Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 596.526732 Kenmore
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ORDER # 67003379 Side-by-Side Refrigerator Use & Care Guide Refrigerador D(=plex Gufa para el Uso y Cuidado R_frig_rateur b Compartiments Juxtaposes Guide D'utilisation et D'entretien Models: 596.53462301, 596.53463301, 596.53464301, 596.
BMPORTAHT SAFETY INFORMATIOH WHAT YOU HEED TO KHOW ABOUT SAFETY IHSTROCTiONS Warning and ImportantSafety Instructions appearing in this manual are not meant to cover aii possible conditions and situations that may occur.
PROT[CTION AGR[[M[HT ; IN THE U.S.A. Congratulations on making a smart purchase. Your new Kenmore _' appliance is designed and manufactured for years of dependable operation.
RRANTY Full One Year Warranty on Refrigerator For one year from the date of purchase, when this refrigerator is operated and maintained according to instructions attached to or furnished with it, Sear.
Important Safety Information .............................................................................................. 2 What You Need to Know About Safety instructions ............................................... 2 Protection Agreements .....
IHSTAU.IHG YOUR R[I:RIG[RATOR These instructions were provided to aid you in the installation of your refrigerator MBSUEIHG Tile OPENING When installing your refrigerator, please reference chart below for clearance requirements Subftooring or floor coverings (i e carpet, tile, wood floors, rugs) may make your opening smaller than anticipated.
For easier installation, some refrigerators may have been delivered with the handles ofl P_ease see the intedor of the fresh food section to locate the handle assembly, In case future transport of the.
IHSTALLIHG YOUR R[fRIG[RATOR, (OHT REMOVIHG THE DOORS AHD fllHGES Some installations requiredoor remova] to get refrigeratorto final Iocation To avoid severe personatinjury or death, observe the following: • Disconnect power to refrigerator before removing doors.
TO IHSTALL AHD REMOVE PAFIELS To avoid possible injury and damage to property, tape decorative panels (some models) securely into place when door handles are removed.
Immtm Your rmmmmr, cont. To reduce the risk of injury or death, follow basic precautions, including the following: > Read all instructions before installing device. ........ :_. DO NOT attempt insta}lation if instructions are not understood or if they are beyond personal skill level; Observe aii iOcai c0de a"d : ordinances .
If your refrigerator requires an ice maker water supply connection, refer to How to Connect the Water Supply (page I0) before leveling your refrigerator To protect personal property or refrigerator from damage, observe the following: _,- Protect soft vinyl or other flooring with cardboard, rugs, or other protective material.
ETTtNG AND TEMPERATURES This refrigerator is designed to operate at a household temperature of 55" to 1 O0 ° F (13° to 43 ° C),, rlr.,"T_ o r,f_t i_11 i, ;1 I ,I Dial Temperature Control .
To avoid serious illness or death, DO NOT use refrigerator where water is unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after use of filter. .... >- Bypass cartridge DOES NOT filter water. Be sure to have replacement cartridge available when filter change is required.
HLTER.oo, (ONT. ]4 fiLER DATA GENERAL USE CONDITIONS SYSTEM SPECIFICATION AND PERFORMANCE DATA SHEET REFRIGERATOR WATER FILTER CARTRIDGE MODEL 9005 Specifications Service Flow Rate (maximum)................................................. 0,75 GPM (2 83 L/rain) Rated Service Life Model 9005 (maximum).
FflESH FOOD FEATURES SHELVES To avoid personal injury or property damage, observe the following: >- Confirm shelf is secure before p!acing items on shelf. >- Handle tempered glass shelves carefully.Sheives may break suddenly if nicked, scratched, or exposed to sudden temperature change, SPILLPROOF SHELVES Spillproof Shelves hold .
fRESH FOOD fBTUflES, cont. CLIMATE-COHTROLED DR. Wt rS HUMIDITY-CONTROLLED CRISPER DRAWERS The Humidity-Controlled Crisper keeps produce fresh longer by providing an environment with adjustable humidity.
fiiEEZEll FE UflES AUTOMATIC ICE MAKEfl To avoid property damage, observe the following: :_ Be NOT force ice maker arm down or up.... >- 00 NOT place or store anything in ice storage bin, This ice maker creates the ice used in the dispensing system.
