Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 312666R Graco
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Instru ctions - Parts Fusion ™ CS Plural Component, Impingement Mix Air Purge Spray Gun with Clea rShot Liquid Technology. For profe ssional use only. For use with non-flammable foam and polyur ea. Not for use in e xplosive atmospheres. 3500 psi (24 .
2 312666R Contents Related Manua ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Models/Mix Chamber Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . 3 Round Patte rn Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Flat Patter n Guns . . . . . . . . . .
Relate d Manual s 312666R 3 Related Manuals The fol lowing manuals a re for accessorie s used w ith the Fusion CS sp ray gun. Visit for the most current manu al revisions.
Models /Mix Cham ber Selec tion Gui de 4 312666R Models/Mix Chamber Selection Guide Round Patte rn Guns Mix Chamber Gun Part, Series Pa rt Impingement Port Siz e in. (mm) Equivalent Size Seal Material CS20RD, B RD2020 0.020 (0.5 0) -000 SST CS00RD, B RD0000 0.
Models /Mix Ch amber Sel ection Guide 312666R 5 Flat Pattern Guns Mix Chamber Flat Tip Gun Part , Seri es Part Impingement Port Size in. (mm) Equivalent Size Par t Patter n Si ze in. (mm) Orifice S ize in. (mm) CS20F1, B FL202 0 0.020 (0 .50) -000 FT0424 8-10 (203- 254) 0.
Models /Mix Cham ber Selec tion Gui de 6 312666R Wide Round Pattern Gun FLOW RATE in gpm (l pm)* PRESSUR E in psi (M Pa, bar ) 2.25 (8.55) 3.0 (11.4) 0.75 (2.85) 1.5 (5.7) 0 F L 0 1 0 1 w i t h F T X X 3 8 t i p F L 0 0 0 0 w i t h F T X X 3 8 t i p 500 (3.
Warn ings 312666R 7 Warnings The fol lowing warni ngs are for the setup, use, grou nding, mainte nance, and re pair o f this equip- ment. The excla mation p oint sym bol a lerts you to a genera l warnin g an d the ha zard symbo l r efers to pro cedure-spe cific risk.
Warnings 8 312666R FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD Flamma ble fu mes, such as solven t and p aint fu mes, in work area can ig nite or explo de. To h elp preve nt fire and explo sion: • Use equ ipment on ly in w ell ve ntilated area.
Overal l View 312666R 9 Overall View Key: A A Side Fluid Valve (ISO) B B Side Fluid Valve (RESIN) (not shown) C Front Cover Retainer D Air Line Quick Coupler E Breathe r Plug F Fluid Hous ing ( under .
ClearSh ot Liquid 10 312666R ClearShot Liquid Isocyanate Hazard Moisture Sensitivity of Isocyanates Isocyanates (ISO ) are catalyst s used in two compon ent fo am and polyure a coatin gs. ISO will react with mo isture (such as hum idity) to form small, hard, a brasive crystals, which becom e suspe nded in the flu id.
Keep C omponent s A and B Sep arate 312666R 11 Keep Components A and B Separate Foam Resins with 245 fa Blowing Agents New foam blowing agents w ill froth a t tempera- tures a bove 90°F ( 33°C) wh en no t under pres- sure, especiall y if ag itated. To red uce fro thing, minimize preheating in a circulation system.
Groundi ng 12 312666R Grounding Check yo ur local el ectrica l code and propor - tione r manu al for detail ed grou nding i nstruc- tions. Ground the spray gun th roug h connectio n to a Graco- approve d grounde d fluid su pply hose . Piston Safety Lock Engage piston s afety lock wheneve r you stop sprayi ng to avoid acciden tal trigg ering .
Remove Front Cover 312666R 13 Remove Front Cover 1. Foll ow Pressure Relief Procedure , page 17. 2. E nsure flui d valves A and B are close d before turning front cover retainer (C). Loss of Air Pressure In eve nt of los s of air pre ssure, gu n will con - tinue to spray.
Setup 14 312666R Setup 1. Close fl uid va lves A an d B. 2. Connect A (I SO) an d B (RE SIN) flu id hos es to flui d mani fold. 3. P urge air from flu id line s using fe ed pu mp press ure onl y (less than 500 psi (3. 5 MPa, 35 bar)) . a. E nsure flui d valves are clo sed.
Setup 312666R 15 9. Diseng age pis ton saf ety lo ck, pa ge 12. 10. Trigg er gun t o check for full mi x chambe r travel and to pri me Clear Shot Li quid dosing pump. See ClearShot Liquid Cartridge Installation/Remov al , page 23. 11. Engage piston safe ty lock, pa ge 12.
