Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 900-598 Lantronix
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Part Number 900 - 598 Revision A June 2012 PremierW av e XC User Guide.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 2 Copyright & T rademark © 2012 Lantr onix, I nc. All rights r eserved. N o part of the c ontents of this book m ay be transm itted or reprod uced in a ny form or by an y means with out the written per mis sion of Lant ronix.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 3 FCC Par t 15.21 State ment Changes or modif ications m ade to this equ ipment not express ly approve d by the party responsib le for com pliance could vo id the user 's author ity to operate the equ ipm ent.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 4 T abl e of Content s Cop y right & Tradem ark ______________________________________________________ 2 Warranty _____________________________________________________.
T able of Co ntents Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 5 4: Using Devi c e I nstall er 26 Access ing Prem ierWave XC using Device Insta ller ________________________________ 26 5: Configur ation Us ing We b.
T able of Co ntents Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 6 T o Configure L ine Setti ngs _______________________________________________ 48 Statis tics ________________________________________________________.
T able of Co ntents Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 7 T o Configure an Existing SSL Credential ____________________________________ 69 Trusted Authorities ________________________________________________.
T able of Co ntents Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 8 T o V iew an d Configur e Basic CLI Setti ngs ___________________________________ 83 T elnet Settings _______________________________________________.
T able of Co ntents Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 9 17: Troubl eshooting 102 Diagnostic LED St ates _____________________________________________________ 102 Problem s and Error Messa ges _____________.
List of Fig ures Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 10 List of Fi gur es Figure 2 - 1 Product Lab el ____________________________________________________ 17 Figure 3 - 1 Prem ierWave XC Male D B9 DT E Seria.
List of T ab les Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 11 T able 7 - 7 Tunnel Disconn ect Mode Setti ngs _____________________________________ 55 T able 7 - 8 Tunnel Mod em Em u lation Settin gs ______________.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 12 1: Using This Guide Purpose and A udienc e This guid e provides the inf ormation n eeded t o configur e, use, and update the Pre mierWave XC. It is intend ed for sof tware de velopers and s ystem integr ators who are de ploying Pr em ierWave in their designs .
1: Using T his Guide Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 13 Chapter D escription 15: Updatin g Firmware Instructi ons for obt aining th e latest f irmware an d updating t he Premier Wave XC . 16 : Brandin g the Prem ierW ave XC Instructi ons on how to brand y our devi ce.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 14 2: Introduc tion The Prem ierWave XC is a uni que, h ybrid Ethern et and G SM/GPR S dual port s erial device server which al lows rem ote acces s to and m anagem ent of vir tuall y any IT/netw orking eq uipment or device con nected v ia Ether net or G PRS thro ugh ‘Ser ial - tunnel ing’.
2: Introduct ion Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 15 Protoc ol Support The Prem ierWave XC device s erver cont ains a f ull - featur ed IP stack . Supported p rotocols include: ARP , IP , UDP , TCP , .
2: Introduct ion Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 16 Addresses and Po rt Numbers Hard ware A ddress The hard ware addr ess is al so ref erred to as th e Ether net addr ess or M AC addres s. The first thr ee bytes of the Ether net addre ss are f ixed and ident if y the unit as a Lantr onix prod uct.
2: Introduct ion Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 17 Figure 2 -1 Pr oduc t La be l Part Number Manufacturing Date Code Country of Origin Revision MAC Address Internati onal Mobile Equipment Identit y Numb.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 18 3: In stallati on o f Premie rWave XC This c hapter descr ibes ho w to instal l the Prem ierWave XC device s erver . It cont ains the f ollowing sections: Package C.
3: Installat ion of Prem ierWave XC Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 19 Hardw are Components The Prem ierWave XC has two m ale DB 9 serial p orts that support R S - 232/42 2/485 . Figure 3 - 1 sh ows the front panel view of the device. The d efault s erial port s ettings are 960 0 baud, 8 bits, no parit y , 1 stop b it, no f low co ntrol.
3: Installat ion of Prem ierWave XC Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 20 Back Pan el On the Prem ierWave XC back panel, ther e is a Barrel Conn ector f or Prim ar y Power (Power 1) , 3 - Pin T erm inal Connec tor for Secondar y Po wer (P ower 2) , USB 1, USB 2, RJ - 45 E thernet Port and R eset butto n as sho wn in F igure 3 - 5.
