Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Sword of the Stars 2 (PC) Koch Media
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3 SyStem requirementS 4 the raceS 5 List of Playabl e Races 6 Factions 11 Game Overview 14 main menu... welcOme! 15 St artinG a Game 16 Game Setup 16 Game Lobby 19 Multiplayer 20 Joining a Game 21 Hos.
4 sysTeM requireMenTs MiniMuM sysTeM requireMenTs: • OS: Windows Vista 32-bit • RAM: 2-GB RAM • Video: 512-MB Dir ectX 10 • Display: 1024x768 • HDD: 2-GB fr ee space • CP.
5 The raCes In the Swor d of the Stars II universe, ther e ar e many alien races. The Rac es of the game fall into thr ee categories: Playabl e , Independent , and Elder Races . Swor d of the Stars allo ws players to contr ol one of six highl y distinct rac es.
6 lisT of Playable raCes huMans humanS are an air-br eathing, land-based species of sentient mammals, ev olv ed from a primat e line which can be traced to a tiny tr ee-dwelling shr ew . They have devel oped their technological pow er base independently, without assis tance fr om any other alien race.
7 The Hiver rac e dominates the Hiver Imperium F action. Other sentient species, although they may be tol erated by Hivers as civilians, cannot serv e the Hiver Queen in positions of military or political power .
8 Morrigi The mOrriGi are an avian species, but they r etain many featur es of their ancient reptil e origin, which gives them the appearanc e of feather ed dragons. Their civiliza - tion is very ancient and they wer e the firs t of the Playable Rac es to become spac e far ers and to form a widel y scatter ed empir e among the stars.
9 Zuul who belong to the liir-Zuul alliance use Liirian technol ogy, speak the Liirian language, and have adapted their bodies to the Liir climate. Zuul who r e- main members of the Hor de continue to use the c ore technol ogy of the Zuul race, the rip drive , which tears open space-time t o create Node Spac e tunnels.
10 The Liir race has r ecentl y adopted a splinter gr oup of Zuul into their midst and now shar e their technology, living spac e and values with large number s of Zuul. Nonetheless, Liir dominat e the Liir-Zuul Alliance F action technologicall y, politicall y and socially .
11 faCTions sol forCe SOl FOrce is an administrative body which e xtends its canopy over an extended empire of Human-dominat ed systems and worlds. It is divided into sever al dif- fer ent branches of service, and c ontr ols a huge range of military, scientific and civil affairs.
12 sors include a number of ministers who specialize in v arious fields. All of them call him by his titles, “Supr eme”, “Supr eme Commander”, or “V ar Kona”, which means “Father of Emper ors” in the T arka language. When y ou play Swor d of the Stars II as the T arka, y ou assume this r ole.
13 The suul’ka horde The Suul ’ka hOrde is a new faction which c onsists of the Zuul rac e and their ancient masters, the Suul ’ka. The agenda of the Hor de is r elativel y simple. The Suul ’ka consider themsel v es superior to all other forms of life, and the Zuul agr ee with this sentiment.
14 gaMe overview Swor d of the Stars II: Lor ds of Winter is a 4X space str ategy game – eXplor e, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. Or to put it another way, go e xplor e the galaxy, set up col oni.
15 Main Menu... welCoMe! When you first s tart Swor d of the Stars II , you will have a number of options in addition to starting the game; prOFile If more than one player uses the game on the same machine, each player can set up a pr ofile that c ontains their game setting pr efer ences.
16 sTarTing a gaMe Swor d of the Stars II is an open-ended game that you can play how ever you like; singleplay er or multiplayer . The only distinction betw een a single-player game and a multiplayer game is whether you ar e playing against humans or AI player s, and if you ar e broadcas ting the game online so others can join you.
17 mapS/ScenariOS – These two tabs list all the open and sc enario maps avail - able to play . Sc enario maps have built in goals and c onditions that players must observe and r espond to. Open maps have no special conditions be yond the initial game setup and players ar e fr ee to explor e and expand as they can.
18 numBer OF playerS – this sets the number of play ers – human and AI – allo wed in the game. By default it is two play ers, but you can have up to eight.
