Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product C790 Lexmark
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C790 Series Use r's Gu ide January 2 011 www.lex Machine ty pe(s): 5062 Mod el (s ): 210, 2 30, 235.
Cont ents Safe ty inf orm ation. ........... ..... ........... ..... ...... ........... ..... ........... ..... ........... ..... 6 Learn ing about th e printe r....... ........ ............... ........ ............... ....... ......... ......8 Than k you fo r ch oosing t his p rin ter!.
Loadi ng pa per an d s pecial ty media.................................. ..........................61 Se tting the pap er size and type ....... ... ... .... ... ...... .... .... ... ...... .... ... ... .... ....... ... ... .... ... ....... ... .... ..
Main taining the pr inte r....... ...... .......... ...... ..... ........... ..... ........... ..... .......... 15 0 Clean ing the exter ior of the p rint er... ... ..... ... ... .. ... ..... ... ... ... ..... ... ... .. ... ..... ... ... .. ...... ..
Solvin g ho me scree n ap plicat ions prob lems... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... .... .. ...... .... ... .. ....... ... ... ... ... .... ...1 93 Solvin g op tion p roblem s.. .... ....... .... .... .... ....... .... .... ... .... .
Safety inform ation Connec t the power cord to a prop erly gro unded elec trical o utlet that is near the pro duct and eas ily acces sible. Do not pl ace or use th is prod uct near wa ter or wet loca tions. CA UTION—POTENTIAL I NJURY: This pr oduc t uses a laser .
CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : Do not se t up this prod uct or make an y electrical o r cabling connec tions , such as t he fax f eature, pow er c ord, or telephone , during a lightning stor m. CAU TI ON —TI PPI NG H AZ ARD : Floor-mou nted co nfigurat ions require addit ional f urnitur e for s tability.
Learning about the printer Than k y ou for c ho os ing t h is p rin ter ! We've worked hard to make sure it will meet your needs. To star t using your new printer r ight away, u se the setu p materials that c ame with th e printer, a nd then skim the Us er’s Guid e to learn how to perform basic tasks .
What are you looking for? Fi nd it her e Help us ing the printer sof tware Windows or Mac Help—Open a pr inter software progr am or ap plic atio n, and th en clic k He l p . Clic k ? t o vi ew c o ntext-s ens itive in for mation . No t es: • The H elp inst al ls aut omat ica lly wit h the print er sof twa r e.
– C le a n, dr y, an d f r ee of du st • Allow the fo llowing recomm ende d amount of sp ace a round t he pri nter fo r pr oper v entilat ion: 1 2 3 4 5 1 15 2.4 mm (6.0 i n.) 2 10 1.6 mm (4.0 i n.) 3 60 9. 6 mm (2 4. 0 in . ) 4 381 m m (15.0 in.) 5 30 4.
You c an config ure you r basic printer by addi ng opti onal t rays. 1 2 3 4 7 6 5 1 Standard exit bin 2 Wire b ai l 3 Pri n te r con trol pan el 4 Standard 5 50-sheet tray 5 Optional 5 50-sheet tra y.
Item De sc ri ptio n 4 Sl eep Enables Sl eep Mode or Hibernate Mode The following are the statuses of the indicator l ight and the Sl eep button: • Enter ing o r w akin g fro m Sl eep Mo de—Th e in dicat or light is illumin ated so lid g reen, Slee p but ton is u nill uminat ed.
Understanding the home screen Understand ing t he home screen When the printer is turned on , the d isplay s hows a basic screen, r eferred to as t he home s creen.
To uc h To 8 Tip s Open a context-sensitive Help inform ation on the touch sc reen. This ma y also a ppear o n the hom e scre en: To uc h To Search Held Jobs Search cur rent held jobs.
To uc h To 4 R ight arro w Scroll to the ri ght. 5 Ri gh t s crol l in cr e a se Scro ll t o ano the r va lue in incr easi ng ord er. 6 L eft sc roll dec re ase Scro ll t o an oth er value in d ecre asing or der. 7 Dow n a r row Sc ro ll do wn . 8 Accept S ave a setting.
Fe atu res Featur e Desc ripti on M enu trai l line: Men u s > Settings > Print Setting s > Number of Copies A m enu trail line is l ocated at the top of each menu screen. T his feature acts as a trail, s howing the path taken to ar rive at the current menu.
Customizing the home scr een Notes: • Your hom e screen, ic ons, and buttons may var y dependi ng on yo ur ho me scre en customiz ation sett ings, administ rative setup, a nd act ive embedd ed appli catio ns. Some ap plications are su pported o nly on selec t printer models .
To ch ange the bac kground of the p rinter h ome s cree n using the p rinte r con trol pa nel, do the fol lowing : 1 From the home screen, navigate to: Change Bac kground > select background to use 2 Touc h .
Show room Icon Des cr ipt ion The application lets you create and display a customiz ed slide show on the touch screen of your printer. You can s pecify how l ong each slide is displayed, and images can be loaded ei ther from a flash drive or through the pri nter Embedded We b Server.
Import ing a conf igurati on 1 From the Emb edded Web S erv er, click Settings or Confi guration . 2 Click Devic e Solution s > Solut ions (e SF) , or click Embe dde d Sol utions . 3 From Installed S olutio ns, click the name o f the app lication you want to configur e.
Add i t iona l pr in ter s etup Ins talling inte rnal optio ns CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re acces sing t he system boar d or installi ng optiona l har dware or me mory devi ces so metime afte r setti ng up the printer, t hen turn the print er off, and unpl ug the po wer cord from th e wall out let before continuing.
Usin g the secur i ty lock feat ure The print er i s equipped w ith a securit y lock feat ure. When a lock co mpatible w ith most lapt op com puters is attached, the printer is locked. Once locked, the m etal plate and t he system board cannot b e removed.
Acce ssing the sy stem bo ard CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re acces sing t he system boar d or installi ng optiona l har dware or me mory devi ces so metime afte r setti ng up the printer, t hen turn the print er off, and unpl ug the po wer cord from th e wall out let before continuing.
b Shift the m etal pane l to the lef t to disengage t he ho oks, then pu ll forw ard to remo ve it. 3 Use the fo llowing illust ration to locate t he appropr iate connec tors. Warning—P otent ial Damage: System board electronic components are easily damaged by stat ic electricity.
4 Reattach th e system boa rd cover. Warning—P otent ial Damage : System board electronic components are easily damaged by static electricity. Touch some thing me tal on the pri nter before to uching a ny s ystem boar d electro nic comp onents or c onnectors .
Installing a memory card CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re acces sing t he system boar d or installi ng optiona l har dware or me mory devi ces so metime afte r setti ng up the printer, t hen turn the print er off, and unpl ug the po wer cord from th e wall out let before continuing.
4 Alig n the notc hes o n the memor y c ard to the ridg es o n the c onnector. 1 2 1 Notch 2 Rid ge 5 Push the memory card straig ht into the c onnector u ntil it c licks in t o p l ac e.
Installing a flash memory or firmwa re card The syst em b oard has t wo c onnect ions for an optio nal f lash m emory o r firmw are car d. Only o ne of each may be insta lled, but the c onn ectors ar e inte rchangeable .
Note s: • The entir e lengt h of th e connector on the c ard must tou ch and be f lush against t he s ystem boa rd. • Be carefu l not t o damag e the connect ors. 5 Reattach th e system boa rd cover. Instal ling an I nterna l Soluti ons Port The syst em bo ard support s one optional Lexm ark I nternal S olutio ns Port (ISP ).
5 Remove the metal cover fro m the ISP opening. 2 1 6 Align the posts of th e plastic tee to the holes on the system b oard, and press down u ntil the tee cli cks in to place. Be sure each post of the tee ha s latched completely, and the tee is seated firm l y on the sy stem board.
7 Install the ISP on the plastic tee. Angle the ISP over the p lastic tee, and then slant it toward the plastic tee so that any overhan ging con nectors will pas s through the ISP op ening in the s ystem bo ard cage. 8 Lower the ISP towar d the plastic tee unt i l the ISP is seated betw een the guides of the plastic tee.