3: Installat ion of Pr emierWave XC Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 21 T op Panel Figure 3 -6 sho ws the top pane l view of the Prem ierWave XC. T able 3 - 1 list and d esc ribes the LEDs.
3: Installat ion of Prem ierWave XC Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 22 LED Description USB 1 GREEN - a USB device is connected t o USB 1 Ho st port and is f unctioning properly OFF - no USB device is con.
3: Installat ion of Prem ierWave XC Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 23 Bottom Panel On the Prem ierWave XC bottom panel, th ere is a SIM c over as sho wn in Figur e 3 - 8 . Figure 3 - 8 Prem ierWave XC B ott om V iew Insta lling the Pr emi er Wave XC Be sure to p lace or mount t he devic e secure ly on a f lat hori zontal or vertical sur face.
3: Installat ion of Prem ierWave XC Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 24 3. Connect s erial devi ces to t he serial port of th e unit. 4. Connect a n RJ - 45 Ethernet cable betw een the unit and your Ethernet network. 5. Plug the Pr emier Wave XC into the pow er outlet by using t he power supply that w as include d in the packaging.
3: Installat ion of Prem ierWave XC Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 25 Figure 3 - 1 1 PremierWave XC Dimensi ons.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 26 4: Usin g DeviceI nstal l er This c hapter cover s the st eps f or locating a Prem ierW av e XC unit and viewing its proper ties a nd device det ails. De viceIns taller is a free ut ility pro gram provided b y Lantronix t hat disc overs, configures , upgrad es and m anages Lantronix Device Servers .
4: Using Dev iceInst aller Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 27 Current Settings Description Group Configurabl e field. Enter a gro up to cat egorize the P remier Wave X C.
4: Using Dev iceInst aller Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 28 Current Settings Description T elnet Supported S hows T rue, indicating tel net i s supported o n this Pr emier W ave XC . T el n e t Port Show s the Premier Wave X C port for T elnet sess ions.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 29 5: Config uratio n Us ing W eb Mana ger This c hapter descr ibes ho w to config ure the Pr em ier W ave XC usin g Web Manage r , the Lantron ix browser - bas ed conf iguratio n tool. The unit ’s configurati on is store d in non volatile m emory and is retained without po wer .
5: Configura tion Usi ng Web Manag er Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 30 Dev ice Status P age The Devic e Status p age is t he firs t page that a ppears after you log int o the Web Manag er .
5: Configu ra tion Usi ng Web Manag er Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 31 Web Ma na ger P age Compone nt s The la yout of a t ypical Web Man ager pag e is bel ow . Figure 5 -2 C omponents of the We b Manager Page The m enu bar alwa ys appear s at the lef t side of the pa ge, regardl ess of the page s hown.
5: Configura tion Usi ng Web Manag er Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 32 A Logout link is availab le at the upper rig ht corner of ever y web page. In Chr ome or Safari, it is necess ary to cl ose out of the bro wser to com pletel y logout. If necessar y , r eopen t he bro ws er to log back in.
5: Configura tion Usi ng Web Manag er Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 33 Web Manager Page Description See Page Network Shows status a nd lets y ou configure the netw ork interf ace, WAN connect ion, and DDNS. 34 Protocol Stack Lets you per form low er level network sta ck - specif ic act ivitie s.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 34 6: Network Settings The Prem ierWave XC contains two net work inter faces. The Et hernet i nterface is also cal led Netw ork 1 or eth0 , and the Cellular i nterfac e is calle d Net work 2 or w wan0 .
6: Network S ettings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 35 Table 6- 2 DD NS Settings Note: A valid account with m is nec essary for this serv ice to w ork. Setting / Field D escription State Select E nabl e d or D isable d . User Name Enter or mod ify DDN S account user name.
6: Network S ettings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 36 Network I nterface Settings Description DHCP Client Select On or Off . At boot up, after th e physica l link is up, the Pr emierW ave X C will attem pt to obt ain IP setting s from a DHC P serv er and w ill perio dically re new these settin gs with t he serv er .
6: Network S ettings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 37 T o Configure Netw ork 1 Interface Settings Using Web Manager T o modif y Ethernet (eth0) setti ngs, clic k N etw ork on th e m enu and select N etw ork 1 - > Interface - > Configurati on .
6: Network S ettings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 38 T o Configure Netw ork 1 Link Settings Using Web Manager T o modif y Ethernet (eth0) Link informat ion, click Net work on the m enu and select N etwork 1 - > Link .
