Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DP-5000 Oki
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DP-5000 Metallic and Colour D esktop Printer User’s Guide.
ii User’s Guide Preface Every effort has been made to ensure that the infor ma- tion in this document is complete, accu rate, and up-to- date. Oki ass umes no resp onsibili ty for the result s of er- rors beyond its control.
English Preface iii Safety instru ctions This printer has been carefully designed to giv e years of safe, reliable p erformance. As with all electrical equip - ment, howe ver, there are a few basi c p.
iv User’s Guide plugged into the ou t let should not e xceed 13 amperes. • The power outlet into which the printer is con- nected must remain acces sible at all times. • Opening an y cov er may expose hot surfaces. These are clearly labelled. Do NO T touch them.
English Preface v T able of cont ents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii EEC compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Energy Star . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi User’s Guide Port monitor setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Select the I/O port speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Port speed erro r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Configure LPT p ort . . . . .
English Preface vii Colour printing on plain paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Prepare the image to be printed . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Install ink cartr idges . . . . . .
viii User’s Guide Forced printing and clearing data . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Clearing paper jams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Troublesho oting - Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Troubleshooting - Macintosh . .
English Chapter 1 - Introduction 1 Chapter 1 - Introduction Introduct ion Thank you fo r your p urcha se of th e OKI DP- 5000 P ho- to Quality Colour Printer.
2 User’s Guide Features The followi ng is a su mmarised list of the many st andard features o ffered by yo ur new printer: • V ariabl e-dot 2400 dots -per -inch printing reso lu- tion. • Se ven-co lour ink cap acity , the most challenging printing tasks are easily accom plished.
English Chapter 1 - Introduction 3 Preparing your p rinter Removing package contents 1. Lift the prin ter ou t o f its c onta iner box . Rem ove the packing m aterials from inside and outside t he printer .
4 User’s Guide 5. Remov e the tape (3) from the metal frame, and mov e the smaller packing piece (1) to the left. 6. Rem ov e the other tape (3 ) from the carr i age Cau tion: Operating the printer with out fir st r emoving the packing materi als may da mage the prin ter .
English Chapter 1 - Introduction 5 which you can r un the power cables s afely to suitable nearby connection po ints. Installing output paper tray Place the printer on the output paper tray (1) as shown below. During printing, extend th e paper tray. The out- put paper tray will ho ld up to 100 sheets of pap e r.
6 User’s Guide Printer fun ctio ns The following paragraphs explain the name and func- tion of each par t of the printer. Front view of printer 1. Sheet feeder - Paper can fe d in to th e p rinter either automatica lly or manually . Place a stac k of not more than 1 00 sh eets (p lain laser p aper) f or auto- matic feed.
English Chapter 1 - Introduction 7 5. P aper stopper - This stop per prev ents the pape r from risi ng w hen the small size media is set verti- cally for p rinting. 6. P aper support - The pap er support holds the loaded p aper upright . T o exten d the paper sup- port, pull up on the top edg e.
8 User’s Guide 2. SCSI connector - The SCSI connectors are used for connecting to the Macintosh computer and/or other SC SI de vices. 3. P aper feed switch - This switch sets the paper feeding meth od to automatic feed mode o r man- ual feed mode. 4.
English Chapter 1 - Introduction 9 Caution: Mishandl ing the print head or carria ge can caus e damag e to the printer . Also, n ever load a n ink cartridg e directly into the carriage.
10 User’s Guide 4. Ready light - This light ill uminates when th e printer is ready to print. The light blin ks slo wly while printing and goes out when print ing has paused or stopped. 5. Po wer light - Indicates whether the printer is on or off. The light ill uminates when the printer is on.
English Chapter 2 - Initial Setup 11 Chapter 2 - Initial Setu p Connectin g cables f or Windows When your printer has been p ositioned in a suitab le lo- cation, you can connect it to your Windows PC with a printer cable and to a suitable AC power so urce with the power cable.
12 User’s Guide 2. Plug the f ree end of the po wer cable into a suita- ble A C power source (such as a w all socket). Cau tion: P ower to the printer is completely cut off only when the cable is un plugg ed. Place the p rinter wher e you can ea sily unplug it fro m the wa ll sock et.
