Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product XP24000 HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP S to r age W or ks XP2 4 000/XP20000 Snap shot U se r Guide Abstract This gui de explains ho w to use HP St orage W o rks XP Snapshot S oftware t o creat e space -eff ici ent point-in- time copie s of data volume s on an HP Stor age W orks XP2 4000/XP20000 st orage s ystem .
© Cop yr ight 200 7 , 20 1 1 Hew lett -P ack ard De velopment C ompany , L.P . Conf idential com puter softwar e. V alid license fr om HP requir ed for pos session , use or cop ying .
C ont ents 1 Ov ervi ew o f HP St or age W orks XP Sna pshot S oftwar e......................................6 XP Snapsh ot............................................................................................................................6 F eatur es .
Installing and U ninstalling XP Snapsh ot.....................................................................................42 Installing XP Sna pshot...................................................................................................
Subs cr iption se r v ice..........................................................................................................116 Doc umentatio n Feedbac k...........................................................................................
1 Ov erv ie w of HP S tor age W or ks XP Snap shot S oft w ar e This c hapter pr ov ides an o verv iew o f XP Snapshot and de scr ibes the f eatures and be nefits o f XP Snapsh ot.
• Impr o ves oper ational eff ic iency b y allow ing multiple pr ocesse s to run in par allel w ith access to the same inf ormati on. • Allo w s disk space to be used e ffi ci ently thr ough vo lume snapshots r ather than full-cop y clones , w hich he lps maximi z e disk space .
2 A bout XP Sna psho t Oper atio ns This c hapter de scr ibes the v olumes us ed by XP Snapsh ot and the functi ons of XP Snap shot . • “XP Snapsh ot Compo nents ” (page 8) • “XP Snapsh ot O.
XP Busine ss Cop y licens e capac it y inc ludes: • XP Snapsh ot P -V OLs • XP Snapsh ot pool-V OLs • XP Busine ss Cop y P - V OL s • XP Busine ss Cop y S - V OL s • XP Busine ss Cop y r eserv ed volumes The se vo lumes ar e called used v olumes .
In F igur e 2 (page 9) , Data A is sto red in s ome part of the P - VOL o f an XP Snapshot pair . Whe n the hos t req uests an update o f Data A to Data B, XP Sna pshot w ill copy Data A t o the pool volume in the pool bef or e the P - VOL is u pdated.
Y ou need to c reate a poo l when y ou use XP Snap shot . P ool- VOLs r egister ed in a pool can be added but cannot be de leted. In additi on, all sna pshot data in the pool m ust be delet ed to delete the pool itself . W ARN ING! T he capacity of a poo l is equal to the total ca pacity of the pool- VOLs r egister ed in the pool .
Cr eatio n of an XP Snapsh ot P air An XP Snap shot pair use s a V- VOL as its S- VOL . The re for e , yo u need to cr eate a V -V OL befo re cr eating an XP Snapshot pair . In an XP Snap shot pair , up to 64 S-V OL s can be spec ified f or a P -V OL.
Figur e 4 Overvie w of Storing XP Snapshot Data by a Consistenc y Group When an XP2 4000/XP20000 Disk Ar ra y accepts the command fr om RAID Manager , whi ch r equests s toring the data b y a consiste.
• Delete the XP Snap shot pair itself . • Delete onl y the snapsho t data. When an XP Sna pshot pair is deleted , not only is the snap shot data sto red in the pool dele ted, but also the r elationship betw een the P - VOL and the S- VOL w ill be releas ed.
Figur e 5 XP Snapshot P air Status T ransition 1 . If a v olume is not assigned t o an XP Snapshot pair , its statu s is SMPL. 2. Is sue the paircreate command on the SMPL v olume to c reat e an XP Snapshot pair .
the pair statu s changes to C OP Y(R S -R) . When the oper ation complet es, the pair st atus change s to P AIR. 6. A pool can co ntain onl y a predef ined amount of data . If the total capac it y of the sna pshot data in the pool e xceeds the poo l capac it y , the pair status c hanges to P SUE.
T abl e 3 P air Statuses and the Results of the RAI D Manager Commands (contin ued) RAI D Manager Command P air Status pairsplit -E pairsplit -S pairres ync -restor e pairres ync pairsplit paircreate .
