Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product OFFICEJET 100 L411 HP
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OFFICEJE T 100 L411 Us er Guide.
HP Officejet 100 (L411) Mobile Printer User Guide.
Copyright informat ion © 2010 Copyright Hewlett-Pa ckard Development Company, L . P. Hewlett-Packar d Company notices The information con t ained in this document is subject to change witho ut notice.
Contents 1 Get started Accessibility ....................... .................................. ............................................... ......... ........ ......7 Eco ........... ..................... .................. ............. .........
Print photos . ............................................................................................................................26 Print photos o n photo paper (Windo ws) .............................................. ......................
Poor print qua lity and unexpected printout s ............... ...................................... .......................48 General tips ............................................................ ..................................................
Printer specifications ..................................................................................................... ... .......72 Physical specificat ions ...................... ........................ ................ ......................
C Set up the printer fo r Bluetooth commu nication Set up a Bluetooth wirele ss connection ................ ............................... ......................... ...........93 Set Bluetooth secu rity for the printer ...............................
1 Get started This gui de provide s details ab out how to use the printe r and how to resolve pr oblems. • Accessibility • Eco • Understand t he printer parts • Findin g the prin ter model num.
HP is committed to helpi ng customers redu ce their environm ental f ootprint. H P has provided th ese features to help you focus on ways to assess an d reduce the impact of your printing choices. For more inform ation about HP's envi ronmental initiatives, visit www.
Front view 1 Media width guide – Adjusts to accommodate different media sizes. 2 Input tr ay – Holds the media. Remove media and close this tray when the printer is not in use.
1 PictBridge/USB Host Port – Connects a PictBridge device, such as a digital camera or a USB Flash drive. 2 Battery contact cover – Cover s the battery contacts when the option al battery is not installed. 3 USB port – Connect a USB cable here. 4 Battery slot – Install optional battery he re.
1 Battery status light – Indicates b attery status: • Red – Battery less than 10% charged • Amber – Battery 10% to 40% charged • Green – Battery 41% to 100% charged • Not lit if optional battery is not in stalled or detected. 2 Batte ry chargin g light – Lights up in amber when the battery is charging.
Finding the printer model number In addition to the model name that appears on the front of t he printer, this p rinter has a specific mod el number. You can use this number when obtai ning support a nd to help determin e which supplies or acce ssories are available for your pri nter.
HP Office Paper HP Office Paper is a high-qua lity multifunction paper. It is su itable for copies, drafts, memos and other e veryday documents. It features ColorLok Technology for less sm earing, b older blacks and vivid colors.
8.5 x 11 inch, A4, 4 x 6 inch and 10 x 15 cm. It is acid-free for longer lasting documents. HP Photo Va lue Pac ks HP Photo Value Packs conven iently package Original HP ink cartridges and HP Advanced Photo Paper to save you time and ta ke the guesswork out of print ing affordab le profe ssional ph otos with yo ur HP printer.
Load standa rd-size media To load m edia Use these instru ctions to load stan dard media. 1. Lift the input t ray. 2. Slide the pape r width guide out as far as possible . NOTE: If you are loading larger-sized media, p ull the input tray to extend it.
3. Load envelope s according to the graphic in the tray. NOTE: Do not loa d envelopes while th e printer is print ing. 4. Adjust the width guide so it fits snugly a gainst the sides of the envelope. Load cards and photo pape r To load cards and pho to paper Use these instru ctions to load photo paper.
1. Lift the input t ray. 2. Slide the pape r width guide out as far as possible . NOTE: If you are loading larger-sized media, p ull the input tray to extend it. 3. Insert the media print-side up and align it square ly against the paper guid e. NOTE: Do not load paper w hile the printe r is printing.
• The batt ery status light is g reen when t he battery is 41-100 % charged, a mber when 10-40% ch arged, red wh en less than 10% charged, and bl inks red wh en less than 2% charged. Charge th e battery when th e battery stat us light turns amber. If it turns red, charge the batte ry as soon as possibl e.
