Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 5056 Lexmark
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L e x m a r k™ C 920 50 5 6 - xx x Lexmark Repair Catalog The following information is from Lexmark's Service Mnaual. Le xmark and Lex mark wit h dia m ond d esign are tr ademarks of Le xmark In ter nationa l, Inc. , r egistere d in the Unit ed States and/or othe r countries .
Repair info rmation 4-1 5056- XXX R e p a ir i n f o rm a t i o n Han dli ng ES D -s e ns it i ve par ts Many electr onic prod ucts use parts that ar e known to b e sensi tive to elect rostati c dischar ge (ESD).
4-2 Servic e Manual 5056- XXX RIP b oard/operat or panel rep lacemen t W arning: I f the operato r panel and the RIP b oard are being rep la ced at the same time, r epl ace the parts in thi s order to avoid dama ge to th e mac hin e. 1. Replac e the RIP card first .
Repair info rmation 4-3 5056- XXX Check f inisher alignment wh en moving or servici ng the fin isher Afte r moving or servi ci ng the finis her , pr int som e tes t pages to the fi nis her to ensure the ve rt ical and horizon tal ali gnm ent is cor rect .
4-4 Servic e Manual 5056- XXX Adjustments Hi gh -ca pac it y pape r fe ed t imi ng be lt ad jus tme nt 1. Secure t he bra cket with the sc rew , as shown. 2. Atta ch the spring and wash er to the bracket wit h the screw . 3. Adjust t he screw t o 6mm ±1mm.
Repair info rmation 4-5 5056- XXX T ra nsfer bel t If you repl ace the transf er belt, che ck the printe r al ignment ( X , Y , and Thet a ), adjust ed in diagnost ic mode.
4-6 Servic e Manual 5056- XXX Remova ls Co ver, top rem oval 1. Open the to p unit, and r emove t he phot odevelopers and t oner car tridges. Cover the phot odevelo per s t o avoi d damage from ex posure t o t he light . 2. Remov e the t w o s ilver s crews, and remove the spacer .
Repair info rmation 4-7 5056- XXX Fr on t d oor / ope rat or pan el r em ova l W ar ning: I f the oper ator panel and t he RIP boar d are being repl aced at the sam e t ime, replace the par ts in the or der descr ibed i n st eps a through d belo w to a void damage to t he machi ne.
4-8 Servic e Manual 5056- XXX 8. Remov e six screws (C ) t hat hol d th e o perator panel to th e fr ont door . 9. Remov e the oper at or panel from th e do or . No te : If the USB cabl e or t he oper ator panel cabl e is being repl aced , use the toroi ds fr om t he ol d cables with the new cabl es.
Repair info rmation 4-9 5056- XXX Cover , rear remov al 1. Open the to p unit. 2. Remov e the t hree si lver s crews fr om the rear cove r , a nd then remove the cover . Cover , solenoid remova l 1. Remov e the scr ew from the soleno id cover . 2. Remov e the sol eno id cover .
4-10 Service Manual 5056- XXX Cover , right sid e removal 1. Open the to p unit , and r emove t he fr ont cover and up per ca ssette. 2. Remov e the oper ator pan el ca ble and the USB c able f rom the operat or panel. (See “Front door / o perator pan el re m oval” .
Repair info rmation 4-1 1 5056- XXX Cover , RIP board r emoval W arning: I f the operato r panel and the RIP b oard are being rep la ced at the same time, r epl ace the parts in thi s order to avoid dama ge to th e mac hin e. 1. Replac e the RIP card first (thi s must be the fir st part replaced ).
4-12 Service Manual 5056- XXX Tray , paper exit r e moval 1. Unlat ch the h inge a t th e back side, t hen unlat ch th e hinge o n the front s ide. 2. Remov e the pape r exit tray . Belt up /d o wn clutch remov al 1. Remove t he RIP cover , elect ronic box , pr i nter c ontroll er card, and HVPS board.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-1 3 5056- XXX Cas sette guid e r emoval 1. Remov e the pape r feed frame. 2. Remov e the f ront cover , c assette, t urn guide, right s id e c over , and pap er f e ed frame. 3. Remov e the scr ews from the casset te guide, and r emove the guid e.