English Chapter 2 - Initial Setup 13 Ink cartridges The follow ing describe s how to identi fy the differe nt types of in k cartridge and ho w to instal l and remove th e cartridges from the printer. Identifying ink cartridge and paper types The ink cartridge type is i ndicated on th e surface of each cartridge.
14 User’s Guide *1 Use VPhoto pr imer fo r any pl ain paper s . Cau tion 1 The ma nuf acturer only r eco mmend s pri nti ng wit h th e cartridge-paper combi nations listed in T able 1. Cau tion 2 Printi ng with an inap pr opriate in k cartridg e-paper combinati on can dama ge the cartr idge ri bbon.
English Chapter 2 - Initial Setup 15 Not e The printer carr iage located inside the printer can select and pic k up the n ecessar y ink car tridg e fr om any holder . Y ou can place up to 7 car tridges of the same colour in the holders to redu ce the need to c hange ink cart ridges.
16 User’s Guide Cau tion 2 : Y ou must leave a t least one cartridg e holder empty for the printer to operate pr operly . Do not install more than 7 ink cartr idges.
English Chapter 2 - Initial Setup 17 Loadi ng pa per The followi ng paragraph s explain how to load pape r into the printer. Paper types and available feeding modes The table below sho ws information on switching be - tween automatic and manual feeds, and on setti ng the paper feed sw itch (“A” or “M”).
18 User’s Guide Thick paper and o ther kinds of s pecial printing medi a should be used in manua l feed mode. The approximat e thickn es ses of pa per th at can be use d in man ual fe ed mode or autom atic feed mode ar e as follows: Cau tion: Never use paper in the sheet feeder with thicknes s outside the ran ge 0.
English Chapter 2 - Initial Setup 19 Loadin g high grade/plain/l aser pa per and tran spare ncies 1. Pu ll the paper supp ort upward s. 2. Select the paper feed mode by switching the paper feed switc h to po sit ion “ A”. 3. Place the pap er in the sheet feeder .
20 User’s Guide Note 3: Use only o ne type of pa per at a t ime. Note 4: Pushing th e paper feed guide too har d aga inst the paper can be nd the paper .
English Chapter 2 - Initial Setup 21 Not e 1: P aper that is cr eased or curled may print incorr ectly . Not e 2: Make sur e that you ins ert the paper straight. Inserting it at a sl ant can ca use a pap er jam. 5. Adjus t the paper feed gu ide to the paper size.
22 User’s Guide.
English Chapter 3 - Installation and Operat ion, Windows 23 Chapter 3 - Install a tion and Operati on, Windows Installing t he printe r driver Before you can use your printer, you need to install t he correct printe r driver software into your comput er so that it can operate with the printer.
24 User’s Guide Note 1: The figur es in T a ble 2 ar e appr o ximations of th e total disc sp ace r equir ed when printi ng at VPhoto C o lour mode . Note 2: The workin g disk s pace needed during print ing is auto- matically erased after printing is completed.
English Chapter 3 - Installation and Operat ion, Windows 25 Select the I /O port speed 1. C hoose Settings fro m the Start menu, and then select Pr inters . In th e Printers w indow th at appears, right-click the DP-5000 printer icon. Then select Properties .
26 User’s Guide Printing operation s When you have co nnected the cables to your printer an d have install ed the printer driver, you are ready to use your pri nter. This sectio n describes step by st ep opera- tions fo r monochrom e and colour print ing.
English Chapter 3 - Installation and Operat ion, Windows 27 Not e 2: Refer to Installi ng Ink Cartridges’ in Chapter 2 for dir ections on install ing ink car tridg es. Not e 3: Installing multiple i nk cartridges of th e same colour allows you to print mor e pa ges withou t stopping to r eplace spent ink cartridges.
28 User’s Guide 8. Set the Paper Size, Orien tation, and nu mber of Copies as required. 9. When y ou hav e completed all t he setup, click OK to close the printer dri ver Prop erties dial ogue box. 10. Click OK in the Print dialogue box to start print- ing.
English Chapter 3 - Installation and Operat ion, Windows 29 Setting up the pr inter drive r for colour printin g 1. In t he application yo u want to print fr om, select Prin t from the File menu to o pen the Print dia- logu e box.
30 User’s Guide 5. In the Docum ent/Quality tab click Print On Reverse S ide op tio n. Note: Note that when yo u select certain media types the Print on Revers e Side option will not be available. 6. Select Automatic, Photographs , or Graphics/ T ext from t he Documen t T ype menu.