T abl e 4 S SBs and Causes of Error Issued Upon R ejection of R AID Manag er Commands (continued) Cause of Err or RAI D Manager Command SSB When attempting to cr eate multiple XP Snapsho t pairs by spec if y ing multiple S - V OL s f or one P -V OL, y ou specif ied a pool ID that wa s differ ent fr om the one being us ed by e xisting pair s.
T abl e 4 S SBs and Causes of Error Issued Upon R ejection of R AID Manag er Commands (continued) Cause of Err or RAI D Manager Command SSB Becaus e either XP Snapsho t or XP Busines s Cop y is not installed , the command ends abnor mally .
T abl e 4 S SBs and Causes of Error Issued Upon R ejection of R AID Manag er Commands (continued) Cause of Err or RAI D Manager Command SSB When the XP Snap shot P -V OL and XP Con tinuous Acce ss Journal P -V OL shar e the vo lume, the statu s of the XP Con tinuous Acce ss Journal pair is other than P SU S or PS UE .
T abl e 4 S SBs and Causes of Error Issued Upon R ejection of R AID Manag er Commands (continued) Cause of Err or RAI D Manager Command SSB Becaus e you spec ified a pool- V OL as the XP Snapsho t S -V OL, the pair cannot be cr eated .
T abl e 4 S SBs and Causes of Error Issued Upon R ejection of R AID Manag er Commands (continued) Cause of Err or RAI D Manager Command SSB Becaus e you spec ified the XP A uto L UN sour ce volume a s the XP Snapshot P -V OL, the command ends abn ormally .
T abl e 4 S SBs and Causes of Error Issued Upon R ejection of R AID Manag er Commands (continued) Cause of Err or RAI D Manager Command SSB When XP Snap shot P -V OL and XP Con tinuous Acce ss S - VOL shar e the vo lume, the statu s of the XP Contin uous Acces s pair is COP Y .
T abl e 4 S SBs and Causes of Error Issued Upon R ejection of R AID Manag er Commands (continued) Cause of Err or RAI D Manager Command SSB When the XP Snap shot P -V OL and XP Busines s Cop y P- VOL shar e the volume , the XP Busine ss Cop y pair was in the pr ocess of r es ynchr oniz ation.
T abl e 4 S SBs and Causes of Error Issued Upon R ejection of R AID Manag er Commands (continued) Cause of Err or RAI D Manager Command SSB Becaus e one of the follo w ing cases happened , the XP Snapshot pair cannot be cr eated b y specify ing the consiste ncy number .
The C opy T hr eshold opti on is effec tiv e only w hen the load of the s tor age sy stem is hea vy . When the Cop y Thr eshold opti on is in eff ect , all the copy pr ocessing b y the res tor e operati on stop s. F or info rmation about the s etting of the Cop y Thr eshold optio n, call HP tec hnical suppo r t .
• Y ou need Data R etentio n Utilit y to s et the Read Onl y attribut e, the Pr otect attribu te, o r S -V OL Disable . Fo r details, s ee the HP Stor age W orks XP2 4000/XP20000 Data R etenti on Utility User Guide . • Y ou need RAID Manager to set the Z er o Read Ca pacity attribu te or the Inv isible at tr ibute .
(page 29) sho w the r elationship betw een the XP Snapsh ot pair status and XP Bu siness C opy oper ations f or shar ed volume s. F or detailed inf ormati on about XP Bu siness C opy pair st atus and oper ations , see the HP Sto rage W orks XP2 4000/XP20000 Busine ss Cop y Softw are Us er Guide .
T abl e 8 XP Business Cop y Operations f or Shared XP Snapshot P - VOL/XP Business Cop y P -V OL XP Snapshot P air Status XP Business Copy Oper ations PSUE COP Y (RS-R) COP Y (RS) SMPL (PD) PSU S P AI.
XP C ontinuo us Acce ss or XP C ontinuo us Acce ss Jour nal “XP Snapsh ot Operati ons fo r Shared XP Snap shot P -V OL/XP Continu ous Acces s or XP Contin uous Acces s Journal P - VOL ” (page 30) .
T abl e 1 1 XP Snapshot Oper ations for Shared XP Snapshot P - V OL/XP Continuous Access or XP Continuous Access Journal S- V OL (continued) XP Continuous Access / XP Continuous Access Jour nal P air .
T abl e 1 3 XP Continuous Access/XP Continuous Acces s Journal Operations for Shar ed XP Snapshot P -V OL/XP Continuous Access or XP Continuous Access Journal S - V OL (continued) XP Snapshot P air St.
