Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CMT-NEZ5 GE
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©2005 Sony Corporation 2-582-894- 12 (1) Micr o HI-FI Component System Oper ating Inst ructions Owner’ s Record The model and serial numbers are l ocated o n the rear o f the unit . Record the s erial nu mber in the space provi ded below. Refer to the m whenever you c all upon your Sony dealer regardin g this pro duct.
2 GB To preven t fire or shock hazard, do not expose th e unit to ra in or moist ure. To prevent f ire, do not cover the ventilation of the apparatus with ne ws papers, table-clo ths, curta ins, etc . And don’t pla ce lighted c andles on th e apparatus.
3 GB How to use this manu al ............. .............. 4 Playable discs ....... .......... ........... ........... ... 4 Getting Started Hooking up the sy stem........... ........... ...... 6 Setting the cloc k ............. ........... ........ ..
4 GB • The inst ru ct ions in th is manual are fo r mo d el CMT-NEZ 5 and CM T- NE Z 3. Check y our model number b y looking at the front p anel. In th is m an u a l, C M T- NE Z 3 is use d f o r illust ratio n purpo ses u nles s sta te d othe rw ise.
5 GB Notes on C D-R and CD -RW • Som e CD-R s or CD- RWs ca nnot be p layed on thi s system depe nding upo n the r ecord ing quality or p hysical conditi on of the d isc, or the ch arac terist ics of the recor din g device . Furthermore, the disc will not play if it has not been correctl y finaliz ed.
6 GB Perform th e following procedures 1 to 4 to hoo k up your s ystem using th e supp li e d cord s and acces sories. CMT-NEZ3 is u sed for i llustration purpos e. 1 Connect the speakers. Conn ect the r ight and left sp eaker cord s to the SPE A K E R ter min al s o n th e un it a s show n be low.
Getting Started 7 GB Plug type A Plug type B Plug type C Note To prevent noise pic kup, k eep the a ntennas aw ay from the system an d other component s. 3 For models with a vo ltage selector, set VOLTAGE S ELECTOR to t he loca l power line voltage. The voltage selector is lo cated at the rear of the apparat us.
8 GB Use bu tt o ns on th e r em o te for th e op erati on. 1 Press ?/1 to turn o n the unit. 2 Press CLOCK/TIMER SET. 3 Press . or > repeatedly to set the hour. 4 Press EN TER . 5 Press . or > repeatedly to set the minute. 6 Press EN TER . The cloc k s tarts wo rk ing.
CD/MP3 – Play 9 GB 1 Press Z PUSH OPEN/CLOS E on t he unit . 2 Place a disc with the label side up o n the CD compartment. 3 Press Z PUSH OPEN/CLOS E on t he unit again to cl ose the lid of CD compartment. Notes • Do not use a d isc with tape , seals or past e on it as this may cause ma lf unc ti on.
10 GB 3 Press N (or CD/ NX on the unit) . Other operations Note s • You ca nno t change th e play m ode du ring pl ayback. • Some time may be nee de d to st art playba ck of dis cs recorded in co mp le x configu ra tions such as ma ny laye rs. • When the disc is in s erted, th e playe r read s all the audio tracks on that disc.
CD/MP3 – Play 11 GB You c an ma ke a pr ogram of up to 25 ste ps. You can sy nchr o recor d the prog ram med tr acks ont o a ca ss ette tape (pag e 16). 1 Press CD (or FUNCTION repeatedly) t o switch the fun ction to CD. 2 Press PLAY MODE in stop mode repeatedly until “PGM” a ppears.
12 GB You c an pres et up to 20 FM stat ions an d 10 AM statio ns . You ca n then tun e i n an y of thos e statio ns simpl y by select in g t he c orre sp ond ing pres et num ber.
T une r 13 GB To change the AM tuning interval (except for European and Saudi Arabian models) The AM tuni ng interv al is fact ory- preset to 9 kHz (or 10 kHz for so me ar eas) . To cha nge th e AM tuning interval, tu n e in any AM s tation fir st, then turn of f the system.
14 GB Listen ing to no n-preset radio station — Manual Tunin g 1 Press TUNER/BAND (or FUNCTION repeatedly) to s witch the function to tuner. 2 Press TUNER/BAND repeatedly to select “FM” or “AM”. 3 Press TUNING MODE repeatedl y until “AUTO” an d “PRESET ” disa ppear from the display.
Ta p e – P l a y 15 GB 1 Press PUSH OPEN/CLOSE Z on the unit . 2 Load a recorded/recordable tape into the cassette holder. You ca n us e TYPE I ( norma l) tape . 1 Loa d a t a pe . 2 Press TAPE (or FUNCTION repeatedly) to switch the function to TA PE.
16 GB You ca n reco rd a w ho le C D on a t ape. You ca n us e TYP E I ( norma l) tape . Use bu tt o ns on th e un it for the ope ra tion. 1 Load a recordable tape.
