Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Computer Hardware Q-See
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Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appe ar here. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 2 CONTENT S 1.1 Summar ization .
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e the H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 3 4. 8. 3 De let e Us er ..
Erro r ! Us e the H ome ta b to a pply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 4 Appendix 2.3.4 Why can’t I see the images? .
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 5 1 Introduction 1.1 Summarization Thank you for choosing our di gital video ca ptur e car ds.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appea r here.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e the H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 7 1.2 Sy stem Req uirements Our H.
Erro r! Us e th e Home tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 8 1.2.2 QSDT8PCRP C ard S y stem R equirement s Card PC Modul e QSDT8PCRP CPU In tel P4 proces so r 2.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to a ppea r h ere. Er ror! Us e the Hom e tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 11 2 Hard ware I nstall ation 2.
Er ror! Use the Home tab t o apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the te xt that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to th e text tha t y o u w ant t o ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 t o the tex t that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the t ext th at you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 19 Figure 2 - 17 Select V ide o F ormat STEP3 : I nstall dr iv er fir st .
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 20 STEP5 : Select a folde r or use t he default Sup erDVR , and cli ck ‘ Next ’.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 21 install ing the driver soft ware on Micro sof t VIS TA s y s t e m s are the same as on Microsof t XP system s.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to appl y 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 25 4. Manual R ecord ing F rame R at e Select the record ing frame rate for manu al r ecord mode .
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H om e tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the Ho me tab to a pply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 28 4 Sy stem Setup Click to enter the main setup interface.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 29 Figure 4 -2 Caption and General Confi gur ation 1.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e the H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Erro r ! Us e the H ome tab to a pply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 31 Figure 4 -5 Video Configurati on Definition s of the set up items: 1.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 32 Figure 4 -6 Motion Detecti on Configurati on Definition of the setup items: 1.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you w ant t o a pp ear h ere.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere . Er ror! U s e the Hom e tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 34 Figure 4 -8 Edit Schedule 4.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Erro r! Us e th e Home tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 36 HDD spa ce shorta ge al arm .
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text th at you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want t o ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 38 Figure 4 - 14 Attachment Se t up NOTICE : For every alarm event, only one picture will be sent.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 40 Figure 4 - 16 Vi ew Cam era s When a channel alarm is tri ggere d , the camera ic on will flas h a yellow alarm signal.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 41 4.7 P.T.Z Control Configuration Click and ent er PTZ Config uration : Figure 4 - 17 PTZ C onfi gurati on P anel 4.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to th e text tha t y o u want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 42 DSCP , DH - SD, Lilian, Minking, Neon, PelcoD, P elcoP , St ar , VIDO, VIS CA 3.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 44 • Administr ator: thi s use r has the right to cha ng e a ll the set tings and playback.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to th e text tha t y ou want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 46 5 P.T.Z C ontrol Click i n th e Supe rDVR main d ispl ay in ter fac e ( refer t o Figure3 -1 ) to acce ss t he P .
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 47 camera. NOTICE : Aft e r press ing lef t mouse button on a ny functio n button i n P .
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 48 Figure 5 -4 Preset and G roup S elect C lick to set Pre set point a nd change Prese t point nam e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to appl y 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 50 6.1 Reco rd Search Figure 6 -2 Recor d S earch A rea A , B and C marks the ar ea s of the thr ee sear ch met hod s.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 51 Explainat ion of the b utton func tion s: • : Play / Pause • : S top • : Reverse .
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H om e tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the Ho me tab to a pply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear here. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 56 Select path and cli ck ‘ Save ’ to sa ve the pic ture.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e the H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 57 6.3.4 Image Zoom in/o ut W hen in s ing le channel pl ayback mode , the zoom control icons will appear .
Erro r ! Us e the H ome tab to a pply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you w ant t o a pp ear h ere. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 60 higher quality sett i ng.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere . Er ror! U s e the Hom e tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 61 Fig 7.2 ipc onfig wind ow 7.
Erro r! Us e th e Home tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 62 Fig 7. 4 Port Forward Default Guide link and it w ill give you in structions for your ro uter .
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text th at you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 64 7.6 Int ernet E xplorer T o o l Ba r Fig 7.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want t o ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 65 check for signatures on dow nloaded progr ams.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 67 Fig 7. 1 3 We bcam Mai n interface Feature Ex planations: Icon Descripti on Controls for PTZ Cameras: Mo ve U p.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to th e text tha t y o u want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 69 7.4 Remote play back 7.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 70 Fig 7. 15 Remote back up STEP1 : Select the dat e, channel , then click Search b utton.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 71 channel con figuration w indow w ill appear: Fig 7.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to th e text tha t y ou want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 73 7.5.1 Basic Confi guration Fi g 7 .