3 Pr epar ing f or XP Snap shot Oper ati ons This c hapter de scr ibes the r equir ements f or using XP Snap shot , the installation pr ocedure f or XP Snapsh ot, and calc ulation of the numbe r of pairs that XP Snap shot can cr eate. R ead this chapt er bef or e you s tart the operati on of XP Snapsh ot.
T abl e 1 5 S - VOL Requir ements Requirement Item V -V OL Y ou cannot spec if y the f ollow ing vo lumes as XP Snapshot S-V OL s . • V olumes used as S-V OL s of XP Sna pshot pairs • V olumes use.
T abl e 1 6 P ool-V OL Requirements (continued) Requirement Item 8 , 1 92 Ho we ver , the maximum numbe r of pool-V OLs that can be register ed in each pool is 1 0 2 4. That is , you can c reat e up to 1 28 pools in one stor age sy stem. In addition , the volume alr eady regis tered a s a pool-V OL in a pool cannot be r egister ed in another pool.
Calc ulating the Max imum Number of P air s The n umber of XP Snapsh ot pairs that can be c reated f or a sto rage s y stem depends on the n umber of diff ere ntial table s, the capac ity of shar ed memory for the V - VOL manage ment ar ea, or the number o f pair tables .
2 6, 1 7 6 ÷ 4 = 6 ,544 Th us, the max imum number of XP Sna pshot pairs that can be c reat ed is 6,5 44. Calc ulating the Number of XP Snapsho t P airs b y Using the Shar ed Memory Capac it y f or t.
NO TE: Y ou can chec k the capac ity of the shared me mor y of the poo l assoc iati on infor mation and the pool managemen t block in the XP Snap shot w indow .
[ {(10 × 1,024 × 1,024) ÷ 524,288} × 524,288] = 31,668,568,064 ÷ 10,485,760 = 3,020 Accor ding to the re sult, the max imum number of XP Snap shot pairs that can be c reat ed is 3, 0 20.
P erfo rmance C onsider ations If XP Snapsh ot perfor ms a re stor e oper ation w hen the load of the subs yst em is heavy , it is more lik ely that ho st serv er I/O perfor mance (r esponse) ma y be degr aded. T he Cop y Thr eshold opti on allo ws y ou to effec tiv ely dec r ease the load of the su bs yst em.
Note s on Using Exter nal V olumes as P ool- V OLs B y using XP Exter nal Stor age, y ou can connect m ultiple stor age s ys tems to the XP2 4000/20000 Disk Ar ra y single stor age sy stem .
stor ing of snapshot dat a will no t resume , and the status o f some pairs ma y re main unchanged w hen the pow er supply is s witc hed again. • If inf ormatio n in the shared memo r y is lost afte r sw itching off the po wer su pply The s tor age sy stem has a battery to maintain the inf ormati on in the shared me mor y .
T o start XP Busine ss Cop y or L UN Expansion (L USE)/Virtual L VI/L UN (VLL) and displa y the windo w: 1 . Display the R emote W eb Console main w indow . F or inf ormatio n about ho w to displa y the Re mote W eb Cons ole main windo w , see the HP Sto rage W orks XP2 4000/XP20000 R emote W eb Cons ole User Gui de .
4 U sing the XP Snap shot GUI XP Snapsh ot infor mation and oper ations ar e pr esented o n Remote W eb Cons ole windo ws that ar e also used f or XP Busine ss Cop y and L UN Expansion (L USE)/Virtual L VI/L UN (VLL) .
Figur e 6 P air Operation Windo w T abl e 1 9 P air Operation W indow Items Description Item Displa ys the Displa y Filt er dialog box ( “Dis play F ilter Dialog Bo x (XP Snapshot T ab Selected)” (page 68) ) w her e you can filt er the volumes dis played in the v olume list .
T abl e 1 9 P air Operation W indow Items (continued) Description Item Applie s the operati ons display ed in the Prev iew list to the stor age s ystem .
T abl e 20 V olume List Items (continued) Description Item Displa ys w hen there is no v olume or pair to be displa yed . If y ou see the message in the V olume List , cli ck a differ ent icon in the tr ee on the left ar ea of the P air Operati on w indow .
