Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 812 Lexmark
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www.lexmark .com User’ s Reference J uly 2002 Le xmark W812.
iii T ab l e of contents Chapter 1: Printer overv iew ............ .............. .............. .......... ............ 7 Chapter 2: Sending a job to print ............. .............. .............. .......... 10 Chapter 3: Canceling a print job ...
iv Chapter 8: Loading the trays ...... .............. .............. .............. .......... 21 Loading 2 50-shee t trays .... .................... ............ ............. .................... ............. ... 21 Loading 5 00-shee t trays .... .
v Chapter 24: Replacing the fuser ......... .............. .............. .............. . 61 Removing the old fu ser ............ ............. ................... ............. ............. ................ 6 1 Installing a new fus er ........ ....
vi Chapter 38: Job Menu ....... .............. .............. .......... .............. ........ 133 Chapter 39: Quality Menu ............... .............. .............. .............. .... 136 Chapter 40: Paper Menu ................. ..............
7 1 Printer o ver view The following illu strations show the v iews of your Lexmark W 812 pr inter . Output bin Opera tor pan el On/Off s wit ch P ape r size di al Stamdard 250- she et tra y Multipurp.
8 Fuser Print cartr idge Rele ase but ton Duple x connect or P ow er cord co nnect or P arall el port co nnect or Netw ork card connec tor.
9 T o increase paper cap acity , you can p urchase additi onal 25 0-sheet a nd 500-sh eet t ra ys. The f ollowing illustra tion shows the pri nter con figured w ith one option al 500-shee t tray and one option al 250 -sheet tra y that is extended for A3 size paper .
10 2 Sending a job to print T o print a j ob from a t ypical Windows appl ication : 1 Open the file you want to pr int . 2 F rom the Fi le menu, se lect P rin t.
11 3 Canceling a print job Cance lin g a job f r om th e print er operator panel T o cancel a job after it h as st ar ted pr inti ng, pres s Men u until you s ee Cancel Job, and then pre ss Select . Canceling a job from the Windo ws taskbar When you sen d a job to p rint , a sma ll pr inter ico n appea rs in the r ight cor ner of t he tas kbar .
12 4 Conser ving supplies Sev eral settings i n your applicat ion so ftware or on t he displ a y let you cons er ve toner and paper : Supply Setti ng What the se tting does For more inf ormation, see... T on er T on er Darkness in the Qu alit y Menu Lets y ou adju st the am ount of ton er released on a shee t of p aper .
13 5 Holding a job in the printer When sendi ng a job to the pr inter , y ou can specify in the driver that you want the printer to hold the job in memo r y . When you are rea dy to pr int the job, y ou must g o to the pr inter and use the op erator panel menus to ide ntify whi ch held job you want to pri nt.
14 Accessing he ld jobs from the operato r panel 1 T o acc ess held j obs from the ope rator panel: – If the pr inter is Busy , press Me nu. Th e Job M enu appears.
15 Repeating prin t jobs If you send a Re peat Pr int job, the pr inter pr ints all reques ted copi es of the j ob and stores the job in memor y s o you can pr in t addition al cop ies late r . Y ou can pr int ad dition al copie s as long as th e job remain s store d in memory .
16 Printing conf idential jobs When you sen d a job to th e pr inter , you can ent er a per sonal id entifica tion number (PIN) from the dri v er . The PIN must b e four digits using the number s 1–6.
17 6 P aper and specialty media specifications The following table lis ts suppor ted pape r and sp ecial ty media sizes and wei ghts for the stand ard an d option al tra ys, as well as for the multipur p ose feeder .
18 The following papers are no t recomm ended for use wit h your prin ter : • P aper wit h a rough or heavily textured sur f ace • Coated pape rs, such as e rasable bond • Prepr inted p apers m .
19 Labels Y our pri nter can pri nt on ma ny labels de signe d f or use with las er pr inters. The se lab els are su pplie d in letter si ze and A4 size sheets.
20 7 Linking tra ys • If you load the same size a nd type of paper or media in more than on e tra y , the pr in ter automa tically li nks the tra ys.
21 8 Loading the tra ys Loading 250-sheet trays F ollow the in str uctions in thi s se ction to load paper a nd sp ecialty medi a into a ny of the 250-sh eet trays.
22 5 Flex the sheets b ack and f or th to loosen them, an d then fan them. Do not fold or creas e the pape r . Straighten the edge s of th e stack on a lev el surface.
23 9 Replace t he tra y cover . 10 Inser t the tray . 11 Adjust t he pape r size dial to match the size of t he pape r loaded in the tray . If the dial is not s et correc tly , you may get a paper j am or 34 Wrong P aper S ize message. 12 Select t he pape r type an d paper s ource f rom your so ftware applic ation.
24 A3, JIS B4 , le gal , 8.5x 13, or 11 x17 s i ze pap er Extend th e paper tray to load pa per long er than A 4 or lette r size. 1 Remov e the tra y , and then s et it on a flat s urf ace. 2 Remov e the tra y cov er . 3 Slide th e locking mecha nism s on the l eft and r ight sides of the tray inward to unlock the ext e n s i o n .
25 4 Pull the extension out until it stops. 5 Slide th e locking mec hanism s outward t o lock the extension in place. 6 F ollow steps 3 throug h 10 be ginnin g on page 21 to finish l oadin g the tray . 7 Adjust t he pape r size dial to match the size of t he pape r loaded in the tray .
26 Loading 500-sheet trays F ollow these instr uction s to load paper into a 500- sheet tray . Note: Do not exceed the r ecom mended c apacity or med ia weights ( see “P aper and specialty me dia sp ecifications ” ). 1 Remov e the tra y , and then s et it on a flat s urf ace.
27 5 Make sure the pa per fits easily under the two cor ner bucklers. 6 Replace t he tra y cover . 7 Inser t the tray . Note: Do not exceed the m aximum sta ck height ind icate d on the tray . If you ha ve frequent paper jams, tr y loadi ng the paper to the lower stack height line.
28 9 Loading the m ultipurpose f eeder Use the multi pur pos e feeder f or pa per , s pecialt y medi a (tran sparenc ies and label sheets) , envelopes, and Ha gaki card s. Note: Do not exceed the r ecom mended c apacity or med ia weights ( see “P aper and specialty me dia sp ecifications ” ).
29 3 Flex the sheets b ack and f or th to loosen them, an d then fan them. Do not fold or creas e the pape r . Straighten the edge s of th e stack on a lev el surface. 4 Inser t the pape r or sp ecialty media , pri nt side u p , into the multipur pose f eeder .
