Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 400 AMT Datasouth
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Fastmark 400 Series Barcode Label Printer User’s Guide Part No. 110021 A.
User's Guide 1 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND OTHER NOTICES This label printer complies with the requ irements in Part 15 of FCC rules for a Class B or A computing device.
User's Guide 2 CONVENTIONS Some of the procedures in thi s guide contain special notices t hat highlight im portant inform ation: Note Indicate inform ation that you should know to hel p your printer run properly and efficientl y. Caution Indicate guidelines that, i f not followed, can cause damage to equipment.
User's Guide 3 Table of Contents PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... 6 Unpacking and Inspection................................................................................
User's Guide 4 Internal Fonts ......................................................................................................... 56 Courier Font Set ..........................................................................................
User's Guide 5 Table of Figures Figure 1 - Fastmark 400 series................................................................................................................. 7 Figure 2 - Include d Materials .....................................
User's Guide 6 (this page intenti onally left blank).
User's Guide 7 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This label printer is a high-p erformance, low-cost di rect thermal/thermal transfer labeling system. Its user-friendly design a nd affordable price set a new standard for the Desktop Label Printer in retail, office, industrial, and m any other applicat ions.
User's Guide 8 UNPACKING and INSPECTION This printer is packed in a h eavyweight carton and custom recy clable foam for environmental protection. Inspect the shippi ng carton and contact the carrier directly to report any suspected damage. Consider the following when unpacki ng: ♦ The container should stay right side up.
User's Guide 9 INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION Figure 3 - Switches, Indicators and Connections Finding a Location for the Printer Before setting up the pri nter you should first consider t he following: ♦ Find a solid flat surface with adequate room fo r the printer.
User's Guide 10 Connecting the Power Cord 1. Make sure that the source voltage ma tches that on the input voltage on t he power adapter. Caution: Incorrect voltage could cause dam age to the printer and/or the power adapter. 2. Make sure that th e power switch is set to the Off, ” O ”, position.
User's Guide 11 Connecting the Printer to Your Host 1. You can connect the p rinter with any standard Centronics Parallel cable to the p arallel port of the host computer. 2. Alternatively you can connect the printer with a serial cable to the RS-232C port of your computer or term inal.
User's Guide 12 Loading the Ribbon Thermal Transfer Media only 1. Lift the printer t op cover and to the open position. 2. Slide the two printhead lat ches toward the back of the printer to unlock the printhead m odule.
User's Guide 13 3. Raise the printhead module to the vertical position. 4. Verify that the Supply Core and the Take-up Core have two slots on the le ft side of the ribbon core when the ribbon is positioned to go into the printer. These notches will be inserted into the notches on the Left Ribbon Holders.
User's Guide 14 5. Unwrap the ribbon roll and place the supply ro ll into the supply holder of the printhead module. Insert the left end of the ri bbon supply onto the supply holder spi ndle first, and then insert the right end. Make sure that t he Ribbon Core Slots ma tch the notches on the Ribbon Drive Mechanism.
User's Guide 15 Loading Media 1. Lift the printer t op cover to the open position. 2. Slide the two printhead lat ches toward the back and unlock the printhead modul e.
User's Guide 16 4. Insert the medi a spindle into core of the label m edia (the Retai ner Disk should be on the right). Figure 10 - Media Spindle and Retainer Disk 5. Insert the spindle and m edia into the slots in the printe r. The media should feed from the top of the roll.
User's Guide 17 8. Pull out 6 inches of m edia and thread the end of the medi a between the Right and Left Medi a Guides. 9. Slide in the Right Media Guide until it is snug with the media. Note: If the guides are positioned incorrect ly, the media sensor may not sense the form properly.
User's Guide 18 Loading Media when Peel and Present Option is Installed 1. Follow the same procedures in " Loading Media " up to closing of the Printhead Module.
User's Guide 19 Loading Media When Cutter is Equipped 1. Follow the same procedure as “ Loadi ng Media ”. 2. After you thread the m edia over the platen roller, t hread the media through the horiz ontal gap at the cutter m odule. Note: The printer must be configured for P eel and Present Mode.
User's Guide 20 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Figure 14 - Switches and Indicators Switch, Indicators and Connections Device name Function Usage On/Off switch (power switch) Controls printer power On – normal operation Off – loading paper and ribbon Press once to advance a label.
User's Guide 21 Label Sensor Calibration Procedure The Label Sensor Calibratio n procedu re allows the printer to calibrate the Label Sensor to the media type and length being used. The Label Sensor in this procedure looks at the back of the m edia sensing for: Black Bar Media Gap Media Or, Continuous Feed Medi a 1.
User's Guide 22 Printer's Internal Self Test Procedure and Configuration Report 1. Make sure that media is installed. 2. Press and hold down the Feed Button whi le powering on the printer. 3. The printer will begin the Label Sensor Calib ration test.
