Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product NN43111-100 Nortel Networks
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Norte l Communication Ser ver 1000 Nor tel IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 User Guide Title page.
Revision history 3 Revision histor y May 2009 S tanda rd 02.01. This document is up-issu ed to support Communication Server 1000 Rele ase 6.0. May 2007 S tandard 01.
Revision history 4.
Contents 5 Contents Regulatory and safety in formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 About the IP Audio Conferen ce Phon e 2033 . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Basic features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 6 Select Live Dial Pad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Make a call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 7 Work without interruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Use Make Set Busy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Additional call features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 8.
Regulatory and safety information 9 Regulator y and safety information Ta b l e 1 : E M C Jurisdiction Standa rd Description United States FCC CFR 47 Part 15 Class B Emissions: FCC Rules for Radio Fre.
Regulatory and safety information 10 Note 1a: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digit al device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide rea sonable protection against harm ful interference in a residential inst allation.
Regulatory and safety information 11 interference . Insta ll and use the equipment according to the instruction manual. Other Safety Appr ovals: • IEC 60950: Safety for Information Te chnology Equipment Note 3: All Components of the IP Audio Co nfer ence Phone 2033 Release 2.
Regulatory and safety information 12 DenAn regulatory n otice for Jap an.
About the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 13 About the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 The IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 brings voice to the audio conference environment by co nnecting directly to a Local Area Network (LAN) through an Ethernet connection.
About the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 14 Figure 1 shows the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033. Figure 1: IP Audio Conference Phone 2033.
About the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 15 Extension micr ophones The IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 supports up to two extension microphones that e x tend the microphone range in large rooms. Each extension microphone ha s a Mute button and an LED indicator to indicate the current mute state.
About the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 16 Te l e p h o n e c o n t r o l s Use the Volume control buttons to adjust the volume of the ringer and sp eaker. Use the Mute key on the main unit or any extension speaker to mute the speaker. The Status indicator LED blinks red when m ute is activated.
About the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 17 Use the Navigation keys to scroll through menus and lists appearing on the LCD screen. Arrows appear on the left si de of th e display screen to indicate ther e is more information to be displaye d. Soft keys are located below the LCD screen.
About the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 18 Press the Services key an d use the Navigation keys to access the following items: • Telephone Options: — Volume adjustment — Contrast adjustment — .
About the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 19 T elephone display The IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 has two display areas: • The upper display area contains sin gle-line information for items such as the caller number, caller name, feature prompt strings, user-entered digits, date and time inform ation, and set information.
About the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 20 Figure 4: Soft keys The soft key label has a maximum of six characters. Each soft key includes the soft key label and an ic on. When a soft key is in use, a flashing icon appears at the beginn ing of the soft key label, and the label shifts one character to the right.
About the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 21 The idle telephone display also indica tes if there is a message waiting or missed call. Each extensio n microphon e also has an LED indicator , indicating the mute status of the telephone.
About the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 22 3. Press the Select key. 4. Use the dialpad to enter your password at the prompt. 5. Press the Navigation keys to scroll and highlight New Password . 6. Press the Select key. 7. Use the d ialpad to en ter the ne w password.
Connect the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 components 23 Connect the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 components Before you begin Note: Y our IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 supports both AC power and Powe r over Ethernet (PoE) options.
Connect the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 components 24 Steps 1. Connect one end of the CAT5 Ether net cable to the network interface located on the back of the Power over Ethernet (PoE) module. (see Figure 5 ). Plug the other end o f the CAT5 Ethernet cable in to the IP network inte rface.
Connect the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 components 25 Figure 6: IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 con nections 3. To connect an exten sion microphone, run the microphon e cord through one of the side chan ne ls on the bottom of the main unit, and plug it into one of the extension microphone jacks.
Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 26 Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 The IP Audio Conferen ce Phone 2033 Services menu lists the following submenus: •T h e Telephone Options menu enables you or you r system administrator to configure teleph one preferences.
Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 27 Use the T elephone Options menu T o use the T elephone Options menu: 1. Press the Services ke y. 2. Press the Navigation keys to scroll and highlight Telephone Options . 3. Press the Select key.
Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 28 Adjust volume To adjust the volume, pr ess the Services key, select Telephone Options and select Volume adjustment from the menu .
Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 29 T o adjust Speaker volu me: 4. Choose one of the following: — Press the Select key to save the volume level and return to the Telephone Opti ons menu. — Press the Cancel key to keep existing settings.
Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 30 T o adjust the Buzzer volume: 4. Choose one of the following: — Press the Select key to save the volume level and return to the Telephone Opti ons menu. — Press the Cancel key to keep the existing settings.
Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 31 Adjust display screen contrast To adjust the LCD screen contrast, press the Servic es key, select the Telephone Options , and se lect Contrast adju stment from the menu. T o adjust display screen contrast: 4.
Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 32 Select a language The display is available in multiple lan guages. To choose a language, press the Services key, select Telephone Options , and select Language from the menu. T o select a language: Select Date/Time format Several Date/Time formats ar e available.
Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 33 T o select a date/time format: Select Local DialPad T one The Local DialPad Tone op tio n enables a pressed telephone dial key to produce Dual Tone Multi-F reque ncy (DTMF) sou nds, a single to ne, or n o sound.
Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 34 Vi ew Se t I n fo rm at io n The following telephone-sp ecific infor mation appears in the Set Info option: • General Informatio n • Set .
Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 35 Select Ring type The ring type option sets the telephone’s ring tone. To choose a ring type, press the Services key, select Telephone Options, and select Ring type from the menu. T o choose a ring type: 1.
Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 36 Select Call Timer The call timer measures how long you ar e on each call. To enable or disable the call timer, press the Services key, select Telephone Options , and se lect Call Timer from the menu.
Configure options on the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 37 T o configure Live Dial Pad: 1. Press the Up/Down navigation keys to scroll and highlight Live Dial Pa d . 2. Press the Select soft key. 3. Press the Up/Down navigation keys to scroll and highlight one of the following: —O n —O f f 4.
Make a call 38 Make a call This section describ es feat ur es asso ciated with making a call. You have several ways to make a call from an IP Audio Conference Pho ne 2033. Steps Use Live Dialpad Use live dialpad to dial the num ber befor e lifting the handset.
Make a call 39 Use Predial Use the Predial feature to enter, preview, and edit number s before dialing. T o use Predial: T o edit a Predialed number: 3. Press the Goodbye key to terminate an active call. 1. Without selecting the Line (DN) key, enter the number to be dialed.
Make a call 40 Activate Ring Again Use the Ring Again feature if you rece ive a busy tone or if there is no answer. Your IP Phone rings wh en the person you called becomes available.
Make a call 41 T o deactivate Ring Again before notificat ion: Redial last number called Use the Last Number Redial feature to autom atically redial the last dialed number. T o use Last Number Redial: Use Speed Call Use the Speed Call feature to place internal and external calls by dialing a one-, two-, or three-d igit code.
Make a call 42 T o create a Speed Call number: T o make a Speed Call: 1. Press the Speed Call Controller (SpcCtl) key. The triangular icon flashes, indicating pr ogramming mode. 2. At the promp t : — Enter a one-, two-, or three-digi t code (0-999).
Make a call 43 Make a System Speed Call Use the System Speed Call feature to dial Speed Call co des that override dialing restr ictions placed on your te lephone. T o make a System S peed Call: 1. Press the Line (DN) key. 2. Choose one of the following: — Press the System Speed Call (SScUsr) key.
Answer a c all 44 Answer a call Each incoming call cau ses the telephone to ring and the Message Indicator lamps to flash. T o answ e r a call: Press the Line (DN) key.
While on an active ca ll 45 While on an active call This section describ es feat ur es ava ilab le du rin g an act ive call. Place a call on hold Use the Hold feature when you are talking o n one line and another call arrives on a seco nd line. Retain the original call by putting it on hold, and then answer the seco nd call.
While on an active c all 46 T o return to the original call, if the transfer is incomplete: Use Timed Reminder Recall Use the Timed Reminder Re call feature to receive a reminder tone when a transferred call is not answered . T o activate Timed Reminde r Recall: 2.
While on an active ca ll 47 If the tran sferred ca ll is not answered, your telephone rings. Use Call Park Use the Call Park feature to hold temporarily (park) and r etrieve a call from any telephone. Using Ca ll Park doe s not tie up a line and, when configured network-wide, can be used acro ss networks.
While on an active c all 48 T o park a call on th e System Pa rk DN or you r own DN: T o park a call on a DN other than the System Park DN or your own DN: T o retrieve a parke d call: During an active call, press the Park key twice.
While on an active ca ll 49 Record a Calling Party Number Use the Calling Party Num ber feature to record a caller’s number, or to charge a call to an account numbe r, during an established call.
While on an active c all 50 T o activate Call T race: 1. Press the Transfer (Trans) key or the Conference (Conf ) key. 2. Dial the Special Prefix (SPRE) code followed by 83 or enter th e Call Trace FFC to reconnect au tomatically. Note: Contact your system administ rator for the Call T race feature SPRE code.
While away from your desk 51 While away fr om your desk This section describ es feat ur es that are used when you are away from your desk. Use Call For ward Use the Call Forward featur e to direct incoming calls to ring on another line (DN). If the telephone is in the process of rin ging , that call cannot be forwarded.
While away from your desk 52 T o reinst ate Call Forward to the same number: Use Internal Call For ward Use Internal Call Forward to allow only calls originating at internal D Ns to ring at another DN. Calls originatin g outside your telephone system still ring at your telephon e.
