Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Studio 120C JBL
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JBL ® S T U D I O 1 S ER IE S User GUid e lo u dsp eake rs.
ww 4 5 For more than 60 years, J BL ® enginee rs have been involve d in ever y aspe ct o f music and film recording and reproduc tion, f rom live per for mances to the recordings you play on the go and in yo ur home, car or offi ce.
4 ww 5 ENGLISH STUD IO 190/STUDI O 180 / STUD IO 1 30 L EF T AND R IGH T CHAN NE LS For bes t results, pla ce the speakers 6 – 1 0 fe et ( 1 .8m – 3m) apar t. Angling th e speakers toward the listening posit ion can improve the stereo imaging .
ww 6 7 STUD IO 120 c Y ou should p lace the center speaker directly ab ove or be low the center of your T V scree n. Th e speaker’s cent er should be no m ore than 2 feet (6 1 cm) above or below the t we eters of the f ront lef t and f ront right speakers.
6 ww 7 ENGLISH STUD IO 130 SURROU ND CH ANN EL S 5. 1CHA NNE L SYSTE M When you use Studio 1 30 speakers as surroun d- channel speakers in a 5. 1-channel sy stem, place them slightly b ehind the listening positi on, facin g each other.
ww 8 9 STUD IO 130 SURROU ND CH ANN EL S 7 . 1 CHA NNE L SYSTE M When you use Studio 1 30 speakers as surroun d- channel speakers in a 7 . 1 - channel sy stem, place the surround sid e speakers direc tly to the side s of the listening p osition, at least 5 – 6 fe et ( 1 .
² ² St udio 1 30 , Studi o 1 20c St udio 1 90, Stud io 1 80 8 ww 9 ENGLISH CAUTI ON: M ake su re th at all o f th e syst em’s elec t ric al comp one nts a re tu rne d OFF (and pr efe rab ly unpl ugg ed fr om t hei r AC outl ets) be for e mak ing a ny conne c tio ns.
1. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 3. 2. 3. ww 10 11 The Studio 1 s eries speakers ’ gold -plated speaker terminals can accept a variet y o f wire connec tor t yp es: bare wire, pin connec tors, spa de connec tors and b anana connec tors .
10 ww 11 ENGLISH BI WI RE CO NNE CT IO N STUDI O 1 9 0 / STU DI O 1 8 0 The Studio 1 9 0 and Studio 1 80 conne c tion assemblies have t wo set s of input terminals that are connec ted by met al jumper bar s. T he upp er set of terminals is for the midr ange/t we eter , and th e lower set of terminals is for the wo ofer(s ).
ww 12 13 Wip e the cabin et with a clean, dr y cloth to remove dust. Damp cloths may dull the c abinet ’s finish. Do not use volatile • liquids such as benzene, paint thinner o r alcohol on the c abinet . Do not spr ay insec ticide near th e cabinet .
12 ww 13 ENGLISH STUD IO 190 FLOOR ST A NDI NG SPE AK ER Speake r t y pe: Three -w ay dual-wo ofer , flo ors tanding Low-f requenc y tr ansducer: T wo 6- 1 /2" ( 16 5mm) P o lyPlas ™.
ww 14 15 STUD IO 120 c CE NTE R CH ANN EL SPE AKE R Speake r t y pe: 2- 1 /2-way dual cent er-chann el Low-f requenc y tr ansducer: T wo 4" ( 1 0 0mm) PolyPlas cones, magneticall y s.
14 ww 15 ENGLISH © 20 10 Harman International In dustr ies, Incor po rated. All r ights res er ved . Features, spe cific ations and ap pear ance are subjec t to chan ge with out not ice.
An important point after buying a device JBL Studio 120C (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought JBL Studio 120C yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data JBL Studio 120C - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, JBL Studio 120C you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get JBL Studio 120C will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of JBL Studio 120C, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime JBL Studio 120C.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with JBL Studio 120C. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device JBL Studio 120C along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center