User's Guide 23 Self Test Pattern for PPLA Figure 15 - Self Test Sample - PPLA Em ulation Emulation designation.
User's Guide 24 Self Test Pattern for PPLB Figure 16 - Self Test Sample - PPLB Emulation Emulation designation.
User's Guide 25 Resetting the Printer to Factory Default Settings Resetting the printer back to Fact ory settings will set the printers non-volatile mem ory back to a known condition. To reset the pr inter to its factory defaults: 1. Printer m ust be powered On.
User's Guide 26 COMMAND QUICK REFERENCE This section lists all software commands of the printer. Command Set for the PPLA System Setting Commands These commands will cause related param eters to be saved in the non-volatile mem ory. These parameters will be stored unless other commands or a front panel reset changes th em.
User's Guide 27 Interaction Commands These comm ands only apply to the serial port . They allow the host to request the status and configuration of the printe r.
User's Guide 28 System Lev el Commands Command Description Remarks <STX>a Enable page/job echo characters <STX>c xxxx Set continuous paper length and disable edge sensor <STX>D .
User's Guide 29 Formatting Commands Command Description : xxxx Set cut amount A n Set print mode n : ‘1’- exclusive, ‘2’ - transparent C xxxx Set horizontal offset c xx Set cut amount D w.
User's Guide 30 Editing Commands Command format Description General format rthveee yyyyxxxx<string ><CR> See below Print direction r ‘1’, ’2’, ’3’ or ‘4’ (rotation) Ob.
User's Guide 31 Object Table The following table is used for t he Object Type, 't', i n the Editing Comm and Table. Object String Description L : line Lwwwhhh www : width, hhh : height.
User's Guide 32 Font Dow nloading Commands Such comm ands are only used for soft fonts with PCL format. Command Description ESC *c###D assign the soft fonts ID number (### : 100 ~ 999) ESC )s###W.
User's Guide 33 Command Set for the PPLB All PPLB commands m ust end with <LF> or <CR >+<LF> codes. No spaces are allowed between parameters and leading com mand character. Command Description Parameter A x , y , rot , font , hm , vm , nr , string Print text.
User's Guide 34 Command (Cont) Description Parameter I p1 , p2 ,001 Select symbol set ** p1 : 7 or 8 data bits p2 : symbol set JB JF Disable back feed ** Enable back feed ** LE x , y , hlen , vle.
User's Guide 35 Command (Cont) Description Parameter d0, euro Enable/disable European dollar mark ** 0: disable European dollar mark. 1: enable d1, hadj Set horizontal position adjustment ** hadj : adjustment in dots. d2, hadj Same as d1 except the parameter is not saved to non- volatile memory.
User's Guide 36 PRINTER DRIVER The bundled printer driver is used for appl ications under Windows 95/98/2000 and Windows NT. You may run any popul ar software application, such as MS-Word, as long as they are for Windows and printing the contents t o the printer through the designated dri ver.
User's Guide 37 10. You may wish to change the Printer Name to be more descriptive. Also select this printer as the Default prin ter. Click "Next". 11. Select whether you want a te st page to be printed, then click on Fini sh. 12. After the related files have been cop ied to your system, the procedu re is complete.
User's Guide 38 How to Use the Driver After the driver is installed, you can open the Printer's dialogue box and m ake parameter settings: Windows 95/98/2000/NT4.
User's Guide 39 Details Tab Print to the following port This allows you to select the IO p ort to link with th e printer. The por t may be one of parallel (LPT), serial (C OM), network port or file.
User's Guide 40 Paper Paper size Select the label size for your printer. Th e selected label size may be a little longer than that of the physical lab el.
User's Guide 41 Paper source Select one of the follo wing items: T/T & Media with Gap T/T & Media with Black Line T/T & Continuous Medi a D/T & Media with Gap D/T & Media with Black Line D/T & Continuous Me dia T/T stands for therma l transfer (ribbon) mode and D/T for di rect thermal m odel (without ribbon).
User's Guide 42 Device Options Print speed for the FM402TT can be set at 1 to 3 IPS. Print speed for the FM402DT and FM403TT can be set for 1 t o 2 IPS.
User's Guide 43 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE Troubleshooting Generally, when a malfunction or an abnorm a l condition occurs, the “POWER” LED will keep blinking.
User's Guide 44 Host and Data related errors Possible Problems Solutions Verify that the communication cable is connected securely to the parallel or serial port on the PC and to the connector on the printer. Host Displays: "Printer Time Out" Verify that the Power LED is illuminated.
User's Guide 45 Print Quality Problem Solutions Verify printer is set for Thermal Transfer stock. Verify that a certified ribbon is installed. Verify that the Media is certified to work with the ribbon. Note: Direct Thermal media can be used with a ribbon, however inadequate heat transfer may result in light print.
