Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FAX-30 Furuno
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offered by F A CSIMILE RECEIVER F AX-30.
offered by C 9 - 52, Ashihara - cho, Nishinomiya, Japan Telephone: 0798 - 65 - 2111 Telefax: 0798 - 65 - 4200 Your Local Agent/Dealer All rights reserved. PUB. No. OME - 6260 0 FAX - 30 (DAMI) FIRST EDITION : AUG . 2002 D 1 : JAN .
offered by i SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS Safety Instructions for the Operator WARNING Immediately turn off the power at the switchboard if water leaks into the equipment or something is dropped in the equipment. Continued use of the equipment can cause fire or electrical shock.
offered by ii WARNING Turn off the power at the switchboard before beginning the installation. Fire or electrical shock can result if the power is left on. Do not install the equipment where it may get wet from rain or water splash.
offered by iii T ABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD .................................................................................................................. v i SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION ...............................................
offered by iv 3.2.3 T urni ng on/off specific timer p rograms .......................................................................... 3-4 3.2.4 Clearing al l timer programs .......................................................
offered by v 7. INST ALLA TION ........................................................................................................ 7-1 7.1 Facsimile R eceiver....................................................................
offered by vi FOREWORD A W o rd to the Ow ner of the F A X-30 FURUNO Electric Com p any thanks you f or pur chasing the FURUNO F AX-30 Facsim ile Receiver . We are confident you will disco ver why the FURUNO nam e has beco m e synonymous w it h quality and reliab ility .
offered by vii Operation al Ch aract eristics Gener al • The equipm ent receives one f acsimile image or naxtex m essage at a time. Thus, a navtex m essage cannot be received when a facsim ile image is being received and vic e versa, regardless of navtex m essage category .
offered by viii • Browser requirem ents: Internet Explor er: V er .5.01/5. 5/6.0 Netscape Navigator: V er .4.78/ 6.2/7.0 • OS and browser compatibility Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator V er . 5.01 V er . 5.5 V er 6.0 V er .
offered by ix SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION Net work inst allation F ACSCIMILE RECEIVER F AX-30 Ship’s Mains 12-24 VDC HUB* 10.4" NavNet Series Radar , Plotter : Standard : Option : User Supply PREAMP F AX-5 Wire Antenna * = HUB is not required to connect NavNet display unit directly .
offered by x PC inst allatio n F ACSIMILE RECEIVER F AX-30 Ship’s Mains 12-24 VDC HUB* PC Printer PC FAX-30 cannot be accessed by more than one PC at a time. : Standard : Option : Local Supply PREAMP F AX-5 Wire Antenna * = HUB is not required to connect single PC.
offered by xi EQUIPMENT LISTS St andard suppl y Name T ype Code No. Qty Remarks F AX -30-E-AN — W i th Net cable F AX -30-E-AP — W i th PC cable Facsimile Receiver FA X - 3 0 - E - N — Select one No connection cable S pare Parts SP08-01901 005-952-780 1 set Fuse, 2 pcs.
offered by xii Optional suppl y Name T ype Code No. Remarks Preamp Unit F AX -5 000-075-016 w/15 m cable Hose Clamp OP08-1 1 005-946-960 For fixing F AX- 5 to a mast W h ip Antenna 04S4176 000-1 12-845 2.
offered by 1-1 1. OVER VIEW , SETUP 1.1 Over view , Setup: Na v N et 1.1.1 Controls T rackball Chooses menu items and options. Displays the mode selection window . Soft keys Long press: T urns power off. Momentary press: T urns the power on; opens the display for adjustment of brilliance.
offered by 1. OVER VIE W , S ETUP 1-2 1.1.2 Prep arations for using the F AX-30 The NavNet series displ ay unit must out put the date and time data sentence ZDA through the net w ork in order to use t he facsimile tim er recording feature.
offered by 1. OVER VIE W , SE TUP 1-3 1.1.3 A ccessing the F AX mode 1. T urn on the F AX-30 at the ship’s mains switchboard. T he F AX-30 proceeds in the f ollowing sequence: a) The F AX- 30 starts initial set up, w hich takes about 15 seconds.
