Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 1585 (MT 4539) IBM
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Inf o p rin t 1 585 (MT 45 39 ) Us e r ’ s Gu i d e S510-4133-00 .
Inf o p rin t 1 585 (MT 45 39 ) Us e r ’ s Gu i d e S510-4133-00 .
2 Edition: M arc h 2 005 The follo wi ng paragraph does not apply to an y countr y where such pro visions are inconsistent with local law: LEXMAR K INTERNA TIONAL , INC .
3 Contents Chapter 1: Learning about the print e r ....... . ............. .. ............... ............ . ... .. .. ............. . ...... 6 Printer ov erview ......................... ...................... ....................... ................
4 Conten ts Identify ing and linkin g output bi ns .......................... ...................... ....................... .................... ................... .... 60 Sending a job to print ...................... ....................... .......
5 Conten ts Index .... ......... ......... .......... ........... ......... ......... ......... ..... .......... ..... ......... . ... . .. ...........
Lear ning about the pr inter 6 1 Learning ab out the printer Con ventions used in this book Not e: A no te identifie s somethin g that could hel p you. CAUTION: A cauti on identifi es something t hat could ca use yo u har m. Warning: A war nin g id entif i es so me thin g that could da mage your prod u ct har dware or software.
Pr in te r ove r vi ew 7 Learning about the printer Configured model The f ollowi ng illustr ation show s a fully confi gured printer . Ite ms deno ted with an ast er i sk (*) are opt ions.
Pr in te r ove r vi ew 8 Learning about the printer A numb er o f me n us are a vaila ble to ma k e it easy f or you to change printer s etti ng s . T he diagr am show s t he m en u inde x on the oper ator panel a nd the men us and items a v ailable und er each menu .
Understa nding the pr inter ope rator panel 9 Learning about the printer Unde r standing the print er operat or panel The oper ator panel c onsists of the s e items: • A 4-li ne, bac k-lit, gra y-sc.
Understa nding the pr inter ope rator panel 10 Learning about the printer Indicator light A two -toned LED is us ed on the oper ator panel, on e color being g reen and the other being red. The l ights in dicate whe ther the printer power is on, the printer is b usy , idle, pro cessing a job , or requi res operator inter ve ntion.
Installi ng dr ivers f or l ocal pr inting 11 2 Installing driver s f or local printing A local printer i s a printer attach ed to the com puter using a USB or para llel cab le. The local printe r is intended to be used b y the com puter to which it i s attached.
Windows 12 Installing drivers for loca l printing 2 Click Insta ll Printer and Software . Not e: Some Windo ws oper ating systems requ ire that the us er has adminis trativ e access to i nstall printer dr ivers on th e comp uter . 3 Click Agr ee to accept the li cense agr eement.
Windows 13 Installing drivers for loca l printing Serial printing With se ri al printing, data i s transf erred on e bit at a time. Alt hough serial printi ng is usually slower than parallel pr inting.
Windows 14 Installing drivers for loca l printing 2 Click Insta ll Printer and Software . 3 Click Agree to a c cept the Printer Softw are Licens e Agreement. 4 Select Cus tom , an d clic k Next . 5 Select Com ponents , and clic k Next . 6 Select Lo cal , and clic k Next .
Macinto sh 15 Installing drivers for loca l printing Macintosh Mac OS 9.x or later is requi red fo r USB pr inting. T o print local ly to a USB-attache d pr inter , cre ate a desktop p rinter icon (Mac OS 9) or c reate a queue in Print Cente r / Pr inte r Setup Utility (Mac OS X).
UNIX/Linux 16 Installing drivers for loca l printing 4 Select Prin ter (USB) , and cl ick OK . 5 In the USB Printer Selection se ction, clic k Change . If the prin ter does n ot appear in t he USB Printer Selectio n list, make sure the USB cab le is prope r ly co nnected, and the printer is turned on.
Inst alling d riv ers f or n et work printi n g 17 3 Installing driver s f or network printing Prin ting a net work setup pa ge If the p rinter is atta ch ed to a ne tw ork, print a network setu p page on the printer to v erify the netw ork con nec ti on.
V er ifying the IP se ttings 18 Installing drivers for network printing 9 Using the num er ic p ad, enter the I P address . Once the a ddress is entere d, press . Submitting Selection app ears briefly . 10 Press repeatedly until the printer retu r ns to Ready .
