Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product B6191-90028 HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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EMS Har dware Monitors Us er's Guide Manufacturi ng P art Number: B6191- 90028 September 2001 © Copyrig ht 2001 Hewlett-Packard Company.
2 Legal Noti ce s The i nform at ion conta ined i n this docu m ent is su bject to cha nge wit ho ut not ice. Hewlet t-P ackard mak es no warrant y of any ki nd with reg ard to thi s manual, i ncludi ng , but not l imite d to , the impl ied warrantie s of me rchan tability an d fitne ss f or a partic ular purpose .
3 Prin ting Hi stor y Septem ber 2001 Edit ion 1 The printin g dat e and pa rt nu mber i ndicate the c u rren t editi on. T he prin ting da te changes when a new editi on is printed. (Mino r correcti ons and updat es which are incor porated at reprint do not cause the date to ch ange .
Con tents 5 1. Introd uction Ha rdw are Mon ito ring Overvi ew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 What is Hardw are Moni tor ing? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con tent s 6 P olling or As ynchr onous? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Star tup Cl ient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con tents 7 Sample Gl obal Configu rati on Fi le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 Sample Monit or -Spe cific Confi gurat ion F i le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Sta rtup Con fig uratio n F ile .
Con tent s 8.
9 Abo ut Th is Manua l This guid e is inte nded f or u se by s ystem admin istr ators an d o thers inv olved i n manag ing H P- UX s ystem har dwa re r eso ur ces. It d esc rib es th e in sta l latio n an d u se o f E M S Ha rdwa re Moni tor s— an im port a nt too l i n mana ging t he op era tion and healt h of syste m h ardwar e r esour ces.
10 Supp or ting Do cum e ntatio n The follo wing doc umentatio n con tains informat ion related to the in stall ation an d us e of t he hard war e event monit ors: • Sup port Pl us: D iag no sti c s User 's Gui de - provid es in f or mation o n installin g the EM S Hardwar e Mon itors .
Chapter 1 Introduction 11 1 Introduction Thi s ch apte r int rod uces the EMS Har dwa re Mo nito rs. The top ics di scus se d in t his ch ap ter inc lud e: • Wha t is hard wa re mo nit or i ng? • .
Chapter 1 Introducti on Har d ware Moni toring O verview 12 Hardw are Mon itori ng Overv iew What is Hardware Monitoring? Ha rdwa re m onito r ing is the pr oce ss o f watch ing a ha rd ware re so urc e (su ch as a di sk) fo r the o ccurr e nce of any unusual activit y , call ed an e vent.
Chapter 1 Introduction Har dw are Monitoring Overvie w 13 How D oes Hardw are Mo nitoring W ork? The follo wing f igure sho ws the basic com pone nts involve d in har dware mon itoring. F i gure 1- 1 Com pon ents In volv ed in H ar dwa re Mo ni to ring The typic a l hardw are monito ring proces s w orks as follows: 1.
Chapter 1 Introducti on Har d ware Moni toring O verview 14 Benefit s of H ard ware Monitoring Ha rdware m onitor ing pr ovide s the follo wi ng be nefit s: • Reduces s ystem downti me by de tecti ng hardw are fai lures when th ey occu r , a llowin g you to quic kly identify and c orrec t proble ms.
Chapter 1 Introduction Har dw are Monitoring Overvie w 15 Prod ucts Supported by Hardware Monitors EMS hardw are mo n it ors are provided for a wide ra nge of s ystem hardw are re sources . The fo l lo wing lis t identifie s the types of hardware s uppo rted by m onitors at th e time of pu blic ation.
Chapter 1 Introducti on Har d ware Moni toring O verview 16 T ips for H ardware Mo nitoring Her e are some tips f or usin g har dwa re m onit ori ng. ✓ Keep hardwar e monitoring enabled to p rotect your system from unde tected fa ilures . Ha rdw are mon itorin g is an impo rtant too l for maintain ing h igh-ava ilability o n your syste m.
Chapter 1 Introduction Har dw are Monitoring Overvie w 17 Hardware Monitoring T erms The follo wing te rm s a re u sed thr ough out thi s guid e. Un de rstandin g them is impor tant when learnin g how the h ardw are event moni tors wor k and h ow to u se t hem e ffectivel y .
