Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product M2216ACD Panasonic
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Meridian 1 M2216A C D T elephone User Guide Enterpr ise Solutions Documentation Nor tel Knowledge Network.
38 While you are aw ay from your desk: Cal l For ward.
i Con ten ts Introduction 1 What is ACD ...... .... .............................................................................. 1 M2216ACD-1 ... ......... ........................................................................... 2 M2216ACD-2 ... .
ii AC D cal ls ......... .... . .............................................................................. 12 Call Forcing (Auto Answer) .. .... ............................................................. 13 Call Forward .... ...... ............
1 Introduction: Wh at is ACD? Introduction What is ACD? ACD stands for Au tomatic Call Distribution. The Meridian 1 system automatically controls inc oming cal l routing to answer ing positions, and can provide music or recorded a nnounceme nts to wait ing call ers.
2 Introduction: M2216ACD-1 M2216ACD-1 Stand ard eq uipmen t: • Display m odule •D i a l p a d • 16 Fu ncti on ke ys • 16 LCD indicators •H o l d k e y • Relea se key • Speake r •V o l .
3 Introduction: M2 216ACD-2* M2216ACD-2* Stand ard eq uipmen t: • Display m odule •D i a l p a d • 16 Fu ncti on ke ys • 16 LCD indicators •H o l d k e y • Relea se key • Speake r •V o.
4 Learning to use your phone Learning to use your phone This chap ter explains t he parts labe led on the Mer idian Mod ular Telephones pictured on the previous two pages. In-Calls Key ∫ In-Calls is assigned to t he lower right-hand key on your phone.
5 Learning to use your phone Display The Meridi an M2216ACD telephone is equipped with a 2 x 24 chara cter display module. The Displa y assists ag ents by d isplayi ng incoming call infor mation. It assists sup ervisor s by displayi ng agent and queue information.
6 Learning to use your phone Headsets The M2216ACD-1 has two jacks for electret headsets. You can adjust the headset interface, usi ng P P P P , to match the type of headset you are using (See “Progra m key” on page 5). Contact yo ur sales r epresentati ve for more information on headset types.
7 Agent Log in an d log out Agent log in and log out Log in with Agent ID 1. Plug in t he heads et. ∫ In-Calls 2. Press In-Calls . 3. Dial your ID. ∫ In-Calls or ∫ Not Ready 4. Upon successful log in, press In-Calls or Not Ready wh en read y to star t work.
8 Log in and log out with MQA Log in and log out with MQA Log in Using Agent ID with MQA (Multiple Queue Assignment) Y ou en ter your four dig it Agen t ID fol lo we d b y a Super v isor ID (if you r queue requires one) followed by one or more ACD DN s and priority valu es (if prior ity values are being used) terminated by £ £ £ ££ £ £ £ .
9 Log in an d log out with MQA T o log in without Supe r visor ID a nd with Prior ity: 3. Dial your Agent ID £ £ £ £ ACD DN 1 £ £ £ £ Priority 1 £ £ £ £ ACD DN 2 £ £ £ £ Priority 2 £ .
10 Log in and log out with MQA Exampl e 2 T o re-enter a Super visor ID when Priority is n ot used ( Sup er visor ID 1 is replac ed wi th Super visor ID 2 ): Dial your Agen t ID £ £ £ £ Super viso.
11 Log in and log out with MQA Example set di splays for MQA The following illustrations show e xamples of an ACD call being presented to an ACD agent who is operating with MQA. In the first il lustration, a direct call is made by T racey Brown at DN 3 508 to ACD DN 22 00 and is presented t o the MQA agent.
12 Agent features: Activity code ACD calls Agent features This chapter explains the features that are available to agent positions. Activity code Y ou answer an ACD call and the Activity Code LCD indi cator is fl ashing: ∫ Activity 1. Press Activity .
13 Agen t featu res: Ca ll Forcing ( Auto An swer) Cal l Forward Call Forcing (Auto Answer) The Call Forcing option automatically connects inc oming ACD calls. You do not have to press In-Calls. Y ou he ar a shor t tone. The I n-Calls indicator ligh ts steadily a nd the c aller is connected.
14 Agent features : Calls Waiting indi cator Calls Waitin g indicator The Call s W aiting indica tor shows you how busy th e ACD queue is. The following table lists t he four states of the Calls Waiting indicato r, and their meanings.
15 Agen t featu res: D isplay Queue Sta tus Display Queue Status The Displ ay Queue fea ture shows you informat ion about the queue. ∫ Disp Queue Press Display Q ueue .
16 Agen t featu res: E mergen cy Hea dset i nterfa ce Emergency When you have an u rgent or ab usive call: ∫ Emer gen cy Press Emergency . The in dicator flashes while your super visor is called . When your super visor is connected, the LCD indicator lights steadily and you have a three-w ay confere nce.
17 Agen t featu res: H old Make Bus y Hold T o plac e a call o n Ho ld: ˙ Press Hold . T o retur n to th e cal l: Press the key beside the fast flashin g LCD indicator . Make Bu sy T o make your p osition unavailable to take calls: ∫ Mak e Busy Press Make Busy .