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 74 The Alar m set up conf igura t io n is show below : F i g 7.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 75 Fig 7. 23 C amera setup confi gura t i on 1.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to appl y 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 77 Enable buzz er on boar d for alarm 2.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 79 Fig 7 .2 9 Motion configura tion Definition of the setup items: 1.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H om e tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 80 Fi g 7 . 30 Email configuration 1.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the Ho me tab to a pply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 82 1. Protocol set up Fig 7.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 83 S et P .T .Z device Ba ud rate, default v alue i s 9600, used value m ust match Baud rate on PTZ contr ol board C.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e the H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 84 STEP3 : C lick on the softwar e name.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Erro r ! Us e the H ome tab to a pply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. 85 STEP5 : PCam will be opened af ter inst alled .
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you w ant t o a pp ear h ere. 87 STEP4 : The security window will pop up af ter dow nload ed and ask if you want to install the package.
Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere . Er ror! U s e the Hom e tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 88 STEP7 : Click Optio ns --- >Setti ngs to en ter login inter face.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Error! Use the H ome tab to apply 标题 1 to the text tha t you want to ap pear h ere. Error ! Us e t he H ome tab to ap p ly 标题 1 to the text that you want to appear her e. Frequently Asked Que stions 89 STEP9 : I t will show the camer a after acce ss ing su ccessf ully .
Appen dix1 Frequentl y Asked Ques t ions SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 90 Appendix1 Frequently A sked Questio ns Appendix 2.1 Installation Appendi x 2.1.1 Cannot Inst all the S uperDVR D river Possible ca uses: • H.264 seri es capture card has not been inst alled.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Appendix1 Fre quently Asked Ques t ions 91 Appendix 2.2. 3 H ow to set re cycling recor d mode on the system Select ‘ Recy cle ’ in ba sic confi guration, ref er to Figure4 -1. Users can s elect the per cent of used dis k space to s et up “d isk sho rtage alarm .
Appendix1 Fre quently Asked Ques t ions SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 92 Appendix 2 . 3 How to Use Networ k Function Appendi x 2.3.1 H ow to mo nitor on the client - side First enable ‘ W eb camera s service ’ in basic con figuration (r efer to Figure4 -1).
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Appendix1 Fre quently Asked Ques t ions 93 Appendix 2.3. 5 What should I do if th e Internet speed is q uite slow? The more channels op ened, and t he slower the vide o transmiss ion speed, therefore tr y to use one channel d isplay mode w hen the n etwork speed i s s l o w.
Appendix1 Fre quently Asked Ques t ions SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 94 30fps 640* 480 lowest 10.92 Appendix 2.4 Other Q uesti ons Appendix 2 .4.1 Why doesn’t the computer display w ork, or w h y can’t I access W ind o w sy stem? The captur e card may not be w ell install ed.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Appendix1 Fre quently Asked Ques t ions 95 Appendix 2.4. 5 W h y can’t I pla y back? W indo ws M edia P layer ha s be en da mag ed, or decoder has not been ins talled properly . It is s uggested you re inst all the p layer pro gr am or d ow nload a codec pack from K - lit e ( http://www .
Appendix2 Quick Sta rt for Usi ng SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 96 Appendix 2.4. 9 If sy stem time must be c hanged, pl ease do f ollowing prep arations f irst 1.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Appendix2 Quick Sta rt fo r Usi ng 97 Appendix 3 . 2 Troubles hooting Appendix3. 2 .1 When open ing the SuperDVR program, it say s ‘ Can ’t find card ’.
Appendix2 Quick Sta rt for Usi ng SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 98 unsigned A ctiv eX controls ’ (see se ctio n 7.2.4) . STEP3 : In the IE tex tbox of the Inter net ex plorer , input th e rout er ’ s P u blic IP (see section 7.2.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Appendix3 Funct ion T ree 99 Appendix3 Function Tree Appendix 4 . 1 SuperDVR Func t i on Tree T ree1 Supe rDVR Func tion s.
Appendix3 Funct ion T ree SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 100 Appendix 4.2 S ystem Configura tion Tree Caption Mode Interval of AutoDwell CallMonitor Mode Resolution DeInterlace Select D.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Appendix3 Funct ion T ree 101 Appendix 4.3 IE Client Functi onTree T ree3 IE Client Functi on.
A ppendix3 Funct ion T ree SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 102 Appendix 4 . 4 Remote Pla yback Functi on Tr ee T ree4 Remote Pla ybac k Func ti on.
SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual Appendix3 Funct ion T ree 103 8 Q- See Product Warrant y Thank you for choosing our p r oducts. All of our prod ucts users have a conditional free warrant.
Appendix3 Funct ion T ree SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual 104 Customer Infor mat io n Card User ’s Name M r ./Mrs. Company Name Postal Addr ess Postal c ode Phone N um ber E- mail Mode.
An important point after buying a device Q-See Computer Hardware (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Q-See Computer Hardware yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Q-See Computer Hardware - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Q-See Computer Hardware you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Q-See Computer Hardware will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Q-See Computer Hardware, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Q-See Computer Hardware.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Q-See Computer Hardware. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Q-See Computer Hardware along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center