While away from your desk 53 T o activate Remote Call Forward: 1. Press the Line (DN) key. 2. If calling from a telephone outside the system, dial your dire ct system access number and wait for dial tone. 3. Dial the Remote Call Forward Activate FFC to activate the feature.
While away from your desk 54 T o deactivate Remote Call Forward: Secure your telephone The Electronic Lock feature is used to prevent others from making calls from your phone. This feature is controlled using your Station Control Password. To change your Station Contr ol Pass word , refer to “Security features ” on page 21.
While away from your desk 55 T o lock your telephone: T o unlock your telephone: 1. Press the Line (DN) key. 2. Dial the Electronic Lock Activate FFC. 3. Dial your Station Control Password . or 4. Choose one of the following: — If dialing locally, press the Goodbye key.
While away from your desk 56 or 4. Choose one of the following: — If dialing locally, press the Goodbye key. — If dialing the FFC remotely , dial your DN.
Talk with more than one person 57 T alk with more than one person This section desc ribes features that ena b le co nve r sat i ons be twe e n mo re than two pe ople. Note: Contact your system administra tor for informatio n on accessing audio conference bridge application s .
Talk with more than one person 58 If the person you atte mpt to add to the conference is unavailable: Use Group Call Use the Group Call feature to automatically call members of a predefined group, one at a tim e, unt il th ey all answer. T o call group members: 1.
Talk with more than one person 59 T o answer a Group Call: Note: When you answer a Group Call, three 10-second tones no tify you that there is a group call on your exte nsion.
Work without interruption 60 W ork without interruption This section describ es feat ur es that provide unin terru p te d wor k tim e. Use Make Set Busy Use the Make Set Busy feature to make yo ur telephone appear busy to all callers. T o activate Make Set Busy: T o deac tivate Ma ke Set Busy : 1.
Additional call features 61 Additional call features Contact your system administrator to determine if the following call features are available on your te lephone. Use Call Page Connect to make an announcement Use the Call Page Connect fe ature to make an announcement over a paging system.
Additional call features 62 T o charge a local or long-dist ance call to an ac count befor e you dia l: T o charge a call in progress: 1. Press the Line (DN) key. 2. Press the Charge key or dial the Call Detail Recording FFC . 3. Dial the charge account number.
Additional call features 63 T o charge a call to an account when you tran sfer a call: T o ch arge a call to an acco unt when y ou add s omeone to a conferen c e ca ll : 1. Press the Transfer (Trans ) key. The call is placed on hold. 2. Dial the Call Detail Recording FFC .
Additional call features 64 Use Forced Camp-on Use the Forced Camp-on featur e to automatically ring another telephone (internal or external) imme diately afte r that telephone disconn ects from its current call. T o use Forced Camp- on: 2. Dial the Call Detail Recording FFC .
Additional call features 65 T o answer a call camped o n to your extension: Use Enhanced Override Use the Enhanced Override feature to override an active call after yo u attempt a Forc ed C amp -o n. Use Enhanced Over rid e to mak e a sim ple call or a consultation call, such as placing a call on hold and calling another party.
Additional call features 66 T o disconnect Enhanced Override: Override a busy signal Use the Override feature to overrid e a bu sy signal and interrupt another call.
Additional call features 67 T o end the connection: Use Privacy Release Use the Privacy Release feature to enable one or more people who sh are your DN to join a call. T o use Privacy Release on an est ablished call: Use Radio Paging Use the Radio Paging feature to page a person a nd sta y on the line until the person answers.
Additional call features 68 T o use Automatic Pos t selection : The called party is either busy on the telep hone or away from the desk. To page the called party, you do n ot need to redial the numbe r of the called party. 3. Dial the number of the party you want to page.
Additional call features 69 T o answer a Radio Pa ge: If you carry a Radio Pager, a page indi ca tes that someone dialed your line (DN). If t he Radio Page system is s et up to funct ion in Meet -me mode, you can answer the page call from any telepho ne.
Additional features 70 Additional features Vi rtu al Of fi ce When you are away from your office telephone, use the Virtua l Office feature to transfer calls and all of your telephone's features to a remote telephone. Note 1: Consult yo ur system ad ministra tor to verify if the Virtual Office feature is availab le for your use.
Additional features 71 Vir tual Office on your remote telephone Figure 7 on page 72 throug h Figure 10 on page 73 show IP Phones logged on to an IP Audio Confer enc e Phone 2033 using Virtual Off ice. 3. Press the Select key. 4. Enter your Use r ID (fo r ex am p le, yo ur DN including the access code) at the prompt.
Additional features 72 Figure 7: Logged on to an IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 using an IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 Figure 8: Logged on to an IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 using an IP Phone 2001 .
