Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product UF-895 Panasonic
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F acsimile User’ s Guide Matsushita Graphic Comm unication Syst ems, Inc. CORPORA TE O VERSEAS SALES AND OPERA TION MANAGEMENT DEP ARTMENT 2-3-8 Sh imo me gur o, Meguro-ku, T okyo , Japan 153-868 7 .
IMPOR T ANT INFORMA TION When requ esting inf o r mation , suppli es or ser v ice alwa ys refer to the model and serial number of your machine. Th e model an d ser ial number plate (Mai n Name Plate) is located o n the ma chine as shown below . F or your conv enien ce, space is pr ovided below to r ecord infor mation you ma y need in t he future.
T able of Contents 1 1 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE Safet y I nform atio n ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... 7 Intr oduction..... ....... ...... ....... ..... ........ ....
2 Sending Documents ..... .. ....... .. ....... .. ......... ....... .. ......... .......... ......... ....... .. .. ....... . 44 Memory Transmiss ion ...... .................... ............. ................... ............. ................... ....
3 Access Code .................. . ........... .. .. ............. .. . ........... .. .. .. ............. . ........... .. .. .. .. .. 85 Setting the Ac cess Code 85 Opera ting Your Machin e with th .
4 Confidential Mailbox and Confidential Net work Communications...... ........ 119 Confidential Ma ilbox ... ................... ............. ........
5 9 APPENDIX Specificat ions ........ ........... ......... ........... ........... ......... ........... ......... ........... ........ 169 Recording Paper Specifi cations .... .. ....... .. ......... .. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......
6 This pag e is inte ntional ly left blank..
8 denotes haz ards that co uld result in mi nor injur y or damage to the machin e . CAUTION ! Do not ins tall the m achine n ear heati ng or an air conditi oning uni t. A void exposure to dir ect sun light. Install the machi ne on a fla t surface, lea ve at least 4 i nches (10 cm) of space b etween the m achine an d other objects.
9 Intr oduction Than k y ou v e ry much f or pur chasi ng the P anaf ax UF-885 /895 . The UF-885 /895 is one of the most advanced model s in the P ana f ax f ami ly of G3 compatible, desktop f acs imile mach ines.
10 Function K ey Any f uncti on can be star ted b y first pressing and th en ente r the fun ction n umber , or b y pres sing or scroll k ey repeat edly unti l the desired function appears on th e displa y .
11 External Vie w Handset (A vailable as an o ption, see page 173) Recording P aper T ray Document Gui des Documen t Retur n T ra y Printer Co v er 500 shee ts Recor ding P aper Cas sette (A vailable .
12 Contr ol P anel SP ACE SYMBOLS CAPS SPACE SYMBOLS CAPS 01 07 13 19 25 31 P5 02 08 14 20 26 32 P6 03 09 15 21 27 P1 P7 04 10 16 22 28 P2 P8 05 11 17 23 29 P3 06 12 18 24 30 P4 ON LINE TONER ALARM PA.
14 INSTALLING YO UR MACHINE Main Unit and Acc essories Unpack the ca r to n and check that you hav e all t he acces sor ies illus trated. Machine T oner Cartridge Document Return Tray Recording Paper .
15 Installing the Accessori es Final Installed View Handset Cradle [A vailab le as an Option ] Hook the projecti ons into the square holes on the ma chine.
16 Installing the T oner Car tridge 1 Unpack the T oner Car tr idge and rock it back and for th as shown f or 5 or 6 times to ev en the toner i nside. 2 Remov e the p rotective seal. Note : Pull on th e seal s lowly and straigh t out. 3 Push th e Release Button t o open the P rin ter Cov e r .
17 4 Align t he arrow and the pr ojection o n both sides as shown and i nser t the T oner Car tr idge into the machin e. 5 Close th e Pr inter Cov er f ir mly . 6 If you are replacing th e T oner Car tr idge, it is recomme nded to cle an the Pr inter Roller to ma intain goo d pri nting qual ity .
18 Loading the Recor ding P aper P aper Specifications In general, mos t bond papers wil l produce e xcellent res ults. Most photocopy papers wil l also work ver y well. There a re ma ny "name" and "gen eri c" brands o f paper av ail ab le.
19 (see Note 1) 4 (1) Re lease the hook and r emov e the P aper Siz e Sel ector . (2) Ro tate the P aper Size Selec tor until the approp riat e settin g mar k ed on the Selector is facing upward and the wo rding is upr ight. (3) Re install the P a per Size Sele ctor .
20 Connecting the T e lephon e Line Cab le and P o wer Cor d Po w e r C o r d Plug one en d of the power cord into an ordi nar y 3 pron g A C outle t and the other end into the recep tacle on the rear of the mac hine . W arning : This apparatus m ust be prope rl y grounded thr ough an ordinary 3 pr ong A C outlet.
22 Setting the Dialing Method (T one or Pulse) Y ou r mach ine can operat e with either of two dia ling me thods (T one o r Pulse), depen ding on the ty pe of t elepho ne line you are c onnected to. If you need to cha nge the dia ling meth od to T o ne or Pu lse, f ol low the proc edure bel ow .
23 Adjusting the V olume Y ou can adj ust the monitor and r inger v olume on your mach ine. The built-in speaker enables you to hea r the dia l tone, dialing signals, an d busy tone.
24 User P arameters Y ou r facsimile mach ine has sev eral basi c set tings ( User P arame ters) to h elp you keep recor ds o f the d ocumen ts you send or receiv e. F or e xample, the b uilt-in cloc k k eeps the current d ate and t ime, a nd y our LOGO and ID Numbe r help to i dentif y you when you send o r receive docum ents.
25 Setting Y our LOGO When you sen d a docume nt, your LOGO app ears on the top of the copy printe d out at the other st ation. The LOG O helps to i dentify you to someone wh o recei v es your docume nt. (see N ote 1) 1 2 3 repeat edly u ntil d isplay shows; 4 Enter your LO GO (max .
26 Setting Y our Character ID If the remote machine has a Cha racter ID cap abiliti es, when you are sen ding or receivin g, your Character ID will appea r on the rem ote mac hine's dis play and the remot e mach ine's C haracter ID will appe ar on your disp lay .
27 Setting Y our ID Number (F ax T e lephone Number) If the re mote ma chine do es not ha ve a Character ID b ut it has an ID Nu mber , when send ing or r eceiving, y our ID Number will appe ar on the rem ote ma chine's d isplay and their ID N umber wil l appear on your display .