Chapter 1 Introducti on Har d ware Moni toring O verview 18 Ha rdwa re e vent monit or A mon itor dae mon tha t gath ers info rma tion on the op erat ion al s tatu s o f hard ware reso urce s. Ea ch mo nit or is res pon sib le f or wa tchi ng a sp eci fic gr ou p or type of ha rdw are res ources.
Chapter 1 Introduction Har dw are Monitoring Overvie w 19 Pe r i p h e r a l S t a t u s Monitor (PSM) Inclu ded wit h the hardw are ev ent monito rs , the PSM is a mo ni tor da em on t hat ac ts as a har dwa re s tat us mon ito r by conver t in g events to changes in ha rdw are res ource sta tus .
Chapter 1 Introducti on Har d ware Moni toring O verview 20.
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors 21 2 Install ing and Usi ng Monitors Thi s ch a pte r in st ruct s y ou on h ow to u se t he EM S Har dwa re M o nito rs to ma na ge your h ardw ar e r eso urce s.
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s Th e Steps In volved 22 The S tep s Invo lve d The step s i nvolve d in install ing and con figurin g hardware mon itoring are sh own in Figure 2-1 on page 23. Each ste p is describe d in deta il in this chapte r on the page indicate d.
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors The Steps In v olved 23 F igu re 2-1 Th e Step s for Insta lling and C onf igur ing Hardwa re Monito ring.
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s Inst al l ing EM S Har d w ar e Moni tor s 24 Instal ling EMS Ha rdware Moni tors The E MS Har dware Monito rs software i s dis tri buted with t he S upp ort To ols (diag nostic s).
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Instal ling E M S Har dware Mo nitors 25 more info rmat ion • If you are using MC /ServiceGuard (option al), you must have version A.
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s Checki ng for Special Requirem ents 26 Checki ng for Speci al Re quirement s Some devices hav e speci al re quirements in or der to be monitor ed. Ex amine the t abl es of supported products below to s ee if any of yo ur devic es h ave spe cial requirem ents.
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Checki ng for Special Requir emen ts 27 Ta b l e 2 - 2 D i s k P r o d u c t s Prod u ct Mod el /Pr oduct Num ber Spe cial Requirements All di sks bo u nd to t he s disk and di sc30 dri vers an d not u nder the c ontrol of anot her event monitor (suc h as a disk ar ray mo nitor) .
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s Checki ng for Special Requirem ents 28 All the tap e product s in the above table are monito red by th e SCSI T ape Dev ices Moni tor .
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Checki ng for Special Requir emen ts 29 T able 2- 6 F ibr e Chan nel Ad apter s Prod u ct Mod el /Pr oduct Num ber Spe cial Requirements HP F ibre Mass St ora.
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s Checki ng for Special Requirem ents 30 T able 2- 8 F ibr e C hann el Sw itc h Prod u ct Mod el/ Pro duct Nu mbe r Special R equirements HP Fi br e Channel Switch Supported b y: Fibre Chann el Switch Mon itor A5223A Th e FC Switch mo nitor require s: C++ runti me support patches: • 10.
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Checki ng for Special Requir emen ts 31 Ta b l e 2 - 1 1 I n t e r f a c e C a r d s Prod u ct Mod el /Pr oduct Num ber Spe cial Requirements SCSI1, SCSI2, & SCSI3 in terface c ards .
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s Using Har dware Monitor ing Requests 32 Us ing Har dware Monitor i ng Req uests Mon itori ng requ ests ar e use d to i mpl ement yo ur st rat egy for mo nit or ing hardw are re sou rces .
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Using Har dware Monit or ing Reque st s 33 F i gur e 2- 2 Bui ldin g a Mon it or ing R e ques t.
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s Runnin g the Monitoring Request Manager 34 Running the Moni torin g Reques t Manage r NO TE Y ou must be logge d on as root to run t he Monit oring Request M ana ger .
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Enabling H ar dware Event Monit oring 35 Enabl ing Hard ware Ev ent Mo nitori ng Hardw are ev ent mon itorin g must be enab led to prot ect you r syst em from u ndetect ed har dware failur es . All hardware mon itoring reque sts ar e ign ored while monit oring i s dis abled.
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s En abl i ng Har dware Event Monitor i ng 36 Defaul t Moni toring Reque sts A set of d efault monitori ng request s are c r eated for each hardw are event monitor .
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Listi ng Mon it or Descriptions 37 Listing Moni t or D escriptions One of the first steps in managi ng moni toring re quests is selecti ng the proper monitor for the hardw a re reso u rce.
