Device term inating an Ul tra DMA data in burs t The values f or the timin gs for each of the Ultra DMA modes are contain ed in 6.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 101 Host term inating an Ultra D MA data in burs t The values f or the timin gs for each of the Ultra DMA modes are contain ed in 6.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 102 Initi ating an Ultra D MA data out burst The values f or the timin gs for each of the Ultra DMA modes are contain ed in 6.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 103 Sustai ned Ultra DMA data out b urst The values f or the timin gs for each of the Ultra DMA modes are contain ed in 6.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 104 Device pau sing an U ltra DMA data out burs t The values f or the timin gs for each of the Ultra DMA modes are contain ed in 6.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 105 Host term inating an Ultra D MA data out burst The values f or the timin gs for each of the Ultra DMA modes are contain ed in 6.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoint V4 0 Product Manual 106 Device term inating an Ul tra DMA data out burst The values f or the timin gs for each of the Ultra DMA modes are contain ed in 6.
DISK DRIVE OPERATION SpinPoi nt V40 Product Manual 107 CHAPTER 7 MAINTENANCE 7.1 General Information Samsung's SpinPoint V40 h a rd disk drives ach ieve high reliability through their m ec hanical design and extensive use of microelectronics.
An important point after buying a device Samsung 3.5" hard disk drives (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Samsung 3.5" hard disk drives yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Samsung 3.5" hard disk drives - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Samsung 3.5" hard disk drives you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Samsung 3.5" hard disk drives will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Samsung 3.5" hard disk drives, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Samsung 3.5" hard disk drives.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Samsung 3.5" hard disk drives. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Samsung 3.5" hard disk drives along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center