Shutdown 16 312666R Shutdown Overn ight Shutd own 1. Foll ow Pressure Relief Procedure , page 17. 2. Leave air turn ed on and gun detrig gered. 3. Unscr ew and rem ove front cover re tainer (C). Remove front cover (U). 4. Us ing gr ease gun, dispe nse a hal f sho t of grease i nto fit ting (G ).
Pressure Relief Procedure 312666R 17 Pressure Relief Procedure 1. E ngage pi ston safe ty lock, page 12. 2. C lose flui d valves A and B. Leave air valve (W) ope n. 3. Diseng age pis ton saf ety lo ck, pa ge 12. 4. Tri gger g un onto cardboar d or i nto was te containe r to re lieve p ressu re.
Option al Hose Position 18 312666R Optional Hose Position Fluid inlet swivel fittin gs point to rear. I f desired , these positio ns can be changed so hoses point d ownward. 1. Foll ow Pressure Relief Procedure , page 17. Also relie ve system pressure, s ee pro- portio ner manu al.
Flat Spray Tips 312666R 19 Flat Spray Tips 1. Foll ow Pressure Relief Procedure , page 17. 2. Unscrew and remove front cover retaine r (C). 3. Remove front cove r (U) and o-rin g (2b). Inspect o -ring. 4. R emove t ip retai ner (46) and t ip (21). Inspec t o-rin g (47).
Variable Flow 20 312666R Variable Flow Operation Reduced Flow To spray a reduced f low patte rn, push in and turn flow select or knob to va riable flow posi- tion. See F IG . 27. Full Flow To return to a full flow pattern, push in and turn flow se lecto r knob to ful l flow p ositi on.
Variable Fl ow 312666R 21 3. To increase va riable flow : push in and tu rn variable flow knob countercloc kwise. To dec rease vari able flow : push in and turn variable flow knob clockwise. 4. Tur n air valve ON , and ope n fluid va lves. Verify that flow se lector knob is se t to the varia ble fl ow pos ition .
Variable Flow 22 312666R.
ClearShot Liqui d Cartridg e Inst allati on/Remo val 312666R 23 ClearShot Liquid Cartridge Installation/Removal Insta llati on 1. Foll ow Pressure Relief Procedure , page 17. 2. Remove plasti c cap fr om new ClearS hot Liquid c artrid ge. 3. Inse rt car tridg e into g un hand le.
ClearSh ot Liquid Cartridge Ins talla tion/Remov al 24 312666R Removal 1. Foll ow Pressure Relief Procedure , page 17. 2. Turn air val ve (W) OFF . 3. P ush in and tur n cartr idge 1/ 4 turn co unter- clockwi se (v iewed fr om botto m). 4. P ull car tridg e out of g un ha ndle.
Main tenance 312666R 25 Maintenance Supplie d Tool Kit • Hex N ut Driver ; 5/16 • Screw driver ; 1/8 b lade • Nozzle Drill B it; various si zes depend ing on nozzle size. See Tabl e 1. • Impingement Port Drill Bit; various size s depen ding on port s ize.
Maint enanc e 26 312666R Flush Gun 1. Foll ow Pressure Relief Procedure , page 17. 2. Flush with compatible solvent into a ground ed met al pail, holding a metal part of fluid manifold firmly to side of pail. Use low- est po ssib le flui d pres sure wh en flus hing .
Main tenance 312666R 27 Clean Flui d Manifol d Clean f luid man ifold fluid por ts with com patible solv ent an d brush when ever re moved fr om gun. Do not dam age th e intern al sea ling sur - faces. Fill f luid ports with grease if left expo sed, to seal out moistu re.
Maint enanc e 28 312666R Clean Mix Cham ber Nozzle 1. E ngage pi ston safe ty lock, page 12. 2. Refe r to Ta ble 1. A lso see i dent ific ation chart under Drill Bit Kits , page 53. Use appropri ate size dr ill bi t to clean m ix cham- ber no zzle (N ).
Main tenance 312666R 29 Clean Passag es If necessa ry, clean o ut passages in f luid hou s- ing and handle with dr ill bits. All dr ill bits are available in an accesso ry kit. Order kit 256526 for ClearShot Handle Drill Kit; se e Acces so- ries , page 55.