T ape – Re cor ding/Sound Adju stment/Timer 17 GB Gener ati ng a mo r e d ynami c soun d (Dyn am ic Sound Generator X-tra) Press DSGX on the unit. Each time you pre ss th e bu tto n, th e di sp lay chan ges as fol lo ws: DSGX ON y DSGX OFF Adjust ing the b ass and tr eble You can ad just the bass a nd treble to enjo y more power fu l soun d.
18 GB You c an wa ke u p to musi c at a pres et tim e. M ake sure yo u ha ve set th e cl oc k (se e “S etting th e clock ” on p age 8). Use bu tt o ns on th e r em o te for th e op erati on. 1 Prepare the so und source you want to play. • CD: Loa d a disc.
Tim er 19 GB You can re cord a pres et rad io st ation fro m a specifi ed time. To ti mer record , you must first p reset t he radio statio n (see “Presetting radio statio ns” on page 12 ) and set the cloc k (see “Se tting the clock” o n page 8 ).
20 GB The cloc k disp lay can be tu rned of f to min imize the am ou nt of pow e r cons ume d du ring st an dby (Powe r Sa ving Mode ). Press DISPLAY repeatedly wh ile the system is off until the clock display disappears. To ca ncel P ower Savi ng M ode Press DISPLAY while th e syste m is off .
Displa y/Optional Components 21 GB To enhance your system, you can connect option al componen ts. Refer to the operating instr uctio n s provid ed w i t h ea ch com p onent . A AUDIO IN jack Use audi o cord s (not supplied) to c onnec t an optional anal og component (Portable Audio Player , etc.
22 GB Should you enc ounter a pr oblem with your syst em, do the fo llowi ng: 1 Make sure the power cord and speaker cords are c orrectly and f irmly connected. 2 Find your prob lem in the troubleshooting checklist below and take the indicated corrective action.
T roubles hooting 23 GB The color irre gularity on a TV screen pe rsists. • Move the speakers farther away from the TV s et. Speakers So unds com e fr om one cha nnel, or unbalanced left and r ight volume. • Check t he speaker connections an d place ment.
24 GB Tape deck The tape does not record or play, or there is a decrease in s ound level. • The hea ds are dir ty. Cl ean th em (page 27). • The recor d/ playbac k he ad s are ma gne ti zed. Demagne ti ze th em (pa ge 27). The tape does no t erase completely.
T roubles hooting 25 GB One of th e fo llow in g messag e s may appe ar or flash in t he di s play dur ing op er at ion . CD/MP3 FULL You trie d to pr ogr a m 26 or mor e tr acks (steps). NO DISC There is no disc in th e player . NO STEP All of the p rogram ed tracks have been e rased.
26 GB On oper ating vol tage • B efo re o pera ti ng t he s yst em, chec k t hat the ope rat ing voltage of your syste m is identi cal with th e voltage of your l ocal powe r supply . • The voltage sele ctor is located at th e rear of th e apparatus .
Additional I nfo rmation 27 GB To sa ve a ta pe per man ently To prevent a tape from bei ng acc ide nt al ly r e corde d over, break off the casse tt e tab from si de A or B as illus trated . If you late r want to reuse the tape f or recor ding, c over the broken tab with a dhe si ve ta pe .
28 GB CMT -NEZ3 North-Ameri can mod el : Continuo us RM S power out put (referen ce) : 10 + 10 W (6 ohms at 1 kHz, 10% THD) European m ode l: DIN power output ( rated): 11 + 11 W (6 oh ms at 1 kHz, DI.
Additional I n form ation 29 GB General Power re quirements North American model: AC 120 V, 60 Hz Mexican mod el: AC 120 V, 60 Hz European model : AC 230 V, 50/60 Hz Australian m odel: AC 230 – 2 40.
30 GB Main unit CD SYNC qk (16) Display win dow 6 DSGX 3 (17) PHONES jack qd PLAY MODE 5 (9, 11, 16) Remote sensor 2 Tape deck qs (15 ) TUNER/BAND qg (12, 13, 16) TUNING +/– q; (12, 13) TUNING MODE .
Additional I nfo rmation 31 GB Remote control CD qh (9, 11, 16, 18) CLEA R qd (1 1) CLOCK/TIMER SELE CT 2 (18, 19) CLOCK/TIMER SET 3 (8, 18, 19) DISPLAY ql (14, 20, 20) ENTER 9 (8, 1 1, 12, 18, 19) EQ.
Sony Cor poration Printed in China Printed on 100 % rec ycled paper using VOC (V olatile Organic Compound)- free vegetabl e oil based ink..
An important point after buying a device GE CMT-NEZ5 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought GE CMT-NEZ5 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data GE CMT-NEZ5 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, GE CMT-NEZ5 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get GE CMT-NEZ5 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of GE CMT-NEZ5, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime GE CMT-NEZ5.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with GE CMT-NEZ5. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device GE CMT-NEZ5 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center