Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product AM/FM Radio Recorder/Voice Recorder/MP3 PoGo Products
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AM/FM Radio Recorder/Voice Recorder/MP3, WMA Player This manual is protected by copyright laws and a ll rights are reserved. No portion of this manual may be reproduced in any form or translated into other languages w ith out written permission from the manufacturer and publishe r of this m anual.
- 1 - T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S I. COMPONENT and LCD DISPLA Y 1. SET 2. Accessories 3. LCD Display II. BA TTER Y CHARGE and USE 1. Charge battery using AC Adapter 2. Charging S tatus 3. Battery Level 4. Battery Life 5. Powering on III. MEMOR Y CARD and RESET 1.
- 2 - VII. BASIC BUTT ON OPERA TIONS VIII. MAIN MENU STRUCTURE 1. System 2. Play 3. Recording 4. Display 5. Sound IX. PLA Y STYLE MENU X. FUR THER OPERA TION 1. Playback Speed 2. AM/FM Radio 3. Formatting 4. Complete Format X I . C O M P U T E R C O N N E C T I O N 1.
① Internal Microphone ⑩ MENU ② LED ⑪ SPEED ③ LCD ⑫ External Speaker ④ REC ⑬ USB/POWER Terminal ⑤ ERASE ⑭ Volume +/- ⑥ A↔B/Repeat ⑮ HOLD ⑦ MODE RESET ⑧ TIMER LINE IN ⑨ SD/MMC Card S lot Earphone Jack 2.
3. LCD Display ▣ POWER ON ▣ POWER OFF ▣ AM Display ① : Radio band ② : Mem ory( Internal/Extern al) ③ : Month(Calendar ) ④ : Date (Calen dar) ⑤ : Battery Level ⑥ : Day(Calendar) ⑦ :.
① : MUSIC Mode ② : Memory( Internal/Ex ternal) ③ : Month(Calendar ) ④ : Date (Calen dar) ⑤ : Battery Level ⑥ : Day(Calendar) ⑦ : Nav igation (M usic lis t up) ▣ MUSIC Playback D isplay.
I I . B A T T E R Y C H A R G E a n d U S E 1. Charge battery u sing AC Adapter - Co n ne c t t h e a d a pt o r j a ck a s s ho w n i n the diagram; taking note of the correc t side . - The b attery can b e char ged using the AC ad apto r, or by mak ing a U SB connection with a PC or MAC.
III. MEMORY CARD and RESET 1. Me mory C ard 1) Memory Card Type: SD/MMC Card 2) Compatible Capacity: 32MB/64MB/128MB/2 56MB/512MB/1GB ☞ An external memory card is not provided. You can buy one f rom just about any electronics store in your area.
5 . R e s e t If th e u ni t i s n ot r es po nd in g, p le as e r es et by pu sh in g t he Re s et bu tt on (f ou nd on th e r ig ht si de of the unit) g ently with a thin object f or 1 second.
You can listen to FM r adio in FM mode. V. RECORDING, PLAYBACK, and DELETING 1. AM and FM Switch to the desired mode by tapping the Mode button. Once yo u a r e i n t h e d e s i r e d m o d e ( A M o r FM), tune in to the station you would like to record by pressin g the Fast For ward button ( >> ) or Rewind button ( << ).
To stop or pause pla yback, tap the Play/Stop button during playback. N O T E : F o l d e r s w i l l n o t a p p e a r i f t h e P l a y S t y l e i s s e t t o F i l e List. See the Play Style Menu chapter for more details. 3. Deleting Fil es You can delete f iles/r ecordings in Music or Voice mode.
year/day/ho ur settings will no t be able to stay current. Tap the Menu button to go into the Menu System. With Time Set highlighted, tap the Play/St op button. You will now see the Tim e Set screen, just like the e xample pic ture. To change the Hour/Minutes, use the Up o r Down b u t t o n .
- 12 - NOTE: You cannot set a timer recording when the unit is playin g bac k a fi le, reco rding , or in th e Me nu mode. On ce yo u a re in th e S ch ed ul e S et sc re en , us e t he Up or Down button to move through the fields. Use the Fast Forward button ( >> ) or Rewind button ( << ) to c hange the field s etting.
- 13 - I f y o u se t t he s o ur c e t o M US I C , y o u mu s t s e le c t a f i l e t o p la y . P r e s s t h e Down button to highlight the folder underne ath SOURCE . S e l e c t t h e d e s i r e d f o l d e r t h a t c o n t a i n s y o u r f i l e u s i n g t h e Fast Forwar d button ( >> ) or Rewind button ( << ).