4-14 Service Manual 5056- XXX Co nnec tor, duple x un it re moval 1. Open the to p unit and remove the uppe r cass ette, left f ront cover , p aper feed cover , left side co ver , RIP cover , RIP board, RIP box, an d the e lectroni c box. Remove the t ur n guide , o pen the paper feed cover , and remove t he d uplex unit.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-1 5 5056- XXX Densit y sensor r emoval/Sep aration fi n g ers removal/S ensor cle aner removal 1. Open the to p unit and remove the belt unit . 2. Remov e the t hree sc rews fro m the s ensor bracket . 3. Remov e the har ness band and remov e the t wo s cre ws fr om t he densi ty senso r f r om the sen sor bracket.
4-16 Service Manual 5056- XXX Elect ronic bo x removal 1. Open the to p unit , and r emove t he back cover . 2. Remov e the RIP board cover . 3. Remov e the RIP board. 4. Remov e the scr ews from the elec tronic box. 5. Disco nnect all cabl es from the r ear o f the el ectroni c box, and rem ove the box.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-1 7 5056- XXX Face u p paper exit assem b l y removal 1. Open the to p unit, and r emove t he upper casse t te. O pen the duplex cover , a nd remov e the duplex unit. 2. Remov e the l eft f ront co ver , left side c over , and rear c over .
4-18 Service Manual 5056- XXX Fus er re mov al 1. Open the to p unit. 2. Pushi ng the front and back lock , hold the handl e, and then rais e and remove t he fus er .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-1 9 5056- XXX Gear c over rem oval/Multip urpose fe eder fram e assembly 1. Open the to p unit , and r emove t he upper casse tte, f r ont cover , m ultipu rpose fee der , right s ide cover , and tur n guid e. 2. Remov e the t w o scre w s fro m t he gear co ver , and r em ove th e c over .
4-20 Service Manual 5056- XXX High vol tag e po wer su ppl y bo ard ( H VPS) remo val No te : When removi ng the high vol tage power supply , be car eful to avoid dama gin g the sec ondary daugh ter card (Q906). If t he daug ht er card g et s da m aged, a 925 service error will r esult.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-2 1 5056- XXX 5. Disco nnect t he af fected LED p rinthead co nnector s from the pr inthead cont roller boar d. Remove t he screw fro m the g round wi re loc ated on t he LED p rinthead. 6. Remov e the LED printhead and t he cabl es from the p rinter .
4-22 Service Manual 5056- XXX Lock handle asse mbly removal 1. Open the to p unit. 2. T urn the pl ast ic latch on the fron t and r e ar sides 90° . 3.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-2 3 5056- XXX Main drive unit remov al 1. Open the top un it, an d remove th e gear cover , upper cass ette, left front cover , paper fee d cove r , RIP cover , RIP board , RI P box , el ectronic box, and r ear co ver . 2. Open the tu rn guide and paper fe ed cover , an d remove t he duplex unit.
4-24 Service Manual 5056- XXX 14. Remove the screw fr om the cl ut ch stopper . The clutch st opper is att ached t o the gr ound pl ate with two scr e ws. 15. Remove the six scr ews on the right side. 16. Remove the two scre ws fro m t he dri ve uni t, and remove the un it .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-2 5 5056- XXX M ain uni t fa n remo val 1. Remov e the l eft side cover , t he sol enoid cov er , a nd the r ear co ver . 2. Remove the L VPS (low voltag e power sup ply) 1. 3. Remov e two scr ews from the main uni t fan bracket.