30 Printing en velop es 1 Inser t the envelopes pr int side up, flap down, into the multi pur pose feeder . 2 Slide th e side gu ides t o fit the wi dth of the envelopes. 3 Select t he pape r size, paper typ e, and paper sour ce fro m both the o perator pan el and your software appl ication .
31 10 Tips f or successful printing Storing paper Use the following guid eline s to av oid pap er feeding problems and unev en pr int qua lity . • Store pa per in an environment where the temperature is appr ox imat ely 21°C (70 °F) an d the relative humi dity is 40%.
32 The following hints c an help you a void paper j ams: • Use only rec ommend ed paper . Refer to the Car d Stock & Label Guide av ail ab le o n Le xmark’ s W eb si te at www . f or mor e informa tion ab out which paper provide s optimum result s fo r yo ur printing en vironment .
33 11 Using the optional duple x unit Duplexing your pr int job s co nser ves suppl ies a nd redu ces co sts. T o prin t a dupl ex job , selec t Dupl e x from your pr inter d river . Note: T o avoid paper jams when d uplexing universal size jobs, ma ke sure the paper si ze is between 148 mm–2 97 mm (5.
34 12 Chec king an unresponsive printer Sometime s pr inter problems ar e ver y easy t o solve. If your print er is no t respon ding, f irst make su re: • The power cord i s plugg ed into the prin ter and a prope rly grou nded elec tric al outle t. • The ele ctrica l outlet is not tur ned off by any s witch o r breaker .
35 13 Solving print quality pr oblems Y ou can s olve many pri nt qual ity pr oblems by replaci ng a sup ply o r mainte nance item that has reached the end of i ts in tended life. Check the operato r panel for a mess age abo ut a pr inter cons umable.
36 Print too light • The T oner Da rkness set ting is too li ght. • Y ou are u sing pape r that does not meet t he printer specifi cation s. • The print cartridge is low on toner . • The print cartridge is def ectiv e or has be en installe d in more than one printer .
37 Print irregularities • P aper h as absorb ed moisture due to hi gh humidity . • Y ou are u sing pape r that does not meet t he printer specifi cation s. • The fuser is worn or def ectiv e. • Load pape r from a fre sh pack age in th e paper tra y .
38 Streaked vertical lines T oner is sme a red be fore fusing to the paper . If paper is stiff , tr y fe eding from an other tra y . T oner spec ks • The print cartridge is def ectiv e. • The fuser is worn or def ectiv e. • T oner is in the p aper path.
39 Incorrect mar g ins • Guides in the se lected tr a y are set f or a diff erent s ize paper than what is loaded in the tr a y . • A uto siz e sen sing is set to Off , b ut y ou loade d a diff erent size p aper in a tr ay . Fo r e xampl e , y ou inserted A4 siz e paper i nto the sel ected tray b ut did not set the P aper Size to A4.
40 14 Solving paper feed pr ob lems Symptom Cause So lution P aper frequent ly jams. Y ou are u sing pape r that does no t meet the printer specific ations . Use re commen ded paper a nd spec ialty media . Ref er to the Card Sto ck & Label G uide av ailab le on Le xmark’ s Web site at www .
41 P aper frequent ly jams (contin ued). The paper frequen tly jams in the optio nal 500-shee t tra y . Load the paper to the stac k height indica ted with an A. P aper jam s when duple xing Univ ersal size paper . The Uni vers al paper size selected is outside the rang e f or dupl ex ed jobs .
42 15 Solving printing pr oblems Symptom Cause Solution The operator p anel disp lay is blan k or displa ys onl y diamonds. The printer self te st f ailed. T ur n the print er off , w ait about 10 seco nds, and turn the printer back on . Performing Self Test appears on the dis pl a y .
43 Jobs do not print (con tinu ed). Y ou are using the wrong printer dri ver or a r e pr int ing to a fi le. • V er ify that you s elected the printer driv er associa ted with you r Le xmark W812 printer .
44 T ray linkin g does not wor k. T ray linking is not co nfigured prop erly . T o configure the lin k ed trays: • Mak e sure the T ra y x T ype val ue in the Pap e r Ty p e men u item in the Paper Menu is the same f or all li nked tra ys.
45 16 Solving other option pr oblems Symptom Cause Solut ion The option do es not operate correctly after it is ins talled, or it stops w orking. The o pti on is no t in st al led c orre ctly . Remove the opti on, and th en rein sta l l it . Cable s conn ecting the option to the printer are not attach ed corr ect ly .
46 17 Calling f or service When you cal l f or p rinte r ser vi ce, descr ibe th e problem you are exper iencing , the me ssage on the display , and the t roubleshooti ng steps you hav e alrea dy taken to find a soluti on. Y ou need to k now your print er model type a nd seri al number .
47 18 Under standing jam messages P aper jam messages Mes sage Area where jam occur s See... 200 Paper Jam Open Top Cover 200 Paper Jam Check Trays In or beh ind an y of th e paper tr a ys or the mult.
48 19 Clearing jams When a jam occ urs, the pr inter displays a 2xx Paper Jam message and stop s pr i nting. On ce you clear t he jam, open and c lose the top cover to clea r the m essage a nd resu me pr inting . Click any of the mes sages be low f or ins truc tions on clear ing the jam.
49 Clearing 200/201 jams fr om the paper tra y P aper may get jamme d in th e tra y or lo dged be hind the tray . T o c lear the jam: 1 Pull out the tray the pr inter is using for the cur rent job, and then remove the tray cov er. 2 If the paper jammed in the tra y , remove it.
50 Clearing 200/201 jams fr om the m ultipurpos e feeder 1 Open the multipur pos e feeder and remove any paper from the tra y . 2 If paper i s jamme d inside the multi pur pose feeder , remove it. 3 Open and close th e top cover to clear the mess age.
51 2 Press the rele ase button on the left side of the prin ter to ope n the top cover . CAUTION: The fus er may be hot. Let it cool b ef ore continuing. 3 Raise the fuser pa per guid e and rem ov e any jamme d paper. 4 Lower the fuser pa per guide. 5 Clos e th e top c ov er to c lear th e me ss age .
52 Clearing 202 jams fr om the print cartridg e A 20 2 Paper Ja m occurs afte r paper ha s left the paper tray but has not reac hed the fuse r . T o clear the jam: 1 Remov e any paper in the output tray . 2 Press the rele ase button on the left side of the prin ter to ope n the top cover .
53 4 Open the prin t car tridge pap er guide lev er and r emov e any jam med pa per . 5 Close the pri nt car tridge pa per guide lev er . 6 R e in se rt t h e p ri n t c a rt r i d g e .
