Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product M3900 Meridian Audio
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Meridian 1 M3900 S eries Meri dian Dig ital Telephones Description, Installation and Administr ation Docu ment Nu mber: 553- 3001- 216 Docum ent Releas e: Standard 5 .00 Date: Janua ry 2002 Y ear Publish FCC T M Copyright ©1999–2002 N ortel Networks All Rights Reserved Printed in Canada Information is subject to change wit hout notice.
Page 3 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 4 Revisi on his tory January 2 002 Standard 5.00. Up-is sued to include content for Merid ian 1 Release 25.40 and M390 0 Pha se II I. April 2000 Standard 4.
Page 4 of 174 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002.
P a g e5o f1 7 4 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 10 Contents About this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 R e l a t e dd o c u m e n t s .......... ..... ......... .
Page 6 of 174 Contents 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 O p e r a t i n gp a r a m e t e r sf o rV i r t u a lo f f i c e ........... ..... ... 2 9 D i s p l a y - b a s e dE x p a n s i o nM o d u l e ........... ...... ........ 3 0 F l a s hD o w n l o a d .
Contents P a g e7o f1 7 4 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Handset o ption for the M3905 Call Center Telephon e . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 H e a d s e to p t i o n s ...... ...... ........ .
Page 8 of 174 Contents 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 I n s t a l l a t i o n ... ....... ..... ....... ..... ..... 8 7 C o n t e n t s ......... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ... 8 7 To install the M3900 Series Meridian Digital Telephones .
Contents P a g e9o f1 7 4 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n D e t a i l e dF l a s hD o w n l o a dp r o c e d u r e : ....... ...... ..... ........ 1 2 3 P r o c e d u r en o t e s : ......
Page 10 o f 174 Cont ents 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 C h e c kt h a tC o r e0i sa c t i v e ........... ..... ......... ..... ... 1 6 0 S p l i tt h eC o r e s ......... ...... ........ ...... ......... ..... 1 6 0 I n s t a l lP S D Lf i l eo nC o r e / N e t1 .
Page 11 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 12 About th is document This document applies to Meridian 1 Internet Enabled systems.
Page 12 o f 174 About thi s doc umen t 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002.
Page 13 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 44 Functio nal descriptio n Contents The following are the topics in this section: R e f e r e n c el i s t ........ ...... ........ ...... .
Page 14 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 M 3 9 0 3E n h a n c e dT e l e p h o n e .... ........ ...... ........ ... 3 8 M 3 9 0 4P r o f e s s i o n a lT e l e p h o n e ............. ...... ........ 4 0 M 3 9 0 5C a l lC e n t e rT e l e p h o n e .
Function al descr iption P age 15 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Enhancements for X11 Relea se 25 and X11 Release 25.
Page 16 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 • Virtual Office Enhancements (M390 3 and M3904) • Virtual Office Clearing of the Callers Lis t and Redial List .
Function al descr iption P age 17 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Table 1 shows FDHF interoperability with other M3900 cartridges.
Page 18 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Call Forward Enhancem ent for M3900 sets The Call Forward Enhancem ent feature modifies the method f or activating Call Fo rward on M3903, M3904 , and M3905 sets.
Function al descr iption P age 19 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Table 2 lists t he features that sup port 31- Digit Dialing on M3902, M3903, M3904, and M390 5 sets.
Page 20 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 • Call Forward (CFW) •R i n g A g a i n ( R G A ) • Call P ark (PRK) • Ringing Numb er Pickup (RNP) • Spee.
Function al descr iption P age 21 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Password protection applies to On e-Button Feature Access to the Redial List. If the password is enab led, when you press the Redial Li st soft key, a prompt appears requesting pas sword entry.
Page 22 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Special Character Support With M390 0 Phase I II, M3902, M390 3, M3904 , and M3905 sets s upport a ll special characters found on a PC keyboard.
Function al descr iption P age 23 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n The user can hav e only one Set -to-Set mes sage on their te lephone a t a time. To activate Set-to-Set Messaging, the us er must first define a message.
Page 24 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Set-to-Set Messaging Enhancements fo r Phase III sets allow the system administ rator to predefine t en messages for the M3903, M3904, and M3905 sets. The telephone user can select one of the mess ages as their set-to-set message.
