Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MPS100 Lantronix
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MPS/LPS Installation Guide For the MPS100, LPS1-T and LP S1-2 Micro Print Serve rs.
The information in this guide may chan g e without noti ce. The manu facturer assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in th is g uide. AppleTalk, Chooser, and Macin tosh are trademarks of App le Computer Corporation. LaserJet and Bitronics are trademark s of Hewlett Packard.
i Contents 1: Introduction .............. ......... ..... ......... ..... ......... ..... ..... ......... .... 1-1 1.1 How to Us e This Manual ........... .................. ........................... ......... 1-1 2: Installation ....... .... ..... .
Conten ts ii 5.5 NetWare Host Troubl eshooting ............................ .................. ......... 5-4 6: LAT Configuration ............ .......... ......... .............. ......... ......... 6-1 6.1 Print ing Directly to a Po rt .......... ...
Contents iii E: Specifications ............... .... .......... .... .......... .... .......... .... ......... E-1 E.1 Power Informatio n ........... ......... ......... .................. .................. ......... E-1 E.2 Environmental Limitati ons.
1- 1 1: Intr oduction The Lantronix Micr o Print Se r vers (MPS100, LPS1-T a nd L PS1 - 2 models ) are multi- protocol p r int servers tha t prov ide shared netwo r k access to p r inters fo r a va r iety o f network pro tocols and operating s ystems.
How to U se This Manu al Introdu ction 1- 2 ❍ Appendix F , Frequently- used Command s Read chapters 2 through 4 in order, then proceed to the protocol-specific ch apter that relates to your net work.
2- 1 2: Installation This chapter describ es the various MPS m odels and sh ows ho w to install them into a basic netwo r k situation . 2.1 MPS/LPS Product Description The front p anel of the MP S100 has a Tes t butt on, 3 LEDs, a p ower connecto r, and an RJ45 connector f or 100BASE-T .
Inst alli ng th e MPS Insta llat ion 2- 2 2.2 Installing the MPS The fol low ing dia gram sh ows a prope r ly-i nstalle d MPS: To install the MPS, complete the follo wing steps in order. Refer to the n umbers in the figure for help. 1 Connect the MPS Centronics con nector directly to yo ur printer’s co nnector.
Installati on I nstalling th e MPS 2- 3 5 Allow 45 second s for the unit to fully b oot. The LINK LED will be lit if there is a valid network connectio n. The ACT LED gives infor mation abo ut what the MPS i s doing; for example, when code is bein g downloaded as th e unit boots, the LED will blink green qu ickly.
3- 1 3: Getting Star ted It is important to co nsider the followin g points before log ging into and co nfig uring the MPS: ◆ You must confi gure th e MPS IP addr ess before any TCP/I P functio nality is available. (See Setting the IP Address on page 4-1) You canno t use the ThinWe b Manager until y ou hav e configured an IP addr ess.
Services Getting Star ted 3- 2 Incoming Telne t is only possible if you r MPS has an IP addr ess configured. I ncoming Telnet is enabled by defau lt to allow TCP/IP co nn ections.
4- 1 4: TCP/IP Configuration The EZWebCon config uration software is the easiest way to configure the MPS. The f ol- lowing s ections cover IP address co nfiguration and print config uration methods for TCP/ IP hosts. 4.1 Setting th e IP Ad dress The MPS IP address m us t be co nfig ured before any TC P/IP fun ctionality is av ailable.
Setting th e IP Addr ess TCP/IP Configu ration 4- 2 On a UNIX host, create an entry in the host’s A RP table and substitu te the intended IP ad- dress and the hard ware address of the MPS, then ping the MPS. Th is process typically re- quires superus er privil eges .
TCP/IP Configura tion LPR Printing 4- 3 4.1.3 Using a B OOTP, DHCP, or RARP Rep ly At boot time a ho st-based DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP server can r espond to an MPS request for an available IP add ress. For information abou t configuring the DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP server , see your h ost documenta tion.
