Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ti1248a Graco Inc.
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Instr uctions Manual Electr ostatic PR O ™ Xs3 and PR O ™ Xs4 Air Spra y Guns For use in Class I, Div . I hazardous locations using Gr oup D spray materials. For use in Group II, Zone 1 areas using Gr oup IIA spray materials. For Pr ofessional Use ONL Y .
2 309292S T ab le of Contents List of Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 W arnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 W ar ning Sym bol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Caution Symb ol .
List of Models 309292S 3 List of Models Par t N o . Mo d e l Smart Display T ype of Coat ings Operation Manual Standard High Conductivity 244400, Series D PRO Xs3 X 309294/3W9294/ 3Z9294 244579, Series D PRO Xs3 (1.5 mm nozzle) XX 309294/3W9294/ 3Z9294 24A511, Series B PRO Xs3 (1.
Warnings 4 309292S Wa r n i n g s W arning Symbol This symbol aler ts you to t he possibility of serious injur y or death if y ou do not f ollow the instructions. Caution Symbol This symbol aler ts you to t he possibility of damage to or destruction of equipment if y ou do not f ollow the instruc- tions.
Warnings 309292S 5 W ARNING Equipment Misuse Hazar d Equipment misu se can cause the equipment to rupture , malfunction, or start unexp ectedly and result in a serious injur y . • This equipment is f or prof essional use only . • Read all man uals, tags , and labels bef ore oper ating the equipme nt.
Introduction 6 309292S Intr oduction How the Electr ostatic Air Spra y Gun W orks The air hose supplies air to the spr ay gun. P ar t of the air operat es the turbine and the rest of the air atomiz es the fluid being sp ray ed.
Installation 309292S 7 Installation Install the System F IG . 2. shows a typical e lectrostatic air spra y sys tem. It is not an actual system des ign. F or assistance in designing a system to suit y our par ticular needs, contact yo ur Graco distributor .
Installation 8 309292S Fig. 2. Typica l Installation Key I O ES ti1498a A B* C* D *E F G H J* K L M N O P Q* *R S T U* V W C G ES ON/OFF valv e: I is ON, 0 is OFF The air supply to the gun must be electri- cally interlocked with the ventilators to pre- vent the power supply from operating without ventilating fans on.
Installation 309292S 9 Connect the Air Line 1. Connect the Graco G rounded Air Supply Hose (R) between th e air supply line and the gun's air inlet (V). The gun air inlet fit ting has a left-hand thread. Connect th e air supply ho se ground wire (Q) to a true ear th ground.
Installation 10 309292S Select a Fluid Nozzle and Air Cap The gun is supplied with P ar t No . 197266 Nozzle and 24A376 Air Cap. If you require a different size, ref er t o T able 1 and T able 2 , and instruction manual 30941 9, or consult with your Graco distributor .
Installation 309292S 11 4. Remov e the fluid tube and fittings . 5. Remov e the fluid inlet br ack et. 6. Install the ne w brack et (3) from the kit loosely . See F IG . 3. 7. Place the spacer (5) in the barrel inlet. Ap ply Graco dielectric grease (4) to the o-rings (2a, 2b) and to both threads of the fluid fitting (2).
Installation 12 309292S Gr ounding The follo wing are minimum groundin g requiremen ts for a basic elect rostatic syste m. Y our system ma y include other equipment or objects which m ust be grounded. Check yo u r local electr ical code f or de tailed grounding instru ctions.
Installation 309292S 13 Chec k Electrical Grounding 1. Hav e a q ualified electr ician ch eck the electrical groundin g continuity of t he spra y gun and air hose . 2. T urn the ES ON/O FF v a lv e OFF . 3. T ur n off the air and fluid supp ly to the gun.
Installation 14 309292S Chec k Fluid Resistivity Graco P ar t No . 722886 Resistance Meter and 72 2860 Probe are a vaila ble as accessories to chec k that the resistivity of the fluid b eing spray ed meets the require- ments of an electrostatic air spr ay system.
Operation 309292S 15 Operation Lo w V oltage Adjustment (Smar t Guns Onl y ) The ES HI/LO s witch enables y ou to s witch between full v oltage and a lower v oltage output. The low er voltage is f actor y set, but can be adjusted. 1. Set the ES HI/LO switch to LO .
Maintenance 16 309292S Maintenance Flush the Spra y Gun Flush the gun bef ore changing co lors, at the end of t he da y , bef ore storing, and befo re repair ing the gun.
Maintenance 309292S 17 7. Hang the gun from it s hook, with the nozzle pointing down. 8. When ready to spra y again, reconnect th e fluid sup- ply line.
Electrical Tests 18 309292S Electrical T ests Electrical components inside the gun affect p erformance and safety . The f o llowing procedures test the condition of the pow er supply (18) and electrode (29), and electr i- cal continuity bet ween components .