54 3 Check f or any jam med pap er and r emov e it. 4 Close the duplex unit upper cover . 5 Open the duplex unit lower cover . 6 Check f or any jam med pap er and r emov e it. 7 Clos e the d uple x unit lo we r co ve r . 8 Remov e the pr int car tridge and r emove any jammed pap er .
55 20 Or dering supplies In the U.S ., co ntact Lexmark at 1-800- 539-6275 for inf or mati on about Lexmar k Authorized S uppli es Dealers in your area. In other c ountr ies/region s, visit the Lexmark Web site at w ww .lexmar or contact t he pla ce where you bought your pr inter .
56 21 Determining the st atus of supplies T o de ter mine t he status of all of the cons umables insta lled in your prin ter , print th e menu se ttings pag e. See Printing a menu settings page f or detail ed ins tru ctions. One or two pages prin t depend ing on the number o f menu se ttings you have .
57 22 Rec yc ling used supplies Lexmark’ s Operatio n ReSourc e SM program lets you par tici pate in a worldwi de recycl ing effor t at no cost to you. P ack your used pr int car tridg e in the new pr int car tridge ship ping box. F oll ow the instr uct ions i n the box to send th e used car tridge back to Lexmar k.
58 23 Replacing the print car tridg e When the To ner Low mess age ap pears o n the dis play , ch eck that you hav e a n ew print c ar tr idge, P/ N 14K0050, on hand . T o use the re maining to ner , r emov e the pri nt car tr idge, sh ake it gently back and f or th, and reinser t it.
59 2 Pull out the pr int c ar tr idge and set i t asid e. W ARNING : Le x mark does n ot recomm end refil ling use d pri nt car tridge s or purch asing re filled car tridges fr om a thir d par ty . P r int quali ty and prin ter rel iability cannot b e guaranteed if you do .
60 2 Shake the car tridge i n all d irections to distr ibute the to ner . 3 Place th e car tr idge on a fl at surface and rem ov e the tone r seal. 4 Align th e car tridge wit h the grooves in the pr inter , and inser t it int o the pr inter . 5 Clos e th e top c o ve r .
61 24 Replacing the fuser Replace t he fuse r when an 80 Sche duled Ma intena nce message appears. Remo ving the old fuser 1 T ur n th e pr inter off. 2 Press the rele ase button on the left side of the prin ter and op en the t op cover .
62 3 Pull out the pr int c ar tr idge. 4 Pull up the fus er latch es on each end t o releas e the fu ser ..
63 5 Grasping the handles on each e nd of the fuser , pull the fuser toward you, and the n up out of the pr inter . 6 Set the fus er asi de. Installing a new fuser 1 Unwrap the new fuser . F ollow the recy cling i nstruc tions i n the box to dispo se of the o ld fuser .
64 3 Push down the fuser la tches to lock the fuser i nto posi tion. 4 Align th e pri nt car tridge wi th the grooves in the p rin ter an d reinser t it into t he pr inter . 5 Clos e th e co v er . 6 Reset the f user pag e counter ba ck to zero: a Press and hold Sel ect and Re turn while tur ning the pr inter on .
65 25 Under standing the printer operator panel The operat or panel h as five buttons, a display , and a li ght that flash es when the pr inter is proces sing a job. Operator pan el buttons Button Function Go Press Go to: • Return to the Rea dy state if the printer i s offline (the Ready messa ge doe s not app ear on the di spla y).
66 Select Press Sel ect to: • Open the menu show n on the sec ond line of the d ispla y . • Sa ve the displ ay ed men u ite m as the ne w user def ault s etting. • Clear c er tain mes sages f rom the di spla y . • Contin ue printing after the Change <x> me ssage ap pears.
67 26 Configuring printer aler ts Y ou can confi gure the pr inter s e ver al wa y s to let you kn ow when it r equires at tention . Using the Setup Menu Select ing A uto Continue ma y affect how the pri nter ale r ts ex ecute. This setting d efines how lo ng the pri nter waits afte r displ aying a mess age before it r esumes pr inting .
68 27 Remo ving memory and option cards Use these inst ruct ions to guid e you as you remove memor y or option cards. Use the following illustra tion to locate the conne ctor for the ca rd you want to remove. Remo ving the printe r system bo ar d access pan el 1 T ur n th e pr inter off.
69 4 Press the rele ase button on the left side of the prin ter , and then o pen the top cover . 5 Push the side release button as you slid e the r ight cover tow ard the rear of t he pr inter .
70 7 Loosen th e screws on t he access panel and remove it. Remo ving memo ry cards Complete th e following steps to remove printer mem or y or fl ash memo r y cards. W ARNING : Printer memor y an d flash me mor y car ds are easily dam aged by stat ic electr ici ty .
71 4 Pull the card s traight out o f the co nnecto r . 5 Place th e card i n its or igin al packaging , or wrap the ca rd in paper an d store i t in a box.
72 3 Locate the option card you want to rem ov e. 4 Gently pul l the o ption card out of th e connec tor slot on the sy stem board. 5 Place th e card i n its or igin al packaging , or wrap the ca rd in paper an d store i t in a box. 6 If you do not pl an to in ser t another ca rd, reattac h the me tal plate t hat covers the co nnecto r slot.
73 Remo ving a firmware card Comple te the following steps to r emove a firmware c ard. If an opt ion card h as been installe d, you must remove it bef ore removing th e fir mware car d. Se e Removi ng an option card . W ARNING : Optional fir mwa re card s are ea sily dama ged by stati c ele ctr icity .
74 Reinstalling the system b oar d access pan el 1 Inser t the meta l tab o n the acc ess cover behind the pr inter frame, and then secure the cover with the two s crews . 2 Inser t the two tabs at the fro nt end o f the r ight cover behind th e pri nter frame, and then alig n the cover with the relea se button.
75 28 Disab ling the operator panel menus A networ k a dminist rator can l ock the pr in ter menus to keep othe rs fro m chang ing d efault menu setting s from the o perator pa nel. T o dis able the menus: 1 T ur n th e pr inter off. 2 Press and hold t he Select and Return buttons, and th en tur n th e pri nter on.
76 29 Disab ling P o wer Saver Disabling Pow e r S av e r in the Setup Men u help s keep your pri nter re ady to pr int wi thout de la ys. 1 Press Menu until you see Setup Menu, a nd then press Select . 2 Press Menu until you see P ower Saver , and the n press Select.