offered by 1. OVER VIE W , S ETUP 1-4 The standby display is where you begin all facsim ile and navtex operat ions. If a facsimile im age has been received, the latest facsimile image is displayed. FAX-30 WX FAX NAVTEX MODE SETUP Facsimile image area Soft keys S tandby display 1.
offered by 1. OVER VIE W , SE TUP 1-5 1.1.5 Receive notification Y o u may wish to be notif ied after a facsimile image or na vtex message arrives. Notif ication is done by showing the “f ax/navtex received” icon ( A U X ) at the left-hand side of t he screen in display modes other t han the fax mode.
offered by 1. OVER VIE W , S ETUP 1-6 1.2 Overvie w, Se tup: PC 1.2.1 A ccessing the F AX-30 top d isplay 1. T urn on the F AX-30 at the m ains switchboard. The F AX-30 proceeds in t he follo w i ng sequence: a) The F AX- 30 starts initial set up, w hich takes about 15 seconds.
offered by 1. OVER VIE W , SE TUP 1-7 MENU CHANNEL SETUP EDIT ST A TION LIST << T op SYSTEM SETUP RX MODE Received facsimile image thumbnails appear here.
offered by 1. OVER VIE W , S ETUP 1-8 1.2.2 Choosing the r eceive mode The F AX-30 has three modes: facsimile only , n av tex only , an d facsimile (tim er) & navtex. Choose desire d mode as follo w s . 1. At the facsimile or navte x standby display , click RX MODE.
offered by 2-1 2. F AX OPERA TION: NA VNET 2.1 Automatic Recei ving Once you choose the f acsi m ile station from w hi ch to receive, the system goes into standby to await the start signal from t he facsimile station. 2.1.1 Choosing channel 1.
offered by 2. F A X OPERA TION : NA VN ET 2-2 3. Press the CH SETUP soft key . CHANNEL SETUP ZONE STA FREQ RETURN CH 100N JMH 3622.5kHz IOCXXX XXrpm SS=00 SN=00 RCV Image data Changes when facsimile picture is received. See paragraph 2.
offered by 2. F AX OP ERA TION : NA VNET 2-3 8. Press the CHANNEL soft key to show the CHANNEL optio ns. If you have chosen “0 JMH/TOKYO 1” at step 7, for exam ple, the CHANNEL option s are as below . CHANNEL ▲ ▼ AU TO 0 03622.
offered by 2. F A X OPERA TION : NA VN ET 2-4 2.1.2 Previe w ing image being receiv ed T o preview an im age while it is being recei ved, do the follo w i ng: 1. At the fax standby display , press t he W X F AX soft key . 2. Press the RCV W X F AX soft key .
offered by 2. F AX OP ERA TION : NA VNET 2-5 2.2 Manually St arting, S topping Rece i ving 2.2.1 Manually starting receiv ing This section shows you to m anually receive a facsimile broadcast.
offered by 2. F A X OPERA TION : NA VN ET 2-6 Be sure to choose the correct speed and I OC, otherwise the im age will be received as shown in the illust ration below . Y ou may change the IOC and speed while the im age is being received.
offered by 2. F AX OP ERA TION : NA VNET 2-7 2.3 Timer Receivin g Most facsimile stations transm it facsimiles in accordance with a schedu le issued by relative met eorological observator y .
offered by 2. F A X OPERA TION : NA VN ET 2-8 5. Rotate the [ ENTER] knob to choose program number desired and t hen press the EDIT soft key . EDIT PROGRAM EDIT SAVE CANCEL ▲ ZONE 1 NORTHWEST PACIFIC STATION 0 JMH/TOKYO No.1 CHANNEL 0 3622.
offered by 2. F AX OP ERA TION : NA VNET 2-9 10. Rotate the [ENT ER] kn ob to choose CHANNEL and press the EDIT soft key . If you have chosen “0 J MH/T OKYO 1” at step 9, for exam ple, the CHANNEL display looks as below . CHANNEL ▲ ▼ AU TO 0 03622.
offered by 2. F A X OPERA TION : NA VN ET 2-10 17. Enter a start time in 24-hour notation, about two m inutes earlier than actual start time to allow for det ection of the start signal and press the ENTE R soft key . 18. Rotate the [ENTER] knob to choose END TIME and press the EDIT soft key .