English Chapter 4 - Installation and O peration, Macintosh 31 Chapte r 4 - Insta l l ati on an d Operation, Mac into sh Installing t he printe r driver Before you can use your printer, you need to install t he correct pr inter driver soft ware so that y our compute r can work with the printer.
32 User’s Guide Note 1: The figur es in T a ble 2 ar e appr o ximations of th e total disk sp ace r equir ed when printi ng at VPhoto C o lour mode . Note 2: The workin g disk s pace needed during print ing is auto- matically erased after printing is completed.
English Chapter 4 - Installation and O peration, Macintosh 33 Selecting the correct driver Before creating any docu ments in your ap plication you should select the DP-5000 pr i nter driver w hich yo u in- stalled from the CD-ROM .
34 User’s Guide 1. The prin ter is connected to the compu ter and is turned on. 2. The sys tem fol der windo w is open (i f not , dou ble- click the folder on t he startup di sk). 3. There is paper in the printer . Page set up dialogue box 1. Select Page Setup fro m the File menu.
English Chapter 4 - Installation and O peration, Macintosh 35 Printing op erations When you have con n ected the cables to y our printer and have in stalled the printer driver, you are ready t o use your prin ter. The foll owing descr ibes step by step oper - ations for monochrome an d colour pri nting.
36 User’s Guide Note 2: Refer to ‘Installin g Ink Cartridges in Chapter 2 for dir ectio ns on installin g ink cartridges. Note 3: Installing mul tiple ink cartr idges of the same co lour allo ws y ou to prin t mo r e pages w ithou t s topp ing t o r eplace spent ink cartridg es.
English Chapter 4 - Installation and O peration, Macintosh 37 b Cyan ink cartridge c Magenta ink cartridge d Y ello w in k cartridge 2. Media a High grade pap er b L a ser pa pe r or pla in p ape r c VPhot o Pr int Fil m 3. Prin t ing data a Printi ng data consi sting of te xt and/or grap hic s cr eat ed in you r ap pli c ati o n.
38 User’s Guide 6. When yo u hav e complete d your s ettings , click Print in the Pr int dialogu e box. Th e prin ter pr ints cyan, magenta, yellow , and black i n that order as the print head moves back and forth over the paper .
English Chapter 4 - Installation and O peration, Macintosh 39 pera ture see yo ur compu ter’ s reference manu al for details. Not e 1: Some monitors do not allow the colo ur tempera tur e t o be chang ed.
40 User’s Guide 3. Set the Media to Plain Paper or Laser Paper , and the Size to A4 . When using a dif ferent type or size of pap er , change the setup accordingl y . 4. After maki ng an y changes requ ired, click OK to close the P age Setup dialogue box.
English Chapter 5 - Specialised Printing Operations 41 Chapter 5 - Specialised Printing Operations VPhoto c olou r pri nting Colour printing on VPhoto print film The followin g describes how t o print colour imag es on VPho to pri nt film . Photogr aphi c-like qualit y can be achieved by pr inti ng images on VPh oto print film wit h standard inks .
42 User’s Guide Note: VPhoto Print F ilm is very adhesive . When loading the multiple sheets, f an them thor oughly b efor e loading to make sur e that the y do not a dher e to one another . Stor e unused s heets in the pa ckag e. F or bes t r esults, us e sin- gle sheet a nd manual f eed.
English Chapter 5 - Specialised Printing Operations 43 f VPhoto Primer ink cartr idge Not e: T o print the pho to quality im ages on plain paper , use VPhoto Primer ink. VPhoto Primer ink f ills any une- venness on the pa per surfa ce, s o that a similar pr int quality a s on VPhot o Print F ilm can be ac hiev ed.
44 User’s Guide matic, Phot ographs , or Graphics /T ext is selected fr om Document T ype . 6. Make an y other necessary changes to the setting s. 7. When yo u complete the se tup, click OK to close the dialog bo x. 8. Cli ck OK in the Print dialog box to start prin ting.
English Chapter 5 - Specialised Printing Operations 45 Printing in f oil colour Foil colour p rinting is one of the uniq ue features of the OKI DP-500 0 printe r. The pri nter dr iver allows you to select specific colours or colour components that will be replaced by foil colour s and black ink when printing.