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29 PROGRAMMING YOU R MACHINE One-T ouch/Abbre viated Dialing Number s Entering One-T ouch/Abbrev iated Dialing Number s One-T ouc h and Abbreviated Dialing ar e two f a st wa y s of dialing full telepho ne numbers. T o use these dia ling metho ds, y ou must first stor e the tele phone numb er using the f ollowing procedu re.
30 T o set an Abbreviated Dialing Numbe r , follow the steps below (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) (see No te 3) (see Note 4) 1 2 3 4 Ex: (001 to 160) 5 Enter the telepho ne number (up to 3 6 digits includi ng pau ses and sp aces). Ex: 6 7 Enter the statio n name u sing ch aracter ke ys (up t o 15 ch arac ter s).
31 Changing or Erasing One-T ouch/Abbreviated Dialing Number s If you hav e to change or erase a n y o f the One-T o uch/A bbre v iated dia ling number s, f oll ow the steps b elow . T o change the settings of a One-T ouch/ABBR. dialing number (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) 1 2 Selec t for One-T ouch Dialing numb er Selec t f or AB BR.
32 T o erase the settings of One-T ouch/ABBR. Dialing number (see N ote 1) 1 2 Selec t for One-T ouch Dialing numb er Selec t f or AB BR. Dialing Nu mber Ex: 3 Enter the statio n you wish to erase.
33 Printing Out a Direct ory Sheet After p rogramming a one -touch dialing number , you can print o ut the director y shee t which i ncludes th e first 12 characters of ea ch station name. Cut along the do tted line and plac e it ov e r the One- T ouch ke y under the Director y She et Cov er .
34 Customizing Y our Machine Y ou r f acsim ile mac hine has a variety of adjusta b le F a x P a rameters. These parame ters, listed in the P arameter T able , are pr eset for you and do not need to be changed . If you do want to make a change, rea d the table careful ly .
35 F ax P arameter T able No. Parameter Setting Number Setting Comments 01 CONTRAST *1 Nor mal Setting the home position of the CONTRA ST ke y . 2 Lighter 3D a r k e r 02 RESOLUTION *1 Standard Setting the home position of the RE SOLUTION key . 2F i n e 3S - F i n e 04 ST AMP *1 Of f Setting the home position of the ST AMP key .
36 24 PRINT REDUCTION 1 Fix ed Selecting print reduction mode. Fix ed: Reduce received document according to s etting of P arameter No . 25. A uto: Reduce received document according to the length of received documents . *2 Auto 25 REDUCTION RA TIO 70 70% Selecting fix ed print reduction ratio from 70% to 100%.
37 35 D A YLIGHT TIME 1 Inv alid Selecting whether the clock adjusts for Da ylight Saving Time automatically . The b uilt-in clock wi ll advance 1 hour at 2:00 am on the first Sunda y in April and f allback 1 hour at 2:00 am on the last Sunday in October .
38 (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) (see Note 3) 56 CO VER SHEET *1 Off Setting the home position of the Cov e r Sheet parameter in the Select Mode. (S ee page 90) 2O n 58 LANGUA G E *1 A-English Selecting the language to be shown on the displa y and repor t s.
39 BASIC OPE RATIONS Loading Documents Documents Y ou Can Send In gen eral, your machin e will se nd any docum ent pr inted on A4, Lett er or Le gal size pap er . Documents Y ou Cannot Send Y o u must nev er tr y t o send document s that a re: T o transmit th ese kin ds of doc uments, make a photoc op y fir st and the n transmit t he copy instead.
41 Basic T ransmission Se ttings Y ou can temp orari ly chang e the transm ission settin gs either b ef ore or after you place t he doc ument on the ADF .
42 Halftone (s ee No te 1) The Hal ftone sett ing is u seful whe n sending photographs o r illustrations wi th gra y tones. Y our machine i s preset to HALF T ONE = Off .
43 Communication Journal (COMM. JOURNAL) A Communic ation Jou r nal le ts you v er ify if the t ransmiss ion was succ essful. Y ou can selec t the cond ition to pr int out th e Communicati on Jour na l as f ollows. (see N ote 1) When you set COMM. JOURNAL = OFF : a Communic ation Jour nal will not be pr inted out.
44 Sending Documents Y ou can ch oose e ither Memory or Dire ct T ransmi ssion. Use Memo r y T ransm ission if: • Y o u want to sen d the docu ment to multip le sta tions. • Y o u hav e to retr iev e the do cument immediat ely . • Y o u want to take advantage of Dual Operation des ign.
45 (see Note 1) Å @ Å @ (see Note 2) Å @ Å @ (see Note 3) Å @ Å @ (see Not e 4) (se e Note 5) 1. The F ile Number of the docu ment bein g stored is shown at th e upper r ight corner o f the dis play while storing t he docum ent. It is also pri nted on the Communication Journal (COM M.
46 Manu al Number Dialing T o dial the teleph one number m anually , f o llow the ste ps below . (see Note 1) (see No te 2) (see N ote 3) 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down. 2 Make sure that t he MEMOR Y lamp is o n. If not, pr ess to set “ On ” . 3 Enter a telephone number from th e ke y pad.
47 One-T ouch Dialing One-T ouc h Dialing allows you to dial a full telepho ne number by pressi ng a singl e ke y . T o se t up the One -T ouch ke y s, see page 2 9. (see N ote 1) 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down. 2 Make sure that t he MEMOR Y lamp is o n.
48 Abbreviated Dialing Abbreviated dialing i s a speedy way to dial a frequen tly diale d telephone number by preprogramming the telephon e number in to the built-in auto-dia ler with a 3-di git abbreviated code. T o program an abbreviated dialing number , s ee page 30.
49 Direct ory Sear ch Di aling Director y Sea rch dia ling allows you to dia l a full t elephone numb er by searchi ng the stati on name e ntered in One-T ouc h keys or Abbre v iated di aling number s. (see N ote 1) 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down. 2 Make sure that t he MEMOR Y lamp is o n.
50 Multi-Station T ransmission (Br oadcasting) If you hav e to send the same do cument (s) to multiple stations, you can sav e time in feeding the docum ent(s) b y using me mor y transmi ssion. That is, you can store the doc ument(s ) into memor y and then sen d it to the station (s) aut omatical ly .