18 Agen t feature s : Non- ACD ca lls Not Read y Non-ACD calls T o make a non- ACD c all: ∫ 2637 1. Press a seconda ry extension ke . 2. Dial the nu mber you wish t o call. T o answer a n on-A CD cal l, when the telep hone ring s: ∫ 2637 Press the extension key next to the fast flashing indicator .
19 Agent fe ature s : Super viso r Super v i sor T o answer your super v isor when your phone rings and th e Super visor indi cator fla shes : ∫ Supervis or Press Super v isor . If you're on a call and hear a buzz and the Supe r visor ind icator fla shes: ˙ 1.
20 Agen t fea tures: Walka way an d Return W alkaway and Return Use t his featur e wh en yo u n eed to lea ve your des k duri ng an A CD ca ll, a non-ACD call , or while in the Not Re ady state . T o W alkaw ay during an active ACD or non-A CD call : ˙ Press Hold .
21 ACD Su perv isor fe ature s: A gen t keys Answe r Age nt ACD Super visor features Y ou can assi gn any feature liste d in the Agent f eatures chapter to th e supe rvisor's telephone (exce pt Super visor), as well as the fe atures descr ibed in this ch apter .
22 ACD Supe rvis or feat ures: A nswer Emer gency Ca ll A gent Answer Emergency When your p hone buzzes and the Answ er E merge ncy ind icator fl ashes: ˙ 1. Press Hold if you intend to return to the call in progr ess. ∫ Ans Emerg 2. Press Answer Emerge ncy .
23 ACD Supervisor Features: Display agent status Headset talk/listen Display agent status The Display Agents feature gives you a summa ry of the current status of all agent positions for which you have agent keys. ∫ Disp Agent 1. Press Display Agent .
24 ACD Su pervi sor featu res: Ho ld non -ACD ca ll In terflow Hold non-ACD call T o put a non-A CD call (age nt or secondary DN) on Hold: ˙ Press Hold . The L CD in dicato r º flash es beside t he lin e on hold. T The LCD indicator flashes slowl y.
25 ACD Su pervis or f eatures: Ni ght Serv ice Obse rve Night Ser vice T o ente r Night Ser vice: ∫ N i g h t and Press Night and d ial fl fl fl fl (N for Night). The indicator lights steadi ly . All call in the queue and ne w calls re ceive Nigh t Ser v ice.
26 ACD Su pervi sor feat ures: Re cord ings and music T o leave th e Obser ve state: ® Press Rele ase . Note: Y ou cannot obser ve an ag ent if the agent's call is on Hold or if no calls are in progress. Recordings and music ∫ 2637 1. Pr ess a secondar y exte nsion ke y.
27 Message Services: Meridian Mail Messag e Ser vices When your p hone is busy or un answered, you r calls can be route d to a message center attendant o r to the Meridi an Mail voi ce messaging sys t.
28 Message Services: Meridian Mail commands Meridian Mail commands T o R ewind 3 Secon ds: Dial ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ . T o Play Message: Dial ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ . T o Fast For ward 3 Se con ds: Dial ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ . T o Go to Previo us Messa ge: Dial › › › › .
29 Hardw are Opti ons Hardware Options Meridian Communications Adapter (MCA) Y ou can estab lish data calls with the Meridia n Communication s Adapter by connecting your digital telep hone to a computer te rminal or PC . In this way you can comm unicate with anoth er computer using your t elepho ne.
30 Index Index A ACD 1, 4 ACD c alls 12 Activity code 12 agent ID 7, 8 agent keys 21 agent position 4, 7 Agent Return 20 Age nt W alkaw ay 20 answer ACD c all 12 non- ACD ca lls 4 Answ er Agen t 21 An.
31 Index Conference with Super visor 19 D disconnect 4 Display 5 Display Ag ents 23 Display ke y 4 Display Queue 15 E electret headsets 1, 6 Emerge ncy agent 16 super visor 22 End ACD c all 12 extens .
32 Index I In-Calls Key 4 indicator 4 Inter flo w 24 K Key Expa nsion Modu le 29 L LCD indica tor 4, 5 Log in standard 7 with MQA 8 Log out standard 7 with MQA 10 M Make Bu sy 17 Meridian Communicatio.
33 Index N Night Ser vice 25 Non-ACD cal ls 4, 18 Not Ready 18, 20, 22 O Obser ve Agents 25 P position ID 21 Priority 8 Program key 5 Q queue 4 R reco rded an nouncemen t 26 Release 4 Return from W a .
34 Index V Vo l u m e c o n t r o l 4.
38 While you are aw ay from your desk: Cal l For ward.
Title to and ownership of Meridian SL-1 softw are shall at all times remain with Northern T elecom. Meridian SL-1 softw are shall not be sold outright and the use thereof by the customer shal l be subject to the parties entering into softwar e agreements as specified by Northern T elecom.
An important point after buying a device Panasonic M2216ACD (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic M2216ACD yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic M2216ACD - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic M2216ACD you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic M2216ACD will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic M2216ACD, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic M2216ACD.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic M2216ACD. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic M2216ACD along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center