DHP[HSER F[ATURES DISPEHSER LIGHT A light activates withffl the dispenser area at full power when dispensing ice or water, The dispenser pad is located on the back wa!l of the dispensing area.
fiVE-BUTTOH CONTROL FEATUflES O 0 F1LTER DISPENSER DISPENSER OPERATION To dispense: > Select CUBE, CRUSH or WATER mode by pushing button on dispenser controi panel.
DISP[N ;[R [[ATILIR[$, (ONT. [L[CTRONIC CONTROL fEATUR[ ; OFF A D_SpENSER FILTER @ L{GHT J D,SPENSER OPERATION To dispense water: >- Select the WATER button ___ >- Press container against dispenser pad, To dispense ice: >- Select the CUBE button for __ cubed ice v -_ Press the CRUSH button for crushed ice.
ELECTflOF!IC COHTflOL FEATUflES, COHT. OFF A t3H A D_SPENSER LIGHT MAX COOL Thfs function causes the fresh food temperature to drop to the minimum refrigerator temperature setting available This setting remains in effect for approximately 10 hours_ To activate and deactivate Max Cool: >_ To activate, press the MAX COOL button.
Dt PEH ER FEA[URES, [oN]. SABBATH MODE This mode is intended to deactivate power to the LED and dispenser lights, while allowing the controls to remain operational.
fllN AND (ARE TO CLEAN YOUR REFRIGERATOR To avoid electdcal shock which can cause severe personal injury or death, disconnect power to refrigerator before cleaning.After cleaning, connect power. To avoid personal injury or propertydamage, observe the following: : • Read and foflow manufacturer'sdirections for all cleaning products.
TO REMOVE ODORS FROM REFRIGERATOR , 2 3, 6 7 Remove all food, Disconnect refrigerator, Clean the following items-paying special attention to crevices-using the appropriate instructions in How to Clean Your Refrigerator: • Walls, floor, and ceiling of cabinet interior.
HORMA[ OP[RAHHG $08HB Today's refrigerators use foam insulation and are more energy efficient than refrigerators of the past However,foam insulation is not as sound absorbent as former insulated .
TROUBLESHOOTING OPEflATIOH PROBLEM Freezer control and lights are on, but compressors are not operating Environment-controlled drawers are too warm Refrigerator' does not operate Refrigerator still won't operate Electronic controls (some models) read EO_ES, or ERROR in display.
OPERATION, coNl. PROBLEM Temperature-controlled drawer and/or crisper drawer do not close freely I Refrigerator runs too frequently POSSIBLE CAUSE Contents of drawer, or positioning st items in the surrounding compartment could be obstructing drawer Drawer is not in proper position Refrigeratoris not level.
TROUBLESHOOTIHG, (ONT. ice maker is not producing ice AND WATER, com. Ice maker arm is not incorrectposition Household water supply is not reaching water vaIve Copper or plastic tubing has kinks Water.
(E QU'IL fAUT SAVOIR $UR, LEs (ONslGHES DE sKURITE Les mises en garde et fes consignes de securit6 indiqu_es dens ce manuel nevisent pas _ couvrir loutes les siluafions el conditions susceptibles dese pr6senter.
(ONTRATS DE PROTECTION COHTIL TS BE PROTECTIOH PRINCIPAUX AUX I TATS-UNIS Nous vousf61icitons pour votre achat De par sa conception et sa fabdealion, votre nouvel appareil Kenmore _vousfoumira de nomb.