1. Slide the ba ttery into the ba ttery slot at an angle, until the contacts on the battery are flush wit h the contacts i n the battery slot . The battery co ntact cover slides open. 2. Push the b attery in to the ba ttery slot until th e batter y clicks into place.
Connect a memory device or camera Using the U S B port on the ba ck of the printer, you can connect a US B storage device. You can also connect and pri n t photos from a PictBridge-compatible camera. You can also transf er files from the storage devic e to your compu ter.
NOTE: If you are using a mobile phone runnin g Windows Mobile, you can use the HP softwa re CD to install th e printi ng software. For a list of mobile phone s and printing software, as well as informati on about obtaining the software, see Mobi le phone printing informat ion.
Chapter 1 22 Get started.
2P r i n t Most print settin gs are automatically handl ed by the software applicatio n. Cha nge the settings man ually only when you want to ch ange print quality, print on specific t ypes of paper, or us e special feat ures. For more information about selecting the best print media for your documen ts, see Media specifications .
Print docu ments (Ma c OS X) 1. Load paper in the tray. For more information, see Load media. 2. From the Fi le menu in the software a pplication, click Print . 3. Make sure the prin ter you want to use is selected. 4. Change t he print settin gs for the option provided in th e pop-up m enus, as appropriate for your project.
4. Select Paper Type/ Quality or Printer Fe atures from the pop-u p menu (located below th e Orientati on setting), and then select the followi ng settings: • Paper Type: the approp riate broc hure paper t ype • Quality: Normal or Best NOTE: Click the blue d isclosure tria ngle next to the Printer selection to access these options.
4. Select the appropriate en velope size in the Paper S ize pop-up me nu. NOTE: Click the blue d isclosure tria ngle next to the Printer selection to access these options. 5. Select the appr opriate Orientation option for the type of envelope you are using.
7. If you want to prin t the photo in black and white, cli c k Grayscale from the Color pop-up menu, and then select High Quality . -Or- Select Color Opti ons from the Feature Sets pop-up menu, and then select High Quality from the Grayscal Mod e po p-up menu.
3. Click the + on the left side of the scre en, double-click Untitled , and type a name for the new, cu stom size. 4. In the Width and Height bo xes, type the dimensions, and then set the m argins, if desired.
4. Select Paper Type/ Quality or Printer Fe atures from the pop-u p menu (located below the Orientat ion setting), and the n select the following settings: • Paper Type: The appropri ate pape r type • Quality: Best or Maximum dp i NOTE: Click the blue d isclosure tria ngle next to the Printer selection to access these options.
3. From the drop- down list, select Paper Handling , click Od d Only from the Pages to Print pop-up menu and t hen press Print . NOTE: Click the blue d isclosure tria ngle next to the Printer selection to access these options. 4. Flip the pap er over and then print the even-n u mbered p ages.
3 Work with ink cartridges To ensure the be st print quality from the printer, you will need to perform some simple maintenance procedures. This section pr ovides guidel ines for handling the ink cartridges, instructions for replacing th e ink cartridges, and aligning and cleani ng the printhead.
Related t opics • Check the es timated ink le vels • Clean the ink cartridges Check the estimated ink levels You can check th e estimated ink levels from Toolbox (Windows), HP Uti lity (Mac OS X), or the Toolbox soft ware for PDAs. For informatio n about using these tool s, see Printer manage ment tools .
Hold the ink ca rtridges by thei r black plastic sides, w ith the label on top. Do not touch the copper-colored contacts or the ink nozzles. NOTE: Handle the ink cartridges careful ly. Dropping or jarring cartridges ca n cause temporary printi ng problems, or even permane nt damage.
For more inform ation about ordering ink cartridges f o r the device, see Order printi ng supplies online . To repla ce the ink cartri dges Use these instru ctions to repla ce an ink cartri dge. 1. Remove the new i n k cartridge from it s package and then pull t h e colored tab to remove the pr otective f ilm from the cartrid ge.
3. Lift the ink cartridge l atch open and gently remove the ink ca rtridge f rom its cradle compartmen t. 4. Insert the new ink cart ridge into i ts cradle compart ment at the sa me angle at whic h you removed the old ink cartridge.