46 User’s Guide Requireme nts For single fo il colour printing you will need the follow- ing. 1. Media a Plain paper , laser paper , postcards, etc. can be used as with normal colour printing . 2. Ink cart ridges Use either one of the follo wing ink cartridges.
English Chapter 5 - Specialised Printing Operations 47 4. Set Media T ype depending on the paper to be used. 5. I n Print Settings click the Use Spot Colours check box so that the Spot Colours dialog box is displ aye d. 6. In th e Spot Colour Setti ngs click the Use Foi l Colour(s) radi o but ton.
48 User’s Guide Note 2: White port ions of data (R= G=B=100%) ar e not printed. In multi foil colour printing, indicate foil colou rs by se- lecting colours in the app li cation that most closely re- semble the foil colours. Try to select colours that resemble the colou rs listed in t he tables below.
English Chapter 5 - Specialised Printing Operations 49 3. Set Document T ype to an option approp riate to the document to be printed. 4. Set Media T ype dependin g on the pa per used. 5. I n Print Settings click Use Spot Colo urs check box so that the Spot Colour s dialog box is dis- played.
50 User’s Guide b Si lv er Fo il ink car tridge c Cyan ink cartridg e d Magenta ink cartridge e Y ellow ink cartridge f Black ink cartr idge g Finish II ink cartr id ge h VPhoto Pri mer ink car tridge Note: Only a maximum of s even ink cartridges can be installed in th e printer at any one time.
English Chapter 5 - Specialised Printing Operations 51 Not e 1: Some app licati ons mak e internal adjust ment to pr o- duce the displayed colo ur components. In such cases, the colour component s cannot b e re stricted and ther e- for e foil col ours cannot be used.
52 User’s Guide printed i f the corr espond ing ink cartr idge ha s not been selected. Note 2: If a selected foil colour ink ca rtridge is no t installed, a warning mess age will be displayed. In this ca se, exc hange ink cartridges as indicated in the message .
English Chapter 5 - Specialised Printing Operations 53 Printing on overhead transparencies The follow ing paragrap hs describe how to pr int full colour graphic images and text o n overhead transparen - cies for presentations. Requirements For printing on overhead transp arencies, you will n eed the foll owing .
54 User’s Guide locate d into the l eft side of the p rinte r (whe n vie wed from the f ront). 3. T o pre vent jams remo ve th e sheets immediately after printing. 4. If the last sheet of film will not feed from the auto sheet feeder , place a sheet of paper u nderneath it.
English Chapter 5 - Specialised Printing Operations 55 5 1 2 2 3 4.
56 User’s Guide Undercoating with VPhoto prim er ink cartridg e The VPhoto Primer in k cartridge is used to prin t an un- dercoat on paper pr ior to the main printing process. Un- dercoat fills any uneveness on the paper surface making plain paper suitable for hi gh quality colour printing.
English Chapter 5 - Specialised Printing Operations 57 6. I n Spot Colour Settings click the Use Spot Co l- our( s) radio b utton. 7. Set Print Using to VPhoto Pr imer (Und ercoat). 8. Cl ick OK to close the dialog box. 9. Click the Paper tab to bring to the front, make all necessary adjustments then click the Overlay check box.
58 User’s Guide.
English Chapter 6 - Maintenance 59 Chapter 6 - Maintenance Cleaning the p rinter We recommend that this printer be cleaned periodically to ensure sat isfactory long term operation. WA R N I N G Mak e sure you unplug the printer before cleaning it. Cleaning the main unit Follow t he cleaning s teps des cribed below.
60 User’s Guide Cau tion: Brush very g ently ar ound electrical compon ents, and be car eful not to leave any brush hair s on or near t hese componen ts.
English Chapter 6 - Maintenance 61 1. Press the front co ver release b utton and gen tly lo wer the front cover . 2. Gen tly apply the t ape (1) to dirt y spots on t he platen (2 ), and rub y our f inger o ver the tape. Caution: Do not touch or r emove the white pad (3) on the left side of the platen.
62 User’s Guide 4. W ipe the feed roller (metal shaft roller) with a cotton swab dipped in i sopropyl alcohol . The feed roll er may not come clean in one wipe, so repeat sev eral times. Cau tion: A void getting alcohol on the platen. W ait until the alcoho l dries before printing.
