Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product C736 Lexmark
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C734 a nd C736 Series Use r's G uid e March 2012 www.lex mark.c om Machine t ype(s): 5026 Mod el (s ): 210, 2 30, 280, 41 0, 430, 48 0.
Cont ents Safe ty inform ation. .......... ...... .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ..... ........... 5 Learn ing abo ut the p rinter ............... ............... ................ .............. ............... 7 Than k you fo r ch oosing t his p rint er! .
Printi ng. ........... .......... ........... .......... ..... .......... ........... .......... .......... .......... ...66 Prin ting a d o cum ent... .... ... ... .... ... ....... ... .... ... ... .... ... ....... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ....
View ing rep ort s.... ... ... ... ...... .... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... .... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ...... ... .... ... ... .. .... ....... ... ... ... .1 46 Re stori ng th e fac tory de fau lt set tin gs..... ... ..
Safety informat io n Connec t the pow er c ord to a prope rly grounded e lectrical outlet that is ne ar t he produc t and eas ily ac cessible. Do not pl ace or use this p rod uct near wa ter or wet l ocation s . CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: This product uses a laser .
CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD: T o avoid t he ris k of el ectric sh ock when cleaning the ext erio r of the printer , unplu g the po wer co rd from the wall out let and d isc onnect all cables from t he pr inter bef ore p rocee ding. CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD: D o not use th e fax feat ure du ring a li gh tning st orm .
Learning about the printer Tha nk you for ch oos ing th is pr inte r! We've worked hard to m ake sure it will meet you r needs. To st art usi ng your ne w pri nter right aw ay, use the setup m a terials t h at came with the print er, and then s kim the Us er’ s Guid e to learn how to perf orm basic task s.
Wh at are you look ing for? Fi nd i t he re The latest suppleme ntal information , updates, and technical support: • Document ation • Driver d ownloads • Live chat support • E ‑ ma il suppor t • Teleph one sup port Lexmark S upport Web site— http : / /s up po rt.
1 2 3 4 5 1 15 2.4 m m (6 .0 i n.) 2 10 1.6 m m (4 .0 i n.) 3 60 9. 6 mm (24. 0 in . ) 4 15 2.4 m m (6 .0 i n.) 5 30 4. 8 mm (12. 0 in . ) Learning a bout the pri nter 9.
Pr inte r conf ig ura ti ons Basi c model 1 2 3 4 5 1 Standard exit bin 2 Paper support 3 Prin ter control p anel 4 Standard 550 ‑ sheet tray (Tray 1) 5 Multipurpose feeder Configure d model s CAUTION—TIP PING H AZARD: Floor- mounted configur ations requ ire add itional furnit ure for s tability.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Standard exit bin 2 Paper support 3 Prin ter control p anel 4 Opt i on a l 5 50 ‑ sheet speci alty media drawer 5 Opt i on a l 5 50 ‑ sheet tray 6 Opt i on a l 2 ,0 0 0 ‑ sheet.
Usin g the s ecu ri ty loc k fe ature The printe r is equi pped wit h a security loc k feature. W hen a loc k compatible wi th most lapt op compu ters is at tached, the printer is locked. On ce locked, th e metal plate and the system boar d cannot be removed.
Contr o l pane l item Desc r ipt ion 3 Navigation buttons Press the up or down arrow butto n to scroll throug h menu l ists. Press the left or right ar row but ton to scroll t hrough values or tex t that rolls to another screen. 4 Numeric keypad Consists of the number s 0–9, characters A through Z, an , and a backspace button.
Additional printer setup Ins talli ng int ernal opt ions CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD: I f you a re acces sing the system boar d or inst alli ng optional hardw are or m emor y de vices sometim e afte r s etting up the print er, the n turn the print er o ff, and un plug t he pow er cor d from t he wall outlet bef ore continui n g.
Acce ssing th e syste m b oar d to i ns tall int e rnal options CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD: I f you a re acces sing the system boar d or inst alli ng optional hardw are or m emor y de vices sometim e afte r s etting up the print er, the n turn the print er o ff, and un plug t he pow er cor d from t he wall outlet bef ore continui n g.
2 Use the fo llowing illus tration t o loc ate the approp riate conn ector. Warning—Pot ential D amage: System board electronic components are easily damaged by static electricity. Touc h somet hing m etal on the pr inter be fore t ouchi ng any sys tem board el ectronic comp onent s or c onnectors .
3 Open the memory car d connector latches. 4 Align the n otch on the memo r y c a rd with the ridge on the c onnect o r. 1 2 1 Notch 2 Rid ge Addit ional prin ter setup 17.
5 Push the memo ry card straig ht into t he connector until it snap s int o place. 6 Reattach th e system boar d cover. Installing a flash memory or firmw are card The syste m bo ard h as two conn ectio ns f or an opti ona l fla sh mem ory o r fi rmw are c ard .
3 Holdin g the car d by its s ides, alig n the plastic pins on the c ard with t he ho les on the syst em bo ard. 1 2 1 Pla stic pin s 2 Metal pi n s 4 Push th e ca rd fi rmly int o plac e. Note s: • The entir e lengt h of the connecto r on th e card mus t touch and be flush ag ainst the sys tem board.
Ins ta llin g an Int ern al So lut ion s Por t The syst em bo ard s upport s on e optional Lexm ark In ternal S olution s P ort ( ISP). Note: This ta sk requ i res a flat head sc rewd ri ver.
a Unplug the printer hard disk interface cable from the system bo ar d, leaving the cable attached to the printer hard disk. To unplug the cable, squeeze the pa ddle at the plug of the interface cable to disengage the latch be fore pulli ng th e cable out.
c Rem ove the pri nter hard disk by pulli ng it upward to un seat the stando ffs. d Rem ove the thum bscrews that att ach the printer har d disk mount ing brac ket to the pri nter hard di sk, and t hen remov e the br ac ket. Set the prin ter hard disk a side.
5 Align t he pos ts of the plast ic te e to the holes in the syste m board, and pr ess do wnward until t he tee snap s into place. Be sure each post of the tee has latched completely, and the tee is seated firmly on th e s ystem board. 6 Install the ISP on the plastic tee.
7 Lower the ISP towar d the plastic tee until the ISP is seated betwe en the guides of the plastic tee. 8 Inse rt the long thumb scr ew and t urn i t clockwi se enoug h to ho ld the ISP in pla ce, but do not t ighten the thum bscrew at this time.
9 Attach the two pr o vided sc r ews to secure the ISP mounting brac ket to the system board cage. 10 Tig hten the long thum bsc rew. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Do not o vertighten the thumbscr ew. 11 Insert the plug of the ISP in ter face cable into th e receptacle of the syst em board.
Instal ling a print er ha rd disk The opt iona l pri nter har d disk can be inst alled with or w ithout a Lexmar k Inte rnal Sol uti ons Po rt (ISP ). Note: This ta sk requ i res a flat head sc rewd ri ver.
b Align t he s tandoffs o f the print er ha rd disk with the h oles i n the ISP , and then press dow nward o n the print er hard d isk unt il the standof fs have seat ed i nto place. c I nsert the pl ug of the pr inter ha rd di sk int erfac e cable into the r eceptac le of the ISP .
To ins tall a pri nte r hard dis k direc tly on t he sy stem boa rd: a Align t he s tandoff s of the print er ha rd dis k with the h oles i n th e system bo ard, a nd then pr ess do wnward on the p rinter hard d isk until th e standof fs hav e seated in to place.