Maint enanc e 30 312666R 5. L oosen A a nd B side seals two turns. 6. P ull out m ix chamber from back of fl uid housi ng. Se e Table 2 for ap prop riate s ize drill to clean po rts. Also see iden tification chart under Drill Bit Kits , page 53. Table 2: Impingeme nt Port Drill Bit Sizes 7.
Troubles hootin g 312666R 31 Troubleshooting 1. Foll ow Pressure Relief Procedure , page 17, bef ore ch ecking o r repa iring gu n. 2. Check al l poss ible prob lems an d cause s befor e disass embling gu n.
Troub leshooti ng 32 312666R Leakage between flat t ip and mi x chamber. Tip not seated proper ly. Reassemble. See Flat Spray Tips , page 19. Damaged/missing o-ring ( 47). Replace. See Flat Spray Tips , page 19. Pressure i mbalance. Plugged impi ngement ports .
Troubles hootin g 312666R 33 Steady air leak age from muffler. Damaged air valve o-rings (4d). Replace. See Air Valve , page 43. Damaged piston o-ri ngs (4a, 4c). Replace. See Piston , page 42. Air l eakage from f ront air valv e. Damaged air valve o- rings ( 4d).
Theory o f Oper ation 34 312666R Theory of Operation Gun Tr iggered (Fluid Spraying) Mix chamber (14) move s back, shutting o ff purge air flo w. Imping ement p orts (IP ) align with fl uid po rts of sid e seals ( 42, 43), allow ing fluid to flow through mix chamber no zzle (N) .
Theory o f Operatio n 312666R 35 Cutaway View TI120 91a 20 19 42 14 3 45 44 6 5 15 17 15 16 13 9 23 1 (Hose Manifold A ssy.; see page 4 8) 4 (Piston A ssy.
Repai r 36 312666R Repair Tool s Requ ired Tools re quired to comple te gun r epair proce- dures : • adjust able wre nch • flat h ead screwdr iver ( included ) • 5/1 6 hex n ut driver (incl uded ) Lubric ation See page 55 to order lubr icant. L iberal ly lub ri- cate all o-rings, seals, and t hreads.
Repair 312666R 37 Attach Front End 1. E ngage pi ston safe ty lock, page 12. 2. Libera lly lub ricate o -rings (2c, 2d ) and reas- semble on fl uid hous ing . Inser t key ed end of mix chamber (14) in so cket of pi ston assembly (4). 3. P ush flui d housi ng (F) f lush to h andle.
Repai r 38 312666R Mix Cha mber and Si de Seal Assemblies See Models/ Mix Chamber Selection Guide , page 4, fo r availa ble mix ch amber sizes. 1. Foll ow Pressure Relief Procedure , page 17. 2. Remove fluid ma nifold ( M). Leav e air co n- nect ed. 3.
Repair 312666R 39 8. A pply thi n coat of lubri cant to m ix chamber (14). Install mix cha mber. Etched A and notc h must be o n sa me si de as A on fluid housin g. Mix chamber is keyed to fit i n fluid housi ng. 9. P ush do wn on se al housi ng (42 a) and turn so side sea l detents unlock a nd remove.
Repai r 40 312666R 12. Check fo r proper sprin g (42b) o perat ion, and that the sea l (42c) rotates slightly in the seal h ousing (42 a) detents. When the seal is i nstal led corr ectly the spring will be fle xible and all four cross holes of the seal will be comple tely visible.
Repair 312666R 41 Check Va lves 1. Foll ow Pressure Relief Procedure , page 17. 2. Remove fl uid ma nifold ( M). Leave air con - nect ed. Clean Fluid Manifold , page 27. 3. Flush gu n to remo ve resi dual A an d B com- ponent s. See Fl ush Gun , page 26 .
Repai r 42 312666R 8. L iberall y lubr icate o-rings (44e, 44 f) and carefully reinsta ll in fluid housing (F). Use hex nut driver to tighten. 9. Attac h fluid ma nifo ld (M). Co nnect ai r (D). Return gun to se rvice. Piston 1. Foll ow Pressure Relief Procedure , page 17 2.
Repair 312666R 43 11. Reinstal l pist on. Shaft is keyed f or pro per assembly. Push firmly to seat piston. 12. Instal l variab le flow ad justmen t kno b (X). 13. Attach Front End , page 37. 14. Attach f luid mani fold (M). 15. Instal l ClearSh ot Liqu id cartrid ge.
Parts 44 312666R Parts Apply light coating of Fusion grease ( 31). Apply sealant to threads. Torque to 20-30 in-lb (2.3-3.4 N•m). Torque to 35-40 in-lb (4.