Windows 19 Installing drivers for network printing F ollow t he steps f or the printing c onfiguratio n and operatin g system in us e to configur e the network printe r : Direct printing using Wind ows 98 SE, Me , Windows NT 4.
Windows 20 Installing drivers for network printing After conn ecting the printer to a Windows NT 4.0, Wind ows 2000, Window s XP , or Wind ows Ser ver 2003 co mputer (which will act as a se rver) , f ollow t hese steps to c onfigure the n etwork printer f or shared printi ng: 1 Install a custom printer driv er .
Macinto sh 21 Installing drivers for network printing With thi s method, a sub set of driv er information i s copied from t he ser v er to the client c omputer . This is just enough inf ormation to send a print job to the pr inter . 1 Doub le-clic k N etw ork Neighborhood o n the Windo ws desktop of the client computer .
Macinto sh 22 Installing drivers for network printing T o print to a ne tw ork printer , eac h Macin tosh u ser m ust instal l a c ustom P ostScript Printe r Descripti on (PPD) fil e, an d eithe r create a desktop printer o n the com puter (Mac OS 9 .
Macinto sh 23 Installing drivers for network printing Using IP Printing F ollo w these step s to create a print queu e using IP Pr intin g. T o create an AppleT alk print queue, see Step 2: Create a pr int queue in Pri nt Center or Printer Setup Utility .
UNIX/Linux 24 Installing drivers for network printing 5 Click Create . 6 Mak e sure there is an icon ne xt to the p rinter name in the Chooser . 7 Clos e the Ch ooser window . 8 V erify printer instal lation. a Clic k the desk top printer icon j ust added.
Installi ng options 25 4 Install ing opt ions CAUTION: If you ar e inst al li ng me mo ry or option cards som et ime after setting up the printer , tur n the printer off and un plug t he power co rd be f o re co ntinui ng. Y ou ca n customiz e the printer mem or y capacity and connectiv ity by ad ding optional cards.
Accessi ng the pr inter s ystem boar d 26 Installing options Accessing the pr inter system bo ar d Y ou m ust access the p r inter system board to install p rinter memory , flash mem or y , a hard d isk, or an option card. CAUTION: T ur n the printer off , and unplu g the pow er cord bef ore continui ng.
Accessi ng the pr inter s ystem boar d 27 Installing options Use th e illust ration to lo cate the connec tor for the option y ou want to install. Optio n card connector Printer memory card conn ector.
Installi ng a pri nte r mem or y card 28 Installing options Installing a prin ter memory card Comp lete t he following instr uc tions to ins tall a pri n ter me mor y car d. Not e: Memory cards desig ned fo r other printers ma y not w ork with y our printer .
Inst alling a flas h memor y or fir mware card 29 Installing options Installing a fla sh memor y or firmware car d Not e: Flash memory and fi r mware card s designed f or other printe rs may n ot work with y our printer . 1 Remo ve the syste m boa rd acces s pane l.
Install ing an option card 30 Installing options Installing an o ption car d Warning: Opti on cards are eas ily damag ed by stati c electricity . T ouch s omething me tal such as the printer frame b efore you touc h a memo r y card . Not e: Y ou need a small Phillips screwdriv er to attach the option ca rd to the system board.
Install ing an option card 31 Installing options 6 Align the connection points on the c ard with the co nnector on the s ystem board, an d push the card fir mly in to the system board conne ctor . 7 Insert the scre ws sav ed from the c over pl ate (or the e xtra scre ws shipped with the ca rd).
Inst alling a har d disk 32 Installing options Installing a ha r d disk Not e: Y ou need a small Phillips screwdriv er to attach the hard disk to the moun ting plate. 1 Remo ve the syste m boa rd acces s pane l. (See Acces sing the printer system boa rd .
Inst alling a har d disk 33 Installing options 7 Press the r ibb on cab le connector into the conn ector on the sy s tem b oard. 8 Press the three posts on the mounting pla te into the ho les on the sys tem board.
Replacin g the acces s panel 34 Installing options Replacing the access panel After y ou hav e instal led options on t he printer system board, fo llow thes e steps to rea ttach the acces s panel. 1 Align the tabs on the r ight si de of the acc ess pan el with the sl ots on the printer .
Unders tanding pa per and spe cialty m edia guidel ines 35 5 Understanding pa per and specia lty media guidelines Print media is pap er , ca rd stoc k, trans parencie s, lab els, and en v elopes . The la st f our are so metimes refe rred to as speci alty media .