9 Inse rt the long thum bscrew and t urn it clo ckwise, e nough to hold t he ISP in place, but do not yet t ighten t he thum bscrew . 10 Attach the two p rovided s crews to secure t he ISP mountin g brack et to the system board ca ge. 11 Tig hten t he lon g thumbsc rew.
13 Reattach th e system boa rd cover. Instal ling a print er hard dis k Note: This t ask requires a flat head screw driver. CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re acces sing t he system boar d or insta.
3 Locate the appropriate connector on the system board. Note: If an opt ional IS P is currently i nstalled, then t he printer h ard disk m ust be ins talled on to the ISP. To ins tall a pr inter hard disk onto t he ISP: a Using a fl athe ad scre wd river, l oosen th e scre ws.
c Ali gn the stan doffs of the printer h ard d isk to the holes in th e ISP, an d then p ress down o n the printer har d disk until the st ando ffs are in place . d Inser t the plug of the printer h ard disk interf ace cable into th e receptacle o f the ISP.
To ins tall a pr inter har d disk direct ly on the syste m board: a Align th e standoffs of the printer hard disk to th e h oles in th e system board, and then press down on the printer hard disk unt il the s tandof fs are in place. b Use th e two pro vided screws to attach the printer hard di sk mounting br acket.
4 Reattach th e system boa rd cover. Addit ional pr inte r se tup 37.
Remo ving a print er hard disk Note: This t ask requires a flat head screw driver. Warning—P otential Damage: Sys tem b oard electr onic components are easily damaged by static electricity. Touch some thing met al o n the pri nte r before t ou ching any syst em board e lectronic comp onent s or c onnectors .
4 Se t the print er ha rd di sk aside . 5 Reattach th e system boa rd cover. Orde r of in st alla t ion CAUTION—P OTENTIAL INJ URY: The printer weight is grea ter than 18 kg ( 40 lb) and requires two or more trained personn el to lif t it safel y.
4 Align t he printe r with the tray, and then low er the print er into place. Note: Op tional trays loc k together when st acked. When nece ssary, remove stac ked tra ys one at a time f rom the top do wn. 2 1 1 Standard 550- she et tray (T ray 1) 2 Option al 550-sheet trays 5 Turn th e printer back on.
2 1 1 Standard bin 2 Finis her bi n Standard bi n • The pape r ca pacity i s 50 0 she ets. • Finishi ng options are n ot suppo rte d in thi s bin. • Envelopes are routed here. Finis her bin • The pape r ca pacity i s 50 0 she ets. • Envelop es, A5 , A6 and stat emen t paper si zes a re not s uppor ted in this bin.
Finishing features Paper s ize Two- hole pu nch Three- or four -hole punc h 5-b in mailb ox 500-Sh eet S taple Finis her A4 A5 X X X Execu tive Folio X JIS B5 Leg a l L etter Statement X X Univ ersa l.
1 2 1 US B p or t Warn ing—P ote ntia l Dama ge: Do not touch th e USB cabl e, any netwo rk adapter , or the pr inter in the area shown while actively printing.
Printing a network set up pa ge If the pri nter is attac hed to a netw ork, then print a netwo rk setup pa ge to verify the net work connect ion. This page also pr ovides i mpor tant info rmatio n that aids net work pr inting c onfig uration.
Updat ing ava ilable opt ions in t he prin ter driver Once t he printer soft ware an d any o ptions ar e instal led, it m ay be nec essary to manu ally ad d the options in the printer drive r to make them availa ble fo r print jobs. For Wi ndow s us er s 1 Open the printers folder: a Click , or click Start and then clic k Run .
• SSID —The SSID is also refer red to as the network name. • Wirele ss Mode ( or Netwo rk Mo de) —The mode will be either infrastruc ture or ad h oc. • Channe l (for ad hoc network s) —The chann el defaults to auto for in frastruc ture netw orks.
1 Connec t the po wer cable to th e printer and t hen to a properly grou nded e lectrical outlet, and the n turn the print er on. 1 2 Make sure t he print er and computer are f ully o n and ready. Do not connec t the USB cabl e until ins truc ted to do s o on the comput er s creen.
6 Temporarily connect a USB cable between the computer on the wireless networ k and the printer. Note: Af ter the prin ter is configured, th e soft ware will instru ct you to disconne ct the temporary USB cab le so you can print wirelessly. 7 Follow the instructions on the computer screen.
En te r th e p ri nte r inf orm a tio n 1 A cc es s th e Ai r P ort o pti on s: In Mac OS X version 10.5 or later From t he App le menu, n aviga te to : System Pref erences > Net work > AirPor t In Mac OS X version 10.
Conf igu re you r comp uter t o us e the pr inter wire less ly To pr int on a net work pr inter, eac h Mac intos h user mus t install a c us tom pri nter dri ve r file and c rea te a print que ue in the Pri nter Setup U tility or Pr i nt C enter.
6 From t he sec ond pop- up men u, selec t Loca l Appl eTalk Zone . 7 Select the printe r from the list, and then c lick Add . Inst all ing the pr in ter on a wir ed n etwor k These ins tructio ns ap ply to Et hernet and fiber optic network c onne ctions.
5 Type the us er passw ord, and t hen click OK . All th e necessary a pplic ations are in stalled i n the c omputer . 6 Cli ck Clo se when ins tallat ion is c ompl ete.
Chan ging po rt set tings after i nstall ing a new ne twork Internal So luti ons Por t When a new Lexm ark Inte rnal So lutions P o rt (IS P) is i nstalled i n the pri nter, the print er conf iguration s on comput ers that access the pr inter must be updated si nce the pri nter will be assigne d a new IP addres s.
If you do not know the IP addr ess o f the p rinter, yo u can: • View the IP add ress on the print er contro l panel in t he TCP/IP sect ion unde r the N etwor ks/Por ts menu. • Prin t a netw ork setup page or the m enu sett ings pages and l ocate the IP a ddress in the TC P/IP secti on.
After ins talling the ser ial or commun ication (COM ) port, conf igure the pr inter an d the computer so they c an comm unicat e. Make sure you hav e connec ted t he seri al cable t o the C OM po rt on yo ur print er. 1 Set the param eters in the prin ter: a From t he prin ter cont rol pa nel, navigat e to the me nu with por t se tting s.
Minimizing your printer's enviro nmental impact Lexmark is comm itted to environment al susta inabil ity and is con tinually i mpro ving its pr inters to reduce t heir impac t on the environment. We design with the enviro nment in mind, engineer our packaging to reduce materials, and provide collect ion and rec ycling programs.
Avo id p a per jam s Corr ectly set t he paper type and si ze t o avoi d paper jams. F or more i nfor mation , see “ Avoid ing jams” o n page 1 63. Print in black and white To prin t all text and graphics using o nly the black pr int cart ridge, set the pr inter to Black Only.
Choose To Off Note : Sel ec ti ng Photo from the driver may disable Q uiet Mo d e . Use factory default s ettings. This setting supports the performance specifications of y our printer. On Reduce printer noise. • Print jobs wi ll process at reduced speed.
If you do not know the IP addr ess o f the p rinter, yo u can: • View the IP add ress on the print er contro l panel in t he TCP/IP sect ion unde r the N etwor ks/Por ts menu. • Prin t a netw ork setup page or the m enu sett ings pages and l ocate the IP a ddress in the TC P/IP secti on.
Recycling Lexmark pro ducts To retu rn Lexmark pro ducts for re cycling: 1 Visit our Web site at www.lex ecycle . 2 Find t he produc t type yo u want to recycle, a nd then se le ct your count ry or r egion f rom th e list. 3 Follow the instructions on the computer screen.
Loading paper and specialty media This section explains how to load the 550-sheet tr ay, a n option al 2,000-s heet tray, a m ultipurpose f eeder, and an optio nal 550 -she et spec ialty m edia d rawer. I t also inc ludes informat ion abo ut pape r ori enta tion, set ting t he Pap er Si ze and Pap er Ty pe, and l inking and unlin king trays.