4 Reattach th e system boar d cover. Rea ttac hing the sys tem boa rd c over Warning—P otential Dama ge: System board electrical components are eas ily damaged by static electricity. Touch some thing met al o n the print er be fore t ouching a ny syst em bo ard el ectronic compo nent s or co nnectors.
2 Slide the co ver down, and th en turn each scre w clockwis e to tighten. Ins talli ng h ardwa re o ption s In st al ling op ti on al t ray s The print er suppo rts thr ee types of optiona l inpu t s ources: an optiona l 55 0 ‑ sheet tray, an o ptional 2,000 ‑ sheet t r ay, and an opt ional 550 ‑ sheet spec ialty med ia drawer.
1 Unpac k the option al tray, an d rem ove all packin g material. 2 Place the tr ay in the locati on chosen f o r the p rinter. No te: If you are inst alling more than one opti onal tray, the 2,000 ‑ sheet t ray m ust alwa ys be in stalled f irst (co nfigur ing f rom th e botto m up).
3 Align the p r inter with the tra y, and the n lower th e printer int o place. 4 Label t he trays and draw ers w ith the sup plied nu mber labels f rom the top do wn. No te: The standar d 550- sheet tray ( Tray 1) must be lab e led as the f irs t tray.
1 2 1 US B p or t Warn ing—P ot entia l Da mag e: Do not touc h the USB cable, any netwo rk adapter, or the printer in the area s hown while actively printing.
Printing a network set up pa ge If th e printer is atta ched to a ne twork, then pr int a netw or k setup pa ge to ver ify the net work conne ction. T his pa ge also pro vides im port ant informat ion t hat aids networ k pri nting configur ation. 1 Make su re t he pri nter is o n and Rea dy appe ars.
Updat ing ava ilable opt ions in the pri nter dri ver Once the pri nter sof tware and any opt ion s are installed, it may be necessar y to manually add th e options in the pri nter driver to make them available for print jobs. For Wi ndow s user s 1 Open the Printer s folder: a Click , or click Start and then clic k Run .
Se tt in g up wi rele s s pr inting Note: A Ser vice S et Iden tifier (S SID) is a nam e assigned to a wire less networ k. Wi reless Encry ptio n Prot ocol (WE P) and Wi-F i Prot ected Acce ss (WP A) are t ypes o f secur ity used o n a netwo rk.
1 2 Make sure t he print er an d compu ter are f ully on and r eady. Do not con n ect the U S B cable until instructed to d o so on the screen. 2 Insert the Softw are and D ocu mentat ion CD . 3 Click Inst all Printer an d Softwar e . 4 Click Ag ree to agree to the Lic ense Agreement.
7 Temporarily connect a USB cable between the computer on the wireless network and the pr i nter. No te: After the printer i s configu r ed, the s oftware will instruc t yo u to d isconnect the tem porary USB cable so you c an pri nt wir elessl y. 8 Follow the instr uctions o n the co mputer scr een to compl ete the s oftware in stallation .
In Ma c OS X ve rsi o n 1 0. 5 o r l at e r a From the Apple me nu, cho ose Sys tem Pref e rences . b Click Netw ork . c Click AirPor t . In Mac O S X version 10.4 and e a rlier a From the Finder de sktop , choose Go > Appl ication s . b From the Appl icati ons folder , doub le ‑ click Internet Connec t .
Configure your compu ter to use the printer wirelessly To prin t to a network pri nt er, each M acint osh user must instal l a cust om PostScri pt Printer Desc ript ion (PPD) file and create a pr inter in the Printe r Setup Ut ility or Print Cen ter.
3 Locate an d doubl e ‑ clic k Print er Setup U tility or Pr int Cen ter . 4 From th e Printer List, choose Add . 5 Cho ose t he Default Browser tab . 6 Cli ck More Pri nters . 7 From th e first pop ‑ up menu, c hoos e Apple Talk . 8 From t he sec ond pop ‑ up menu , select Local App leTalk zo ne .
3 Locat e the printer IP addr ess in the T CP/IP section of the net work setup page. Y ou will need the IP address if you are co nfigur ing ac cess fo r comp uters o n a dif feren t subnet than the print er. 4 Insta ll the dri v ers an d add the p rinter.
In Mac OS X version 10.4 and earlier 1 From t he Fi nder d e sktop, c hoo se Go > Applicat ions . 2 Double ‑ click Utilities . 3 Double ‑ click Printer Se tup Utilit y or Prin t Cente r . 4 From t he Prin ter Li st, cl ick Add . 5 Choose t he De f au l t B r ow s er tab.
3 Locate t he printer that has changed. No te: If t h ere is more than one copy o f the printer, then update all of them with the new IP addres s . 4 Right ‑ c li ck th e printer. 5 Click Pro pe rt ie s . 6 Click t he Por ts ta b . 7 Locate th e port in th e list, and then select it.
e Select the printer from the lis t. f Cli ck Add . In Mac OS X version 10.4 and earlier a From t he G o men u, ch oose Application s . b Doubl e ‑ click Utilities . c Doubl e ‑ click Printer Se tup Util ity or Pri nt Ce nte r . d From the Printer List, clic k Add .
i Make s ure the bo x next to the se lecte d printer mode l is chec ked. j Select an y other o ptional s oftware yo u want to install, and then clic k Nex t .
Minimizing your printe r's envi ronment al i mpac t Lexmark is c ommi tted to en vironm ent al sus tainabil ity and is co ntinually impr oving it s print ers to reduc e the ir i mpact on the environ m ent. We design with the environment in mind, engineer our packaging to reduce materials, and provide collect ion and rec ycling programs.
Use bo th si des o f t he pa per If your printe r mode l support s duplex pri nting , you can cont rol whet her prin t appears on one or two side s of the paper by sel ecting 2 ‑ side d print ing from t he Prin t di alog or the Lexm ark T ool bar.
5 Pres s the up o r down ar row button unt il Ec o ‑ Mod e app ears, a nd t hen pre ss . 6 Press the le ft or right a rrow butto n to scroll th r ough the l ist o f possible setti ngs. Press at the cor rect settin g. Sub mit ti ng Se lec ti on appears .
Using the Embedded Web Server 1 Type the pri nter IP addr ess i nto the address f ield of your Web br owser. No te: If you do not know t he IP addr ess o f the pri nte r, then print a netw ork setup pag e and locate the IP addre ss in t he TCP/ IP sec tion.
5 Pres s the up o r down ar row button unt il LCD Br igh tn es s appears , and then pre ss . 6 Pres s the up o r down ar row button to se lect a setting, a nd then pr ess . Recy cl ing Lexmark prov id es collec tion pr ogram s and environ me ntally pr ogress ive appr oaches to rec ycling.
Loading paper an d specialty media This sec tion ex plains how to load the standard t ray (Tra y 1), a lso kno wn as th e 55 0-she et t ray, a n optional 55 0- sheet tray, an opt ional 2,000-sheet t ray, a mult ipurpose feeder, and an optiona l 550-sheet specialty medi a draw er.
Notic e the siz e i ndica tors on the b ottom of th e tr ay. U se these indica tors to help p ositi on the guides. 2 Squeeze the width guide tabs as s hown, and then slide the guide to the correct position for the size of paper being loaded.
3 Squeeze t h e len gth guide tab s together, an d then slide the lengt h guide t o the correct position for the size of pape r being loaded. No te: The length g uide has a locking de vice. T o unlo ck the tray, slide the butto n on top of the l ength guide to the left as s h own.
