Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product IU 690 HP
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Installation and User's Guide TowerTray TM for HP LaserJet 4200, 4300, 4250, 4350.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Manual TowerTray TM for Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 4250 / 4350 Printers TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PREFACE 3 UNPACKING 4 BOX CONTENTS 6 INSTALLATION Hardware Installation 7 Printer Panel Sett.
Manual 0545 2 TowerTray TM for the HP LaserJet 4200 / 4300 / 4250 / 4350.
PREFACE Congratulations! You selected TowerT ra y, a modular expandable, sheet feeder specifically designed in collaboration with Hewlett-Packard, USA, to extend the paper handling c apabilities of the HP LaserJet 4200 / 4300 / 4250 / 4350. The TowerTray Option offers new possibilities.
UNPACKING Note: Prior to delivery, your TowerTray was thoroughly tested and carefully package d. Please check your unit for transportation damag e and/or missing parts immediate ly upon receipt. It is advisable to get a second person to help you unpack the unit.
UNPACKING Manual 0545 5 TowerTray TM for the HP LaserJet 4200 / 4300 / 4250 / 4350.
BOX CONTENTS Note: Prior to delivery, your TowerTray was thoroughly tested and carefully package d. Please check your unit for transportation damag e and/or missing parts immediate ly upon receipt.
INSTALLATION Warning : TowerTray may weigh up to 25 kilo gra ms (55 pounds) depending on configuratio n. To prevent back strain or injury, enlist the help of someone and bend your kn ees when lifting the unit. Warning : POWER OFF your printer and Towe rTray and disco nne ct all power and interface cables before you proceed with the installation.
INSTALLATION Position and Connect Printer Warning : The printer may weigh u p to 34 kilograms (75 p ounds). Enlist the help of a second person to lift the unit.
INSTALLATION Manual 0545 9 TowerTray TM for the HP LaserJet 4200 / 4300 / 4250 / 4350 Adapter Detail view of data cabel positioning With stacker • Connect stacker and TowerTray wi th the provided data cable (see picture): one end with the sta cker and the other end with th e TowerTray port.
INSTALLATION Manual 0545 10 TowerTray TM for the HP LaserJet 4200 / 4300 / 4250 / 4350 Numbering of Trays Cabel position in HP-Stacker after reinstallation Depending of how ma ny trays (original HP trays o r Towe rTray trays) a re being used - the T owerTray trays have to be numbered consecutivel y.
INSTALLATION Printer Panel Settings Papertype Assignments By default, each paper tray has assigned the paper typ e PL AIN. In case of a paper out in a selected tray, the printer automatically will pull paper from another tray.
INSTALLATION Configuring the To werTray Option Go to the Control Panel and select P rinters . There cli ck on the respective HP LaserJet Printer. Use the right mouse button to open the Se ttings.
OPERATING How to turn the system on Note: Power ON Printer and the TowerT ray will automatically power on by it self if the Printer is plugged in at the TowerTray’s power outlet.
OPERATING Reloading Paper While feeding occurs from a higher tray, lowe r one s may be reloaded without interru pting feedi ng and printing. To reload paper please refe r to 'Loadi ng Paper'. The printer panel message (n = draw er number ) TRAY n LOAD Media Type & Size indicates that the printer does not see the requested paper.
OPERATING • In case of a TowerTray paper error , the following messages will be displayed: 13.11 PAPER JAM IN INPUT ACCESSORY and TowerTray will beep with either on e of the following sequences (dependin g on type of erro r): or (TowerTray Paper Jam) (TowerTray Motor Block) Open the TowerTray trays, starting with the lowe st one.
PAPER QUALITY GUIDELINES General For paper storage and qual ity specifications, please consul t the relevant paper recommendati ons by Hewlett-Packard for the Q2440B tray.
APPENDIX A - Printer Specific Notes HP LaserJet Duplexer Option The printer's duplexing ca pabilities remain fully support ed with the Towe rTray paper h andling option installed.
APPENDIX B - Tips & Hints Printing on the wrong Paper Why doesn't it print from the tray I select ed? If a selected Tray # ran out of paper or does not contain t he pape r size assigned for t.