51 Direct T ransmis sion If your machine 's memo r y is full or you wish to s end the document immediate ly , use Di rect T ransmiss ion. Manual Number Dialin g (D irect T r ansmi ssion) T o dial the teleph one number m anually , f o llow the ste ps below .
52 One-T ouch Dialing (Direct T ransmission) One-T ouc h Dialing allows you to dial a full telepho ne number by pressi ng a singl e ke y . T o se t up the One -T ouch ke y s, see page 2 9. 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down. 2 Make sure that the lam p goes off.
53 Abbreviated Dialing (Direct T ransmission) Abbreviated dialing i s a speedy way to dial a frequen tly diale d telephone number by preprogramming the telephon e number into the built- in auto- dialer with a 3-digi t abbre via ted code. T o pr ogram an abbreviated diali ng number , s ee page 30.
54 Directory Sear ch Diali ng (Direct T ransmission) Director y Sea rch dia ling allows you to dia l a full t elephone numb er by searchi ng the stati on name e ntered in One-T ouc h keys or Abbre v iated di aling number s. 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down.
55 V o ice Mode T ransmission If you wish to s end the doc ument after talkin g with other par t y , use V oi ce Mode T ransm ission . Y ou r machi ne require s an opt ional fax handset or an extern al telepho ne. Off-Hook D ialin g F or Off-Ho ok Dia ling, follo w the s teps bel ow .
56 On-Hook Dialing F or On- Hook Dia ling, follow the steps b elow . (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down. 2 Y o u will he ar dial t one throu gh the moni tor spea k er . 3 Dial the telephone number from the ke ypad. Ex: 4 When you hear a beep, 1.
57 T ransmission Res er vati on Y o u can do th e f oll owing while s ending a d ocumen t from me mor y or receivin g a doc ument. • Rese r v e the n e xt tran smissi on int o mem or y f or up to 7 0* di ff erent fi les . (* UF-885 : 30 different files) • Reser ve a pr ior ity tran smissi on.
58 Direct T ransmissi on Reserv ation (Priority T ransmission Res ervation) If you are in a ru sh to se nd an urgent docume nt, how ev er there are many fil es in the mem or y , use Direct T ransmiss ion Res er vation to send the urgent doc ument. The ur gent doc ument will be s ent imm ediately after t he current communic ation is fini shed.
59 Redialin g A utomatic Redialing Manual Redia ling Y o u can als o redial th e last di aled number manually by pressin g ke y . T o redial the last dialed number thr ough memor y T o redial the last dialed number thr ough ADF (see N ote 1) If a busy line is det ected, the m achin e will redia l the numbe r up to 5 tim es at 3 minutes i nter val.
60 Receiving Documents Y ou r mach ine is provided w ith both automatic and manual recept ion m odes. The s election of ei ther rec eption mo de is made wit h F ax Par amete r No . 1 7 (RCV MODE ). A utomatic Reception Y o ur machi ne will rec eive documents automatic ally if th e F ax Par ameter No .
61 Print Reduc t io n This mac hine can us e Letter , Le gal or A4 size pla in paper for recording. So metimes, ov ersized docum ents sent to you b y th e other par ties cannot be pr inted withi n a singl e page. When thi s occurs, the d ocument wi ll be divide d into se parate pages.
62 Receiving Over size Documents If the rece iv ed doc ument is extremely lon g (ov er 39% longer than the recor ding paper ), the docum ent will be divide d into separate pages. When pr inting on s eparate pages, the botto m 0.4 in (10 mm) of first page will be ov e rla pped on top of the n e xt pa ge.
63 Substitute Memory Reception (see Note 1) (see Note 2) If the recordin g paper r u ns out or ja ms or i f the to ner ru ns out duri ng rece ption, the machine automati cally st ar t s receivi ng docum ents into its image data memor y .
64 Making Copi es Y ou r machin e has a copy function which can ma k e si ngle or multiple copie s. When cop ying, your ma chin e will automa ticall y select Fi ne resolu tion. (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) (see N ote 3) (see N ote 4) 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down.
65 ADVANCED FEATURES Batc h T ransmission T o red uce trans mission t ime a nd cost , this feature allows your mac hine to accumulate different docum ents for the same de stinat ion(s) to be transmit ted in a s ingle pho ne call.
66 Timer Contr olled Comm unications Y ou can send a docum ent to on e or multiple s tations at a ny preset tim e within the ne xt 24 ho urs. Up to 70* built-in timers c an be set for deferred transmiss ion and de f erred p olling.
67 Deferred P olling (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) 1 2 3 Enter the star t time from the k eypad. (Use a 4-digit , 24-hour c lock) Ex: (3:30 a.m.) and 4 Enter a 4-digit po lling passw ord.
68 P olling P olli ng means c alling o ther stat ion(s) to r etr ie ve a document. Th e other s tation must k now in advance that you will call and must h av e a doc ument se t on the ADF or st ored in the m emor y . Y ou m a y need to set a poll ing passw ord, shared by the oth er station, to ensur e secur ity .
69 Preparing to be P olled In order to let other s tations poll your ma chine, you must prepare your machin e with a doc ument stor ed in memo r y . Be sur e to set t he poll ing pas s word before stor ing th e docu ment into memor y . After bei ng polled , the docu ments stored in the mem or y will be erased autom aticall y .
70 T o P oll Documents from Another Station The following procedur e lets you poll a docume nt from one or multiple stations. Be sure to s et the polli ng password bef ore p olling. ( See page 68) (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) 1 2 3 Enter a 4-digit po lling pas s word.
71 Pr ogram K e ys Y ou r fax machine has specia l Program Ke ys. Thes e keys are useful if you f requently need t o sen d or po ll th e same group of station s. Y ou can u se these keys to store a One- T ouch group k ey , a se quence of s tations to b e polled, a deferred transmissio n or pollin g sequ ence or an a dditional One-T ouc h ke y .
72 Setting f or Deferred T ransmission T o set a Program Ke y for deferred tr ansmission 1 2 3 Ex: 4 Enter the statio n name (up to 15 cha racters) by using t he Character keys . (See page 12) Ex: PROG.A and 5 6 Enter the star ting time usin g 4 digits.