6 Align the tr ay, and then re i nsert i t. 7 If a dif ferent type of pa per w as lo aded than the t ype pr evious ly load ed in the t ray, then change the paper type sett ing fo r the t ray from the pr int er cont rol pane l. For mo re inf orm ation, see “Set ting th e paper si ze and t ype” o n page 5 2.
5 Width guide 6 Width guide r elease tab 1 Press the tray release latch to th e lef t, and then p ul l the multipurpo s e feeder down. 2 Gently pu ll the extension out unt il i t is fully e xtended. 3 Prepa re a media stac k for lo ading. • Fle x sheet s of paper bac k and fo rth to loos en th em, and the n fan them.
• Flex a stack of envelopes back and forth to loosen them, and then fan them. Straighten the edges on a level sur fa ce. 4 Load the me dia stack w ith t he rec ommende d print side f acedow n and the top e dge ent ering t he pr inter f irs t. No te: Load only one s ize and typ e of me dia at a time.
Link ing a nd unl inkin g tra ys Linkin g tra ys Tray linking is useful for large print jobs or multiple copies. When one linked tray is empty, paper feeds from the next linked tray. W hen the Paper Size an d Pa per T yp e s ettings ar e the s ame fo r any tr ays, the tray s are au tomatically linked.
6 Click Submit . 7 Click Cus tom Ty pes . Cus tom Ty pe s app ears, followed by your custom nam e. 8 Sel ect a Paper Type s etting f rom the pick list ne xt to yo ur cust om name . 9 Click Submit . Ass igning a cust om paper t ype n ame to a tray Assign a Custom Type <x> n ame to a tray to link or unli nk it.
Paper and specialt y media guidelines Paper guidelin es Paper characterist i cs The fol lowing paper charac teristic s affect print quality and relia bility. Consid er these c haracter istic s when evaluating new pape r stock. Weight The print er can automatic ally f eed paper weig hts from 60 to 22 0 g /m 2 (16 t o 58 lb bond) grain l ong.
Fib er cont en t Most h igh ‑ quality x erog raphic paper is ma de from 1 00% chemically t reated p ulped w ood . This c ontent pro vide s the paper w ith a high degree of stabili ty resulti ng in fewer paper f eeding problem s and better pri nt quality.
Prepr inted pape rs suc h as lett erhead m ust be able to withstand t emper atures up to 190 °C (3 74°F ) without m elting or rel easing hazardo us em issio ns.
Paper si ze Dimen sions St a nd a rd 550 ‑ sheet tra y ( Tr a y 1) Opti on al 550 ‑ sheet tra y Opti on al 550 ‑ sheet spe cia lt y media dra wer Opti on al 2, 000 ‑ sheet tray Mult ipu rpo s e feeder Dupl e x u ni t L etter 215. 9 x 279.4 mm (8.
Paper si ze Dimen sions St a nd a rd 550 ‑ sheet tra y ( Tr a y 1) Opti on al 550 ‑ sheet tra y Opti on al 550 ‑ sheet spe cia lt y media dra wer Opti on al 2, 000 ‑ sheet tray Mult ipu rpo s e feeder Dupl e x u ni t C5 Enve lope 1 62 x 22 9 mm (6.
Paper ty pe Stand ard 550 ‑ sh eet tray (Tray 1) Opti on al 550 ‑ sh eet tra y Opti on al 550 ‑ sheet specia lty m edi a dr a wer Op tio nal 2,0 00 ‑ sheet tra y Mult ip urp ose feeder Dup lex.
Prin ting This c hapter c over s print ing, pri nter re port s, an d job c ancelat ion. The se l ection and handling of pape r and s peci alty medi a can aff ect ho w reliably d ocume nts pr int. Fo r mo re inf ormat ion, se e "Avoidi ng jam s" and " Stor ing paper .
Pr inti ng s p ecia lt y d o cume n ts Tips on using letterhea d So u rc e or pr o ce s s Prin t side Pape r or ie nt atio n • Standar d 550 ‑ sheet tray • Optiona l 5 50 ‑ s heet tray • Optiona l 2 ,0 0 0 ‑ sheet tray • Option al 550 ‑ sh eet sp eci al ty medi a drawer Preprinted letterhead design is placed faceup.
• Use only new envelopes. • To optim ize per for mance an d mini miz e jams, do no t u se envelop es t hat: – Have excessive curl or twist – Are stuck togeth er or damaged in a n y way – Hav.
Tips on us ing card stock Card st ock is heavy , single ‑ p ly specialty media. M any of its variable charac teristic s, such as moi sture cont ent, thicknes s, and textur e, can sig nific antly imp act print quali ty. Print sam ples on the card stoc k being con sidered fo r use be fore buying large quantities.
Printing con fid enti al and other hel d jobs Note: Confident ial and Verify pr int j obs a re autom atically de leted fr om m emory after they p rint. R epeat a nd Rese rve jobs cont inue to be held i n the prin ter unt il yo u choose to delet e them.
8 After s electing your j ob type , use the keypad t o enter your PIN. If you enter an inval id PIN, the Invalid PIN screen appears. • To re ‑ enter the PI N, make sure Try ag ai n ap pears, and the n press . • To c ancel t he PIN, p ress the up or dow n arrow button un til Canc el ap pears, and then p ress .
3 Pres s the up o r down ar row button unt il appears next to t he docum ent you w ant to pr int, and t hen p ress . No te: Folders found on the flash drive ap pear as folders.
4 Pres s the up o r down ar row button unt il Print Fo nts app ears, and then pr ess . 5 Pres s the up o r down ar row button unt il appears next to PCL Fo nts , PostS cr ip t Fon ts , or PPDS Font s , and then p ress . After the f ont sample lis t prints, Read y appe ars.
Cancel ing a print job f rom the comput er For Wi ndow s user s 1 Open the printers folder: a Click , or click Start and then clic k Run . b I n the Start Sea rch or Run box, type cont ro l prin ters . c Pr ess Enter , or clic k OK . The printers folder opens.
Print ing in black and whi te To prin t all t ext and grap hics using only the bla ck ton er cart rid ge, set the print er to Black Only. Note: The print er dr iver i s capable o f over ridin g thi s setting . 1 From t he printe r control pa nel, pres s .
Understanding pr inter menus Me nu s li st Su pplie s Pap er M enu R e por ts Set ting s Replace Supply Cyan Ca rt ridg e Magenta C artridge Ye llow Car tridg e Blac k Ca rtrid ge Cyan P hotoconductor.
Suppl ies menu S upp li es m e nu Men u i te m Des cri ptio n R eplac e Supp ly Al l Cyan P hoto conductor Magenta Photoco nductor Yellow Photoco nductor Blac k Photoconductor Provides the op tion to .
Pa per menu Defaul t Sou rce menu Men u i te m Desc r ipt ion De faul t S ourc e Tr ay <x> MP Feeder Manual Paper Manual Env Sets a default paper source for all print jobs No te s: • From the Paper menu, Configure MP must be set t o Cassette for MP Feeder to appear as a menu setting.
Men u i te m De scr iptio n Tra y < x > T yp e Plain Pa per Car d St ock Tr ansp aren cy Gl ossy He av y G lo ss y Labe ls Vinyl L abels Bond Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Lig h t Pape r H.
Men u i te m De scr iptio n MP Fe e de r Ty p e Plain Pa per Car d St ock Tr ansp aren cy Gl ossy He av y G lo ss y Labe ls Vinyl L abels Bond Enve lope Rough Envelope Letterhead Preprinted Colored Pa.