GARAHTIE Garantie complete d'une annie sur le r_frig_rateur Durant unep6riode d'un an & compter dela date de l'achat initial, Sears reparera gratuitement ce refrig_rateur en casde v.
32 Renseignements importants concernant votre s_curit_ ..................................................... 29 Ce qu'il faut savoirsur les consignes de aecurit6 ................................................. 29 Contrats de protection ........
t IHsTALLATION DU refrIG Ur Cesinstructions sentdestinies & vous aider &insta]ler correctement votrerefdg_rateur MESURE DE L'OLIYERTUR[ En installant votrerefrig6rateur, employez si'.
IHSTALLATIOH DU R FRIG :RAT[UR, sunE D MOHTAGE £T POSE DES POIGH[E ; Pour [a facifitd de ['installation, quelques rr_dbles de r,_i£drateur ont pu evoir _td embarqu_s los poigndes dtant coupdes .
Certaines installations exigent le retrait des portes avant de d6placer ler6frig_rateur & son emp}acement final Pour 6viter dos bfessures graves, voire le d_c6s, observer fes points suivants : • D6brancher te r6[rig6rateur avant de d6monter tes pertes Le rebrancher une lois los portes remontees uniquement.
!NSTALLATt{JN DU R[:I:RIG[RATEUR, sum PO$[ i)[ PANHEAIJX DE # PORTE Dti(ORATIFS Afin d'_vil6r tousrisques de blessures ou de d_g_ts, fixerles panneaux dOcoratifs (certains modules) en place & t'aide de ruban adhOsif avant de d_monter les poign_esi .
P, ACCOiIDr MEBT DE L'ALIMENTATIOB El! EAU Pour rdduire le risque de blessure ou m_me de mort, suivez les precautions de base, y compris les suivantes : > Usez toutes les instructions avant d'insta]ler la machine _ gla_ons >.
INSTALLATIOH DU fi[:FRaG[:RAT[UR, unE S'il fautraccorder I'afimentation eneauau r_|rig_rateur, voyez la section Raccordement de I'aUmentation en eau, avant de mettre le rNrig6rateur d&a.
Ce r6frig6rateur est con_u pour fonctionner _. une temp6rature ambiante de t3 ° &43 _C. Commande de temp6rature avec le cadran ModUles _:lectroniques de Commande de Temp6rature OFF RLTER GOOO OISPENBER UGHT R GLAGE INITIAL COMMANDE DE TEMPI_RATURE AVEC LE CADRAN ,4 1 Rep6rez les .
DF:POSE ET IHSTALLATIOH DU flLTflE ,A EAU Pour _viter unemaladie grave pouvant entrainer la mort, n'utilisez pea dartsle refrig_rateUr oneeaude qua]it_ biologique d_ficiente ou inconnue sans avoir install_ event ou apr_s fe flttre un dispositif de d_sinfection ad_quaL .
ETAG rEs INT rlEOREs Pour6_iter blessure ou dommage materiel, observez les points suivants : _,- Assurez-wus qual'_tag_re est bien Iix_eavant d'y placer des articles.
Tlrolrs ET BACS / ! REGLAGE HvGrOMETriQuE BAC LC:GUMES A HUMIDITI CONTR6Li E Le Bac _ L_gumes permet de garder lea produits frais plus [ongtemps grace a un milieu o_J le niveau d'humidit6 est r6g.
Pour _viter des dommages materiels, observez los points suivants : i : > Ne foroez pas lebras de la machine & gta_ons vers le bas ou vers le haut > Ne p]acez ni n'entreposez rien dans te bac _ gla_ons.
# (ARACTERISTIQUES DU DISTRIBUTEUR ERE DU DISTRIBUTEUR Une lumi_re s'allume & proximit6 du distributeur Iorsque celui-ci foumit de l'eau ou de la gtace TOUCHE DU DIS'IRIBUTEUR Latou.
