Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 9840 HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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9840 T ape Dr ive Ope rat ions G uide Abstra ct This guide d escribes how to perfo rm routine system operations fo r the 9840 t ape drive and associ ated t ape libraries o n HP NonS top™ servers and Integ rity NonS top NS - series server s.
Docum ent Hist o ry Part Nu mber Produ ct V ersion Publish ed 4295 96- 00 1 N. A. Mar ch 20 01 4295 96- 00 2 N. A. Jun e 20 05.
Hew let t-Packard Company — 429596-002 i 9840 T ape Drive Operati o ns Guide Glo ssar y Index Exam pl es Figures Ta b l e s What ’s Ne w in This Manual vii Manual Info rmation vii New and Changed Info rmati on vii Abou t This Manua l ix Not ation Convention s ix 1.
Contents 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 ii 4. L700 T ape Library S topping a T ape Devi ce using S CF 3-7 Clean ing the T ape Pat h 3-8 T o Dry-Clean th e T ape Path 3- 9 Perf ormin.
Contents 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 iii A. 9840 T roub leshoot ing and Recovery Moving the Robot 4-25 A. 9840 T roubleshoo ting and Recovery Han dling Errors or Indications A- 1.
Contents 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 iv Safet y and Complianc e Safety an d Comp liance Inde x Exam ples Fig ur es Fi gure 1- 1. The 98 40 T ap e Cartri dge 1-3 Fi gure 2-1. 9840 Op erator P anel 2-1 Fi gure 4-1. Operato r Panel Di splay , Contro l, and I ndicators 4- 2 Fi gure 4-2.
Contents 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 v Ta b l e s Fi gure C-4. Rea r View of the Fibre C hannel to S CSI Route r C-4 Fi gure C-5. Front View o f the T a pe Drive C-5 Fi gure C-6. Rea r View of the T ape Drive C-6 Fi gure C-7. V iew of T w o FCSAs at the Rear of the Server C-7 Fi gure C-8.
Contents 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 vi.
9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 vii What’ s New i n This Manual Ma n u a l In f o rm a t i o n 9840 T ape Drive Operat io ns Guide Ab stract This guide describes ho w to per form r.
What’s New i n Thi s Manual 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 viii New and Changed Inform ation.
9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 ix About Th is M anual Not ation Conventions Hype rtext Links Blue u nderline i s used to indica te a hyperte xt link within t ext. By clicki ng a pa ssage of text w ith a blue und erline, you are t aken to the location describ ed.
About T his Manu al 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 x Change Bar Notat i on.
9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 1- 1 1 9840 T ape Drive Overview This section contains: 9840 T ape Drive Descripti on The 98 40 is a small, modular , hi gh performan ce t ape drive de signed for N onS top servers.
9840 T ape Drive Overview 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 1-2 Perform ance The 98 40 tape drive can store up to 60 gigabyt es (GB) on a S TK1R dat a cartri dge. Performance The 98 40 tape drive stores and sh ares inform ation reliabl y and quickly .
9840 T ape Drive Overview 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 1-3 9840 T ape Cartridge Description Figu r e 1- 1. T h e 9840 T ape Cartrid ge A. Rear view 4. W rite prote ct switch B. Front vie w 5. Fing er grip s C. Botto m view 6. VOLS E R la bel 1.
9840 T ape Drive Overview 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 1-4 Wher e to Fi n d More In fo rma t ion Where to Find More Informati on Use t his manual in conjunction with these man ual.
9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 2-1 2 9840 O p erator Panel This section contains: Operator Panel Descri ption The 98 40 operat or pan el has a ten- digit display , four p ush-button switches, an d four indicators. Figure 2- 1 illustra tes the 9840 oper ator p anel.
9840 Operator Panel 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 2-2 Operat or Panel Switches 4. Servi ce indicator 5. IPL swi tch 6. Man ual unload devi ce 7. Unload switch 8. Oper ator display 9. Menu switch 10. Select switch 1 1. T ape cartr idge en try Operator Panel Swit ches Ta b l e 2 - 1 describes the operator panel swi tches.