Suppo r ted pr int medi a 36 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines JIS B4 257 x 364 mm (10.1 x 14.3 in.) ✓✓ ✓✓✓ JIS B5 1 182 x 257 mm (7.17 x 10.1 in.) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Letter 215 .9 x 279.4 m m (8.5 x 1 1 in.) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Legal 215.
Suppo r ted pr int medi a 37 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines Media sizes supported in the finisher Size Bin 1 Bin 2 Standar d * Offset Staple Punc h Standard * Offse t Staple Punch .
Suppo r ted pr int medi a 38 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines Feed chara cteristics b y p rint media s ize Print media s iz e Feed orientation 1 Print m edia orientation 2 Si z e sup.
Suppo r ted pr int medi a 39 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines Print media types Print media 500-shee t trays Multipurpos e feeder 2000-she et dual input trays 2000-she et high capaci.
Suppo r ted pr int medi a 40 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines Print media weights Print media Ty p e Print media w eight 500-sheet tr ays Multipurpo se feeder 2000-sheet dual input t.
Suppo r ted pr int medi a 41 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines Media weights supported in the finisher Print media Ty p e Finisher med ia wei ght Bin 1 Bin 2 Offset Staple Hole Punc h.
Selec ting pr int media 42 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines Selecting print m edia Selectin g the appropri ate print medi a for th e printer helps y ou a void printin g proble ms. The f ollow ing sections contain guideli nes f or choosing the correct print med ia f or the printer .
Selec ting pr int media 43 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines Moisture content The amo un t of moisture in th e p ape r af fects bo th prin t qu al ity an d t he abi lit y of the print er t o f eed th e p ape r pro pe rly . Leav e the pape r in its original wr apper until it is time to use it.
Selec ting pr int media 44 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines • Mak e sure th e P aper T ype , P aper T e xtur e, and P aper W eight settin gs are cor rect. (See “P aper M enu” in the Menus and Mes sages Gui de located on the p ublication s CD f or detail ed inf or mation abo ut these sett ings.
Selec ting pr int media 45 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines T ran sparencies F eed transp arencies from the stan dard tra y or the m ultipurpose f eeder . T r y a sam ple of any tr ansparenc ies being consid ere d f or use with the printer bef ore b u yi ng larg e quan titi es .
Selec ting pr int media 46 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines • Use e nvel opes that ca n withstand tem peratures of 230°C (446°F) w ithout sealin g, exces sive cu r ling, wrinkling, o r releasi ng hazardou s emissi ons.
Stor ing pr int media 47 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines Card stoc k Card s tock is single ply , and ha s a large arr ay of pro per ties, s uch as the mo isture conten t, thicknes s, and te xture , that can signi fican tly aff ect pr int qu ality .
A voiding jam s 48 Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines A v oiding jams Use a ppropriate print media (paper , tr ansparencie s, labels , and card stoc k) to he lp ensure troub le-free printing . See Supported print m edia on page 35 for mo re inf or mation.
Printi ng 49 6 Printing This ch apter cov ers inf ormation about loading print me dia, linking o utput bins, s ending a job to print, printing co nfidential jobs , canceling a pr int job , printing a men u settings page, a f ont list , and a direct or y list.
Loading standard or optional 500-sh eet tra ys 50 Printing 2 Squeez e the side gui de tab , and slide t he guide to o utside of the tr ay . 3 Squeez e the front g uide tab and sli de the guide to the correc t position f or the siz e media y ou are loading .
Loading standard or optional 500-sh eet tra ys 51 Printing 6 Squeez e the side guide tab , and slide the guide until i t lightly rest s agains t the edge of the media.
Loading the multipur p ose feeder 52 Printing Loading th e m ultipurpose feeder The m ultipurpose f eeder can ho ld se ver al sizes and types of pri nt media, such as tr ansparencie s, postcard s, note c ards, and en vel opes. It can be used f or single-pa ge or manual pr inting or as an additional tr ay .
Loading the multipur p ose feeder 53 Printing 2 Pull the tr a y exte ns ion out. Not e: Do not place objec ts on the m ultipurpose f eeder . Als o, a void pressing do wn or applyin g exc essiv e f orce on it. 3 Slide the width guides to the outsid e of the f eeder .
Loading the multipur p ose feeder 54 Printing 6 Slide the width guides until the y lightly rest against the edge of the media. 7 Set the P aper Si ze and P aper T ype f or the mult ipur pose f eeder (MP F eeder Siz e and MP F eeder T ype) to the correct v alue f or the print media y o u load ed.