Function al descr iption P age 25 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n With M3900 P hase III, th e Set-to-Set Mess aging screen h as three sof t keys. The ON/OFF key toggles the S et-to-Set Messaging feature on or off.
Page 26 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Press the App lications key to access the corporate Directory o n M3903, M3904, and M39 05 sets. With M3900 Phase III, y ou do not have to press the Select key after pressi ng the Applications key.
Function al descr iption P age 27 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n • an alphabeti cal listing of en tries by usin g the last nam es (system generated) Note: When names are cop ied to the Personal Directory (M3904 and M3905), the n ames are listed by fir st name.
Page 28 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 The Virtual Office recognizes all system configuration r elated to the Virtual Office Wor ker. The Virt ual Office feat ure operat es on stand-al one Mer idi an 1 s yste ms o nly.
Function al descr iption P age 29 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Automatic Logout for Virtual Office M3900 Phase III introduces au tomatic logout for v irtual work ers.
Page 30 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 • If user A does not hav e Call Forward confi gured, but has the d efault Call Forward (DCFW) configured, the call is for warded to that DN (the DN can be Meridian Mail).
Function al descr iption P age 31 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n When the admin istrator enters Ye s at the STS_MSG pr ompt in overlay 15, the prompt MSG x x appears (W here xx=0 1~ 10) and t his predefi ned defaul t message will no t be printed out in overlay 15 .
Page 32 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 • “M3902” on page 37 • “M3903” on page 39 • “M3904” on page 41 • “M3905” on page 43 The M390.
Function al descr iption P age 33 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n The Fixed Feature Keys (see Table 5) are the feature keys on th e M3900 Series Meridian Digital Telephone that are prelab eled with the assigned feature.
Page 34 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Call Log ( M3903) Shift Applica tion Navigation Copy Quit Tr a n s f e r (M3902) InCalls (M3905 Call C enter) Not Re.
Function al descr iption P age 35 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Programma ble Line/Featu re Keys (self-label ed) The Programmab le Line/Feature Keys (self-lab eled) are the keys located at the left and right sides of the upper section of the display area.
Page 36 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 For feature key assignment informa tion see: • Table 8, “M3901 key description,” on page 74 • Table 9, “M3.
Function al descr iption P age 37 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n M3902 Basic Telephone The features of the M3902 include: • one.
Page 38 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 M3903 Enhanced Telephone The features of the M3903 include: • two Programmable Line/Featur e Keys (self-labeled) w.
Function al descr iption P age 39 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Figure 4 M3903 Message W aiting Light LCD Indicator Goodby e Hold V olume Bar Programmab le Feature K eys Navigation K e ys Options Quit Copy Handsfree K ey LED LED Soft-labeled Line/ Feature k e ys.
Page 40 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 M3904 Professional Telephone The features of the M3904 telephone include: • six Programmable Line/Feature K eys (s.
Function al descr iption P age 41 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Figure 5 M3904 553-8626 Message W aiting Light LCD Indicator Goo.
Page 42 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 M3905 Call Center Telephone The features of the M3905 Call Center Telephone include: • eight Programmab le Line/Fe.
Function al descr iption P age 43 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Note: The system administrator can configu re four of the bottom six Fixed Featu re Keys (Make Bu sy, Not R eady, Superv isor and Emergency) to Feature Keys that s uit the business needs of the C all Center user.
Page 44 o f 174 Funct ional descri ption 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002.
Page 45 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 54 Hardwa re options Contents The following are the topics in this section: D e s c r i p t i o n.. ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ .
Page 46 o f 174 Hardware options 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Description Table 6 lists the features and o ptional hardware available for each M3900 serie s tel ephon e.
Hardware options P age 47 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Accessory Connection Module (ACM ) The Accessory Conn ection Module prov.
Page 48 o f 174 Hardware options 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Alternate key caps for the M3905 The M3905 Call Cen ter Telephone prov ides an alternate key cap kit to custom ize your M3905 telep hone to f it your business n eeds.
Hardware options P age 49 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Analog Termi nal Adapter (ATA) The Analog Terminal Adap ter (ATA) lets you connect an an alog device such as a fax machi ne or modem to yo ur telephone .