6: Network S ettings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 39 Network 2 (wwan0) SMS Outbound Settings Descript ion T est Phone Number Input the t est recipi ent' s phone number . T est Message Body Input the T est Message B ody . Note: SMS Form at is to be ac cordingl y to the M essage Body .
6: Network S ettings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 40 Table 6 -6 Network 2 (wwan0) SMS I nbound Set tings Network 2 (wwan0) SMS Inbound Sett ings Description State Select Enabl ed or Disabled . When Enab led and the number matches an entry in t he whitel ist, the devic e will handle the SM S.
6: Network S ettings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 41 T o Configure Netw ork 2 Roam Settings Using Web Manager T o modif y Network 2 G SM/GPRS ban d sett ings, c lick Network on the m enu bar and s.
6: Networ k S ettings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 42 Using XML Include i n your fil e: <configgroup name="gsm gprs band"> Netw ork 2 SIM Pin Set ti ngs The SIM PIN is a 4 digit nu mer ic code used to unlock the SIM card. This allows m obile devices to gain acces s to net work s pecific inf ormation s tored o n the SIM.
6: Network S ettings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 43 Netw ork 2 A PN Conf i gurati on Settings The AP N is a Net work Identifier used by the c a rrier to deter mine th e type of n etwork s er vice yo u requeste d for your mobile device. Y ou r service p rovide r will pro vide the APN informat ion along wit h your SIM card .
6: Network S ettings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 44 Netw ork 2 Carri er Connection Settings The Car rier Connec tion is t he iden tity of th e carrier( s) supporte d b y the SIM card prov ider . The table belo w shows t he sett ings for Carrier Co nnection c onfiguration .
6: Network S ettings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 45 Network 2 (wwan0) SMS Statistics Description Time stamp Displ ays the ti mestamp in formation f or the w wan0 modul e.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 46 7: Line and T unnel Se ttings The Prem ierWave XC contains two Lines . Lines 1 and 2 ar e stand ard RS2 32/RS485 s erial por ts.
7: Line and T un nel Setti ngs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 47 Line Settings Description Baud Rate Sets the Baud Rat e (speed) of the L ine. T he defau lt is 9600 . Any set spee d betw een 300 a nd 921600 may be sele cted: 300, 60 0, 1200, 2400, 4800, 960 0, 19200, 38 400, 57 600, 1 15200, 230400 , 460800, 921600.
7: Line and T un nel Setti ngs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 48 Line Command Mode Settings Description Serial String Enter the T ext or Binary string of bytes that must b e read o n the Seri al Line dur ing boot time in order to e nable C ommand M ode.
7: Line and T un nel Setti ngs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 49 Using XML Include i n your fil e: <statusgroup name=”line” instance=”1”> T unnel Setti ngs Tunneling allows ser ial de vices to c omm unicate over a network , without “b eing a ware” of the devices w hic h establ ish the network connection betwe en them .
7: Line and T un nel Setti ngs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 50 T o Configure T unne l Serial Settings Using Web Manager T o configure the Serial Settings for a spec ific tun nel, cli ck T unnel in the m enu bar and s elect T unnel 1 - > Seri al Set t in g s .
7: Line and T un nel Setti ngs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 51 T o Configure T unne l Packing Mode Settings Using Web Manager T o configure the Pack ing Mode for a spec ific tunnel, click T unnel in the menu bar and se lect T unnel 1 - > Packing Mode .
7: Line and T un nel Setti ngs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 52 T unnel Accept Mode Settings Description T elnet TCP Keep Alive Enter the ti me, in mil lisecond s, the Pre mierW av e XC w aits during a silent connection before c hecking if the curr ently con nected netw ork device is stil l on the network.
7: Li ne and T un nel Setti ngs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 53 Using the C L I T o enter T unnel 1 Acc ept M ode comm and leve l: enable - > tunnel 1 - > accept Using XML Include i n yo.
7: Line and T un nel Setti ngs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 54 T unnel Connect Mode Settings Description Flush Seri al Data S ets whether the serial L ine d ata buffer is flushed upon a new network conne ction.
7: Line and T un nel Setti ngs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 55 Disconnec t Mode Specifies t he opt ional cond itions f or disco nnecting any Ac cept Mode or Connec t Mode c onnect ion that m ay be establ ished.