LPR Pr int in g TCP/ IP Co nfi gura tio n 4- 4 ◆ The MPS cannot print m ultiple copies of the print job when using the “-#n” lpr op- tion. ◆ If two print queues on the ho st refer to two s ervices on the s ame MPS, th ey must use separa te spo oli ng director ies.
TCP/IP Configura tion LPR Printing 4- 5 4 Select the Add Port bu tton an d click Next . 5 Select LPR Port . Note: If LPR Po rt is no t an opti on, open t he Network C ontrol P anel and add “Microsoft TCP/IP Prin ting” to the Lis t of services.
LPR Pr int in g TCP/ IP Co nfi gura tio n 4- 6 7 Select the manufacturer and p rinter type. 8 Enter the queue name. 9 If applicable, choose Sha red and select the ty pe of operati ng system th at the printer will be working wit h. (First confirm that the print queue is wo rking.
TCP/IP Configura tion LPR Printing 4- 7 10 Test the pri nter by choosi ng Yes and click ing Finish . 4.2.2 LPR on Windows 95/98 To enable LP R printi ng on Wi ndows 95/ 98, you must down l oad and i nstall t he LPR for Window s 95/98 appl ication from the L antronix CD incl uded with the prod uct.
LPR Pr int in g TCP/ IP Co nfi gura tio n 4- 8 This will create a host queue named m ps_prt. The rm parameter is the name of the MPS in the host’ s address file, the rp parameter is the name of the service as it exists on the MPS, and the sd parameter specifies the name of a directo ry used to hold tem- porary spoo ling files.
TCP/IP Configura tion LPR Printing 4- 9 5 From the next di alog box, choose Remot e Print ing . 6 The Add a Standard Remote Pri nt Qu eue dial og box w ill ap pear.
LPR Pr int in g TCP/ IP Co nfi gura tio n 4- 10 ❍ The remote cancel mo del, and ❍ The remote status model. 4.2.6 LPR on SCO UNIX Ho sts LPR is supported in SCO V3.2 r elease 4 with TCP/IP Version 1.2 and greater. To configure a print queue using LPR, issue the mkdev rlp comma nd.
TCP/IP Configura tion LPR Printing 4- 11 During initial configuratio n, the queue name mus t be the same as the remote printer name. However, you may change the queue name lat er by ma nually edit ing the pri ntcap fi le.
Unix Hos t Tro uble sho oti n g TCP/ IP Co nfi gura tio n 4- 12 4.3 Unix Host Tr oubleshoot ing Table 4-1 : TCP Trouble sh ooti ng Area to Check Explanation The MPS IP address an d name are entered in.
5- 1 5: NetWare Configuration The EZWebCon config uration software is the easiest way to configure the MPS. The f ol- lowing s ections co ver print configu ration met hods for NetWare h o sts. Note: The MP S needs an I P address befo re you can u s e EZWebCon.
NetWa re Ad mini stra tor Qu ick S etup Prin t Queu es NetW a re Co nfi gura tio n 5- 2 5.2.2 Configure you r MPS 1 License NDS on your MPS using the str ing obta ined fro m Lantronix. Figure 5-1: L icensing NDS 2 Define the directory service tree in which the MPS is located.
NetWare Co nfiguration PCONSOL E Print Queues 5- 3 To cre ate a pri nt queu e with the Qu ick S etup opti on: 1 Start the NetWare Administrator. 2 In the Directory Tree windows, sel ect the co ntext in wh ich to install the printer. 3 From the Menu Bar, sel ect Tools: Print Services Quick Setup .
NetWare Host Troubl eshooting NetWare Configu ration 5- 4 5.5 NetWare Host T roubleshooti ng Table 5-1: NetWare Ho st Trouble shooting (Bindery Mode) Area to Check Explanation The print server names in PCON- SOLE match th e MPS n ame and its service n ame Use PCONSOLE to check.