Load ing th e stand ard or option al 5 50-sheet tray The printer h as one standard 5 50-sheet tr a y ( Tray 1), and may have one o r more optio nal 550-sheet trays. A ll 550-sheet trays support the sam e paper sizes and ty pes. CA UTION—POTENTIAL I NJURY: To redu ce the risk of equip ment instab ility, load each paper drawer or tray separately.
2 Squeeze and then slide the width guide to the co rrect position for the paper size you are loading. 3 Squeeze and then slide the length guide to the corr ect pos ition for the paper size you are loading. Note: The length g uide has a loc king dev ice.
Note s: • Place the print s ide fa cedo wn for duple x print ing. • Place pre-punc hed paper with the holes towar d the fr ont of the t ray. • Place letterheads faceup wi th the header on the left side of the tray. • Place letterheads facedown with th e header on the right side of the tray for duplex printing.
Loading the 2000-sheet high -capacity feeder The hig h-capacity f eeder c an hol d up to 2, 000 sheet s o f A4-, letter -, or le gal-size p aper ( 80 g /m 2 or 20 lb) . CA UTION—POTENTIAL I NJURY: To redu ce the risk of equip ment instab ility, load each paper drawer or tray separately.
4 L oa d p ape r i n to th e tr a y w ith the p rin t si d e f a c eu p . ABC Note: Make su re the paper is below the max imum fill li ne lo cate d on the edge of the paper tray. Overloadin g the tray can c ause pa per j ams. Note s: • Place pre-punc hed paper with the holes towar d the fr ont of the t ray.
Loadin g the multi purpose feeder The mul tip urpose feede r can h old se veral s izes and types of pri nt media, such as t ranspar enc ies, label s, card s tock, and envelo pes. It c an be used for single -page or manua l pri nting, or a s an a dditiona l tray.
3 Flex the sheets of paper or specialty media back and forth to loosen them. Do not fold or crease them. Straighten the edges on a level surface. Paper Enve l ope s Transparenci es No te : Avoid scratchi ng or touc hing the pri nt side. 4 Push the paper p ick tab , and then lo ad the paper or s pec ialty media .
• Lo ad envelopes with the flap side up and to the righ t. Warning—P otential Damage: Never use e nvelo pes wit h stamps , clasps, snaps, windows , coat ed lini ngs, or self-s tick ad hesiv es. The se en velope s may severe ly damage t he p rinter.
Unlink ing trays Note: Trays t hat do no t have th e same sett ings a s any oth er tray a re not li nked. Change o ne of the foll owing tr ay setting s: • Paper T ype Paper Type na mes des cribe the pape r cha racteristic s.
Ass igning a custom pa per t ype name 1 From the home screen, navigate to: > P ape r Men u > P a pe r S iz e /T y pe 2 Select the tray number or MP Feeder Type. 3 Touc h the lef t or ri ght a rro w until Cu stom T yp e [x ] o r anothe r custom name ap pears.
Paper and specialty media guide Pa per gu ide l ine s Paper characteristics The fo llowing paper charact eristics a ffect pr int quali ty and reli ability. C ons ider these cha racteristic s when evalu ating new pape r st ock. Weight The prin ter can aut omatically f ee d paper weig hts f rom 60 to 220 g/ m 2 (16 t o 58 lb bo nd) grai n long .
Fib er cont en t Most hig h-quali ty xerog raphic paper is made from 10 0% c hemically tr eated pulped wood. T his content prov ides the paper with a high degr ee of s tability resulting in fewer paper feeding problems and better print quality. P aper containing fibers s uch as cott on can negat ively affect pap er hand ling.
Prepr inted paper s such as let terhead mus t be abl e to withstand t emper atures up to 19 0°C (374°F ) witho ut melt ing or rel easing hazard ous em issi ons.
Sup p orte d pap er s i zes , type s, an d w e ight s The fol low ing tables pr ovide in for mation on stan dard a nd optio nal pa per in put sour ces and t he ty pes of paper t hey sup port. Note: To use a pape r siz e that is unlist ed, configur e a Un iversal Paper S ize.
Paper s ize Dimension s Sta nda rd 5 50- she et tra y (T r ay 1) Opti on al 5 50- she et tra y Opti on al 2, 00 0- sh ee t tra y Mult ip urp ose feeder Duplexer Univ ersa l Note : Turn s ize sen sing off to support universal sizes that are cl ose to standard medi a size s .
Supported pape r type s and wei ghts The printer supp orts 6 0–1 76 g/m 2 (16 –47 lb) pape r weig hts for one -sided print ing. Two-s ided pr inting is s uppor ted on 64–176 g/m 2 (17–47 lb) pape r weig hts. Note: Label s, transpare ncies, enve lopes, and card stoc k always pr int at re duced speed.
Printing This c hapter c over s print ing, pri nter repo rts, and jo b cancel ation. T he selec tion and ha ndling of pap er and specialt y medi a can aff ect how r eliably d ocument s print . Fo r more inform ation, s ee “A voidin g jams” on page 163 and “Stor ing paper” o n page 74 .
If you do not know the IP addr ess o f the p rinter, yo u can: • View the IP add ress on the print er contro l panel in t he TCP/IP sect ion unde r the N etwor ks/Por ts menu. • Prin t a netw ork setup page or the m enu sett ings pages and l ocate the IP a ddress in the TC P/IP secti on.
2 From the printe r con trol pa nel, touch t he do cument you w ant t o print. 3 Touch t he arr ows to increas e th e number of co pies to print, an d then t ouch Pr int . Note s: • Do not r emove the flash d rive f rom the U SB port until the doc ument has fin ished p rinting.
Pr inti ng s pe cia lt y d ocu men t s Tips on using letterhea d • Use lett erhead desig ned specifically f or laser printers . • Pri nt sampl es on the l e tterhead be ing cons idered for use be for e buying lar ge quant ities. • Before loading letterhead, flex the sheet s to prevent them from sticking together.
• Use only n ew enve lopes f rom undamag ed packag es. • To op timize p erfo rmance an d minim ize jams , do no t use env elo pes that: – Have exc essi ve curl or twist . – Ar e stuck together or damaged in any way. – Have windo ws, holes, p erfo rations , cutout s, or embo ssing.
Tips on us ing c ard stock Card stock is heavy, sing le-ply spec ialty medi a. Ma ny of its vari able ch aracte ristic s, such as mo isture conte nt, thickn ess, and textur e, can signif icantly impac t pri nt qualit y. Pri nt sampl es on the card st ock bein g consider ed for use befor e buying large quant ities.
Printing con fid ential a nd other hel d jobs Note: Confidential and Ver ify pr int jobs ar e automat icall y delet ed from m emor y after printin g. Re peat and Res erve jobs ar e held in the printer unt il you cho ose to delete them. For Wi ndow s us er s 1 With a d ocum ent ope n, cli ck File > Prin t .
Printing a direct ory list A direc tory li st show s the re sourc es s tored in a fla sh mem ory or o n the pri nter hard disk . From the home scr een, navigate to: > Repor ts > Pr int D irec tory Canc eling a pri nt job There are several methods for canceling a print job.
4 From the print er windo w, sel ect the print job you want to cancel. 5 From th e icon bar at the top of th e windo w, click th e Delete icon. Prin ting 86.
Understanding pr inter menus Me nu s li st Su ppli es Pap er Me nu Rep ort s Sett i ngs Cyan Ca rt rid ge Magenta C artridge Ye llow C artridg e Blac k C artri dge Waste Toner Bottl e Fus er Transfer .
Suppl i es menu Men u it e m Desc ript io n Cyan Cartr idge Ea rly Warn ing In valid Cr itica lly Lo w Mi s si n g Def e c tiv e OK Unsupported Shows the status of the c yan print cartridge Magen ta C.
Men u it e m Desc ript io n Fuser Ea rly Warn ing Low Rep l a ce Mi s si n g OK Sho ws t he stat us of th e fus er Tra ns f e r mo d u le Ea rly Warn ing Low Rep l a ce Mi s si n g OK Shows the status.