Loading t he 2000-she et dual in put tra y s 55 Printing Loading th e 2000-sheet dual input trays The 2000 -sheet dual i nput draw er includes two tra ys: an 850-s heet tra y and an 11 50-sheet tra y . Although the tra ys are diff erent in ap pearance , they bot h load the sa me wa y .
Load ing the 200 0-sheet hig h capaci ty f e eder 56 Printing 3 Fle x the sheet s b ac k and f or th to l oosen them, t hen f an them. Do not f old or c rease the print media . Strai ghten th e edges on a level surface. 4 Load prin t media i n the tra y with the pr int side up.
Load ing the 200 0-sheet hig h capaci ty f e eder 57 Printing 2 If loadi ng print media w ith a diff erent width or length, adjus t the width and length guide s. 3 Fle x the sheet s b ac k and f or th to l oosen them, t hen f an them. Do not f old or c rease the print media .
Loading Le tter or A 4 size prin t media in the sh or t-edge feed or ientation 58 Printing Loading L etter or A4 siz e print media in the shor t-edg e feed orientation In order f or the p r inter to recognize letter or A4 siz e print media lo aded in the sho r t-edge f eed orientation, Short-edge Printing m ust be enab led.
Linking tra ys 59 Printing T o define a custom name u sing the Emb edded W eb Server: 1 Open th e printer Embedded W eb Server by typing its IP address in the address ba r of a browse r . F or e xample: 2 Click Config uration . 3 Click P APER MENU .
Identify ing and link ing outpu t bins 60 Printing Ide ntifyin g and link ing out put bins There i s one standard output bin on all printer m odels. If y ou need ad ditional output capacity , the optio nal finish er provides up to 35 00 sheets of add itional outp ut capacity .
Sending a job to pr int 61 Printing 3 Press until Bin Setup appears, a nd then press . 4 Press until Configure Bins appea rs, and the n press . 5 Press until Link appears , and the n press .
Pri nting from a USB flash m emor y device 62 Printing Printing fr om a USB flash memory d e vice A USB Direc t interfac e is located o n the operat or panel so y ou can insert a USB flash m emor y de vice and print PDF docume nts. Printing a document f rom a USB flash m emor y de vice is similar to printin g a held job .
Cancelin g a pr int job 63 Printing 4 T o print only o ne copy , press , or m anually inpu t the number of copies with the number pad, then p ress . Not e: Do not remo ve th e USB flash memory de vice from th e USB Direct interf ace u ntil the d ocument has finishe d printing.
Pr inting the menu s ettings p age 64 Printing 5 Select the job y ou want to cancel. 6 Pres s the Delete ke y on the k eyboa rd. Canceling a job from a Macintosh computer Canceling a job fr om a Macintosh computer running Mac OS 9.x When y ou send a job to print, the printer icon f or y our selected pr inter a ppears on the de sktop .
Pr in tin g a directo r y li st 65 Printing 4 Press until Print Fonts appears, and then press . 5 Press until the appears ne xt to PCL Em ul Fonts , PostScript Fonts , or PPDS Fonts , and the n press . Printing a director y list A directo r y listing s hows the res ources stored i n flash memory or on t he hard disk.
Pri nting confid ential and held job s 66 Printing Windows 1 F rom a w ord processor , spreadsheet, browser , or o ther applicat ion, select File Æ Prin t . 2 Click Pr oper ties . (If there is no Proper ties b utton, clic k Setup , and then cl ick Pro perties .
Pri nting confid ential and held job s 67 Printing Entering a per sonal identification number (PIN) When you sel ect Confidential Job from the Held jo b menu, the f ollowi ng prompt a ppears on the displ ay afte r you select yo ur user name: 1 Use the n umeric pad to enter the f our-digit PIN associated with your co nfidential job .
Pri nting confid ential and held job s 68 Printing 3 Depen ding on the operating system, y ou may hav e to clic k the Other O ptions tab , and then clic k Print and Hol d . Not e: If you ha ve diffic ul ty fin di ng Print and Hold Æ Held Jobs , clic k Help , and se e the topic H eld Jobs or Print and Hold, the n follo w the driv er instruction s.