Page 50 o f 174 Hardware options 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Personal Directory PC Utility Software In addition to th e TAPI software wh ich is included with the CTIA, you m ay wish to purchase the Personal Directory PC Utility Soft ware.
Hardware options P age 51 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Expa nsi on Mod ules Display-based E xpansion Module The Disp lay-based Expan sion Module (DB A) provid es additi onal Line/Programmable Feature Keys (Self-labeled ) for the M3904 and M3905.
Page 52 o f 174 Hardware options 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Note: The External Alerter is an interface only, the ringer , light, buzzer etc. is available t hrough a third p arty vendor. Handset option for the M3905 Call Center Telephone The Handset do es not accompany the M3905 Call Center Telephone.
Hardware options P age 53 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n • Accessory Connection Module (ACM) (NTMN71AA) • One of the followin.
Page 54 o f 174 Hardware options 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002.
Page 55 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 86 Configure the M3 900 Series Meridian Digital Telephone Contents The following are the topics in this section: R e f e r e n c el i s t.. .
Page 56 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Reference list The following are the r eferences in this section : • Administrati.
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 57 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Configure the M3901, M3902, M.
Page 58 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 DES d...d Des ignator . d...d = represents a n Off ice Dat a Admin istration System (ODAS) S tation Designator of 1-6 alphan umeric chara cters.
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 59 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n CLS aaaa Cla ss of Servic e options wher e aaaa: = (GRL D) Group Listening Den ied, (M39 02, M3 903, M390 4).
Page 60 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Task summary list The following is a summary of th e tasks in this secti on: 5 LD 15 - Assign a default language and cust omize set-to- set messages .
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 61 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n LD 15 – Assign a default language and customize set- to-set messages . Prompt Respon se Des cri pti on REQ: NEW CHG Add new dat a.
Page 62 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 LD 15 – Con figure the automatic logout time f or Virtual Office terminals. LD 11 – Co nfigure the Callers List and R edial List keys on Context-Sen sitive Soft Keys or Programmable featur e keys.
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 63 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n LD 11 – Configure the def ault langu age for th e M3900 set . KEY XX CL T Configure the Callers L ist key on an availa ble programma ble feature key .
Page 64 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 LD 11 – Allow or deny the erasing of the Callers and Redial lists for virtual terminals.
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 65 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Configure Corporate Directory.
Page 66 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Messaging To clear or r eset a Dir ectory Passw ord for the M3900 Series telephone LD 32 – Clear Personal Directory Passwor d for M3900 s et Prompt Respon se Description .
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 67 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Configure the Virt ual Office.
Page 68 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Print a list or count of Vi rtual Office telephones Configure the Virt ual Office P.
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 69 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Print data for Virtual and Ho.
Page 70 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Configure parameters for S ystem-wide Flash Download LD 97 – Configure parameter s for System-wide F lash Download (P art 1 of 2) Prompt Resp onse Descriptio n REQ CHG PRT Change Flash Download Parameters.
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 71 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n FTNR (NO) YES <CR> TN r.
Page 72 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Configure parameters for the Fu ll Duplex Handsfree (FDHF) functionality LD 11 – Allo w the Handsfree Class of Service. Prompt Respon se Des cri pti on REQ: NEW CHG Add new dat a.
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 73 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Commands i n LD 32 to support the F lash Downlo ad feature LD 32 – Flash Download commands (Part 1 of 2) Prompt Respon se Description .
Page 74 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 M3900 Series key descripti ons This section prov ides key description and key c onfiguration i nformation for each model of the M39 00 series.
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 75 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Key 4 Featur e or Auto Dial.
Page 76 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 M3902 key descriptions Table 9 giv es a descripti on of the key s on the M390 2. Figu re 8 show s the physical placemen t of the keys on the M3902.
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 77 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n M3903 key descriptions Table 1 0 give s a descr ipti on of the key s on the M 3903.
Page 78 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Key 3 Seconda ry Directory Number or Feat ure or Aut o Dial.
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 79 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Key 24 Privacy Rel ease. Key 25 Charg e Ac count . Key 26 Calli ng Party numb er .