Paper Size/Type menu Men u it e m De scri ptio n T ray [x] Siz e Letter Leg al Exec ut ive O ficio ( Mexico ) Folio Statem ent Un iv e r s al A4 A5 JIS B 5 Sp ecif ies t he pape r siz e l oa ded in e ach tray Note s: • Letter is the US factory defa ult setting .
Men u it e m De scri ptio n MP Fee der S ize Letter Leg al Exec ut ive O ficio ( Mexico ) Folio Statem ent Un iv e r s al 7 3/ 4 Env elo pe 9 Env elope 10 Env el ope DL E nv elo pe C5 Enve lo pe B5 En.
Men u it e m De scri ptio n Manu a l P ap er Si ze Letter Leg al Exec ut ive O ficio ( Mexico ) Folio Statem ent Un iv e r s al A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Specifies the s ize of the paper being manually loaded Note : Letter is the US factory defaul t setting. A4 is the i nternational factory default setting.
Configure MP menu Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Co nfi gure MP Cassette Manual Firs t Determines when the printer selects paper from the multipurpose feeder No t es: • Cassette is th e fac tory default setting. Cassette configures the multipurpos e feeder as the au tomatic paper source.
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Glo ssy Textu re Normal Rou g h Smooth Speci fies the relative texture of the gl ossy paper loaded Note : Normal i s the factor y default setting . Hea vy Glo ssy T ex tu re Normal Rou g h Smooth Speci fies the relative texture of the gl ossy paper loaded Note : Normal i s the factor y default setting .
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Heav y T ext ure Normal Rou g h Smooth Speci fies the relative texture of the paper loaded Note : Normal i s the factor y default setting . Roug h /C ott on T ext ur e Rou g h Specifies the relative tex ture of the cotton paper l oaded Note : Rough is th e fac tory default setting.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Viny l Lab els W eight Normal Heavy Lig h t Spe cif ies the relat ive weigh t of vinyl la bel s loade d Note : N ormal is the factory default setting. Bond W ei g ht Normal Heavy Lig h t Specifies the r elative weight of t he bond paper loaded Note : N ormal is the factory default setting.
Paper Loading m enu Men u it e m Descr i ptio n Card St ock Loa ding Off Dup lex Determines whether 2-s ided printing oc curs for all print jobs that speci fy Card S to ck as the pa per type Note : Off is the factory defa ult set t in g.
Men u it e m Descr i ptio n He avy Loadin g Off Dup lex Determines whether 2-s ided printing oc curs for all print jobs that specify Heavy as the p aper type Note : Off is the factory defa ult set t in g.
Cust om Name s me nu Men u it e m Def ini tio n Custom Name [x] [no ne ] Specify a custom name for a paper type. This name replaces the Custom Type [x] nam e in the pri nter menus.
Bin Set up me nu Men u it e m Desc rip tio n Outp ut B in Standard Bin Bi n [ x ] Specifies the def ault exit bin Note : Standard Bin i s the factor y default setting .
Repor ts menu Reports m enu Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Menu Settings Page Prints a report c ontaining information about t he paper loaded into tr ays, installed memory, to tal page c ount, alar ms, t.
Netw ork/ Ports menu Act ive N I C me nu Men u it e m Desc ri pti on Activ e NI C Auto [list of avail ab le network cards] Note s: • Auto is th e fac t ory def ault setting. • This menu item appears on ly if an optional network c ard is installed.
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Net wo r k B uf f er Auto 3KB to [max imu m size a llowed ] Sets the s ize of the network input buffer No te s: • Auto i s the factor y default setting .
Network/P orts > Standa rd Net work or Ne t wo r k [x ] > St a n d ar d Ne two rk S et u p or Netwo rk [x ] Setu p > Report s or Netw ork Repo rts Men u it e m De scr i ptio n Pri nt Se tu p .
Men u it e m Desc ript ion Net ma sk Lets you view or change the current TCP/IP netmask Gate way Lets you view or change the current TCP/IP gateway Enab le DH CP On Off Specifies t he DHCP add ress and parameter assign ment setti ng Note : On is the fac tory default setting.
Network/P orts > Standa rd Net work or Ne t wo r k [x ] > St a n d ar d Ne two rk S et u p or Netwo rk [x ] Setu p > IPv6 Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Enab le IPv 6 On Off Enab l es IP v 6 in t he prin ter Note : On is the fac tory default setting.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Compati bility 802.11b /g/ n 802.11n 802.11b /g Spec ifi es t h e w irel e ss st a nda rd for th e wi rel ess ne two rk Note : The 8 02.
Men u it e m Desc ript io n PS S ma r tSwi tc h On Off Sets th e printer to automati cally switch to PS emulation when a print job received through a USB p ort requires it, regardless of the default printer lang uage Note s: • On is the factory defaul t setting.
Men u it e m Desc ript io n ENA Add r ess yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy Sets th e network addr ess informati on for an external pr int server Note : Th is me nu ite m is av ailab le on ly if the pr inte r is atta ched to an ex tern al pri nt server throug h the USB por t.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Parall el Buffe r Auto 3KB to [max imu m size a llowed ] Di sa b le d Sets the siz e of the parall el input buffer Note s: • Auto i s the factory default s etting. • Disa bled turns off job buffering. Any print jobs already buffered on the printer hard disk are p rinted before normal p rocessing resumes.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Mac B ina r y PS Auto On Off Sets the printer to process Macintosh binary PostScript print jobs Note s: • Auto i s the factory default s etting. • Off filters print jobs us ing the standard protocol. • On processes raw bi nary PostScri pt print jobs.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n NP A Mode Auto On Off Sets the printer to perform the sp ecial proc essing required for bi directional communication following the conventions defi ned by the NPA protocol Note s: • Auto i s the factory default s etting. A uto sets the printer to examine data, determine the format, and then proc esses it appropriately.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Robu s t XO N Off On Determines whether the printer communicates availabi lity to the com puter Note s: • Off is the factory d efault setti ng. • This men u item app lies o nly to the se rial port if Serial Pro toco l is set to XON/XO FF.
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n SMTP Timeout 5–30 Specifies the am ount of time in seconds before th e server stops tr ying to send an e-mail Note : 30 seconds i s the factory def ault setting.
Sec uri ty m enu Misc ell aneou s Se curity Sett ings menu Men u it e m De scri ptio n Lo gi n R es tr ic ti on Login failures 1–1 0 Failure ti me frame 1–6 0 Lockout time 1–6 0 Pan el L og in T.
Men u it e m Des cri pt io n Ve rify Jo b Ex pira t ion Off 1 hour 4 hours 24 h ours 1 week Sets a time limit on how l ong the printer stores pr int jobs needin g verification Reserve Jo b Expira tion.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Aut oma tic Meth od Singl e pas s M ultiple pas s Automatic wi ping marks al l disk s pace used by a previou s print job and d oes not permit the file s ystem to reuse this space until it has been cl eared.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Co nf igur e Log Enab le Aud it No Yes Enab le Re mo te Sys log No Yes Remote Syslog Facility 0–2 3 Severity of events to log 0–7 Specifies whether and how audit logs are created Note s: • Enable A udit determines if events ar e recorded in the secure audit log and rem ote syslog.
Set ting s menu Ge neral Settings men u Men u it e m Desc ripti on Disp la y Lang uag e Eng lis h Fran cais Deu t s c h It alian o Espanol Gre ek Dan sk Norsk Nederlands Svenska Portuguese Suomi Rus s.
Men u it e m Desc ripti on Qu ie t M o de Off On Reduces the amount of noise produced by the printer Note s: • Off is the factory default setting. This s etting supports the performance specifications of your printer. • On configures the printer to produce as littl e noise as possible.
Men u it e m Desc ripti on Paper Si ze s US Met r i c Specifies the def ault paper measurement Note s: • The initial s etting is determined by your countr y or region sele cti on in the initial setup wizar d. • Changing thi s also changes the d efault setting for each input source in the Paper Size/ Type m e n u.