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s View i ng Cu rrent M onitori ng Requests 38 V iewi ng Cur rent Monitori ng Requests Before addi ng or modifyi ng monitori ng requests , you should examine t he current moni toring r equests . Th e se incl ude the defa ult mo nitor ing req uests cr eated du ri ng system s tart up .
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Addin g a Monitor ing Requ est 39 Addi ng a Moni toring R equest Add ing a monito ring requ est is a c onveni ent way to add ano ther n otifica tion me thod fo r a monito r . Ea ch new notific ation meth od requires its ow n monitori ng reque st.
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s Addi ng a Monit oring Request 40 new ha rdware will be inclu ded in even t mon itoring. If yo u a dd a new cla ss o f sup po rted har dware re sour ce t o yo.
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Addin g a Monitor ing Requ est 41 Notif ica tion Method Th e following notific ation metho ds are available. EM AIL* - send s notificatio n to the specifie d .
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s Addi ng a Monit oring Request 42 Minor Wa r n i n g An eve nt that will not lik ely escal ate to a mo re s evere con di tio n if let un correct ed. S ystem o peratio n will not be in terrup ted and norma l u se o f th e h ardw are can c ont in ue .
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Addin g a Monitor ing Requ est 43 Example of Adding a Mo nito ring Request The follow ing e xample illu stra tes the pro cess of add ing a monitor ing re quest.
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s Addi ng a Monit oring Request 44 User Comment: (C)lear (A)dd Enter selection {or (Q)uit,(H)elp} [c] a <== ADD COMMENT Enter comment: [] This is a test message. IF DESIRED Client Configuration File: (C)lear (A)dd Use Clear to use the default file.
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Modifying Mon it oring Reque st s 45 Modifying Monitoring Requests Modifyi ng an existing mon itoring requ est is a conven ient way to alter one of th e settings used in the request . Simply select a moni torin g reques t and the n chang e the desired se tting.
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s V eri fyin g Hardw a re E v e nt M o nito ri n g 46 V eri fyin g Hardwa re Even t Moni toring Once yo u have crea ted the monito ring requ ests yo u need for your sy stem, you may want to verif y that they are w orki ng as y ou expec t.
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Checki ng D etail ed Monito ri ng Status 47 Checki ng Detail ed Monitor ing Status This op tion lets yo u view t he de taile d informatio n for all acti ve monito ring requ ests.
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s Retrie vi n g and Interpreti ng Event Messages 48 Retriev ing and Interpre ting E vent Messa ges Even t messages gen erated by hardw are monitori ng can be deli vere d using a va riety of n o tification methods .
Chapter 2 Installing and U sing Monit ors Deleti ng Mon it oring Reque sts 49 Deleti ng Monitoring Re quests Y ou may want to del et e any moni tor re qu es ts fo r a har dwa r e res our ce tha t ha s bee n re mov ed fro m you r system. Only req uests c reated exclu sively for t he mis sing r es our ce s hould be delet ed.
Chapter 2 Instal ling and Using M onitor s Disab l ing H ard ware E vent Mon itoring 50 Disa bling Hardw are Eve nt Mo nitori ng Y o u can disabl e har dware eve nt m onitor ing if d esir ed. Ho wever , all EM S H ardware Monito rs w ill be disabled. Y o u cann ot di sable a spe cific mo nitor .
Chapter 3 Detailed D escription 51 3 Det ailed Desc ription This ch apter descr ibes EMS H ardware Mo nito rs in detail. Th e topics di scussed in this chapter include: • H ardware moni toring archite cture. • H ardware moni toring reques t ma nager .
Chapter 3 Detailed D escri ption Th e Detai led Pictur e of Hard w are Monit o ring 52 The D etai led Pict ure o f Hard ware Moni tor ing The follo wing fig ure sh ows th e major compon ents in volved in hardwa re monitor ing and th e communi cation path s between them.
Chapter 3 Detailed D escription The Detail ed Pict ur e of Hard war e Moni t ori ng 53 Com ponen ts from Three Di fferen t Appli cati ons Hardwa re event monito ring involve s components from three differ ent applica tions: • Event Moni toring System (EMS) pr ovides the framew ork f or eve nt notifi cation .
Chapter 3 Detailed D escri ption Th e Detai led Pictur e of Hard w are Monit o ring 54 EMS Hardware Event Mon itor The EMS hardwa re event mon itor i s the key c omponent in the event monit oring arch itect ure . An ev e nt monit or i s a daemon proc es s , r u nnin g in the backgro und con tinuous ly .