NetWare C onfigura tion NetWare Host Trou blesh ooting 5- 5 Table 5- 3: NDS Err ors from the Fi le Server Code Meaning Remedy 0xffff fd a7 Object could not be found in the give n contex t Check the MPS serv er name, DSco ntext, an d DStree to ensure the printer server is se t up co rrectly with P CONSOLE.
6- 1 6: LAT Configuration The EZWebCon config uration software is the easiest way to configure the MPS. The f ol- lowing s ections co ver print configu ration met hods for LAT host s. Note: The MP S needs an I P address befo re you can u s e EZWebCon.
LAT Ho st T roubl esh oot ing LAT C o nfi gur atio n 6- 2 6.2 LAT Host Trou bleshooting By default, the LAT erro r message cod es on th e ho st are not tran slated i nto text error mes- sages.
7- 1 7: AppleTalk Configuration The EZWebCon config uration software is the easiest way to configure the MPS. The f ol- lowing s ections co ver print configu ration met hods for AppleTal k hosts. Note: The MP S needs an I P address befo re you can u s e EZWebCon.
AppleT alk Ho st Trouble shooting AppleTa lk Con figurati on 7- 2 Note: If no router is present on the network, the MPS will not accept AppleTalk p rin t jobs for 60 second s after bo oti ng.
8- 1 8: DLC Configuration for LAN Manager The EZWebCon conf i guration software is the easiest way to configu re the MPS. This chapter explai ns DLC/Digital Network P ort config uration for Windows NT 4.x hosts . Note: The Server needs an IP address befo re you can u se EZWebCon.
DLC Confi guration DLC Config uration for LAN M anager 8- 2 7 Select Job- based . 8 Select the manufacturer and p rinter type. 9 Enter the queue name. 10 If applicable, cho ose Shared and select th e operating s ys tem the p rinter will b e working with.
A- 1 A: Contact Information If you are experien cing an error that is not li sted in Appen dix B: or if yo u are unab le to fix the error, contact your deal er or Lantro nix Techni cal Suppor t at 800-42 2-7044 (US) or 949- 453-3990. Technical Support is also available via Internet em ail at supp ort@lan tron- ix.
B- 1 B: Troubleshooting This Appendix di scusses how to diagnose and fix error s quickly yourself wi thout havi ng to contact a dealer or Lantro nix. It will help to conn ect a terminal to the serial port while diagnosing an erro r to view any summary messages that are displayed .
Power-up Troubles hooting Troub leshooti ng B- 2 Problem situations and error messages are listed in Tabl e B-2. If you can not find an explanation for your proble m, try to match it to one of t he other err ors. If yo u cannot remedy the probl em, contact y our dealer or Lantron ix Technical Support .
Troubleshooting DHCP Troubleshooting B- 3 B.2 DHCP Troubleshooting The terminal sh ows a Boot> prompt rather than a Loca l> prom pt. The MPS is no t conn ect ed properly to the Ethernet. Ensure tha t the MPS is firmly connected to a func tional a nd pro perly-term inated netwo rk no de.
BOOTP Tro ublesho oting Trouble shooting B- 4 B.3 BOOTP T roublesho oting If the B OOTP request is fail ing and y ou have configured your host to res pond to the request, check these areas: B.
Troublesh ooting Printin g Problems B- 5 B.5 Printing Problems B.5.1 PostScript Problem s PostScript printers will silently abor t job s if they detect an error. Table B-6: Ge neral Printi ng Problems Area to Check Explanatio n Physi cal conne cti ons T o test a no n- Pos tS cript pr inte r, use the T est Port MPS Cou nt 100 command.
Entering C omman ds at the Boot Prompt Troublesho oting B- 6 B.5.2 Bitmap Graph ics If files that contain embedded bitmap graphics do not print correctly, it is probably because the bitmaps are being s ent as actual b inary data an d binary data cannot be printed v ia serial or parallel interfaces.