Parts 312666R 45 Parts Ref. P art De script ion Qty. 1 256466 MANIFOLD, hose, assy. 1 1a MANIFOLD 1 1b ✓ 256462 KIT, valve, check, a side; includes 1c and 256469 (o-rin g) 1 1c† 256462 KIT, valve,.
Parts 46 312666R ▲ Repl acement Danger and Warn ing labe ls, tags, and cards are avail able a t no cos t. † Not sh own. ✖ Wide a nd ro und patt ern mo dels o nly. ✠ Flat pattern models only. ❖ See tables on page 47 for kit numb er. ✓ Also incl uded in o-ring repa ir kit(s) ; see page 51.
Parts 312666R 47 Wide and Round Pattern Models Varying Parts Table Flat Pattern Models Varying Parts Ta ble Convert Round Pattern to Flat Pattern To convert a round pa ttern gun to a fl at pattern gun, ord er the following parts.
Parts 48 312666R Flat Pattern Detail Flush Manifold Detail Supplied Tools Detail Views Apply lubricant to seals. Apply sealant to threads. 1 3 2-Hose Fluid Manifold (1) Detail TI12106a TI3870a TI12107.
Parts 312666R 49 Mix Ch amber Kits Round Pa tter n Mix Cham ber Kits Wide Pattern Mix Chamber Kits Kits includ e mix chamber and clea nout drills. To spra y larger diameter pa tterns than standard mix chambe rs. Mix Chamber Kit (inc lude s drill bits) Pattern Diamete r at 24 in.
Parts 50 312666R Flat Pattern Mix Chamb er Kits † Availabl e onl y in flat m ix chamber kits or i n 24636 0 multi- pack kit. Mix Chamber Part Reference Guide Sample par t RD01 01: Flat Tip Ki ts Flat Ti p Part Reference Guide Sampl e part FT 0848: Mix Chamber Kit (includes drill bi ts and o-ring) Ref.
Parts 312666R 51 O-ring Repair Kits The fol lowing table ind icates th e specifi c o-ring (s) r eferen ce numb er and q uantity include d in each o -ring kit. Bulk O-ring K its The fol lowing table ind icates th e specific o-ring (s) re ference n umber and cor respondin g kit num - ber.
Parts 52 312666R Complete O-ring Kit Placement Guide Each o- ring in kit 2564 90 is lab eled by the refere nce nu mber. See the tabl e entr y for 256 490 in O-ring Repair Kits on pa ge 51 f or the qu anti ty of ea ch. Check Valv e Filter Screen Kits Kits i nclude 1 0 filt er screens.
Parts 312666R 53 Drill Bit Kits For cl eaning gun port s and orifice s. Illus trat ions ar e actu al siz e for comp arison . Not all sizes ar e used with e very gun mode l. Kit Part Qty i n Kit Dril l Bit Si ze Illu stra tion nomin al in. mm 249115 6 1/8 0.
Parts 54 312666R ClearShot Handle Cleanout Drill Kit 25652 6 Kit include s all 7 drill bi ts of extra length needed to clean o ut all ai r passag es in the Fusion CS gu n handle and flu id housi ng. See Clean Pass ages , page 29. 246629 6 #58 0.042 1.
Acce ssori es 312666R 55 Accessories Stainless Steel Side Seal Kit Kit 25 6464 in cludes 2 stainless ste el side seals a nd 2 o-ri ngs. Polycarballoy Side Seal Kits Kits i nclude a pa cking o- ring for each po lycar- balloy side s eal. The option al hig h wear , non-met allic po lycarbal loy sea ls are f or alter - nate fluids.
Acce ssori es 56 312666R Solven t Flush Cani ster Kit 256510, 1 qt (0.95 liter) Solv ent Cup Includ es flushing manif old to f lush gun with solvent. Po rtable for remote flushin g.
Technica l Data 312666R 57 Technical Data All othe r bran d name s or marks a re used for identifi cation pu rpose s and ar e tradema rks of the ir respective owners. Air Flow Data Category D ata Maximum Fl uid W orking Pressure 3500 psi (24.5 M Pa, 245 bar) Minim um Air Inlet Pressur e 80 psi (0.
All written and visual data contained in this document reflects the lat est product information available at the time of publica tion. Graco rese rves the right to m ake changes at any time without notice. For patent information, see
An important point after buying a device Graco 312666R (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Graco 312666R yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Graco 312666R - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Graco 312666R you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Graco 312666R will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Graco 312666R, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Graco 312666R.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Graco 312666R. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Graco 312666R along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center