7: Line and T un nel Setti ngs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 56 Modem Emulation Some older equipm ent is d esigned to at tach to a serial port and d ial into a net work with a modem .
7: Line and T un nel Setti ngs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 57 T o Configure T unne l Modem Emulation Settings Using Web Manager T o configure the Modem Em ulation for a spec ific tunnel, clic k T unnel in the m enu bar and select T unnel 1 - > Modem Emula ti on .
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 58 8: T erminal a nd Hos t Sett ings Predefin ed connect ions ar e avai lable via te lnet, SSH , o r a serial por t. A user can c hoose one of the prese nted opti ons and t he devic e autom aticall y makes the predefine d connec tion.
8: T ermina l and Host Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 59 T o Configure the T erminal Network Connection Using Web Manager T o configure the T erm inal on Netw ork, c lick T erm inal on the m enu bar an d select Netw ork - > Configura tion .
8: T ermina l and Host Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 60 Host Settings Descripti on SSH Usern ame Appear s if you sele cted SSH as the prot ocol.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 61 9: Servic es Setti ng s DNS Sett i ngs This s ection desc ribes the active r un - tim e settings f or the dom ain nam e system (DNS) prot ocol. The prim ar y and sec ondar y DNS address es com e fr om the active interfac e.
9: Services Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 62 FTP Settings The FT P protocol can be u sed to upload an d downloa d user f iles, and upgrade t he Prem ierWave firm ware. A c onfigura ble optio n is prov ided to en able or disable ac cess vi a this p rotocol.
9: Services Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 63 T o View or Configure Sy slog Se ttings Using Web Manager T o configure the Syslog, click Syslog in th e menu bar.
9: Services Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 64 HTTP Settings D escription Logging State S elect Enabled or Disabl ed for the state of t he HTT P serve r logging. Max Log Entrie s Sets t he max imum number of HTT P serv er log entr ies. Only the last Max Log Entries are cached a nd view able.
9: Services Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 65 HTTP A uthentication Settings Description Auth Typ e Select the authent icatio n type: None = no aut henticatio n is n ecessary . Basic = enc odes pas swords u sing Base64. Digest = encode s passw or ds usin g M D5.
9: Services Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 66 RSS Settings Reall y Simple S yndication (RSS) (som etim es refer red to as Rich Site Sum mar y) is a m ethod of feeding on line co ntent to Web us ers.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 67 10: Security Setting s SSL Settings Secure Soc kets Layer (SSL) is a protoc ol for managin g the sec urit y of data trans miss ion over the Internet. It provid es encr yption, aut henticat ion, and m ess age integr ity services .
10: Secur ity Sett in gs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 68 Certificat e Generat ion Settings Description Key length Select the bit size of the new self - signe d certif icate. Ch oices are: 512 bits 768 bits 1024 bits 2048 bits The larger t he bit size, the l onger it takes to ge nerate th e key .
10: Secur ity Sett in gs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 69 Certifi cate Upload S ettings SSL certif icates ide ntify the Prem ierWave XC to peers, and can b e used with some m ethods of wireless authent ication. C ertific ate and k ey pairs c an be uploa ded to the Prem ierWave through either the CLI or X ML im port m echanisms .
10: Secur ity Sett in gs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 70 T rus ted A uthorities One or m ore author ity certif icates are needed t o verif y a peer 's identit y . Authorit y certific ates are used with s ome wir eless au thenticat ion met hods. These cer tificates d o not req uire a private k e y .
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 71 11 : Mainten ance and Di agno stics Setti n gs Filesystem Settings The Prem ierWave XC uses a flash f ile system to store files.
11 : Mainten ance and Diagn ostics Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 72 File Modificatio n The Prem ierWave XC allows for the c reation and r emova l of files on its fil esystem . Table 1 1 - 2 File M odification Settings File Modification Commands Description rm Removes the specified file fro m the fil e system.
11 : Mainten ance and Diagn ostics Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 73 T o T ransfer or M odify Filesy stem Files Using Web Manager T o create a ne w file or dir ector y , upl oad an ex isting f ile, cop y or m ove a file, cl ick Filesystem in the m enu bar and s elect Brow se .
11 : Mainten ance and Diagn ostics S ettings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 74 Table 1 1 - 5 ICMP Network Stack Settings Protocol Stack ICMP Settings Descr iption State Select Enabl ed or Disabled . The State s election i s used to turn on/of f processing of ICM P messag es.