Men u i te m De scr iptio n Manu a l Pa per Typ e Plain Pa per Car d St ock Tr ansp aren cy Recycled Gl ossy He av y G lo ss y Labe ls Vinyl L abels Bond Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Lig h t Pa.
Su bs tit ute Siz e m enu Men u i te m Desc r ipt ion S ubsti tute Size Off Statement/A5 Letter/A4 Al l Lis te d Substitutes a specified paper s ize if the requ ested paper size i s not avail able No te s: • All Li sted is the fac tory defaul t setting.
Men u i te m Des cri ptio n Viny l Lab els Textu r e Smooth Normal Rough Specifies the relative te x ture of the labels l o aded Note : Normal is the factory d efault setti ng. Bond T ex tur e Smooth Normal Rough Specifies the relative te x ture of the paper l oa ded Note : Rough is the fac tory default s etting.
Men u i te m Des cri ptio n Cu stom <x> Texture Smooth Normal Rough Specifies the relative te x ture of the custom paper loaded Note s: • Normal is the factory default setting .
Men u i te m De scr iptio n Bond W ei gh t Lig h t Normal He av y Sp ecifies the rel ative w eight o f the p aper loa ded Note : Rough is the f actory default setti ng. Enve lop e We ight Lig h t Normal He av y Sp ecifies the rel ative w eight o f the en velope s loa ded Note : Normal is the fac tory default s ettin g.
Paper Loading m enu Men u i te m Desc ri pt ion Rec y cl ed Lo a di n g Duplex Off Determines the paper loadi ng dire ction for all job s th at specify Re cycled as the paper type Note : Off is the factory defau lt setting.
Cust om Types menu Men u i te m Descr i pt ion Custom Type <x> Paper Car d St ock Gl ossy Tr ansp aren cy Labe ls Vinyl L abels Enve lope Associates a paper or specialty media type with a Custom.
Men u i te m Desc r ipt ion Po rt rait H eight 3– 14.17 i nches 76– 360 mm Sets the portrait height No te s: • If the height exceeds the m aximum, then the printer uses th e maximum hei ght all owed. • 14 inches is the US factory default setting.
Men u i te m Desc r ipt ion Network <x> Set up Page Prints a r eport contai ning inform ation about the network pr inter settings, su ch as the T CP/IP address i nformation No te s: • Thi s select ion is avai lable when mo re tha n one netwo rk optio n is inst alle d.
Standa rd Net work or Ne twork < x> men us Note: Only active por ts appear in this m enu; all i nactive p orts are omi tted. Men u i te m Desc r ipt ion PCL Sm a rtS wi tc h On Off Sets the prin.
Men u i te m Desc r ipt ion Job Bu ffe ring Off On Aut o Temporarily stores jobs on the pr inter hard disk before pr inting. This m enu only app ears if a forma tted di sk is insta lled. No t es: • Off is the facto ry default se tting. • The On value buffers jobs on the pri nter hard disk.
Men u i te m Desc ri pt ion Pri nt Se tu p P ag e Pri nt N etWar e S etup Page Prints a repo rt containing i nformation ab out the current network setup Note s: • The Setup Pag e contains informati on about the networ k printer settings, s uch as the TCP/IP address.
Men u i te m De sc ript io n Acti va te On Off Activates TCP/IP Note : On is the f a ctory default setting. View Hostname L ets you vi ew the curr ent TCP/IP hostnam e Note : Thi s can be c hanged on ly from the Embedded Web Server.
IPv 6 m enu Use the following menu items to view or set th e Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) information. Note: This menu is availab le only for n etwor k models or printers attach ed to print servers.
Men u i te m Desc ri pt ion V i ew S ig nal Qual ity Lets you view the quali ty of th e wireless connec tion Vi ew Se c u ri ty Mo de L ets you view the encryption method for the wireless connection. “Disabled” indicates that t he wireless network i s not enc rypted.
Men u i te m Desc ri ptio n Se le c t S A P Fr am e s Eth er net 80 2.2 Eth er net 80 2.3 Ethe rnet T ype II Ethe rnet S NAP Enables the Ethernet frame type setting Note : On is the factor y default s etting for all menu items.
Men u i te m Desc ript io n PS S ma r tSw i tch On Off Sets the printer to automati cally switch to PS emul ation when a prin t job received through a USB po rt requires it, regardle ss of the default printer l anguage Note s: • On is the factory def ault setting.
Men u i te m Desc ript io n ENA Add r es s Sets the network addr ess information for an exter nal print server that i s attached to the printer using a USB cable Note : Th is me nu item is av ailabl e only if the p rinter is a ttac hed to a n ext ernal p rint server through the USB por t.
Men u i te m Desc rip tion Parall el Buffer Disabled Aut o 3k to <maximum size al lowed> Sets the s ize of the parall el input buffer Note s: • Auto i s the fac tory default s etting. • The Di sabled settin g turns off job buf fering. Any jobs already buf fered on the disk ar e printed bef ore normal pr ocessing is resumed.
Men u i te m Desc rip tion Parall el Mo de 2 On Off Deter mines wheth er o r not th e para llel po rt dat a is sam pled o n the le ading or tra iling edge of strobe Note : On is the factory default s etting.
Men u i te m Desc rip tion NP A Mo de On Off Aut o Sets the pri nter to perform the s pecial processing r equired for bidirectional communication following the conventi ons defined by the NPA protocol Note s: • Auto i s the fac tory default s etting.
Men u i te m Desc rip tion Robu s t X ON On Off Determines whether or no t the printer communi cates availability to the com puter Note s: • Off is the factory de fault settin g. • This menu it em applie s on ly to the ser ial por t if Ser ial Prot ocol is set to XON/XOF F.
Men u i te m Desc r ipt ion Primar y S MTP Ga tew ay Pri mary SMTP Gatewa y Port Se co n d a ry SM T P Ga t ew a y Se co n d a ry SM T P Ga t ew a y Por t Spe cifies SMTP se rver port inform ation Note : 25 is the def ault SMTP gateway port. R an ge is 1 ‑ 65 536.
Secur ity menu Miscell aneo us menu Men u i te m De scr iptio n Lo gi n R es tr i c ti on Login fai lures 1- 10 (3 attempts) Fai lu re t im e fra me 1- 60 (5 minut es) Lockout ti me 1- 60 (5 minut es).
Disk Wiping menu Men u i te m Desc rip tion Wipi ng Mo de Off Aut o Manual Disk Wiping erases only print job data tha t is not curr ently i n use by the file syste m from the printer hard disk. All permanent data on the printer hard di s k is preserved, such as downloaded fonts , macros, and hel d jobs.
Men u i te m Desc rip tion Manu a l Me t ho d Single pass Mult iple pas s Disk Wiping erases only print job data tha t is not curr ently i n use by the file syste m from the printer hard disk. All permanent data on the printer hard di s k is preserved, such as downloaded fonts , macros, and hel d jobs.
Men u i te m Desc rip tion Co nfi gure Log Enab le Audi t Yes No Ena ble Rem ote Sy slo g Yes No Rem ote Sy sl og Fac ility 0 ‑ 23 Severity of events to l og 0 ‑ 7 Specifies whether and ho w the audit logs are created Note s: • Enable audit d etermines if events are recorded in the secure audit l og and rem ote syslog.
Set ting s menu Ge neral Sett ings me nu Men u i te m Desc ri pt ion Disp la y Lang uag e Engl ish Fr an cais Deutsch Italia no Esp anol Dansk Nors k Nederlands Sve ns ka Portuguese Suo mi Russia n Po.
