Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 5618 Lanier
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5618 5618 5618 5618 your document m ana gement pa r tne r Digital Co pier Operator Guide.
Whe n o rderi ng supp lie s or reque stin g se rvice for yo ur copier , you will need to provide the m odel and serial numb e r of yo ur mach ine . Please take a m oment to enter your model and serial numb ers here .
Table of Contents i Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I I I 9 I I I G I Impor tant Safeguard s Imp ortant Safe guards ... .... ...... .... .... .... .. .... .... .. .... .... .... .. ... .... .. .... .... .. .... .... .. ... 1 Making Co pies App ly ing Po w er .
Table of Conte nts ii 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 I 7 7 I I G I I I Copyin g Me thod s By pas s C op yin g ...... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... ... .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .. 4-1 Co mbin e C op yi ng . ..... .. ....
Table of Contents iii 4 1 1 2 3 5 6 G G G 7 I I G I In dex Ind ex Te rm s .. .... .. ..... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. ... .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... I- 1 Warra nty New Mach ine Warr anty and Limitati on of Lia bility .
Table of Conte nts iv 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 I 7 7 I I G I I I.
Important Safeguards.
1 Impor tan t Safegu ards Always follow these import ant safeguards: 1 Read all of these instructions before using the unit. 2 Plug the power cor d into a 3-conducto r (grounded) outlet. Check the Specifications chapter to make su re the o utlet meets th e ampere rating of this unit.
Chapter 1 Making Copies.
Making C opies Chap ter O ver vi ew Included in this chapter ar e: • “App lyin g Power ” on p age 1- 1 • “Selecting the Mode of Operation ” on page 1 -2 • “Mak ing C opi es” on p age.
Applying Po wer Making C opies 1 - 1 Ap ply i ng Po wer Main Pow er Sw itch Turnin g On the Main Power The Main Power switch supplies power to the copier . T o su pp ly pow er to th e co pier, pre ss th e Main Power switch to O n. The Main Power switch is located on the left side of the machine.
Se lec ti ng t he Mo de of Op era ti on 1 - 2 Making Copie s Selecting th e Mode of Operatio n Press o ne of th e Function keys to select the desired mode of ope rat i o n. Limit ations Y ou cannot switch modes in any of the following cases: • When scann ing in a f ax mess age for tran smission .
Making Copies Making C opies 1 - 3 Makin g Cop i es 1 Che ck th e Fu ncti o n key t o be sure t he machine is in the copy mode. If not, press the Copy key . 2 If the User Code fe ature is activa ted, the message “In put user code, then press #” is disp laye d.
Making Co pies 1 - 4 Making Copie s Note: If y ou only wan t one copy with no options, p roceed to Step 5. 5 Press the Start key to begi n c opyin g. Copy Options You Can Select Methods To Use For Copy Options Copy Quantity Using the keypa d , enter the number of copies you desire .
Chap te r 2 Component Identification.
Compon ent Ident ification Chap ter O ver vi ew Included in this chapter ar e: • “ C on t rol P an el” on pa ge 2-1 • “Comp on en t Loc ati ons - Fr ont ” on p age 2-7 • “Component Loc.
Comp on e nt I den tif ic at io n 2 - 1 Contro l Panel Fax/Printe r/Copier Co ntrol Panel 1 Fax Mode Indicators See Facsimil e Reference for detailed infor ma tion. 2 Facsimile Mode Key Press to use various facsimil e function s. 3 Printer Mode Key Press to use printer functions.
2 - 2 Comp on e n t Ide nti f i c ati o n Fax/P rinter/C opier Control Panel - continue d 11 Left & R ig ht C ur s o r Key s Press to select an item on the panel display . 12 OK Key 13 User T ools Keys Press to change the default settings and conditions to meet your requirements.
Comp on e nt I den tif ic at io n 2 - 3 Fax/P rinter/C opier Control Panel - continue d 22 Full Size Key For m a king full size copies. 23 Selected Paper T ray Press t o select t he paper tray . 24 Zoom Key Changes the re production ratio in 1% steps.
2 - 4 Comp on e n t Ide nti f i c ati o n Compon ent L ocati ons - Fr ont 1 Platen Cove r or Docume nt Feeder (optional) Lower the platen cover over originals placed on the exposure glass for copying. If you have the document feeder , insert a stack of orig inals here.
Comp on e nt I den tif ic at io n 2 - 5 Compon ent L ocati ons - Fr ont (conti nue d) 9 Operati on Switch (Fax or p rinter i nstalled mac hine only) Press this switch to turn the power on (the On indicator lights up). T o turn the power off, press this switch again (the On indicator goe s off).