4-26 Service Manual 5056- XXX Mult ipurpose feed er tray r emoval 1. Open the to p unit , and r emove t he fr ont cover , cas sette feeder , turn guides and ri ght side cover . 2. Open th e multipur pose fee der and sli de i t toward t he m ag net in the directi on of the ar row , r em ovi ng it f rom the pri nt er .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-2 7 5056- XXX 6. Remov e the pape r feed gear unit , pape r feed clutch , and t wo ge ars ( C ) not held in pla ce wi t h an E-cl ip. 7. Remov e the 3 scr ews (D), and remove th e c asse tte gui de. 8. Remov e the br ass screws (E) on the left si de of t he paper f eed un it.
4-28 Service Manual 5056- XXX Pape r-f eed ro ll er s re mov al Paperpa th maintenance A paper pat h mai nt enance ki t can be use d whe n a mach ine is expe riencing m i sfeeds and j ams aft er 200,000 pages. The o rder number for this k it i s 40 X1 109.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-2 9 5056- XXX Pape r ca r ryi ng fr ame remo val / rol l remo val 1. Open the to p unit , and r emove t he upper casse tte, f r ont cover , t urn g uide, m ultipurpose feed.
4-30 Service Manual 5056- XXX Reg istration frame Regist ration clu tch removal 1. Open the to p unit , open the turn guide, open the paper feed cov er , and pull out the du ple x u nit hal fway . 2. Remov e the t wo scre w s fro m the regi strati on f rame.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-3 1 5056- XXX Rel ay ro l le r re mov al No te : This remov al can be used for the exp ansion pape r-feed unit rel ay r oller remova l as well. 1. Remov e the pape r feed unit from the machi ne. 2. Remov e the e- clips a nd bushi ngs f rom each end o f the r elay roller shaft.
4-32 Service Manual 5056- XXX Face d own guid e assembly r emoval 1. Remov e the t op cover . 2. Disco nnect the connect or , and r em ove th e fi ve screws and two snap bands from the face down guide assem bly . 3. Remov e the f our sc rews from the face down cover an d the fa ce down guide assemb ly , and remove the assem bly .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-3 3 5056- XXX 3. Remov e the re ar cov er . 4. Remov e the moto r and drive belt fr om the exi t r ol ler s haft. 5. Remov e the gr ounding stri p (A) .
4-34 Service Manual 5056- XXX 6. Remov e the e- clips and bushi ngs ( A) f r om both ends of the exi t r o ller shaft. 7. Pull the gui de ri b (A) to the left .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-3 5 5056- XXX 8. Remov e the exi t rol ler . Pow er s up ply 1 remo val 1. Unplug the power c ord f rom the printer . 2. Open the to p unit, and r emove t he RIP cove r , RIP b oard, RI P box , and electro ni c b ox. Remov e the casset te, left fr ont cover , and back cover .
4-36 Service Manual 5056- XXX Pow er s up ply 2 remo val 1. Unplug the power c ord f rom the printer . 2. Open the to p unit, and r emove t he RIP cove r , RIP b oard, RI P box , and electro ni c b ox. 3. Disco nnect the connect or , and remove th e s e ven sc rews from power suppl y 2, and remove the power suppl y .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-3 7 5056- XXX Powe r s witch remo val 1. Remov e the uppe r cass ette, l eft f ront cover , p aper f eed cov er, and left s ide c over . 2. Unloc k the power switch, and pul l out the po wer swi tch. 3. Remov e each te rminal connect ed to the power swit ch.
4-38 Service Manual 5056- XXX Pri nthead co nt roller boa rd remo val 1. Remov e the t op cover , and then remove the 20 printh ead contro ller bo ard co nnectors. 2. Remov e the si x scr ews from the prin thead cont rol l er board and rem ove th e b oard.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-3 9 5056- XXX Left slide rail r emoval 1. Remov e the uppe r cassette. 2. Remov e the scr ew from both lef t and right slide rai ls. RIP bo x re mov al 1. Remov e the si x scr ews from the RIP box. 2. Sli ghtly l i ft an d remove the RIP box.