73 Setting f or Deferred P olling T o set a Program Ke y for deferred polling 1 2 3 Ex: 4 Enter the statio n name (up to 15 cha racters) by using t he Character keys . (See page 12) Ex: PROG.A and 5 6 Enter the star ting tim e. Ex: (10:00 p . m.) and 7 Enter a 4-digit po lling passw ord.
74 Setting f or Normal P olling T o set a Program Key f or norm al polling 1 2 3 Ex: 4 Enter the statio n name (up to 15 cha racters) by using t he Character keys . (See page 12) Ex: PROG.A and 5 6 Enter a 4-digit po lling passw ord. Ex: and The po lling pas sw ord appe ars if i t has been previously s et.
75 Setting f or One-T o uch K ey T o set a Program Ke y for One-T ou ch Ke y 1 2 3 Ex: 4 Enter the statio n name (up to 15 cha racters) by using t he Character keys . (See page 12) Ex: PROG.A and 5 Enter a telephone number (u p to 36 digi ts incl uding pauses and spaces ).
76 Changing or Erasing the Pr ogram Ke y Settings T o chan ge the sett ings in a Program K ey , follo w the p rocedur e on sett ing a Pr ogram K ey on page s 71 to 75 .
77 Edit File Mode Y ou r machi ne has a document i mage m emor y wh ich enables you to reser ve memor y transmi ssion, memor y deferred transmissio n, memor y polling and so on . After res er ving t he communicati ons in mem or y , y ou may need to chan ge the s ettings of the communic ation(s) while it is s till in memor y .
78 Vie wing the Contents of a File List T o view the co ntents of a file list o n the di splay without pr intin g it, f oll ow the steps be low . 1 2 3 4 5 or rep eatedly u ntil the d isplay shows a file you want to edit . 6 FUNCTION 9 EDIT F ILE MO DE (1- 6) ENTER N O.
79 Changing the Star t Time or the Station of a File T o chan ge the star t ti me and /or stations in a co mmunicat ion file, f oll ow the steps be low . 1 2 3 Enter the file numbe r or use or to selec t the file that you want to chan ge. Ex: 4 (See Note 2) 5 Enter a new star t ti me.
80 (see Note 1) (se e Note 2) (s ee Note 3) 7 T o delet e the s tation(s) , press o r ke y unti l the station you w ant to d elete appea rs. Then press . or Enter the statio n(s) you want to add . Ex: 8 1. Your mac hine can not chan ge the star t time and/or statio ns in the fil e while it is being s ent or waiti ng to redi al.
81 Deleting a File T o delet e the fi le in mem or y , f ol low the steps below . (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) 1 2 3 Enter the file numbe r or use or to selec t the file that you want to delet e. Ex: (See No te 2) 4 5 Enter the ne xt fi le number you want to delet e or p ress to retur n to standby .
82 Printing Out a File T o pr int the con tents o f the communi cation file, follow the steps bel low . (see N ote 1) 1 2 3 Enter the file numbe r or use or to selec t the file that you want to pr int. Ex: 4 Y o ur mach ine will prin t the file. Th e documen t(s) will remai n in memor y ev e n after pr inting the file.
83 Adding Documents into a File T o add do cumen ts into the file, follo w the steps be llow . (see N ote 1) 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down. 2 3 Enter the file numbe r or use or to selec t the file that you want to add. Ex: 4 Y our mac hin e will start st oring the doc ument( s) into a f ile .
84 Retry an Incomplete File If a memor y communica tion h as been unsucc essful due to a busy line or no answer , the d ocumen t you stored i s automati cally e rased from me mor y afte r the last r edial. If you need to r etain the docum ent ev en i f the communi catio n f ailed, chang e the setti ng of F a x P a rameter No .
85 Access Code The Acce ss Code pre vents an unauthor ized use r from operating the mach ine. Once a 4-digi t Access Co de is register ed, no one can op erate the mac hine with out enter ing the correct access c ode. A utomati c Rec eiving, h owe ver , is al wa ys available .
86 Operating Y our Machine with the Access Code (Restrict all operations) Operating Y our Machine with the Ac cess Co de (Restri ct access of F a x P arameter s only) The UF- 885/895 ca n restr ict the ope ration of se tting an d pr inting the F ax Par ameter s only .
87 Receive T o Memory This feature is us ed to secu re all r eceived docume nts by storin g them in to the memor y . T o pri nt out the do cument from me mor y , the author ized op erator must enter th e correct passw ord.
88 Printing Out Documents After rec eiving a doc ument with t he Rece iv e T o M emor y feature, the f ollowing mes sage will appear on the display . T o pr int the doc ument , f ol low the ste ps below . (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) 1 2 3 4 5 Enter the pass word to pr int th e documen ts.
89 Distinctive Ring Detector (DRD) Y ou r mach ine has a spe cial feature in conju nctio n with an opti onal ser vice provided by many local telepho ne compani es. It can distinguis h up to 4 telephone numbers with a corres ponding r ing patt er n identify ing each number .
90 F ax Co ver Sheet General Des cription A F ax C ov er Shee t can be automa tically a ttached to your transmit do cumen t(s) that s hows the re cipient's na me, or iginator 's name an d the numbe r of pages at tached .
91 Fax Co ver S heet Sample Explanation of contents ***** FACSIMILE COVER SHEET ***** (1) JAN-12-1999 15:00 (2) Message To: SALES DEPT. (3) Message From: PANASONIC 201 555 1212 (4) 02 Page(s) Following This Cover Page (1) Starting time of c ommu nication .
92 PIN Code Access If your PBX requires a PIN ( P erso nal I dentific ation N umbe r) cod e to g et an out side li ne, your machin e can be set to prompt t he user to enter a PIN code b ef ore any dia ling. Selecting the Access Method (Prefix or Suffix) 1 2 3 4 f or suffix code.
93 Dialing with a PIN Code (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down. 2 Dial by any combin ation of the f ollowing meth ods: • One-T ouc h Dialin g • Abb re viated Di aling • Manu.
94 F ax Forwar d Setting F ax Forward This feature allow s all incom ing fax e s to be f orwarded to the stat ion regist ered in the one- touch or abbre viat ed dialin g number .
95 File T ransmission This feature all ows y our machin e to st ore the d ocument( s) into th e File T ransmissi on in or der to s end to a single o r to multiple l ocations whe n desi red. The d ocument( s) in the F ile T ransmi ssion w ill be kept until it is manually delet ed.