T abl e 20 V olume List Items (continued) Description Item Displa ys the consist ency gro up number of the XP Snap shot pair . When the consis tency gr oup is not spec ified , dotted lines (- - -) ar e display ed.
T abl e 2 2 Menus of th e V olume List of XP Business Cop y's P air Operation Windo w (In Case an XP Snapshot P air I s Selected) Function Command Opens the Detail dialog bo x ( “Detail Dialog Box f or an XP Snapsh ot P air” (page 92) ). Detail Opens the P airsplit-S dialog bo x ( “P airsplit-S Dialog Bo x” (page 90) ).
Figur e 8 Pre view L ist T abl e 2 3 Pre view L ist Items Description Item Displa ys inf ormation abo ut the P -V OL in AAA-BB-CCC(XX:YY :ZZ) for mat. • AAA: The port ID (c luster and c hannel numbe.
T abl e 2 3 Pre view L ist Items (continued) Description Item Displa ys the cache logi cal partition of the P -V OL. CLPR(P) Displa ys the cache logi cal partition of the S-V OL. CLPR(S) Displa ys the code that indicate s the cause of the er ro r . If ther e is no err or , dotted lines (- - -) w ill display .
T abl e 2 4 History Windo w Items Description Item Allo ws y ou to r eturn to the pr ev ious page o f the list. T his button is selec table only w hen the number of ope ratio n histor ies in the st orage s ys tem ex ceeds 1 6, 38 4, w hich is the max imum number of hist orie s that can be display ed on one page .
T abl e 2 5 XP Snapshot History Reference Codes and M essages (continued) Description Message Code Re stor ation of an XP Snapsh ot pair ended abnormall y . COP Y(RS-R) END ED ABNORMAL 0x203 2 Snapsho t data was delet ed. COP Y(RS) 0x205 1 A failur e occur red and the st atus of the XP Snapsho t pair change s to PS UE .
T abl e 2 6 The XP Snapshot Windo w Display Description Item P ools in the disk stor age sy stem ar e displa yed in the tr ee style . The f ollow ing icons ar e display ed in the tree .
T abl e 2 6 The XP Snapshot Windo w Display (continued) Description Item X indicate s the capacity of the pool as soc iation inf ormation in use . Y indicate s the maximum po ssible capac it y of the pool assoc iation inf ormation , including the capac it y of the pool assoc iation inf ormation in u se.
T abl e 2 6 The XP Snapshot Windo w Display (continued) Description Item If y ou select and r ight-clic k the operati ons in the Prev iew list , the menu appears . Delete : Cancels the se lected oper ation and deletes the oper ation fr om the Pre view lis t in the XP Snapshot w indow .
T abl e 2 7 P ool Windo w Description Description Item The name o f the progr am produc t that uses pool management capac it y is displa yed . • used Indicate s the capacity (GB) of the pool manageme nt blocks in u se.
T abl e 2 7 P ool Windo w Description (continued) Description Item P ool-V OL list 5 8 Using the XP Snapsh ot GUI.
T abl e 2 7 P ool Windo w Description (continued) Description Item Info rmation abou t the pool-V OLs that are r egistered in the pool selec ted in the P ool tree .
T abl e 2 7 P ool Windo w Description (continued) Description Item y ou can add to the pool Adds the se lected volume(s) in the F ree LDEVs list as pool V OL(s) to the pool that yo u selected f rom the P ool tree .
T abl e 2 7 P ool Windo w Description (continued) Description Item Among the v olumes in the CU w hich is se lected fr om the CU drop-do wn list , the volumes that can be s pecif ied as pool- VOLs w ill be display ed. T he follo wing it ems are displa yed in the list .
T abl e 2 7 P ool Windo w Description (continued) Description Item Info rmation abou t the pool that you s elected in the P ool tr ee will be displa yed .
T abl e 2 8 M enus of the P ool T ree Function Menu Opens the Ne w P ool dialog box ( “Ne w P ool Dialog Bo x ” (page 71) ) . Y ou can select this menu co mmand only w hen you r ight-cli ck the XP Snapshot icon . New P ool When y ou ri ght-clic k the XP Snapshot icon: Deletes m ultiple pools at the same time.
V -V OL gr oup , use the V irtual L VI/L UN func tion . T o use the V ir tual L VI/L UN func tion , yo u need a licens e for this f unctio n. F or details about the V ir tual L VI/L UN func tion , see the HP Sto rage W orks XP2 4000/XP20000 V irtual L VI/L UN ( VLL) and V olume Shredder U ser Guide .