Men u it e m Desc ripti on Disp laye d Inf orm ati on Waste T oner Bottle Pap er J a m Loa d P ap er Se rvi c e Er r ors Lets you customize the displayed information for Waste T oner Bottle, Paper Jam.
Men u it e m Desc ripti on Outp ut L igh tin g Normal/Standby Mode Off Dim Brig ht Sleep Mo de Off Dim Brig ht Sets the amount of l ight from the optional e x it bin Note s: • Dim is the factory d efault setting for Normal /Standby Mode if E co-Mode is set to Energy or Energy/Paper .
Men u it e m Desc ripti on Alar ms Alarm Co n trol Cart ridg e Al arm Staple Al arm Hole Punch Alarm Sets an alar m to sound when the pr inter require s user intervention Availabl e op tions for eac h a larm type are : Off Si ng le Continuous Note s: • Single is the fac tory default setting for Alarm Control and Cartridge Alarm.
Men u it e m Desc ripti on Timeouts Wait Tim eout Disabled 15– 655 35 Sets the amount o f time ( in secon ds) the printer wai ts for additional data bef ore canceling a print jo b Note s: • 40 seconds is the f actory defaul t setting. • Wa it Time out is a vaila ble on ly wh en the pri nt er is us ing PostScript emulation.
Men u it e m Desc ripti on Press Sleep Button Sl eep Hibernate Do N ot h i ng Determines how the printer, while in I dle state, reacts to a short press of the Sleep bu tton Note s: • Sleep is the factory defaul t setting. • Sleep or Hibernate sets the printer to operate at a lower power configurati on.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Paper So urc e Tra y [ x] MP Feeder Manual Pa p er Manuel Envelope Sets a default paper source for all pr int jobs Note : Tray 1 (standard tray) i s the factory default setting . Color Colo r Bl ac k O nl y Generates colo r outputs Note : Color is the factor y default sett ing.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Paper S aver Off 2-Up 3-Up 4-Up 6-Up 9-Up 12-Up 16-Up Sp ecif ies t hat mu ltipl e-p age imag es be p rin ted o n on e sid e o f a pa per Note s: • Off is the factory d efault setti ng. • The nu mber selected is the number of page im ages that will pr int per side.
Setup me nu Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Prin ter L ang uag e PS Em ul at ion PC L Em ulat ion Sets the defaul t printer language Note s : • PS Emulation is the factory default setting. PostScript emulation uses a PS interpreter for pro cessing print jobs.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Downl oa d Ta rget RA M Flash Di sk Sets the storage location for downloads Note s : • RAM is the factory d efault setting. Storing do wnloads in RA M is t e mpora ry. • Storing downl oads i n flash memory or on a printer hard disk places them in per manent stor age.
Men u it e m De scri ptio n L og Ac tion at En d of Fre q uenc y None E- mail Cu rren t Log E-m ail & De lete C urrent Log Pos t C urr en t L o g Po st & Delete Curre nt Log Determines how the printer responds when the frequenc y threshold ex pires Note : None is the factory def ault se tting.
F ini shi n g men u Men u it e m De scr iptio n Si de s (D u ple x) 1 side d 2 side d Specifies whether duplex (2-sid ed) printing i s set as the default for all print jobs Note s: • 1 sided is th e fac tory default setting. • You can set 2 -sided printing from the software program.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Paper S aver Off 2-Up 3-Up 4-Up 6-Up 9-Up 12-Up 16-Up Sp ecif ies t hat mu ltipl e-p age imag es be p rin ted o n on e sid e o f a pa per Note s: • Off is the factory d efault setti ng. • The nu mber selected is the number of page im ages that will pr int per side.
Qu ali ty menu Men u it e m De scr ip tion Prin t Mode Colo r Bl ac k O nl y Sp ecif ies whet her im ages are pri nted in mon ochr ome grays cale o r in col or Note s: • Color i s the fac to ry def ault setting. • The printer driver i s capable of overriding this s etting.
Men u it e m De scr ip tion RGB Br i ght ne ss -6 t o 6 Adjusts br ightness in col or outputs Note s: • 0 is the factory defaul t setting. • This do es not affect fi les wher e CMYK col or speci fications a re used. RGB C ont r ast 0–5 Adjusts contrast in color out puts Note s: • 0 is the factory defaul t setting.
Men u it e m De scr ip tion Manu a l C ol or RG B I mag e sRG B Dis play Display—Tr u e Black sRG B Viv i d Off Vivid RG B Te x t sRG B Viv i d Off Vivid sRG B Dis play Display—Tr u e Black RGB Gr.
Utili ties menu Men u it e m De scr iptio n Remove H eld J obs Conf iden tial Held Not Restored All Removes confidential and hel d jobs fr om the prin ter hard di sk Note s: • Selecti ng a setti ng affects onl y print job s th at are re sident in the printer.
PDF menu Men u it e m Desc ript io n Sc a le to Fi t No Yes Scales pag e content to fit the s elected paper size Note : No i s the f actory default setting. Anno ta ti on s Do N ot Pr i nt Pri n t Prints annotati ons in a PDF Note : Do Not Print i s the factory def au lt s etting .
PCL Emul menu Men u it e m Desc ript io n Fo nt So urc e Resident Di sk Dow n lo ad Flash All Specifies the set of fonts used b y the Font Name menu i tem Note s: • Resident is the factory default setting. It s hows the factory default set of fonts downloaded i n RAM.
Men u it e m Desc ript io n PCL E mu latio n Sett ing s Lines per Page 1– 255 Specifies the number of lines that print on each page Note s: • 60 is the US factor y default s etting.
Men u it e m Desc ript io n Tray Ren umber Vi ew F a ct o ry De f a ul t s MPF Def ault = 8 T1 D efau lt = 1 T2 D efau lt = 4 T3 D efau lt = 5 T4 D efau lt = 2 0 T5 D efau lt = 2 1 Env Default = 6 MPa.
HTML menu Men u I te m Desc ript io n Font Name Albertus MT Antique Olive Apple Chancery Arial MT Avant G arde Bodoni Bookman Chi cago Clarendon Cooper Bl ack Copperplate Coro net Cour ier Eu ros tile.
Men u it e m Desc ript io n Mar g in S iz e 8–255 mm Sets the page m argin for HT ML documents Note s: • 19 mm is the f actory defaul t setting. • Mar gin si ze can be incre ase d in 1-m m incr ements .
English, F rench, Ge rman, and S panish tr anslati ons are stor ed in the p rinter. Other translat ions are availabl e on the Lexmark Web site at www.lexmark .
Securing the printer hard disk and other insta lled memory Sta teme nt of Vol ati li ty Your pr inter c ontain s vario us types o f mem ory that are c apabl e of st oring d evice a nd net work s ettings, informat ion from em bedded s olutions , and us er data.
Eras in g vo l ati le m em ory The volatile m emor y (RAM) installed o n your prin ter requi res a p ower sou rce to retain informatio n. To erase t he buffer ed data, sim ply po wer dow n the dev ice.
Eras in g pr in ter har d d i sk me mo ry Note: Not all printers have a h ard disk in stalled. Confi guring Dis k Wipin g in the prin ter menus enables yo u to rem ove res idual confiden tial mate ri al left by scan, pr int, copy, and fax jobs , by securely o verwrit ing file s that have b ee n marked fo r del etion.
4 Touc h Wipe Disk , and then t ouch on e of the foll owing: • Wi pe disk (f ast) —This le ts you overw rite t he disk with all zero es in a single p ass. • Wi pe disk (s e cure) —This lets you ov erwrite t he dis k with rando m bit pat terns several ti mes, follo wed b y a verificatio n pass.
Note s: • Do not turn off the p rinter du ring the encryp tion proces s. Doing so may res ult in loss of data. • Disk e ncryption c an take f rom sev eral min utes to mor e than an h our, du ring whic h the print er will be unavail able for ot her user tasks.
Maintaining the prin ter Perio dically, cert ain tasks are requir ed to ma intain op timum p rint qu ality. Clea ning th e exter i or of the pri nte r 1 Make s ure that the pri nter is t urne d off an d unplu gged fro m the w all outl et.