96 Sending the Stored Document(s) T o send the store d docume nt(s), follow the steps b elow . 1 2 3 Dial by any combin ation of the f ollowing meth ods: • One-T ouc h Dialin g • Abb re viated Di .
97 Deleting the S tored Doc ument(s) T o delet e the s tored docum ent(s), f o llow the step s below . 1 2 3 FUNCTION 2.
98 Printing the Stored Document(s) T o pr int the s tored do cumen t(s), follow the steps be low . 1 2 3 Y o ur mach ine will prin t the file. Th e documen t(s) will remai n in the me mor y ev e n after pr inti ng the fil e. FUNCTION 2 3 SET FIL E XMT MO DE (1-4) ENTER N O.
99 Depar tment Code General Description This operati on requires the u ser to input a preset 4- digit Depar tmen t Code before transmission. The Depar tme nt Name of the selecte d Depar tme nt Code is pri nted on the Header of each page sent, Cov er S heet, COMM .
100 (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) 7 Enter y our De partment Na me (max . 25 ch arac ters and digits) by using Character keys. (See page 12) Ex: (See Not e 1) 8 9 Enter a 4-digit Dep ar tmen t Code. Ex: 10 T o re cord an other De par tme nt Code, repe at step 6 to 1 0.
101 Changing or Erasing the Department Code If you hav e to change or erase any of the Depar tmen t Codes, f ollow the step s below . 1 2 3 If you set the Ac cess Code to restr ict the F a x P ara meters setting s, the unit pr ompts you to Inpu t the Acc ess Code.
102 (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) 7 then ente r a new LOGO . (See No te 1 and 2) Ex: or just go to step 10 to erase the Depar t ment Cod e . 8 9 Then e nter a new Depar tment Code. Ex: 10 T o chan ge or erase an other Depa r tment Code, repeat step 6 to 10.
103 Sending Document with Depar tment Code 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down. 2 Dial by any combin ation of the f ollowing meth ods: • One-T ouc h Dialin g • Abb re viated Di aling • Manual Nu mber .
104 Sending Document with Depar tment Code (V oice Mode T ransmission) 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down. 2 Lift the o ptional h andse t or the exter nal teleph one or pres s . Ex: Press 3 Enter a 4-digit Dep ar tmen t Code. Ex: 4 5 Dial the telephone number from the ke ypad.
105 Printing a Depar tment Code List The De par tme nt Code List ca n be p r in ted ou t f oll owi ng the F ax P ara mete r List. Sample Department Code List (Prints follo wing the F ax P arameter List) Explanation of contents 1 2 *************** -FAX PARAMETER LIST- ************** DATE JAN-12-1999 ***** TIME 15:00 *** P.
106 Printing a Depar tment Code Journal When the Depar tment C ode is se t, the T ransaction J our nal wil l be sor ted by the Depar tmen t Code number wh en it is p rin ted. All c ontents o f the Jour n al will b e erased au tomatical ly after be ing pr inte d.
107 Sample Depar tment Code Journal / Received Calls Explanation of contents *************** -JOURNAL- ************************* DATE JAN-12-1999 ***** TIME 15:00 *** P.02 RECEIVED CALLS JAN-10 TO JAN-12 (1) (2) (3) TOTAL PAGES = 000011 TOTAL TIME = 00:13:41 NO.
108 Multiple LOGO General Description This operat ion allows the u ser to se lect one of the 25 pres et LOGOs before a transmission . The selec ted LOGO i s pr inted o n the Header of each page sent, Cov er Shee t, COMM. J our nal and Individ ual T ransmis sion Jo ur nal.
109 Changing or Erasing the Multiple LOGO If y o u ha v e to cha nge or era se an y of the Mult iple LOGOs , f ollow t he steps bel ow . (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) 1 2 3 4 5 Enter the LOGO numb er you wish to ch ange or e rase . Ex: (01 to 24) 6 then enter a ne w LOGO (See Note 1 and 2).
110 Send ing D ocu men t with Mult iple LO GO (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down. 2 Dial by any combin ation of the f ollowing meth ods: • One-T ouc h Dialin g • Abb re viate.
111 Printing a Multiple Logo List The Mu ltiple Lo go List c an be p rin ted out following the F a x P arameter L ist. Sample Multip l e LOGO List (Pri nts fol lowi ng the Fax P arameter L ist) Explanation of contents 1 2 *************** -FAX PARAMETER LIST- ************** DATE JAN-12-1999 ***** TIME 15:00 *** P.
112 This pag e is inte ntional ly left blank..
113 NETWORK FEATURE Selective Reception Y ou r machin e has a spec ial feature, Selective Reception, whi ch can prev ent the rec eiving of un necess ar y documen ts (i.
114 P assw or d Comm unications General Description P as s word Communic ation s, including Pass word T ransmission a nd P as sw ord Rece ption will pre vent your machine from s ending a fax to a wr ong stati on or rec eiving a f ax from an una uthor ized statio ns.
115 Setting P assw or d T ransmi ssion T o set transmi ssion p assw ord and paramete r , (see N ote 1) (see Note 2): 1 2 3 4 Enter a 4-digi t T ransmis sion P assword. Ex: and pres s 5 fo r “ OFF ” (pa ss word is no t checked) or fo r “ ON ” (pas s word is checked) or 6 1.
116 Setting P assw ord Reception T o set re ceivin g password and paramete r , (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) 1 2 3 4 Enter a 4-digit Rec eiving P assword. Ex: and pres s 5 fo r “ OFF ” (pa ss word is no t checked) or fo r “ ON ” (pas s word is checked) or 6 1.
117 Using P assw or d T ransmis sion T o use P assword T ransmiss ion, you can se lect P ASS WORD-XMT “ OFF ” or “ ON ” f or each T ransm ission by f ollowin g the proc edure be low .
118 Using P assw or d Recepti on There is no add itional ope ration require d once you set the parameter by f ollowing the pr ocedure on page 116. The paramete r , “ OFF ” or “ ON ” , cann ot be sele cted for each rec eption. It is alwa ys “ OFF ” or “ ON ” until you change the set ting.
119 Confidential Mailbo x and Confidential Netw ork Co mm unications Y o ur machin e is equipped with two Confidenti al Communicati on f ea tures w hich ensure tha t the Confiden tial inf or mat ion you sen d is recei v ed onl y by the person with the co rrect confident ial code.