English Chapter 6 - Maintenance 63 2. T o fit a ne w cleaning pad, mount the pad on the platen b y locatin g the two lugs on the under s ide of the pad in to the holes on the platen. Push the pad onto the platen to make sure it sits flat. Caution: Always fit a cleaning pad in the printer .
64 User’s Guide.
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 65 Chapter 7 - T roublesho oti ng T roubl eshoo ting - ge neral Power failure whi le printing With the front cover closed, turn the printer on. The print er will i nitia lise and ej ect the p artia lly printe d page.
66 User’s Guide 2. Fix the error to contin ue printing, or term inate printing. For mor e information on fixing printer errors see the rest of this Chapter . Ready/insert button functions The ready/insert button is used f or a number of func- tions, depending on the printer st atus.
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 67 Pa per jams can be caused by a dirty platen. Fo r information on cleanin g see ‘Cleaning the Platen’ in Chapter 6 - Maintaining the Printer . 4. Clos e the front cov er . 5. Press the power b utton to turn on the power .
68 User’s Guide T roublesh ootin g - Windows When problems occur during operat ion of the printer, please check the following troubleshooting tips before returning the printer for repair. Power does not come on 1 Is the power cable disconnected? Make sure the po w er cable is plugged int o an out- let as well as connected to the printer .
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 69 b The printer dri ver cannot tell which ink car- tridge is in which holder . c T o store all the print output , an enormous amount of spool data ( held in a temporary file for printing) is genera ted during colour multipage printing.
70 User’s Guide 9 Are you usi ng a pr inte r sele c tio n s wi tch or a pr in ter buffer? W ith bi-directional interfaces, oper ation is some- times unr eliable when using prin t er switchin g boxes or pri nter b uffers. If you are using a p rinter selection swi tc hing b ox or printer b uffer , use one- way com munication.
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 71 2 Is the ink cartri d ge head dirty? Clean the cartridge h ead by refering to Chapter 5 , Maintaining the Printer . The platen often g ets dirty at the same time as the head, so it is recom- mended to also clean the platen.
72 User’s Guide Colour printing is not working or is extremely slow 1 Are the ink cartridges for colour printing installed? Only the fo llo w ing ink cartridges are suit able for colour printing : a.
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 73 utility like DEFRAG that comes with MS-DOS 6.0 ( or later ) or W indo ws 95/98. Paper is not fee ding co rrectly or not ejectin g corre ctly from the sheet feed er 1 Are you using pa per which is thicker or thi nner than recommended? Use paper w ithin the range 0 .
74 User’s Guide 9 Is the cut corn er in the corre ct position (for transparenci es a nd back print film)? When these sheets are inserted with the cut corn er incorrectly posi tioned, they may not feed cor- rectly . Fo llow the instructions and insert th e sheets correctly .
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 75 4 Is there paper caught between the platen and the prin t he ad? Remo ve the paper (for reference see ‘Cleaning the Printer’, Chapter 5) .
76 User’s Guide 2 Is the ink cartridge instal led in the holder with the (A) side up? Make sure the ink cartr i dges are placed in the holder with the identification mar kings (B si de) facing up. 3 H as an ink cartri dge for a different pri nter been installed? Ink cartridges made by othe r manufacturers will not work.
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 77 5 W hen p lain o r o ther coa rse- surf ac ed p aper i s printe d in colour , ink is missing fr om a numb e r of point s on the image . When paper w ith a c o arse sur face is used for full colour printing, ink will be missing from certain points where it was dif ficult to deposit.
78 User’s Guide 2 H ow should I use V Ph oto Pr imer i nk? The VPhoto Prim er ink prints an undercoat and improves the print quality on mo st plain p apers by allo wing you to pri nt photo q uality images at 2400 dpi using var iable dots. 3 Is it OK to p rint using white ink on top of a full colour im age? This can cause unsatisfactory results.
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 79 2 When m y displa y is set for 64,000 o r 16,700 ,000 colours, I run o ut of me mory when prin ting. W indo ws runs out of memory when there are too man y displ ay colou rs. Chang e to 256 colours when p rinting.