Print with a single ink cartridge If one of the ink cartridge s runs out of ink before you can repl ace it, you can stil l print with a single in k cartridge.
Calibrate co lor If you ar e not sa tisfied with the ap pearan ce of color s, you can ca librate the colors manually t o ensure the best pri n t quality. NOTE: Calibrate the color only when the tri-color and photo ink cartridges are installed together.
Control pa nel 1. Press and hold down ( Power button). 2. While holdin g down the button, d o one of the following. Pe rform the next level of cleaning onl y if results from the pre vious level are not satisfactory. a . For level 1 cleanin g: Press ( Cancel button) twice.
4 Solve a problem This sectio n contain s the foll owing top ics: • HP support • Troubleshoot ing ti ps and resources • Solve prin ting probl ems • Poor print qu ality and un expected prin tou.
You can also obtain supp ort from the HP softw are (Windows) or HP Uti lity (Mac OS X), which provide e asy, step-by-step solut i ons to common pri nting problems. For more informat ion, see Pri nter manage ment too ls or HP Util ity (Mac OS X). Support opti ons and availa bility vary by p r inter, count ry/region, and language.
Telephone sup port numbers In many locations, H P provides toll free teleph one support during the warranty pe riod. However, some of th e support numbers mi ght not be toll fre e.
For the most current list of telephon e support num bers, see / customercare. $IULFD(QJ OLVKVSHDNLQJ $IULTXHI UDQFRSKRQH.
After the phone suppo rt period After the phone support period , help is avail able from HP at an addition al cost. Help might also be available at the HP online support Web site: www go/ customer care. Conta ct your HP dealer o r call the support phone n umber for your country/region to learn more about support opt ions.
• Printer tak es a long time to print • Blank or partial page printed • Something o n the page is missin g or incorrect • Placement of the text or graphics is wro ng The printer shu t s down u.
disabling the firewall. If the problem persists, the firewall is not the source of the communicat ion problem. Re-enable the firew all. If disabling t he firewall allows you to communicate w ith the printer, you might wan t to assign a static IP add ress to the printer and re-enable the firewa ll.
Check the Bluetooth wirel e ss connection Printing la rger files u sing a Bluetoot h wireless connection can som etimes cause the print job to fail. Try printing a smal ler file. Fo r more information , see Problems sett ing up Bluetoo th wireless communica tion.
Check the printer lo cation and length of USB cable High elec tromagneti c fields (such as t hos e generated by monito rs, motors, fans, TVs, and other such device s) can sometimes ca use slight distortions to printouts. Move the printer away from the source of the electrom agnetic f ields.
Check the page-o rientation setting Make sure the media size and page ori entation selected in the applicatio n match the settings in t he print driver.
• Use the appropri ate ink cartridge for the project. For best results, use the HP black ink cartridge to print text docu ments and use t he HP photo or gray photo ink cartridges to print color or bla ck and white pho tos. • Make sure ink cart ridges have not been t ampered with.
Cancel the print job and w ait for the printer to return to the ready sta te. If the printer does not return to the ready state, cancel all jobs an d wait again. When the pri nter is ready, resend t he job. If prompt ed by the computer to retry the job, click Cancel .
Clean the ink cartri dges Ink cartridge s might need t o be cleaned. Fo r more information , see Clea n the ink cartridges . Ink is not filling the text or graphics completely Check the i nk car tridges • Check to make su re that both the black and tri-color ink cart ridges are installed and functioning correct ly.
Colors are printing as black and white Check the print settings Make sure Print in Grayscale is not selected in t he print driver. Open the printer Properties dialog box, click the Fe atures tab, and then m ake sure that Print in Grayscal e is not sele cted in the Color options.
• Ink cartridges mi ght be very low on ink. Repl ace any low cartridges. Try removing and reinstalling the cartridges, making sure they snap firmly into place. For more informatio n, see Replace th e ink cart ridges. • Make sure ink cart ridges have not been t ampered with.