T abl e 2 9 V - VOL W indow Items (continued) Description Item Applie s the operati ons that have bee n performed in the V -V OL windo w to the stor age sy stem .
5 P erf or ming XP Sna psho t Oper ati ons This c hapter pr ov ides ins tructi ons fo r perfor ming XP Snapshot oper ations. • “XP Snapsh ot Proce sses ” (page 66) • “Conf iguring the V olum.
Figur e 1 3 Using XP Snapshot T o cr eate the pools and V -V OL s , you need t o use R emote W eb Co nsole . T o cr eate XP Snapsho t pairs and perf orm su bsequent ope rati ons, y ou need to us e the RAI D Manager . When de leting pairs , yo u can also use R emote W eb Console .
Figur e 1 4 Displa y Filter Dialog Bo x (XP Snapshot Tab Selected) • F or details abo ut the XP Business Copy tab o f the Display F ilter dialog bo x , see the HP Sto rage W orks XP2 4000/XP20000 Busine ss Cop y Softw are Us er Guide .
• P air Status bo x The f ollo w ing chec k box es ar e display ed. ◦ XP Business Cop y : Display s or hides the XP Busine ss Cop y pairs. ◦ XP Snapshot : Displa ys o r hides the XP Snapsh ot pairs . If the chec k bo x is not selec ted, all the c heck bo xes in eac h tab w ill be unav ailable .
1 . Change the mode of the R emote W eb Co nsole to Modify . If the mode is alr eady c hanged to Modify , y ou can skip this step . F or inf ormatio n on ho w to change the mode , see the HP St orage W orks XP2 4000/XP20000 R emote W eb Cons ole User Guide .
1 0. T o cr eate another pool , repeat S tep 1 and the subs equent step s. Cli ck Appl y . A conf irmatio n message is displa y ed asking if it is OK to apply the s etting to the stor age s ys tem. CA UTION: Y ou cannot delet e the pool-V OLs after yo u add them.
T o change the thr eshold of the pool: 1 . Change the mode of the R emote W eb Co nsole to Modify . If the mode is alr eady c hanged to Modify , y ou can skip this step . F or inf ormatio n on ho w to change the mode , see the HP St orage W orks XP2 4000/XP20000 R emote W eb Cons ole User Guide .
2 . Selec t and righ t -c lick the poo l you w ant to dele te in the P ool tree of the P ool windo w . A menu is displa yed . If the amount of the pool ca pacity that is us ed is other than z er o (0) GB, the menu w ill not be displa yed . 3 . Selec t the Delete Pool command fr om the menu .
2 . Cli ck Optimiz e in the P ool w indow . A conf irmatio n message is displa y ed asking if it is OK to optimi z e the V- VOL manage ment ar ea or the pool management bloc k. 3 . Cli ck OK . A conf irmatio n message is displa yed asking if it is OK to cance l all the operati ons perfo rmed in the P ool windo w .
gr oups ar e cr eated for XP Ext ernal S tor age, y ou can enter onl y a who le number under 6 3 2 2 1 . • If y ou cr eate multiple V -V OL gro ups at the same time , all V -V OLs that are go ing to be r egister ed in each V -V OL grou p will ha ve the s ame emulation ty pe and capac it y .
2 1 . Cli ck Appl y . The conf irmatio n message indi cating if it is OK to apply the s etting to the stor age s ys tem is displa yed . 2 2 . Clic k OK . The conf irmati on message c lose s and the new V -V OL infor mation is applied t o the subs yst em.
Figur e 1 8 Create V - VOL W izar d Dialog Bo x ( 1 ) The Cr eate V -V OL wi z ard di alog box ( 1 ) displa y s the follo w ing items. • V - VOL Gr oup V -V OL gro up ID that you s et in the New V -V OL Gro up dialog bo x is display ed. • Emulation T ype drop-do wn list Y ou can selec t the emulation ty pe of the V -V OL.
V -V OLs per V- VOL gr oup . In this case , ( 1 - 1 0) is display ed on the ri ght of the Number of V - VOL te xt box . • Set button Adds the V -V OL(s) to the V- VOL inf ormati on setting list . • Delete button Deletes the s elected V - V OL(s) fr om the V -V OL infor mation setting list .