120 Sending a Confidential Document to a Remote Station's Mailbo x (see N ote 1) 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down. 2 3 4 Enter a 4-digit Con fidential Code.
121 P olling a Confidential Document fr om a Remote Station's Mailbo x After you hav e been informed t hat som eone h as transmitted a confid ential doc ument to a remote s tation 's mailbox, you can pol l the conf idential document f rom the r emote sta tion by f oll owing the proc edure be low .
122 Receiving a Confidential Document to Y our Machine's Mai lbo x No sp ecial s etting is requir ed, your mach ine come s with this feature read y to use. Y our mach ine rec eives a confide ntial fax the same wa y i t receives a nor m al fax message.
123 Storing a Confidential Document in Y our Machine's Mailbo x Use the following proc edure to st ore a docu ment in a c onfidentia l mail bo x in your machine. Onc e the confi dential docu ment is s tored in your machin e, it can be polled by anot her mach ine.
124 Printing Out a Confidential Document fr om Y our Machine's Mailbo x After you hav e been not ified that someone has transmi tted a confiden tial docum ent to y our machine's mailbo x, use the f ollowing pro cedure to pr int out the confid ential docu ment.
125 Deleting a Confidential Document Stored i n Y our Mach ine's Mailbo x If your me mor y be comes full, or you just want to clea n out your confid ential d ocume nts, you ma y de lete one or more c onfiden tial fax es stored in your machine by using the following procedu re.
127 Compatibility with O ther Machines T able 1 shows how your mac hine fits in with the co mpatibi lity requi rements of the diff ere nt kinds of f acs imile station s which make up a Network f or Confidential Communicatio ns. It also shows whether or not specia l setting s are r equired.
128 T o set the F ax P a rameter for Confidentia l Network Co mmunication 1 2 3 4 5 FUNCTION 7 S E T M O D E ( 1 - 6 ) ENTER N O. OR ∨ ∧ 4 SET FAX P ARAME TER(01- 99) NO .
129 T o set your own T elepho ne Numb er and Networ k P ass word 1 2 3 Enter y our tel ephone number (max. 36 d igits). Ex: 4 5 Enter a 4-digit Net work Pass word. Ex: 6 7 FUNCTION 7 S E T M O D E ( 1 - 6 ) ENTER N O. OR ∨ ∧ 5 SET OWN T ELEPH ONE NO.
130 Rela yed T ransmission General Description The Rel a yed T ra nsmiss ion feature can sav e you time and transmi ssion c osts if you need to send the sa me documen ts to multipl e G3 fax machin es. This is esp ecially tr ue i f the transmi ssions ar e long d istance.
131 Relay Netw ork A Relay Network is basical ly a group o f f acsimi les pro grammed to co mmunicate wi th each othe r via a Re lay Station. In this case, the word programme d means that cer tai n numbers hav e been s tored in the mem or y of each machin e.
132 T able 2, 3 and 4 are sam ple setti ngs f or a Sample Network. T able 2 : Sample P arameter and Abbreviate d Dialing Number T able for Ne w Y ork T elepho ne Numbe r : 2 12 111 123 4 Network Addre.
133 Setting Up Y our Machine f or Relay ed T ransmission T o set u p your machine for Rela yed T ransmissi on, use th e procedur es on the f ollowing page s to set t he parameters l isted below .
134 T o set the Re lay ed XM T F AX P ar ameters; T o set your Own T elephone Number , Network P assw ord and Own Netw ork Addr ess; 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 Enter your machine ’ s ful l telepho ne number (max . 36 digi ts). Ex: 4 Contin u ed on the ne xt page .
135 T o set a One-T ouch/ABBR. Dialing Number , Rela y Station (Y es/No) P arameter , Relay Ad dress and Network A d d r e s s: 5 Enter a 4-digit Net work Pass word. Ex: 6 7 Enter y our own 4-d igit Network Address. Ex: 8 1 2 3 4 Ex: 5 Enter the fax telephone number o f the end receivi ng station (up to 3 6 digits includi ng pau ses and sp aces).
136 7 Enter the statio n name. Ex: and pres s 8 9 If the recorded statio n is a Rel a y Stati on, pres s . If not , press . Ex: 10 Enter a 2-digit Re la y Addres s which identifies th e Relay Station your machine will use.
137 Sending a Document b y Rela yed T ransmission Once you hav e r ecorde d all the nece ssar y parameters in your machi ne in acco rdance to t he Rela y Networ k that you belong t o , you can send a docum ent to one or multiple G 3 fax machines automa tically through the Relay Station by using the proced ure des cribed below .
138 Printouts and Repor ts When you us e Relay e d T ransmis sion, your mac hine wil l pr int th e f o llowing two r epor t s to he lp you check and kee p tr ack o f yo u r faxes. 1. Relay XMT Repor t (COMM. JO URNAL) When your machin e finishes transmitting to th e Relay Station, it will pri nt a COMM.
139 Sample Result Re port ( Rela y XMT Res ult) Explanation of contents (1) 12-JAN-1999 12:10 FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK P.001/001 ******-RESULT REPORT- ************************** DATE 12-JAN-1999 ***** TIME 12:10 ***** P.
140 Sub-addressing General Description The Sub-ad dressi ng functio n allows you fur th er routin g, f or warding or relaying of docu ment(s) to the desir ed recipien t(s) whe n used in com bination wi th the Net working version of Hy draF ax/Las erF AX s oftware.
141 T o set the Sub-address into a One-T ouch/ABBR. DIaling Number s (see N ote 1) 1 2 to select “ O ne-T ouch ” . or to select “ ABBR.NO . ” .
142 T o send a Document with Sub-ad dress Using One-T ouch/ABBR. Number Dialing The ope ration is the s ame a s f or nor mal dialing Using Manual Number Diali ng Use to s eparate the T e lephon e number and the Sub- address. (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) (see No te 3) 1 Set do cumen t(s) face down.
143 PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND L ISTS Journals and Lists T o hel p y ou main tain re cords of the docu ments y ou sent and rec eiv ed, as we ll as lists of the n umber s yo u record , your f a csim ile mac.
144 Individual T r an smission Journal (IND . XMT JOURNA L) An Indiv idual T r ans mission Jour nal contai ns the in f or mati on on the l atest trans missio n. 1 2 3 FUNCTION 6 PRINT OUT ( 1-7) ENTER N O. OR ∨ ∧ 6 6:IND. XMT JO URN AL? PRESS SET TO PRIN T SET * PRI NTING * IND.