2 - 6 Comp on e n t Ide nti f i c ati o n Compon ent L ocati ons - R ear 1 Bypa ss T ray Use to copy onto OHP transparencies, adhes ive labels, translucent paper, post cards, and non-standard size paper . 2 Paper T ray Cover Open this cover to remove jammed paper fed from the optional system s tand.
Comp on e nt I den tif ic at io n 2 - 7 Sta tus D i spla y Indi cat o rs 1 Door Open When this sym bol is illuminated, the front door is open. 2 Paper Mi sfeed When this symbol is illuminated, there has bee n a paper misfeed of an original or a copy somewher e in the machine.
2 - 8 Comp on e n t Ide nti f i c ati o n Graphics D isplay 1 Upper lin e: The machine status or currently selected functions appear here. 2 Bottom lin e Items which can be selected or specified, or messages appear he re. Currently selected items are displayed with brackets.
Chap te r 3 Copier Functions.
Copier Functions Chap ter O ver vi ew Included in this chapter ar e: • “Ente ring Us er Co de s ” on pa ge 3- 1 • “Document Feeder ” on p age 3-2 • “Usin g Aut o S tart ” on page 3-4.
Ent eri ng Us er Co des Co pie r F u nct ion s 3 - 1 Enteri ng U ser Codes 1 Enter an as signed User Code using the key pad . • If you enter an invalid User Code, the Me ssa ge Di spl ay co nti n ues to sh ow ei ght dashe s. • If yo u do n ot k now w hic h U ser C ode t o use, ask your Key Operato r .
Document Feed er 3 - 2 Copie r Func tions Docu ment Feeder Preca utions when using Document Feeders 1. A vo id using: • Badly wrinkled or folded originals • Clipped or stapled originals • Carb on pape r • T orn or iginals • T ap ed ori g i nal s • Damp originals 1.
D oc um en t F e ed er Co pie r F u nct ion s 3 - 3 RADF - Fee ding Stack of Origin als 1 When using the R ADF , place yo ur originals face up in th e Document Feeder . 2 Adjust the Paper Side Guides to fit the edge of your ori gin al s. 3 Set any addi tional copier features d esired.
Using Auto Start 3 - 4 Copie r Func tions Using Auto Start 1 Place the original document in the Document Fee d er or on the Ex posu re Gla ss. 2 Make your c opy re quire m ent se l ecti on s. 3 Press the Start key . The indicator light in the Start key turns red.
Select ing Co py Quant it ies Co pie r F u nct ion s 3 - 5 Selectin g C opy Qua ntities If more than one copy o f your original is r equired, enter the number of copies y ou desire using the key pad . • Press the Clear/Stop k ey to clear an en try if you entered an incorrect quantity .
Selecting Copy Dar kn ess Mode s 3 - 6 Copie r Func tions Sel ectin g C opy Da rkne ss Mo des Using A uto Image Densi ty Mode Auto Image Den sity is automatically selected by default. Copy darkness adjustment is not required for most originals in the Auto Image Den sity mode.
Selecti ng Orig inal Mod es Co pie r F u nct ion s 3 - 7 Selecting Original Modes 1 Press the Original key to step th rough the settings. 2 Select your desired setting. Text Photo Identify the type of original you are copying by selecting: • Te x t • Photo T ext is automatically selected as the d efault setting.
Selecting Copy Pa per 3 - 8 Copie r Func tions Sel ecting C opy Pap er Using A uto Paper Sel ect 1 Make sure the display shows that Auto Paper is selected.
Select ing Co py Paper Co pie r F u nct ion s 3 - 9 Using M anual Paper Select 1 Select the paper tray or Byp ass T r ay by pressing the Select Paper T ray key . The display shows the paper size in the tray and the tray s elected. 2 Proceed with your copy s et up selections.
Enlarge m ent an d Reduction Ratio s 3 - 10 Copie r Func tions Enlarg em ent a nd Re ductio n Ra tios Using Auto Reduce/Enlar ge 1 Press the Auto R/E key .
Enlarge ment an d Reduct ion Ratios Co pie r F u nct ion s 3 - 11 Using Prese t Copy Ratio Keys 1 Press the Reduce or Enlarge key . 2 Press the Cursor key s until the desired reduce/enlarge size is di splayed. 3 Press the OK ke y . 4 Set yo ur or i ginal s and make you r c op y set up option s.
