Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Motor Protection System GE
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LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–1 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin GE Multil in's Quali ty Management System is register ed to ISO9001:2000 QMI # 005094 UL # A3775 I I SO9001:2000 G E M U L T I L I N R E G I S T E R E D LM10 revision: 1.
© 2008 GE Multilin Incorporated. All rights reserved. GE Multilin LM10 Mot or Protection Syst em instruction manua l for revision 1.70. LM10 Motor Protection S ystem, is a registe red trademark of GE Multilin Inc. The contents of this manual are the property of GE Multilin Inc.
1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANU AL 1–I Table of Contents 1: INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION . ................... .................... ............... .................... ................... ................ ..... .. 1-1 T HE LM10 R ELAY .
1–II LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 4: FUNCTIONALITY OVERCURRENT FAULT CONDITIONS ................... ................ ................... ................... ...4-25 D ESCRIPTIONS .............................
1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANU AL 1–III D EVICE N ET F EATURES ........................................................................................................ A-3 M AXIMUM C ABLE L ENGTHS FOR D EVICE N ET .
LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–1 LM10 Motor Protection System Chapter 1: Introduction GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin Introduction 1.1 Description 1.1.1 The LM10 Relay The GE Multilin LM10 Motor Prot ection System is a modular device designed to protect motors from various fault conditions.
1–2 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL OVERVIEW CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.2 Over view 1.2.1 Featur es The LM10 Motor Protection S ystem is a micropr ocessor-based unit . It takes a ‘snapshot’ image of the three phases of current , one phase of voltage, and ground.
CHAPTER 1: I NTRODUCTION OVERVIEW LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–3 1.2.4 Power Supply The LM10 Motor Protection Syst em has an on-board power supply with a fuse that converts the AC input to the levels necessary to ope rate thi s de vic e.
1–4 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL FEATURES CHAPTER 1: INTRODUC TION 1.3 Features 1.3.1 Programming and Di splay Unit The main task of the programming and display unit (PDU) is to provide status information to a local user . The PDU can dis play the r equested paramet er(s) on the LCD in either English or Spanish.
CHAPTER 1: I NTRODUCTION FEATURES LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–5 • Baud rate : This two-position DIP switch is used to select the DeviceNet baud rate. The valid rates are 125K , 250K and 500K bits pe r second. The DIP switch is defaulted t o 125K baud rate when shipped.
1–6 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL ORDERING CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.4 Ordering 1.4.1 Order Codes The order codes for the LM10 Motor Protection Syst em are shown below .
CHAPTER 1: I NTRODUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–7 1.5 Specif ications 1.5.1 Protection Elements OVERCURRENT (ANSI 51) Curve shapes: ........................ ................. .........NEMA class 10, 15, 20 and 30, ho t and cold T iming ac curacy: .
1–8 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL SPECIFICATIONS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION AVERAGE CURRENT Resolution : ....................... .................. .............. ..0.1 A Range: ............... ................. ............... .
CHAPTER 1: I NTRODUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–9 Ground CT input: ................ ............... ..............20 A ground fau lt sensor or 20:0.2 A ground fault CT VOLTA GE PT secondary:............
1–10 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.5.5 CT Dimensions Thermal overload CT Ground fault CT 1.5.6 Outputs RELA Y OU TPU TS Relay pilot d uty: ................ .................. .........
CHAPTER 1: I NTRODUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–11 Connector type:...... .................. ................. ...... 5- pin micro-s tyle molded male conn ector Baud rate: .............. ............... .
LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 2–13 LM10 Motor Protection System Chapter 2: Installation GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin Instal latio n 2.
2–14 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL WIRING CHAPTER 2: INSTALLATION The LM10 base unit and PDU are designed to use a maximum 36-inch cable when the PDU is mounted door-mounted alone. A sh orter cab le can be used when the two units are door - mounted t ogether .
CHAPTER 2: INSTALLATION WIRING LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 2–15 FIGURE 2–3: LM10 Control Signal Contacts Service hint: Remove the bottom t erminal bloc k f irst , using a small screwdriver in either end. The top t erminal block can then be removed using a coin or any broad-blade tool.
CHAPTER 2: INSTALLATION MOUNTING LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 2–17 2.2 Mounting 2.2.1 LM10 Mounting Three mounting options are av ailable. 1. The relay has four holes in the back to allow securing to a mounting pla te with screws by others.