Men u i te m Desc ri pt ion Qu ie t M od e Off (Image/ Photo) On (Text/Gra phics) Reduces the amount of noise produced by the printer Note s : • Off is t he factory defaul t setting . Th i s setting supports th e performance specifications f or your printer.
Men u i te m Desc ri pt ion Timeouts Power S aver 1– 240 Sets the am ount of time t he printer waits after a job is printed before it goes i nto a r educed power state Note s : • 30 minutes i s the fac tory default s etting. • Lower settings conserve more energy, bu t may requi re long er w arm ‑ up t im es .
Men u i te m Desc ri pt ion Prin t Reco very Jam Rec o very On Off Aut o Specifies whether the printer r eprints jam med pages Note s : • Auto i s the factory default setting . The pr inter reprints jammed pages unless the memory required to hold the pages is needed for other printer tas ks.
Setup me nu Men u i te m Desc ri pt ion Pr inte r L anguag e PCL E mula tion PS E mulati on Sets the default pr inter language Note s : • PCL emulation uses a PCL interpreter f or processing print jobs. P ostScript emulation us es a PS interpreter for processing pr int jobs .
Men u i te m Desc ri pt ion Downl oa d Targ et RAM Fl ash Disk Sets the storage location for downloads Note s : • RAM is the f actory default s etting. • Storing downl oads i n flash memory or on a pri nter hard di sk places th em in per manent s torage.
F inis hi ng men u Men u i te m Desc rip tion Si de s (D u pl e x ) 1 si ded 2 si ded Specifies whether duplex (2 ‑ sided) printing i s set a s the def ault for al l print jobs Note s: • 1 sided is the factory default setting.
Men u i te m Desc rip tion Separa tor Source Tr ay <x> Multi ‑ Purpose F eeder Specifies the paper source fo r separ ator shee t s Note s: • Tray 1 ( standard tray) is the f actory defaul t settin g. • From th e Paper menu, Configur e MP must be set to Cassette for Multi ‑ Purpose Fee der to ap pear as a m enu setting.
Men u i te m De scr iptio n Color Co rrection Aut o Off Manual Adjusts the color output on the printed page Note s: • Auto i s the fac tory default s etting. A uto app lies different color conversion tables to eac h object on the printed page. • Off turns off co lor correct ion.
Men u i te m De scr iptio n RGB C ont r as t 0–5 Adjusts contrast in col or outp uts Note s: • 0 i s the factor y default s etting. • This does not affec t files wher e CMYK colo r specific at ions are be ing used. R GB Sa tur atio n 0–5 Adju st s satu ra ti on in col or outp ut s Note s: • 0 i s the factor y default s etting.
Men u i te m De scr iptio n Manu a l C ol or RGB Im age Vivid sRG B Dis pla y Displa y—True B lack sRG B Viv id Off RGB T ext Vivid sRG B Dis pla y Displa y—True B lack sRG B Viv id Off RGB Graphi.
Utili ties menu Men u i te m Desc rip tion Remove H eld J obs Con fi den tia l He ld Not R estored Al l Removes confidential and held jobs from the pr inter hard disk Note s: • Selecti ng a se tting affects only pri nt jobs that are r esident in the pr inter.
Men u i te m Desc rip tion LC D C ontr a s t 1–1 0 Adjusts the c ontrast l ighting of the display Note s: • 5 i s the factor y default s etting. • A hi gher setting m akes the display appear lighter. • A l ower setting m akes the display appear dar ker.
Men u i te m Desc ri ptio n Font Prio rit y Resident Fl ash /Di sk Establishes the font s ear ch order Note s: • Resident is th e fac t ory default setting. • A formatted f lash memory option c ard or p rinter hard disk must be installed in the printer and operating properly f or this menu item to be available.
Men u i te m Desc ri ptio n Sym b o l S et 10U PC ‑ 8 12U PC ‑ 85 0 Spe cifi es t he sym bol se t fo r e a c h font name Note s: • 10U PC ‑ 8 is the US factory default setting. • 12U PC ‑ 850 is the international factory default s etti ng.
Men u i te m Desc ri ptio n PCL E m ul atio n S ett in gs Auto C R after LF On Off Specifies whether the printer automatically per forms a c arriage re turn (CR) af ter a line feed (LF) contr ol command Note s: • Off is the factory d efault setti ng.
HTML menu Men u i te m Desc r ipt ion Font Name Al ber tus MT Anti que Olive Appl e Chancery Aria l MT Ava nt Ga rde Bodoni Bookman Chic a go Clarendon Cooper Black Copperplate Cor one t Cou ri er Eur.
Men u i te m Desc ri pt ion Ba ckg rounds Do No t Print Print Specifies whether to print backgrounds on HTML documents Note : Print i s the f actory default setting. Ima ge m enu Men u i te m Desc rip tion Auto Fi t On Off Selects the optimal pap er size, scalin g, and or ientation Note s: • On is the fac tory default setting.
PictBridge menu Men u i te m Desc rip tion Phot o Si ze Aut o L 2L Hag a ki Po st ca rd Car d Size 100x1 50 mm 4x6 i nch es 8x 10 inch es Letter A4 A5 JI S B5 Selects the optimal pho to size Note s: • Auto i s the fac tory default s etting.
Men u i te m Desc rip tion Paper So urc e Tr ay <x> Manual Feeder Envelope Feeder Sets a default paper source for all pr int jobs Note : T r ay 1 ( standard tra y) is the factory def ault setting. Color On Off Allows the pri nter to generate c olor ed output Note : On is the factory default s etting.
Men u i te m Desc rip tion N ‑ up O rde rin g Hor i zon ta l Reverse Hor izontal Revers e Verti cal Vertic al Spe cifies the positi oning o f mult iple ‑ pa ge images when using N ‑ up (pages ‑ si de ) Note s: • Horiz ontal is t he factory def ault setting.
Men u i te m De scr ip ti on In forma tion G uide Pro vides help in lo cati ng add itio nal i nform ation Connection Guide Provides informatio n about connect ing the printer l ocally (USB) or to a ne.
Maintaining the printer Perio dically, c ertain t ask s are r equir ed to mai ntain op tim um print qual ity. Cleaning the exterior of the printer 1 Make su re t hat the pri nter is tur ned off a nd unpl ugged from the w all outle t.
Warning—Pot ential D amage: To avoi d ove rexp osing the ph ot oconduc tor units, do not le ave the fron t door o pen f or m ore t han 10 m inut es. 2 Remo ve all fo ur to ner c artri dges . Do not remo ve th e photoc ondu ctor uni ts for th is proc edure.
6 Close the f ron t door . Stor ing su pplie s Choose a c ool, cle an stora ge are a for the pri nter suppl ies. St or e supplies r ight si de up in thei r origin al packing until you are ready to us e them.
Check ing the s tatus of supplie s fr om a network com puter Note: The comp uter mus t be connec ted to the same n etwork as t he pr inter. 1 Type the pri nter IP addr ess i nto the address f ield of your Web br owser.
Part na me Par t numbe r Fuser 40X509 5 (100 vol t) 40X509 3 (115 volt ) 40X509 4 (230 volt ) Transf er Mod ule 40X509 6 Orderin g a waste to ner box Wh en 82 Wa ste to ne r b ox n ea rl y ful l appe ars, orde r a replacem ent wast e toner box. When 82 Re plac e wast e to ne r bo x appears , you must replace the waste toner box.