Pr inting A 5/Statement or JIS-B5/E x ec utiv e sizes 69 Printing Printing A5/Statement or JIS-B5/Executive sizes When A uto Siz e Sensing is set to On, the printer cannot disting uish betwee n Statement and A5 or Exe cutiv e and JIS-B5. F ollow t hese dire ctions to chang e the Size Sensing settin g.
Main taining the pr inte r 70 7 Maintaining the printer P eriodica lly , y ou need to c omplete certain tasks to maintain op timum print qual ity . These tas ks are co ve red in this chapter . If se ve ral people are using the printer , y ou ma y want to design ate a ke y oper ator to do the setup and maintenanc e of you r printer .
Photoc onductor k it end-of-l if e 71 Maintaining the printer Photocond uct or kit end-of -life T o ensure p r int qua lity and to a void damage to th e pr inte r , the printe r stops op erating afte r the photocondu ctor kit has reached appro x imat ely 60,000 page s (Letter/A4).
Order ing sup plies 72 Maintaining the printer Maintenance kit 80 Scheduled Maintenance appe ars o n the disp la y afte r 30 0,0 00 pa ges h a ve printed to l et y ou kno w it is time to re pla ce printer main tenance items . Order a m aintenance ki t when 80 Scheduled Maintenance firs t appears on the display .
Clea ring jams 73 8 Clearing jams By caref ully selecting pr int m edia and loading it p roperly , you sho uld be ab le to av oid most pa per jams . For more inf ormation on a void ing paper jams , see A v oiding jams on pa g e 48 . If jams do occur , f ollow the steps outlin ed in this secti on.
Access doors and tra ys 74 Clearing jams Access doors and trays The f ollow ing illustr ations sho w the area s where jams may occ ur . E A B D C T rays 1–4 F G H K J.
Underst anding ja m messag es 75 Clearing jams Understanding jam mess a g es The f ollow ing tab le lists the jam me ssages that can occur and t he action ne cessary to clear th e message.
Clear ing pr inter jam s 76 Clearing jams 24x P ap er Jam Check T ray <x> P aper jams in these areas c an occur on the incline su rf ace of a tray or across more tha n one tra y . T o clear thes e areas: 1 Open th e tra y . If neces sar y , remo ve the tr ay fro m the printer .
Clear ing pr inter jam s 77 Clearing jams Clearing the 2000 -sheet high capa city feeder (T ray 5) 1 If neces sar y , close the m ultipurpose f eeder . 2 Slide the high capacity feed er awa y from the pr inter . 3 Raise the top door , and lift the jam a ccess co ver .
Clear ing pr inter jam s 78 Clearing jams 4 Remo ve the jamm ed pap er . 5 Close the jam acc ess cov er and top door ..
Clear ing pr inter jam s 79 Clearing jams 6 Slide the feede r fir mly aga inst the printer . 7 Press . 200, 201, and 202 Paper Jam Check Door A 1 Open Doo r A by pu shing the releas e latch and lo wering the do or . CAUTION: The ins ide of the printer mig ht be hot.
Clear ing pr inter jam s 80 Clearing jams 2 Pull the pr int media up an d toward you. Warning: If the print med ia does not mo ve i m med iately when y ou pull, st op pulling. Pu sh down a nd pull the gre en le ver to make it easier to remo ve the m edia.
Clear ing pr inter jam s 81 Clearing jams 2 Open Doo r E by pu shing the releas e latch and lo wering the do or . 3 Pull the print media up . 4 Close Door E.
Clear ing pr inter jam s 82 Clearing jams 230 P ap er Jam Check Door <A, E, D> 1 Open Doo r D by the duple x rear door . 2 Remo ve the jamm ed med ia . 3 Close Door D . 4 Open Doo r A by pu shing the releas e latch and lo wering the do or . CAUTION: The ins ide of the printer mig ht be hot.
Clear ing pr inter jam s 83 Clearing jams 5 Open Doo r E by pu shing the releas e latch and lo wering the do or . 6 Pull the print media up . 7 Close Door E.
Clear ing pr inter jam s 84 Clearing jams 231 P ap er Jam Check <A, D> 1 Open Doo r D by the duple x rear door . 2 Remo ve the jamm ed med ia . 3 Close Door D . 4 Open Doo r A by pu shing the releas e latch and lo wering the do or . CAUTION: The ins ide of the printer mig ht be hot.
Clear ing pr inter jam s 85 Clearing jams 5 Pull the print media up . Warning: If the print media do es not mo ve imme diately wh en you p ull, stop pul ling. Pull the green le v er to mak e it easi er to remov e the med ia. Make s ure all paper fr agments are remov ed.
