Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product LX6 Lantronix
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Part Number 900-689-R Revision A Dec ember 2013 XPort Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference.
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 2 Copyright and Trademark © 2013 Lantronix, Inc. All rights re served. No pa rt of the co ntents of this book may b e transmitted or reproduced in an y form or by any means without the written permissio n of Lantronix.
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 3 T able of Contents Copyright an d Trademark ____________ ___________ _____________ _____________ ___ 2 Contacts _______ _____________ _______.
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 4 List of Figures Figure 3-2 CLI Level Hiera rchy _______________ _____________ ______________ ____________ 12 Figure 3-3 Login Le vel Commands.
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 5 List of T ables Table 3-1 Ke yboard Shortcuts _____________ _____________ _____________ ___________ ____ 11 Table 4-7 XCR Gro ups ___________.
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 6 1: About This Guide This guide describes how to configure the XPort® Pro Lx6 embed ded device server using the Command Line Interface (CLI) and/or Extensible Markup Language (XML). CLI provides an interactive mode for accessing the device configuratio n and management interface.
1: About This Guide XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 7 Additional Document ation Visit the Lantronix website at ort/documentation for the latest documentation and the following additional docum entation.
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 8 2: Overview XPort Pro Lx6 embedded device se rver supports three co nvenient configuration metho ds: Web Manager, Command Line Inte rface (CLI) and Ex tensible Markup La nguage (XML).
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 9 3: Command Line Interface This chapter describes a ccessing the XPort Pro Lx6 e mbedded device server by using Telnet or serial ports to configure the de vice, navigating the Command Line In terface (CLI), typing keyboard shortcuts, and moving between the levels.
3: Command Line Interface XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 10 To configure the Lantronix device se rver locally using a serial port: 1. Connect a termin al or a PC running a ter minal emulation prog ram to one of the device server's serial ports.
3: Command Line Interface XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 11 Using Keyboard Shortcut s and CLI One useful shortcu t built into XPort Pro Lx6 embedd ed d evice server is that the comp lete text of a command does not have to be en tered to issue a command.
3: Command Line Interface XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 12 An overview of the levels in the XPort Pro Lx6 embedded de vice server is presented in Figure 3-2 CLI Level Hierarchy below.
3: Command Line Interface XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 13 Figure 3- 4 Enable Level Com mands > >enable (enable)#? auto show interfaces auto show processes clrscrn con.
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 14 4: Configuration Using XML The device server provides an Extensible Markup Language (XML) interface that you can use to configure device server devices. Every configurat ion setting that can be issued from the device server Web Manager and CLI can be specified using XML.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 15 Note: The name for each <configgroup> (s pecifie d with the name attribute) is the group name listed in the Web Ma nager XCR groups or with the "xcr list" CLI command.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 16 Record, Group, Item, and V alue T ags A <configgroup> is a logical grouping of configu ration parameters and must contain one or more <configitem> elements.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 17 <value/> </configitem> <configitem name="remote address"> <value/> </configi.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 18 <configgroup name="cp group" instance="Line1_Modem_Ctl_In"> <configitem name="c.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 19 Importing The following syntax can be used to im port configu rations from a file: xcr import <file> xcr import <file> <groups and/or group:instances> The first line imports all group s specified in the XM L config record named in <file>.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 20 XML Configuration Group s Table 4-7 lists the XPort Pro Lx6 embedded device se rv er XCR gro ups in alphabetica l order. This table indicate s the various group items, a s well as some possible value name s and options.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 21 cp group (Attribute of an instance is “Line1_RS485_ TxE nable”) cp (Attribute of an instance is “2”) asse.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 22 http authentication uri realm type user delete name user (Attribute of an instance is “admin”) password http .
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 23 line (Attribute of “instance” is a number.) name interface rs232, rs485 half- duplex, rs485 full- duplex, usb.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 24 serial command mode (Attribute of “instance” is a number.) mode always, serial string, disable Default: disable echo serial string enable, disable Default: enable serial string Sets a string that can be entered at boot time to enter command mode.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 25 terminal (Attribute of “instance” is a number or “network”) terminal type Default: UNKNOWN login connect .
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 26 tunnel connect (Attribute of “instance” is a number.) connect mode disable, always, any character, start char.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 27 tunnel modem (Attribute of “instance” is a number.) echo pluses enable, disable Default: disable echo command.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 28 XML St atus Record Group s and Items Table 4-8 lists the supported XML Status Record ( XSR) gr oups and items. These g roups and items show the status of the device in XML form and can only be exported.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 29 icmp snmp InMsgs decimal number InErrors decimal number InDestUnreachs decimal number InTimeExcds decimal number .