Figur e 1 9 Create V - VOL W izar d Dialog Bo x (2) The Cr eate V -V OL wi z ard di alog box ( 2) display s the fo llow ing items. • V -V OL infor mation s etting list (upper r ight ar ea of the dialog bo x) Inf ormatio n about the V -V OL(s) that yo u are go ing to cr eate is displa yed .
list ar e displa yed . Numbers in the uppe r end and the left side indicat e the LDEV number . F or e xample , the LD EV n umber of the cell w hose u pper end is +2 and left side is +1 0 is 1 2 .
◦ : LDK C number or CU n umber . Indicates that S SID is assi gned to the all boundary ar eas. ◦ : LDK C number or CU n umber . Indicates the boundary ar ea with n o SS ID .
Figur e 2 1 Create V -V OL Wi zar d Dialog Box (4) The Cr eate V -V OL wi z ard di alog box ( 4) displa ys the f ollo wing it ems. • V - VOL Gr oup dr op-dow n list Y ou can selec t the V- VOL gr oup number of the V -V OL you s et . Note that yo u cannot enter the number .
Deleting V irtual V olumes and a V ir tual V olume Gr oup T o delete V -V OL(s) and a V - VOL gr oup: 1 . Change the mode of the R emote W eb Co nsole to Modify .
6. C lick OK . T he Delete V -V OL Grou ps dialog bo x clo ses. A co nfir mation mes sage indicating if it is OK to appl y the setting to the st orage s yst em is display ed. 7 . Clic k OK . The conf irmation mes sage clo ses and the deleti on of the V - VOL gr oups is appli ed to the sub sy stem .
• Icons The f ollo w ing icons ar e displa yed in the dialog bo x. ◦ V -V OL gro up ◦ V -V OL gro up (in the pr ocess of be ing deleted) • The P age ar ea display s the number o f the cur ren t page and the follo w ing items ar e used to change page s of the list .
Y ou can stor e one snapshot dat a at a time by using the pairsplit command , but y ou cannot spec ify the snapshot dat a ID. F or details abo ut the pairsplit command, s ee the HP Stor age W orks XP RAID Manager User Gui de . XP Snapsh ot does not suppo r t Quic k Split mode .
Consis tency gr oup: • Y ou cannot spec if y the XP Snap shot pairs in the same co nsistency gr oup if the pairs shar e the same v olume as P -V OL. If y ou spec if y thes e pairs in the same consis tency gr oup , the paircreate command w ill be r ejec ted.
case , find the consist ency gr oup numbe r by sorting the CT G column on the XP Snap shot w indow o r P air Operati on w indow o f XP Busines s Cop y , and cr eate a pair spec ifying the consist ency gr oup number in tentionall y .
XP Snapsh ot does not suppo r t Quic k Re sy nc mode . If you s pecify Quic k Re sy nc mode , snapshot data w ill not be delet ed ev en if the command ends nor mally . The re for e , ev en if y ou spec ify Quick R esy nc mode, Quic k Re sy nc mode does not t ake e ffect .
Figur e 23 P airsplit- S Dialog Bo x When y ou select an XP Sna pshot pair and displa y the P airsplit-S di alog box , the dialog bo x display s the fo llow ing items. • V olume list Inf ormatio n about the XP Snapsh ot pairs y ou ar e going to delet e is display ed .
◦ Capacity(MB) : stor age capac ity of the XP Snapsho t pair ◦ CLPR(P) : cache logical partitio n of the P - V OL ◦ CLPR(S) : cache logical partitio n of the S - V OL • OK button Clo ses the P airs plit -S di alog box and displa ys the list of XP Snapsh ot pairs in the Prev iew list .
Figur e 24 Detail Dialog Box f or an XP Snapshot P air The Det ail dialog bo x display s the fo llow ing items. • P -V OL LDK C number , CU number , and LDEV number o f the P - VOL ar e display ed. • Emulation Emulati on t y pe of the P -V OL is display ed.
◦ CLPR(S) : cache logical partitio n (CLPR) of the S-V OL ◦ CT G : consiste ncy gr oup number o f the XP Snapshot pair . When the co nsistency gr oup is not spec ified , dot ted line s (- - -) will a ppear .
info rmation f or the P -V OLs and S - VOL dis play s the path infor mation f or the S - V OLs in AAA-BB-CC C(XX:YY :ZZ) for mat . ◦ AAA: The po r t ID (clu ster name and c hannel number ) ◦ BB: T.