11 : Mainten ance and Diagn ostics Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 75 Table 1 1 - 7 S MTP Network Stack Settin gs Protocol Stack SMTP Settings Description Relay A ddress Addres s of all out bound messages through a m ail server . Can conta in either a hostname o r an IP addre ss.
11 : Mainten ance and Diagn ostics Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 76 Using the C L I T o enter the com mand le vel: enable -> config - > snmp Using XML Include i n your fil e: <.
11 : Mainten ance and Diagn ostics Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 77 Diagnost ics The Prem ierWave XC has s everal tools for diagn ostic s and stat istics. V ario us options allo w for the config uration or viewin g of IP sock et inform ation, p ing, tracer oute, m em ory , proc esses, log, route and t hrea ds .
11 : Mainten ance and Diagn ostics Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 78 Diagnostics: Ping Settin gs Descript ion Tim eout Enter the time, in second s, for t he Premier Wave X C to wait for a response fr om the ho st before timing o ut. T he default is 5 s econds.
11 : Mainten ance and Diagn ostics Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 79 Log Table 11 - 12 Log Settings Diagnosti cs: Log Settings Descript ion Output Select a d iagnostic log output t ype: Disable Filesy stem Line 1 Line 2 Max Length Set the max i m um length of the log.
11 : Mainten ance and Diagn ostics Setti ngs Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 80 Processe s The Prem ierWave XC Proces ses inf ormation sh ows all the proc esses c urrentl y running on th e system .
11 : Mainten ance and Diagn ostics Settings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 81 System Sett ings The Prem ierWave XC Syst em s ettings allow f or reboot ing the de vice, res toring f actor y defaults, uploading new f irmware an d updat ing a system ’s short and long nam e.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 82 12: Ad vanced Set tin gs Email Settings View and conf igure em ail aler ts relating to events occu rring with in the s ystem . Table 12 - 1 Email C onfiguration Email – Configuration Set tings Descript ion To Enter the e mail addr ess to w hich the e mail alerts will be sent.
12: Advanc ed Sett ings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 83 Using the C L I T o enter Em ail comm and level: e nable - > email 1 Using XML Include i n your fil e: <configgroup name=”email.
12: Advanc ed Sett ings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 84 Using XML Include i n your fil e: <configgroup name=”cli”> T eln e t Settings The telne t settings c ontrol CLI acces s to the Prem ierWave XC over the T elnet protocol .
12: Advanc ed Sett ings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 85 SSH Settin gs The SSH set tings c ontrol C LI acces s to the Pr em ier Wa ve XC over the S SH protoc ol. Table 12 - 4 SSH Settings SSH Settings Description S SH S tate Select Enabl ed or Disabled to e nable or disa ble CLI acce ss via SSH.
12: Advanc ed Sett ings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 86 Table 12 -5 XML Ex porting Co nfigurat ion XML Ex port Config uration Settings Description Export to bro wser Select this optio n to ex port the X CR data in the selected field s to the browser .
12: Advanc ed Sett ings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 87 XML: Expor t Status Y o u can export the c urrent status in XML format. B y default, a ll groups are exp orted.
12: Advanc ed Sett ings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 88 Import Configuration from the Fi l e system This im port option picks up settings from a file and your im port selectio ns of gr oups, lines , and instances. The list of f iles can b e viewed f rom the filesystem level of the CLI.
12: Advanc ed Sett ings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 89 Failo ver Settings Descr iption Ping Ti meout Interv al Enter the v alue for t he Ping T im eout Inter v al. Max imum duration of executin g one Ping co mmand. Note: Default valu e is 30. Ping Interval Enter the v alue for t he Ping I nterval.
12: Advanc ed Sett ings Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 90 Rela y Output Se t t ings The Prem ierW ave XC a llows R ela y Ou tput state to b e contro lled b y events, user comm ands and SMS i nbo und m ess aging.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 91 13: E vents Even t O ve rvi ew The Prem ierWave XC suppor t s configur ation of several a lerts for specific e vents detec ted. T he supporte d alerts ar e SMS t ext m essaging, SN MP traps and Prem ier Wave ’ s built in Re lay Output co ntrol.
13: Events Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 92 T o Configure Input 1 Settings Using Web Manager T o configure Inpu t 1 set tings , click Events on the m en u bar , an d click Input 1 .