2 Pull up and out on the gr een tabs of the specified cartridge to remove it f rom the printer. 3 Shake the c artridg e fron t to back and s ide t o side to redist ribut e the toner. 4 Reins ert t he c artrid ge to conti nue pri nting . 5 Repeat t his process multip le ti mes until printe d text and g raphics remain faded .
6 Unpac k a new cart ridge. 1 2 3 7 Place the old cartridge in the replacement car tri dge shipping box, a nd then attach the re turn label to the box for shipping . 8 Shake the new cart ridge f ront to ba ck a nd side to side to e venly d istribu te the tone r.
9 Remo ve th e red pa ckin g strip f rom the new ca rtri dge. 10 Insert the new cartridge into the printer. 11 Close the f ron t door . Note: Make sure each car tridge is f ully pushed in.
4 Close the f ron t door . 5 Check th e printer control panel to see i f it is clear of message s. 6 Repeat as ne eded f or addit ional toner c artr idge repl acem ent .
3 Unpac k the repla cemen t photoc ondu ctor. 1 2 3 Warning—Pot ential D amage: Do not touch t he shi ny area on the phot o conducto r drum. Tou ching it could da mage t he photo conduc tor. 4 Alig n and inse rt the le ft end of the photoc ond uctor, an d t hen pres s the ri ght en d until it clicks int o p la ce .
6 Place the old photoc onductor into the r eplacement pho toconduc tor box, an d then pla ce the re tur n labe l on the box fo r shi pping t o Lexmar k fo r recy cling.
If you see Re ady on the pr inter di splay a fter you have repl aced a phot ocondu ctor, c ontinu e with s tep s 1–7: 1 To spec ify th e replac ed ph otoc onductor, pres s . Supp li es M en u a ppears . 2 Press . Repl ac e Su pp ly appea rs. 3 Press .
4 Peel the seal from the side o f the full waste toner box as sho w n, and then place it over the hole to seal off the waste toner box. 1 2 5 Place the sealed waste toner box in the r ecyc ling bag. 6 Place the bag into the s hippin g box you just r emove d the replac ement pa rt from.
Movi ng the pri nter Before mov ing t he printer CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: T he pr int er we ight is gr ea te r t ha n 18 k g (4 0 lb ) an d re qu i res two or mo re tr ained per sonnel t o lift i t safely.
1 2 3 4 5 1 152. 4 m m ( 6.0 i n. ) 2 101. 6 m m ( 4.0 i n. ) 3 609. 6 m m ( 24.0 i n. ) 4 152. 4 m m ( 6.0 i n. ) 5 304. 8 m m ( 12.0 i n. ) Shipping the p rinter When shipp ing the prin ter , use the orig inal pack aging or call the pl ace of pu rchase for a reloc ation kit.
Administrative s upp ort Fin di ng ad va nc ed n et wo rk ing an d adm i ni stra t or i nfo rm at io n For mor e advance d s yste m sup port ta sk s, see t he Networ king Gui de on the Softwa re and D ocument ation CD and th e Emb edded We b Server Admini strat or's Gui de on the L exmar k Web si te at http://s upport .
Set ting u p e ‑ ma il ale r ts You c an have the print er sen d you an e ‑ mail when the supplie s are get ting low or w hen the pape r ne eds to be cha nged, ad d ed, o r unj amm ed . 1 Type the pri nter IP addr ess i nto the address f ield of your Web br owser.
Co py ing p rin te r se tt in gs t o ot h er pr in te r s Using the Em bedded W eb Serv er , you can c opy print er s ettings to up t o 15 othe r networ k print ers.
Cle aring jams Jam error messages appear on the display and include the area of the printer where the jam occurred. When there is more than on e jam, the number of jammed page s i s displaye d. Avoi ding jams The fol low ing hints c an hel p you avo id ja ms: Paper tray recommen dations • Make sure th e paper lies flat i n the tray.
Jam number Jam location What to do 200–2 01 In the p rinte r Open the front d oor, r emo ve the pho tocon ductor unit, an d then remove any jam s. 202 In the pri nter Open the front d oor and top cover, and then remove any jams. 203 In the pri nter or s tand ard exit bin Open the front d oor and top cover, and then rem ove any jams.
3 If t he jam is und er the photo conducto r units: a Pu l l th e jam towa r ds yo u . Note: You may nee d to r emove the pho toco nduct or unit s if the paper is lo dged too tig htly under them. b Rem ove eac h photo conducto r u nit, and pl ace it o n a flat surfac e.
Paper jam un der the fuser unit Warning—P otential Dama ge: To a void over exposi ng t he photoc onductor s, do no t leave the front door open l onger than 1 0 minut es. 1 Open the front do o r, and then open the top cover. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The i nside o f the pri nt er mi ght be hot.
b Lif t the h andhol ds on e ach side o f the f user un it, and then p ull f orward to re move i t. c Pla ce the fuser unit on a f lat sur face. 3 Pull the paper g ently o ut of the print er o r up towar d the st andard ex it bi n to remo ve it . 4 Reinsta ll the fuser un it.
20 3 and 2 30 p ap er ja ms 1 If t he jam is in the sta ndard e xit bin, gr asp the pa per and pull it away fr om the bin. 2 If the jam is under the rollers near the fuser: Warning—Pot ential D amage: To avoi d ove rexp osing the ph ot oconduc tors , do not leave t he fr ont do or o pen l onger than 10 m inut es.
c Pul l straig ht up to remo ve th e jammed pape r. d Pull out on t he release tabs t o allow th e front door to s plit. e Pul l straig ht o ut to re mov e any jammed pa pe r.
24x pa per ja m Paper jammed in Tray 1 1 Ope n Tray 1, an d then pull the jam med pages s traig ht up an d out. 2 Clo se Tr ay 1. 3 Press . Paper j ammed in f ront of T ra y 1 1 Ope n Tray 1, an d then pull the jam med pages u p and o ut. 2 Clo se Tr ay 1.
3 Press . Pape r jammed in on e of the op tion al tr ays 1 Ope n the spec ified opt io nal tray, and pull th e jammed pag es o ut as ill ustrate d. 2 Close the specified optional tray. 3 Press . 25 0 pa per jam 1 Press the paper release lever, and then remove the jammed p ages from the mu l tipurpose feeder.
Troubleshooting Unde rstand ing pr inter mess ages Wh en Ma nua l F eed er appe ars on the disp lay, it ref ers to the mult ipurpose tray, wh ich is als o referred to as the mul tipurpo se feed er. Change <src> to <c u stom type name> You c an change the c urr ent pape r so urc e f or th e rem ainde r of the print job.
• To c ancel th e curr ent print job, press t he up or d own arrow bu tton until Ca nc el jo b appears , an d then pres s . • For mo re inf orm ation, press th e up or down arr ow button unt il Show me or T ell me more app ears, and then press .
• Canc el the pri nt job. Press the u p or down arr ow but ton until C an cel job ap pears, and t hen pr ess . • For mo re inf orm ation, press th e up or down arr ow button unt il Show me or T ell me more app ears, and then press .
• Pres s the up o r down ar row button unt il Cance l j ob appear s, and then press to c ancel th e print j ob. • For mo re inf orm ation, press th e up or down arr ow button unt il Show me or T ell me more app ears, and then press .
• Canc el the pri nt job. Press the u p or down arr ow but ton until C an cel job ap pears, and t hen pr ess . • For mo re inf orm ation, press th e up or down arr ow button unt il Show me or T ell me more app ears, and then press . Remo ve all c olor suppl ies The print er is set f or Colo r Loc k Out pri nting in the Co nfig m enu.