77 30 Siz e Se nsing When si ze sensing is set to A uto , the default, the pr inter recogni zes the size p aper curr ently lo aded i n the 250-s heet or 5 00-shee t tra ys. When you switch to a diff ere nt size paper , set the pap er size dial to match the new size paper you loade d.
78 31 Printing a men u settings page Pri nt the menu sett ings page to revie w the pr inte r setting s and to v er ify that prin ter option s are instal led corr ectl y . Note: See Understanding the printer oper ator panel to identify the di splay and operator p anel buttons if you need help.
79 32 Restoring factory default settings 1 Make sure the pr inte r is on and the Re ady messag e appea rs. 2 Press Menu until you see Utilitie s Menu, a nd then pr ess Select . 3 Press Menu until you see F ac tor y De f aults, and th en press Select .
80 33 Changing men u settings Y ou can use th e operat or panel to change prin ter me nu settings and cus tomize your printe r to m eet your specific needs. Note: Changes to specifi c pr int jobs ma de fro m a software a pplicati on ov err ide the settings made f rom the op erator pan el.
81 34 Under standing f onts Resident fonts Y our pri nter is equipped with r esident fonts sto red per m anently in pr inter m emor y . D iff erent fonts are av ailable in PCL 6 , P o stScr ipt 3, a nd PP DS emulation s. Some of the most p opular type f aces, l ike Cour ier and T imes New Roman , are availabl e for all pr inter langua ges.
82 ITC Bookma n Demi Bookman -Demi Bookma n-Demi ITC Book man Demi Italic Bookman -DemiIta lic Bookma n-DemiItali c Clarend on Co nd ens ed Bold Coronet Coro net-Regular CourierPS Courier Courier Cour.
83 Courier Italic Intl-Courier- Obliqu e Courier Bold Intl-Courier- Bold Courier Bold Courier Bold Ital ic Intl-Cou rier-BoldOb lique Letter Gothi c LetterGo thic Letter Gothi c Italic LetterGo thic -.
84 Univ ers Con densed Bo ld Italic Univ ers-Con densedBol dOb lique Wingding s Wingding s-Regul ar ITC Zapf Chance r y Medium Italic ZapfChancery-MediumIta lic ZapfC hancery-Mediu mItalic ITC Zapf Di.
85 CooperBlac k-Italic Copperplate-Thi r tyT woBC Copperplate-Thi r tyThreeBC Eurostile Eurostile -Bold Eurostile -ExtendedT wo Eurost ile-BoldExt endedT wo GillSan s GillSan s-Italic GillS ans -Bol d.
86 Resident bitm apped fonts Symbol sets A symbol set is an encoded c ollection of alph abetic an d numer ic charac ters, punctuat ion, an d specia l characters av ailable in the font you select. S ymbol s ets supp or t t he requi rements f or different langu ages or spe cific a pplic ations, such as math symbols used for scientific text.
87 Y ou can downloa d scala ble f onts in PostScri pt 3 emulat ion and ei ther sc alable or bi tmapped f onts in PCL 6 em ul ati on. F onts ca n be d own loa ded t o printe r mem ory , or to a fl as h me mory opti on or hard disk op tion.
88 35 Printing sample f onts Y o ur p rint er ha s re si de n t f onts st or ed pe rmane nt ly i n m e mo ry . Dif f erent f onts ma y be a v ailab le in PCL, P os tScri pt, and PPDS emula tions.
89 9 Press Menu unti l you see Util ities Me nu, and the n press Select . 10 Press Menu unti l you see Pr int Fonts, and th en press Select . – Select P PDS Fonts to pri nt a list ing of t he fonts av ailable in P PDS emulation. 11 Press Select . The mes sage Printing Fon t Lis t remains on the display until all pages pri nt.
90 36 Under standing printer messag es The pr inter operator p anel dis plays messages d escr ibing t he curr ent st ate of the pr inte r and indicate s possible pr inter p roblems you must reso lve. This topic pr ovides a li st of all pri nter mes sages, explains what they mean, a nd tell s you how to clear t he messa ges.
91 Activating De mo Mode What this message means: The pr inter is activating file s stored in the pri nter that d emonstrate the pr inter features. In th is mode, regula r pr int jo bs are i gnored a nd only d emons tration file s liste d on the operator p anel can b e pri nted.
92 Busy What this message means: The pr inter is busy rece ivin g, proces sing, or pr inting data. What you can do: • W ait for the messag e to cl ear . • Press Menu to open the Job M enu and c ancel the current j ob . Canceling Job What this message means: The printer is pr oces sing a reques t to ca nce l the cu rren t prin t job .
93 Check <device > Connection What this message means: The spe cified d e vice is eithe r not full y co nnected to the pr inter or is exper iencing a hardware fa i l u r e . What you can do: • Reestablish c ommunicati on by removing the spe cified d e vice and r eattachin g it to t he pr inte r .
94 Deactivati ng Dem o Mode What this message means: The pr inter is rea dy to p rint jobs. What you can do: Send p rin t jobs to t he pr int er . See also: Activating Demo Mode Deactivati ng PPDS What this message means: The pr inter is deac tivating the PP DS emulat ion pr inter l anguage.
95 Delete All Jobs What this message means: The pr inter is req uesting c onfir ma tion to delete all held jobs. What you can do: • Press Go to continue. The p rint er delete s all he ld job s. • Press Stop to cancel the ope ration. Deleting J obs What this message means: The pr inter is de leting on e or m ore held jobs.
96 Disk Corru pted. Reformat? What this message means: The pr inter has a ttempted a d isk re cov ery p rocess an d cann ot repair the dis k. What you can do: T ur n o ff the pr inter and remove the disk. See also: Disk Recovery x/ 5 yyy% Disk Recov ery x/5 yyy% What this message means: The prin ter is attempt ing to recover the hard disk.
97 Enter PIN: =___ What this message means: The pr inter is waiting for you to enter y our f our-di git pers onal iden tificati on number ( PIN). What you can do: Use the op erator pane l buttons to ente r the PIN you identified in the driver when you sent the confiden tial job t o the pr inte r .
98 Formatting Di sk yyy% What this message means: The pr inter is forma tting th e hard di sk. Whe n formattin g takes lo nger than usual, the second line of th e display shows the percent complete. What you can do: W ait for the messag e to cl ear . W ARNING : Do not tur n the pr inte r off whil e this me ssage is displayed.
99 Held Jobs may be lost What this message means: The pr inter memor y i s too ful l to conti nue proces sing pr int jobs. What you can do: • Press Go to clear the mes sage and co ntinue pr inting .