Figur e 2 6 Information Dialog Bo x The f ollo w ing infor mation w ill be displa yed in the Inf ormati on dialog bo x: • XP Business Cop y pair(s) The n umber of XP Bu siness Cop y pairs w ill be display ed in the for mat XXXX / YYYY .
fo r XP Busines s Cop y . Unlimited w ill be display ed w hen ther e is no limit on the licens e capac it y fo r XP Busines s Cop y . • XP Snapshot Used v olume (TB) L icense inf ormati on fo r XP Snapshot w ill be indicated in the f ormat of X( Y) .
6 . If ther e ar e more than 1 6, 38 4 reco rds o f operati ons, c lic k Next . T he list display s subseque nt r ecords o f oper ations . • If y ou cli ck Pre vious , the list s witc hes to the pr e vi ous page . • If ther e ar e 1 6, 38 4 or fe wer r ecords o f operati ons, y ou cannot cli ck Pr evious and Ne xt .
6 T r oublesh ooting This c hapter pr ov ides tr oubleshooting inf ormati on fo r XP Snapshot . • “Pr ocedure t o Reco ve r a Block ed P ool” (page 101) • “Pr ocedure t o Complet e the P ool.
T abl e 3 2 Tr oubleshooting for XP Snapshot Causes and Solutions Problem Cau ses: • Shar ed memory for the V -V OL management ar ea is not inst alled. • Shar ed memory is not set fo r the V- VOL management ar ea. • Shar ed memory for the differ ential tables is no t installed.
T abl e 3 2 Tr oubleshooting for XP Snapshot (continued) Causes and Solutions Problem Cau ses: • Ther e are not en ough differ ential table s to cr eate the pairs . • The conditi ons to cr eate the pair are not f ulfilled . • The v olumes spec ifi ed to cr eate the pair are in SMP L(PD) st atus because the pair is being delet ed.
T abl e 3 2 Tr oubleshooting for XP Snapshot (continued) Causes and Solutions Problem Cau ses: • Some ports go off line because the acces s to the volume on the othe r port(s) is r ejected . Soluti ons: • W ait for a w hile, then try the oper ation again.
4. Cli ck Appl y . The conf irmatio n message indi cating if it is OK to apply the s etting to the stor age s ys tem is displa yed . 5 . Cli ck OK . T he confir mation mes sage clo ses and the r estor ation of the pools is a pplied to the stor age sy stem .
T r ouble shooting Whe n Using XP RAI D Manager When an er r or has occ urr ed during an XP Sna pshot P air operati on using RAID Manager , see the log displa yed on the RAID Manager w indo w or the R AID Manager oper ation log file t o see if y ou can iden tif y the cau se of the er ror .
T abl e 3 3 Cause of Error and the Result o f R AID Manag er Command (S SB) Cause of Err or RAID Manager Command S SB2 SSB1 Becaus e of the shortage of the pair tables , XP Snapshot pair cannot be c reated . pair cr eate 9 68 5 B90 1 B9A8 B9A9 B9AD B9AE Becaus e of the shortage of the differ ential tables , XP Snapsho t pair cannot be cr eated .
T abl e 3 3 Cause of Error and the Result o f R AID Manag er Command (S SB) (contin ued) Cause of Err or RAID Manager Command S SB2 SSB1 The command e nded abnor mally becaus e the pair is in the status that the corr esponding co mmand is not accepted at pr esent .
T abl e 3 3 Cause of Error and the Result o f R AID Manag er Command (S SB) (contin ued) Cause of Err or RAID Manager Command S SB2 SSB1 pair cr eate, pairsplit , pairr es ync , pairr es ync - pairr es ync - Since y ou specif ied the vo lume that is in proces s of for matting as the XP Snapsho t P- VOL , the command ends abnor mally .
T abl e 3 3 Cause of Error and the Result o f R AID Manag er Command (S SB) (contin ued) Cause of Err or RAID Manager Command S SB2 SSB1 When XP Snap shot P -V OL and XP Con tinuous Acce ss Journal S oftwar e P- VOL shar e the volume , the status of the XP C ontinuous A ccess Journal pair is othe r than P SUS o r PS UE .