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 30 interface (Attribute of "instance" is "eth0") default gateway dotted notation ip address dott.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 31 ip snmp Fo rwarding decimal number DefaultTTL decimal number InReceives decimal numb er InHdrErrors decimal numbe.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 32 line (Attribute of "instance" is "<decimal>") receiver bytes decimal number breaks deci.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 33 query port last connection ip address ip address in format nnn.nnn.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 34 tcp snmp RtoAlgorithm decimal number RtoMin decimal number RtoMax decimal number MaxConn decimal number ActiveOpe.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 35 tcp (continued) netstat (continued) TCPHPHitsToU ser decimal number TCPPureAcks decimal nu mber TCPHPAcks decimal.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 36 tcp (continued) netstat (continued) TCPSp uriousRTOs decimal number TCPMD5NotFound decimal number TCPMD5Unexpecte.
4: Configuration Using XML XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 37 tunnel (Attribute of an “instance” is a number.) (continued) aggregate (continued) connect 13 co nnection tim.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls 5: Comma nds and Le vels Click t he level in t he tr ee str ucture an d it will take you to the comm and list f or that level.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls • host 10 ( tunnel - con nect - ho st:1:10) • host 11 ( tunnel - con nect - ho st:1:11) • host 12 ( tunnel - con nect - ho st:1:12) • host 13 ( tunnel - con nect - ho.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls Each byte is represe nted by a single charact er. Note that qu otes m ust enclo se the valu e if it contain s spaces. block netw ork disab le Forwar ds (tunnels) ne tw ork data in accept mo de tunne l- ing.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls passwor d Enters the nex t low er level. protocol t cp Uses TCP pr otocol for accept mode t unneling. protocol tcp aes Uses TCP pr otocol w ith AES e ncryptio n for ac cept mode tunneling. protocol t elnet Uses Teln et proto col (with IAC ) for a ccept mode tunne l- ing.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls quit connect line <con trol> Sets the s tring used t o quit t he "co nnect line ", "teln et", and "ssh" commands . The chara cters may be input as tex t or control. A control characte r has the f orm <contr ol>C.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls clrscrn Clears the screen. connect mode alw ays Enables t he tunnelin g serv er to alw ays est ablish tunn eling connection s. connect mo de any char acter Enables t he tunnelin g serv er to est ablish a tu nnelin g con- nection w hen a character is received o n the c orrespo nding l ine (ser ial port).
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls local port <number> Sets a speci fic port for use as the l ocal port. <number> = the nu mber of th e port t o use. no email co nnect Disconti nues sendi ng email a lerts u pon establ ishing a connect mod e tu nnel.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls <number> = numeric v alue to watch for fr om the C P group. Can b e spec ified as hex if pr epended w ith “0x ”. wri te Stores the current conf igura tio n in permanent memor y. cp (email - cp: 2) lev el comma nds clrscrn Clears the screen.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls <text > = CP Group. no group Removes the C P Set G roup fo r connect mode. show Shows the c urrent co nfigurat ion. show hist ory Displays the last 2 0 command s entered during t he curren t CLI session. wri te Stores the current conf igura tio n in permanent memory .
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls enable <gr oup> Enables a di sabled group. <group> = t he name of the gr oup. exi t Exits to t he enable l evel. get <group> Displays the value of the spe cified group. <group> = t he name of the gr oup.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls flush serial disab le Does not fl ush serial data up on cl osing a tun neling con- nection. flush serial enable Flushes ser ial data buffer w hen a tunne ling co nnection i s closed. flush stop character disab le Forwar ds the stop c haracter from th e Line t o the netw ork.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls CLI session. show status Show D NS status. wri te Stores the current conf igura tio n in permanent memory . email 1 (em ail:1) l evel co mmands auto show statist ic s Continuou sly displ ays email statistic s. cc <te xt> Sets Cc addr esses for email alerts.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls <text > = email addre ss to pl ace in the R eply T o field of the email al ert. send Sends an email usi ng the curr ent set tings. server por t <numb er> Sets the p ort used by the SM TP server . <number> = port us ed for SM TP on the s erver s ide.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls no to Removes the T o addre sses fo r email alert s. overridin g domain <text > Sets a do main name t hat will be us ed when conne cting t o an SMT P server to send an ema il alert instead of the devi ce’s doma in name in EHLO.