Electrical Tests 309292S 19 T est P o wer Supply Resistance 1. Remov e the po wer supply (18), page 30. 2. Remov e the turbine alt er nator (19) from t he power supply , page 31. 3. Measure resistance from the power su pply's ground strips (EE) to the spring (18b).
Electrical Tests 20 309292S T est Electr ode Resistance 1. Inser t a conductiv e rod (B) into the gun barr el (remo ved f or the pow er supply test) and against th e metal conta ct (C) in the front of the barrel. 2. Measure the resist ance between the conductiv e rod (B) and the el ectrode (29).
Troubleshooting 309292S 21 T r oub leshooting Chec k all possible remedies in the T roub leshooting Char t bef ore disassemb ling the gun. Spra y P attern T roub leshooting Some spra y pattern problems ar e caused by the improp er balance between air and flu id.
Troubleshooting 22 309292S Gun Operation T roub leshooting Problem Cause Solution Excessive spr ay f og. Atomizing air pressure too high. Close restr ictor valv e some, or decrease air p ressure as low as pos- sible; minimum 40 psi (0.28 MP a, 2.8 bar) needed at gun f or full v oltage.
Troubleshooting 309292S 23 Electrical T roub leshooting * ES indicator light is off when the gun is tr iggered. Prob lem Cause Solution P oor wrap . ES ON/OFF v alve OFF (0).* T ur n ON (I). Gun air pressu re too low . Chec k air pressure to gun; minim um 40 psi (0.
Repair 24 309292S Repair Pressure Relief Pr ocedure 1. T urn the ES ON/O FF v a lv e OFF . 2. T ur n off the air b leed valv es to the fluid sour ce and to the gun. 3. T r igger the gun int o a grounded metal waste con- tainer to r elie ve the fluid pr essure.
Repair 309292S 25 Prepare the Gun f or Ser vice • Check all possib le remedies in T roubles hooting bef ore disassemb ling the gun. • Use a vise with padded ja ws to prev ent damage to plastic par ts.
Repair 26 309292S Air Cap/Nozzle Replacement 1. Prepare gun f or service, page 25 . 2. Remove the retaining r ing (27) and air cap (9). See F IG . 11.. 3. P oint gun up and sq ueeze trigger while removin g the fluid nozzle (7) assembly with the m ulti-tool (37).
Repair 309292S 27 Electr ode Replacement 1. Prepar e the gun for service, page 25. 2. Remov e the air cap and nozzle , page 26. 3. Unscrew the electrode (29) with the multi-to ol (37). Hold the packing rod end (26h) to pre vent it from tur ning, F IG .
Repair 28 309292S Fluid P ac king Remov al 1. Prepare the gun f or ser vice, pa ge 25. 2. Remov e the air cap and fluid nozzl e, page 26. 3. Remove the electrode, page 27. 4. Loosen the trigger scre ws (8) and trigger (30). See F IG . 13.. 5. Remove the packing rod (26), using the multi-tool (37).
Repair 309292S 29 P ac king Rod Repair Y ou may r eplace the packing rod as individ ual par ts or as an assemb ly . The assemb ly is pre-adjusted at the f actor y . Bef ore installing the fluid pack ing rod into the gun barrel, mak e sure the inter nal surf aces of the barrel are clean.
Repair 30 309292S Barrel Remo val 1. Prepare the gun f or ser vice, pa ge 25. 2. Carefu lly loosen the nut (3 2 or 50d) from the brack e t fluid fitti ng (13). Pull the tube (14 or 50a) ou t of the fitting. Mak e sure both f errules and the nut stay with the tube.
Repair 309292S 31 P o wer Supply Remo v al and Replacement • Inspect the gun ha ndle power supply ca vity f or dir t or moisture. Clean wit h a clean, dr y rag. • Do not e xpose gask et (10) to solvents . 1. Prepare gun f or service, page 25. 2. Remov e the barrel (1 6), page 30.
Repair 32 309292S T urbine Alternator Remo va l and Replacement Replace turbine alte r nator bearings after 2000 hours of operat ion. Order P ar t No. 22 3688 Bearing Kit. 1. Prepare gun f or service, page 25 . 2. Remov e the power supply/alter nator assembly , page 31.
Repair 309292S 33 F an Air Adjustment V alve Repair 1. Prepar e the gun for service, page 25. 2. Place a wrench on the flats of th e valv e assembly (20) and unscre w it from the handle (17). Y ou may r eplace the valv e as an asse mbly (go to step 9) or as individual parts (steps 3-9).
Repair 34 309292S Fluid Adjustment V alve Repair 1. Prepare the gun f or ser vice, pa ge 25. 2. Remove the fluid adjust ment valv e (25). It can only be replaced as a complete assembly . See F IG . 20.. 3. Screw t he valv e (25) into t he gun handle. T orque to 15-25 in-lb (1 .