DIsPOsITIFs ELECTRONIQUE DE COMMANDE oFF A DISPENSER FILTER _ _ ¢HAn_CI_ LIGHT FONCTION.NEMENT DE LA LI_GI_RE ..r_.__ MACHINE A FONCTION La fonotion f g re o,re des o,resdeux GLACE Pour distribuer I'eau : > Choisissez le bouton WATER.
(ARA(T Ri ;I'iQUES DISTRI@T[Ul, sunE DISPO$1TIF$ eLE(TrOHIOU De (:OMMAHDE, suite OFF Y A DISPENSER LIGHT 48 MAX COOL (MAXIMUM FRAIS) Cette fonction cause la temperature de nourfiture frai'ch.
DISPOSITIFS ELE(TROHIQUE I)E (OMMAHDE, UiTE MODE SABBAT Ce mode est destin_ pourmetlrela puissance hers lonction aux lumieres de DEL et de distributeur, touten permettant aux commandes de demeurer operationnetles.
(O SEII.S ET F.HTRETIEN ETTOYAGE DU r mG rATeur Pour 6viler toutchoc_.lectfique po',Jvant entrainer degraves blessures ou m_me la mort, d_branchez le r_frig_rateur avant de le nettoye[ Apr_s le nettoyage ...... rebranchez le r_frig_rateur Pour 6viter tout risque de blessure ou demmage mat6riel, observez les pointssuivants .
D SODORISATIOH DU REFRIGERATEUR I Retirez route ]a nourrilure 2 D_branchez le r6ldg_rateur 3 Nettoyez les articles suivants en faisant surtout attention aux interstices; suivez les directives appropfi.
BRUITS NORMAUX Les r_frig6rateurs d'aujourd'hui comportent une isolation en mousse et sentplus efficaces du point de vue _nerg_tique que les anciens mod_,,les Cependant, cette isolation en m.
DIAGNOSTIC FOFtCTIONNEMENT "TYPE La'commende du cong_Iateur et aslum[_res fonctionnent, male lea compreaseurs ne fonct_.onnen _, pas La temperature du systbme viandea fretdM_gumes est trop chaude Le _'_ir'ig_rateur ne fonctionne _as Le r_ldg_rateur ne fonctisnn'e .
DIkGNOSTI(, SUITE TYPE Le t_fHg_rateur se meten merche trop frdquemment, ICTIONHEMEHT, suite ............. cAUSE POssIBLE Lea partes ant _te ouvertes eouvent eu pendant loflgtempe L humd_ta ou la chaleur eel elevee dens la p_ece. De la nourrilure a r_cemment (_i_ ajout_e L'appareiI eat expes_ _, la chaieur de .
GLACE ET EAU, SUITE Le voyantde slgna!isation de fi?ter de I'eeu as{ reuge (cattails mod6Ies) flydes fultes d'eau De ta g]ece se fotme dens te Iuyau d'antv6ede |a machine b glace est pl.
/. IHfORMA(ION IMPORTAME SOBE SEG,RIDAD Las advertencias y Insinstrucciones irnportantes de seguridad queapsrecen en este manual ne tienen e_ prop_sito decubfir lodes lss condi¢}ones posibfes que pod.
/, COHTRATOs D[ PROTEcCIOH 58 para fijar la fecha del servicio. Puede llamar a cualquier hera, dufante el die o en la noche o puede fijar ta fecha parael servicio a traves de ta computadora. EN LOS EE.UU. Lo felicitamos persu sabia decisi6n de compra.
raARANTjA Garantia completa de un afio para el refrigerador Durante un afio desde ta fecha de compra, cuando este reffigerador es usado y mantenido de acuerdo con las instrucciones adjuntas o entregad.
TABLA DE MATERIAS Informaci6n importante sabre seguridad ......................................................................... 57 Lo quanecesita saber acerca de las instrucciones de segufidad ...................................... 57 Contratos de Proteccibn .
t BNSTABCIOH DE[ REFRUGER DOR Estas instrucciones son proporcionadas para ayudafle a instalar su refrigerador DE [A CAYIDAD AI instalar su refrigerador, utilbe perfavorla carta abajo parabs requisites de espaciamiento.