19 Devel op 5 Gem W orlds, First to Cr eate 5 Pro vinces, Firs t to Build 10 Leviathans, First to Contr ol a Certain Per centage of T errit ory . Each one will dr asticall y alter the goals and priorities of every player . When you have set up the game to your liking, y ou can click OK.
20 Select ai diFFicul ty – if there ar e any AI player s in the game, this is the general challenge the y will present to y ou. empire cOlOr – Within the game, y our territory – your star systems and c olony worlds – will be marked with this col or .
21 Joining a gaMe Players can sel ect Multiplayer fr om the main menu – this will take them to the Game Lobby . In front of them, play ers will see all the availabl e games as galaxies floating in spac e. The better the ping, the closer the game galaxy is to the middl e.
22 leaving a gaMe Players can l eave mid-game and r ejoin at a later time if they so choose. Players c an passwor d prot ect their slot to keep others fr om joining in that sl ot.
23 loCking sloTs When a player is occupying a sl ot position in the game lobby, they may wish t o lock that sl ot in order to c ontrol who c an play their position. That way, players who are unc omfortabl e with just anyone taking o ver for them can ensur e that onl y AI players, or player s they give permission to can play that position.
24 The basiCs As mentioned above, Swor d of the Stars II is a hybrid game, with one half being turn-based (the game doesn’t move f orward until all player s have compl eted their turn) and one half real-time c ombat (the game runs for a set period of time with all invol ved player s experiencing the same events.
25 reading The MaP The example scr een abov e is zoomed in on your Home system, which has a dis- tinct star marker ar ound it in your player c olor . Any system that you hav e a colony world at will have a marker ar ound it – the name of the system will also r efl ect your player c olor .
26 It’ s a tricky balance y ou have to maintain – gov ernments need to be stable and healthy or it all falls apart. At the same time, if you don’t r esear ch new technol ogies the Empire c an’t grow, or w orse yet, will be crushed by a str onger Empir e.
27 Turns - ending, Progressing, and arChiving After you have made all the changes you wish t o make in a turn and you ar e ready to commit to the end of the turn, simpl y hit the End T urn button in the bottom l eft of the Starmap.
28 rel easing the mouse button. Y ou c an also select multipl e, specific ships by CTRL left-clicking each ship. Controlling y ou ships in combat can be r educed to these thr ee very simpl e commands; By doing these, your ships will l eap into action.
29 stance – the semi-aut onomous behavior it will follow if y ou’re not curr entl y paying attention to it (very handy if you’r e focus is on another part of the battl e.) T o the right are the specifics on the Supplies , Energy , and Cr ew of the ship.
30 researCh Devel oping your empir e requir es advanc ements and those advancements ar e made through the Resear ch Scr een, which you acc ess fr om the Strategy Map – the icon is to the right of your A vatar .
31 feasibiliTy sTudies As mentioned, not all technologies will be availabl e to the player each game and just as in r eal life, ther e’ s no way to know f or sure which technol ogy you will and will not be able to attain.
32 faCTions and TeChnologies Each alien race in Sw ord of the Star s II has particular technology families the y are mor e or l ess capable of de veloping.
33 building and designing shiPs Building fleets in Swor d of the Stars II s tarts the same way as in the first game. Y ou begin with a handful of fleets, a handful of ship designs, and a handful of technologies that you c an mix and match to create y our own designs.
34 dreadnoughTs Pre viously the lar gest capital ship clas s, the dreadnought r emains a powerful workhor se in any fleet. Like the Cruiser, it is designed in three parts, plus w eapons, plus modules. The variety of sections isn’t as great, but what the y lack in design options, they make up in power .
35 mount will fire a singl e laser barr el – placing it into a Heavy turret will add 3 laser barrels. Y ou cannot place weapons like this into a Super Heavy turr et – Super Heavy turrets ar e as specialized as the afor ementioned ship sections.
36 Drones , Le viathans , and Stations are singl e structur e units that you can add specific weapons and modules t o. Cruisers and Dr eadnoughts are thr ee section units that you can mix and match to your own purpose, as well as adding w eapons and modules, as well as outfitting particular Drones and Battl eriders .