100 Insert Print Cartridge What this message means: The pr int c ar tr idge is either n ot ins talled or not ins talled correctl y . What you can do: Correctly instal l the pr int car tridg e to cl ear the m essage. Insert Tra y <x> What this message means: The speci fied tray is either mi ssing or n ot full y inser ted into the prin ter .
101 Load Manua l What this message means: A reques t for a manual feed job has been s ent to th e pri nter . The p rinte r is r eady for inser tion of a sing le sheet i nto the ma nual feed slot. What you can do: • Load a s heet of the pap er specifi ed in the second line of the dis pla y in the m anual feed tra y or multipur pos e feeder .
102 Menus Disable d What this message means: The pr inter menus are dis abled. Y ou cann ot change the pr inter s ettings from the op erator panel. What you can do: Y ou can sti ll open the Job Me nu to cancel a job tha t is pr inti ng or to se lect a confid ential jo b or a held job th at you want to print.
103 No Jobs Fo und. Retry? What this message means: The four-digit pe rsonal ide ntificat ion numbe r (PIN) you enter ed is not a ssociated with any confiden tial p rint job . What you can do: • Press Go to enter another PIN. • Press Stop to clear the PIN entr y prompt.
104 Power Saver What this message means: The pr inter is re ady to rece ive and process data. It is redu cing it s electr icit y consump tion whi le idle.
105 Printing Directory Lis t What this message means: The pri nter is p rocessin g or pr inting a di rector y of all file s stored in flash me mor y or on a hard disk.
106 Printing M enu Settings What this message means: The pr inter is pro cessing or pr inting the menu sett ings page. What you can do: W ait for the messag e to cl ear .
107 Program Fl ash What this message means: The pr inter is stor ing resour ces, such a s fonts or macr os, in flas h memor y . What you can do: W ait for the messag e to cl ear . W ARNING : Do not tur n the pr inte r off whil e this me ssage is displayed.
108 Queuing an d Deleting J obs What this message means: The pr inter is dele ting on e or mor e held jobs and sendi ng one or more jo bs to p rint . What you can do: W ait for the messag e to cl ear . See also: Printing and deleting held jobs Queuing Jo bs What this message means: The pr inter is send ing on e or mor e held jobs to p rint .
109 Ready Hex What this message means: The pr inter is in Hex T race m ode and is read y to r eceive and proc ess pr in t jobs. What you can do: • Send a job to pr int. A ll data s ent to t he pr inter is pr inted i n hexadecimal a nd cha racter represent ation.
110 Resetting Maint Cnt Value What this message means: The pr inter is resett ing the co unter that tracks wear on the fus er . What you can do: W ait for the messag e to cl ear . Resetting the Printer What this message means: The pr inter is resett ing to t he curr ent default setting s.
111 Restoring Fac tory Defaults What this message means: The pr inter is res tori ng the factor y default print er se ttings. When f acto r y default sett ings ar e restor ed: • All download ed resou rces ( fonts, macros, symbol s ets) in the pr inter m emor y are dele ted.
112 Std Bin Fu ll What this message means: The sta ndard bin is fu ll. What you can do: Remov e the stack of paper in the bi n to clea r the mes sage. Toner Low What this message means: The pr int c ar tr idge is low on toner . What you can do: • Replace t he pr int ca r tr idge.
113 Tray <x> L ow What this message means: The speci fied tray is low on paper . What you can do: Add paper to the tra y to clear the mess age. See also: Loading the tra ys Tray <x> M issing What this message means: The speci fied tray is either mi ssing or n ot full y inser ted into the prin ter .
114 Waiting What this message means: The pr inter has rec eived a page of data to p rin t but is waiting for an End of J ob co mmand, a F or m Feed comman d, or additi onal data. What you can do: • Press Go to prin t the conte nts of the buff er . • Press Menu to open the Job M enu and c ancel the current j ob .
115 31 Defective Pri nt Cartrid ge What this message means: A defective prin t car tridge is insta lled. What you can do: Remov e the specifi ed pr int c ar tr idge and insta ll a new one.
116 35 Res Save Off Deficient Mem ory What this message means: The pr inter lacks the me mor y need ed to en able Resourc e Sav e. This me ssage usually indicat es too much mem or y is a llocated for one or mo re of the p rint er li nk buff ers. What you can do: • Press Go to disable Resource Sav e and c ontinue pr inting.
117 37 Insufficie nt Memory What this message means: The pr inter memor y is full and can not cont inue proces sing current pr int j obs. What you can do: • Press Go to clear the me ssag e and continue the current print job .
118 39 Complex Page What this message means: The page may not pri nt correc tly beca use the pri nt informa tion on the page i s too com plex. What you can do: • Press Go to clear th e messa ge and con tinue pr intin g the jo b . The jo b may not pri nt corr ectly .
119 50 PPDS Font Error What this message means: The pr inter cannot fi nd a sele cted P PDS font and the Best Fit sett ing is tu rn ed off. What you can do: • Press Go to cl ear th e mess age and cont inue proc essing the j ob . • Press Menu and sele ct Cancel Job f rom the Job M enu.
120 53 Unformatte d Flash What this message means: The pr inter detects unforma tted flash memor y . What you can do: • Press Go to clear th e messa ge and con tinue pr intin g. Y ou must f or mat t he flash m emor y before you can store any res ources on it.
121 What this message means: The pr inter has los t the con nectio n to an exter nal pr int ser v er (also called an extern al networ k adapter o r ENA). What you can do: • Make sure the cable connecti ng the ENA an d the pri nter is se curely attached.
122 What this message means: Data has b een se nt to the pr inter through a USB por t, but the USB por t is disabled. What you can do: • Press Go to clear the m essage. The pri nter dis cards any dat a received throu gh the USB por t . • Make sure the US B Buffer menu item i n the USB Menu is not set to D isabled.
123 58 Too Many Disks Install ed What this message means: T oo m any hard disk s are i nstalled on the prin ter . The pr inter on ly supp or ts one ha rd disk at a time. What you can do: T ur n o ff and unpl ug the p rint er . Rem ov e the excess hard d isks from the pr inter .
124 61 Defective Dis k What this message means: The pr inter detect s a defective hard di sk. What you can do: • Press Go to clear the mess age an d continue p rinting . • Install a different hard dis k before you perf or m any op erations that r equire one.
125 64 Unsupporte d Disk Format What this message means: The pr inter detects an uns uppor ted disk forma t. What you can do: • Press Go to clear the me ssage. • F or mat th e disk. Note: Disk op erations are not allowed un til the di sk is form atted.