80 User’s Guide T roublesh ootin g - Macintosh When problems occur during printer operation , please check the follow ing troublesh o oting tips before retur n- ing the pr i nter for rep air. Power does not come on 1 Is the power cord disconnected? Make sure the power cord is plugged into an out- let as well as connected to the printer .
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 81 c Deselect Qui ckDr a w GX in the list of item s. d Close th e Extensions Ma nager , and restart your Maci ntosh. 2 Is the printe r dr iver installed ? Install the DP -50 00 p rinter driv er from the In stal- lation Disc (CD-R OM).
82 User’s Guide 9 Is the ready light off? Pre ss th e ready/ins ert button and make sure th at the ready light comes on. 10 Are y ou u sing the w rong cartridg es? Use only OKI recommended cartr idges in the DP-5000 pri nter . Do not use cartrid ges from o ther manufacturer s.
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 83 18 Is the prin ter dr iver corre ctl y i nsta l le d? Install the DP -50 00 p rinter driv er from the In stal- lation Disc (CD-R OM). 19 Has the pr inter been selec ted using the Ch oo ser? From the Apple menu, select the Chooser and make sure the printer an d device number appea r correctly .
84 User’s Guide 4 Is en ough memor y alloc ate d? Colour p rinting may not be possible i f the mem- ory allocated to the application is insuf ficient.
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 85 3 Is the platen d irty or is there an obstruction on the plate n? Clean the platen by fo llo wing the directions in Chapter 5. I f anyt hing is stuck to the platen, remo ve it, being careful not to damage the pl aten.
86 User’s Guide Paper is not feeding or ejecting correctly from the she et feeder 1 Are you using paper which is thicker or thinner than recommended? Use paper withi n the range 0.07 mm - 0.23 mm (0.003" - 0 . 01") . F or auto feeding u se p aper i n the range 0.
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 87 mode is used. Pr inting on the photo si de is un rel i - able. 10 Are yo u u si ng home-mad e cards or thick car ds? Cards with thickness within th e rang e of 0.07 mm - 0.23 mm (0.003" - 0.0 1") can be used i n manual feed mode.
88 User’s Guide A mechanism or cartridge change error occurred 1 Are the cartridges installed correctly? If a cartridge has become disl odged from its holder , a cartridge change erro r will occur . Open the front co ver an d reinstall the cartridge.
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 89 Printing quality , hue, and resolution queries 1 Can all four colours of the colour inks be combined for bla ck a nd white print ing ? In colour printing mode, gr eyscale portions ar e printed us i ng a four -colour gre y scal e.
90 User’s Guide 6 When coloured paper is us ed for full co lour printing, the colou rs are not reproduced correctly . Col our printi ng i s based upon the in k bei ng printed on a whi te backgro und, so corr ect colours cannot b e reproduced on coloured paper .
English Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 91 Connection metho d 1 Can I connect multiple DP printers to a single computer? If dif ferent SCSI device numbers are used, multi- ple printers can be con nected to a single Macin- tosh. Of course, simultaneous printin g is not possible.
92 User’s Guide 7 Why can I not print corr ectly with pa ge layout settings? There are application programs that allow yo u to format a docu ment co mpo sed of bo th o rientation s of portrait and landscape. When printing su ch document with layout (more than 2 pages per sheet), it may not print pro perly .
English Chapter 8 - Specifications & Settings 93 Chapter 8 - Specifications & Settings Table 1 details the general spec ifications for the OKI DP-5000 pr i nter. Name OKI DP-5000 Photo Quality Colour Printer Print h ead 2 40 do t Printi n g speed Plain pape r: Equiv alent to 240 cps (10 0 cp s x 2.
94 User’s Guide Options • SCSI Interface f o r Macintosh (Part N o. 41065 001) • USB Interface Kit for iMac & Windo w 95/98 ® (P art No. 41065101 ) • Dye Sublimation Upgrade Kit (enables dye subli- mation p rinting cap ability) (Part N o.
English Chapter 8 - Specifications & Settings 95 Printable ar ea Using ca rdboar d or th ick paper Print within the recommended ran g e shown in Table 4 below. D epending on the printing media, prin ting out- side the reco mmended area may cause ma lfunctions such as the ink cartridge ribbon getting caught and breaking.
96 User’s Guide A vailable supplies Ink cartridges * When Dye Sublimation Upg rade kit is installed. Print media * When Dye Sublimation Upgr ade kit is installed.