Page 80 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 M3904 key descriptions Table 1 1 give s a descr ipti on of the ke ys on th e M390 4. Figu re 10 show s the physical placemen t of the keys on the M3904.
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 81 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Key 20 Ring Ag ain.
Page 82 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 For M3904 and M3905 s ets, One-Button Feature Access keys for the Callers and Redial lists cannot be programmed on a Display Based Accessory ( DBA) or a Key-Based Accessory (KBA).
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 83 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n M3905 key descriptions Table 1 2 give s a descr ipti on of the ke ys on th e M390 5.
Page 84 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Key 8-1 1 Configured a s one of t he foll owing st anda rd Call Ce nter fea tures: Key 8 = * Make Set Busy Key 9 = * Not Ready (mus t have CLS = AGN).
Configu re the M 3900 Ser ies Meri dian Di gital Tele phone P age 85 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Key 25 Charge Acco unt. Key 26 Calling Part y Number . Key 27 Callers List Key 28 Redial List Keys 29-31 NUL.
Page 86 o f 174 Con figure the M3900 S eries Meridi an Digital Tel ephone 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002.
Page 87 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 104 Installa tion Contents The following are the topics in this section: To install the M3900 Series Meridian Digital Telephones . . . . . . .
Page 88 o f 174 Insta llatio n 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 This section provides installati on instructions for the M3900 Series telephone and accessories. To install the M3900 Series Meridian Digital Telephones 1 Complete the w iring and cross- connect ions (loop pow er).
Installat ion Page 89 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n To change the tele phone ang le: 1 Move the top of the fo otstand a way from the telepho ne base (it ha s a snap conn ection).
Page 90 o f 174 Insta llatio n 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 5 Put the ACM attach ed ribbon cable in to the track runni ng down the bac k of th e tel epho ne ba se. 6 Put the hard plastic cab le cover over the ACM ribbon cable . 7 Snap the ACM plasti c cable cover into pl ace.
Installat ion Page 91 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n The shape and size of the plug in the accessory cartridge prev ents the user from accidentally co nnecting incompatible acces sories.
Page 92 o f 174 Insta llatio n 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Install the Accessory Connection Mod ule (ACM) into your M3900 Ser ies Meridian Di gital Telephon e (refer to the ACM In stallati on) before yo u install your ATA. Th e ACM p rovides connection cap abilities between the M3902, M3903, M39 04, and M3905 telephones and t he ATA.
Installat ion Page 93 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n A red LED status light located on the ATA indicates the status of the ATA. • Flashing red indicates that th e ATA is operating normally .
Page 94 o f 174 Insta llatio n 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Flexible voice and data capabilit ies allow you to have continuou s use of both the Meridian Digital Telephone and the attached analog device. Y our system administrator configures the flexible voice and data capabilities for your teleph one on the system equip ment.
Installat ion Page 95 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 3 Click on Start. 4 Select Ru n. 5 Enter a:setu p (assuming tha t drive “a” is yo ur floppy disk driv e). 6 Click on OK. The Nortel Netw orks logo screen ap pears while the inst allation util ity loads.
Page 96 o f 174 Insta llatio n 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 2 Place t he tel epho ne and th e Modul e face dow n on a padde d, lev el surf ace, and al ign the m. 3 Plug the cable fro m the Module into the 10-pi n connecti on port on the telepho ne.
Installat ion Page 97 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Figure 15 KBA Footstand As sembly 7 To add a second Key-b ased Exp ansio n Module: a) Place the telephone and the two modules face down on a non-abras ive surface.
Page 98 o f 174 Insta llatio n 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 To install the Expansion KBA Footstand 1 Place th e Single KBA Footstand and the Expansio n KBA Foo tstand face down on a flat su rface. 2 Align the Expan sion KBA Footst and with the Single KBA Foots tand and slide the m together.
Installat ion Page 99 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 5 While depres sing the teleph one tilt handl e, swing the foots tand into the desired position, th en rele ase th e handle. 6 Care full y tu rn the new a ssem bly u prig ht.
Page 100 o f 174 Installati on 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 To re move th e Hoo kSwitch cove r: 1 Ease the cove r to the left and pull on the left side to rele ase the left snap. 2 While hold ing the lef t snap out, ease the c over to the rig ht and pull on the right si de to release the right sna p.