K. The next field is END . Set the h our you w ish to en d th e au toma tic reco rder usin g th e Fast Forward button ( >> ) or Rewind butt on ( << ). You can change AM to PM, or vice-versa, by continuously tap ping the Fast Forward button ( >> ) or Rewind button ( << ).
Tap the Erase button to exit Schedule Review screen. 5. Deleti ng a Timer-Recording Tap the Timer b u t t o n i n M u s i c , V o i c e , A M , o r F M m o d e .
Hold On. Will disa ble button use. Playback and Stop Power ON/OFF ━━ : Power On/Off. MUS IC/VOIC E Mode ━: Select/Play back file and stop/ Pause a file. During a r ecording a nd pause d record ing. ━: Stop recording. Selecting a folder in file display mod e.
━: Search for a preset st ation. Play style/M ain Menu/ T imer-Rec ording ━: Move up to another d irectory/option/item. FF MUS IC/VOIC E Mode ① D uring Play b ack ━: 10 Seconds a second fast forwa rd. ━━: 1 minute a s econd fast forward. ② Player Stopped ━: 10 Seconds a second fast forwa rd.
② Selecting a file ━: Bookmark ☞ Only applicable fo r MP3 files. ERASE MUSIC/VOI CE Mode ① Se lecting a file ━: Erase the sele cted file or folder. ━━: Erase all file s and folders Main Menu ━: Escape from the main menu. Timer Recording ━: Exit Timer-Recording .
━: Pause recordin g. - - : S e t t i n g Q u i c k T i m e r R e c o r d i n g ( 0 , 1 5 m i n , 3 0 m i n , 45min, OFF) ③ Pau sed ━: Restart reco rding. ④ Timer- Recordi ng ━: Pause Timer-Reco rding. ⑤ During a pau sed Tim er-Re cord ing ━: Restart Timer-R ecording.
VIII. MAIN MENU STR UCTUR E SYSTEM PLAY RECORD DISPLAY SOUND Time Set Calendar Sleep Timer AutoOff Time Sys. Default Int. Format Ext. Format Memory Info Hr / Min Y / M / D Off,15~120min Off,1,3,5,min YES NO YES NO YES NO Total/fr/ver Repeat A-B Rep.
1. SYSTEM Key MENU Display and Key operati on Function Setting ①Press “ MENU ” SYSTEM Used to Set: - Time set - Calendar - Sleep Timer - Auto Off Time - Sys Default - Int Format - Ext Format - Band Area - Memory Info. ②Move to desired setting using ▲▼ ③Select “ Time S et ” a n d press ▶/■ TIME SET Used to set the current time.
Complete Setting ⑤Press ▶/■ to complete setting and exit. ③Select “ Auto Off Time ” and press ▶/■ AUTO OFF Time U ni t w il l t ur n of f w he n t he re ar e no button presses for the specified amount of time.
Complete Setting ⑤Press ▶/■ to exit 2. PLAY Key MENU Display and Key operation Function Setting ①Press “ MENU ” a n d u s e ◀▶ to select the “PLAY” menu.
⑤ I f u s i n g O N E T O U C H option, select desired time (02, 04, 08 and 16 sec) by using ◀▶ Complete Setting ⑥Press ▶/■ to complete setting and exit ③ Select “ Pla y St yle ” a n.
④ Press ◀▶ to set index and press ▶/■ A n i n d e x f i l e p l a y s f r o m t h e selected point of the file . - 18 - O n l y o n e p o i n t p e r f i l e i s applicable and if another file is indexed, the previous index is released.
The memory remain icon is only displayed in AM/ FM Mode. Press “MODE” to select AM o r F M i n o r d e r t o v i e w h o w much memory remains. ① Press “ MENU ” a n d u s e ◀▶ to select the “RECORD” menu.
- 20 - - to 999 files. ☞ To ers, make sure Record up - A file recorded from AM Radio, will be saved in the AM Fo lder. A file recorded from FM radio, w i l l b e s a v e d i n t h e F M folder. view fold you set “ PLAY S TYLE ” t o NORMAL under the PLAY MENU ③ Press” REC” button to Pause.
recording. ④ S e l e c t “ A u t o S y n c ” a n d press ▶/■ ⑤ Select desired option using ▲▼ Complete Setting Press ▶/■ to complete setting and exit.
③Select “ SCROLL SPEED ” g ▲▼ and press ▶ usin /■ Scroll Speed - 22 - Select how fast file info scrolls on the LC D screen. - Slow, Nor mal, Fast using◀▶ Scroll Speed Option: ④ Sel.
- 23 - . SOUND 5 Key MENU Function Setting Display and Key operat ion ① Press “ MENU ” SOUND Setting - Equalizer - 3D Effect ②Use ◀▶ to select the - Def Volume “DISPLAY” menu.