Tro ubl esho ot in g En teri ng C omm ands at the Bo ot Pr ompt B- 7 A series of commands called Boot Configu ration Program (BCP) commands can be entered at the Boot> prompt to configure the MPS. These commands are a subset of the entire MPS command set.
Entering C omman ds at the Boot Prompt Troublesho oting B- 8 Set Hardware xx-xx-xx Specifies the last three numbers of the server’s Ethernet address. The first three numbers will be supplied autom a tically . The Ethernet address should h ave been set at the factory.
C- 1 C: Pinout s C.1 Ethernet Connector Figure C-1: RJ45 Ethe rne t Con nec tor C.2 Parallel Connec tors Lantronix u ses standard Cen tronics parallel connectors. For optimum pe rformance of your MPS, Lantro nix recommends the use o f high quality parallel cables.
D- 1 D: Updating Software D.1 Obtaining Software Cu rr en t so ft wa re f i les (MP S. S Y S fo r MP S1 00, LP S. SYS for LPS 1 -T a nd L P S1- 2) a re available on the distribution CD. You can obtain software upd ates and release notes for the MPS from the Lantronix World W ide Web site (www.
Relo adi ng Sof twa re Upd ati n g So ftwa re D- 2 D.2 Reloadin g Software The MPS stores so ftware in Flash ROM to control the initi alization pr ocess, operatio n, and command pr ocessing. The conten ts of Fl ash ROM can be u pdated by downloading a new version of the op eratio nal software via NetWare, TCP/IP , or MOP.
Updating Software Reloa ding Software D- 3 To manually con figure the MP S IP parameters for software reload, use the follo win g commands. Figure D-2: C onfiguri n g TCP/IP Reload Note: For instru ctions on how to lo g into the MPS to enter thes e comman ds, see the Getti ng Sta rted chap ter.
Troub leshooti ng Flash RO M Updates Updating Software D- 4 D.3 Tro ubleshooti ng Fl ash ROM Upd a tes Many of the p roblems that occur when updating the Flash ROM can be solved by com plet ing th e follo wing ste ps: Table D-1: Flash ROM Troublesh ooting Protocol Area to Check NetW are Ensur e the file is in the log in d irectory .
E- 1 E: Specifications E.1 Power Information E.1.1 Power Requiremen ts Vol tage: MPS 100: 95- 25 0 V AC , 3-w i r e sing le pha se, au toran ging LPS1 -T an d LPS 1 -2: 110 V AC US, 220 V AC Inter national Frequency: 47-63 Hz Operating Current: MPS100: 800 mA (maximum) @ 5V Reg.
Environm ental Limitati ons Spec ificatio ns E- 2 Storage rang e: -40° to 6 6° C (-40° to 15 1° F) Max te mp. chang e/hr: 20° C (36 ° F) Rapid tem peratur e changes may affect opera tion. Theref ore, do not operate the MPS near heating or coo ling devices, large windows, or doors that o p en to the outdoors.
F- 1 F: Frequently-used Commands This appendi x list s some of the most frequent ly-used commands of the Mi cro Pr int Server command set. More in formation a bout the com mand set, i ncluding additional optio ns, can be fo und i n th e Print Server Reference Ma nual located on the CD-ROM.
Server Commands Frequ ently- used Co mmands F- 2 F.2 Server Commands Ta bl e F- 1: Frequen tly-used Serve r Comm ands Command Opti on(s) Description CONNECT opti on servicename Makes a con nec tion to a LA T service. LOCAL num Makes a connec tion to the specifi ed l oc al port.
Frequently - us ed Comm an ds Ser ver Com ma nds F- 3 DEFINE SER VER NETW ARE LOADHOST server Specifi es the NetW are host from wh ich the MP S requests it s run-time code. Ente r a file serv er name of up to 11 charac ters . DEFINE SER VER PRIVILEGED P ASSWORD Sets a ne w password that will b e require d for priv ile ge d us e r st a tus .