INSTALA(IOH REFRIGERADOR, CONT 62 Parala facilidad de ta instataciSn, algunos retrigeradores se pudieron haber entregado con Ias asas quitadas. Localice pot favorlas asasrefiriende a] interior de la s.
IITAR LAS PUERTAS YLAS BISAGRA Algunas instalaciones requieren el retiro de ta puerta conseguir el refrigerador a la focalizaci6n final. Para evitar lesiones personales graves o fa muede, observe 1o s.
/. IHSTALACIOH DE[ R£fRIGERADOR, corn, Pare evitarposib+s lesions o daSos materials, coloque cintaadhesive en los panels decorativos (enalgunos modelos) paraaseguados ffrmemente en su Eugar cuando se vayan a quitar las asasde la puerta, : .
f CONEXIOH DEL SUMIHISTflO DE AGUA Para eVitar el desgo de unalest6n o la muerte, sigaInsprecauciones b_sieas incluyendo las siguientes: > Lea todas as instrucciones antes de instatar el dispositivo.
J IHSTALA(ION DEL REFrIGERADOR, cont. ! HIVELACIOH DEL REFtlIGErADOr MATERIALES NECESARIOS: > DestomiUador hexagonal de _" >- Nivel Si su refrigerador necesita una conexi6n para 1.
Esterefrigerador est& disefiado parafuncionar a temperaturas dom_sticas de 55 ° a !10 ° F (13 ° a 435 C) Control de ta temperatura del dial Controles etectrbnicos de ta temperatura OFF v DISPENSER LIGHT J AJUSTE$ IHICIALE$ DE LOS COHTROff$ CONTROL DE LA TEMPERATURA DEL DIAL 1 Los controles dei "_/_.
t [NFORMACION E[ A fin de evitar una enfermedad grave o mortar, no use e] refrigerador deride et agueno sea segura o se desconozca su calidad, sin desinfecciSn adecuada antes o despu_s de pasar perel fiffro_ ....... > E! cartuche de derivaci6n NO filtm el agua.
DATOS DEL FILTRO DE AGUA CONDICIONES DE usa GENERALES ESPECIFICACIONES DEL SISTEMA Y DATES DE FUNCIONAMIENTO CARTUCHO FILTRANTE DE AGUA PARA REFRIGERADOR - MODELO 9005 Especificaciones Medida delgastom_imo en servicio ....................... 2,83 Umin (0,75 GPM) Vida t_ti! m_,xima - modelo 9005 .
BAHDEJAS IHTERIORE$ A fin de evitar unalesi6n personal o duties personales, observe 1o siguiente: Cerci6reee de quela bandeja eet_ firmeantes decolocar articulos sabre ella. :_ Manipule con cuidado ]asbandejas de viddo templado. Las bandejas se pueden quebrar repentinamente si son me]ladas, rayadas o expuestas a cambios repent]has de tempetatura.
(Aj6B CONTflOLADO DEL (LIMA CAJONES DE LAS VERDURAS CON CONTROL DE HUMEDAD El Caj6n de las Verdures mantiene fas verduras frescas durante m;_s tiempo offeciendo un ambiente con control de humedad Cont.
t GRACTERISTKAS BEL €OHGELADOR M,AQUINA AUTOM, TICA DE tIACEfl tU[LO Para eviler da_os materiales, observe to siguiente: _ > No fuerce ta manecilla deIa m_.quina de hacer hielo hacia arriba ni haoia abajo. > No coloq_e ni gUarde nadaen el: depSsito del hieb.
CARACTERi TKAS DE[ SURTIDOR FOCO DEL SURTIDOR La luz se activa en el _readel surtidor a toda p{)tencia cuando se surtehieI{) o agua . LMOHADI[LA DE SURTIDO La almohadiIla de surtido se encuentra Iocal.