9840 Operator Panel 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 2-3 Operat or Panel Switches T able 2-1. O perator Pan el Switches Control Name Control Descr ipt ion Unload Switc h Pres sing this sw itch c aus es the tape t o r ew ind an d un load, endin g wi th t he tap e ej ec ted a nd r et rie vabl e.
9840 Operator Panel 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 2-4 Operat or Panel Switches IP L S w i t c h Use th e IPL switc h to reset the t a pe drive w hen necessar y .
9840 Operator Panel 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 2-5 Operato r Panel LEDs Operator Panel LEDs Ta b l e 2 - 2 describes the 9840 Oper ator Panel LEDs. T a ble 2-2 . O perato r Pan el L EDs LED Name St atus Indica tor Description Pow er (gre en ) Off Pow er is off.
9840 Operator Panel 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 2-6 Operato r Panel LEDs Ta b l e 2 - 3 explains error ind i cati ons shown by th e Power a nd Service LE Ds. These error s do not cause a specif ic error m essage on the alphanume ric display .
9840 Operator Panel 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 2-7 Operat or Pane l Display Operator Panel Displ ay The op erator p anel di splay is a singl e-line, ten -character al phanume ric display link ed to the t ape drive and to the No nS top system.
9840 Operator Panel 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 2-8 Operat or Pane l Display CHK (F SC ) Oper at ional f ailure : tape driv e is aut o matically r eset by per fo rming an I P L W ait for I P L to comple te and then retry o per ation .
9840 Operator Panel 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 2-9 Operat or Pane l Display Da t C r Fai l 1 U n abl e t o cre a te (f ormat ) a da ta tap e Ensu re t ape is w ri te- enab led . T ry an othe r dr iv e. If p ersistent , refer t o F orc in g a Diag no s ti c Du m p (R e s et D riv e) on page A-4 .
9840 Operator Panel 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 2- 1 0 Operat or Pane l Display IPL P en d IPL P en din g is dis p lay e d for on e seco n d when IPL is pressed W ait un til IPL c o mpletes aut o maticall y . Load CC The com m on c ont ro lle r co de is loadin g No action i s necessar y .
9840 Operator Panel 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 2- 1 1 Operat or Pane l Display S tart Init Initi alizati on star te d No a ction is nec e ssary . A Corporate ID Di sp laye d a t successful IPL comple tion when the tape dri ve is opera t ional This I D migh t be of Storage T ek or anot he r c orp or at e dis t r i buto r .
9840 Operator Panel 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 2- 1 2 Operat or Pane l Display.
9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3-1 3 Operati n g the 98 40 T ape Drive This section contains: Powering On and Performing an IPL on a T ape Drive 1. Pow er on the t ape dr i ve : • If the t ape drive power supply do es not have a power switch, plu g the pow er suppl y cable into the librar y power strip.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3-2 Checking the S tatus of T ape Devices Checking t he S t atus of T ape Devices Y ou can use the TSM Service A pplication or th e Subsystem Contr ol F acility (S C F) to check the st atus of t ape driv es.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3-3 Using t he SCF ST A TUS Comma nd ST A T U S SC SI Co mm an d This subsection de scribes the S T A TUS SCS I command for O pen SCS I devices. The comman d syntax is: $ device-name specifies the name of the Op en SCSI I/O proc ess.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3-4 S tarting or St o pping a T ape Drive ST A T US T APE Co mm and This subsection describes the ST A TUS T APE com mand.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3-5 S tarting a T ape Dev ice using SCF ST ART C ommand Synt ax The synt ax for t he ST ART command is: OUT file-spec Dire cts all S CF outp ut generat ed (f or this comm and) to the specified fi le.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3-6 S tarting a T ape Dev ice using SCF • T o start all Open SCSI devices on th e system (th at are in the pro per st.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3-7 S topping a T ape Device using SCF S topp ing a T ape De vic e usi ng SCF Use t he SCF ST OP comman d to termin ate access to a storage device in an order ly manner .