Enlarge m ent an d Reduction Ratio s 3 - 12 Copie r Func tions Zoom Keys 1 Press the Zoom ke y . 2 Enter the ratio using the cursor keys or key pad. • Cursor Keys: Press the cursor key until the desired ratio is displayed. • Holding down the cu rsor key allows scrolling.
Sort Co pie r F u nct ion s 3 - 13 Sort 1 Press the Sort key . 2 Enter the number of copy sets using th e Ke y pad. The ma xi mum numb er o f se ts i s 9 9. 3 Set yo ur or i g inals. When sett ing a stack of originals in the documen t feeder 1. Set a stack of ori gin al s in the do cu me nt feede r .
Energy Saving Mod es 3 - 14 Copie r Func tions Energ y Sa vi ng Mo de s Level 1 Pow er Cons umption: Reduces power by approximately 40% compared to standby mode. Warm Up Tim e: Approximately 15 seconds. Level 2 Pow er Cons umption: Reduces power by approximately 60% compared to standby mode.
Chap te r 4 Copying Methods.
Co py in g Me t ho d s Chap ter O ver vi ew Included in this chapter ar e: • “By pa ss C opy ing ” on p age 4- 1 • “ Dupl ex C opyi ng” on pa ge 4-4 • “ C ombi n e Copy i ng” on pa g.
Bypass Copyin g Co py in g Me t ho d s 4 - 1 Bypass Copying 1 Open the bypass tr ay . 2 Push up th e paper guide release lever . (1) Pa per g uide re lease leve r Use the b ypass tray to c opy onto OHP tr ansparencies , adhesive lab els, translucen t paper , post cards, a nd copy pap er that ca nnot be set in the pa per tray .
Bypass Co pying 4 - 2 Co pyin g Method s 3 Lightly insert the copy pap er face d own and adjust the p aper guide. (1) Horizo ntal size (2) V ertical size (3) Pa per E xten der (4) Pa per Gu ide • Do not stack paper over the limit mark; otherwis e a skew ima ge or paper misfeeds might occur .
Bypass Copyin g Co py in g Me t ho d s 4 - 3 When C opying ont o Non-St andar d Size Pa per Note: Y ou should specify the size o f copy paper to avoid paper misfeeds. Note: The settings for non- standard size paper can be made only when the optional document feeder is installed.
Duplex Co pying 4 - 4 Co pyin g Method s Duplex C opying 1 Sided to 2 Sided Y ou c an m ake tw o-si ded c op ies from 1-si de d originals. • If y ou set an odd number of 1-si ded originals in th e document feed er , the reverse side of the last page is left blank.
Duplex C opying Co py in g Me t ho d s 4 - 5 2 Make sure tha t “1 S ided to 2 Sided ” in dicator is on. When Se tting the Copy Di rection Y ou can select the orientation for th e copy paper when you set “Orientation” to “On” in the C opier Features.
Duplex Co pying 4 - 6 Co pyin g Method s 2 Sided to 2 Sided The optional docume nt feeder (RADF) is required to use this fun ction. Y ou c an m ake tw o-si ded c op ies from tw o-sid ed originals. 1 Press the Duplex key twice to select “2 Sided to 2 Sid ed” .
Comb ine Copyin g Co py in g Me t ho d s 4 - 7 Combine C opying • The nu mbe r o f orig inals c opie d ( combi ned) can be 2, 4 or 8. • In this mode, the machine selects the reproduction ratio automatically . This reproduction ra tio dep end s on t he copy pap er siz e s a nd t he numb er of or igin al s.
Combine Copying 4 - 8 Co pyin g Method s Directi on of Origin als and Layout of Co mbined Images Portrait O riginal s Landscape Or iginals Selecting Combin e Copying 1 Press the Combine/ Series key . 2 Make sure tha t “Combin e” is selected, th en press th e OK key .
Comb ine Copyin g Co py in g Me t ho d s 4 - 9 When Setti ng Original on the Exposure Gl ass or in the Docu ment Feeder 1. Set t he or igina l, then press the Start ke y . 2. Set the ne xt or igina l, th en pr ess th e Star t ke y . 3. T o finish copy ing, press th e # key to eje c t th e co py .
Series Copying 4 - 10 Co pying Met hods Series C opying Book to 1 Sided Y ou can ma ke 1– si ded cop ies fr om 2 fa cin g p age of a bo un d orig inal ( Book) . 1 Press the Combine/ Series key . 2 Press the right Cursor key to s e lect “ Series ”, then pre ss the OK key .