Unsup porte d mode , unplug and ch ange mode Make sure that the camera is in a vali d mode for Pi ctBridge. Unsup porte d USB hub, p lease rem ove Remo ve the un rec ognized US B hub. Unsup porte d USB dev ice, plea se re move Remove the u n recognized USB device.
• Insta ll addi tional m emor y. 37 Ins uffi cient memory to coll ate j ob Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng : • Pres s the up o r down ar row button unt il Cont in ue appears , and t hen press t o pr i n t th e p or t io n o f th e job already st ore d and be gin collat ing the rest of the pr int j ob.
52 No t enough f ree space i n flas h memory f or resources Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng : • Pres s the up o r down arrow butt on until Cont inue appears , an d th en press to stop the defrag ment operat ion and co ntinue pr inting . Downlo aded f onts a nd macr os no t previous ly store d in f lash m emor y are dele ted.
56 Seria l port <x> disabl ed • Pres s the up o r down ar row button unt il Cont in ue appears , and t hen press to clear the message. The pri nt er dis cards an y data rec eived t hr ough the se rial po rt. • Make sure th e Serial Buffer menu item is not set to D isabled.
58 Too ma ny tr ays at ta ched 1 Turn the pri nter of f. 2 Unplug the pow er cor d from t he wa ll out let. No te: O ptional tra ys lock to gether when stacked. Remove stacked trays one at a time f rom the top down. 3 Remove th e addition al trays. 4 Connec t the power c ord t o a properly ground ed out let.
80.xx Fuser life warning • Pres s the up or down a rro w butt on un til Co ntin ue appears, a nd t hen pres s to cl e ar th e me ssa g e a nd con ti n ue print ing. • Order a re placement fuse r immedi at ely. When print qu alit y is re duced, inst all th e new f user using the in st ruction sheet th at came with the replace ment part.
83.x x Repla ce tra nsfer m odule Replace the transfer module using the instruction s heet that came with the r eplacement pa r t. 83. xx Tran sfer mo dule mi ssing Insert the transfer module into the p rinter. 84.x x <c olor> pho tocond uctor low 1 Pres s the up o r down ar row button unt il Cont in ue appears , and t hen press .
88.2x Replace <color> cartridge 1 The t oner cart ridge is ex haust ed. Rep lac e the spe cified toner c ar tridge . No te: To learn how to repla ce a to ner cart ri dge, press the up or dow n arrow until Show Me appears, and then p ress . 2 Cle ar the p aper pa th to cl ear the mess age and c ontinu e prin tin g.
So lving prin ting p roble ms Mu lt ip le ‑ la ng uage PDFs do no t print The doc uments con tain unav ailable font s. 1 Ope n the doc ument yo u want to print i n Ado be Acro bat. 2 Click t he printer icon. The P rint di alog appear s. 3 Sel ect Print as image .
M AKE SU RE THE IN TER NAL PRINT SERVE R IS IN ST ALL ED PROPERLY AN D WORKI NG • Make sure the internal print s erver is prop erly installed an d t hat the prin ter is connect ed to the netw ork.
C HANGE THE P AGE P RO TECT SE TTIN G TO O FF 1 From t he pr inter c ontro l panel, press . 2 Press the up or dow n arrow butt on until Sett ings ap pears, and t hen press . 3 Press the up or dow n arrow butt on until Gene ral Sett ing s appears, and then p ress .
Large j obs do n ot coll ate These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: M AKE SU RE C OLLATE IS SE T TO O N From th e Finishing menu or Print Pro perties, set Col late to On. Note: Setting Collate to Off in the so ftware over rides the setting in the Fini shing men u.
C HECK TO SEE IF THE OPT ION IS CONNECTED TO TH E PRI NTER 1 Turn the p rinter off. 2 Unpl ug the print er . 3 Check the connecti on between the optio n and the pr inter. M AKE SU RE THE OPTIO N IS INST AL LED Print a men u setting s page and check to s ee if the optio n is list ed in the Ins talled Op tions li st.
Sol ving 2, 000- sheet dra wer pr o blems Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng : T HE ELE VATOR TRA Y IS NO T WO RKIN G PROPERL Y • Make sure the printer is proper l y connected to the 2,000 ‑ sh eet drawer. • Ma ke s ure t h e p ri nte r is tur ned o n.
C HECK THE CA BLE Make sure you are using the cor r ect cable and that it is s ecurely connected. M AKE SU RE THE NETWO R K SOF T WARE IS CONFI GURED CORRECTLY For info rmation abou t installin g sof .
T HE PAPER MAY HA VE ABSO RBED MOISTU R E DUE TO HIGH HUMI DI TY • Load pap er fr om a fres h pac kage. • Stor e paper i n its or iginal w rapp er un til you us e it. Paper jam message remains after jam is cleared 1 Clea r jamm ed paper fr om the ent ir e paper path.
Bla nk pag es These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: P ACKIN G MATER IAL MAY BE ON TH E TONER CA RTR I D GE Remove t he toner cart ridge and make su re t he packing m aterial i s prop erly r emoved. Rei nst all the t oner c artridg e.
Color m isregis tratio n ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE Color has shifted outside of the appropriate area or has been superimposed over another colo r area. Try the following: 1 Recalibrat e the printer . Perform Color A djust fr om the Qualit y menu. 2 Remo ve and r einst all the ph ot oconduct or.
Clipp ed images Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng : C HECK THE GU I DES Move th e width a nd lengt h guides in the t ray to the c orrec t positi ons f or the pa per si ze loa ded.
Gray ba ckground ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE C HECK THE T ONER D ARKN E SS SETTI N G Select a light er Toner D arknes s set ting: • From t he print er cont rol pane l Quality menu, c han ge the s etting. • For Wind ows user s, c hange t he set ting fr om Pri nt Pr opertie s.
Light colo red li ne, white line, or i ncorrectl y colored line ABCDE ABCDE A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: A TONER CARTRIDGE IS DEFEC TIVE Replace the defec tive toner c artr idge. A PH OTO COND UCTOR IS DEFECT IVE Replace the defec tive phot ocond uctor .
Print irregu larities These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: T HE PAPER MAY HA VE ABSO RBED MOISTU R E DUE TO HIGH HUMI DI TY Load paper from a f resh package .
C HECK THE DARK NE SS , BRIGHTNE SS , AND CONTRAST SETTI NG S The Toner Darknes s sett ing is t oo da rk, the RG B Brightne ss se tting i s too dar k, or the R GB Cont rast set ting is too high. • Chang e these se tting s from the printer contr ol pane l Quali ty menu.
C HECK THE PAPER TYPE AN D WEIG HT SET TI NGS Make sure t he p aper ty pe an d weight set tings m at ch the paper l oaded i n the t ray: 1 From t he pr inter c ontro l panel Paper m enu, ch eck the P aper Type and Paper Weight sett ings.
Skewed p rint These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: C HECK THE PAPER GUIDE S Move th e length and widt h guides in the t ray to the c orrec t positio ns f or the pa per si ze loa ded. • Make sure the guides are not too f ar from the paper stack.
T HE TO NER CARTRIDGE MA Y BE WO RN , DEFEC TIVE , OR EM PTY Replac e the to ner car tri dge. T HE FUSER MAY BE DEFECTIV E Replace the fu s er. T HE PHO TOCON DUCT OR MA Y BE DEFE CT IV E Replace the phot ocond uctor. Streaked v ertical lin es ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE These are possible solutions.