offered by 2. F AX OP ERA TION : NA VNET 2-1 1 Then, the F A X-30 w i ll receive facsimile broadca sts according to the timer schedule. F acsi m ile i m a ges are received line b y line, taking 30-40 m inutes to receive depend ing on the size of the im age and drum rotation speed at t he facsimile stat ion.
offered by 2. F A X OPERA TION : NA VN ET 2-12 2.4 Disp laying Facsimile Images 1. At the standby displa y, press the W X FAX so ft key. Thumbnails of images received are sho w n on the display. T he equipment st ores as many as 12 images, on t w o pages.
offered by 2. F AX OPERA TION: NA VNET 2-13 2.5 Processing Facsimile Images 2.5.1 Phase mismatch W hen the FAX-30 starts receiving a broadcast already in progress, or noise prevents detection of the phasing signal, the image may be divided int o two parts by a thick black (or w hite) st ripe called a dead sector.
offered by 2. F A X OPERA TION : NA VN ET 2-14 2.5.2 Phasing si gnal out of s ynchronization The SYNC soft key f unctions to fine t une the phasing signal. If the dead sector is plotted at an angl e even when the phase is prop erly selected, adjust the synchronizati on to display the dead sector straight ly.
offered by 2. F AX OPER A TION: N A VNET 2-15 2.5.4 Image color T he facsi mil e image i s tr ansmi tted i n monochrome (bl ack and w hit e) or gray scal e (16 gradati ons). Af ter an i mage has been recei v ed, y ou can choose t he col or arrangem ent among m onochrome, gray s cal e and col or (t hree patterns ).
offered by 2. F A X OPERA TION : NA VN ET 2-16 2.5.6 Zooming images You may double t he size of a facsimile image as f ollows: 1. Display the f acsimile image you wish to process, ref erring to paragraph 2.4. 2. Press the ZOOM IN soft key .
offered by 2. F AX OP ERA TION : NA VNET 2-17 2.7 Preventing Erasure o f F acsimile Images W hen f acsimile image storage capacity is exceeded, t he oldest facsim i le image is erased to make room for t he latest. If you have an im age w hich you want to keep, you can prevent its erasure by using t he “lock image” feat ure.
offered by 2. F A X OPERA TION : NA VN ET 2-18 2.8 A ddi n g Facsimile Channels The F AX-30 provides a f ree memory for the user to store 320 channels. 1. Press the [MENU] key to sho w the F AX-30 menu. FAX-30 EDIT WX F AX ST A TION EDIT NA VTEX ST A TION F AX-30 SYSTEM SETUP F AX-30 top 2.
offered by 2. F AX OP ERA TION : NA VNET 2-19 5. Rotate the [ ENTER] knob to choose ST A TION and press the EDIT soft key . If the ZONE chosen at step 4 is “1 NOR THW EST P ACIFI C,” for exam ple, the ST A TION opt ions are as below .
offered by 2. F A X OPERA TION : NA VN ET 2-20 1 1. If you want to ent er a frequency , call sign or station nam e other than that shown at CHANNEL and ST A TI ON, respectively , rotate the [ENTER] knob to choose FREQUENCY , CALL SIGN or ST A TI ON NAME as appropriate and press the EDIT soft key .
offered by 3-1 3. F AX OPERA TION: PC 3.1 Automatic Recei ving 3.1.1 S tart ing rece iving 1. At the f acsi mile standby displa y , click CHANNEL SETUP on the top menu. CHANNEL SETUP FREQUENCY 03622.5 kHz RCV STOP ZONE ST A TION CHANNEL OK < back 1: NORTHWEST P ACIFIC 0: JMH/TOKYO 1 AUTO Channel setup menu 2.
offered by 3. F AX OP ERA TION: PC 3-2 3.2 Timer Receivin g Most facsimile stations transm it facsimile signals in accordance w ith a sc hedule issued by relative m eteorological observatory .
offered by 3. F AX OP ERA TION : PC 3-3 2. Click the location i n the center colum n o f the timer program list corresponding to the timer program no. you want to set. For example, click t he center colum n o f No.2. The following tim er progra m menu appears.