Series C opying Co py in g Me t ho d s 4 - 11 2 Sided to 1 Sided Y o u c an mak e 1-sided copie s from two -side d originals. 1 Press the Combine/ Series key . 2 Press right Cursor key to select “ Series ”, then press the OK key . 3 Press r ight Cu rs or key to sel ect 2 sid e d to 1 sided sy mbol.
Series Copying 4 - 12 Co pying Met hods Notes:.
Chapter 5 User Tools Settings.
User Tool s Sett ings Chap ter O ver vi ew Included in this chapter ar e: • “System Settings” on page 5-1 • “Copier Feature Settings” on page 5-6.
System Setti ngs User Tools Sett ings 5 - 1 System Settings Basic Step s to Accessi ng System Settin gs The tables on th e following pages provide y ou with information pertaining to each System Setting.
System Settings 5 - 2 U se r T o ols Se tt in gs Print ing the Counter Value 1 Press the User T ools key . 2 Make sur e “1 .Cou nter” i s dis pl ayed , th en pr ess the OK key to view th e total number of prints. 3 Press the Print ke y . 4 Press the Start key .
System Setti ngs User Tools Sett ings 5 - 3 System Settings Menu Description 1. Functi on Pri ority You can specify the mode (Co pie r, Fax, Printer ) to be displ ayed imm edi ately aft er the operation swi tch is turned on or System Reset mode is tur ned on.
System Settings 5 - 4 U se r T o ols Se tt in gs 6. Auto Off Ti mer The machi ne turn s itself off automaticall y to cons erve energy aft er your job is finished, after the sel ect ed time.Thi s f unction i s call ed “Auto Off”.The t ime can be set from 1 to 240 minutes.
System Setti ngs User Tools Sett ings 5 - 5 10. Auto Tray Switch (for copy mode only) If you loa d paper of the same si ze in two or more tray s, the machine autom at ically shif ts another tray when the tr ay in use runs out of paper . You can set or cancel this setti ng.
Copier Feature Settings 5 - 6 U se r T o ols Se tt in gs Copie r Feat ure S etting s Basic Step s to Accessi ng Copi er Feature Se ttings The tables on the followin g pages provide y ou with infor mation necessary to access the System Settings. Ex it in g f ro m Use r T o ol s • Y ou can exit th e User T ools m ode by pressing the Ca ncel key .
Copier Feature Settings User Tools Sett ings 5 - 7 Copi er Features Menu Description 1. APS.Auto R/E You can select Auto Paper Sel ect or Auto R/E Priori ty. When yo u cancel t his se tting, s elect “No”. Default : Auto Paper Selec t 2. Max.Copy Q'ty The maximum copy quant ity can be set between 1 and 99.
Copier Feature Settings 5 - 8 U se r T o ols Se tt in gs 11. Dupl ex Margin You can speci fy left margin on the bac k side of the c opies and the top margin on the front side of copi es . Default: 0.2 12. Key Op.Tools If t he machin e is set to us e the User Code func tion, operator s must input thei r use r codes before th e machine can operat e.
Chap te r 6 Service and Supplies.
Serv ice and Supplies Chap ter O ver vi ew Included in this chapter ar e: • “Loa ding P ap er ” on p age 6-1 • “ C hang ing P a per Si ze” on pa ge 6-2 • “Cha ngi ng t he T oner C artr.
Loadi ng Paper Serv ice and Supplie s 6 1 Load ing Pa per 1 Pull out the paper tray until it sto ps. 2 Press the metal p late down, then, square the paper and set it in the tray . • If there is paper in the tray , remove it and and together with the new paper , place it in the p aper tray .
Changing Paper Size 6 - 2 Ser vice and S upp lies Chan ging Pa per S ize Changin g the Paper Size in t he Paper Tray or th e System Stand 1 Pull out the paper tray until it sto ps. Re move a ny rem ai nin g cop y pap er . 2 While pressing the release le ver , adjust the back paper guide.
Changing Paper Size Serv ice and Supplie s 6 3 3 Press down the release button. 4 While pressing the release lever , adjust the si de pap er gui des . 5 Push the metal plate down. (This is for Trays 1 an d 2. ) Note: Do n ot stack paper over the limit mar k.
Changing Paper Size 6 - 4 Ser vice and S upp lies 6 Square t he paper and set it in the tray . 7 While pressing the release lever , adjust the sid e an d ba ck pa per gui de s to t he ne w p aper siz e .