Repair 309292S 35 Atomizing Air Restrictor V alve Remo val and Replacement 1. Prepar e the gun for service, page 25. 2. Remove the atomizing air restr ictor valv e (23). Inspect the o-ring (23c*). Rep lace if necessar y . See F IG . 22.. 3. Install a new atomizing air restr ictor valv e (23) , or disassemb le and replace par ts individually .
Parts 36 309292S Pa r t s P ar t No. 244400 60 kV Electr ostatic Gun, Series C (items 1-48, 55 ) P ar t No. 244575 60 kV Electr ostatic Gun, Series C (items 4-30, 35 -55) P ar t No.
Parts 309292S 37 ti1601a Ref. No. 26: P acking Rod 26a** 26b** 26c** 26d** 26e 26f 26g** 26h TI1488A ti1492a TI491A TI1490A TI1487A TI1481a 31** 32 14 1 5** 22a* 22b* 22c 22d 22e 22f 22g 20a 20b* 20c 20d 19a* 19b 19b 19c 50a 50b 50c 50d 50e 50f 49 49a 49b 50d 50c 50b 5 5** 1 14 **31 32 Ref.
Parts 38 309292S P ar t No. 244400 60 kV Electr ostatic Gun, Series C (items 1-48, 55 ) P ar t No. 244575 60 kV Electr ostatic Gun, Series C (items 4-30, 35 -55) P ar t No. 244401 85 kV Electr ostatic Gun, Series C (items 1-48, 55 ) Ref. No. P ar t No.
Parts 309292S 39 * Included in Air Seal Repair Kit 244781. ** Included in Fluid Seal Repair Kit 244 911. *** Rubber seal is no t remov able. **** Optional repla cement Electrode Needle 277007 is av ailable f or ab rasiv e mater ials. ▲ Replacement Warning lab els, signs, tags , and ca rds are a vailab le at no cost.
Parts 40 309292S P ar t Nos. 244579 and 24A511 60 kV Electr ostatic Gun, Series C (it ems 1-48, 51-59) P ar t No. 244576 60 kV Electr ostatic Gun, Series C (items 1-30, 35 -59) P ar t No.
Parts 309292S 41 ti1601a Ref. No. 26: P acking Rod ti1492a TI491A TI1490A 31** 32 14 1 5** 50a 50b 50c 50d 50e 50f 49 49a 49b 50d 50c 50b 5 5** 1 14 **31 32 Fluid T ube: Model 244579 Fluid T ube: Model 244576 Fluid T ube: Model 244580 TI1487A 20a 20b* 20c 20d Ref.
Parts 42 309292S P ar t No. 244579 and 24A511 60 kV Electr ostatic Gun, Series C (items 1- 48, 51-59) P ar t No. 244576 60 kV Electr ostatic Gun, Series C (items 1-30, 35 -59) P ar t No. 244580 85 kV Electr ostatic Gun, Series C (items 1-48, 51 -59) Ref.
Parts 309292S 43 * Included in Air Seal Repair Kit 244781. ** Included in Fluid Seal Repair Kit 244 911. *** Rubber seal is no t remov able. **** Optional repla cement Electrode Needle 277007 is av ailable f or ab rasiv e mater ials. ▲ Replacement Warning lab els, signs, tags , and ca rds are a vailab le at no cost.
Accessories 44 309292S Accessories Air Line Accessories AirFlex ™ Flex ible Grounded Air Hose 100 psi (7 bar , 0.7 MP a) Maxim um Working Pressure 0.315 in. (8 mm) ID; 1/4 npsm(f ) x 1/4 npsm(f) left-hand thread 244963 6 ft (1.8 m) 244964 15 ft (4.6 m) 244965 25 ft (7.
Accessories 309292S 45 Gun Accessories Gun Repair Kits 244781 Air Seal Repair Kit 244911 Fluid Seal Repair Kit Round P attern Kits Consists of flu id tip , diffuser and a ir cap .
Technica l Data 46 309292S T echnical Data Loctite ® is a registere d trademark of th e Loctite Cor poration. Category Data Maximum W orking Fluid Pressure 100 psi (0.7 MP a, 7 bar) Maximum W orking Air Pressure 100 psi (0.7 MPa, 7 b ar) Minimum Air Press ure at Gun In let 40 p si (0.
Technical Data 309292S 47.
All written and visual data contained in this document reflects the latest product information available at the time of publica tion. Graco reserves the right to make changes a t any time without notice. Original instructions. T his manual contains English.
An important point after buying a device Graco Inc. ti1248a (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Graco Inc. ti1248a yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Graco Inc. ti1248a - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Graco Inc. ti1248a you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Graco Inc. ti1248a will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Graco Inc. ti1248a, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Graco Inc. ti1248a.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Graco Inc. ti1248a. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Graco Inc. ti1248a along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center