€ArACTErlsTI(As ELECTRONI(O DEI. (OHTROI oFF oN DISPENSER LIGHT OPERACION _ _ DEL DISPENSADOR Para dispenser el ague: > Seleccione el bot6n det WATER > Presione el envase centre la pista de! d.
! (ARA(T[RtSTI(A$ D[[ SURHDOR, (ONT. • I (ARA(TERISTI(A$ ELE(TROHi(O DEL (ONTROL, (oNt. OFF Ott DISPENSER ,,% MGHT MAX COOL (M.&.XIIVlO FR[O) Esta funci6n causa la temperature del alirnento fresco ala gota ala temperatura minima de] refrigerador quefija disponibfe.
# CARACTERISTICAS ELECTflONICO DEL [ONTROL, CONT. MODALIDAD SABBATH Esta modatidad tiene la finatidad de desactivar ]a energia el_ctrica de Iasluces LED y del surtidor, a la vez quepermite dejar funcionales los controles Para activar y para desactivar Modatidad Sabbath: >- Optima y mantenga oprirnides los bOtCheS LOCK/UNLOCK 7 ON/OFF simult_.
COHSEjOS Y LIMPIEZA DE SU rEfrIGErADOr Para evitar choque el6ctrico que puede causar una lesi6n persenaf grave o : mortal, desconecte (a energfa e!_ctrica hacia el refrigerador antesde la Urnpieza. Despu6s de la limpieza, enchufe .... nuevamente el refrigeradoro , _ .
ELIMIHACiOH DE LOS OLORE$ DEL REFRIGERADOR 1 Retire redes los alimonies 2 Desenchufe ei reffigerador 3 Utopia _os siguientes art(cu[os - prestando especial atendSn alas hendiduras - usando ]as instruc.
SONIDOS NORMAL[S I)[ fUH(IOHAMIEHTO Los fefrigeradores modemos usan aislamiento de espuma y aho_ran rn_s energia qua los refrigeradores antiguos Sinembargo, el ais{amiento de espuma no es amortiguador de sonidos tan eficaz come e! de los modelos antigues.
,t r r LO(A[IZAOOH Y SOWOOH DE AVERIAS fUNCIOHAMIEHTO TEMA CAUSA PROBABLE SOLUCION Et contzol de] cengelador y Ins feces El rafngezado_ esta en Sa modalidaiJ de de_oong_i_(:iGn.
t • t [OCALIZACION Y SO[UOON DE AVEfllAS, CONT. FUNCiONAMIENTO, (ONT. TEMA E!refdgerader (use]one con demantsda franueneia CAUSA PROBABLE La_"_e,_an se _. _s muy (_ee"e._ma.fa e _r pedodes de tiempo prolongados "_, ,umeded oo! osier e, ei'_;';_"de a_odeder"_'_uy'altca.
Y AGUA, me. La luz detndteador de1 fittro del ague es roje (algunos modetos) L.B unidad esi_ 9oteando 5e t_rma hieIo en +_ tubeda de enttada e +a mdqu{na de hielo !' Et flu o de ague esbi mas tento de In norma I ague {tel suflidet no est_ m W Inn E]fiI_o de_egua necesIIa seesubst_tu+do E| indicado+ del _i11+o necesila se TF_a!us_ado.
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I11 Z_ in.
Get it fixed, at your home or ours! Your Home For repair- in your home- of all major brand appliances, lawn and garden equipment, or heating and cooling systems, no matter who made it, no matter who sold it! i, i- For the replacement parts, accessories and owner's manuals that you need to do-it-yourself.
An important point after buying a device Kenmore 596.526732 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Kenmore 596.526732 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Kenmore 596.526732 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Kenmore 596.526732 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Kenmore 596.526732 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Kenmore 596.526732, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Kenmore 596.526732.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Kenmore 596.526732. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Kenmore 596.526732 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center