4-40 Service Manual 5056- XXX Se nsor boar d rem oval 1. Remov e the t rans fer belt unit. 2. Remov e the f our con nector s. 3. Remov e the t hree sc r ews f r om t he waste toner f ull s ensor b oar d. Stay arm removal 1. Open the to p unit, and r emove t he face do wn paper guide assembl y .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-4 1 5056- XXX Sub-f rame rem oval Import ant : Read the e ntire pr ocedure be fore removal. 1. Open the top unit, and r emove the RIP cover , RIP board, RIP box, ele ctronic b ox, print er controll er , pr i nter contr oller bracket, and HVPS board.
4-42 Service Manual 5056- XXX Sub frame F1 , sub frame F 2 removal 1. Open the to p unit. 2. Remov e the t wo scre w s fro m the sub fr ames F1 and F2.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-4 3 5056- XXX Top u nit remo va l 1. Open the to p unit, and r emove t he top cover and face- down guide assem bly . 2. Remov e the scr ews, and remove the t op unit. Transf er belt rem o v al T ransfe r belt removal has been sim plified wi th a redesign of the ch anging shaf t li nkage t o the bel t up / down clut ch.
4-44 Service Manual 5056- XXX 3. Loosen t he thumbscr ews as shown. 4. Lif t and remove the tra nsfer belt co ver ..
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-4 5 5056- XXX 5. Loosen t he thumbscr ews as shown. 6. Press down on the transfer belt release l ever as shown ..
4-46 Service Manual 5056- XXX 7. Pull the t ransfer bel t out . 8. Afte r r ep lacing the t rans fer belt and re mo vi ng the f our shipp ing s pacer s, tight en the t ransfer bel t thumbsc rews, and re in stall the tran sfer belt cov er . 9. Close the top un it, rotate th e lock ing lever to the ri ght , and close the front cover .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-4 7 5056- XXX Tur n g u ide cover sensor remo val 1. Remov e the l eft rear , rear , and right cove rs. 2. Remove the pr int cont roller card and the HVPS. 3. Disco nnect the sensor cabl e from CN10 on t he CK1 da ughter card boar d.
4-48 Service Manual 5056- XXX 3. Remov e the t w o s crews fro m t he left fan, an d remove the fan. 4. Remov e the t w o s cr ews f rom t he right fan, a nd remov e the f an.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-4 9 5056- XXX Exp ansio n fe eder remo val s Turn gu ide do or remo val 1. Open the tu rn gui de door . 2. Pull the door hinge from the right turn guide bushi ng. 3. Pull the t urn guide door cl ear of the exp ansion fe eder .
4-50 Service Manual 5056- XXX Ste ppe r mot or re moval 1. Remov e the exp ansion feeder r ear c over . 2. Disco nnect the stepp er motor power cabl e fr om t he expan sion feed er con troller boar d. 3. Remov e thr ee screws from the st epper motor assem bl y (A).
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-5 1 5056- XXX Pap er f eed assemb ly removal 1. Remov e the re ar cov er . 2. Remov e the cas sette. 3. Remov e the st epper motor assem bl y . 4. Disco nnect the cable s fr om co nnectors CN1 1, CN13, CN18 on the expan sion feeder con troller boar d.
4-52 Service Manual 5056- XXX Pape r tr ay l ift mo t or re moval 1. Remov e the re ar cov er . 2. Remov e the cas sette. 3. Disco nnect the ca bl e f rom the p aper t ray li ft mo t or . 4. Remov e thr ee black screws fr om the pap er tray lift motor ( A).
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-5 3 5056- XXX Du plex re movals Du plex unit s epar ati on rem oval 1. Remov e the t humbscrews, C-cl ips, and scr ews as shown from both side s. 2. Remov e the con nectors, and se parate the dupl ex frame from the dupl ex uni t .