⑤ 3 D I c o n w i l l b e displayed. ③Selec Volume ” /■ t “ Def using ▲▼ and press ▶ - 24 - Def Vo lume Set the default volume you want the unit to use. Def volume options: 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 18,19,20,21,21,22,23,24,25 ④Select desired option sing◀▶ u Press ▶/■ to complete Complete Setting setting and exit.
I X . P L A Y S T Y L E M E N U Press and hold Mode to bring up the Play Style menu. ① Normal Play (Organizes files in folders ) ② File List (Displays files one after the other.
X . F U R T H E R O P E R A T I O N 1. Playback Speed The playback speed (while playing a file) can be changed using t h e r e w i n d o r f a s t f o r w a r d k e y s .
2. AM /FM Rad io 1) FM Radio Reception ① Stereo Earphone ② External Antenna Stereo earphone acts as the antenna for the FM radio. Plug in the provided Ext Antenna into the phones jack; in order to listen to FM broadcasts using the speaker. 2) AM Radio Reception T h e A M a n t e n n a i s e m b e d d e d i n t h e u n i t .
- 28 - To go back to no rmal tuning, use ◀▶ 3 . F o r m a t t i n g m e m o r y ① P r e s s “ M E N U ” ②Move to desired setting (INT/EXT F ormat) using ▲▼ ③Select “ Int Format ” and press ▶/■ ④Use◀▶to select “YES” ⑤Press ▶/■ to complete setting an d exit.
When you connect the unit to a USB port, it will be recognized as a “Remov able Disk” in Win XP, 2000, ME. Mac users will se e it as a nameless drive.
③ Check ‘Search for the best driver for your device’ and click ‘next’ ④ Check ‘Specif y a location’ ⑤ Insert Driv er CD inside your comput er’s CDROM ⑥ Click “Next” button .
⑨ Click ‘Finish’ to co mplete installation ☞ To make sure the in stallation has been su ccessfully completed , check for the device in the device manager: [My Computer]-[Control Panel]-[System]-[Devi ce Manager ] 3.
4. Safely R emo ving H ardwa re from a PC You are required to safely remove this device BEFORE disco nnect ing the device from the USB port. ① Close open files If there are any open files in the unit, you should close them to avoid any e rrors.
NO INDEX END TIME NOT SET G e n e r a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n MODEL RadioYourWay LX RECORD TI ME 128MB: 510Mi n / 512MB : 2040Min at 32Kbps MODE MP3 FORMAT FILE VOICE : 999pcs MP3 FM Record Stereo (87.
- 35 - Freq, Response 150Hz – 15KHz at 0dB Sensitivity 68dbuV at 1KHz Frequency Cover range 530 ~ 1710 KHz Preset Mode 10 Radio station Bit/rate 32Kbps~256Kb ps (MPEG 1/2 L AYER 3) S/N 85dB up (1KHz inp ut 0dB) Distortion 0.
- 36 - RADIO/VOICE REC Approx 9hour d uring the radio play (earphone o utput: volume middle position) Operating Temp 0℃ - +40℃ Accessory Line in cable( 1)/ Win 98 SE Driver CD (1)/ Neck strap (1)/ stereo earpho ne (1) / FM EX T ANT (1)/ AC/DC adapter(1) / USB cable (1)/ manual (1) SIZE 2.
- 37 - is modified in any way 3 ) F o r a n y d e f e c t o r d a m a g e r e s u l t i n g f r o m m i s u s e , abnormal use, abnormal condition, improper storage and/or exposure to dir ect sunlight.
PoGo! Products Inc 590 W Central A ve Suite E Brea, CA 92821 P h o n e : 714-671-1854 The warranty may only be used in t h e U S A . P l e a s e k e e p y o u r d a t e d purchase order/receipt safely as it is required for any warranty service.
An important point after buying a device PoGo Products AM/FM Radio Recorder/Voice Recorder/MP3 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought PoGo Products AM/FM Radio Recorder/Voice Recorder/MP3 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data PoGo Products AM/FM Radio Recorder/Voice Recorder/MP3 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, PoGo Products AM/FM Radio Recorder/Voice Recorder/MP3 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get PoGo Products AM/FM Radio Recorder/Voice Recorder/MP3 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of PoGo Products AM/FM Radio Recorder/Voice Recorder/MP3, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime PoGo Products AM/FM Radio Recorder/Voice Recorder/MP3.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with PoGo Products AM/FM Radio Recorder/Voice Recorder/MP3. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device PoGo Products AM/FM Radio Recorder/Voice Recorder/MP3 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center