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3-8 Cleaning the T ape Path S pecifies the name or l ogical devic e numb er of the d evice. -P | -B S pecifies w hether th e path being stopped is the primar y (-P) or b ackup (-B).
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3-9 T o Dry-Clean the T ape Path T o Dry-Clean the T ap e Path 1. If app licable, un load the dr i ve . 2. Inser t a cleaning car tridge i nto the dr ive. 3. Obser ve the indication s: • The gr een Activity in dicator fl ashes to indicate cleaning i s taking pla ce.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3- 1 0 Unloading a T ape Cartridge • A “Rea dy U” (File U nprote cted) messag e mans that tape is loa ded and no t wr i te pro tected.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3- 1 1 Formatting a Diagnostic Dump T a pe For matti ng a D iagnos tic Dump T ape T o collect a d i agnosti c dump , you must prep are a t ape with a special form at so that it will accept diagn ostic dump da ta.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3- 1 2 Using t h e MED IACO M Ut ilit y for Labele d -T a pe Operati on T o turn of f labeled-t ape pro cessing, e nter.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3- 1 3 R estori ng T ape F iles to Disk Res t oring T ape File s to D is k Use the RE S TORE utility to cop y files from m agnetic ta pe to disk.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3- 1 4 Using BACKUP and RESTORE with T ape Libraries Using BACKUP and RESTORE with T ap e Libraries T o begin a BA CKUP.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3- 1 5 Wher e to Fi n d More In fo rma t ion BACKUP Requ iring Multiple T ape Cartridges For b ackups tha t requi re more than one tap e cartridge, the robot start s with the tape cartri dge that was requested to begin the backup pro cess.
Operating the 9840 T ape Drive 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 3- 1 6 Wher e to Fi n d More In fo rma t ion.
9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4-1 4 L700 T a pe Libra ry This section contains: Operato r Panel 4-2 Lib rary Powe r Switch 4-13 T ape Drive Power Swi tches 4-14 Operati ng in the A.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4-2 Operat or Pane l Operator Panel The op erator p anel, rece ssed int o the library’ s rack doo r , contain s buttons, indi cators, and a g raphic display . Figure 4 -1 shows the p anel.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4-3 Indicators Use t his panel to: • Monit or current i nformation abou t the CAP s, configuratio n, dri ves, doors, dr ive cleaning , hardware and soft w are ve rsions, and library st atus.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4-4 Display Sc reens These va lues require user i nput: • Cleaning cartridge u sage th reshold • Drive con figuration: S CSI ID.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4-5 Display Sc reens FS C Lo g s Accessible f r om the M ain Me nu, th e FS C Log s screen displ ays a ll fault symp tom co des (FSC s), the num ber of occurren ces, and the d ate and time of the last occu rrence.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4-6 Display Sc reens CAP S tatus Accessible from the Main Me nu, the CA P S tat us screen is an i nform ation-only scr een. It di splays either th e VOLSER of a cartridge or a st atus message for each slot in a CAP magazine.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4-7 Display Sc reens Drive I n fo rmatio n Accessibl e from the M ain Menu, th e Drive Information Menu is an i nforma tion-only screen th at list s manufactu ring and st atus inform ation about the sele cted drive (se e Fi gure 4-6 ).
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4-8 Display Sc reens The Cleaning Info Me nu enables the user to chan ge the wa rning count for ea ch type o f clea ning cartridg e. The me nu also let s the us er check the numbe r of times a cleaning cartri dge has b een used.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4-9 Display Sc reens V ersion Informat ion Accessible from the Main Me nu, the V ersion I nfo Menu is a n information -only screen (see the example i n Figure 4-9).