Inst allation Page 101 o f 1 74 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Headset options The M3901, M3 902, M390 4, and M3905 s upports an amplifie d headset whe n the headset con nects to the handset jack.
Page 102 o f 174 Installati on 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 To install the FDHF cartridge To install the F DHF cartridge in an M3904 Phas e III set, perform the following step s: 1 Check the label on the back of your set to make sure that it is an M3904 Phase III set (NTMN34GA).
Inst allation Page 103 o f 1 74 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Figure 19 Wall transfo rmer connection T elephone wall jack W all transformer adapter jack W all transformer adapter plug 553-A0101 Notes: 1.
Page 104 o f 174 Installati on 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002.
Page 10 5 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 110 Environmen tal and safety consi derat ions Contents The following are the topics in this section: R e f e r e n c el i s t.. ....... ..
Page 106 o f 174 Environmen tal and safety con sideratio ns 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Temperature an d humidity Oper ating s tate: T emperature ran ge 0° to 50°C (32° to 104°F) Relati ve humi dity 5% to 95% (nonconden sing).
Environm ental and safety c onsiderat ions Page 107 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Safety and Electromagnetic C ompatibility The.
Page 108 o f 174 Environmen tal and safety con sideratio ns 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Headset considerations Test the headset w ith the teleph one before us ing.
Environm ental and safety c onsiderat ions Page 109 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Line engineerin g The M3900 Series Meridian Di gital Telephones use twi sted pair wiring on transmission lines determined by the rules in Digital Telephone Line Engineeri ng (553-2201-18 0).
Page 110 o f 174 Environmen tal and safety con sideratio ns 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002.
Page 11 1 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 170 Appendix A: Flash Download procedur e Contents F e a t u r eo v e r v i e w.. .......... ........ ...... ........ ...... .. 1 1 3 F l a s hD o w n l o a dP r o c e d u r eo v e r v i e w.
Page 112 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 I n s t a l ls o f t w a r eo nC o r e / N e t0.. ....... ........ ...... ........ 1 4 8 E x i t i n gs p l i tm o d e.. ........... ...... .......
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 113 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Feature overview M3900 Flash Download provides the capabi lity to download a new firmware versio n from the Meridian 1 to an M3900 telephon e.
Page 114 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Flash Download Procedure overview See Tables 15 and 16 for the overall steps needed to perform a flash download. Table 15 is f or small systems and Table 16 i s for large systems.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 115 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Release 2 Not e: This is not a standard process. M3900 Release 2 phones should not be configured on a Release 24.
Page 116 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Release 2 Not e: This is not a standard process. M3900 Release 2 telephones should not be configured on a Release 25.08 system) . 1. Follow s mall system 25.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 117 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 25.10 Re-issue Ye s Release 1; Release 2 1. Call Nortel Networks technical su pport to fi nd o ut how to re cei ve an upgr ade.
Page 118 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 25.1 5 25. 15 Reissue NO Release 1; Release 2 1. Determin e M3900 PSW V to instal l (see T able 18 on page 136 ). Select PSWV #1 G lobal or #4 N.A.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 119 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Ta b l e 1 6 Flas h Downl oad pro ced ure mat rix for l arg e syste ms (Part 1 of 3 ) Present software Upgrade to software Keycode required M3900 telephones Up grade steps 24.
Page 120 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 25.0 8 25. 08 Re-issue No Release 1 1. Call Nortel Networks tech nical support to find out how to recei ve an upgrade. 2. Follow the PSDL Ins tallati on P r o c e d u r e( s e e“ P S D LI n s t a l l a t i o n Procedur e” on page 142 ).
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 121 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Determining software, M390 0 PSWV, or firmware versions X11 software versions Use the ISS command in LD 22 to identify X1 1 software version s.
Page 122 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 An alternative procedure for both large and small systems is to download an M3900 set on the system and que ry the language v ersion for that s et through the set’s di splay diag nostics.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 123 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Detailed Fl ash Download procedure: 1 Identify sets to be downloaded. If possible, organi ze by Set typ e, TN Range, or DN Range.