Clear ing pr inter jam s 86 Clearing jams 2 Open D o or B. 3 Remo ve the jamm ed med ia . 4 Close Door B..
Clear ing pr inter jam s 87 Clearing jams 5 Slide the feede r fir mly aga inst the printer . 6 Press ..
Clear ing pr inter jam s 88 Clearing jams Clearing Area C 1 If the prin ter is configure d with a 2000-s heet high capac ity f eeder , slide the feeder awa y from th e printer .
Clear ing pr inter jam s 89 Clearing jams 3 Remo ve the jamm ed med ia . 4 Close Door C . 5 Slide the feede r fir mly aga inst the printer . 6 Press ..
Clear ing pr inter jam s 90 Clearing jams 28x P ap er Jam Check Finisher There are three areas as sociated with th e finisher . F ollow the appropriate ins tr u ctions to cle ar a jam in the f inisher . Clearing Area F 1 Lift t he bridge u nit assemb ly door .
Clear ing pr inter jam s 91 Clearing jams Clearing Area G 1 Open th e finisher do or . 2 Remo ve the jammed media , as indicated o n the opera tor panel. 3 Close the door . 4 Press . Clearing Area H 1 Lift Door H. 2 Remo ve the jamm ed med ia . 3 Close the door .
Clear i ng sta ple jams 92 Clearing jams Clearing staple jam s A Staples Empty or Misfed m essage indica tes staples are jammed in the stapler . Th is requires remo ving the staple cartr idge holder from the p r inter . 1 Chec k that the m achine stop s operation s, and op en Door G (front door) o f the finisher .
Clear i ng sta ple jams 93 Clearing jams 4 Use th e metal t ab to lift the s taple guard, and then pull ou t the sheet of st aples. Disc ard the ent ire she et.
T roublesh ooting 94 9 T roub le shooting Calling for service When y ou call for printer s er vice, d escribe the prob lem y ou are e xperiencing, t he message on the displa y , and the trou bleshoo ting s teps yo u h av e alre ad y taken t o find a solu tio n.
Pri nting multip le-language PDFs 95 Troubleshooting Printing multiple-language PDF s Solving printin g pr oblems Symptom Cause Solu tion Some docume n ts do no t print. The do cume nts conta in unav ailab le f onts. 1 Open the document y ou want to pr int in Ad obe Acrobat.
Solvi ng printin g prob lems 96 Troubleshooting Held jobs do not print. A f ormatting error has occurred . • Print the jo b. (O nly part of the job ma y print.) • Delete the job . • F ree up a dditiona l printer memory b y scroll ing throug h the list o f held job s and deletin g others yo u hav e sent to the printer .
Solving opti on pr oblems 97 Troubleshooting Solv ing opti on pr oblem s If an option does not operate correctly after it is in stalled or if it quits wo r king: • T urn the printer off , wait for ab out 10 seconds , and turn the printer o n.
Solving opti on pr oblems 98 Troubleshooting Solving 2000-sheet drawer problems Proble m Solution The ele v ator tra y does not r aise when the loading door is closed , or the ele vator t ray does not lower w hen the door is opened and the ele v ator button i s pushed.
Solvin g paper feed problems 99 Troubleshooting Solving paper feed prob lem s Symptom Cause Solu tion P aper frequently jams . Y ou are us ing pap er th at do es not meet the printer speci fic ati ons . Use rec ommende d paper and o ther special ty media.
Solvi ng prin t quality problems 100 Troubleshooting Solving print q uality prob lem s The inf ormation in th e f ollo win g tab le ma y help y o u s olv e print quali ty p rob lems . If the se sug ges ti ons sti ll d o no t corr ect the problem , call f o r ser vi ce.
Solvi ng prin t quality problems 101 Troubleshooting Entire pag e is white. • Mak e sure the pac kaging material is remov ed from the phot oconductor k it. • Chec k the photoco nductor kit to be sure it is i nstalled correc tly . • Replace th e photocond uctor kit.
Solvi ng prin t quality problems 102 Troubleshooting P ar t or all of the page is printed in blac k. Chec k the photoco nductor kit to see if it is i nstalled correc tly . The job prints, b ut the t op and side ma rgins are inc orrect. • Make su re th e Pa p er S iz e setting in th e Pa per menu is c orrect.