4-54 Service Manual 5056- XXX Duplex unit rem oval 1. Remov e the f our sc rews from the int erf ac e bo ard, and remo ve the boa rd. 2. Remov e the t w o scre w s fro m t he dupl ex connect or , and remove the con nector . Du plex timing be lt rem oval 1.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-5 5 5056- XXX Duplex pressure r oller an d so lenoid remo val Remov e the t w o s crews s ecuring t he pr essure ro ller s olenoid a ssembly . Duplex feed rolle r an d s olenoid removal 1. Remov e the t w o s crews s ecuring t he feed roll s olenoi d assembl y .
4-56 Service Manual 5056- XXX Duplex side fen ce motor ass embly/si de fence r em o val 1. Remov e the t hree sc rews, and remove the s i de f ence mot or assem bly . 2. Remov e the f ront and rear side fen ces. No te : When i nstall ing, spr ead t he front and r ear sid e fenc es to t he sid es, and i nstall .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-5 7 5056- XXX Duplex paper car rying mo tor removal 1. Remov e the gear cover . 2. Remov e the scr ews f rom the duplex paper c arrying motor , and r emove t he motor .
4-58 Service Manual 5056- XXX Hi gh-c apac ity feed er (H CF) r emov als HC F cov ers rem oval 1. Remov e the t w o scre w s fro m t he dri ve cov er , and remov e the co ver . 2. Remov e the f ront cover . 3. Remov e the t w o s crews fro m t he right cover , and remove the c over .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-5 9 5056- XXX HCF call roller, paper feed roller, rever se roller r emoval 1. Open the to p cover on the tray . 2. Remov e the t w o scre w s fro m t he tr ansfer cover , and r em ove the c over . 3. Remov e the re taining rings o n the ro llers, and remove t he r ol lers.
4-60 Service Manual 5056- XXX HCF paper end sen sor rem oval HCF paper size s en sors (1, 2) removal 1. Cover the pap er level sen sor with your han d, and press the down butt on. The t ray moves down . Lower th e tra y until the down sen sor turn s on.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-6 1 5056- XXX 8. Remov e the t op cover switche s. HCF t ray mo tor r emo val 1. Remov e the re ar cover and the drive co ver .
4-62 Service Manual 5056- XXX HCF paper level sensor re m o val 1. Remov e the f our screws from th e tra nsfer cover , and remove the cov er . 2. Remov e the t w o s crews fro m t he senso r, and remove t he cov er . 3. Remov e the con nector and screw f rom paper level sensor , and rem ove th e s ensor .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-6 3 5056- XXX F ini sh er r emo val s No te : Check fin isher alignm ent whe n mov in g or ser vicing the f ini sh er . After movi ng or servici ng t he finisher , pri nt some test pages to the fi ni sher to ens ure t he ver tical and hor izontal al ig nment is correc t.
4-64 Service Manual 5056- XXX 4. Remov e the t w o scre w s fro m t he top co ver , and remove the co ver . Finis her control board r em o val 1. Remov e the ext ernal c overs. 2. Disco nnect all of the asso ciated co nnect ors. 3. Remov e the f our f inisher con trol board mount ing screws, and remove t he board.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-6 5 5056- XXX Ele vato r moto r r emo val 1. Disco nnect the eleva tor motor connec tor . 2. Remov e the t w o el evator m otor b racket screws f rom t he bracket . 3. Remov e the el evator m otor as sembly . Feed motor as sembly rem oval 1.
4-66 Service Manual 5056- XXX Ho le p unch r emova l 1. Remov e the ext ernal c overs. 2. Remov e the hol e punc h un it cables. 3. Remov e the t ensi on spring.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-6 7 5056- XXX Inver ter paper exit d ischarge bru sh remova l 1. Remov e the ext ernal c overs. 2. Remov e the f ini sh er contr ol boa rd. 3. Remov e the uppe r l e ft p anel. 4. Remov e the t w o di scharge b rush s crews, and remove the b rush.
