Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 68K System GE
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g GE Energy Systems Document Nu mber : SWM0023 Version : 1.00 Revision : 2 Date : 2 0-Mar-20 02 Classificat ion : Genera l, Full Rel ease 68K System Monitor User's Guide.
SWM0023 1.00 2 General ii Full Relea se NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT & PROPRIET ARY RIGHTS © 2002, Genera l Electri c Canada In c. All righ ts reserved. The contents o f this manual are the proper ty of Gene ral Ele ctric Ca nada Inc.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se iii Modification Record VERSION REVISION DATE INITIALS COMMENT 1 28-Feb-200 2 RFN Created 1.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General iv Full Relea se.
General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se v Table of Contents About This Document Purpose and Audie nce of thi s User’s Guide................................................................................. viii Support Services and Training ...........
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General vi Full Relea se DSTAT - Decom pression Status ............................................................................... 3-29 E - Edit Mem ory ....................
General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se vii About This Document Over vi ew Introdu ction The 68 K Monito r is a feature of all GE Ene rgy Serv ices produc ts tha t use a v ariant of the Mo torol a 68000 se ries of m icroproce ssor.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General viii Full Relea se Purpose and Audience of this User’s Guide Job Titles While only experie nced prog ram mers should use m any of the comm ands found in this guide, m aint enance technician s and oth er suppo rt pers onnel wi ll also f ind this guide use ful.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se ix Support Services and Traini ng General GE Energy Services pr ovides p rofess ional ass istanc e in the use of all of its so ftware and hardware pr oducts.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General x Full Relea se.
General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 1-1 Chapter 1: Connecting and Using the 68K Monitor Over vi ew Connect Defined An applica tion inte rface p rovide s an inpu t to and output from the 68K Monitor .
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 1-2 Full Rele ase Connecting to the 68K Monitor One 68K Monitor At-A- Time While any applica tion run ning in the system can ac tivate the 68 K Moni tor , only one instance of the m onitor can be ac tive a t any one time.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 1-3 Command Input and Response Input to the 68 K Monitor Input to the 68K Mon itor is read from the ‘ connected’ a pp lication / subsy stem . The input tak es the form of user- entered c omm ands.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 1-4 Full Rele ase Command Input and Response, Continued Possible Response s By entering a comm and at the pr om pt and pressing ENTER , one of the follow ing response s will happen.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 1-5 Command Input and Response, Continued Regular Keyboard Input (continued ) Special Control Characters You can use t hese spe cial control cha racte rs to pe rform adv anced editing and s creen navig ation functio ns.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 1-6 Full Rele ase 68K Monitor Display Output from the 68K Monitor The 68 K Monito r’s ou tput is a stream of ASCII characters written ba ck to th e ‘connected’ app licat ion / subsystem .
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 1-7 Error Mess ages Introdu ction 68K Monitor re turns sev eral g ene ral error m essages res ulti ng from input o r synta x errors in the co mm and input, or sy stem or test failu res during executio n.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 1-8 Full Rele ase Error Mess ages, Continue d Message Su mmary (conti nued) This Message is di splayed when … NVRAM in valid! the query R AM (QR ) com m and specified N VRAM is but it is co rrupt.
General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 2-1 Chapter 2: Command Grouping Over vi ew Seven Group s The 68 K Monito r com mands are g rouped in to sev en groups. The follow ing pages list the com mands in each of the group s, and prov id e a function al cro ss- reference to help y ou locate th em in thi s guide.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 2-2 Full Rele ase General System Commands Description This group o f com mands is es senti ally a li st of un rela ted comm ands tha t do not logically fit into the other com m and groups.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 2-3 Diagnostic Commands Description You can u se these di agnostic com m ands for debug ging , perform ance analy sis and hardware sy stem testing .
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 2-4 Full Rele ase Memory Commands Description Use th ese mem ory comm ands to ident ify or c hange th e conten ts of m em ory in the system .