offered by 3. F AX OP ERA TION: PC 3-4 1 1. Click O N below FREQUENCY . 12. Cli ck OK. 13. Click “<back” or Back but ton several times to return to the t op menu. 14. Repeat steps 1-13 to set other timer schedule. 15. At the facsimile standby display , click TIMER SETUP .
offered by 3. F A X OPERA TION : PC 3-5 3.3 Displaying Facsimile Images 1. Show the f acsimile standby display. Thum bnails of im ages received are shown on the displa y.
offered by 3. F AX OP ERA TION : PC 3-6 3.4 Processing Facsimile Images 3.4.1 Phase mismatch W hen the FAX-30 starts receiving a broadcast already in progress, or noise prevents detection of the phasing signal, the image may be divided int o two parts by a thick black (or w hite) st ripe called a dead sector.
offered by 3. F AX OP ERA TION : PC 3-7 3.4.2 Phasing si gnal out of s ynchronization The SYNC soft key f unctions to fine t une the phasing signal. If the dead sector is plotted at an angl e even when the phase is prop erly selected, adjust the synchronizati on to display the dead sector straight ly.
offered by 3. F AX OPER A TION: PC 3-8 3.4.4 Image color T he facsi mil e image i s tr ansmi tted i n monochrome (bl ack and w hit e) or gray scal e (16 gradati ons). Af ter an i mage has been recei v ed, y ou can choose t he col or arrangem ent among m onochrome, gray s cal e and col or (t hree patterns ).
offered by 3. F AX OP ERA TION : PC 3-9 3.4.6 Rot ating images W ith a facsimile image displayed, click ROTATE CW or ROTATE CCW a s appropriate. The image is rotated 90° in the dire ction selected. 3.4.7 Zooming images You may double t he size of a facsimile image as f ollows: 1.
offered by 3. F AX OP ERA TION: PC 3-10 3.6 Preventing Erasure o f F acsimile Images W hen f acsimile image storage capacity is exceeded, t he oldest facsim i le image is erased to make room for t he latest. If you have an im age w hich you want to keep, you can prevent its erasure by using t he “lock” feature.
offered by 3. F AX OP ERA TION : PC 3-1 1 3.7 A ddi n g Facsimile Channels The F AX-30 provides a f ree memory for the user to store 320 channels. 1. At the standby display , click EDI T ST A T ION LIST . EDIT ST A TION LIST FREQUENCY OK REVERSE IMAGE CALL SIGN PRV S TAT I O N NAME ZONE ST A TION CHANNEL < back 79.
offered by 3. F AX OP ERA TION: PC 3-12 (This page intentionally lef t blank.).
offered by 4-1 4. NAVTEX OPERATION: NAVNET 4.1 About Na v t ex Messages 4.1.1 Message categories Navtex stations throug hout the w orld pro vide mariners with weather an d navigational n avtex messages.
offered by 4. NA VTEX OPER A TION: N A VNET 4-2 4.2 Setting Up Nav tex Station s, Messages, Alarms Y o u may freely select t he navtex stations from which to recei ve and the messages categories t o receive. Further , you may enable or disabl e received message alarm s.
offered by 4. NA VTEX OPER A TION: N A VNET 4-3 5. Rotate the [ENT ER] kn ob to choose ST A. SELECTIO N MODE and press the EDIT so ft key . STA. SELECTION MODE ▲ ▼ MANU AL AU TO Navtex station mode opt ions 6. Rotate the [E NTER] knob to choose navtex station selection m ethod and press the [ENT ER] so f t key .
offered by 4. NA VTEX OPER A TION: N A VNET 4-4 MAX ERROR RATE 3 3% Max error rate entry window 14. Rotate the [ENT ER] kn ob to enter m axi m um allowable error rat e to use. The setting range is 0-33%. Any message with an er ror rate higher than that entered here will be rej ected.
offered by 4. NA VTEX OPER A TION: N A VNET 4-5 4.3 Previewing Incoming Nav tex Mess ag es If you want t o view a navtex message w h ile it is being recei ved, do the follo w ing: 1. At the standby display , press the NA VT EX so ft key .