Check the i nk car tridges • Clean the ink cartridges. For more inform ation, see Clean the ink cartri dges. • Whenever you install a new ink cartridge, you should align the in k cartridges for the best possible print quality.
7. Clean only th e copper-colored contacts. Allow th e ink cartridges to dry for approximatel y ten minutes. 1 Copper-colored contacts 2 Ink nozzles (do not clean) 8. Insert the ink ca rtridge int o its cradle compart ment at the same angle at whi ch you removed the old ink cartridge.
Make sure yo u have the f ollowing materials av ailab le: • Dry foam rubber swabs, lint-free clot h, or any soft material that will n o t come apart or leave fibers.
8. Close the in k cartridge la tch. If the cartridg e is inserted correctly, closing the latch gently pushe s the cartridge into its cradle compartmen t. Press the latch to make sure it is seated f l at on the cartri dge. 9. Repeat if necessary for the ot her ink cartridge.
Media is not picked up • Make sure m edia is loaded in the tr ay. For more inform ation, see Load medi a. Fan the media be fore loading. • Make sure t he paper guides are set to the correct markings in the tra y for the media size you are loading.
• Make sure t hat no lights are on or blinking e xcept the Power light, which sho uld be on. If a light o ther than the Po wer light is on or blinking, t here is an error. For more informatio n, see Control panel lights reference. • Make sure th at the printer can p rint a sel f-test di agnostic pag e.
Problems setting up Bluetooth wireles s communication If you have prob lems printing u sing a Bluetooth wireless co nnection, try the follow ing suggestions. For more information on configurin g wireless settings, see Se t up the printer for Blueto oth communication .
Print printer in formation pages from the control panel You can p rint the f ollowin g printer in formation pages from t he cont rol panel on the printer, with out being connected to the printer. To print a d iagnostic page Press and hold (Cancel but ton) for three seconds.
Clear jams Occasionally, media becom e s jammed during a job. Try the followin g remedies t o reduce jams. • Make sure that you are printing wit h media that meets sp ecificati ons. For more informatio n, see Media specific ations . • Make sure th at you a re printi ng with media that is not wrinkl ed, folded , or damaged .
6. If the print carriage is obstructing the jam, gently p ush it to one side and t hen remove the medi a. 7. If the jammed medi a is not v isible in the pr int area i nside the printe r, remove what is visible in t he input tr ay.
Control panel lights reference For more inform ation, visit the HP Web site ( ercare) for the latest tro ubleshooting information, or printer fixes and upda tes. Light description/Light pattern Explanation and rec ommended action Power light is on.
Light description/Light pattern Explanation and rec ommended action Battery charging light is amber; battery status light is green, amber, or red. Battery is charging. Battery status light indicates charge level. NOTE: When the battery is fully charged, the battery charging light turns off.
Light description/Light pattern Explanation and rec ommended action Right or left ink cartridge blinks and Powe r light is on. Borderless print error; missing or failed cartridge; cartridge in wrong slot; miss- installed cartridge. Right or Left ink cartrid ge lights indicate whether the problem is with the Tri-color or Black/Photo ink cartridge.
Light description/Light pattern Explanation and rec ommended action Power light blinks, Resume light blinks . Media jam or carriage stall. Clear the jammed paper. For more information, see Paper Ja m. After clearing the jam, press ( Resume button) to continue the print job.
Light description/Light pattern Explanation and rec ommended action three seconds, the left ink cartridge lig ht is on, and right ink cartridge light is blinking. Power light blinks, Resume light blinks . After pressing and holding the ( Cancel button) for three seconds, the left and right ink cartridge lights are blinking.
A Technical information This section contains the following topics: • Warranty information • Printer specifications • Regulatory information • Environmental product stewardship progr am • Th.
Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement A. Extent of limited warranty 1. Hewlett-Packard (HP) warrants to the end-user customer that the HP products specified above will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the duration specified above, which duration begins on the date of purchase by the customer .
Ink cartridg e warranty i nformation The HP cartridge warranty is applicable when th e product is used in its designated HP printer. This warranty does not cover HP ink products that have been refilled, r emanufactured, refurbished, misused, or tampered wi th.