Chapter 3 Detailed D escription The Detail ed Pict ur e of Hard war e Moni t ori ng 55 follo wing t he e xec utio n of the IOSCA N u tility , or wh en m anag ing req uests using t he H ardwa re M onit.
Chapter 3 Detailed D escri ption Th e Detai led Pictur e of Hard w are Monit o ring 56 Fil e L o ca t i on s The follo wing tab le lists the locati ons of the files inv olve d in hardwar e moni toring. In the above table, mo nito r_ name is the name of a par ticular moni tor such as armmon .
Chapter 3 Detailed D escription The Detail ed Pict ur e of Hard war e Moni t ori ng 57 Star tup P roce ss ( in Deta il ) The foll owing s teps des crib e the pr ocess u sed t o s tart t he har dwar e moni toring . Th e startup pr oces s is illustr ated in Figu re 3-2 on pag e 57.
Chapter 3 Detailed D escri ption Th e Detai led Pictur e of Hard w are Monit o ring 58 Dis abl in g Mon ito ri ng Ha rdware m onitor ing can be dis able d u sing the Ha rdware M onitor ing Req ue st M ana ger . D isab ling mon it oring d isab le s all EMS Ha rdw are Mo ni to rs .
Chapter 3 Detailed D escription The Detail ed Pict ur e of Hard war e Moni t ori ng 59 Asynch rono us Ev ent De tect ion ( in De tail ) The foll owing s teps des crib e the pr oc e ss inv olved in asy nchro nous ev ent det ection . Th e async hron ous dete ction is illustr ated in Figure 3- 3 on page 60.
Chapter 3 Detailed D escri ption Th e Detai led Pictur e of Hard w are Monit o ring 60 F igure 3-3 Async hronous Event Detecti on Proces s.
Chapter 3 Detailed D escription The Detail ed Pict ur e of Hard war e Moni t ori ng 61 Event P oll ing ( in Detail ) The follo wing is th e proc ess used for gath ering ev ent inform atio n using p ollin g . The pol ling pr ocess is illustr ated in Figu re 3-4 on pag e 62.
Chapter 3 Detailed D escri ption Th e Detai led Pictur e of Hard w are Monit o ring 62 Figur e 3- 4 M on itor ing P ol ling Pr oces s.
Chapter 3 Detailed D escription The Detail ed Pict ur e of Hard war e Moni t ori ng 63 Figur e 3-5 Me mor y Mon ito r P o lli ng Pr oces s.
Chapter 3 Detailed D escri ption Th e Detai led Pictur e of Hard w are Monit o ring 64.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eri pheral Status Monitor 65 4 Using the P eripheral St atus Moni tor This chap ter describe s the periphe ral statu s monitor , whi ch converts h ardware event s to status info rmation fo r use b y M C/Ser vice Guard .
Chapter 4 Using t he P eripheral Status Monitor Per ipher al Status M o nit or Overview 66 P eriphera l Status Mo nitor Overview The pr imary functi on of the peripher al stat us monitor , o r PSM, is t o convert h ardwar e events i nto ch anges in dev ice st at us.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eri pheral Status Monitor How Does t he PSM W ork? 67 How Does t he PSM W o rk? The PSM conver ts hard ware events d etected by the EMS H ardwar e Monito rs to “UP ” or “D OWN” stat us, which is us ed by MC/S ervic eGuar d in contro lling pa ckage fail over .
Chapter 4 Using t he P eripheral Status Monitor How Does the P SM W ork? 68 F igu re 4-1 P eriph eral St atus Mo ni tor.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eri pheral Status Monitor How Does t he PSM W ork? 69 PSM Components The PSM compri ses the follow ing components , w hi ch are inst alled along wit h t he hard ware ev ent monitor s. Each com pone nt has its ow n man p age co nta ining d etailed inform at ion abo ut its ope rati on.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eripheral Status Monitor How Does the P SM W ork? 70 The status r esource c lass pat h fo r each mo n itor is incl uded in the mon it or descr iptio ns ar e avai lable on t he W eb at htt p:/ /docs.h p.c om/hpu x/o nlined ocs /diag/e ms/ emd_su mm.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eri pheral Status Monitor Configur ing MC/ServiceGuar d P ac kage Dependencies with the PSM 71 Con f igu rin g MC /S ervi ceGua rd P ackag e Dep ende ncies with t he PS M The PS M allow s you to cre ate MC/ Serv ice G ua rd pack a g e depen denci es fo r resou rces mon ito red by E MS Ha rdwa re Mo nit ors.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eripheral Status Monitor Confi guring M C/ServiceGuar d P ackage Depend encies with t he PSM 72 Config uri ng P ac kag e D epe ndenc ies usin g SAM The p rocedu re ass umes y ou have ta ken t he ne cessar y steps t o creat e the package to w hich you w ill be ad din g r eso urce dep e nden cies .
