Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product G0668 Grizzly
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T able o f Con ten ts SECTION 5: ACCESSORIES ......................... 31 SECTION 6: MAINTENANCE ......................... 32 Schedule ...................................................... 32 Cleaning .................................................
-2 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal-Cut ting Band sa w INTR OD UCTIO N F ore w ord W e are proud t o of f er the Mo del G066 8 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Band sa w. This machine is par t of a growing Grizzly family of fine met - alworking machiner y .
-3 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw .
- 4- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal-Cut ting Band sa w .
-5 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Figure 1. Model G0668 identification. Identi fic ati on Front View Rear View A B C D E F G H I J K L N O P Q M A. Blade Shear B. Upper Wheel Door C. Guide Post Elevation Handwheel D. Guide Post Lock Knob E.
- 6- G0 668 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Con trol P anel Id en tif ica ti on Figure 2. Control panel identification. A B C D E F H I A. Digital Speed Display (FPM) B. Variable Speed Dial C. Welding ON Button D. Annealing ON Button E. Clamping Pressure Dial F.
- 7 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Safe t y Instr ucti ons f or Mach inery .
-8- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw .
-9 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Safe t y Instr ucti ons f or M e t a l Cu t t i ng Ba nds a ws 7. CUTTING FLUID SAFETY. Cutting fluids are poisonous. Always follow manufactur- er’s cutting-fluid safety instructions. Pay particular attention to contact, contamina- tion, inhalation, storage and disposal warn - ings.
- 1 0 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal-Cut ting Band sa w 220 V 3 - P ha se Operati on Fu ll L oad Amp erag e D ra w Motor Draw a t 220 V ................................ 7 Am ps Po we r Sup ply Ci rcui t R eq uir emen ts Y ou MUST conne ct your machine to a grounded circuit tha t is rated for t he amperage given belo w .
- 1 1 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Th is m ach ine pr es ent s se rio us inj ur y ha za rds to untrained use rs. Read through this entir e manu - al to be come familiar wit h th.
- 1 2- G066 8 20" V er tical Metal-Cut ting Bandsa w Fl oo r Loa d Refe r to the Mac h ine Data Sh eet on Page 3 for the weight and footprint specific a tions of your machine. Some floor s may require additi onal reinfo rcement to suppor t both t h e machine and operator .
- 1 3 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw The bandsaw center of gravity is above t he mid dle of the machine. Although not required, we strong - ly reco mmend that you mount your ne w machine to the floor to pre ven t tipping. Because this is an optional step and floor mate rials may vary , floor mounting hardware is not included.
- 1 4- G0 668 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw 2. Unbolt the bandsaw from the pallet. 3. With two assistants to steady the bandsaw, slowly lift it just enough to clear the pallet and floor obstacles, then move it to the prepared location. 4.
- 1 5 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw 10. Press the Emergency Stop button to stop the machine. 11. WITHOUT resetting the switch, press the Start button. The machine should not start. — If the machine does not start, the Emergency Stop button safety feature is working cor - rectly.
- 1 6 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw SE CTION 4 : OP ERA TIONS Cu t ti ng Ov er v ie w The verti cal metal cut ting bandsaw has a flexible continuous blade that cuts in one direction. The t ype of bandsa w blade a nd the speed of the blade to be used depends on the workpiece material and the t ype o f cut required.
- 1 7 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw EL EC TRO CUTI ON HAZA RD This bands a w is not designe d to b e used with water soluble cutting flu id or coolant .
- 1 8 - G066 8 20" V er tical Metal-Cut ting Band sa w Ba s ic Con trol s Use the descriptions and Figure s 9 – 10 below to become familiar with the basic controls of your bandsaw . Digital Sp eed Displ a y : Show s blade speed in feet per minut e (FP M ).
- 1 9 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw The list below shows the minimum radius that can be cut by common blade widths . Width Radius 1 ⁄ 8 " .................................... 1 ⁄ 8 " 3 ⁄ 16 " ................
-20- G 0668 20" V er tical M e tal- Cutting Bandsaw To ot h Set Three common tooth sets are standard, w avy , and raker (see Figure 1 3 ), each removing mate - rial in a dif fe rent manner to make the ker f in the workpiece. Alternate : An all- pu rpose arrangement of bend - ing the teeth ev enly lef t and r ight of the blade.
-2 1 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Bl ad e Pit ch (T PI ) The char t below is a basic star ting point for choosing teeth per in ch (TPI) for v ariable tooth pitch blades and st a ndard rake r set bi- metal blades /HSS blades.
-22- G0668 20" V er tical M e tal- Cutting Bandsaw Bl ad e Car e A band sa w blade is a delicate piece of steel that is s ubjected to tremendous strain . A blade will last longer if y ou give i t fair treatment and alwa ys use the appropriat e f eed rat e for your opera tion.
-23- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw chip inspectio n char t Ch ip Ins pection Ch ar t The best method of eva luating the per f ormance of your cut ting operation is to inspect the chips t ha t are formed. Refer to the chart below for chip inspection guidelines.
-2 4 - G066 8 20" V er tical Metal-Cut ting B andsa w Alwa ys disconnec t power to t he m ach ine w he n changing blade s. Fail ure to do this may result in serious personal injury . All saw b lades ar e dan - gerous and may cause p e r s on a l i nj u r y.
-25- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Bl ade T ens ion in g Proper blade tension reduc es the risk of b la de breaka ge and improves cut ting per formance.
-26- G0 668 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw A dj ust in g B lade Gu ides & Suppo r ts The blade guides and sup ports provide side -to- side and rear suppor t to keep the blade straight while cut ting. These devices have tungsten steel facing to reduce wear on t he sur faces.