Printer specifications This section contains the following topics: • Physical specifications • Printer features and capacities • Processor and memory specifications • System requirements • M.
Operating system compatibility • Microsoft Windows® XP Service Pack 2, Windows Vista®, Window s 7 • Mac OS X (v10.5, v10.6) • Linux (For more information, see http://hplipopensource.
Media specific ations Use the Understand supported sizes and Understand supported media types and weights tables to determine the correct media to use with your printer, and to determine wha t features work with the media you plan to use.
Media size 5 x 7 (13 x 18 cm; 5 x 7 inches) 8 x 10 (8 x 10 inches) 13 x 18 cm (5 x 7 inches) (10 x 15 cm)* (10 x 15 cm) tab * Photo L (89 x 127 mm; 3.5 x 5 inches)* 2L (178 x 127 mm; 7.0 x 5.0 inches) 3.5 x 5 (88.9 x 127 mm) * 3 x 5 (76.2 x 127 mm)* 8.
Set minimum margins The document margins mu st match (or exceed) t hese margin settings in portrait orientation. Media (1) Left margin (2) Right margin (3) Top margin (4) Bott om margin A4 U.S. Executive U.S. Statement B5 A5 3.3 mm (0.13 inches) 3.3 mm (0.
Print reso lution Black print resolution Up to 600 dpi render ed black (when printing from a computer) Color print resolution Up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi color on select HP photo papers with 1200 inp ut dpi.
Regulatory information The printer meets product requirements from regulator y agencies in your country/region. This section contains the following topics: • Regulatory model number • FCC statemen.
FCC statem ent FCC sta tement The U nited St ates F eder al Comm unications Co mmission (in 4 7 CFR 1 5 . 1 05 ) has spec ifi ed that the follo w ing notice be br ought to the attention o f users of this pr oduct .
Notice to users i n Japan about the p ower cord Noise e mission statemen t for Germany Geräusc hemission LpA < 7 0 dB am Arbeits platz im Normalbetri eb nach DIN 45 63 5 T .
Notice to u sers in Brazil Aviso aos usuários no Brasil Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário , isto é, não tem direit o à proteção contra interferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo , e não pode causar inter ferência a sistemas operando em caráter primário .
this product or product family and a vailable (i n English only) either within the product documentation or at the following web site: ww (typ e the product number in the search field).
Declaration of conformity DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO /IEC 17050-1 and EN 17050-1 DoC #: SNPRC- 1003-01-A Supplier's Name: Hewlett-Pac kard Co mpany Supplier's Address: declar.
Environmental product stewardship program Hewlett-Packard is committed to providing qualit y products in an environmentally sound mann er. Design for recycling has been incorporated into this product. The number of mater ials has been kept to a minimum while ensuring proper function ality and r eliability.
Disposal of waste equi pment by users in private househo lds in the European Unio n Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Households in the European Union This sy mbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this pr oduct must not be disposed of w ith your other household w a ste.
Power consumptio n Hewlett-Packard printing and imaging equipment marked with the ENERGY STAR® logo is qualified to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR specificat ions for imaging equipment. The following mark appears on ENERGY STAR qualified imaging products: ENERGY STAR is a U.
RoHS notices (Chi na only) Toxic and hazar dous substan ce table Environmental product stewardship p rogram 87.
Third-party licen ses This section contains the following topics: • HP Officejet 100 (L411) Mobile Printer HP Officejet 100 (L 411) Mobile Printer Third-party licences Zlib --------- Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Jean- loup Gailly and Mark Adler This software is provided 'as-is', w ithout any express or implied warranty.
Readme File Independent JPEG Group's free JPEG software --------- ---------- ---------- --------- ----- This pa ckage cont ains C softwa re to im plement JPEG image encoding, decoding, and transcoding. JPEG is a standardized comp ress ion method for full-color and gray-scale image s.
DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. TIFF Library. Rev 5.0 Lempel-Ziv & Welch Compr ession Support This code is derived from the comp ress program wh ose code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by Jame s A.