2–18 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL MOUNTING CHAPTER 2: INSTALLATION FIGURE 2–6: LM10 Backplate Dimensions 2.2.2 PDU Door Mount The PDU can be door-mounted using the gasket and six scre ws provided. The rear of the unit protrudes through a cutout and is accessible from inside the door .
LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–19 LM10 Motor Protection System Chapter 3: Interface GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin Inter face 3.1 PDU Operations 3.1.1 Liquid Crystal Display The liquid crystal disp lay is a 5 × 8 font pixel ized charact er type in a 16-character by 4-l ine format .
3–20 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL PDU OPERATIONS CHAPTER 3: INTERFACE power factor , kW, average curr ent , and current unbalance. Pressing the History butt on again advances to the next histor y r ecord. • Status : Pressing the Status button displays the current conditions of the LM10.
CHAPTER 3: INTERFACE PDU SCREENS A ND MENUS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–21 3.2 PDU Screens and Menus 3.2.1 Main Startup Screen The main startup screen displays the following information. These paramet ers are not programmable via serial communications, but rather are displayed for convenience.
3–22 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL PDU SCRE ENS AND MENU S CHAPTER 3: INTERFACE Run 2 to Run 1 (delay between for ward and r everse or between speeds) • Other Settings Sub-menu : The Other Settings menu is used t o enable/disable the following: under/overvoltage, maintained vs.
CHAPTER 3: INTERFACE ENERVISTA LM10 SOFTWARE LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–23 3.3 EnerVista LM10 Software 3.3.1 Description The EnerVista LM10 software is intended as an interface to the GE Multilin LM10 Motor Protection Syst em.
3–24 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL ENERVISTA LM10 SOFTWARE CHAPTER 3: INTERFACE • Download : Sends the conf iguration parameters from memory to the connect ed LM10. Note that you must be logged into the LM10 as a conf igurator to download conf igurat ion parameters.
LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–25 LM10 Motor Protection System Chapter 4: Functionality GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin Functional ity 4.
CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY OVE RCURRENT FAULT CONDITIONS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–27 4.1.2 T rip Curves Example A trip curves example w ith jam and stall enabled is shown below. In this example, we have trip class 20, cold motor , with jam at 150% FL A for 120 seconds, and stall at 600% FLA for 12 seconds.
4–28 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL OVERCURRENT FAULT CONDITIONS CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY While the motor is in the cool-down time delay, the PDU status screen will displ ay the fault type followed by a number decrementing from 99.
CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY CONFIGURATION SETTINGS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–29 4.2 Conf iguration Settings 4.2.1 Overview An overview of the LM10 programmable parameters is shown below .
4–30 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL CONFIGURATION SETTINGS CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY 4.2.2 Main Menu The main menu for the conf iguration settings is shown below .
CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY CONFIGURATION SETTINGS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–31 4.2.3 Language P A TH: Conf iguration Ø ENGLISH/SP ANISH This setting selects the la nguage (either Englis h or Spanish) to display on the PDU interface.
4–32 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL CONFIGURATION SETTINGS CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY 4.2.5 Start er T ype P A TH: Conf iguration ØØØ Star ter Type Select the motor type from the list .
CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY CONFIGURATION SETTINGS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–33 • FLA (full load current) The LM10 Motor Protec tion System is designed to work in conjunction with a spectrum of motor star ters. Therefore it handles f ull load currents ranging from 1.
4–34 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL CONFIGURATION SETTINGS CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY A 6% voltage un balance equa tes to a roughly 25% curr ent unbalance and will fr equently cause motor damage . • LdLoss Setup (load loss setup): Load loss is based on watts, def ined as follows: (EQ 4.
CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY CONFIGURATION SETTINGS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–35 One or more optional faults may be enabled after the basic functions ar e conf igured. • U/O Volt En (undervoltage/over voltage enable): This setting enables or disables the under/overvoltage element .
4–36 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL CONFIGURATION SETTINGS CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY prior to power loss and not be in run when power is lost , therefore no run state to restart .
CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY CONFIGURATION SETTINGS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–37 An auxilia ry relay can be connected to any number of w arning devices. With the settings in this menu, the user can select which combination of trip cond itions will activate the auxiliary relay.
4–38 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL CONFIGURATION SETTINGS CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY Entering a passcode at the Pass Code, Login screen will change the login indicat ed by an asterisk at the end of the l ine. The default passcode is “0” .
CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY STATUS VALUES LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–39 4.3 Status Values 4.3.1 Main Menu The main menu for the status values is shown below .