3 Locat e the fo ur pr inthead l enses. 4 Clean the lenses using compressed air. Warning—P otent ial Damage : Do not touch t he p rinthead lenses. 5 Reinst all the print cartrid ges. 6 Close the fro nt door. Stor in g suppl ies Choose a c ool , clean stor age area fo r the pr inter supp lies.
• High hum idity above 8 0% • Sal ty ai r • Cor ros ive g ases • Heavy dus t Checking the st atus of supp lies A messag e ap pears o n the disp lay when a re placem ent suppl y it em is ne eded or when mai nten ance is r equired.
Recommende d print cartridge and part number Part na me Lexmark R e turn P rogram Car tridge Re gular cartridge Cyan Pr in t Cartr id ge Cyan Extra Hi gh Yi eld Pri nt Cartridge C792A 1CG C792 X1C G C.
Orderin g a cleanin g kit Use the wet and dr y wipe s from the cleani ng kit to cle an the touc h s creen. Part na me Part n umber Cleaning kit (we t and dry wi pes) 40X 0392 Re pl ac in g s u pp l ies Replac ing a print cartridge 1 Open the fron t door.
3 Place the old cartridg e in the r eplac ement c artridge shipping box, and th en attach the re turn label to the box f or shippin g. 4 Unpac k a new print cartridg e. Warning—P otent ial Damage : Be caref ul no t to touch the phot ocond uctor dru m.
5 Shake the new cart ridge f ront-t o-back and side -to-side t o evenly distr ibute the tone r. 6 Rem ove the red pa cking s trip from the new car tridge . 7 Insert the new cart ridge into the printer, and then p ush the green handle back in place. Note: Make su re t he cart ridge is ful ly pushe d in.
8 Close the fro nt door. Replac ing the wa ste to ner bottle Replace the waste t oner bottle when 82. xx Re place wa ste to ne r bott le appear s. The printer will not continue pr inting until the was te to ner bo ttle is re placed . 1 Rem ove the re placemen t waste toner bottle fr om i ts shipp ing box, a nd then un pac k it.
5 Place the bag into the s hippin g box you remo ved t he repla cem ent part from . 2 1 6 Peel t he recy cling label off , and pl ace it on the sh ipping bo x. 1 2 7 Inse rt the new was te toner bo ttle i nto t he pri nter. 2 2 1 8 Close tr ay 1, and the n close the f ron t door .
• Turn t he p rinter o ff using the po wer switch, an d the n unplug the pow er c ord fr om the w all outlet . • Di sconnec t all cords and c ables from the pr inte r before mov ing i t. • Lift the printer off of the opti onal d rawer and s et it a side in stead of trying to lift the dra wer and pr inter at the same time.
Administrative support Find in g adva nced networ kin g and adm in istr ator inf o rmat ion This c hapter c over s basic ad minis trativ e suppo rt tasks using t he E mbedde d Web S erver.
If you do not know the IP addr ess o f the p rinter, yo u can: • View the IP add ress on the print er contro l panel in t he TCP/IP sect ion unde r the N etwor ks/Por ts menu. • Prin t a netw ork setup page or the m enu sett ings pages and l ocate the IP a ddress in the TC P/IP secti on.
Restor in g fact ory def aul t s etting s If you wa nt to retain a lis t o f the curr ent m enu set ting s for ref erenc e, t hen pri nt a menu sett ings pag e bef ore res toring the fac tory default setti ngs. Warning—P otential Damage: Restori ng fact ory def aults r eturns most pr inter s etting s to the ori ginal f actor y def ault setting s.
Clea ring jams By carefully selec ting paper s and spec ialty media and loa ding it properly, yo u should be a ble to avo id mo st jams. F or more inf ormat ion, see “A voiding jams” on page 163. If ja ms do o ccur, follow the s teps outlin ed in this chapt er.
6 5 4 1 2 3 Area Jam numbe rs What to do 1 200-2 39 Open side door, and then remove the jam med paper. 2 24x O pen side door of the specified tray, and then r emove the jam med paper. 3 250 R emove all pap er from the m ultipurpose feeder , and then remo ve the jammed paper.
20 0 paper jam 1 Open the side door of the printer. CAUTION—H OT SURFAC E: The inside o f the pri nt er might be hot. To reduc e the ris k of injury f rom a hot comp onent, all ow the surf ace to co ol before to uching . 2 Firml y gr asp the jamm ed paper, a nd t hen gently pul l it out.
20 2–203 p ap er ja ms If paper i s visib le in t he standa rd exit bin , then fir mly gras p the paper on each s ide, and then g ently pull it out. Note: Make sure a ll paper fr agment s are remo ved. Paper jam in th e fuser 1 Open the side door of the printer.
3 Close the side do or o f the p rinter. 4 From the print er control pa nel, touc h Cont inue, jam cl ea red . 23 0 paper jam 1 Open the side door of the printer. CAUTION—H OT SURFAC E: The inside o f the pri nt er might be hot. To reduc e the ris k of injury f rom a hot comp onent, all ow the surf ace to co ol before to uching .
23 1–239 p ap er ja ms 1 Open the side door of the printer. CAUTION—H OT SURFAC E: The inside o f the pri nt er might be hot. To reduc e the ris k of injury f rom a hot comp onent, all ow the surf ace to co ol before to uching . 2 Slide the latc h to open the duplex co ver.
Pap er j am i n the opti onal tra ys 1 Ope n the side door of t he s pecifie d opt ional tray. 2 Gr asp the jamme d pape r on each side, an d then g ently pul l it out . 3 Close the side door . 4 From the print er control pa nel, touc h Cont inue, jam cl ea red .
2 Gr asp the jamme d pape r on each side, an d then g ently pul l it out . 1 2 Note: Make su re all pape r fragme nts are r emoved. 3 Relo ad pap er into the mult ipurpose feede r, and t hen adjus t the paper gui des. 4 From the print er control pa nel, touc h Cont inue, jam cl ea red .
431–4 54, an d 456– 458 pape r ja ms 1 Push the butt on, and then slide the output finisher or mailbox to the r i ght. 1 2 2 Open the finisher or mailbox access doo r. 3 Gr asp the jamme d pape r, and t hen gent ly pull it out. Note: Make su re all pape r fragme nts are r emoved.
2 Lower the latch of the staple cartridge holder, and then pull the staple cartridge holder out of the printer. 1 2 3 Use the metal ta b to lift the s taple guard, a nd then remo ve any jammed or loose sta ples.
4 Close th e staple gu ard. 5 Press dow n on the staple guard until it c licks int o place. 6 Push the staple cartrid ge holder firmly bac k into the stapler unit until t he staple c artridge holder clicks into place. 7 Close the stapler door . 8 From the print er control pa nel, touc h Cont inue, jam cl ea red .
Troubleshoo ting Check ing an un res ponsiv e prin ter If your p rinter i s not respond ing , make sure: • The pow er c ord is pl ugged into the print er and a properly grounded ele ctrica l outlet . • The electrical outlet is not turned off by any switch or breaker.
Change [pa per source] to [cus tom string] Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: • Touc h Use c urr ent [ pa p er sou rce] to ignore the mess age and print from the s elected tray .
Close f inisher s ide door Close the s i de do or of the finisher . Close f inisher t op cover Close the to p cover of the finisher . Clos e front d oor Close the f ront door of t he printe r. Disk corrupte d The print er attempted a hard disk reco very on a c orrupt ed hard disk, and t he har d disk c annot be repair ed.
Insert staple cartridge Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: • In sert a s taple cart ridge . • Touc h Cont inue to clea r the me ssage and prin t withou t using the s taple fin isher. Insert Tray [x] Inse rt the specified tr ay into the pr inter.
4 Connect the power cord t o a prop erly gro unded ele ctric al out let. 5 T urn th e p rin t er b ack on. • Canc el the pr int jo b. Load [src] with [ custom t ype name] Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: • Load the specified paper in the tray or feeder.