Page 124 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 4 Based on the quantity of sets and the s ite situation, determine ho w the download will occur: a. Individ ual downloads ( Use individual commands in LD 32) b.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 125 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Figure 20 I n f o r m a t i o nd i s p l a y e dd u r i n gaf l a s hd o w n l o a d For the M39 04, an hour glass icon i s display ed durin g the flash m emory erase process (see F igure 21).
Page 126 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Upon receiving the first flas h data packet, a page status bar is displayed (see Figure 23 ).
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 127 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n SDL2 110 e hw a v m : Failed to download sof twar.
Page 128 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 e (cause of t he err or for M3900 ) can be: 1 = Timeout error 2 = PSW checksum error 3 = Record .
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 129 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n LD 97 – Configure the system-wide Flash Download p arameters. Prompt Respons e Descrip tion REQ CHG PRT Change Flash Download parameters.
Page 130 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Overlay 32 To use the Flash Download capabilit y, load Overlay 3 2 and issue the following commands: FSTN lscu cu S tarting te rminal nu mber for F lash Dow nload.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 131 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Single-Set Flas h Download Flash DownLoad Unit (FDL U) - initiate flash down load for th is unit. For this command to work, the s et must be in an idle state.
Page 132 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Flash Download Sy stem (FDLS) - initiate syst em-wide flash downlo ad based on the pa rameters specified in LD 9 7.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 133 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Table 17 shows the estimated Fl ash Download times.
Page 134 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Firmware Version o n Unit (FWVU) - Print current firmware ver sions on the unit . You can query and print th e firmware ve rsions (down loadable fla sh firmware, as well as core f irmware) currently o n the specified set using this command.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 135 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Where: tttt = 3902, 3903, 3904, 390 5 cc = 0-99 d.
Page 136 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Ta b l e 1 8 Firmware and PSWV versions PEC codes PSWV codes F/W co des 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M3900 SET .
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 137 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n The following notes apply to Table 18: Note 1: For Column 1 labeled M3900 Set , XX is a two-letter alpha character that is part of the product code.
Page 138 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 with a “FA” designation for U.S. and Canada sets and “EA” for Canada only icon sets. Note 2: For Column 4 labeled M1 F/W File , the two-letter alpha character followed b y two numbers (fo rmat: 390x.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 139 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n • When a system is first brou ght into service with M3900 s ets, there is a significant amount of messaging that occurs to activate the sets through the Lamp Audit background routine.
Page 140 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 • Norte l Networks strongly recommends that you not force load an overlay (load with a Suspend option) unles s there is an emergency while PSWV is in progress.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 141 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n • When scheduling th e Flash Download of se ts, note that one hour b efore the Midnight routines execute, the flash download process is gracef ully stopped.
Page 142 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 PSDL Installati on Procedure During a fl ash download, the system downloads the contents of a PSDL/PSW V file to an M3900 set.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 143 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Table 19 summarizes the required s teps to perform this procedur e. Perform a data dump 1 Load the Equipment Data Dump Program (LD 43).
Page 144 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 STAT the hardw are 1 Load LD 137 and get the status of the hard disks. Note: Be sure the hard disks are s ynchronized. If no t, synchronize before proceeding .
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 145 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 2 Verify that IODU/C 0 is active.
Page 146 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Note 1: If th e CD-RO M is not in the C D drive of the IODU/C, th e installation procedu re will not contin ue. Insert the CD-ROM into the drive to con tinue.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 147 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 12 The list of PSDL files that can be downloaded appear s. Select the PSDL file you desire. The install program b acks up your current PSDL file and installs the new file.
Page 148 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Test Core/Net 1 1 Test Call Pro cessing. This includes, but i s not lim ited to the foll owing: a. Check for dial tone. b. Make internal, external, and network calls.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 149 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 7 Remov e the CP Install Progr am diskett e and insert the Keyco de diskette.
Page 150 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 The system automatically performs a sysload, during which several messages appear on the system termina l. Wait for DONE and th en the INI messages to be dis played before c ontinuing .
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 151 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 2 Switch Cores an d test the other s ide (Core/Ne.
Page 152 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Sync hro nize t he har d disks 1 Load LD 137 and synchronize the hard disks. Synchronization can take up to 50 minutes. To be sure that the contents of IODU/ C 1 are copied to IODU/C 0, verify that IODU/ C 0 is disabled.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 153 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Install procedure for Option 51C Use this procedu.