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 2-5 Process Commands Description Use th ese comm ands to ex am ine and alter the st ate of pSOS process es. Note: Som e of thes e function s m ust only used fo r tes ting and d ebugg ing during software dev elopm ent.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 2-6 Full Rele ase Exchange Commands Description Use th ese comm ands to ex am ine and alter pSOS exch ange dat a in th e system . Note: Use th ese functions p rim arily for tes ting and debug ging purposes du ring software dev elopm ent.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 2-7 Breakpoint Commands Description Use th ese comm ands w ith the 68K M oni t or for control and d isplay of proce ss breakpoin ts in the system .
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 2-8 Full Rele ase Configurati on Maintenance Commands Description Use th ese comm ands to s tore and m ainta in config urat ion files.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 3-1 Chapter 3: 68K Monitor Commands Over vi ew Introdu ction This Ch apte r is d ivided into two s ec tions, t he first provid ing a cross- refer ence ta ble where you can see which pla tform suppo rt what com mands.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-2 Full Rele ase Section 1: Command / Platform Cross-Ref erence Platform-Specific Commands List of Commands This tab le lists al l of the possible 68K M on it or commands in the left colum n, in alphabetic al orde r.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 3-3 Platform-Specific Commands, Continued List of Co mmand s (continu ed) Command CPM/D20 D20M E CCU CC.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-4 Full Rele ase Section 2: Monitor Commands AL - Change Auto-logout Timer Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D2.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 3-5 BAUD - Set Baud Rate Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use th is comm and to chang e the d ata ra te of th e WESMAI NT port to a user- configured v alue.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-6 Full Rele ase BAUD - Set Baud Rate, Continue d Supported Speeds The suppor ted data rates , in bps, a re: * D25 has a m aximum speed of 38400 bp s.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 3-7 BOOT - Startup - Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 2.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-8 Full Rele ase CACHE - Control Cache Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base o D25 Description Use th is comm and to enab le and d isable the C PU’s cach e.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 3-9 CAL - Ca librate KI Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base o D25 Description For D200s only . Use this c omm and to ca libra te the Kerne l I nterface inter- processor comm unications .
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-10 Full Rele ase CB - Clear Breakpoint Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to clear break points th at are cu rrent ly set.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 3-11 CCA - Change Configur ation File Attributes Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-12 Full Rele ase CCB - Create Configurati on Storage Block Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 3-13 CCB - Create Configuration Stor age Block, Contin ued Para me ters (contin ued) Examp le Type ccb 600000 10000 0 400 2 and press ENTER .
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-14 Full Rele ase CCF - Clear Configur ation File Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use th is comm and to er ase the specifie d config urati on file.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 3-15 CF - Co py F ile Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to copy file inf orm ation f rom one fi le to an other.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-16 Full Rele ase CLS - Clear Screen Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use th is comm and to cl ear th e monitor ’s scr een.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 3-17 CP - Change Priori ty Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use th is comm and to chang e the c urren t prior ity of an exis ting process.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-18 Full Rele ase CS - Check Sum Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 3-19 D - Dump Memory Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 2.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-20 Full Rele ase D - Dump Memory , Continued Syntax (contin ued) Examp le Type d /w f024 and p ress ENT ER .
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 3-21 DB - Define Breakpoi nt Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use th is com mand to ac tivate a b reakpoin t in a sec tio n of code loc ated w ithin RAM.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-22 Full Rele ase DEBUG - Debug Mode Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to put the D25 into Deb ug Mode.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea se 3-23 DF - D isplay File Data Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to display the conten ts of a ny fil e in m e mory in text or binary format.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-24 Full Rele ase DHW - Displa y Hardw are Data Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to display inform ation on the hardware con f igura tion of th e D25.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-25 DIR - Director y Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to display a direct ory of the data base ta bles res iding in a speci fied mem ory type.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-26 Full Rele ase DIR - Director y , Continued Syntax (contin ued) Special Considerations Global da tabase tables o nly exi st if a mu lti-node C CU is present. EPROM database t ables form the default con figura tion fo r the CCU.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-27 DL - Download Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 20.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-28 Full Rele ase DM - Debug Mode Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base o D25 Description Use this c omm and to enable or disable product-specif ic debug ging modes.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-29 DSTAT - Decompress ion Status Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to view status of fi le copy comm and progress and succe ss.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-30 Full Rele ase E - Edit Memory Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Use this c omm and to display and modify mem ory locations.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-31 E - Edit Memory , Continued Syntax (contin ued) Parameters addre ss = address to edit in hexad ecim al notation Examp le Type e /l 2 00000 and press ENTER .
