Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 8TUV Panasonic
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T elephone User Guides.
Table of Contents Large Screen Display !"#$%"&&'("& )))))** + ,-.$%"&&'("& )))))** / 0"(1-'2$%"&&'("& )))))** 3 456".1-".$%"&&'("& )))))** 7 82""9:;(& )))))** < ='--$>?2#'2.
Table of Contents Small Display F?:5"$%':-$%";1 )))))** @K !"#$%"&&'("& )))))** @< ,-.$%"&&'("& )))))** +A 0"(1-'2$%"&&'("& )))))** +@ 456".
Table of Contents Non-Integrated F?:5"$%':-$%";1 )))))** E/ D:&9";$,G9:?;& )))))** E3 4";.$,G9:?;& )))))** E7 4"91G$%";1 )))))** EK M1:5N$0"H"2.
Large Display T elephone API-Integration User Guide.
1 1 2 ABC 2 ABC 1 5 JKL 3 DEF 1 3 DEF First Time User Setup As a first time user of the PanaV oice Courier V oice Mail System, you will be asked to perform your mailbox customization. Please follow the steps below to customize your mailbox, keep in mind that the system will “time out” after thirty seconds of perceived inactivity .
New Message O?$:PP".:'9"-I$2"G-I$9?$96"$5'--"2$Q:'$ '$P"&&'("*$$RQ':-'C-"$H?2$:;9"2;'-$ P':-C?S"&$?;-I* 0"Q"2&"&$96"$P"&&'("$CI$3$&"5?;.
New Message (cont.) O?$56';("$96"$P?&9$?H9";$1&".$W>'Q?2:9"W$ P':-C?SX$?2$1&"$96"$B:2"59?2IX$G2"&&$96"$ 5?22"&G?;.:;($&?H9$N"I*$$R19?P'9:5'--I$ ?G";&$96"$B:2"59?2I* 4";.
Old Message O6"$P"&&'("$:&$."-"9".$';.$I?1$5';$ ;?#$'59$?;$?96"2$?-.$P"&&'("&* H$96"$P"&&'("$I?1$.
Old Message (cont.) O?$56';("$96"$P?&9$?H9";$1&".$W>'Q?2:9"W$ P':-C?SX$?2$1&"$96"$B:2"59?2IX$G2"&&$96"$ 5?22"&G?;.:;($&?H9$N"I*$$R19?P'9:5'--I$?G";&$96"$ B:2"59?2I* 4";.
Send Regular Message O?$56';("$96"$P?&9$?H9";$1&".$W>'Q?2:9"W$ P':-C?SX$?2$1&"$96"$B:2"59?2IX$G2"&&$96"$ 5?22"&G?;.
Scheduled Messages O6"$5122";9$.'9"$:&$96"$."H'1-9*$$D"'Q"$96:&$.'9"$9?$&";.$'$ P"&&'("$-'9"2$96'9$.'IX$?2$G2"&&$96"$&?H9$N"I$9?$56';("$ 96"$";92I$9?$96"$.
Scheduled Messages (cont.) Use Append to add to your current message. Use Private to mark your message private and prevent it from being forwarded. Use Send to send your message.
Greetings Mailbox Greetings can be comprised of two parts, one meant to be static and the other dynamic (for a message with only static information, use only the First Part). Dynamic Greeting Example #1: First Part = "Hi, this is John Smith, I'm currently out to lunch and I will return at .
Call Forwarding O?$56';("$96"$P?&9$?H9";$1&".$W>'Q?2:9"W$ P':-C?SX$?2$1&"$96"$B:2"59?2IX$G2"&&$96"$ 5?22"&G?;.:;($&?H9$N"I*$$R19?P'9:5'--I$?G";&$ 96"$B:2"59?2I* O?$'.
Call Forwarding (cont.) V2"&&$96"$W!"S9W$N"I$9?$"S:9$#6";$96"$ ."&:2".$"S9";&:?;&$6'Q"$C"";$'59:Q'9".
Forward Message O?$6'Q"$'$P"&&'("$5'2C?;$5?G:".$9?$I?12$ ?#;$Q?:5"P':-$C?SX$G2"&&$96"$5?22"&G?;.:;($ &?H9$N"I*$$R;$'&9"2:&N$:&$.:&G-'I".