13: Event s Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 93 Using XML Include i n your fil e: <configgroup name=”power fail”> for Main Power Fail Re lay Output Include i n your fil e: <configgrou.
13: Events Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 94 T o Configure Ether net Link Dow n Settings Using Web Manager T o configure Eth ernet Li nk Down set tings, c lick Ev ents on the menu b ar , and clic k Ethernet Lin k Dow n .
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 95 14: S ecu rity in Detail Publi c Ke y Infra s t r uctur e Public Ke y I nfras tructure (P KI) is bas ed on an e ncr yption tech nique that uses t wo k eys: a public ke y and pr ivate k ey . Public k eys can be us ed to enc rypt m essages which can only b e decrypte d using the private k ey .
14: Secur ity in Det ail Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 96 the excep tion of the root C A. This wa y , trus t is transf erred alon g the cha in, from the root C A through a ny num ber of inte rmediate authorities , ultim atel y to the agent that nee ds to pro ve its authent icity .
14: Secur ity in Det ail Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 97 Steel Be l ted RADIUS Steel Belte d RA DIUS is a c omm ercial RADIUS server f rom Juniper Network s that provides a GUI adminis tration inter face. It also prov ides a c ertificate r equest and self - signed c ertif icate generato r .
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 98 15: Updating Firmwar e Obtai ni ng Firmware Obtain th e mos t up - to - date f irmware an d release notes f or the un it from the Lantronix Web site ( www .lantr /s upport/docum entation ) or b y using anon ymous FT P ( ftp://ftp.
15: Updat ing Firm ware Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 99 Loading New Firmw are thr ough FTP Firm ware ma y be updated b y sending t he file to the Pr emierWave XC over a F TP connection. The dest ination f ile nam e on the Prem ierWave XC m ust be "firm ware.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 100 16: Brandi ng the Premi erWave X C This c hapter descr ibes ho w to brand your Prem ierWave XC by usin g Web Manag er and Comm and Line Interf ace (CLI) .
16: Brand ing the Pre mierWav e XC Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 101 Tab l e 16- 1 Short and L ong Na me Settings Name Setti ngs Descri ption Short Name Enter a shor t name f or the sys tem name. A max imum of 32 character s are allowed. Long Name Enter a lon g name for the syst em name.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 102 17: T roubles hooti ng This c hapter disc usses how you can di agnose a nd fix er rors quick ly witho ut havi ng to contac t a dealer or L antronix . W hen troubleshoo ting, a lways ens ure that th e ph ysical conne ctions (po wer cable, net work cable, seri al cable, an tenna, SIM c ard ) are secur e.
17: T roublesh ooting Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 103 Problem/ Message R eason Solution APN/user n ame/passw ord is blank. A PN , user name or passw or d that is re quired, ar e missing. V erify APN settings with Netw ork Operator . Do ensure t hat SIM has GPRS - enabled.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 104 Appen dix A: T echn ical S upport If y ou are unable t o resolve an issue us ing the inform ation in this docum entation, please c ontact T echnical Supp ort: T echnica l Support US Check our online k nowledg e base or send a q uestion t o T echnical Suppor t at http://www .
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 105 Appendix B: Binary to Hex adecimal C o nversi ons Many of the unit's c onfigur ation pr ocedures require you to as sem ble a series of options (repres ented as b its) into a complete c omm and (repres ented as a byte).
Appendix B: Bin ary to He xadecim al Conver sions Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 106 Figure B -1 Hexadecimal Values in the Scientifi c Calculator 4. Click Hex .
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 107 Appen dix C: Com pliance (Accor ding to ISO/I EC Gu ide 17050 - 1 , 17050 - 2 and E N 45014) Man ufacturer's N ame & Address: Lantronix , Inc.
Appendix C: Co mpliance Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 108 Device Label w ith CE M ark and FCC ID W AR NING : Plea se keep a safety d istance of 23cm from a ntenna due to RF exposur e.
Premier Wave XC U ser Gui de 109 RoHS Notice All Lan tronix products in the f ollo wing f amilies a re Chi na RoH S - compl iant and free of the f ollowing hazard ous su bstan ces and el ements: • L.
An important point after buying a device Lantronix 900-598 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lantronix 900-598 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lantronix 900-598 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lantronix 900-598 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lantronix 900-598 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lantronix 900-598, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lantronix 900-598.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lantronix 900-598. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lantronix 900-598 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center