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-32 Full Rele ase ECHO - Echo Toggle Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to turn comm and line echo ing on and o ff.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-33 EL - Error Log Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 2.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-34 Full Rele ase ERA SE - Flash Erase Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Note: this command is av ailab le only when ex ecuting from the BootRO M.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-35 ETH - Ethernet Address Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base o D25 Description Use th is comm and to change the E thernet add ress of a D 25’s ha rdware interfaces.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-36 Full Rele ase EXIT - Exit Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-37 F - Fill Memory Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use th is com mand to rep eatedly write a value to a specified r egion of m emory.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-38 Full Rele ase FT - Find Table Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 20.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-39 HE or HELP - Help Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-40 Full Rele ase HT - HDLC Test Platform o CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base o D25 Description Use th is com mand to tr ansm it spec ific a pplicat ion m essages ov er the H DLC comm unication link .
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-41 IMG - Disp lay Image Info rmatio n Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 C.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-42 Full Rele ase JTF - Jump To Flash Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to place t he D25 in Ac tive M ode.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-43 JX - Jam Exchange Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to force a messag e to the beginning of the message queue a t one or more exch anges.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-44 Full Rele ase KIM - KI Me trics Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base o D25 Description D200 only. Use this c ommand to view the Kern el Interface Me trics.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-45 M - Mov e Memory Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to copy memory from one memory region to a wr iteable m emory region.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-46 Full Rele ase PB - Print Breakpoint Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to display break point info rmation about any or all-activ e breakpoin ts in the system .
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-47 PR - Pro file Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 20.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-48 Full Rele ase PR - P rofile , Continued Syntax (contin ued) Special Considerations Important points to n ote: • Data format of the output run coun t and run ticks are decimal i nteg ral va lues.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-49 PRG - Program Flash Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base o D25 Description Use this c omm and to program a FLASH memory.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-50 Full Rele ase QC - Query Configurati on Storage Parameters Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-51 QP - Query Process Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D2.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-52 Full Rele ase QP - Query Process, Conti nued Syntax (contin ued) Special Considerations All numeri c data d isplay ed is in hexa decimal notation.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-53 QR - Query RAM Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use th is comm and to examine the R AM al locat ion and use fo r either sta tic RAM o r NVRAM.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-54 Full Rele ase QX - Query Exchan ge Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to display inform ation on system exchanges.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-55 QX - Query Exchan ge, Conti nued Syntax (contin ued) Examp le Type qx and press ENTER . Results: The sy stem disp lays the name, exch ange ID, and number of que ued proc esses an d m essages fo r every exchange in the sy stem .
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-56 Full Rele ase RB - Resume Breakpo i nt Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to restart a proce ss that s topped at a b r eakpoin t, without r emo ving the break point.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-57 RP - Resume Process Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use th is comm and to restart all p rocesses, some pro cesses, or a speci fic susp ended process.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-58 Full Rele ase RR - Report R A M Partitions Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to display inform ation on the RAM divis ions cu rrently config ured in the sy stem .