145 Sample T ransaction Journal Sample Individual T ransmission Journal (IND. XMT JOURNAL) ( 1) (2) ***************** -JOURNAL- ************************* DATE JAN-12-1999 ***** TIME 15:00 ********* (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) NO.
146 Explanation of contents (1) Pr int out date (2) Printout time (3) Journal numb er (4) C omm unication re sult : "OK" in dicates that the co mmun ication w as succes sful. "B USY" indicat es that the com municati on has f ailed becau se of b usy line .
147 Communication Journal (COMM. JOURNAL) The Comm unic ation Journal ( COMM. JO URNAL) lets y ou v erify wheth er th e tr ansmissi on or polli ng w as success ful. Y ou ma y select t he pr intout cond ition (Off/A lwa ys/Inc. only ) in Func tion 8-1 or F ax P arameter No .
148 Explanation of contents (1) Indication o f comm unication mode (2) Star t time of comm unication (3) End time of co mmun ication (4) File number : 0 01 to 999 (When the co mmun ication is store d into memory , a file n umber is assign ed f or each comm unicatio n.
149 One-T ouch/Abbreviated and Directory Searc h List T o pr int a One- T ouch/A bbre viated Num ber and Di rector y Search List of the teleph one numbers you hav e stor ed. 1 2 3 4 f or One -T ouch/AB BR. Number Li st f or Directory Search List FUNCTION 6 PRINT OUT ( 1-7) ENTER N O.
150 Sample One-T ouch List Sample ABBR. N umber List (see N ote 1) *************** -ONE-TOUCH LIST- ****************** DATE JAN-12-1999 ***** TIME 15:00 ******** (1) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) ONE- STATION NAME TELEPHONE NO. NETWORK RELAY RELAY TOUCH ADRS STN.
151 Sample Dire ctor y Search List (see Note 1) Explanation of contents *************** -DIR. SEARCH LIST- ***************** DATE JAN-12-1999 ***** TIME 15:00 ******** (11) (2) (1) (3) (5) (6) (7) STATION NAME ABBR TELEPHONE NUMBER NETWORK RELAY RELAY NO.
152 Pr ogram List T o pr int a P rogram List of the Dialing P a tter ns that you hav e previously entered into the Program Ke y s. Sample Pro gram List Explanation of contents 1 2 3 *************** -PROGRAM LIST- ******************** DATE JAN-12-1999 ***** TIME 15:00 ******** (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PROGRAM PROGRAM NAME TYPE TIMER ABBR.
153 F AX P arameter List T o pr int out a F AX Par amete r List: Sample F AX Parameter List Explanation of contents 1 2 3 *************** -FAX PARAMETER LIST- ************** DATE JAN-12-1999 ***** TIM.
154 This pag e is inte ntional ly left blank..
155 PROBLE M SOLVING T r oubleshooting If Y ou Have An y of These Pr oblems Mode Symptom Cause / Action page During Standb y The displa y is b linking The battery is not installe d or the bat tery is completely discharg ed. Instal l a Ne w battery and reset t he cloc k.
156 Print Cop y Quality V er tical lin es printing on the receiv ed document Print out a Jou r nal report (e.g. FU NCTION, 6, 1 , SET and 1) and chec k quality to mak e sure whe ther y our mach ine has tr o ubl e. If Journal repo r t quality is OK, y our machin e has no p robl em, repor t to the sending par ty that the y hav e a probl em.
157 Inf ormation Codes When s ometh ing unusua l occu rs, the di splay ma y show on e of the In f or m ation Codes listed below . Th ese wil l help you to id entify an d corre ct the problem. Inf o. Code Mean ing Action P age 001 Recording pap er jammed w hen f eeding from the 1st cassett e.
158 403 No polling c apability at the remote side . Ask rem ote side to set "POLLED= ON". -- 404/405 During init ial handshak e, co mmuni cation e rror occurred . Reloa d the doc ument and se nd again. -- 406 T r ansm issi on P assword does not match .
159 (see N ote 1) 540/541 542 543/544 Commu nication error occurred while tr ansmittin g. 1 . Reload the doc ument and s end agai n. 2. Chec k with the othe r par ty . -- 550 T elephone lin e disconnec ted. Ch eck with the ot her party . -- 552/553 554/555 Commu nication error occurred while rece iving.
160 Clearing a Recording P aper Jam If the recordi ng paper becomes jamm ed in t he machi ne, the disp la y w ill show an Informati on Code 00 1, 002 , 003, 007 or 0 08. (see N ote 1) T o clear the jam, Info. Code 001, 002, 003, 008 (1) O pen the Pri nter Cov er .
161 Clearing a Document Ja m If a do cument be comes jammed i n the mac hine, the di splay will show the In f or mation C ode 030 or 031. T o clear the jam 1 (1) Ope n the ADF Door .
162 Cleaning the Document Scanning Area If the receiv ing par ty r epor t s that the recei ved documen ts were black, or cont ained black lines, tr y m aking a c opy on your un it to ver ify . If th e copy is black or has black lines, the doc ument Sc anning A rea is proba bly dir ty and must be cl eaned.
163 Cleaning the P rinter Roller If you find tone r on the b ack of the recordi ng pape r , the pr inter r oller in t he fuser unit is p robably dir t y . T o cle an the pr inter roller (see N ote 1) 1 2 The ma chine wil l pr int out 3 Cleani ng Char ts.
164 Adjusting the A utomatic Document Fe eder (ADF) If docum ent misfeeding occ urs frequ ently , we sugg est you adjust the ADF . T o adjus t the AD F , Pull the b lue P ressure A djustin g Le ver upward and slide it t o the desired pos itio n depending on the conditi on.
165 V erification Stamp The V er ifica tion Sta mp conta ins ink. When t he stamp mar k appea rs f aded or hard to see, the stamp sh ould be replaced or refi lled with ink. T o rem o ve the stamp (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) 1 Open the ADF Door . 2 (1) Remo v e by pulli ng the Stam p Assemb ly upw ard .
166 Replacing the Lithium Battery Dur ing the in itial s elf test, wh en the p ower is tur n “ On ” , the mach ine wi ll e valuate the co ndition of the b ack up batter y . If the batter y is weak or fully discha rged, the f ollowing mes sage wil l be shown on th e display .