126 900–999 Se rvice <mes sage> What these messa ges mean: Message s 900– 999 rela te to pr inter p roblems that m ay require se r vic e. What you can do: T ur n th e pr inter off and che ck all cable co nnections. T ur n the p rin ter back on.
127 37 Finishing Menu Use the Fin ishing M enu to define how the pr inter delivers the pr inted output. Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues marked by an ast eris k (*) are th e factor y default setti ngs. Blank P ages Purpose: T o spec ify w hether to include applic ation-g enerated blank p ages a s par t of your prin ted outp ut.
128 Collation Purpose: T o keep the pa ges of a pr int job stacked in seque nce when p rint ing multi ple copies of the job. V alues: Copies Purpose: T o set t he number of copie s you want for the pri nter default value. (Set the numbe r of copi es requ ired f or a s pecific job from the pr inter d r iver .
129 Duplex Bind Purpose: T o de fine the way duplex ed pages wil l be b ound, and h ow the pri nting on th e back of the s heet (ev en- numbered pa ges) is or ien ted in rel ation to th e pr inting on the fro nt (odd- numbered pa ges).
130 Multip a ge Or der Purpose: T o de ter mine the posit ioning of multiple page i mages whe n usin g Mult ipage Pr in t. The po sitio ning depends o n the numb er of ima ges and wh ether the i mages ar e por tr ait or landsca pe in or ientati on.
131 Multip a ge Print Purpose: T o pr int multiple pag e images on one side of a sheet of paper . Also c alled n-u p or P aper S av er . V alues: See also: Multipage Border ; Multipage Order ; Multipage View Multip a ge View Purpose: T o de ter mine the or ientation of a multi page she et.
132 Sepa rator S heets Purpose: T o ins er t blank se parator s heets between jobs, between multiple c opies of a job, or between each page of a j ob . V alues: See also: Separator Sour ce ; Collation Sepa rator Sour ce Purpose: T o spec ify t he pape r source that hol ds sepa rator shee ts.
133 38 Job Menu The Job Menu is available when the pr int er is id le, when the prin ter is busy proc essing or pr inting a job, when a pr in ter mess age is d isplay ed, or w hen the prin ter is in Hex T race m ode.
134 Confidential Job Purpose: T o pr int confi dentia l jobs st ored in pr inter me mor y . (Wh en the co nfidentia l job pr ints, it i s automatic ally deleted fr om pr inter memo r y .
135 Print Buff er Purpose: T o pr int any data stored in the p rin t buff er . Note: Pri nt Buffer is only av ailable when you en ter the Jo b Menu while Waiting is displayed. The W aiting sta te occu rs if an incomp lete job is sent t o the pri nter or an ASCII job, such as a pr int screen command, is pr inti ng.
136 39 Quality Menu Use the Quality Me nu to change pr inter se ttings affecting the quality of pr in ted characters and images. Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues marked by an ast eris k (*) are th e factor y default setti ngs.
137 T one r Dark ne ss Purpose: T o ligh ten or dar ken text images, or cons er ve toner . V alues: Select a lower v alue for finer line wid th, hig her defin ition in graphics, and li ghter grayscale imag es. Select a highe r value f or bol der line wid ths or d ar ker gr ayscale ima ges.
138 40 P aper Menu Use the Paper Menu to defi ne the p aper loaded in eac h paper t ra y and the de f ault paper s ource and output bin . Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues marked by an ast eris k (*) are th e factor y default setti ngs.
139 Custom T yp es Purpose: T o spec ify the k ind of paper ass ociated w ith each o f the Cus tom T ypes av ailable in th e P aper T ype menu item. V alues for Cust om T ype <x>, where <x>.
140 Pa p e r S i z e Purpose: T o iden tify th e default paper s ize for each paper source. For tra ys with autom atic size sens ing, on ly the v alue detected by the hardware is d isplay ed.
141 P a per Source Purpose: T o iden tify th e default paper s ource. V alues: If you loaded th e same s ize and type of paper in two p aper sou rces (and the Paper Size and P aper T ype me nu items are corr ectly set) , the trays are autom atical ly linked.
142 P aper T ype Purpose: T o iden tify th e type of p aper ins talled i n each paper sour ce. V alues: First se lect a paper s ource: Then se lect a value: The Paper T ype default for each envelope sou rce is Envelope.
143 Substitute Size Purpose: T o have the pri nter sub stitute th e specif ied pa per size if the reque sted size i s not loa ded. V alues: Univer sal Setup Purpose: T o de ter mine the default size when the P aper Si ze setting f or a tra y or feeder is Universa l.
144 41 PCL Em ul Menu Use the P CL Emul Menu to c hange pr inter setting s that onl y affect jobs using the PC L emulation pri nter languag e. Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues marked by an ast eris k (*) are th e factor y default setti ngs.
145 A u to CR after LF Purpose: T o spec ify w hether the pr inter a utomatica lly p erforms a carr iage r etur n a fter a li ne feed control comma nd. V alues: A u to LF after CR Purpose: T o spec ify wheth er the pr inter autom atically p erf or ms a line feed after a c arr iage retu r n contro l comma nd.
146 Font Sour ce Purpose: T o de ter mine the set of f onts di splay ed in the Font Name menu ite m. V alues: See also: Font Name Lines per P age Purpose: T o de ter mine the number o f lines th at pr int on each p age.
147 Orienta tion Purpose: T o de ter mine how text and graphics are or ient ed on the pa ge. V alues: Pitc h Purpose: T o spec ify t he font pitch for scalable monos paced fonts. V alues: Pitch refers to the number o f fixed-space ch aracters in a hor izontal inch of type.
148 Symbol Set Purpose: T o choo se a s ymbol s et for a specifi ed font name. V alues: A symbo l set is a set of alphabe tic an d numer ic characte rs, punctuati on, and s pecia l symbo ls used when pr inting with a sel ected font.
149 42 PPDS Menu Use the P PDS Menu to c hange pr inter settings that only affect jobs usi ng the PP DS emulation pri nter langu age. Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues marked by an ast eris k (*) are th e factor y default setti ngs.
150 A u to LF after CR Purpose: T o spec ify wheth er the pr inter autom atically p erf or ms a line feed after a c arr iage retu r n contro l comma nd. V alues: Best Fit Purpose: T o sp ecify whe ther the pr inter substit utes the closest matc hing font when a reque sted font is not found.