User's Guide 46 Preventive Maintenance Before performing any Preventive Maintenance be sure to t urn off the printer's power and unplug the power cable. Cleaning the Thermal Printhead (TPH) It is recomm ended at a mini mum that t he Printhead should be cleaned: Each time a Ri bbon is changed.
User's Guide 47 Cleaning the Platen Roller It is recomm ended that the platen roll er should be cleaned when: Excessive dusty condition exi sts. Following a media jam where the adhe sive comes in contact with it. 1. Turn off the printer and open the top cover.
User's Guide 48 Cleaning the Paper Compartment It is recomm ended that the Paper Compart ment be cleaned regularly if exposed to a dust environment. This will keep dirt and d ust from contaminating or damaging your pr inter (Printhead and Platen).
User's Guide 49 Appendix A: Printer Specifications Specification FM402DT FM402TT FM403TT Print method Direct thermal Dir ect thermal and thermal transfer Resolution 203 DPI (8 dots/mm) 300 DPI (12 dots/mm) Maximum print width 4.2 in. (107 mm) 4.10 in.
User's Guide 50 Fonts, Bar Codes and Graphics The specifications of fonts, bar codes and graphics depend on the printer emulat ion. The emulation i s a printer programm ing language, through which t he host can communi cate with your printer. There are two printer-program ming languages: PPLA and PPLB .
User's Guide 51 Optional Accessories ♦ Serial (RS-232) cable ♦ External me dia suppler (for media rol l with max. 8 i nch OD) ♦ Peel and Present ♦ Cutter ♦ Fla sh memo ry ♦ Font board ♦ Extension RAM ++ (0.
User's Guide 52 Appendix B: INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS Introduction This appendix presents the interface specifications of I/O ports for the printer. These specifications include pin assignments, protocols and detailed inform ation about how to properly interface your printer with your h ost or terminal.
User's Guide 53 Three Wire connection: This method i s the simplest method of connecting t he printer to a host or term inal. This met hod requires Software Protocol Hands haki ng (Xon/Xoff flow control).
User's Guide 54 Parallel (Centronics) Pin Configuration The parallel port is a st andard 36-pin Centronics. Pin Direction Definition Pin Direction Definition 1 In /STROBE 13 Out SELECT 2 In Data .
User's Guide 55 Appendix C: ASCII TABLE 01234567 0 NUL 0 @ P ` p 1 SOH XON ! 1 A Q a q 2 STX “ 2 B R b r 3 XOFF # 3 C S c s 4 $4 D Td t 5 NAK % 5 E U e u 6 ACK & 6 F V f v 7 BEL ‘ 7 G W g w 8 BS ( 8 H X h x 9 )9 I Yi y A LF * : J Z j z B ESC + ; K [ k { C FF , < L l | D CR - = M ] m } E SO RS .
User's Guide 56 Appendix D: FONTS AND BAR CODES FOR THE PPLA Emulation Internal Fonts Note: The fonts in the f ollowing tables are relative si zes and formatted for this manual. The actual printed fon t size may be different. Fonts 0 to 8 have single sy mbol set.
User's Guide 57.
User's Guide 58.
User's Guide 59 Font 9 This font is an ASD sm ooth font set and can be printer using 8 sy mbol sets: USASC II, UK, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedis h, and Danish/Norwegian. Font 9 can be printed in point sizes of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 18.
User's Guide 60.
User's Guide 61 Courier Font Set The Courier font set is for t he models FM402DT and FM402TT onl y. It includes Roma n-8, PC, PC- A, PC-B, EAMA-94, Legal, Greek and Russian sym bol sets.
User's Guide 62.
User's Guide 63.
User's Guide 64.
User's Guide 65 Internal Bar Codes This PPLA supports 20 one-dim ensional bar codes and 2 two dim ensional bar codes. Note: The following bar codes are scanned reproduc tions, actual bar codes will be of a greater quality.
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User's Guide 67.
User's Guide 68.
User's Guide 69 Appendix E: FONTS AND BAR CODES FOR PPLB Emulation Internal Fonts There are 5 internal fonts for the PPLB emulation. Each has 6 eight-bit and 9 seven-bit sy mbol sets.
User's Guide 70 Symbol Set.
User's Guide 71.
User's Guide 72.
User's Guide 73 Internal Bar Codes The PPLB supports 26 one-dim ensional bar c odes and 2 two dimensi onal bar codes..
User's Guide 74.
AMT Datasouth Corp. Corporate Headquarters 4765 Calle Quetz al Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 388-5799 PH (805) 484-5282 FX Charlotte Operation 4216 Stuart Andrew Blvd.
An important point after buying a device AMT Datasouth 400 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought AMT Datasouth 400 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data AMT Datasouth 400 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, AMT Datasouth 400 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get AMT Datasouth 400 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of AMT Datasouth 400, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime AMT Datasouth 400.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with AMT Datasouth 400. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device AMT Datasouth 400 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center