167 Chec king the T elephone Line When you d o not he ar a d ial tone thr ough the telephone con nected t o the ma chine or whe n the telephon e doe s not r ing (No automatic receive). 1 Unplug the T el ephone Line Cable from the tele phone jack that was supplie d by the telephon e com pany .
168 This pag e is inte ntional ly left blank..
169 APPEN DIX Specifications Compatibility ITU-T/CCITT Group 3 Coding Sc heme JBIG, MH, MR , MMR (Confor ms to ITU-T/CCITT Re commenda tions) Modem T ype ITU-T/CCIT T V .34, V .17, V .33, V .29, V .27 ter an d V .21 Modem Speed 33600 - 2 400 bps Document Size Max.
170 (see N ote 1) Eff ecti ve Re cor ding S ize Let ter : 8.2 x 10.7 in (208 x 271 m m) A4 : 8.0 x 1 1.4 in (202 x 2 89 mm) Legal : 8.2 x 1 3.7 in (208 x 3 48 mm) Print Margin (See Note 1) Recording P ape r Capacit y Appr o x .
171 P ower Supp ly 99- 138 V AC , 4 7-63 Hz, S ingle Phas e P ower Consumption Standby : Approx. 1.2 Wh (S leep Mode : On) : Approx. 10 Wh (Ener g y -Sav er Mode : O n) : Approx. 85 Wh (Ener g y -Sav er Mode : O ff) [Room temp erature : 77 ° F (25 ° C)] T ransmission : A ppro x.
172 Recor ding P aper Specifications In general , most ph otocopy papers will al so wor k very well. The re are many "name" an d "gener ic" brands of paper av ai lable. W e recomm end that you test v ar ious p apers until you obtain the r esults you are looking f or .
173 Options and Supplies Please conta ct your loca l P a nasoni c deal er f or availabilit y . A. Options: (see Note 1) Order No. Picture Descr iption A vailable Models UE-403 160-A U or UE-40316 8 Ha.
174 B. Supplies: Order No. Picture Descr iption A vailable Models FX-13- 2B V er ificat ion St amp UF-885 UF-895 UG-3313 T oner Car tr idge UF-885 UF-895 Options and Supplies.
175 Installing the Memory Card (Flash Memor y Card and / or DRAM Car d) Before installing, make sure th at there is no docume nt file(s) sto red in the memor y .
176 FCC Notice f or User in USA W ARNING ! This equi pment gene rates r adio freque ncy energ y and if not installed and used properly , that is, in s trict accordan ce with the manuf acturer' s instructio ns, m a y cause interf erence to r adio and tele vision recept ion.
177 The T ele phone Con sumer Prot ectio n Act of 1991 ma k es it unlawful f or any perso n to use a compu ter or other electr onic device to send any mess age via tele phone facsimil e machine un les.
178 Notice to User in Canada The Indus tr y Canad a Label id entifies cer tified eq uipment. This ce r tification means th at the equi pment me ets certain telecom municati ons netw ork protectiv e, oper ational and saf ety requirem ents. The Department does not guar antee the equipme nt will ope rate to t he user's s atisf action.
179 L' é tiqu ette de Indus trie Canada ident ifie le mat é r iel h omologu é . Cette é ti quette certifie que le ma t é riel est co nf or me à certaines normes de protectio n, d'e xploitat ion et de s é curit é des r é seaux de t é l é comm unicat ions.
180 Glossary ABBR. No. (Abbre viated Number) T he ability to store ful l phone number s into the dialer an d then utiliz ing a shor t ser ies of keystrokes to speed dial th at number in the future. Access co de A 4-digit programmable access cod e that prev ent s unautho rized ope ration of your F ax.
181 Cover Sheet A F ax Cover Sheet can b e attached to your transmit do cument( s) that shows the reci pient's nam e, orig inator's n ame and number of pa ges attach ed. DDD (Direct Distance Dialin g) A tele phone s er vic e that allow s unassi sted dia ling, no o perator ass istanc e is requ ired.
182 Gr oup dialing The abil ity to pro gram many telephone numbe rs into a s ingle st ation so that ma n y l ocations c an be d ialed in sequence utilizing a sing le ke ystroke. HALFT ONE A scanni ng techniqu e to distingu ish lev el s of gra y from black and white.
183 Multi-stat ion transm ission The abi lity to broadca st the same set of doc uments to a programme d number of lo catio ns. Net work a ddre ss An in dividua l 4-d igit addr essing nu mber assi gned t o a One- T ouch/ Abbre viat ed number tha t ident ifies a p ar t icular st ation i n a relay networ k.
184 Rel a y T ran s mis sion Se nding a d ocument to a rela y st ation, whic h in tur n, se nds the d ocument to the e nd receiv ing st ation. Rel a y T ran s mis sion R eport A repor t that contai ns inform ation rega rding the last doc ument transmissi on to a relay station .
185 ITU-T Ima g e No. 1 All sp ecificatio ns are b ased on th e ITU-T Im age No . 1 (T he sampl e shown below is no t to scal e). 9.
186 This pag e is inte ntional ly left blank..
187 INDEX A ABBR. Numb er List ... ................... ............. . 149 , 150 Abbrevi ated Dialing Numbers ...... .................... .... 29 Access Co de ....... ................... ............. ............. .... 85 ADF Capac ity ............ .
188 P Paper Spe cification s ..... ............. ................... .... 172 Password Reception ..... ................... ............. .... 114 Password Tra nsmission ................... ............. .... 114 Pause ............... ............. ...
F acsimile Number Directory Name Number.
F acsimile User’ s Guide Matsushita Graphic Comm unication Syst ems, Inc. CORPORA TE O VERSEAS SALES AND OPERA TION MANAGEMENT DEP ARTMENT 2-3-8 Sh imo me gur o, Meguro-ku, T okyo , Japan 153-868 7 .
23 1 56 4 8 0 9 7 ST ART 01 ABBR Q UICK G UIDE UF-885/895 Ho w to Set Documents. Set the documents f ace dow n and adjust the document gui des. Y ou can set the documents on the ADF( A ut omatic D ocument F eeder) up to 50 pages* at one time . *:(Based on 20 b ls (0.
An important point after buying a device Panasonic UF-895 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic UF-895 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic UF-895 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic UF-895 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic UF-895 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic UF-895, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic UF-895.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic UF-895. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic UF-895 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center