37 building With the exc eption of stations – which ar e built as part of a Construction fleet’ s mission to a system – all ships ar e built at a system with at l east one col ony world. Appropriat ely, you c an only ac cess the Build Scr een thr ough the Build Ships but - ton that appears when you have sel ected an oc cupied system.
38 the screen, will k eep track of the overall c ost of the or der you ar e making. Next to each ship on the invoic e, is a box wher e you can change the def ault name of the ship (based on the function of the mission section), to whatever y ou would like.
39 fleeTs When ships are built, the y are added to the r eserves of the sys tem within they wer e built. Inactive, unassigned ships still have a maintenanc e cos t, as most ev- erything does, but it is less than an activ e ship, as it is essentiall y in dock, await- ing assignment.
40 Y ou c an re view their stats and traits, and make inf ormed decisions about which ones you would like to l ead a fleet. Y ou c an also dissol ve a fleet in the Admir al manager, which will move any ships in the fleet into y our reserv es and leave the Admir al available f or reassignment.
41 the left, y our available Battl eriders on the right, and you dr ag and drop to assign them to specific carriers that you hav e selected. Until you get used to the s trate- gic use of Battlerider s, you can use the Auto-assign button to have y our available Battlerider s automatically equipped onto av ailable carrier s.
42 adMirals Fleets need l eaders and in Swor d of the Stars II , your empir e can dev elop those leader s – Admirals . Admirals ar e actual individuals who have specific traits – one of over a dozen – that aff ect their fleet, the fl eet’ s performanc e in the field, and the fleet’ s impr o vement over time.
43 admirals, ther e is only one of each Engr am admiral. It bears noting that an AI Admiral poses a unique factor should an AI Rebellion br eak out. Hivers, like all the r aces, ar e capable of de vel.
44 Besides showing you your lis t of admirals in total, you can also use the man - ager to see which of your Admirals have been c aptured by the enemy .
45 drill SerGeant With a talent f or battle, these Admir als Increases ac curacy of all fleet weapon, but incr ease fl eet supply c onsumption to do it. viGilant These canny Admirals have an incr eased chance to engage Pir ates when assigned to Inter diction mission – mor e so when assigned to Patr ol mis - sions.
46 livinGStOne Sloppy in their scanning and data anal ysis, these Admirals incr ease the time requir ed for Surv ey mission by 1-2 turns. cOnScript Some Admirals server out of a sense of duty . Others ar e for ced into service f or a variety of reasons, mos t political, and rar ely within their c ontrol.
47 Missions The movement of ships and c ombat will always r evol ve ar ound fl eets and their specific missions. The cr eation of each mission is undertaken by tar geting the star system at which you would lik e the mission to be carried out. By right clicking the sys - tem, a menu of availabl e Mission options will appear .
48 a nasty surprise. Or maybe it’ s jus t an enemy fleet, which is also a nasty surprise, but not unusual. Y ou’ll kno w unusual when you encounter it. ConsTruCTion This mission is to build any sort of deep space artif act like a station, a set of System Defense Boat bases or civilian bases.
49 CanCeling a Mission If a mission is going badl y – say, a survey fl eet has encounter ed a swarmer hive that they cannot deal with – or the player mer el y second guesses themsel ves, a mission.
50 light travel off of node lines is very v ery slow . It’ s a gambit that c an sometimes pay off, but it’ s better to use and pr otect your acc ess to nodelines wisel y, instead of “jumping track” for dozens and dozens of turns.
51 Rip = 3 lines Rend = 4 lines Radiant = 5 lines nOteS On nOde interceptiOn It used to be that the Human fleets had a po werful advantage to their use of Node Line travel – they c ould not be inter cepted and could onl y be dealt with upon l eav - ing Nodespace and arriving in a system.
52 Morrigi The Morrigi use a V oid Cutter gravitational drive. A V oid Cutter engine, onc e en - gaged, uses gravimetric focusing to bend spac e-time around the ship, ac cel er - ating it to FTL speeds.