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 1 0 Display Sc reens Co nfi g ura t io n M e nu Accessibl e from the M ain Menu ( Figure 4- 10) route s the user to the configur ation menus ( library , drive, and ne twork) and to the p anel displa y controls.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 1 1 Display Sc reens Drive Configuration Accessibl e from the M ain Conf i gurat ion Me nu, the drive configuration menu let s you modi fy portions of each drive’ s confi guration.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 1 2 Display Sc reens Display In formation Accessibl e from the M ain Conf i gurat ion me nu, the Displ ay Inf. men u (see Figure 4 -13) lea ds to menus that l et the use r adjust the contrast and backlight on the graphic disp l ay scree n.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 1 3 Operati ons Ov erview Operations Overvie w This t able lists the tasks that you can per form through t he operato r panel menu s.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 1 4 T ape Drive Power Switches T ape Drive Power Sw itches The t ape driv es are behind the dr ive access door inside th e right side d oor of the libr ary . Each drive ha s a powe r switch that con trols the supp ly of powe r to only that dri ve.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 1 5 Opera ting in t he Au tomated Mode Operating in t he Automated Mode Autom ated mode is the norm al operati ng mode of the t ape library .
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 1 6 Moni toring S tatus Information The fo l lowing section s describe how to perform these activi ties.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 1 7 Moni toring S tatus Information 1. Press the MENU butto n to display the Main Menu. 2. If nece ssary , press an arrow butto n until the cur sor line s up with D RIVE IN F O. 3.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 1 8 Entering C artri dges T hrough the CAP 4. Press the arrow butt ons until the cursor h ighlights E XPORT CLEANING CARTRIDGE.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 1 9 Ejecting C artridges Through the CA P 4. Enter t he cartri dges into th e magazine so they lie flat, with the bar code up an d the reel facing away from you. 5. Retur n the maga zi ne to i ts close d position.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 2 0 Manually Cleaning a Drive 1. At the con sole, en ter the VOLS ERs of the cartridges th at are req uired. The rob ot retri eves the cart ridges and inse rt them int o the CAP .
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 2 1 Review ing FSC Logs 17. Remove the cleaning ca rtrid ge, and ma ke a record of ho w many times it has bee n used.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 2 2 Running Di agnostic T ests Running Drive Diagnostic T est s T o run a di agnostic test o n a drive: 1. Pla ce the library and dri ves offline . 2. Press the MENU butto n until the Ma i n Menu displays.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 2 3 Running Di agnostic T ests Run nin g a Get-Pu t Loop Dur ing a Get- Put lo op, the ha nd loads an d unload s a cartr id ge fro m a storage cel l. This tests t he func tionality of the h and assembl y .
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 2 4 Powering Off t he Library 1 1. The user will b e prompted to co nfirm that t he libra ry is want ed to be in Maint enance Mod e (off l in e) before beginning th e test (ARE YOU SURE?) .
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 2 5 Opening the Library Front Doors Antist atic wr i st strap s with clip-on ends a re commercial ly available . Ope ning t he Li brary Fron t Doors The fr ont door s on the libr ary must be opened to perfo rm manu al ope rations.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 2 6 Movin g the Robot Rea d and ob serve th ese follow ing caution b efore attempting to m ove any p orti on of the robot.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 2 7 Movin g the Robot 2. Push on t he back of the reach mech anism until the gripper i s extended to its full po s it i on, a s sh ow n i n F igu r e 6- 3. 3. Hold the soleno i d on to p of the re ach mechanism with one hand and g rasp the cartri dge with the o ther .
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 2 8 Movin g the Robot 4. Push the grippe r mechanism back i nto the hand until the mechanis m is fully retracted .
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 2 9 Movin g the Robot 4. Locate the cartr i dge ( see the secti on titled “L ocating a C artridge i n the S torag e Cells” in Chapte r 5). 5. Inser t the cartr i dge i nto the 9840 t ape drive using the dir ection show n in Figure 6- 5.
