Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Core 2 Duo Intel
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Order N umb e r: 3184 76-001US Intel ® Co r e TM 2 Du o P r oc e s s o r a n d Intel ® Q35 Expr e ss C hipset Deve lopment K it Us e r’s M anua l Oct ob er 20 07.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Pr oc ess or an d Inte l ® Q35 Ex press C hipset Deve lopment K it User’ s Manua l Oc to b er 20 07 2 Or der Num be r: 31 84 76 -0 01 US Leg al Lin e s an d Di s cla im ers I NFO RM A T ION IN TH IS DO CU M ENT IS PR OVI D ED IN CO NNE CT ION W ITH IN TEL® PRODU CTS.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 -00 1U S 3 Con tents— I ntel Cor e 2 Duo P rocesso r and I n tel Q3 5 Express C hip set Contents 1 .0 Ab o ut T his Manu al .
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Contents Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 4 Or der Num ber: 3184 76 -001 US 6 Dual Chan nel (Int erle aved ) Mode Conf igura tion wit h 4x DIMMs.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 -00 1U S 5 Revision History—Intel Core 2 Duo Process.
Intel Core 2 Duo Proces sor and Intel Q35 Exp ress Chipset—About This Man ual Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 6 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 1.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 7 About This Manual—In tel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset is sh own as 0FFH .
Intel Core 2 Duo Proces sor and Intel Q35 Exp ress Chipset—About This Man ual Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 8 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 1.4 S u pport Options 1.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 9 About This Manual—In tel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset Table 2. Intel Liter atu re Cen te rs Lo cat ion T e lep hon e N um ber U.
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 10 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 11 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— Inte l Core 2 D uo Proc esso r an d Inte l Q35 Exp ress Chipse t 2.
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 12 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 13 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— Inte l Core 2 D uo Proc esso r an d Inte l Q35 Exp ress Chipse t Table 4.
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 14 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2 .
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 15 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— .
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 16 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S Fig ure 5 sh ows a du al ch ann el co nfig urat ion usin g 3 D IM Ms.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 17 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— Inte l Core 2 D uo Proc esso r an d Inte l Q35 Exp ress Chipse t 2.
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 18 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 19 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— .
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 20 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 21 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— Inte l Core 2 D uo Proc esso r an d Inte l Q35 Exp ress Chipse t 2.
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 22 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 23 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— Inte l Core 2 D uo Proc esso r an d Inte l Q35 Exp ress Chipse t 2.
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 24 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 25 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— Inte l Core 2 D uo Proc esso r an d Inte l Q35 Exp ress Chipse t Figu re 15 .
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Setting Up an d Configuring the Develop ment Kit Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 26 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 3.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 27 Setting Up and Configuring the Dev e lopment Kit—Inte l Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Exp re ss Chips et enviro nment .
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Setting Up an d Configuring the Develop ment Kit Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 28 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 3.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 29 Setting Up and Configuring the Dev e lopment Kit—Inte l Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Exp re ss Chips et 1.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Setting Up an d Configuring the Develop ment Kit Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 30 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 3.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 31 Setting Up and Configuring the Dev e lopment Kit—Inte l Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Exp re ss Chips et 2.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Setting Up an d Configuring the Develop ment Kit Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 32 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 3.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 33 Setting Up and Configuring the Dev e lopment Kit—Inte l Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Exp re ss Chips et D7 R es tore CPUID v alu e to r egister .
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Setting Up an d Configuring the Develop ment Kit Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 34 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 08 Initia lize CP U.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 35 Setting Up and Configuring the Dev e lopment Kit—Inte l Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Exp re ss Chips et 60 Ini tialize NUM- L O CK st atus an d pr ogram type mati c rate.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Setting Up an d Configuring the Develop ment Kit Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User.
An important point after buying a device Intel Core 2 Duo (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Intel Core 2 Duo yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Intel Core 2 Duo - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Intel Core 2 Duo you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Intel Core 2 Duo will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Intel Core 2 Duo, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Intel Core 2 Duo.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Intel Core 2 Duo. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Intel Core 2 Duo along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center