Distribution List D:&9$!'P"$56?:5"&$'2"$52"'9".$ CI$96"$4I&9"P$R.P:;*$$ TR..:9:?;'-$&"-"59:?;&$5';$C"$ ";9"2".$CI$96"$4I&$R.P:;*U* %':-C?S"&$'2"$'.
Voice Mail Setup (Password, Name, Screen, Confirm, Branch, Queue, Totals, Recycle, Message Order) %"&&'("&$'GG"'2$'&$96"I$ #?1-.$:;$W!"#W$';.$W,-.W$ %"&&'("&* ]6";$I?12$"S9";&:?;$:&$C1&IX$';.
Notify Y&"$96"$-"H9$&?H9$N"I&$9?$W4"91GW$';$"S9";&:?;$H?2$ "'56$5?22"&G?;.:;($-:;"*$$$,;5"$W4"91GW$6'&$ C"";$.
Small Display T elephone API-Integration User Guide.
1 1 2 ABC 2 ABC 1 5 JKL 3 DEF 1 3 DEF First T ime User Setup As a first time user of the PanaV oice Courier V oice Mail System, you will be asked to perform your mailbox customization. Please follow the steps below to customize your mailbox, keep in mind that the system will “time out” after thirty seconds of perceived inactivity .
Voice Mail Menu VO I C EM A I L MEN U Ne w5 L I STE N 5 O l d Re g S E N D S c h Te l C A L L * Vm b Ca l l F R W D * Ms g NO T I F Y S E T U P Next to scroll through the remaining menu options. Prev to scroll backward through the menu options. Next to scroll through the remaining menu options.
Listen - New Messages VO I C EM A I L MEN U Ne w5 L I STE N 5 O l d 12 : 25 04 / 21 05 : 10 P 4 / 21 615 - 822 - 4612 889 - 4248 Ed D o y l e S ave D e l e t e Pl a y R e p l y Next to scroll through the remaining messages. Prev to scroll backward to the previous screen.
Listen - Old Messages VO I C EM A I L MEN U Ne w2 L I STE N 5 O l d 08 : 15 A 03 / 19 615 - 822 - 4612 06 : 55 04 / 01 889 - 4248 Da n Be n n e t t e S ave D e l e t e Pl a y R e p l y Prev to scroll backward to the previous screen. Prev to scroll backward to the previous screen.
Send - Regular Messages VO I C EM A I L MEN U Re g S E N D S c h 104 C h an g e En t e r M a i lb o x N o Se nd D e l e t e L i s t e n ReRe c o r d Prev to scroll backward to the previous screen.
Send - Scheduled Messages VO I C EM A I L MEN U Re g 5 S E N D 5 S c h D a t e 11 / 21 / 98 02 : 58 P M Ed Ch a n g e En t e r M a i l b o x N o Se nd D e l e t e L i s t en R e co r d Prev to scroll backward to the previous screen. Prev to scroll backward to the previous screen.
Greetings - Voice Mail Box VO I C EM A I L ME NU Te l C A L L * Vm b Ma i n G r e e t i n g * In a M e et i n g O u t t o Lun ch Ou t o f O f f i c e He a r F i r s t P a r t Re c F i r s t P a r t H e a r Se c ond Pa r t R e c Se c ond Pa r t He a r En t i r e M s g Setup Activate Activate Setup Next to scroll through the remaining menu options.
Greetings - Telephone VO I C EM A I L ME NU Te l * CA L L V m b Gr ee t i n g 1 * G r ee t i n g 2 He a r F i r s t P a r t Re c F i r s t P a r t H e a r Se c ond Pa r t R e c Se c ond Pa r t He a r En t i r e M s g Activate Setup Next to scroll through the remaining menu options.
Call Forwarding VO I C EM A I L ME NU Ca l l F R W D * Ms g 1- E xt 2- E xt Ra y Ch a n g e En t e r E x t N o De l e t e E x t No Di r e c t or y 1- R a y 2 - 103 1- R a y * 2 - 103 * CC m y V M B D i st Li st Next to scroll through the remaining menu options.