Changing Paper Size Serv ice and Supplie s 6 5 Setti ng Non-St an dar d Size Pa per 1 Press the Select Paper T ra y k ey to select the secon d paper tra y . 2 Then pr ess the # key . 3 Press the Cursor key s until the paper size you w ant to use is displayed.
Changing the T oner Car tridge 6 - 6 Ser vice and S upp lies Changing the Tone r Cartridge 1 Open the Front Cover . 2 Pull out on the handle on th e T oner Bottle Holder until the T oner Bottle holder is fully opened. 3 Pull the g reen lever and g ently pull the T oner Bottle out.
Ch an ging the T one r Cartri dge Serv ice and Supplie s 6 7 5 Remove the outer cap. Note: Do n ot remove the Inner Cap. 6 Place the new T oner Bottle in position, turn it clockwise, then return the green lev er back to its closed position. 7 Return the T oner Bottle Holder to its original position.
Clearing P ape r Misfe eds 6 - 8 Ser vice and S upp lies Clearing P aper Misfeeds WARNING: When remo vi ng misfed paper, do not touch the fus ing section becaus e it could be very hot. Impo rtant : • Whe n clea ring m isfe ed s, do not t urn of f the pow e r swi tch.
When the Mac hine Does Not Opera te Prop erly Serv ice and Supplie s 6 9 When the Machine Does Not Ope rate Properly Message Display Machine Stat us Problem/Cause Act ion Please wait . The machine is warming up. Wait for the m achi ne to warm up. Cannot de tect ori ginal si ze.
When Copi es are Not Clea r 6 - 10 Ser vice and S upp lies When Co pies are Not Clear Problem Cause Action Copies appear dir ty. The image density i s set t oo dark. Adju st the i mage density. The reverse side of an original image i s copied. The image density i s set t oo dark.
Can Not Make Proper Copie s Serv ice and Supplie s 6 11 Can No t Make Pr oper Cop ies Com bin e Duplex Problem Cause Action Pa rts o f t h e i m age are no t copied. You specifi ed an improper reproduc tion rat io t h at does not meet the sizes of yo ur origi nals and copy paper.
Cleani ng t he Copi er 6 - 12 Ser vice and S upp lies Clean ing the Co p ier Clean ing the Ma chine W ipe the copier w ith a soft, damp cloth and then dry it. Do not use chemical cleaner or organic solvent, s uch as thinn er or benz ene. If they get into the copier of melt plastic p arts, a failure m ight occur .
Clea ning the Copie r Serv ice and Supplie s 6 13 Notes:.
Cleani ng t he Copi er 6 - 14 Ser vice and S upp lies.
Chap te r 7 Specif ic ations.
Spec i fications Chap ter O ver vi ew Included in this chapter ar e: • “ M ain Co pi er Uni t” on pa ge 7-1 • “ D ocu m ent F e eder - op tion” on p age 7-4 • “ 1 T ray Sy stem St a nd.
Main C opier Unit Specificat ions 7 - 1 Main Cop ie r Uni t Configuration: • Deskt op Photos en si tiv i ty ty pe : • O P C dru m ( 30) Original s canning: • O ne -dim e nsion al solid scanni n .
Main Co pier Unit 7 - 2 Specifications Copy paper size: • T ray s : 1 1"× 17" to 5 1 /2 ” × 8 1 /2 ” • Byp as s: 1 1"× 17" to 5 1 /2 ”× 8 1 / 2” • Byp ass (n on-s tand ard si ze): V ert ical : 3 .6 "–1 2.0” H ori zo ntal: 6.
Main C opier Unit Specificat ions 7 - 3 Power requir ements: • 12 0V AC, 60 Hz, 10 am p. Power consumption: Mainframe only • W ar m up : 88 0 W • Sta n d-b y: app ro xi m a te ly 12 5 W • Cop .
Document Feed er - option 7 - 4 Specifications Docu ment Feeder - op tion Mod e: • ADF/RADF mode, SADF mode Original size: • 1 1"× 17 " to 5 1 /2 ”× 8 1 /2 ” Original weight : • 1-sided originals: 14 –28 lb. Numb e r of or i ginal s to be se t: • 30 she ets, 20 lb.
1 Tray System Stan d - option Specificat ions 7 - 5 1 Tray System Stand - option Copy paper weight: • 16 –28 lb. A v ailable paper size: • 5 1 /2”× 8 1 /2 ”, 8 1 / 2”× 11", 8".