Server Commands Frequ ently- used Co mmands F- 4 DEFINE SER VICE “na me” option DLC {EN/DIS} Sp ecifies whic h service will han dle print requests from DLC hosts. DLC can be enabled on one ser vice pe r MPS. BANNER {EN/DIS} When Enabled, caus es the MPS to print a ban- ner page before jobs.
Frequently - us ed Comm an ds Port Commands F- 5 F.3 Port Commands LOGOUT option <no thing> Log s out t he current p ort (the po rt that issu ed the command). POR T num Log s out the sp ecified port. PURGE SER VICE option LOCAL Remove s the defin itions of a ll local se rvices.
Port Com mands Frequ ently- used Co mmands F- 6 DEFINE POR T 1 BITRONICS {EN/DIS} When Enabled, ensures bidirectional functioning of the par all el p ort. Th e a ttac hed p rin te r must a lso sup - port Bitr onic s mod e. DEFINE POR T 1 CHARACT ER size T oggl es the po rt between 7-bi t and 8-bit ch aracters (the defau lt).
Frequently - us ed Comm an ds Protocol C om ma nds F- 7 F.4 Protocol Comman d s In the follow ing table, PROTO is an abbrev iation for the optional k eyword PROTOCOL . Table F-3: Protocol Co mmands Command Opt ion(s) Des cription DEFINE PROTO APPLET ALK op tion {EN/DIS} Enables or Disables the App l eT alk pro tocol for the MPS.
Protocol Commands Frequ ently- used Co mmands F- 8 DEFINE PROT O NETW ARE ENCAPSULA TION option {EN/DIS} NA TIVE Co nfi gures the MPS t o use the “na tive mode” frame format. ETHER_II Configures the MPS to use Ethernet v2 frame for- mat. 802_2 Configures the MPS to u se 802.
Warranty Statement Lantronix warrants for a period of FIVE years from the date of shipment that each MPS100, LPS1- T and LPS1-2 Micro Print Server supplied shall be free fr om defects in m aterial and workma nship.
Declaration of Conformity (according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 4501 4) Manufacturer’s Name: Lantronix Declares that the product: Manufacturer’s Address: 15353 Barran ca Parkway, Irv ine, CA 92618.
i Index Symbols /etc/hos ts 4-2 A Access list, NetWare 5 -2 ACT LED B-1 AppleTal k 3- 2, 7-1–7 -2 Chooser 7-1 Configur at io n 7-1 Rou t e r 7-1 Troublesho oting 7-2 Zones 7- 1, 7-2 Application p or.
H Index ii FTP 3-1, D-1 H Hardware address 4-2, B-4, B-8 I Incoming logins 3-1 Instal lation 2-2 Introdu ction 1-1 IP addre ss 3-1, 4-1, 4- 7, 5-1, 6-1, 7 - 1, 8-1, B-1, B-4 Conf igu rin g 4- 1, B -8 .
Index P iii Administ rator 5-1, 5-2 Bindery 5-1 NDS 5-1, 5-2 PCONSOLE 5-3 Reloading s oftware D-3 Troublesho oting 5-4 NVRAM B-7 P Parallel port C-1 Service 3- 2 Passwords Login 3- 1, 3-2 Privileg ed .
T Index iv Software file B-4, D-2 Software updates D-1 FTP D-1 Web D-1 Specifi cations E-1 Altitu de E-2 Environmen tal E-1 Power E-1 Relative Humi dity E-2 Tempera ture E-1 Spooling directory 4-4 Sup.
An important point after buying a device Lantronix MPS100 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lantronix MPS100 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lantronix MPS100 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lantronix MPS100 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lantronix MPS100 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lantronix MPS100, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lantronix MPS100.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lantronix MPS100. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lantronix MPS100 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center