English Appendix A - Optional Devices 97 Appendix A - O ptional Devices USB interface kit The OKI USB Interface Kit enables you to use your OKI DP-5000 Series p rinter with an Apple® iMac™ or with a Win dows 95 /98® co mputer t hat has a USB por t.
98 User’s Guide 4 Connect directly to your iMac Connect to your iMac via USB hub 6 1 5 1 2 1 3.
English Appendix A - Optional Devices 99 2. Connect the other end of the USB cable (3) to an av ailable USB port (4) on the side of the iMac, or on a USB hub (5). a T o connect the USB cable di rectly to the iMac, open the port door (6) on the side of the iMac, and with the three-pronged USB icon facing up, plug the cable in to the USB port .
100 User’s Guide Installing for Windows 98 To install the OKI USB Interf ace Kit to enable you to operate yo ur DP-50 00 pri nter with a Wind ows 98 com- puter, follow thes e steps: Note: Y ou must delete any pre viously installed OKI DP Series prin ter driver prior to installing the USB p rinter driver .
English Appendix A - Optional Devices 101 6. Place the OKI USB Setup Disc in y our CD-R OM dri ve, and click Next. I n the next window that appears, click Next to con ti nue. 7. Select C D-ROM d rive and Specify a locatio n from the Add New Har d wa re Wizard , and the n click Browse.
102 User’s Guide Wind ows 98 Q1 The Add New Hardware Wi zard (USB Printer) d oes not ap pear whe n the USB int erface cable is connect ed. Please check the following: 1. Make sure that the USB interface cable is prop- erly connected to your printer and to y our PC, and the printer is turned on.
English Appendix A - Optional Devices 103 Q2 The Add New Hardware Wizard (OKI printer) does not appear , after the MD USB to LPT Cable s oftware in stallatio n is comp lete You can continu e to install the OKI USB prin ter driver. Follow these steps: 1.
104 User’s Guide Dye sublimatio n upgrade kit The D ye Su blim ation Upg rade K it e nabl es you r OKI DP-5000 t o print true conti nuous-to n e images, with out dots, thr ough the m agic of dye sub limation t echnolog y. The upgrade its elf is as simple as pluggin g in the spe- cial electronic key and pressing a butto n.
English Appendix A - Optional Devices 105 8. Pres s and hold the rea dy/inser t button until the printer lights be gin to flas h (about three s econds), and then release the b utton. The printer no w prints a t est page t hat gi ves th e product name as DP-5000P and includes “Dye-Sublimation Print- ing” on the printed l ist of feat ures.
106 User’s Guide 2. In the windo w that appears type; D:Drive rsMon- itorEnglishM onitor .exe 3. Cli ck OK. 4. The Port Mon itor Installer window ap pears . Click Install. 5. In W indo ws 95/98, choose Settings from t he Start menu. Then select Printers .
English Appendix A - Optional Devices 107 Connectin g SCSI interface for Macintosh When your printer has been p ositioned in a suitab le lo- cation, you can co nnect it to your Maci ntosh compu ter with a SCSI interface and to a suitable AC po wer source with the power cable.
108 User’s Guide Removing the SCSI interface module 1. T urn of f the po wer to your printer , computer , and all SCSI devices connecte d. Remov e th e po wer cable from the w al l socket and the printer .
English Appendix A - Optional Devices 109 Checking the SCSI device number Make sure the device number for the prin ter is set cor- rectly, the printer device number is set to 6 at the facto- ry. Each SCSI device connected to the computer mus t have a unique SCSI d evice number.
110 User’s Guide.
English Index 111 Index A Agency approv als . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 C Cancelling an alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 6 Carriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
112 User’s Guide Setting up the printer driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Single foil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Forced printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Front cover clos ing .
English Index 113 Paper thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Paper width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 Port monitor setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
114 User’s Guide S SCSI device number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Storage environme n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Supplies available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 T Testing the prin ter .
English Index 115 U Undercoati ng Overlay function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 7 Setting up the printer driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Undercoating with Vpho t o primer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 USB interface kit .
An important point after buying a device Oki DP-5000 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Oki DP-5000 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Oki DP-5000 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Oki DP-5000 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Oki DP-5000 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Oki DP-5000, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Oki DP-5000.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Oki DP-5000. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Oki DP-5000 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center