-27 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw 5. Slide the blade support (see Figure 23 ) up to, but not touching, the back of the blade, then re-tighten the blade support cap screw. Figure 23. Blade guide assembly (upper assembly shown without blade for clarity).
-28- G0 668 20" V er tical Metal-Cut ting B andsa w Bl ade W eld in g Being able to quic kly and s a fely weld a bandsaw blade co m es in handy for the following situa - tions: • To repair a broken blade that is still sharp and useful. • To fabricate a new blade from a larger sec - tion of blade material to fit your bandsaw.
-29- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw 4. Loosen the welding clamps by pulling the lock levers down. 5. Position the back of one blade end evenly against the back of the welding clamp so that the end is midway between the two clamps, then rotate that lock lever all the way up to hold the blade end in place (see Figure 29 ).
-3 0- G0 668 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw 10. After the welding operation is complete, rotate the lock levers down to release the welding clamps, then rotate the clamping pressure dial to "0". 11. Inspect the weld. The welded joint should be even across the width of the blade with no gaps (see Figure 32 ).
-3 1 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw SE CTION 5 : A C CE SSO RIE S accessories Figure 37. Recommended products for protect- ing unpainted cast iron/steel part on machinery.
-32- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw SE CTION 6 : MAINT EN AN CE Alwa ys disconn ect power to t he ma chin e be for e per forming maintenanc e.
-33 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Redres s in g R ubber Ti res As the bandsaw ages, the rubber tires on the wheel may need to be redressed if they be come hardened or g laz ed over . Redressing t he rubber tires impro ves b la de tracking and reduc es vi b ra - tion /blade lead.
-3 4- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Revie w the troubleshooting and procedures in this sectio n to fix or adjust you r machine if a pro blem dev el - ops. If you n eed replacement par ts or y ou are unsure of your repair sk ills , then feel fr ee t o call our T echnical Suppor t a t (57 0) 546 -96 63.
-35 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Mo to r & E lect rica l ( co nt inu ed) Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution Mac hine has vi bra- tio n or no isy oper a - tio n. 1. V-belt(s) worn or loose. 2. Pulley is loose. 3. Motor mount loose/broken.
-3 6- G0 668 20" V er tical Metal-Cut ting B andsa w T en si on in g V - Bel ts tensioning v- belts T ools Nee ded : Qt y Wrench 12mm ............
-37 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Figure 44. The wheel brush. Wheel Brush 5. Loosen the four motor mounting hex bolts (see Figure 43 ). 6. Position the motor to adjust the V-belt tension until they have the correct deflection, then re- tighten the hex bolts.
-3 8- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw wheel al ignment Wheel Al ign ment Materials Ne eded : Qt y 67 1 ⁄ 4 " Long 2x4 .................................................. 1 T ools Nee ded : Qt y Wrench 12mm .....................
-39 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw The lowe r wheel adjustment assemblies hav e a lock ing hex b olt threaded into an adjustment sleev e (see Figure 48 ).
- 40- G 0668 20" V ert ical Metal -Cut ting Bandsaw .
- 4 1 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw 5. Loosen the table mounting hex bolts (see Figure 51 ). 6. Adjust the set screws so that the table is square to the blade front-to-back and side-to- side. Note: Make small adjustments to the set screws, then recheck the alignment of the table with the blade.
- 4 2- G066 8 20" V er tical Metal-Cut ting Band sa w Elect r ica l & Con trol Wi ri ng Dia gram .
- 43- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw In v er ter Wi r in g Diag ram .
- 44- G0 668 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Elect r ica l Compo nents Figure 55. Control panel wiring (see wiring diagram on Page 42 ). Figure 56. Inverter/Controller box wiring (see wiring diagram on Page 43 ). Figure 57. Main electrical wiring (see wiring diagram on Page 42 ).
- 45- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw .
- 46- G0 668 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw .
- 4 7 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw SE CTION 8 : P A RTS Cab i net REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1 P0668001 WHEEL DOOR LOWER 17 P0668017 AIR NOZZLE 2 P0668002 HINGE PIN LOWER 18 P0668018 WORK LAMP 220V 3 PS05M PHLP HD SCR M5-.
- 48- G0 668 20" V er tical Metal- C ut ting Bandsaw T able & Lo wer Gu ide .
- 49- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Mot or & Lo wer Wheel .
-50 - G0 668 20" V er tical Metal-Cut ting Bandsa w W eld in g Stat io n .
-5 1 - G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw W eld in g Stat io n Pa r ts L ist REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 301 PB96 HEX BOLT 1/4-20 X 4 325 P0668325 ON/OFF SWITCH 302 P0.
-52- G066 8 20" V er tical Metal- C ut ting Bandsaw Gu ide P ost .
-5 3- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal- Cutting Bandsaw Upper Wheel .
-5 4- G06 68 20" V er tical Metal-Cut ting Band sa w Lab e ls Safety labels warn about machine hazards and ways to prevent injury. The owner of this machine MUST maintain the original location and readability of the labels on the machine. If any label is removed or becomes unreadable, REPLACE that label before using the machine again.
Grizzly Industrial, Inc. warrants ev er y produc t it sells for a period of 1 year to the original purchaser from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to defects due directly or indirec tly to misuse, abuse, negligence, accidents, r epairs or alterations or lack of maint enanc e .
An important point after buying a device Grizzly G0668 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Grizzly G0668 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Grizzly G0668 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Grizzly G0668 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Grizzly G0668 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Grizzly G0668, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Grizzly G0668.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Grizzly G0668. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Grizzly G0668 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center