Page 154 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 STAT the hardw are 1 Load LD 137 and get the status of the hard disks. LD 137 STAT Get the stat us of the har d disks 2 Load LD 135 and get th e status of the C P, CNI, and memory.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 155 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 9 The PSDL Installation Menu appears.
Page 156 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Complete the upgrade 1 Perform a redundancy sanity test using the following sequence: LD 135 STAT CNI Get s tatus of CNI card STAT CPU Get st atus of CPU and memory 2 Clea r the display and mi nor alarms.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 157 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 5 Select item 9 - Change 3900 series set languages from the Utilities menu The Utilities men u displays: Utilities Menu: 1.
Page 158 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 7 Specify drive nam e for 3900 series l anguage set files in PCMC IA Enter selection: A WARNING: Fo llowing selectio n will overwrite th e existing psd l.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 159 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Table 21 summarizes the required s teps to perform this procedur e. Perform a data dump 1 Load the Equipment Data Dump Program (LD 43).
Page 160 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 STAT the hardw are 1 Load LD 137 and get the status of the hard disks. Note: Be sure the hard disks are s ynchronized. If no t, synchronize before proceeding .
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 161 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Install PSDL file on Core/Net 1 1 Pla ce the CP PII In stal l disk int o the MMD U floppy d rive of Co re 1.
Page 162 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 6 When prompted , remove the CP PII Install Pro gram diskette, and inse rt the Keycode diskette.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 163 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Test Core/Net 1 1 Test Call Processin g. This includes, bu t is not limited to the follo wing: a. Check for dial tone.
Page 164 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 3 At the t erminal, pr ess <cr > to start t he sof tware ins tallation . 4 When pr ompted, remove t he CP PII In stall Program d iskette and inse rt the Keycode disk ette.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 165 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n Exitin g split mod e From the active side (C ore 1), join w ith Core 0 t o establi sh redunda ncy: LD 135 JOI N Tell Core 0 to warm start and update its di sk image.
Page 166 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 Commands for System wi de Flash Download of M3900 sets LD 97 – Configure parameter s for System-wide Flash Download. Prompt Respons e Descrip tion REQ CHG PRT Change Flash Download parameters.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 167 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n FTNR (NO) YES TN range rest riction op tion for Flash D ownloa d. No TN restricti on (default) S pecify TN range.
Page 168 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 LD 32 – Flash Download commands. FRCE (NO) YES System -wide Flash Down load cont rol option.
Appendix A: Flash Downlo ad procedu re Page 169 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n . FDLS Initi ate system -wide Flash D ownloa d to all, or a specified type of M3900 Seri es teleph ones, based on p aram eters s p e c i f i e di nL D9 7 .
Page 170 o f 174 Appe ndi x A: Fl ash Down load p ro cedur e 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002.
Page 17 1 of 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n 174 List of terms ACD Automatic Call Dis tribution ACM Accessory Connection Module ATA A.
Page 172 o f 174 Li st of t erms 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002 DN Director y Number EIA Electronic Industries As sociation FCC Federa l Communication s Commissi on FDHF Full Duplex Handsf.
List of terms Page 173 o f 174 M3900 Se ries M eridian D igital Te lepho nes Desc ription, In stall ation and Administratio n SCPW Station C ontrol led Passw ord, pa rt of stat ion con figuratio n TN .
Page 174 o f 174 Li st of t erms 553-3001 -216 Stand ard 5.00 Janu ary 2002.
Family Prod uct Manual Cont acts Copyrigh t FCC notice T rademarks Document numb er Product rel ease Documen t release Date Pub lish Meridian 1 M3900 Seri es Meridian Digit al T elephones Desc ription, Inst a llation an d Administra tion Copyright © 1999–2002 Nortel Networks All Rights Reserved Information is subject to change without notice.
An important point after buying a device Meridian Audio M3900 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Meridian Audio M3900 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Meridian Audio M3900 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Meridian Audio M3900 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Meridian Audio M3900 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Meridian Audio M3900, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Meridian Audio M3900.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Meridian Audio M3900. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Meridian Audio M3900 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center