151 Lines per Inch Purpose: T o de ter mine the number o f lines th at pr int. V alues: The pr inter sets the amou nt of spac e between ea ch li ne (ver tica l line s pacing) based on the Line s per P age, P a per Size, and Or ientati on menu i tems. Select the corre ct P aper Si ze and Ori entation b efore chang ing Lines per Page.
152 Orienta tion Purpose: T o de ter mine how text and graphics are or ient ed on the pa ge. V alues: P age Fo r mat Purpose: T o de ter mine wher e the prin ter posi tions the text on the page usin g the marg ins set from soft ware applica tion s.
153 43 Serial Menu Use the S eria l Menu to cha nge pr inter s etting s affecting jobs sent to th e pri nter thr ough a serial por t (Serial Opt <x>). Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked with a n aster isk (*) are th e factory de f ault se ttings.
154 Baud Purpose: T o spec ify t he rate at whi ch data c an be recei ved through the ser ial por t. V alues: See also: T echni cal Re f erenc e Data Bits Purpose: T o spec ify t he number of data bits that are s ent in each transmi ssion fra me.
155 Ho n or DS R Purpose: T o de ter mine whet her the pr inte r uses the Data Set Ready (DSR) s ignal. DSR is one o f the handshak ing sig nals for most s eria l interface cables. V alues: The ser ial int erf ace uses DSR to dist inguish da ta sent by the computer from data creat ed by electri cal noise i n the ser ial cable.
156 Pa r i t y Purpose: T o sel ect the par ity f or se rial input and output data frames. V alues: See also: T echni cal Re f erenc e PCL SmartSwitch Purpose: T o conf igure the pr inter s o it autom.
157 PS SmartSwitch Purpose: T o conf igure the pr inter s o it autom atica lly switches to P o stScr ipt emula tion wh en a pr int job r eceived through t he ser ial por t requires it, regardl ess of th e default pri nter lang uage.
158 Serial Buffer Purpose: T o conf igure the size of t he ser ial in put buff er . V alues: Note: Changing t he Ser ial Bu ff er menu i tem auto matical ly res ets the pr inter. See also: Reso ur ce S ave Serial Pr otocol Purpose: T o sel ect the hardware and software han dshakin g values f or the ser ial in terface.
159 44 Network Menu Use the Net work Me nu to chan ge pr inter s ettings af f ecting jobs sent to the pr inter th rough a n etwork por t (either S tandard Ne twork or Networ k Opt <x> ). Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues marked by an ast eris k (*) are th e factor y default setti ngs.
160 MA C Binary PS Purpose: T o conf igure the pr inter to proces s Macin tosh bina r y P ostScr ipt prin t jobs. V alues: Netw ork Buffer Purpose: T o con fig ur e th e siz e of the ne tw ork in put b uf f er . V alues: Note: Changing t he Netwo rk B uffer menu item a utomati cally rese ts the p rin ter .
161 NPA Mode Purpose: T o spec ify w hether the pri nter p erf or ms the speci al proc essing required for bidi rectio nal communica tion, following the conv entions defined in the Network Pri nting Al liance (N P A) P rotocol . V alues: Note: Changing t his m enu item a utomati cally r eset s the pr int er .
162 PS SmartSwitch Purpose: T o conf igure the pr inter s o it autom atica lly switches to P o stScr ipt emula tion wh en a pr int job r eceived through t he networ k por t require s it, reg ardless o f the de f ault pr in ter lang uage.
163 45 P arallel Men u Use the Parallel Menu to c hange p rinte r settin gs affecting jobs sent to t he pr inter through a parallel por t (either Std Parallel or P ar all el Opt <x> ). Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues marked by an ast eris k (*) are th e factor y default setti ngs.
164 Honor Init Purpose: T o de ter mine whet her th e printe r hono rs hardware i nitiali zation r equests from th e compute r . Th e comput er reques ts initi alizatio n by activating the INIT signal on the paralle l interface. Many persona l computers activate the INIT s ignal ea ch time th e compute r is tur ned on and off.
165 NPA Mode Purpose: T o spec ify w hether the pri nter p erf or ms the speci al proc essing required for bidi rectio nal communica tion, following the conv entions defined in the Network Pri nting Al liance (N P A) P rotocol . V alues: Note: Changing t his m enu item a utomati cally r eset s the pr int er .
166 P arallel Mode 2 Purpose: T o de ter mine whet her th e parallel por t data i s sample d on the le ading or trailing e dge of str obe. V alues: PCL SmartSwitch Purpose: T o conf igure the pr inter.
167 PS SmartSwitch Purpose: T o conf igure the pr inter s o it autom atica lly switches to P o stScr ipt emula tion wh en a pr int job r eceived through t he parallel por t r equires it, rega rdless of the default pr inter langua ge.
168 46 Setup Men u Use the S etup Menu t o configure a variety of p rin ter features. Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues marked by an ast eris k (*) are th e factor y default setti ngs. Alarm Control Purpose: T o esta blish whether the pr inter s ounds an alar m whe n the pr inte r requir es operator i nter vention.
169 A u to Continue Purpose: T o de fine th e amount of time ( in seco nds) the pr inter waits after di splaying an opera tor inter v ention error mes sage before it res umes pr inting. V alues: Displa y Language Purpose: T o de ter mine the langua ge of th e text on the operator pa nel disp lay .
170 Jam Rec overy Purpose: T o esta blish whether the pr inter r epri nts jamm ed pages. V alues: Job Accounting Purpose: T o st ore stati stical i nformat ion abou t your most recent prin t jobs on the hard dis k.
171 P ower Sa ver Purpose: T o spec ify the a mount o f time (i n minutes) the pr inter waits afte r a job i s pr inted before it g oes into a reduced power state. V alues: The factor y default P ower Sa ver setting depend s on your pr inter mo del. P rin t the menu set tings page to dete rm ine the current Po wer Sav e r sett ing.
172 Print Timeout Purpose: T o spec ify t he amount o f time (i n second s) the pr inte r waits before pri nting the l ast p age of a pr int j ob that doe s not end with a c ommand to pr int the pa ge. The pr int time out co unter doe s not star t until Waiting is displ ay ed.
173 T oner Alar m Purpose: T o spec ify how the pr inte r resp onds when i t is low on to ner . V alues: W ait Tim eout Purpose: T o spe cify th e amou nt of time (i n secon ds) the pr inter waits to receive addi tional bytes of data from the comput er .
174 47 P ostScript Menu Use the P ostSc ript Menu to ch ange pr inter settin gs that onl y affect jobs using the P ostScr ipt emulatio n pri nter languag e. Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues marked by an ast eris k (*) are th e factor y default setti ngs.