L700 T ape Library 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 4- 3 0 Movin g the Robot 1. Make sure that th e 9840 drive is not se lected by the clien t. 2. Obt ain the dr i ve number f rom the server console a nd place the d rive of fline. 3. Open the tape library right fron t door by p ulling on the left side of the door .
9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 A-1 A 9840 T rou bleshooting and Recovery This section contains: Handling Errors or Indica tions Save Fails Error Cause. A “Save Fails” error o ccurs when saving a new co nfiguration. I t indicates that the R A M has f ailed the save opera tion.
9840 T rouble sh ooting and Recov ery 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 A-2 UnWr xx xx In dication • An un used bit in the RAM or E EPROM has b ecome bad. • There migh t be a prob l em w ith the A S I A int erface. 3. T o isolate one of the two possibilities: a.
9840 T rouble sh ooting and Recov ery 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 A-3 DumpAgain? M essa ge Cause. S ome dat a rem ains unwritten to tape.
9840 T rouble sh ooting and Recov ery 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 A-4 Forcing a Diagnostic Dump (Reset Drive) Forcing a Diagnosti c Dump (Reset Drive) This is a RESET oper ation. It works the sam e as an initial p rogram loa d (IPL), but also forces a diagno stic dump of th e present st ate of th e machine.
9840 T rouble sh ooting and Recov ery 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 A-5 Removin g a S tuck T ape Cartridge Use t he guideli nes in Appendi x A of this manual to F T P dump file to destin ation.
9840 T rouble sh ooting and Recov ery 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 A-6 Opera ting a Drive Manually in a T ape Library Operating a Drive Manually in a T ape Library When a tape library is down, you mig ht have to op erate the tape dr ive manual ly from inside the library .
9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B-1 B 9840 Menu Sy stem This section contains: Using t he Menu System Menu Struct ure Overview Fi gure B -1 and Figu re B-2 are an overview of t he 9840 menu syste m and show th e content o f the menus.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B-2 Exam ples of Menu Ope rations, Referenc e Exam ples of Men u O perations, Reference If you ar e unfamiliar w ith the functions of the operator panel an d menus, go to the sectio n titled “Examples of Me nu Operations” in t his appendix.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B-3 Instructions for M enu Operations Instruction s fo r Menu Operati ons The ne xt few subsecti ons provide s instructions for the menu operations. Ea ch subsecti on has it s own subject: • One secti on deals with ho w to V iew SCSI Con figurati ons.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B-4 Explan ation o f the M enu T rees and Se lect . The boxes sh ow the m enus and selected disp lays. The menu tr ees legend is illustrated in Fi gure B -3 . For e xample , in the V iew SCS I Configuration menu tree ( Figure B- 5 ) this seque nce is follo wed: 1.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B-5 View SCS I Configu ration S tatus V iew SCSI Confi gurat ion St atus Fig ur e B-4 .
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B-6 View SCS I Configu ration S tatus Onli ne/Offl ine Mai n Menu Selections: “Online” “Offline” Default is set t o online. For vie wing the configuration, the drive mu st be online.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B-7 View SCS I Configu ration S tatus zzz = the integ ration num ber c = ch annel type (s=scsi, e=e scon, f=fibre) 1. If app licable, press Menu once to display the sof tware l evel. 2.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B-8 SCSI C onfiguration Menu SCS I C o nf ig ura t io n M e nu Onli ne/Offl ine Mai n Menu Selections: “Online” “Offline” Defa ults go to online.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B-9 SCSI C onfiguration Menu “Of fLn Pend ” and OnLn Pe nd” may display while waiting for a system respo nse of dia gnostics completio n: 1. If app licable, press Menu to acce ss.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 1 0 SCSI C onfiguration Menu DS E Mod e Sub- Menu In C onf igura t ion Mai n Me nu Selections: “Full DS E Y” (Full Da ta S ecurity Erase Y es) “Full DSE N” (Full Dat a Security E rase No) Default s to last saved se lection.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 1 1 SCSI C onfiguration Menu SC SI Bus S pe e d Sub -Menu In Con fi gur ati on Mai n Menu Selections: “SCSI Ultra” (fas test) “SCSI Fast” “SCSI Slow” ( slowest) Default s to last saved se lection.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 1 2 SCSI C onfiguration Menu Lan guage S elect ion i n Config uration Main Menu Selection s: “La nguage?” (W hat languag e does the u ser want to se lect?) Select s one of se veral opera tor displ ay languages: E nglish, E spanioles, F rancais, Ital iano, or Deutcher .