Solvi ng prin t quality problems 103 Troubleshooting The Qua lity menu op erator pa nel options ca n be adjuste d to help impro ve p r int qua lity . In additi on, the Enh ance Fine Lin es and Gr ay Correcti on options can be enab led to improv e print qu ality .
Admin istrativ e suppor t 104 10 Administr ative suppor t Adjusting o perator panel brightness and contra st The LCD op er ator panel con trast and brig htn es s ca n be adj us ted throu gh t he U ti liti es me n u. For m ore i nf ormation, see th e Men u s and Me ss age s Guide .
Enabling opera tor panel menus 105 Administrative support Enabling operator panel menus 1 T urn the printer off . 2 Press an d hold and while tur ning th e pr inte r on.
Adju sting P ow er Sav er 106 Administrative support Adjusting P ower Sa ver To a d j u s t t h e Power Saver setti ng: 1 Mak e sure the print e r is on and Ready ap pears on the dis play . 2 Press on the op erator pane l. 3 Press until Settings appears , and then pr ess .
Encr ypt ing the disk 107 Administrative support Encryptin g the disk Warning: All res ources on the ha rd disk will be de leted. (Reso urces residin g in flash memory or in RAM re main unaff ected.) Not e: This setti ng is only a vail able when a hard disk is insta lled.
Setting secur ity using t he Embedd ed Web Ser ver (EWS) 108 Administrative support Setting security usin g the Embedded W eb Ser ver (EWS) Y ou ca n en hance the s ecurity o f netw ork com mu nicat ions a nd de vice config ur ation b y usi ng the adv an ced s ecurity optio ns .
Setting secur ity using t he Embedd ed Web Ser ver (EWS) 109 Administrative support Suppor ting IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) IP Security protoc ol pro vides authen t ic ati on and enc ryption of comm un ic ati ons at the ne tw o rk la yer allo wing all applic ati on and netw ork communic ations ov er the IP pro tocol to be sec ure.
Setting secur ity using t he Embedd ed Web Ser ver (EWS) 110 Administrative support Using 802.1x Authenticating 802.1x p or t authentic ation allo ws the printer to join netw orks that requi re authenticat ion bef ore al lowing access.
Setting secur ity using t he Embedd ed Web Ser ver (EWS) 111 Administrative support Printing Lock o ut Printing Loc kout l ets you lo ck or unloc k a printer u s ing an assigned PIN . When loc ked, e very job th e pr inter rec eives wil l buf fer to t he hard disk.
Notices 112 Notices • Licensing notice • Electr onic emission no tices • The Unit ed Kin gdom T elec omm unications Act 1984 • Noise e mission levels • W a s te from E lect r ical and El ect.
Notices 113 Noti ces unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could v o id the user's authority to operate this equipment. Note: T o ass ure compliance with FCC regulations on electromagnetic interference for a Class A c omputing device, use a properly shielded and grounded cable .
Notices 114 Noti ces LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITE VA R O I T U S ! Laitteen käyttäminen muulla kuin tässä käyttoohjeessa mainitulla tav alla saattaa altistaa käyttäjän turvallisuusluokan 1 ylittävälle näkymättömälle lasersäteilylle .
Notices 115 Noti ces India emission s notice This de vice uses very low power lo w range RF communication that has been tested and f ound not to cause any interf erenc e whatsoev er.
116 Inde x A adjust paper tray 50, 55 adjus ting Power Saver 106 author ized supplies dealers 70 automat ic size se nsing 59 automat ic tray linking 59 B brid ge uni t assem bly 7 C card s tock guidel.
117 Index media guidelin es letterhea d 44 letterhea d, prin tin g 44 letterh ead guide lines 44 loading instruction s based on s ource 44 transparen cies, guide lines 45 memory Print and H old functi.
Readers’ Comments — W e’d Like to Hear from Yo u Infoprint 1585 (MT 4539) User ’ s Guide Publication No. S510-4133-00 Overall, how satisfied are you with the information in this book? V ery Sa.
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Part Number: 75P6998 Printed in USA S510-4133-00 (1P) P/N: 75P6998.
An important point after buying a device IBM 1585 (MT 4539) (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought IBM 1585 (MT 4539) yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data IBM 1585 (MT 4539) - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, IBM 1585 (MT 4539) you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get IBM 1585 (MT 4539) will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of IBM 1585 (MT 4539), but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime IBM 1585 (MT 4539).
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with IBM 1585 (MT 4539). Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device IBM 1585 (MT 4539) along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center