175 48 USB Men u Use the US B Menu to change pr inte r set tings affecting a Universal Se rial B us (U SB) por t. Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues marked by an ast eris k (*) are th e factor y default setti ngs. Job Buffering Purpose: T o te mporar ily sto re jobs on the prin ter hard disk be f ore pr inti ng.
176 MA C Binary PS Purpose: T o conf igure the pr inter to proces s Macin tosh bina r y P ostScr ipt prin t jobs. V alues: NPA Mode Purpose: T o spec ify w hether the pri nter p erf or ms the speci al proc essing required for bidi rectio nal communica tion, following the conv entions defined in the Network Pri nting Al liance (N P A) P rotocol .
177 PS SmartSwitch Purpose: T o conf igure the pr inter s o it autom atica lly switches to P o stScr ipt emula tion wh en a pr int job r eceived through t he USB por t requires it, regar dless of the default pr inter lang uage.
178 49 Utilities Men u Use the Uti lities M enu to pr int a v ariety of listing s relat ing to available printer resou rces, pri nter settings, and pri nt jobs. Othe r menu item s let y ou s et up pr inte r hardware and troubleshoot pri nter problems.
179 F ac tory Defaul ts Purpose: T o retu rn your pr inter setti ngs to the f acto r y default values. V alues: Format Disk Purpose: T o forma t the pr inter h ard disk. V alues: W ARNING : Do not tur n off the pri nter while th e hard di sk is form atting.
180 Hex T race Purpose: T o help is olate the source of a pr int job pro blem. With He x T race selec ted, all data se nt to the pr inter is pri nted in hexadecimal and charac ter repr esentatio n. Contr ol codes are not e xecuted. T o exit Hex T race, tur n the pr inter o ff or reset the pr inter fr om the Job Menu.
181 Prin t Fon ts Purpose: T o pr int a sample of all the f onts a vailable for the select ed pr inter language. V alues: Print Men us Purpose: T o pr int a li sting of the cu rrent us er default v alue s, the installed opti ons, the amoun t of insta lled pri nter memor y , an d the st atus of pr inte r supplies.
182 Remo ve Held Jobs Purpose: T o rem ov e co nfidential and he ld jo bs from t he pr inter har d disk . Note: Remov e Held Jobs is onl y av ailable when c onfid ential j obs or held jo bs are stored on an ins talle d hard di sk.
183 50 Notices • Edit ion no ti ce • T radema rks • Licensi ng notice • Safety inf ormation • Cautions and warnings • Electronic em ission notices • Noise emission le vels • Energ y St.
184 Comments about th is publication m ay be address ed to Lexmark In ter nation al, Inc., D epar tment F95/ 032-2, 740 West New Circle Road, Lexington, Kentucky 40550, U .S.A. In the United Kingdo m and Eire, send to Lexmar k I nter natio nal Ltd., M arketing and Ser vices Depar tment, Westhor pe Hous e, W esthor pe, Marl ow Bucks SL7 3RQ.
185 Other tradem ark s are the proper ty of their re spective owners. Candid Agf a Cor poration CG Omeg a Product of Agfa Corporation CG Times Based on Tim es Ne w Roman under lic ense from The Monotyp e Corporation plc, i s a produc t of Agf a Cor p orat ion Chicag o Apple Co mp ute r , Inc.
186 Licensing no tice The pr inter resident s oftware conta ins: • Software dev eloped a nd copyrig hted by Le xmar k • Lexmark modi fied s oftware lice nsed unde r the p rovisions of the GNU G eneral Public Li cense v ersi on 2 and the GNU Le sser G eneral Pu blic License version 2.
187 Caut ions an d warni ngs CAUTION: A cau tion iden tifies s omethi ng that mig ht cau se you har m. W ARNING : A w ar nin g identifi es some thing that m ight d amage your pr inter h ardware or software.
188 A decla ration of co nformity with the requireme nts of the direc tives has been s igned by the Di rector of Manufacturing and T ec hnica l Suppor t, Le xmar k Inter national, S.A., Boigny , F rance. This p roduct sati sfies the Clas s A lim its of EN 5 5022 a nd safety requirem ents o f EN 609 50.
189 Any questio ns rega rding thi s co mpliance infor mation sta tement shoul d be dire cted to : Industry Canada compliance statement This Clas s B d igital ap paratus mee ts all r equirem ents o f the Can adian Inter ference-Caus ing Equipmen t Regul ations.
190 Noise emiss ion levels The following meas urements were made i n accordan ce wit h ISO 777 9 and r epor ted in co nforman ce with ISO 9296. Energ y Star The EP A ENERGY ST AR Office E quipment p r.
191 Index A A4 Width (PCL Emul Me nu) 144 Abort Re store (Job Menu) 133 aborting restoratio n of he ld jobs 133 Advance d Status (Pa rallel Me nu) 163 Alarm Cont rol (Setup M enu) 168 alar ms error me.
192 G Go butt on 65 H Haga ki car ds, pr inti ng 28 hard di sk formatting 179 printing d ownloaded resources 180 setting a s download target 16 9 Held jobs 13 Held Job s (Job Menu ) 134 Hex Tr ace (Ut.
193 Enabling M enus 96 Enter PIN =___ 97 Flus hin g Bu f fer 97 Formatting Disk 97 Formatting Disk yy y% 98 Formatting Flash 98 Held Jo bs may be lost 9 9 Held Jobs May Not Be Resto red 99 Insert Prin.
194 PS SmartSwitch 167 Parallel Mode 1 (Pa rallel Menu) 165 Parallel Mode 2 (Pa rallel Menu) 166 parallel port configuri ng bidirec tional commun ication 163 buffe r size 165 data sam pli ng 166 hardw.
195 duple xed jobs 33 envelope s 30 font sam ples 88 Hagaki cards 28 label sheets 2 8 menu set tin gs pag e 78 special ty media 28 transparen cies 28 probl em solv ing clearing operator pa nel error m.
196 T taking prin ter offl ine 66 with Me nu button 65 with Stop bu tton 66 test printin g Hex Trace m ode 180 menus pa ge 181 timeout print 172 wait 173 toner alarm 17 3 Toner Ala rm (Setup M enu) 17.
Lexmark and Lexmark w ith diamond design ar e trademarks of Lexmark I nternational, Inc., registered in the United Stat es and/or other countr ies. © 2002 Lexmark Inter national, Inc.
An important point after buying a device Lexmark 812 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lexmark 812 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lexmark 812 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lexmark 812 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lexmark 812 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lexmark 812, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lexmark 812.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lexmark 812. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lexmark 812 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center