APPENDIX B - Tips & Hints Creating Paper Sequences for a Wor d Document It is widely known that in Page Setu p you have the possib ility to enter different paper sources fo r First Page and Other Pages. If there are other page s in the document, which ha ve to be printed on another paper, this can be defined in the same Page Setup window.
APPENDIX B - Tips & Hints The following table shows the intern al denominations of the paper source s: HP LaserJet Media Type Tray Denomination TF 1 256 e.g. Letterhead TF 2 257 e.g. Plain TF 3 258 e.g. Bond TF 4 259 e.g. Color TF = TowerTray Tray Example: The following Word Macro will produ ce a n origin al document (on company paper) incl.
APPENDIX B - Tips & Hints With ActiveDocument.PageSetup .LineNumbering.Active = False .Orientation = wdOrientPortrait .TopMargin = CentimeterToPoints (2.5) .BottomMargin = CentimeterToPoints (2) .LeftMargin = CentimeterToPoints (3) .RightMargin = CentimeterToPoints (1.
APPENDIX C - Standard Applications Where to select Paper Size and Pape r Type You select the Towe rTray option paper sources from y our standard application software the same way as the regular printers pape r sources.
APPENDIX D - PCL Paper Selection Commands Frequently used PCL commands for Paper Sele ction: LJ 42x0 / 43x0 LJ 42x0 / 43x0 T Command Function # Refers to LJ 42x0 / 43x0 N LJ 42x0 / 43x0 TN ESC & l # H Selects Paper 0 print/eject page print/eject page Source 2 Man.
APPENDIX E - Troubleshooting Diagnosing an Error Situation When calling for suppo rt, please have th e Printer te st pages at hand (Configurati on Page, Menu Map and Event Log Page as per APPENDIX G).
APPENDIX E - Troubleshooting TowerTray Beep Ty pes Typ e 0 TowerTray Reset Beep (e. g. after Powe r ON) (1x short) Typ e 1 Paper in TowerTray paper path after a p rinter Reset (short - short) Typ e 2 .
APPENDIX F - Printer Selftest Pages The following three functions allow you to print out inform ation about your printin g sy stem configuration. These pages can be selected via printer panel (Item: INFORMATION ME NU). Note: The information for the configuration page are record ed at power-up time.
APPENDIX F - Printer Selftest Pages Please refer to page 26 for more information on this page. Manual 0545 27 TowerTray TM for the HP LaserJet 4200 / 4300 / 4250 / 4350.
APPENDIX F - Printer Selftest Pages 3.10/2.30 TowerTray Firmware version (Logic/Jetlink) Please refer to page 26 for more information on this page. Manual 0545 28 TowerTray TM for the HP LaserJet 4200.
APPENDIX F - Printer Selftest Pages Error / Event code explanation see page 26 Please refer to page 26 for more information on this page. Manual 0545 29 TowerTray TM for the HP LaserJet 4200 / 4300 / .
APPENDIX G - TowerTray Selftest TowerTray Selftest Fe ature The TowerTray selftest feature allows to test the TowerT ray unit independently from any prin ter and computer. With this test you can check for correct paper f eeding (hori zontal position, skew, jam behavior).
APPENDIX H - Cleaning and Maintenance TowerTray does not re quire preventive maintenan ce. Cleaning of hou sing and removal of paper dust from within the TowerTray drawer s might now a nd then be indicated. Clean the outside of TowerTray with a lightly water-dampened clot h.
APPENDIX I – TowerTray Specifications Dimensions and Weights: Model Designation Width Depth Height Weight Basic Configuration (two trays) TT/22.10.00 475 mm 510 mm 360 mm 25.
D&P International B.V., Netherlands, reserves t he right to make changes to its products or services without prior notice and without incurring any obligations to incorporate such changes in units or publications shipped. D&P International B.V.
An important point after buying a device HP IU 690 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP IU 690 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP IU 690 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP IU 690 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP IU 690 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP IU 690, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP IU 690.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP IU 690. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP IU 690 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center