2 Tray Sys tem Sta nd - option 7 - 6 Specifications 2 Tray System Stand - option Copy paper weight: • 16 – 28 lb. A v ailable paper size: • 5 1 /2”× 8 1 /2 ”, 8 1 / 2” × 11", 8".
Agency Certi fication s Specificat ions 7 - 7 Agency Certifications USA RFI This equip men t ge nera t es and use s radi o freque ncy e ner gy . If not in st a lled a nd us ed prop erly , i.e. , in strict acco rdance with thes e operating instru ctions, it may cause har mful interfer ence to rad io communications.
Agen cy Certificat ions 7 - 8 Specifications UL The 5618 AG digital copier is intended for u se in areas with 120V , 60 Hz, AC line v olta ge. Y ou should ensure y ou are conn ecting your equipment in to the proper line voltage.
Paper S iz es Specificat ions 7 - 9 Paper Size s Ty pe Paper Size Si ze USA STATEMENT LETTER LEGAL COMPUTER LEDGER FOOLSCAP and OFFICIO 5.5 x 8.5 inches 8.
Enlarge ment an d Reduct ion Pe rcenta ges 7 - 10 Specifications Enlarg em ent a nd Re ductio n P ercenta ges Ty pe Inch Version Me tric Vers ion Enlarg ement 400% 400% 200% 200% 155% 141% 129% 122% 1.
Chapt er Over view Definitions for the most often used ter ms are listed here..
G- 1 Copier Te rms % (percentage) The ratio o f the original im age size to the copied image size. If th e copy image is larger than th e original, the % n umber is larger . A copied image that is twice the size o f the original is said to be 200%. I f the copy image is sm aller than the orig inal, the % number is lower .
G-2 Copy Paper See: paper Copy Quantity This disp l ay or par t of a T ouch Sc ree n sh ows the r equ e sted nu mb er o f copies. Copy Size Keys Key s used to input the de sired size of the copy . Darker Copies This term refers to the amo unt of toner placed o n the cop y through th e imaging process.
G- 3 Ene rgy S ta r A vo lunt a ry pr og ram introd uced by the U nit ed Sta tes En viro nmen t al Protection Ag ency (EP A) intended to encourage the use of ener gy - efficient technologies in the workplace. R equirements to qualify fo r cer tificat ion var y base d o n the sp eed of a Co pi er .
G-4 Initial Settings Those settings di splayed by a co pier when it come s to the READY condition. These settings may be eith er the Factory Default settings , or Factory Default settings that h ave been modified permanently by either you or your Serv ic e T ec hnic ia n to be tte r fi t yo ur a ppl icat io n.
G- 5 Power Cord Th e cord used to connect the co pier to the power receptacle. The plug desi gn i s spe cifi ed depe ndi ng on the am ount of po wer t he co pier re qui res. Make sure the receptacle is the corr ect one for your copier . READY Indicator This is an indic ator that shows wh en the copi er has war med up and is ready to make copies .
G-6 T oner Container A co ntainer designed to simplify the reloading of toner in your copi er . Make sur e the ton er you a dd is corr ect f or your co pier bef or e loa din g. T ra nsparencies A clear plastic sto ck used to make an overh ead tran sparency .
Inde x.
Chap ter Overview Use this index to find items used in this Operator Guide..
I - 1 Index Terms A Access co des 3-1 Age ncy certi fica tions Canada RFI 7-7 EP A en e rg y st ar 7- 8 USA RFI 7-7 Au to ima g e d e nsi ty 3- 6 Auto r educe/ enlarge 3- 1 0 Auto sta rt 3-4 B Bypass .
I - 2 S Seri es copy ing 4- 6 Size s sta ndard paper size s 7- 9 Sort 3-13 Speci fica tions 1 tr ay syst em sta nd 7-5 16mb copier memory 7-6 2 tr ay syst em sta nd 7-6 documen t fee der 7-4 main c op.
Warranty New Machi ne Warranty and L imitation o f Liabil ity Warra nty — 90 d ays Lanier warran ts that its equip ment and accessories w ill be free from de fecti v e par ts and w o rkma nship for a peri od of ni n ety (9 0) da y s from the date of first in stallation by Lanier ’ s Authorized Dealer .
Customer Vision® _ our commitm ent to your comple te satis faction Lanier Worldwid e, Inc. | 2300 Parklake Drive, N.E. | Atlanta, GA USA 30345 www .lanier .
An important point after buying a device Lanier 5618 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lanier 5618 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lanier 5618 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lanier 5618 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lanier 5618 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lanier 5618, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lanier 5618.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lanier 5618. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lanier 5618 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center