offered by 4. NA VTEX OPER A TION: N A VNET 4-6 4.4 Displaying Navtex Messag es 4.4.1 Display i ng navtex messages 1. At the standby display , press the NA VTEX soft key . NAVTEX SELECT MSG RCV NAVTEX RETURN RX SETUP ▲ 1. IA55 JUN/06 03:57 518kHz SAR* 2.
offered by 4. NA VTEX OPER A TION: N A VNET 4-7 4.4.2 Remarks on navtex messages • All navtex messages begin w ith “ZCZC” (navte x message ID) and end with “NNNN”. Immediat ely following ZCZ C, the transm itting station ID, message category and m essage number are shown.
offered by 4. NA VTEX OPER A TION: N A VNET 4-8 4.5 Displaying the Na v tex St ati on List Y o u may display the navte x stations stored in the F AX-30, as follo w s : 1. Press the [MENU] key to open the F AX-30 menu. 2. Press the ED IT N A VTEX ST A TION so ft key .
offered by 4. NA VTEX OPER A TION: N A VNET 4-9 4.6 A dding Navtex S t ations Y o u may add newly established na vtex stations to the navtex station lis t as follo w s: 1. Press the [MENU] key to open the F AX-30 m enu. 2. Press the EDIT NA VTEX ST A TION so ft key .
offered by 4. NA VTEX OPER A TION: N A VNET 4-10 6. Rotate the [E NTER] knob to choose ST A T ION NAME and press the EDIT soft key . STATION NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S tat ion name entry win dow 7. Enter station nam e w it h the alphanum eric keys and trackball and then pr ess the ENTER soft key .
offered by 5-1 5. NA VTEX OPERA TION: PC 5.1 About Na v t ex Messages 5.1.1 Message categories Navtex stations throug hout the w orld pro vide mariners with weather an d navigational n avtex messages.
offered by 5. NA VTEX OPER A TION: P C 5-2 5.2 Setting Up Nav tex Station s, Mess ag es Y o u may freely select t he navtex stations from which to recei ve and the messages categories t o receive as follows: 1. At the navtex top m enu, click RX SETUP .
offered by 5. NA VTEX OPER A TION: P C 5-3 4. Click desired stations in ST A TI ON ID SELECTION. Check mark indicates item is selected. (If you need help with station select ion, click 490 kHz ST A TION LI ST or 518 kHz ST A TIO N LIST f or details.
offered by 5. NA VTEX OPER A TION: P C 5-4 5.4 Displaying the Na v tex St ati on List Y o u may display the navte x stations stored in the F AX-30 as follo w s: 1. At the navtex top m enu, click EDIT ST A TIO N LIST . 2. Click 490 kHz ST A TIO N LIST or 518 kHz ST A TION LIST as appropriate.
offered by 5. NA VTEX OPER A TION: P C 5-5 5.5 A dding Navtex S t ations Y o u may add newly established na vtex stations to the navtex station lis t as follo w s: 1.
offered by 5. NA VTEX OPER A TION: P C 5-6 5.6 Editing Navtex S t ations Y o u may edit navtex stat ions as follows: 1. At the navtex standby di splay , click EDI T ST A TION LIST . 2. Click 490 kHz ST A TIO N LIST or 518 kHz ST A TION LIST , whichever you want to process.
offered by 5. NA VTEX OPER A TION: P C 5-7 5.7 Deleting Navtex S t ations Y o u may delete navte x stations from the navtex stat ion list as below . 1. At the navtex standby di splay , click EDIT S T A TION LIST . 2. Click 490 kHz ST A T ION LIST or 518 kHz ST A TION LIST , whichever you w a nt to process.
offered by 5. NA VTEX OPER A TION: P C 5-8 (This page intentionally lef t blank.).
offered by 6-1 6. MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Do not open the equipment. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment. 6.1 Maintenance This unit is designe d and manufactured t o provide many years of trouble-f ree perform ance.
offered by 6. MAIN TENANCE, TROUBLESH OOTING 6-2 6.2 Replacement of Fuse The 2A fuse in the po wer cable protects the equipm ent from equipment f ault and reverse polarit y of the ship’ s m ains. If the fuse blows find the cause be fore replacing it.