4–40 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL STATUS VALUES CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY • Motor Hr s : The LM10 keeps a running tally of motor operation time, incremented hourly up to 65535 hours. Upon power loss, the unit will r etain any whole number of hours already re corded.
CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY HISTORY VALUES LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–41 4.4 History Values 4.4.1 Last Trip Data Data for the last ten trips is stored in the LM10. Press the HIST ORY key to access these values. Pressing the HIST ORY key multiple times scrolls between trips 1 to 10.
4–42 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL MOTOR START/STOP LOGIC CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY 4.5 Motor Start/St op Logic LM10 is designed to run in RUN1 and RUN2 mode. However , to illustrat e this, only RUN1 mode is described below . The block logic d iagram for RUN1 operation is shown in f ig.
CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONALITY MOTO R START/STOP LOGIC LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–43 AUX. Sense 1 fault det ects a welded contactor when the contactor fails t o open within 0.
LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–45 LM10 Motor Protection System Chapter 5: Communications GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin Communicatio ns 5.1 DeviceNet Operations 5.1.1 Description The device prof ile is an extension of the Motor Starter Device Prof ile (0x16).
5–46 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL DEVICENET OPERATIONS CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS . This data group can also be r etrie ved via explicit messaging to the Assembly object , class 4, instance 102, attribute 3.
CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS DEVICENET OPERATIONS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–47 The Hi and Lo bytes of the phase current A , B and C ar e reversed as compared to poll gr oup 1 to make it compatible with the format of Firmware r evision 1.
5–48 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL DEVICENET OPERATIONS CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS DeviceNet Object , Class Code 3, Instance 1, Attributes: 5.1.6 Assembly Object The assembly objects bind attribut es of multiple objects to allow data t o or from each object to be sent or received ov er a sing le connection.
CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS DEVICENET OPERATIONS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–49 Assembly Object , Class Code 4, Instance 5: Assembly Object , Class Code 4, Instance 52: Asse.
5–50 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL DEVICENET OPERATIONS CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS A s s e m b l y O b j e c t , C l a s s C o d e 4 , I n s t a n c e 5 4 . U s e t h i s o bj e ct f o r d a t a re c e i v e d b y t h e m a s t e r from the slave device.
CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS DEVICENET OPERATIONS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–51 Assembly Object , Class Code 4, Instance 102 Assembly Object , Class Code 4, Instance 103 Ass.
5–52 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL DEVICENET OPERATIONS CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS Assembly Object , Class Code 4, Instance 105 5.1.7 Connection Object The connection objects manage the charact eristics of each communication connection.
CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS DEVICENET OPERATIONS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–53 Connection Object , Class Code 5, Instance 2 (polled input/output connection): Connection Obj.
5–54 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL DEVICENET OPERATIONS CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS 5.1.8 ACK Handler Object The 'acknowledge handler object ' manages the reception of message acknowledgments.
CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS DEVICENET OPERATIONS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–55 Overload Object , Class Code 0x2C, Instance 1: UINT = 16-bit unsigned integer 5.1.10 Extension Object The extension handler object manages the ac cess to settings and paramet ers not provided for in the standard device type 0x16.
5–56 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL DEVICENET OPERATIONS CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS The data type format codes for class code 0x64, instance 1 are shown below .
CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS DEVICENET OPERATIONS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–57 5.1.11 Data Formats F1: Full Load Current (16-bit unsigned integer) Range: 0x000C to 0x1F40 (i.e. 1.2 to 800.0 A) Multiplying factor : 0. 1 Example: 123.
5–58 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL DEVICENET OPERATIONS CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS F9: Auxiliary Sense 1 / Run1-Run2 T ime Delays Format: two byt es in format 0xHHLL , where LL is the auxil iary sense 1 time delay and HH i s the Run1-Run2 time delay (Run1-Run2 time delay for r evisions 1.
CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS DEVICENET OPERATIONS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–59 Byte LL range: 0x01 to 0x04 (i.e. 1 to 4 turns) F14: Other Settings (16-bit Bitmask) F15: Poll Data Gr oup (enumera tion; 16-bit unsigned integer) F16: Run1-Run2 and Run2-Run1 T ime Delay (16-bit unsigned integer) Range: 0x0000 to 0x0258 (i.
5–60 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL DEVICENET OPERATIONS CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS F21: Motor Status (8-bit Bitmask) F22: Motor Status (16-bit bitmask) F23: 16-bit Unsigned Integer Multiplying factor : 0.
CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS DEVICENET OPERATIONS LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–61 The third 4-bit section is an enumeration which indicates the cause of the fault . F25: Input Switch Status (16-bit value; use only l ower byte) Format: two bytes in format 0xHHLL , where LL is the Switch Input status and HH is Reser ved.
5–62 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL DEVICENET OPERATIONS CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS This data was initially setup for development purposes. An expl icit message through the custom class 100(0x64) is the only way to acce ss this data.
CHAPTER 5: COMMUNICATIONS SERIAL PORT LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–63 5.2 Serial Por t 5.2.1 Description This is a standard RS232 port to handle the seri al messages. It has a f ixed port settings of 19200, 8, N, 1. The PDU uses th is port .
LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 6–65 LM10 Motor Protection System Chapter 6: Miscellaneous GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin Miscellaneou s 6.1 R evision History 6.1.1 Release Dates 6.1.2 Changes to the Manual l l Table 6–1: Release Dates Manual GE Par t Number LM10 Revision Release Date GEK-106642 1601-0165-A1 1.
6–66 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTI ON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL REVISION HISTORY CHAPTER 6: MISCELLANEOUS 3.2.4 Move section to 5.1.10 5.1.2 Add Poll Data 4 5.1.6 Add Assembly Object , Class Code 4, Instance 105 (Poll Data Group 4) 5.1.8 Control Supervisor Object - Delet e Section 5.
CHAPTER 6: MISCELLANEOUS WARRANTY LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 6–67 6.2 Warranty 6.2.1 GE Multilin Wa rranty General Electric Multil in (GE Multilin) warrants each device it .
LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A–1 LM10 Motor Protection System Appendix A GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin A .1 DeviceNet Over view A .
A–2 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL DEVICENET OVERVIEW CHAPTER A: A .1.2 Controller Ar ea Network (CAN) The Controller Ar ea Network (CAN) is a broadcast-oriented communications protocol. DeviceNet uses CAN for its data link layer .
CHAPTER A: DEVICENET OVERVIEW LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A–3 A .1.4 Explicit Messaging and Input/Output (I/O) Messaging Explicit messages contain information suc h as vendors, parameters, et c.
A–4 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL DEVICENET OVERVIEW CHAPTER A: A .1.8 Devic eNet Specif ication H ighlights Description: The DeviceNet specif ication def ines a network communication system for transferring data between elements of an industrial control and automation system.
CHAPTER A: DEVICENET OVERVIEW LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A–5 The Object Model: The Object Model provides a template for organizing and implementing the At tributes, Services and Behaviors of the components of a DeviceNet product .
A–6 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL LM10 AND GE FANUC 90-30 WITH DEVICENET™ CHAPTER A: A .2 LM10 and GE Fanuc 90-30 with DeviceNet™ A. 2 . 1 O v e rv i e w This section describes an example comm unications setup between the LM10 Mot or Protection System and the GE Fanuc 90-30 PLC via the DeviceNet protocol.
CHAPTER A: LM10 AND GE FANUC 90-30 WITH DEVICENET™ LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A–7 Z Select GE LM10 under GE Multil in . If the slave is not displayed in the slave catalog, it can be added using the EDS f ile: Z Click the Have Disk t ab in the slave cat alog, then open the EDS f ile for the LM10.
A–8 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL LM10 AND GE FANUC 90-30 WITH DEVICENET™ CHAPTER A: Z Enter a value of 7 bytes under input resource and 1 byte under output resour ce. This is the size of the slave st atus dat a and com mand dat a.
CHAPTER A: LM10 AND GE FANUC 90-30 WITH DEVICENET™ LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A–9 Phase A values are displayed in %I00105 (223 × 0.1 amps). Phase B values ar e d isplayed in %I00121 (212 × 0.1 amps). Phase C values ar e d isplayed in %I00137 (218 × 0.
A–10 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL LM10 AND GE FANUC 90-30 WITH DEVICENET™ CHAPTER A: A .2.6 COS (Change of S tat e) Input/Output Connection With change of state, a devi ce will produce data only when it changes state.
CHAPTER A: LM10 AND GE FANUC 90-30 WITH DEVICENET™ LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A–11 Z Double-click the added slave device to view the dat a area for Connection 2.