Load Man ual Feede r with [cust om type na me] Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: • Load the specified paper in the manual feeder. • Touc h Pro mpt eac h pag e, paper loaded or Do not prompt, paper loaded to cle ar t he mes sage and co ntinue pr inting .
Rea ttach bin [x] Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: • Turn th e printer off and then back on . • Reattach th e specified bin: 1 T urn th e p rin t er o ff. 2 Unplug the po wer cord from the wal l outlet . 3 Remove the s pecified bin . 4 Re attach the b in.
Remo ve paper f rom bin [x] Remo ve the p aper f rom th e spec ified bin. T he pr inter au to matically se nse s pape r rem oval a nd res umes p rinting. If removing the paper does not clear the message, then touch Con ti nue . Remo ve paper f rom all bins Outpu t bins h ave reached t heir capac ity.
31.xx Mis sing o r defective [co lor] cartridge Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: 1 Remove and r einstall the spec ified print car tridge. For i n struct ions o n rem ovi ng a p rint cart ri dge, to uch More Inform atio n . 2 Touc h Cont inue to clea r the messa ge.
3 7 I ns uf fic ien t mem ory t o co l la t e jo b Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to pr int the por tion of the job already s tored and begin co llating th e rest o f the print jo b.
5 1 De f ec ti v e f las h de t ec te d Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to clear t he me ssage and cont inue print ing. • Cancel the current print job . 52 No t enough f ree space in flas h memory f or resources Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to clear t he me ssage and cont inue print ing.
55 Uns uppo rted option in s lot [x] 1 Tur n t he p ri nt er off . 2 Unplug the pow er cor d from t he wall outl et. 3 Rem ove the unsupport ed o ption c ard fro m the pr inter s ystem board, and th en repl ace it with a suppo rted card. 4 Connect the power cord to a p roperly grounded electrical outlet.
57 Confi guration cha nge , some held jobs were not restored Somet hing has changed in t he printer t o invalidat e the held jobs. Poss ible chang es inc lude: • The print er fi rmware has be en updated. • Paper input o pti ons ne eded fo r the pr int jo b were rem oved.
4 Connec t the power c ord t o a proper ly grou nded ou tlet. 5 Turn th e printer back on. 58 T o o ma ny tr ays at tach ed 1 Tur n t he p ri nt er off . 2 Unplug the pow er cor d from t he wall outl et. 3 Remove the additi onal trays. 4 Connec t the power c ord t o a proper ly grou nded ou tlet.
80.x x R eplac e fuse r Replace the fuser u sing the instruction sheet that came with the replacement part. 80 .x x Fu ser m iss in g 1 Replace the fuser, following the instruction sheet that c ame with the replacement part. 2 Touc h Cont inue to clear t he me ssage and cont inue print ing.
88.xx [color ] cartridge low 1 Remove the specified cartridge. Warning—P otent ial Damage : Be caref ul no t to touch the phot ocond uctor dru m. Doing so m ay affect the print quality o f future pr int j obs. 2 Firml y shake the c ar tridge side -t o-side and fro nt-to- back sev eral times t o redistr ibute t he tone r.
Printer contro l panel dis pl ay is bl ank or displays only diamond s The print er self test f ailed. T urn th e printer off , wait about 1 0 seco nds, and t hen turn the printer back on. If Pe rfo rm in g Sel f Te st and Read y do not appear, t urn the p rinter o ff and contac t Cu stomer Support .
M AKE SU RE YOU AR E USIN G A RECOMMEN DED USB, SER IAL , OR E TH ERN ET CAB LE For mor e informatio n, visit t he Lexmar k Web si te at http ://supp ort.le xmark .com . M AKE SU RE PR INTER CA B LE S ARE SEC UR ELY CONNECTED Check the c able connec tions to the print er and pr int se rver t o make sur e the y are s ecure.
Job print s from t he wro ng tray or o n the wrong paper C HECK THE PAPER TYP E AN D PAPER SIZE SE TTI NGS Make su re the paper type setti ng matches the paper l oaded in the tray: 1 From t he pr inter cont ro l panel Paper menu , check t he p aper type an d paper siz e set tings.
M AKE SU RE THE PR INTER HAS EN O UG H MEMORY Add print er memory or an opt io nal ha rd disk. Unexpe cted pa ge break s I NCREA SE THE P RINT T IMEO UT VALU E 1 From the home s creen, navigate to: > Settings > General Settings > Timeout s > Pri nt Ti meo ut 2 Incr ease the Print T imeout val ue, and then to uch .
C HECK TO SEE IF TH E OP TI ON IS CONNECTED TO THE PRINTER 1 Turn the p rinter off. 2 Unpl ug the print er. 3 Check the connec tion between the option and the printer . M AKE SU RE THE OPTION IS IN STA LLE D Prin t a menu settin gs page an d check to see if the op tion is list ed in the Ins talled Options l ist.
L OAD PAPER If the tr a y is empty, then load pap er in the tray or feeder C LEAR AN Y JAMS Open the s ide door of the tray or feeder, and then remove any jammed paper. A VO ID PAPER JAMS • Flex the paper. • Make sure the drawer i s properly installed.
Interna l print s erver do es not op erate correctly Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: C HECK THE PRINT SER VER CONNECTIONS • Make su re the intern al print server is attached secur ely to th e prin ter system board . • Make sur e you ar e using the corre ct cable and that it is securely c onne cted.
C HECK THE PAPER GUIDE S Move the g uides in th e tray to the correct positions for the paper size loaded. T HE PAPE R MAY HAV E ABSO RBED MOIST URE DUE TO HIGH HUMI DITY • Load pap er fr om a fr esh packag e. • Stor e paper i n its or iginal w rappe r until you us e it.
M AKE SU RE THE TONER OR PR INT CARTR IDGE IS NOT LO W ON TON ER When 88.x x [c olor] c artri dg e l ow appears, ma ke sure tha t ton er is dist ribu ted eve nly among all f our cart ridge s : 1 Remove t he ca rtridge. Warning—P otent ial Damage : Be caref ul no t to touch the phot ocond uctor dru m.
Shad ow im ag es ap pe ar on p r ints Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: C HECK THE PAPER TYP E AN D WEI GHT SETTIN G S Make sure t he p aper type and weig ht sett ings ma tch the pa per lo aded in the tray or feede r: 1 From t he print er cont rol pane l Paper menu , check the Paper Typ e and Paper Weight sett ings.
Incorrect margins These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: C HECK THE PAPER GUIDE S Move the g uides in th e tray to the correct positions for the paper size loaded.
Paper curl Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: C HECK THE PAPER TYP E AN D WEI GHT SETTIN G S Make sure t he p aper type and weig ht sett ings ma tch the pa per lo aded in the tray or feede r: 1 From t he print er cont rol pane l Paper menu , check the Paper Typ e and Paper Weight sett ings.
M AKE SU RE THE TRAN SFER BEL T IS NO T DEFECTI VE Replace the defective transfer belt. F or more i nformation, see the ins truction sheet that came wi th the replacement part. M AKE SU RE THE FU SER IS NO T DEF EC T IV E Replace the defective fu ser.
Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: L OAD PAPER FR O M A FRESH PACKAGE The pape r may hav e abso rbed moist ure fro m high hu midity. S tore pa per in it s original w rapp er until you us e it.
R EPLACE THE PR INT CARTR IDGE Replace the print cart ridge of the color wit h the repeating defect, if the print defect s occur in the following instances: • in ev er y 37. 7 mm (1. 48 in.) o f the page • in ev er y 41. 6 mm (1. 64 in.) o f the page • in ev er y 42.
Bla ck or wh ite st reak s appea r on tr anspa renc ies or pa per Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: E NS URE THAT THE FILL PATTERN IS CO RRECT If the fill pa ttern is incor rect, choo se a diff erent fill patt ern fro m your sof tware pro gram. C HECK THE PAPER TYP E • Use only the recommended transparencies.
S ELECT ANOT HER TRA Y OR FEEDER • From t he pr inter c ontro l panel Paper M enu, se lect Def ault S ource. • For Win dow s user s, sele ct t he paper sour ce fro m P rint Properti es . • For M acint osh use rs, sele ct the pa per so urce from the Pr int dial og and p op-u p menus .