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 1 3 SCSI C onfiguration Menu 4. Press Me nu to advance to Z nibble: Z will flash. 5. Press Select to in crement Z ni bble to the desired value. 6. Press Me nu to observe the whole address.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 1 4 Drive Operat ions Me nu 2. T o return to the Online/O ffline Ma i n Men u to retur n drive to on l in e and exit: a. Press Menu . b. Return to the Onli ne/Offline Menu at th e beginni ng of this t able.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 1 5 Drive Operat ions Me nu Onli ne/Offl ine Mai n Menu Selections: “Online” “Offline” Default s to Online. “Of fLn Pend ” , “OnLn P end” may display w hile waiting fo r system response or dia gnostics completio n.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 1 6 Drive Operat ions Me nu Du m p T a p e S ub -M e nu In D r ive Mai n Me nu Selecti ons: “M akeDumpTp” (M ake Dump T ape) Displays: “DmpCrFailx” (Dump Create Fail Number x) This selection copies the firmware from the drive to tape.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 1 7 T ape B ar-Chart Explan ation a. Press Select . b. Press Menu repeatedl y until “Exit Menu?” is d isplayed. Ma in Ex i t Ma in Me n u Selection s: “Exit Menu?” This menu gives the user the oppor tunity to r eturn the driv e to online and exi t the menu system.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 1 8 Exampl es of M enu O perations The wr ite bar i s in the shade d area. It h as a matrixed patter n: only every o ther dot is light ed. It shows the tape is 50% written. The r ead bar is i nside the wr ite bar i n the unshaded a r ea to the lef t.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 1 9 H ow to Vi ew Drive Configuration of Software Level 2. If the user is i n the Online/Of fline menu and the un it is onli ne, pre ss the Sele ct switch once to change to Offline.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 2 0 How to Save, Abort, or Repeat Configuration Changes How to Save, Abort, o r Rep eat Configuratio n Changes Af ter the use r has made changes in the configuration selection s: 1.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 2 1 Example of Menu S election: SCSI Bus S p eed Mode c. T o return to the menu syste m , press Men u . 1. Press Select to toggl e drive on line/offl ine sta tus. 2. Press Me nu repeatedly u ntil “Exi t Menu?” i s displayed, then press Sel ect to exit.
9840 Menu Syst em 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 B- 2 2 Example of Menu Sel ection: E nable/Disable Compression 8. If exiting , press Men u as necessa r y to r each the Main Ex it M enu: “Exit M enu?” will be disp layed. 9. Press Me nu to return to the Online/O ffline Me nu: “Offline” will be displayed.
9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 C-1 C Inst alling and Co nfigu ring the T ape Drive for the NonS top NS-Series Se rver This section contains: Overview A Fib re Channel to SCSI router must be use d to connect th e 9840 t ape drive to the Fibre C hannel ServerNet Adapter (F CSA) on the H P NonS top NS-seri es server .
Installi ng and Configuring the T ape Drive for the NonS top NS-S eries Se rver 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 C-2 Ov erview For m ore inform ation on the router , refer to the M8201 Fib re Cha nnel to SCSI Router Insta llation an d User ’s Guide.
Installi ng and Configuring the T ape Drive for the NonS top NS-S eries Se rver 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 C-3 Installation Inst allation 1. Conne ct the small end of the SCS I cable to th e Fibre Cha nnel to SCSI ro uter on port 0.