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-59 RT - RA M Test Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to perform a non- destructive read- write test of spe cified RAM me mor y.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-60 Full Rele ase RT - RA M Test, C ontinue d Syntax (contin ued) Special Considerations If you enable the Debug Mode, th e function c an be CPU intensiv e, and could cause a system reset unde r thes e circum stances.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-61 RTB - Return To BootROM Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use th is comm and to place the dev ice in Sy stem Service Mode.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-62 Full Rele ase RTC - Test CCU RTC Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base o D25 Description Use this c omm and to test the RTC synch r oniz ation be tween nodes in a D200.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-63 RX - Request Exchange Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to retrieve a m essage f rom one or m ore exchanges.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-64 Full Rele ase RZ - ZMODEM Downl oad Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base o D25 Description Use this c omm and to download configurat ion and ap plica tion data ov er the seria l port into RAM o r FLASH.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-65 RZ - ZMODEM Dow nload, Contin ued ! WARNING Executing th is com mand m odifies t he mem or y of the D25, and can caus e operational disruption. Use caution be fore pr oceeding .
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-66 Full Rele ase SA - Serial A nal y zer Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ .
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-67 SA - Serial A nal y zer, Co ntinued Buffered Data The se rial a nalyz er does not display data immediate ly. I t buffers the data so that the serial ana lyzer rem ains non-intrus ive.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-68 Full Rele ase SB - Step Breakpoint Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to single step a pro cess th at was susp ended a t a break point.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-69 SC - Se lect A ctive Co nfig uration Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use th is com mand to se lect one of the sto red configura tions a s the ac tive configurat ion.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-70 Full Rele ase SET - Set Sy stem Parameters Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Note: T his com m and is for dev eloper s only .
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-71 SI - Display S y s tem Information Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 C.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-72 Full Rele ase SP - Suspend Process Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D2.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-73 SP - Suspend Process, Conti nued Syntax (contin ued) Examp le Type sp and press ENTER . Results: This suspe nds all unp rotected p r ocesses. Unless it encounte rs an er ror, th e system displays the pr om pt.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-74 Full Rele ase ST - Serial Test Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 2.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-75 ST - Serial Test , Co ntinued Loop T est Adapter The autom atic loop-back test req uires th is DB.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-76 Full Rele ase SX - Send Exchange Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to queue a message at one or m ore exchang es.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-77 SYSC - Sy stem Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to reset the re boot coun ter to z ero.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-78 Full Rele ase TEST - Invoke Test Tool Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use th is com mand to ac tivate a tes t tool external to the m onitor.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-79 TR - Trace Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base o D25 Description Use th is comm and to track the exe cution s equence o f the p rocesses i n the sy stem.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-80 Full Rele ase TR - Trace , Continue d Syntax (contin ued) Examp le 1 Type tr /r 20 /t0 10 2080 00 = 12345678 and press ENTER . Results: This will al locat e a buffer for 20 samples and trigg ers when the long mem or y location b ecom es 12345678.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-81 UL - Upload Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to retrieve an S- record f rom the dev i ce’s m e mo ry.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-82 Full Rele ase VER - Vers ion Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200.
68K System Mo nitor User's Guide GE Ene rgy Service s General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e 3-83 VP - Signal Process Platform þ CPM þ D20 D20 Bas e þ D20 ME D20 Bas e þ D20/200 CCU Base þ D20/ 200 ME CCU Base þ D25 Description Use this c omm and to send a pSOS signal to on e or several proce sses.
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General 3-84 Full Rele ase WIN M - WIN Metric s Platform o CPM o D20 D20 Bas e o D20 ME D20 Bas e o D20/200 CCU Base o D20/ 200 ME CCU Base o D25 Description Use this c omm and to report statisti cs on pro cessing in the Ba se System software.
General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Relea s e I-1 Index B Boot Com ma nd BOOT ........................................................................... 3-7 C Calibrate KI Comm and CAL ........................................................................
GE Ene rgy Service s 68K System Mo nitor User's Guide SWM0023 1.00 2 General I-2 Full Rele ase K KI Metrics Comm and KIM ............................................................................ 3-44 M Move Mem or y Comm and M.................
An important point after buying a device GE 68K System (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought GE 68K System yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data GE 68K System - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, GE 68K System you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get GE 68K System will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of GE 68K System, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime GE 68K System.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with GE 68K System. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device GE 68K System along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center