A–12 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL LM10 AND GE FANUC 90-30 WITH DEVICENET™ CHAPTER A: • Rung 3 has a Block Move wor d, 3 blocks. • Rung 4 has the COMMREQ ladder instruction. Refer to Chapter 5: Communi cations for a complete descript ion of each word.
CHAPTER A: LM10 AND GE FANUC 90-30 WITH DEVICENET™ LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A–13 FIGURE A–1: Ladder Lo gic for Data Monitoring Login (Conf iguratio n Level) to the LM10: The ladder logic for conf iguring (login, user level, and entry conf iguration mode) the LM10 using COMMREQ is shown b elow .
A–14 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL LM10 AND GE FANUC 90-30 WITH DEVICENET™ CHAPTER A: • Word 13: Login, User Level (for example, 16#33 [Login, User Level]) • Word 14: O.
CHAPTER A: LM10 AND GE FANUC 90-30 WITH DEVICENET™ LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A–15 • Word 1 7: Attribute (for example, 16#0200 [FLA Run1]) • Word 18: Attribute (for example, 77 [77 × 0.
A–16 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL LM10 AND GE FANUC 90-30 WITH DEVICENET™ CHAPTER A: To view the slav e number of slaves connected to mast er card, add address %I00001 to the new refer ence table. Now , ad dress %I000010 will read “1” , since the LM10 is connect ed to the master as slave 1 (MAC ID 1).
CHAPTER A: LM10 AND ALLEN-BR ADLEY SLC500 VIA DEVICENET™ LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A–17 A .3 LM10 a nd Allen-Bradle y SLC500 via DeviceNet™ A .3.1 Description This section describes DeviceNet communica tions between the Allen-Bradley SLC500 PLC card with the GE Multil in LM10 Motor Protection S ystem.
A–18 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL LM10 AND ALLEN-BRADLEY SLC500 VIA DEVICENET™ CHAPTER A: Z Once the DeviceNet connection (consisting of the 1747-SDN Scanner card, 1770-KFD , and LM10 relay) is complete, click the Online icon and uploa d the network.
CHAPTER A: LM10 AND ALLEN-BR ADLEY SLC500 VIA DEVICENET™ LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A–19 FIGURE A–6: Sample Force File Z To place the 1747-SDN scanner in Run Mode, toggle the bit O:1/0 to 1 in the O0-output force f ile.
A–20 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL LM10 AND ALLEN-BRADLEY SLC500 VIA DEVICENET™ CHAPTER A: FIGURE A–7: Scanner Module Scanlist Z Click on Scanlist ta b . The LM10 will be shown under Av ailable Devices. Z Click the right arrow to move under 'scanlist '.
CHAPTER A: LM10 AND ALLEN-BR ADLEY SLC500 VIA DEVICENET™ LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A–21 Z In RSLogix 500, open the O0-Output and I1-Input force f iles. FIGURE A–8: Input Force File Z To turn on the Run1 co nt actor , toggle the O:1/16 bit to 1 .
A–22 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL LM10 AND ALLEN-BRADLEY SLC500 VIA DEVICENET™ CHAPTER A: A .3.9 Data Table Layout The data table layout is shown below . Note that X will be any number set in the data f ile. The TXID high byte is used for message tracking and is incremented and checked by ladder logic.
CHAPTER A: LM10 AND ALLEN-BR ADLEY SLC500 VIA DEVICENET™ LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A–23 • 0E (hex), 14 (decimal) = Get Attribut e Single (r ead a single paramet er) .
A–24 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION S YSTEM – INSTRUCTION MAN UAL LM10 AND ALLEN-BRADLEY SLC500 VIA DEVICENET™ CHAPTER A: Refer to the De viceNet Object Model of the LM 10 relay for detail information on Class, Instance, and Attribut e.
INDEX LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANU AL I–1 Index Inde x A APPLICATION .... .................. ..................... ................. .................. ................. ...... 5-6 1 AUTORESTART ..... ................. .........
I–2 LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL INDEX G GF INDICATOR ....................... .................. ..................... ................. .................. .... 1-4 GROUND FAULT .............. .................. ..............
INDEX LM10 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANU AL I–3 OVERVOLTAGE ............ ................. .................. ................. ..................... ............. 4- 35 P PASSCODE ...................... .................. ...........
An important point after buying a device GE Motor Protection System (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought GE Motor Protection System yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data GE Motor Protection System - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, GE Motor Protection System you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get GE Motor Protection System will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of GE Motor Protection System, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime GE Motor Protection System.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with GE Motor Protection System. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device GE Motor Protection System along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center