Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product QR486A HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP 3P AR S to r e Se r v 7 000/7 4 5 0 S tor age C abling C onf i gur ati on Gui de B: 2 Node S y ste ms w ith L ar ge 3 . 5-inc h Dr i v e Enc losur e s Abstract This gui de pro vides ca bling informati on for au thori z ed technic ians perf orming installati on and maintenance servi ces on the HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000/7 45 0 Stor age sy stems .
© Cop yr ight 20 1 3 Hew lett-P ack ard Dev elopment Co mpany , L.P . The inf ormation co ntained here in is subjec t to change w ithout notice . The only w arran ties for HP pr oducts and servi ces are se t forth in the expr ess war ranty state ments accompany ing such pr oducts and servi ces.
C ont ents 1 Ca bling Prepar ation f or HP 3P AR Stor e Serv 7 000/7 4 50................................. 4 F ollo w ing Preca utions................................................................................................................ 4 Identify ing and Labeling the C omponen ts.
1 C abling Pr epar ation f or HP 3P AR St or e Serv 7 000/7 4 5 0 The f ollow ing instructi ons list impo r tant pr ecautions and inf ormati on about ca bling installatio n options f or the HP 3P AR Stor eServ St orage s yst em.
T y pes of C omponen ts Use the r ed and green colo r coding to assist w ith the cabling. Onl y connect to co mponents shar ing the same color . Figur e 1 Identif ying Components and S AS P orts Ident.
L abeling the Enc losur es Bef or e connecting the cables: • La bels ( A , B , C , and D ) are pr ov ided to he lp identify the enclo sur es in the stor age s ys tem. Appl y the labels to eac h enclosur e in a visible locati on and av oi d cov er ing other labels • Appl y label A to the contr oller enclo sur e with node s 0 and 1 .
2 C abling HP 3P AR S tor e Ser v 7 000/7 4 5 0 The f ollo w ing illustr ativ e sections pr ov ide a rear v iew o f the rac k with r ecommended r acking conf igur ation of the s yst em.
Attac h DP - 1 Chains t o Enclosur es This s ys tem does not r equire an y connections t o node port DP - 1 . 8 Cabling HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000/7 45 0.
Attac h DP - 2 Chains to Enc losur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 2) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the B dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all A dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
R ev ie w Co mpleted C abling 1 0 Cabling HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000/7 45 0.
2 Node 2 Dr i v e Enclo sur es (2L) Bef or e you begin ca bling the stor age s yst em, car efull y read or pr int the follo w ing secti on, inc luding f igur es 1 and 2 , “Identifying and L abeling the Co mponents ” (page 4) .
Attac h DP - 1 Chains t o Enclosur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 1 ) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the A dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all A dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
Attac h DP - 2 Chains to Enc losur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 2) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the B dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all B dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
R ev ie w Co mpleted C abling 1 4 Cabling HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000/7 45 0.
2 Node 3 Dr i v e Enclo sur es (3L) Bef or e you begin ca bling the stor age s yst em, car efull y read or pr int the follo w ing secti on, inc luding f igur es 1 and 2 , “Identifying and L abeling the Co mponents ” (page 4) .
Attac h DP - 1 Chains t o Enclosur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 1 ) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the A dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all A dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
Attac h DP - 2 Chains to Enc losur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 2) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the B dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all B dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
R ev ie w Co mpleted C abling 1 8 Cabling HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000/7 45 0.
2 Node 4 Dr i v e Enclo sur es ( 4L) Bef or e you begin ca bling the stor age s yst em, car efull y read or pr int the follo w ing secti on, inc luding f igur es 1 and 2 , “Identifying and L abeling the Co mponents ” (page 4) .
Attac h DP - 1 Chains t o Enclosur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 1 ) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the A dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all A dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
Attac h DP - 2 Chains to Enc losur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 2) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the B dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all B dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
R ev ie w Co mpleted C abling 2 2 Cabling HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000/7 45 0.
2 Node 5 Dr i v e Enclo sur es (5L) Bef or e you begin ca bling the stor age s yst em, car efull y read or pr int the follo w ing secti on, inc luding f igur es 1 and 2 , “Identifying and L abeling the Co mponents ” (page 4) .
Attac h DP - 1 Chains t o Enclosur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 1 ) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the A dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all A dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
Attac h DP - 2 Chains to Enc losur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 2) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the B dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all B dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
R ev ie w Co mpleted C abling 2 6 Cabling HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000/7 45 0.
2 Node 6 Dr i v e Enclo sur es (6L) Bef or e you begin ca bling the stor age s yst em, car efull y read or pr int the follo w ing secti on, inc luding f igur es 1 and 2 , “Identifying and L abeling the Co mponents ” (page 4) .
Attac h DP - 1 Chains t o Enclosur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 1 ) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the A dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all A dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
Attac h DP - 2 Chains to Enc losur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 2) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the B dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all B dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
R ev ie w Co mpleted C abling 30 Cabling HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000/7 45 0.
2 Node 7 Dr i v e Enclo sur es ( 7L) Bef or e you begin ca bling the stor age s yst em, car efull y read or pr int the follo w ing secti on, inc luding f igur es 1 and 2 , “Identifying and L abeling the Co mponents ” (page 4) .
Attac h DP - 1 Chains t o Enclosur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 1 ) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the A dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all A dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
Attac h DP - 2 Chains to Enc losur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 2) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the B dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all B dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
R ev ie w Co mpleted C abling 34 Cabling HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000/7 45 0.
2 Node 8 Dr i v e Enclo sur es (8L) Bef or e you begin ca bling the stor age s yst em, car efull y read or pr int the follo w ing secti on, inc luding f igur es 1 and 2 , “Identifying and L abeling the Co mponents ” (page 4) .
Attac h DP - 1 Chains t o Enclosur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 1 ) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the A dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all A dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
Attac h DP - 2 Chains to Enc losur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 2) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the B dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all B dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
R ev ie w Co mpleted C abling 38 Cabling HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000/7 45 0.
2 Node 9 Dr i v e Enclo sur es (9L) Bef or e you begin ca bling the stor age s yst em, car efull y read or pr int the follo w ing secti on, inc luding f igur es 1 and 2 , “Identifying and L abeling the Co mponents ” (page 4) .
Attac h DP - 1 Chains t o Enclosur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 1 ) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the A dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all A dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
Attac h DP - 2 Chains to Enc losur es R ed ro uting 1 . Connec t Node 0 (DP - 2) to the I/O 0 (DP - 1 ) on the B dri ve e nclosur e clos est to the contr oller . 2. C onnect all B dr iv e enclosur es fr om (DP - 2) to (DP - 1 ) working a wa y from the controller .
R ev ie w Co mpleted C abling 4 2 Cabling HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000/7 45 0.
3 A dditio nal R eso ur ces and Re lated Doc umentati on C ontac ting HP F or w orld w ide tec hnical support inf ormati on, see the HP su pport websit e: http://www .
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR486A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR486A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR486A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR486A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR486A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR486A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR486A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR486A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR486A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center