53 iMPerial eConoMy An Empire is a c ollection of c olonies, all of which have r esour ces and population, which can be applied to pr oducing income. Maintaining the Empir e is acc om - plished through managing y our col onies.
54 eMPire Manager The col ors on the chart r epresent the f ollowing aspects of your budget; Green – The portion of inc ome going into savings this turn. liGht Blue – The portion going into Security this turn. This co vers Intelligenc e operations, but mor e importantly, c ounteracts c orruption.
55 sTars and PlaneTs Players f amiliar with the first Swor d of the Stars game will notic e a differ ence in the way the galaxy is portrayed – the firs t game was very abstract with one s tar equaling one planet, and the planet’ s composition was r andomized as was the placement of the star within the galaxy .
56 abandon T o the right of the planet name is a st ar – this button will order the c olony aban- doned, after pr ompting the player to be sure it is what the y meant to do. There are c ases where a player may wish t o abandon a planet. It’ s unusual, but not impossible.
57 construction will appear bel ow Planetary Budget when col onization or ship- building is order ed. eMbedded infrasTruCTure It has been decades since the human r ace first took to the stars and began c oloniz - ing new worlds.
58 The Zuul can build and deplo y raiding ships that can captur e population from an enemy planet. Once suc cessfull y out of combat, the surviving raiding ships can r eturn to a nearby colony and dr op-off their captives.
59 also see the climate hazar d pref erenc es of all the races you hav e encounter ed, which in turn will allow y ou to adjust the climate of your world to better ac com - modate other species – click on a race ic on to highlight that species’ pr eferr ed climate.
60 sTaTions Stations ar e an extremel y important aspect of imperial life in the ne w era. Ther e are f our basic types of Stations for the majority of F actions: Civilian Stations , Diplomatic Stations , Naval Stations , and Science Stations .
61 car efully, particularl y in the placement of Lab Modul es. By conc entrating the Lab Modules of a c ertain discipline in one Station, the player may ev entually be abl e to build a Science Center which specializes in onl y one type of r esearch. 1.
62 Civilian sTaTions A civilian St a tiOn is a transport hub which is designed to fos ter trade and in - dustry, and pr ovide economic and social benefits to both y our Imperial and Civilian populations.
63 4. When a Civilian Station r eaches the nexuS stage, lar ge populations have begun seriously t o call deep space “home”. The base Sensors have gr eater range than those of smaller Stations, and a Nexus can support up to 14 added Modul es, in - cluding Large Habit ats, Large Alien Habitats, Docks, W ar ehouses, and Sensors.
64 same types as a Customs Station. 3. An emBaSSy offers a gr eater variety of Dipl omatic facilities, and all ows all Races who ar e pr ovided with Habitats to conduct f ormal diplomatic business.
65 3. A nav al BaSe is a full y-fledged military f acility that can support moderate- sized Fleet oper ations. It has a better Support capacity of CE’ s and gr eater Sensor range than a small er Base. Naval Bases can support up to 25 additional Modul es.
66 4. A lenS St a tiOn is a pow erful center of Gate T echnol ogy . Wr apped in Amplifiers, structural Bastions, and Def ense batteries, these Bases ar e home to many W arriors as well as Gate Priests. The Sensor s of a Lens Station have significant range and it can support 18 additional Modul es in all categories pre viously lis ted.
67 2. A Slave Bl Ock is a larger s tation, typicall y built to reap the benefits of an area wher e pr ey is l ess scar ce. Slave trade is mor e brisk her e, and often offers slav es of more than one species. A Slave Bl ock can support up to six added Modules of all the same types as the Raider Enclav e.
68 Po l iT iC s and diPloMaCy In Sw ord of the Star s II , the political system has thr ee major components. dOmeStic pOliticS is conc erned with the Morale of y our people and the Organization of y our territory into manageabl e units. The standar d unit of impe - rial organization is the Pr ovinc e.
69 doMesTiC PoliTiCs PlaneTs, sysTeMs and ProvinCes Empires in Sw ord of the Star s II are divided into thr ee basic astr o-territorial units: Planets, Systems and Pr ovinces. A Planet is a c eles tial body orbiting a star and massive enough to be r ounded by its own gravity .