Installi ng and Configuring the T ape Drive for the NonS top NS-S eries Se rver 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 C-4 Installation 3. Conne ct one end of the fib er cable to th e small f orm-factor pl uggable ( S FP) on the unit. See Figur e C-4 for the locat i on.
Installi ng and Configuring the T ape Drive for the NonS top NS-S eries Se rver 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 C-5 Installation 5. Conne ct the larger end of the SCSI cable to SCSI port 1 on the re ar pan el of th e 9840 t ape drive.
Installi ng and Configuring the T ape Drive for the NonS top NS-S eries Se rver 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 C-6 Installation 6. T ighten the screws by hand to secure the cable to the unit. Do not use a screwdr iver . 7. Conne ct the suppli ed dif ferential ter minator to S CSI port 2.
Installi ng and Configuring the T ape Drive for the NonS top NS-S eries Se rver 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 C-7 Installation 10. Conne ct the other end of the f i ber cabl e to the F i bre Cha nnel Ser verNet adapte r (FCSA) on the NonS top NS-se ries server .
Installi ng and Configuring the T ape Drive for the NonS top NS-S eries Se rver 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 C-8 Configuration The fiber cable is a multimode/sh ort wave fiber optic cabl e. This cable is n ormall y an orange color .
Installi ng and Configuring the T ape Drive for the NonS top NS-S eries Se rver 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 C-9 Configuration 2. T o start the tap e drive on th e server , issue .
Installi ng and Configuring the T ape Drive for the NonS top NS-S eries Se rver 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 C- 1 0 Configuration.
9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 St atemen t s - 1 Safety and Comp liance This secti ons cont ains three types of req uired safety a nd compliance st atemen ts: • Regulat ory compli.
Safety a nd C ompliance 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 St atemen t s - 2 Regulatory Compli ance S tatements Korea M IC Compliance T aiwa n ( BSM I) Complian ce Jap an (VCCI) Complia.
Safety a nd C ompliance 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 St atemen t s - 3 Regulatory Compli ance S tatements European Unio n Notice Prod ucts wi th the CE Markin g compl y wi th both the E MC Directi ve (89/336/E EC) and the Low V oltage D irective ( 73/23/EEC) issue d by the C ommission of the European Community .
Safety a nd C ompliance 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 St atemen t s - 4 SA F ET Y C AUT IO N SAFETY CAUTION The fo l lowing ic on or cauti on statement s may be placed on equip ment to indicat e the presence of potential ly hazard ous conditions: DOUBLE POLE F US ING CAUTION: DO UB LE-POLE /NE UTRAL FUSING .
Safety a nd C ompliance 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 St atemen t s - 5 Wast e Electrical a nd Ele ctronic E quipment (W EEE) HIGH LEAKAGE CURR ENT T o reduce the risk of e l ectri.
Safety a nd C ompliance 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 St atemen t s - 6 Im p o rta n t S a fe ty In f o r m a ti o n.
9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 Index - 1 Ind ex A A Cor porate ID me ssage 2-1 1 Activity LED 2-5 alte rnates A-3 ASIA DIAG mes sag e 2-7 B Backing up disk file s to tape 3-14 BAC K.
Ind e x 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 Index - 2 M Label ing new t apes 3-12 LED 2- 5 activity 2-5 power 2-5 service 2-5 Load C C message 2-10 Load E SCON messag e 2-10 Load S CSI m.
Ind e x 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 Index - 3 T Men u 2-4 Se lec t 2-4 Unload 2-3 T T ape cartri dge loading 3-9 reclaim ing 3-10 reforma tting 3- 1 0 removing stu ck car tridge .
Ind e x 9840 T ape Drive Operations Guide — 429596-00 2 Index - 4 S pe ci al C har ac t e rs.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9840 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9840 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9840 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9840 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9840 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9840, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9840.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9840. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9840 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center