Message Forwarding VO I C EM A I L ME NU Ca l l F R W D * Ms g Ed * Ch a n g e cc m y V M B * En t e r M a i l b o x N o Di r e c t or y Next to scroll through the remaining menu options. Prev to scroll backward through the menu options. Next to scroll through the remaining menu options.
Create Distribution List VO I C EM A I L S E T U P P ass w ord N a me Sc r e e n C on f i rm D i stList B r anch Cr ea t e Br o w se D e le te R e R e co r d Sa l e s Mo n i t o r s En t e r M a i l b o x No Di re c t or y S ave D I S T N A M E 01 S e r v i c_ SER V I CE Ad d D e lete Next to scroll through the remaining menu options.
Browse Distribution List VO I C EM A I L S E T UP P ass w ord N a me Sc r e e n C on f i rm D i stList B r anch Cr ea t e Br o w se D e le te R e R e co r d 00 S a l es 01 A d m i n Ji m D o yle To m M u r phy S ave D I S T N A M E 01 S e r v i c_ SER V I CE Ad d D e lete Next to scroll through the remaining menu options.
Notify VO I C EM A I L ME NU NO T I F Y S E T U P 1 - 615 - 889 - 4248 Ph o n eo r P a g er Activate Setup Prev to scroll backward through the menu options.
Branching VO I C EM A I L ME NU D i stList B ra n c h 0 - 207 203 - 2 1-2 0 1E m p ty -3 Setup Prev to scroll backward through the menu options. Setup 30.
Recycled VO I C EM A I L ME NU Re c y c l e F I F O 08 : 15 03 / 19 615 - 822 - 461 2 S ave D e l e t e Pl a y R e p l y Next to scroll through the remaining menu options. Prev to scroll backward through the menu options. Prev to scroll backward to the previous screen.
T elephone User Guide (Non-Integrated).
1 1 2 ABC 2 ABC 1 5 JKL 3 DEF 1 3 DEF 33 First T ime User Setup As a first time user of the PanaV oice Courier V oice Mail System, you will be asked to perform your mailbox customization. Please follow the steps below to customize your mailbox, keep in mind that the system will “time out” after thirty seconds of perceived inactivity .
1 V oice Mail Main Menu Listen to New Messages Plays your new messages. Please see page 3 of this guide for the Listen Options Menu. Listen to Old Messages Plays your saved messages. Please see page 3 of this guide for the Listen Options Menu. Send a Regular Message Immediately sends a message to a mailbox.
you can leave the lengthy second par t of the message untouched, while rere- cording the first par t whenever you were out of the of fice. Once again, if you don’t feel the need to be so informative with your greeting, you can simply record a Static greeting in the First Par t.
Listen Options Menu Save Saves your message as an Old Message. If you are listening to an Old Message and press Save, the message will be returned to Old Messages. Delete Deletes your message by sending it to the Recycle Bin (for a description of the Recycle Bin see page 6).
4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO 3 DEF 7 PRS 8 TUV 1 Send Options Menu Send Sends the message as recorded. Delete Deletes the message you just recorded. Listen Listen to the message you just recorded to see if it’s ready to send.
Setup Menu Password Setup and change your password from this option. Name Record your name with this option. Y our recorded name will identify you to other users of the voice mail system. Screen If you would like to know who is calling, activate Screen.
was placed in the Recycle Bin (messages are automatically deleted ever y 2nd midnight). V oice Mail Main Menu Returns you to the V oice Mail Main Menu.
New Message Regular Message T elephone Call Notification Setup Old Message Scheduled Message V oice Mailbox Message V oice Mail Setup LISTEN TO MY SEND A CALL MY FORWARD MY 1 1 2 ABC 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO.
Panasonic T elecommunication Systems Company Division of Panasonic Communications & Systems Company Unit of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America Business T elephone Systems Division Headquar.
An important point after buying a device Panasonic 8TUV (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic 8TUV yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic 8TUV - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic 8TUV you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic 8TUV will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic 8TUV, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic 8TUV.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic 8TUV. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic 8TUV along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center