Additional features 73 Figure 10: Logged on to an IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 using an IP Phone 2004 On the IP Phone 2002 and IP Phon e 20 04, the feature keys remain emp ty (except for the appearance of y our DN) because yo ur IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 does not supp ort feature keys.
Additional features 74 Vir tual Office on yo ur office telephone T o regain operation of a telephone being us ed for Virtual Office: Vir tual Office logout T o log out from a remote telephone: When activated for Virtual Office by a remote telephone, your office telep hone is logged out and is no longer operational.
Additional features 75 T roubleshoot Virtual Of fice When you use Virtual Office, error messages may display on-screen. Table 4 lists error messages and actions to correct the causes. 2. Press the Navigation keys to scroll and highlight Virtual Office Logout .
Additional features 76 Invalid ID (3) Incorrect User ID entered. Enter correct User ID. User ID in Gatekeeper database points to originating Call Server. Notify system administrator. Locked fro m Login Three failed attempts to enter the correct Station Control Password.
Additional features 77 Permission Denied (5) Incorrect User ID entered. Enter correct User ID. Remote telephone does not have VOUA Class of Service. Notify system administrator. Permission Denied (6) Incorrect User ID entered. Enter correct User ID. Incorrect Station Control Passw ord entered.
Additional features 78 Media Gateway 1000B A Media Gateway 1000 B (MG 1000B) IP Audio Conferen ce Phone can operate in Normal or Local mode . Normal Mode The IP Audio Conference Phone registers with the main office and receives telephone services from the main office.
Additional features 79 Resume Normal Mode Use the Resume Nor mal Mode command to return to Normal Mode after testing survival functionality. Note: If the Resume Normal Mode command is not performed af ter testing, the telephone automatically retu rns to Normal Mode in 10 minutes.
Additional features 80 T roubleshoot MG 1000B When using MG 1000B, error messages ma y display on-screen. Table 5 lists error messages and actions to correct the causes. T able 5: T roubleshoot MG 1000B Display Message Probable Cause Action Local Mode Test Local Mode.
Hospitality features 81 Hospitality features Hospitality features are intended for hotel operations. Set Automatic W ake-Up Use the Automatic Wake-Up feature to receive a timed remind er call. From your teleph one, yo u can progr am the system to automa tically place a call to yourself at a predetermined time.
Hospitality features 82 T o quit an Automatic W ake-Up call: T o verify the time for the Automat ic Wake-Up ca ll: 1. Press the Line (DN) key. 2. Dial the Automati c Wak e-Up Qu it FFC. 3. Press the Goodbye key. 1. Press the Line (DN) key. 2. Dial the Automati c Wake -Up Verify FFC.
Flexible Feature Codes 83 Flexible Feature Codes Use this worksheet to record the FFCs assigne d by your system administra tor. FFC Feature FFC Feature Automatic Wake-Up Activate Malicious Call Trace .
Flexible Feature Codes 84.
Terms you should know 85 T erms you should know Attendant A telephone operator in your organization. Calling Par ty Name Display Information, such as the calle r ’ s name and telephone number , appearing on the LCD screen. The system must have CPND enabled.
Terms you should know 86 Fixed key The hard-labeled ke ys on your telephone. Flexible Feature Codes S pecialized codes e nter ed using the dialpad that enable fe atures (for example, Ring Again). Goodbye key A fixed key us ed to end an active ca ll. Information display Any display of call activity , lists, prompts, and status of calls.
Terms you should know 87 Navigation keys Keys used to scroll through menus and list s appearing on the LCD screen. Off-ho ok Any line selected to make a call or receive an incoming call.
Terms you should know 88 Special Prefix code (SPRE) S pecial codes ente red using the dialpad, followed by a two-dig it access code, that enable features (for example, Call Forward All Calls requires entry of SPRE code + 74 ).
Index 89 Index A About the IP Audio Conferen ce Phone 2033 13 Answer a call 44 Attendant 85 Automatic Wake-Up 81 B Basic features 13 Branch office 78 C Call features and Flexible Feature Codes 21 Call.
Index 90 L Language selection 32 Line key 16, 38 Local DialPad Tone 33 M Make Set Busy 60 Malicious call trace 49 Meet-me page 67 Message key 16, 86 Message waiting indicator 86 Mute button 16 N Navig.
Index 91 V View Set Information 34 Virtual Office 70 Virtual Office login 70 Virtual Office logout 74 Virtual Office on your office telephone 74 Virtual Office on your remote telephone 71 Volume adju .
Index 92.
Norte l Communication Ser ver 1000 Nor tel IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 User Guide Copyright © 2 009 Nortel Networks. All rights reserved. LEGAL NOTICE While the information in this document is bel.
An important point after buying a device Nortel Networks NN43111-100 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
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If you already are a holder of Nortel Networks NN43111-100, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nortel Networks NN43111-100.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nortel Networks NN43111-100. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nortel Networks NN43111-100 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center