Chapter 4 Using t he P eri pheral Status Monitor Configur ing MC/ServiceGuar d P ac kage Dependencies with the PSM 73 Conf iguri ng P acka ge Depe ndenci es by Edi ting the Co nfigura ti on F ile Y o u can also add PSM p ackage d epen dencies by editing the package config uration f ile in /etc/c mcl ust er/pkg .
Chapter 4 Using t he P eripheral Status Monitor Creatin g EMS Monitor ing Requests for PS M 74 Crea ting EMS Monitoring Reques ts for PSM In additi on to cre a tin g M C/S erviceGu ard p ackage depen dencies , y o u can al so u se t he PSM to creat e EM S monit oring reques ts.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eri pheral Status Monitor Monitor ing Requ est Pa r amete r s 75 Monitor ing R equest P arameter s The f ollowin g inf orma tion descr ibes in detail th e mo nitoring r equest param eter s and offe rs tips on h ow t o us e them .
Chapter 4 Using t he P eripheral Status Monitor Moni tori ng Request P arame ter s 76 interval is th e m aximum amo unt of elapse d tim e before EMS will be aware of a ch ange in statu s for th e hard w a re re source be ing m oni tored. A short p ollin g int erval w ill ensur e t hat you h ave r ecent data.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eri pheral Status Monitor Monitor ing Requ est Pa r amete r s 77 EMS_NORMAL_OID "" - Normal notification EMS_ABNORMAL_OID "" - Abnormal notification EMS_RESTART_OID "1.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eripheral Status Monitor Moni tori ng Request P arame ter s 78 T o set for a system lo g notifi catio n: 1. S elect th e Sys log opt ion fro m the < Notify via> li st. Cons ole This option sen ds event n oti fic ation to t he s ys tem consol e .
Chapter 4 Using t he P eri pheral Status Monitor Copyi ng M onit oring Reque sts 79 Copying Monitoring Reque sts Ther e ar e tw o w ays t o use the co py fu ncti on: • T o create request s for multiple re sour ces us ing the sa me m onit oring par ame ters.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eripheral Status Monitor Modi fying Monito r ing Request s 80 Modifying Monitoring Requests T o ch ange the mo nito ring par ame ters of a r eq uest : 1. Fr om th e Event Monitor ing Ser vice mai n s creen, s elect th e monit oring request whose parameters you wis h to mo d ify .
Chapter 4 Using t he P eri pheral Status Monitor Removing Mon it or ing Requests 81 Removing Monitor ing Reque sts The Remov e Monitor ing Request s fu ncti ons with mult iple request s as w e ll as single request s . T o remo ve moni tori ng req uests : 1.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eripheral Status Monitor View i ng M onitorin g Requests 82 V iewi ng Monito ring Req uests T o view the pa rameters f or a moni toring re quest: 1.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eri pheral Status Monitor Using the set_fixed Utility to Restore Hard ware UP State 83 Usi ng the set_fixed U tility to Re store Hardwa r e U P State Mos t har dw are event mon itor s can not det ec t wh en a hard wa re f ail ure ha s be en r epa ire d and t he res ourc e has been r eturned to n or mal oper atio n.
Chapter 4 Using t he P eripheral Status Monitor Using the set_fixed U tility t o Restor e Har dware UP State 84.
Chapter 5 Hardware Monitor Configur ation Files 85 5 Hardware Monit or Configuration Fi les Sever al conf igurati on file s are used to c ontrol the operation of each hardwa re eve nt monitor . The operation of the mo nitor can be altered by e diting the conten ts of the vario us conf igurat ion files.
Chapter 5 Hardwar e Monitor C onf igur at ion Files Moni tor Configu ratio n Files 86 Monitor Con figurat ion F iles Two confi guration files cont rol the o peration of each hardware event monitor : • Gl obal mo nito r co nf igur atio n fi le .