T HE TR ANSF ER MODULE MAY BE WORN OR DEF E CT I VE Replace the transfer module. T HE PHO TOCON DUCT OR MA Y BE WOR N OR DEF ECT IV E Replace the phot ocond uctor. T HE FUSER MAY BE WORN OR DEF ECT IVE Replace the fu s er. T HERE IS TONE R IN THE PAPER PATH The p rint er m ay nee d to be s ervic ed.
T HE FUSER MAY BE WORN OR DEF ECT IVE Replace the fu s er. Ton er spe cks These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: T HE TO NER CARTRIDGE MA Y BE WO RN OR DEFE CT IV E Replac e the to ner car tri dge. T HERE IS TONE R IN THE PAPER PATH The p rint er m ay nee d to be s ervic ed.
Uneven pri nt de nsi ty A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: A TONER CARTRIDGE MA Y BE WORN OR DEFE CTIV E Replace the wo rn or de fectiv e toner car tridge . A PH OTO COND UCTOR MAY BE DEFEC TIV E Replace the defec tive phot ocond uctor .
Should I use P ostSc ript or PC L emula tion pr inter so ftware? What s ettings should I use for the be st col or? The P ostSc ript d river is stro ngly recomm ended f or b est color q uality. T he defa ult se tting s in the P ostS cript dri v er prov ide the pr efer red c olor qual it y for t he maj ority o f print outs.
Manual Co lor menu Obje ct ty p e C ol or c o nv er sio n ta bl es RGB Im age RGB Text RGB Gr aphics • Vivid —Produces brighter, more s aturated colors an d m ay be applied to al l i n com i n g co lor fo r m at s. • sRGB Di splay —Produces an output that appr o ximates the color s displayed on a computer moni tor.
To ac cess a det ailed Color S amples set from the Embedde d We b Ser ver: 1 Type the pri nt er IP add ress into t he addr ess fie ld o f your Web br ow ser. No te: If you do not know t he IP addr ess o f the pri nte r, then print a netw ork setup pag e and locate the IP addre ss in t he TCP/ IP sec tion.
Notices Product i nformation Prod uct na me: Lexmark C734n, C 734dn , C734d tn, C734d w, C736 n, C736 dn, C736 dtn Machi ne type: 5026 Mode l(s): 210, 2 30, 2 80 , 410 , 430 , 480 Edition noti ce Marc.
UNITED STA TES GOVERNMENT RIGHTS This so ftwa re and any acco mpanyi ng docume ntation pro vided un de r this agree ment ar e comme rcial comput er softwar e and d ocument ation deve loped exclusiv ely at pri vate expense.
The manuf ac turer is not r espons ible for r adio or tele vis ion inter ferenc e caus e d by using other t han recomme n ded cables o r by un authori zed chan ges or m odif ications t o th is equipm ent . Un authori zed chan ges or m odifica tions c ould void the user's authority to o perate this equipment.
Static s ensitiv ity noti ce This sym bol id entifies st atic-sensi tive parts. Do no t touch i n t he areas near the se symbols w ithout first touching the metal fr am e of th e printer.
Laser a dvisory label A laser n otic e l abel m a y be affixed to this prin ter as s h own: Pow er consump tio n Pro du ct po w er con sum pt io n The fol low ing ta ble docume nts the pow er c ons umption charac terist ics o f the pr oduc t. Note: Some m odes m ay not appl y to your prod uct.
Factory default P ower Saver Timeout f or this product ( in minutes) : 30 By usi ng the co nfigur ation m enus, the Powe r Sav er Ti meout c an be m odified be tween 1 mi nute and 2 40 minutes. Setting the P ower Saver Tim eout to a low value r educ es ener gy consumpt ion, but m ay increase t he re sponse time of the pr o duct .
Exposur e to radio frequency radiation The radi ated ou tpu t pow er of th is devic e i s fa r bel ow the rad io f requenc y exposu re li mit s o f the F CC an d ot her regulat or y agenc ies.
Notice to u sers i n th e European Union Prod ucts bearin g the CE mark are in con formit y wit h the protec tion requir ement s o f EC Counc il d irec tive s 2004 /10 8/EC, 2006 /95 /EC, and 1 999 /5.
Eest i Kä eso leva ga kinn it ab Le xmar k I nte rnat io nal , In c. , et se ade se e to ode va sta b d ire kti ivi 199 9/5/ EÜ põh inõ uet e le j a nim e tatu d dire kti ivis t t ul en evatel e m u udele as j ako hast el e sä tete le. Suomi Lexm ark International, Inc.
Lim ited warra nty Lexma rk warran ts that th is product : —Is manuf actur ed from n e w parts, or new a nd ser viceab le used p art s, whic h per form like n ew pa rts —Is, during no rmal use , f.
—Maintenanc e by a nyone other than L e xmark or a Lexmark autho riz ed servicer —Operat ion of a pr oduct beyond the limi t of its du ty cyc le —Use of printing media out side of Lexma rk speci.
is not otherw ise s ubject t o a writt en sof tware license ag re ement bet ween you and Lexmark or its sup pliers , g overns your use of any So ftwa re Progr am ins talle d on or pr ovided by L exma rk for use in connec tion wi th your Lexmark pr oduct .
5 LICENS E GRAN T . Lexmark grant s you the followin g rights provided you comply with all terms and conditions of this License Agreement: a Use . You may Use o ne (1) c opy of the Sof tware Prog ram. Th e term “Use” means sto ring, l oading, in stalling, ex ecuting, o r dis playing the S oftw are Pro gram.
12 LIMITATI ON ON ACTION S . No action, regardless of form, arising out of this Agreement m a y be brought by either part y more th an two years a fter the c ause o f action has ar isen, exc ept as pr ovided under applic able law. 13 APPLI CABLE L AW .
Index Nume ri cs 2,0 00 ‑ sheet tr ay instal ling 30 3 1.yy Mis s ing or d efe ct ive <co lor > cart rid ge 1 62 32. yy <C olo r> c art rid ge p art numbe r un support ed by device 162 3.
display t rouble shoot ing display is blank 1 70 di spl ay sh ow s on ly dia mo nds 170 display, pr inte r contro l panel adjust ing br ightne ss 50 docum ents, pri nting from Ma cintos h c omputer 66.
menu setti ngs loading on mult iple print ers 147 menu setti ngs page pri nting 33 menu s Act iv e NI C 89 Ap ple Ta lk 95 C onf id en ti al Pr int 1 04 Confi gure M P 81 Cust om Ty pes 8 7 Def ault S.
color misreg istration 179 fine horizon tal lines 180 ghos t i mages 1 8 0 gray ba ckground 181 light c olored line, w hite lin e, or incorrectly colored line 182 poor tran sparen cy quality 1 89 p ri.
Load Manual Feeder with <custo m string> 1 60 Load Manual Feeder with <custo m type name> 159 Load Manual Feeder with <size> 160 Load Manual Feeder with <type> <size> 160.
unlinking 58, 59 trou blesho oting checki ng an unr esponsiv e pri nter 1 69 contac ting Custome r Suppo rt 19 3 FAQ about c olor pri n ting 19 0 sol ving basic print er proble ms 16 9 trou bleshoot i.
An important point after buying a device Lexmark C736 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lexmark C736 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lexmark C736 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lexmark C736 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lexmark C736 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lexmark C736, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lexmark C736.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lexmark C736. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lexmark C736 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center