4-68 Service Manual 5056- XXX 5. Remov e the i nver ter idle gea r . 6. Remov e the i nver ter drive gea r and bus hing. 7. Remov e the i nver ter paper exi t r o ller . Jo gging uni t rem ova l 1. Remov e the dus t box. 2. Remov e the t wo scre w s , and r emove the cover .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-6 9 5056- XXX Path select g ate remo val 1. Remov e the ext ernal c overs. 2. Remov e the t w o scre w s fro m t he top co ver , and remove the co ver . 3. Remov e the gat e sol enoid with mount ing bracket . 4. Remov e the st raight paper exit sensor co nnector .
4-70 Service Manual 5056- XXX Pat tin g ro ll er rem ova l 1. Remov e the f ront and rear cove rs. 2. Remov e the f inisher cont r ol board mountin g b rac ket. 3. Remov e the t wo scre w s fro m the upper lef t panel, and remov e the pan el. 4. Disco nnect the se nsor connec tor .
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-7 1 5056- XXX 8. Remov e the t ensi on springs. Use the uppe r hole when install ing the spri ng. 9. Remov e the gear and bush ing.
4-72 Service Manual 5056- XXX Powe r s upply remova l 1. Unplug the power c ord f rom the printer . 2. Remov e the ext ernal c overs. 3. Remov e the l ower l ef t panel. 4. Remov e the cab le connector f or t he lef t panel. 5. Remov e the f our l ower guide suppor t plate screws , and r em ove th e plat e.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-7 3 5056- XXX Reg ist rat ion ro lle r re mova l 1. Remov e the hol e punc h un it. 2. Remov e the re gistrat ion rol ler cl utch. 3. Remov e the re gistrat i on r oller bushing. 4. Remov e the re gistrat i on r oller . Regist ration roller clutch re moval 1.
4-74 Service Manual 5056- XXX Stac k area disch arge brush removal 1. Remov e the dus t box. 2. Remov e the st ack area discha rge brushe s. Staple u nit remo val 1. Remov e the st aple unit conn ector . 2. Pull outwar d on the staple cov er , and remove the st apl e unit.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-7 5 5056- XXX Str a ig ht pa p er ex it dis c ha r ge br ush re mo val 1. Remov e the ext ernal c overs. 2. Remov e the t w o scre w s fro m t he top co ver , and remove the co ver . 3. Remov e the t w o l ever screws, a nd remove the lever .
4-76 Service Manual 5056- XXX 6. Remov e the re ar st raight paper exi t roller E-ring and bus hing. 7. Remov e the st raight paper exi t roller ..
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-7 7 5056- XXX Timin g belts 1 a nd 2 removal 1. Remov e the f inisher cont r ol board mountin g b rac ket. 2. Remov e the f eed mo tor m ou nti ng br acket. 3. Remov e the t ension bracket m o unting screw . 4. Remov e the t ensi on spring.
4-78 Service Manual 5056- XXX Tra ctor bel t re mo val 1. Remov e the ext ernal c overs. 2. Remov e the l ower l ef t panel. 3. Remov e the cab le connector of the l ef t panel. 4. Remov e the bel t mot or uni t. 5. Remov e the f our lower guide suppor t pl at e sc rews for the i nver t paper exit.
Re p ai r in fo rm atio n 4-7 9 5056- XXX 8. Remov e the t ractor b elts. Note: I ns tall the belt so that the bel t tooth jus t under the plasti c hook al igns with th e hook on the other b elt. Trac tor driv e motor a ssembly rem oval 1. Remov e the out er co vers.
An important point after buying a device Lexmark 5056 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lexmark 5056 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lexmark 5056 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lexmark 5056 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lexmark 5056 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lexmark 5056, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lexmark 5056.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lexmark 5056. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lexmark 5056 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center