T abl e 3 3 Cause of Error and the Result o f R AID Manag er Command (S SB) (contin ued) Cause of Err or RAID Manager Command S SB2 SSB1 pair cr eate pairsplit , pairr es ync , pairr es ync - r estor e Since y ou specif ied the vo lume whos e emulation type is other than OP EN - V as the XP Snapsh ot S - VOL , the command ends abnor mally .
T abl e 3 3 Cause of Error and the Result o f R AID Manag er Command (S SB) (contin ued) Cause of Err or RAID Manager Command S SB2 SSB1 Since y ou specif ied XP Con tinuous Acce ss Journal S - V OL as the XP Snapshot S - V OL, the pair cannot be cr eated .
T abl e 3 3 Cause of Error and the Result o f R AID Manag er Command (S SB) (contin ued) Cause of Err or RAID Manager Command S SB2 SSB1 Since y ou specif ied the XP Aut o LUN t arget v olume as the XP Snapsho t P- VOL , the command ends abnor mally .
T abl e 3 3 Cause of Error and the Result o f R AID Manag er Command (S SB) (contin ued) Cause of Err or RAID Manager Command S SB2 SSB1 The XP Sna pshot pair cannot be cr eated fo r any of the follo wing r easons: • The shar ed memory is not incr eased .
T abl e 3 3 Cause of Error and the Result o f R AID Manag er Command (S SB) (contin ued) Cause of Err or RAID Manager Command S SB2 SSB1 When the XP Snap shot P -V OL and XP Business C opy P -V OL share the v olume, the XP Busine ss Cop y P- VOL y ou spec ified f or the XP Snapsho t P -V OL has consistenc y group settings .
T abl e 3 3 Cause of Error and the Result o f R AID Manag er Command (S SB) (contin ued) Cause of Err or RAID Manager Command S SB2 SSB1 Since the pool or the pool- VOL is bloc ked , the snapsho t data cannot be stor ed.
T abl e 3 3 Cause of Error and the Result o f R AID Manag er Command (S SB) (contin ued) Cause of Err or RAID Manager Command S SB2 SSB1 The XP Sna pshot pair cannot be cr eated becaus e the spec ified co nsistency gr oup number is out o f the range of the number that can be spec ified .
T abl e 3 3 Cause of Error and the Result o f R AID Manag er Command (S SB) (contin ued) Cause of Err or RAID Manager Command S SB2 SSB1 The XP Snap shot pair oper ation failed beca use the spec ified S-V OL is wr ong.
7 Su pport and other r eso ur ces C ontac ting HP HP tec hnical suppo r t F or w orld w ide techni cal support info rmation , see the HP support w ebsite: http://www .
• HP St orage W orks XP2 4000/XP20000 P erfo rmance Co ntr ol User Gui de • HP St orage W orks XP RAID Manager User Gui de Y ou can find the se doc uments on the HP Manuals w ebsite: http://www m/support/manuals In the St orage s ection , cli ck St orage Software and then selec t a produc t.
T abl e 34 D oc ument conv entions (continued) Element Conv ention • F ile and direc tory names • S yst em output • Code • Commands , their ar guments, and ar gument value s Monospace te xt .
Glos sary 3 3DC Thr ee data center . C CCI Command co ntro l interface . An HP RAID manager . CLPR C ache logical partiti on. CLPR(P) C ache logical partiti on of the P - VOL . CLPR(S) C ache logical partiti on of the S - V OL. CT G Consis tency gr oup .
P P - VOL Pr imar y vo lume. PDE V Phy sical de vi ce. PFUL P AI R c losing full statu s. PFUS P SU S clo sing full statu s. PS UE P air suspended-err or . PS US P air suspended-split . R RMI Remot e method inv ocation . S S-V OL Secondary or r emote v olume.
Inde x A access attr ibute , 2 7 Au to L UN, 2 7 C calc ulating the maximum n umber of pairs , 36 Change P ool Infor mation dialog bo x, 7 2 command de vi ce, 3 5 componen ts, 8 con venti ons stor age.
vo lume list, 4 6 vo lume requir ements, 3 3 W w ebsites HP , 1 1 7 HP Subs cr iber's Choi ce for Bu siness, 1 1 6 pr oduct manuals , 1 1 7 X XP Busine ss Cop y , 2 7 XP Con tinuous A ccess, 3 0 .
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP24000 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP24000 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP24000 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP24000 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP24000 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP24000, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP24000.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP24000. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP24000 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center