70 Morale, rebellion and revoluTion In the early days of imperial e xpansion, every citizen of the Empir e worked for the Empire. Adv ersity was commonplac e and expected, expectations wer e lo w, and the mOrale of the people was not a serious issue.
71 may also go Independent at once. If ev ery System in a single Pr ovinc e goes into Rebellion, it will spark a full-scale Re volution, which is a far mor e serious matter than any single Planet or Sys tem trying to thro w off your rule. During a revOlutiOn , the entir e Empir e is thrown int o turmoil.
72 The Y-axis of the graph r epresents a c ontinuum of Gro wth <--> Production , which doubles at times as a c ontinuum of Liberty <--> Control .
73 for exampl e. Anarchis t and Liberationist gov ernments both place a gr eat deal of em - phasis on toler ance and personal fr eedom. Cooperative and Socialis t governments both conc ern themselv es primarily with the w ell-being of the common peopl e, etc.
74 weapons ar e used. They enjoy a slight boost t o Population gro wth and resear ch efficiency . They also hav e a gift for bur eaucracy, which allows them t o add an additional Planet when organizing Pr ovinc es and T erritories.
75 and the tax base. They gain positive Moral e fr om the formation of new c olonies, howev er, and are mor e r esilient during peace time. Due to rigor ousl y defended free mark et economy, building cos ts are much r educed.
76 lation is more insulat ed from Moral e effects when a war has been declar ed as well, and enjoys a Moral e boost when planets ar e captur ed. They have a tendency to degrade their envir onment, howev er, and suffer Moral e losses fr om military defeat, in particular the l oss of a symbolic vessel such as the Leviathan.
77 truSt This government has l egitimate r easons to favour you and y our people. Diplomatic Actions will be mor e likel y to succ eed. FriendShip This government has significant bonds of f ellowship with you and your peopl e. They may look f avourabl y on Peace T r eaties and Alliances.
78 Fleets ar e or dered to violat e such a treaty . Governments which have signed a Peace T r eaty may engage in inter-galactic T rade as well as ex changing gifts and information.
79 armiStice – An Armistice T reaty sugges ts a change of Diplomatic State be - tween two power s. An Armistice can change the Dipl omatic State between two powers to Neutr ality, Cease-Fire, Non-Aggr ession, Peac e or Alliance fr om any pre vious state, including W ar .
80 diPloMaTiC PoinTs In order t o take Diplomatic Actions, the Player mus t have Diplomatic P oints. These points repr esent an abstr act measure of the pow er and influence that your government and peopl e have ac cumulated within a larger c ommunity of neighbouring governments.
81 The number of D.P . requir ed to exert pow er through Dipl omatic channels will depend on multiple f actors: the Government T ype of the two po wers invol ved, the dominant Race of the two po wers invol ved, and the T echnol ogies that can aff ect Diplomatic negotiations.
84 Thanks to all our partners’ w orldwide, in particular long-term partners and las t, but not leas t, a special thanks to all forum members, operation partner s and supporters, who ar e inttegral for our suc cess.
85 This Game is entirel y a work of fiction. The names, char acters, and incidents portrayed in it ar e the work of the dev elopers imaginations. Any r esemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or l ocalities is entir ely coincidental. Devel oped by Kerberos Pr oductions. © 2011 Paradox Interactive. All rights reserved. more grea t games from P araDoX more grea t games from P araDoX mor Alcohol Reference.
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© 2011 Paradox Interactive. All rights reserved. Printed in US. PDX6105US. @SwordoftheStarS • /swordofthestars www.paradoxplaza.
An important point after buying a device Koch Media Sword of the Stars 2 (PC) (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Koch Media Sword of the Stars 2 (PC) yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Koch Media Sword of the Stars 2 (PC) - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Koch Media Sword of the Stars 2 (PC) you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Koch Media Sword of the Stars 2 (PC) will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Koch Media Sword of the Stars 2 (PC), but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Koch Media Sword of the Stars 2 (PC).
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Koch Media Sword of the Stars 2 (PC). Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Koch Media Sword of the Stars 2 (PC) along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center