offered by 6. MAIN TENANCE, TR OUBLESHOOT I NG 6-3 6.4 Diagnostic s: Nav N et The diagnostics test displays program no. and tests the ROMs, RAM, receive ability , signal st rength, signal-to-n oise ratio and position data. The test results are displayed as OK or NG (No Good) f or ROM, RAM , receive abilit y and position data.
offered by 6. MAIN TENANCE, TROUBLESH OOTING 6-4 3. Press the TEST so ft key to start the test. The test results appears as sho w n below . TEST RETURN PROGRAM NO. 0850188-XX 0850189-XX * ROM1 : OK ROM2 : OK SDRAM : OK RECEIVE UNLOCK : OK SS*1 : 60 SN*2 : 60 LAT/LON*3 : OK XX = Version no.
offered by 6. MAIN TENANCE, TR OUBLESHOOT I NG 6-5 6.6 Clearing Dat a: NavNet Y o u may clear all facsim ile i m ages, navtex messages and the entire m emory contents to start afresh. 1. Press the [MENU] key to open the F AX-30 m enu.
offered by 6. MAIN TENANCE, TROUBLESH OOTING 6-6 6.7 Clearing Dat a: PC Y o u may clear all facsim ile i m ages, navtex messages and the entire m emory contents to start afresh. 1. At the f acsi m ile or navtex standby display , click SYSTEM SETUP .
offered by 6. MAIN TENANCE, TR OUBLESHOOT I NG 6-7 6.8 A ll Clear (fo r technicians only) If t he F AX-30 cannot be operat ed from the NavNet displa y unit, do the f ollowing: 1. Unplug the po w er connect or fr o m the F AX-30. 2.
offered by 6. MAIN TENANCE, TROUBLESH OOTING 6-8 6.9 Simulation Mode The sim ulation mode provides sim ulated operation of the equipment, using an internally generat ed fax im age and navtex message. The f ax i m age may be processed as desired.
offered by 6. MAIN TENANCE, TR OUBLESHOOT I NG 6-9 6.9.2 Accessing the simulati on mode through PC 1. At the facsimile or navtex standby displa y , click SYSTEM SETUP . 2. Click SIMULA T ION SETUP . SIMULA TION SETUP SIMULA TION LIVE WX F AX SIMULA TION LIVE NA VTEX < back OK Simulation setup menu 3.
offered by 6. MAIN TENANCE, TROUBLESH OOTING 6-10 (This page intentionally lef t blank.).
offered by 7-1 7. INST ALLA TION 7.1 Facsimile Recei ver The facsim ile receiver may be mounted on t he deck or a bulkhead. W hen selecting a m ounting location, keep in m ind the following points: • Locate the unit out of direct sunlight because of heat that can build up inside the cabinet.
offered by 7. INS T AL LA TION 7-2 7.2 A n tenna Unit The perf ormance of the facsimile receiver is directly related t o the antenna installation. In gener al, the antenn a should be installed as high as possi ble on the vessel, f ree from the influence of nearby antennas, riggin g and masts.
offered by 7. INST ALLA TIO N 7-3 7.2.3 Installation of preamp unit F AX-5 (option) Small boats may not afford the space to install a long wire ant enna. In this case it is recommended t o install the preamp unit with 2.6 m eter whip antenna.
offered by 7. INS T AL LA TION 7-4 7.3 Wiring Four cables are connect ed to the facsimile receiver: anten na cable, Net Cable (or PC cable), power cable, ground wire. Connect them as shown in the f igure below . For detailed inform ation, see the interconnect ion diagram on page S-1.
offered by 7. INST ALLA TIO N 7-5 Power cab l e Connect the power cabl e (supplied) to the power source; w hite wire to posit ive [+] t erminal and black wire to negative [-] terminal. Ground wir e Ground the equi pment to prevent noise an d interf erence and enable reception of weak signals.
offered by 7. INS T AL LA TION 7-6 JIS cable specifications Inner Conduct or Insul ation Outer Conductor Jack et Braid T ype S tranding (No./mm ) Dia. (mm) Thick (mm) Dia (mm) Dia./ Pitch Dia. (mm) Thick (mm) Dia. (mm) Cond. resistance (Max.