C HECK THE PAPER TYP E AN D WEI GHT SETTIN G S Make sure t he p aper type and weig ht sett ings ma tch the pa per lo aded in the tray or feede r: 1 From t he printer co ntrol panel P aper menu , check the Paper Type and P aper Weig ht settin gs. Change the Pa per Weight s etting from Norma l to Heavy.
M AKE SU RE THER E IS NO DEF EC T IV E OR WORN PRINT CA RTRI DG E Replace the worn or defective print cartr idge. So lving co lor qu a lity p robl ems This sec tion helps answer some bas ic color-r elate d questio ns and describ es how some of the feature s provide d in the Quality M enu can be u sed to so lve t ypical c olor pro blems.
My co lor tr ansp aren cies se em dar k wh en they are projec ted. Is ther e any thing I can d o to imp rove t he co lor? This problem most commonly occurs when projecting tran s parencies with r eflective overhead projectors. To obtain the highest projected color quality, transmissive overhead projectors are recommended.
How can I m at ch a p artic ular colo r (s uch as a corpor at e logo)? From the print er Qua lity me nu, nine types of Color Sam ples s e ts ar e available.
Embedd ed Web S erver does not o pen Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: C HE CK THE NET W ORK CO NNECT ION Make sure t he p rinter an d comput er are tur ned on and connect ed to t he same netw ork.
Notices Prod uc t inform atio n Pro duct name: Lexmark C7 92e, C79 2de, C 792dte , C792 dhe Machi ne type: 5062 Mode l(s): 210, 2 30, 2 35 Edition no tice Janu ary 20 11 The fo llowin g parag raph doe s not appl y t o any c oun try where su ch provi sions ar e inco nsist ent wi th loca l law: LEXMARK INTERNATI ONAL, INC.
UNITED STATES GOVE RNMENT RIGHTS This so ftwa re and any accompan ying document ation prov ided und er this agreement are commer cial c omputer softwar e and document ation develope d ex clusively at priv ate expense . Tr adem arks Lexmark , Lexmark w ith diam ond design , MarkNet, a nd MarkVi sion are trademark s of Lexm ark Int ernationa l, Inc.
Stempel Garamond Linotype-Hell A G and/or it s subsidiaries Taffy Agfa Corpora tion Time s Ne w R om an The Monotype Corporation pl c Univers Linotype-Hell AG and /or its s ubsidiaries All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Nois e emis si on leve ls The fol low ing measur ement s were ma de in acc ordance w ith ISO 77 79 and repo rted in c onfor mance with ISO 929 6. Note: Some m odes m ay not ap ply to you r produc t. 1-meter a verage sou nd pressu re, dBA Pri n tin g 53 color , 52 mono Rea d y 30 Values are subject to change.
Temperat ure i n formation Ambient temperature 15.6 to 32.2° C (60 to 90 ° F ) Shipping and s torage temperature - 40° t o 40° C (1 04 ° F) Laser notic e This prod uct co ntains a Class I (1) laser prod ucing invisible lase r radi ation. Th e printe r i s certif ied in the U.
Mode De sc ri ptio n Power co nsum pt ion ( Wat ts) Hibernate Th e pr oduc t is in a low -le vel ene rgy -savi ng mo de. 0. 55 W Off The product i s plugged i nto a wall outl et, but t he power switch i s turned off. 0 W The power consumption levels listed in the p revious table represent tim e-averaged measurements.
The manuf actur er of thi s pro duct is: Le xmark Int ernation al, Inc. , 7 40 West New Circle R oad, Lexing ton, KY, 40 550 USA . The author ized representat ive is: Lexmark In ternational Te chnol ogy Hungária Kf t.
(1) c et appar eil ne do it pas pr ovoque r d' interf érence s et (2) il d oit accepte r to ute inte rférenc e reç ue, y c ompris celles ri squant d 'altér er s on fonc tionnem ent. Cet appar eil a été c onçu p our fonction ner uniquemen t avec l'antenne f ournie.
Tower III, 109 5 Budape st HUNG ARY, A decl aration of confo rmity to t he requir ement s of the Dir ectives is availabl e upon request from th e Auth orized Representative. This pr oduct may be use d in the coun tries in dicated in the t able b elow.
Norsk Lexmark International, Inc. erklærer herved at dette pr oduktet er i s amsvar med de grunnleggende kr av og øvrige releva nte krav i di rektiv 1 999/ 5/E F.
To obtain w arra nty servic e you may be requir ed to present proof of origin al purchase . You may be requir ed to del iver your pr oduct to t he Remark eter or Lex mark, or ship it prep ai d and suitabl y pac kaged to a Lexm ark desig nated l ocation.
Lexmark 's liabi lity fo r actual da mages f rom any c aus e whatsoever will b e limi ted to t he amount you paid for the product that c aused the damag es. This lim itat ion of liab ility wi ll not ap ply to claims b y you for bo dily injur y or damag e to r eal property or t angible personal proper ty for which Lexmark is legall y liable.
This A greement i s to be rea d i n c onjunct ion with certain st atutor y pr ovisi ons, as t hat m ay be in fo rce from time to tim e, that i mply warr anties or conditions or im pose obligation s on Lexm ark that c annot be exclude d or mo difi ed.
time of download. Use of the Freeware by you sh a ll be governed entirely by the terms and conditions of such license. 6 TRANSFER . You may transfer the Software Program to another end-user.
18 CAPACITY AND AUTHOR ITY TO CONT RACT . Y ou represent that you are of the legal a ge of majority in the place you sign this Licens e Agreement and , if appl icable, you ar e duly author ized by your employer or pri ncipal t o enter into this con tra ct.
Index Nume ri cs 1565 Em ula tion e rro r, load emul ation op tion 1 89 2,000-sheet high-capacity feeder insta lling 39 200 p a per ja m 165 2000-sheet high-capacity feeder loading 65 201 p a per ja m 165 202– 203 pape r jams 166 230 p a per ja m 167 231– 239 pape r jams 168 24x pap er ja m 16 8 250 p a per ja m 169 31.
car d stoc k loading in multipur pose f eeder 67 tips 83 Change [p aper source] to [custo m stri ng] 1 75 Change [p aper source] to [custo m stri ng] lo ad [o rien tat ion ] 1 75 Change [p aper source.
Fi nishing m enu 13 2 fi rmwa re c ar d insta lling 28 flash dr ive print ing from 7 9 Fl ash Drive menu 126 flash dr ives suppor ted file types 80 fl ash m emory ca rd insta lling 28 trou blesho otin.
M mem ory types in st alled on pri nter 145 mem ory c ard insta lling 26 trou blesho oting 19 6 menu settings page print ing 43 menu s Ac tiv e NIC 10 2 AppleT alk 10 7 Bin Se tup 10 0 Co n f ide n ti.
port setti ngs conf iguring 5 3 PostSc ri pt menu 1 38 pri nt ca rtridg e rep lac ing 15 4 pri nt ca rtridg es ordering 152 print irregularities 20 1 print job cance ling, from comput er 85 print qual.
88.xx [ color ] cart ridg e nearl y low 18 8 Adjus ti ng col or 174 an error has occurred with the USB dri ve 17 4 Change [p aper source] to [cus tom strin g] 1 75 Change [p aper source] to [cus tom s.
res erv e pri nt job s 83 print ing from a Ma cintosh com pute r 84 print ing from W indows 8 4 Restor e held j obs? 181 re st or in g fa ct or y d efa ul t sett ings 1 62 S sa fety in for mat i on 6,.
fine hor izo ntal lines 198 gray b ackground on pr ints 19 9 light c olored line, whit e line, or incorrec tly c olored line appears on print s 200 poor tra nspar ency quality 2 07 print irr egulariti.
An important point after buying a device Lexmark C790 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lexmark C790 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lexmark C790 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lexmark C790 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lexmark C790 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lexmark C790, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lexmark C790.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lexmark C790. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lexmark C790 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center