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls message fi le <tex t> Specifie s a tex t file, the c onten ts of whic h will be the me s- sage body of an email alert. <text > = the name of a local file. no cc Removes the C c addr esses fo r email aler ts. no clear mai l count ers Restores th e email c ounters t o the a ggregate v alues.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls cp Enters the nex t low er level. default l ocal port Sets the l ocal port (used to s end e mail alert s) to ra ndom. default pr iority Sets X - Priority for email aler ts to 3 (normal). default ser ver port Restores th e factory defau lt por t for SM TP on the serv er si de.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls to <text> Sets To ad dresses for email alerts. <text > = a quoted, semicolo n separat ed list of email ad- dresses.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls wri te Stores the current conf igura tio n in permanent memory . xml Enters the X M L level. filesy stem (filesy stem) level commands cat <file> Show the con tents of a file cd <di rect ory > Change the current direc tory to the specif ied directory clrscrn Clears the screen.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls Note that qu otes m ust enclo se the valu e if it contain s spaces. aes decrypt key tex t <te xt> Sets the c onnect tunn el AES decry pt key w ith up to 16 bytes. Each byte is represe nted by a single charact er. Note that qu otes m ust enclo se the valu e if it contain s spaces.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls host 10 (tunne l - connect - ho st :1:10) lev el commands address <tex t> Sets the re mote ho st to estab lish tu nneling co nnecti ons with. <text > = IP address or host name of the r emote h ost. aes decrypt key <hexa decimal > Sets the c onnect tunn el AES decry pt key w ith up to 16 bytes.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls show Shows the c urrent co nfigurat ion. show hist ory Displays the last 2 0 command s entered during t he curren t CLI session. show statist ics show connection sta tistic s tcp keep alive <mil lis eco nds > Enables T CP keep al ive for connect mo de tunn eling and sets the timer.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls protocol t cp Uses TCP pr otocol for conne ct mode t unneling. protocol tcp aes Uses TCP protocol with AES encryptio n for connect m ode tunneling. protocol t elnet Uses Teln et proto col (with IAC ) for c onnect mode tunne l- ing.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls neling conn ection s. no aes decry pt key Removes the connec t tunnel AES decrypt key. no aes encry pt key Removes the connec t tunnel AES encrypt key. no port Removes the r emote p ort use d to esta blish tunne l con- nections.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls spaces. auto s how stat istics show connection sta tistic s clrscrn Clears the screen. default pr otocol Restores th e defau lt protoc ol as "TC P". default t cp keep al ive Restores th e defau lt 45 secon d conne ct mode TC P keep alive timeo ut.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls Each byte is represe nted by tw o adjacent hex digits. Bytes may ru n togeth er or be separated by opt ional pu n c- tuation: 123ABC "12 3A BC" 12, 3A,BC 12.3a.bc 12:3a:b c Note that qu otes m ust enclo se the valu e if it contain s spaces.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls 123ABC "12 3A BC" 12, 3A,BC 12.3a.bc 12:3a:b c Note that qu otes m ust enclo se the valu e if it contain s spaces. aes decrypt key tex t <te xt> Sets the c onnect tunn el AES decry pt key w ith up to 16 bytes.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls wri te Stores the current conf igura tio n in permanent memory . host 16 (tunne l - connect - ho st :1:16) lev el commands address <tex t> Sets the re mote ho st to estab lish tu nneling co nnecti ons with. <text > = IP address or host name of the r emote h ost.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls protocol udp aes Uses UDP pr otocol w ith AES encryption f or conne ct mod e tunneli ng. show Shows the c urrent co nfigurat ion.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls port <num ber> Sets the re mote port to use for con nect mode t unnelin g. <number> = number of the por t to u se. protocol t cp Uses TCP pr otocol for conne ct mode t unneling. protocol tcp aes Uses TCP pr otocol w ith AES e ncryptio n for co nnect mode tunneling.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls exi t Exits to t he nex t higher lev el. no address Removes the r emote h ost add ress used to establ ish tun- neling conn ection s. no aes decry pt key Removes the connec t tunnel AES decrypt key. no aes encry pt key Removes the connec t tunnel AES encrypt key.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls bytes. Each byte is represe nted by a single charact er. Note that qu otes m ust enclo se the valu e if it contain s spaces. auto show statist ic s show connection sta tistic s clrscrn Clears the screen. default pr otocol Restores th e defau lt protoc ol as "TC P".