Chapter 5 Hardware Monitor Configur ation Files Monit or C onfigurat i on Fi l es 87 Fil e N a me s Global configu ration fil e: /va r/st m/c onfig/ too ls/mon ito r/Globa l.c fg The file nam ing c onvent ion for t he startup config uration f iles is: /var/s tm/ con fig/to ols/ monito r/m onitor _na me.
Chapter 5 Hardwar e Monitor C onf igur at ion Files Moni tor Configu ratio n Files 88 Conside rat ions f or Modifyin g t he Mo nitor Confi gur atio n File S ettin gs The d efau lt c onfig uration settin gs for each monit or have been c arefu lly select ed to pro vide e ffic ient monito ring for most sys tem s .
Chapter 5 Hardware Monitor Configur ation Files Monit or C onfigurat i on Fi l es 89 Event Defi n iti on Y o u m ay want to alt er the event def inition in a monito r -spe cific c onfigu ratio n file to chang e the se verit y level ass igned to an event, or to suppress repor ting of an event.
Chapter 5 Hardware Monitor Configur ation Files Monit or C onfigurat i on Fi l es 91 #POLL_INTERVAL 5 # polling interval in minutes #REPEAT_FREQUENCY 1440 # in minutes, for one day #******************.
Chapter 5 Hardwar e Monitor C onf igur at ion Files Startup Configuratio n File 92 St artup Conf igura tion F ile Each ha rdware eve nt moni to r has its own star tup con figur ati on file wh ich co n tains the mo n itori ng re qu es ts curre ntly defined for the monitor .
Chapter 5 Hardware Monitor Configur ation Files Startup C onfigurat ion Fi l e 93 Cons ide rat io ns f or Modi fyin g t he Star tu p Co nfigu rati on File Set tin gs Whil e you c an e dit t he conten .
Chapter 5 Hardwar e Monitor C onf igur at ion Files Startup Configuratio n File 94 T a bl e 5-3 Startup Co nfiguration File Entries Keywor d V alues Desc ript ion T a rg et Type (r equi red) V alid va lues incl ude: UDP TCP OP C SNM P TEXTLO G SYSL OG EMAIL CONSOLE Identifies the method of notific ation u sed.
Chapter 5 Hardware Monitor Configur ation Files Startup C onfigurat ion Fi l e 95 Def ault File Entries The follo wing d efault moni toring re ques ts illustra te the stru cture of th e entrie s in the sta rtup conf igurat ion file.
Chapter 5 Hardwar e Monitor C onf igur at ion Files P er i pheral Status Monit or (PSM ) Con fi gur ati on File 96 P eriphe ral Status Mo nitor (PSM) Conf igu ration F ile Inter action b etween the PSM and a ha rdware even t monito r is controlle d by a PSM co nfigura tion file.
Chapter 5 Hardware Monitor Configur ation Files Pe ripheral Status M onitor (P SM) C onfiguration File 97 Conside rat ions f or Modi fyin g t he PSM Conf igurat ion Fil e • T he only ch ang e you sh ould c onsi der m akin g to the PSM conf igur ation file is rede fin ing th e se verity le vels which cause a chang e to DOWN stat us.
Chapter 5 Hardwar e Monitor C onf igur at ion Files P er i pheral Status Monit or (PSM ) Con fi gur ati on File 98 T ab le 5-5 P SM Co nfigura tion File Field s Keywor d V alu es De scripti o n MONITO.
Chapter 5 Hardware Monitor Configur ation Files Pe ripheral Status M onitor (P SM) C onfiguration File 99 DOWN_SEVERITY_THRESHOLD (Option al. This v alue is requ ired if DOWN_SEVERITY_OPERATOR is spec.
Chapter 5 Hardwar e Monitor C onf igur at ion Files P er i pheral Status Monit or (PSM ) Con fi gur ati on File 100 Example F ile Entries The follo wing e xamples illustr ate the var ious type s of file entr ies that can be ma de fo r the PSM m onitor .
Chapter 6 Special Procedures 101 6 Special Proce dures This chapter describes t he s pecial procedure s requ ired for th e Fi bre Channel Arbi trated L oop Moni tor ( dm_fc_ hub ), an d fo r t he F ib r e Ch a nn el S w it ch M on i to r ( dm_fc_ sw) .