B HP supplies and accessories This section provides informati on on HP supplies and acce ssories for the printer. The informatio n is subject to changes, visit the HP Web site ( www for the latest updates. You can also make purchases throug h the Web site.
You can find the ink cartridge num ber in the following places: • On the label of the ink cartridge you are replacing. • On the printer status page (see Understand the printer information pages). • In the cartridge details feature in the H P software.
C Set up the printer for Bluetooth communication The printer allows you to print documents from Bluetooth devices without a cable connectio n. Simply print from a Bluetooth device such as a PDA or ca mera phone. You can also use Bluetooth technology to print from a computer to the printer.
Use a pa sskey to au thenticate Bl uetooth devi ces You can set the security level of the printer to either High or Low . • Low : The printer d oes not require a passkey. An y Bluetooth device within ran ge can print to it. NOTE: The default security setting is Low .
D Printer management tools This section contains the following topics: • Toolbo x (Windows) • HP Utility (Mac OS X) • Toolbox software for PDAs (Microsoft Windows Mobile) • Uninstall and reinstall the HP software Toolbox (Windows) Toolbox provid es maintenance information about the pr inter.
computer. Make sure to remove them cor rectly using the uninstall utility pro vided when you installed the HP software. There are three methods to uninstall the HP softwa re on a Windows computer, and one method to uninstall on a Macintosh computer. To uninstall from a Windows compute r, method 1 1.
6. Select In stall . 7. Follow the onscreen instructi ons. To uninstall from a Macintosh com puter, method 1 1. Open HP Utility. For instructions, see Open HP Utility. 2. Click the Application icon on the toolbar. 3. Double click HP Uninstaller . Follow the onscreen instructi ons.
Appendix D 98 Printer management tools.
E How do I? • Get started • Print • Work with ink cartridges • Solve a pr oblem How do I? 99.
Appendix E 100 How do I?.
F Errors (Windows) This list represents some of the errors you might see on the compu ter screen (Windows) and how to fix the errors. • Printer Disconnected • Ink Alert • Cartridge Problem • P.
Cartridge Problem The ink cartridge identified in the messa ge is missing, damaged, inserted into the wr ong slot in the printer, or not making full elec trical contact with the printer. To solve this problem, try the followin g solutions. Solutions are listed in or der, with the most likely solution first.
4. Pull the ink cartridge toward you, out of its slot. CAUTION: Do not tou ch the copper-colored contacts or ink nozzles. D oing so can result in clogs, ink failure, and bad electrical connections. 5. Hold the ink cartridge with the H P logo on top, and reinsert the ink cartridge.
To solve this problem, try one of the following: • Load the correct paper in the printer, and then press ( Resume button). For more infor mation , see Load media • Press the (Cancel button) on the printer’s control pan el, select a different p aper size in the print driver, and then pr int the document again.
To change the printer's status, complete the following steps. 1. Click Start , point to Settings , and then click Prin ters or Printers and Faxes .
Appendix F 106 Errors (Windows).
Index A accessibility 7 accessories warranty 70 acoustic emissions 77 after the support period 43 aligning ink cartridges 36 B battery charging 18 installing 17 recycling 17 removing 19 safety 17 batt.
load photo 16 tray 15 load cards 16 load envelopes 15 load media 15 M Mac OS custom-size paper 27 Print border less 28 Print photos 26 print settings 24 Mac OS X HP Utilit y 95 uninstall HP software 9.
tray capacity 75 media sizes supported 74 media types and weights supported 75 trays capacities 75 load m edia 1 4 locating 9 media sizes supported 74 paper guides illustration 9 troubleshoot blank pa.
P odręcznik użytk o w nik a © 20 1 1 Hew lett -P ack ar d D ev elopment Co mpan y , L.P . www m/go/cust omer care.
An important point after buying a device HP OFFICEJET 100 L411 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP OFFICEJET 100 L411 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP OFFICEJET 100 L411 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP OFFICEJET 100 L411 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP OFFICEJET 100 L411 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP OFFICEJET 100 L411, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP OFFICEJET 100 L411.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP OFFICEJET 100 L411. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP OFFICEJET 100 L411 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center