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls spaces. aes encrypt key <hexa decimal > Sets the c onnect tunn el AES encry pt key w ith up to 16 bytes. Each byte is represe nted by tw o adjacent hex digits. Bytes may ru n togeth er or be separated by opt ional pu n c- tuation: 123ABC "12 3A BC" 12, 3A,BC 12.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls Each byte is represe nted by tw o adjacent hex digits. Bytes may ru n togeth er or be separated by opt ional pu n c- tuation: 123ABC "12 3A BC" 12, 3A,BC 12.3a.bc 12:3a:b c Note that qu otes m ust enclo se the valu e if it contain s spaces.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls sets the timer. <mi llis eco nds > = ti mer val ue, in mil lis eco nds . wri te Stores the curre nt configura tion in permanen t memory. host 7 (tunnel - connect - host: 1: 7) level comma nds address <tex t> Sets the re mote ho st to estab lish tu nneling co nnecti ons with.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls protocol udp Uses UDP pr otocol for connec t mode tu nneling . protocol udp aes Uses UDP pr otocol w ith AES encryption f or conne ct mod e tunneling. show Shows the c urrent co nfigurat ion. show hist ory Displays the last 2 0 command s entered during t he curren t CLI session.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls no tcp keep alive Disables t he conne ct mode T CP keep alive tim eout. port <num ber> Sets the re mote port to use for con nect mode t unnelin g. <number> = number of the por t to u se. protocol t cp Uses TCP pr otocol for conne ct mode t unneling.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls alive timeo ut. exi t Exits to t he nex t higher lev el. no address Removes the r emote h ost add ress used to establ ish tun- neling conn ection s. no aes decry pt key Removes the connec t tunnel AES decrypt key. no aes encry pt key Removes the connec t tunnel AES encrypt key.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls log entrie s. default max timeout Resets the timeout t o its def ault v alue. default p ort Resets the HTT P Server port to its def ault v alue. delete au th <u ri> Deletes an existing H TTP Server authe nticati on direc tive.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls show hist ory Displays the last 2 0 command s entered during t he curren t CLI session. sta te d isa ble Prevents ICM P packets from b eing sent or r eceiv ed. state ena ble Allows ICM P packets to be sent and received. wri te Stores the current conf igura tio n in permanent memory .
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls no ip addr ess Clears the IP addres s. no ipv6 address Clears the IPv6 addr es s. no ipv6 default gatew ay Clears the IPv6 default gatew ay. no primary dn s Clears the name of the primar y DNS server. no secondary dns Clears the name of the second ary DNS server.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls command m ode signon messa ge <str ing> Set s a s ign - on message that is sent f rom the serial p ort when the device boot s and w hen the li ne is in command mode. <string> = text with possible binary charact ers.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls protocol t unnel Applies t unnel prot ocol on th e line. reassert Asserts l ine status with curr ent conf igured v alues. show Displays the current status. show comman d mode Shows the c ommand m ode set tings for t he curr ent line.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls show hist ory Displays the last 2 0 command s entered during t he curren t CLI session. speed 10 Sets the s peed of t he Ethern et lin k to 10 M bps. speed 100 Sets the s peed of t he Ethern et lin k to 100 M bps. speed auto Sets the s peed of t he Ethern et lin k to auto - neg otiate.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls response ty pe tex t Uses tex t type respo nses. show Displays the current con f igur at ion. show hist ory Displays the last 2 0 command s entered during t he curren t CLI session. show statu s Displays tun nel mo dem status .
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls unchallenge d. passwor d <t ex t> Sets the p assw ord required o n the n etwork si de of the tunnel to begin a connectio n.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls exi t Exits to t he configur ation lev el. no relay addr ess Removes the S MT P relay add ress. relay addr ess <tex t> Sets an SM TP relay address t o direct a ll outb ound em ail messages t hrough a mail server. relay port <number > Sets the SM TP relay port.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls sessio ns. <number> = number of ses sio ns. port <num ber> Sets the l ocal port that th e Telnet server us es. < number> = local port nu mber . show Displays the current configur ation. show hist ory Displays the last 2 0 command s entered during t he curren t CLI session.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls <line> = n umber of t he termin al line ( serial p ort) to be configure d. terminal netw or k Enters the configur e - ter minal lev el for the n etw ork. terminal type <text> Sets the ter minal type. tunnel <line> Enters the t unnel l evel.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls terminal type <text> Sets the ter minal type. tunnel <line> Enters the t unnel l evel. <line> = n umber of t he tunnel line ( serial p ort) to be con- figured. wri te Stores the curre nt configura tion in permanen t memory.
5: Comm ands and Lev e ls xcr import <file> Load XM L configuratio n fro m a local file xcr import <file> < group list > Load specif ied XM L configur ation fr om a local file xcr li.
An important point after buying a device Lantronix LX6 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lantronix LX6 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lantronix LX6 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lantronix LX6 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lantronix LX6 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lantronix LX6, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lantronix LX6.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lantronix LX6. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lantronix LX6 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center