Chapter 6 Special Procedures Fibr e Channel A rbi trated L oop Hub Monitor 102 F ibr e Chan nel Arb itrated L oop H ub Monitor His tor y • IPR 9902: Initial release Su ppor ted Pr od uc ts • Fibre.
Chapter 6 Special Procedures Fibr e Channel A rbi trated Loo p Hub Moni tor 103 In itia l Mo ni tor Con f igur a tio n Unlike the oth er EMS H ardware Monitor s, t he FC-A L hub mo nitor requ ires s ome initial c onfigu ra tion befo re it will fun ction.
Chapter 6 Special Procedures Fibr e Channel A rbi trated L oop Hub Monitor 104 Addi ng or Remo ving an FC -AL H ub Add ing or r emov ing a hub fro m th e m on itor con figur ation invo lves cha nging th e sa me con figu ration fil e sett ings des crib ed in t he prece din g pr ocedur e, HUB_ COUNT and HUB_X_ IP_ ADDRES S .
Chapter 6 Special Procedures Fibr e Channel A rbi trated Loo p Hub Moni tor 105 • Re peat Freq uen cy: 1 day (1440 minute s) • Severi ty Action: Notify for all le vels The hub m onit or also uses th e followin g settin gs to config ur e the SNMP e nviro nmen t used by the hub.
Chapter 6 Special Procedures Fibr e Channel A rbi trated L oop Hub Monitor 106 PSM Co nf igur atio n File File name: /var /st m/conf ig/t ool s/moni tor /dm_fc _hu b.psmcf g Defaul t s etting s: • PSM Resou rce Nam e: /conn ectivi ty/ status/ hub s/F C_hub • St ate H and ling : Requ ires th e use of se t_fixed to set UP s tate .
Chapter 6 Special Procedures Fibre Chann el Swi tc h Monitor 107 F ibr e Chan nel Swi tch Monito r His tor y • IPR 9904: Initial release Su ppor ted Pr od uc ts • G igabit Fibre Channel Sw itch Model A5223A Spec ial Req uirem ents The FC Switch monitor requires : C++ r untime s upport pat ches: • 10 .
Chapter 6 Special Procedures Fibr e Channel Switch M onitor 108 Con figur ing t he FC Switc h Mo nito r Conf igur ati on F ile T o conf igur e the FC swit ch monito r conf igurat ion file comp let e the followin g step s: Step 1. Dete rmin e w hich swit che s you wa nt th e moni to r to be re spo n sible for .
Chapter 6 Special Procedures Fibre Chann el Swi tc h Monitor 109 Chan gi ng th e F C Sw itch Mo nit orin g Conf igu rat io n T o change t he F C switc h monit oring conf igurati on co mpete th e follow ing st eps: Step 1. Det ermine the IP a ddres s for ea ch switc h you are add ing or deleti ng.
Chapter 6 Special Procedures Fibr e Channel Switch M onitor 110 what swit ches should mon itored . Ch ang es t hat in volve add ing o r de leting switc hes to th e c onfigu ratio n f ile while th e mo.
Chapter 6 Special Procedures Fibre Chann el Swi tc h Monitor 111 PSM Co nf igur atio n File File name: /var /st m/conf ig/t ool s/moni tor /dm_fc _sw .psmcfg Defaul t s etting s: • PSM Resou rce Nam e: /conn ectivi ty/ status/ swi tch es/FC_ sw • St ate H and ling : Requ ires th e use of se t_fixed to set UP s tate .
Chapter 6 Special Procedures Fibr e Channel Switch M onitor 112.
113 A addin g event monitor ing requests , 39 add ing P SM mo ni torin g re ques ts , 74 asy nch rono us eve nt det ect ion , 54 , 59 , 60 C cha nging d evic e status , 83 ch ecking de t ail ed monit .
Index 114 desc ription , 54 har dwa re m on ito rin g benefits , 14 con figuratio n file s , 85 detai led d escription , 52 disab ling , 50 , 58 enab ling , 35 files inv olve d , 56 how it works , 13 .
Index 115 U UPS support ed by monitors , 28 V veri fyi ng eve nt mon itori ng re que sts , 46 view ing ev ent mon itoring reque sts , 38 viewi ng PSM monito ring reque sts , 82 , 83.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6191-90028 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6191-90028 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6191-90028 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6191-90028 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6191-90028 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6191-90028, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6191-90028.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6191-90028. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6191-90028 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center