offered by 7. INST ALLA TIO N 7-7 7.5 Brow ser , PC Settin gs 7.5.1 Bro w s er settings Set your browser as shown in the procedures b elow . The procedure m ay be different depending on browser version. Internet Expl orer (V ersi on 5.
offered by 7. INS T AL LA TION 7-8 7.5.2 PC settings The PC communicat es with the F AX-30 via Internet protocol T CP/IP . T herefore, set IP address on the PC as below . 1. S tart up the PC and open the Cont rol Panel folder . 2. Open the Net work and Dial-up Connections f older .
offered by A P-1 APPENDIX Facsimile S t atio n s Facsimile st ation map ZONE 2 ZONE 5 ZONE 4 ZONE 6 ZONE 8 ZONE 7 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 Location of facsimile stat ions.
offered by APPEND IX AP - 2 Facsimile st ation list (by zone) 2 To k y o To k y o To k y o To k y o To k y o Beijing Beijing Shanghai T aipei Seoul JA PA N JA PA N JA PA N V ia MAL.
offered by APPEND IX AP - 4 Navtex S t atio ns Navtex st ations map Location of navtex stat ions.
offered by APPEND IX A P-5 Navtex st ations list Nav area Count ry S tation S tation Latitud e Longitude 518 kHz 490 kHz Belgiu m Oostend e Oostende 51 1 1N 02 48 E M, T Estonia T .
offered by APPEND IX AP - 6 Nav area Count ry S tation S tation Latitud e Longitud e 518 kHz 490 kHz Roma Roma 41 37 N 12 29E R August a Augusta 37 14N 15 14E S, V Cagliari Cagliar.
offered by APPEND IX A P-7 Nav area Country S tation S tation Latitud e Longitude 518 kHz 490 kHz Mar del Plat a Mar del P lata 38 03S 57 32W E, Q VI Arge ntina Buenos Aires Bu eno.
offered by APPEND IX AP - 8 Nav area Count ry S tation S tation Latitud e Longitud e 518 kHz 490 kHz Ho Ch i Minh Ho Chi Min h 10 47N 106 40E X Haiph ong Haiphong 20 44N 106 44E P .
offered by APPEND IX A P-9 Menu T ree NavNet menu tree Sof t ke y s WX FAX soft key SELECT IMAGE EDIT IMAGE PHASE (00 - 40, 0 ) SYNC (-50 - +50, 0 ) NOISE REJECT ( OFF , LOW, MEDIU.
offered by APPEND IX A P-1 1 PC Menu tr ee Facsimil e menu tree ZONE (490 kHz, 518 kHz ) STATION CHANNEL FREQUENCY CHANNEL SETUP TIMER SETUP (ON, OFF; timer programs) EDIT STATION .
offered by APPEND IX A P-12 Navtex menu tree FREQUENCY ( 490 kHz , 518 kHz) STATION SELECTION MODE (MANUAL, AUTO ) STATION ID SELECTION (A-Z, all stations ON ) MESSAGE ID SELECTION (A-Z, A-E, L, V ) MAX.
offered by SP - 1 E6260S01A SPECIFICATIONS OF FACSIMILE RECEIVER FAX - 30 1 GENERAL 1.1 Frequency FAX LF 80 - 160 kHz MF/HF 2 - 25 MHz NAVTEX 490 kHz, 518 kHz 1.2 Number of Channels 1000 1.3 Receiving System Double super heterodyne 1.
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offered by IN-1 INDEX A Automat ic fax receiving starting (Na vNet) ..................................... 2 -1 starting (PC ) ............................................ 3-1 stoppin g (NavNet) ................................... 2- 4 stoppin g (PC) .
offered by INDEX IN-2 Noise re jection NavNet .................................................. 2- 14 PC ........................................................... 3- 7 P Phase NavNet .............................................
offered by
An important point after buying a device Furuno FAX-30 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Furuno FAX-30 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Furuno FAX-30 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Furuno FAX-30 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Furuno FAX-30 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Furuno FAX-30, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Furuno FAX-30.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Furuno FAX-30. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Furuno FAX-30 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center