Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FDF 9046 Franke Consumer Products
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Istruzioni per l’uso e l’insta llazione Cappa Instructions for use and installati on Cooker Hood Mode d’emploi et ins tallation Hotte de Cuisine Bedienungsa nleitung u nd Einr ichtung Dunstabzug.
IT 2 2 Libretto di Istruzioni INDICE CONSIGLI E SUGGERIMENTI .............................................................................................................................................. 7 CARATTER ISTICHE ............................
EN 3 3 Instructions Manua l INDEX RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .................................................................................................................... 1 4 CHARACTERISTICS ................................................
FR 4 4 Manuel d’Instruct ions SOMMAIRE CONSEILS E T SUGGESTIONS ........................................................................................................ .................................. 2 1 CARACTERIST IQUES .......................
DE 5 5 Bedienungsa nleitung INHALTSVERZ EICHNIS EMPFEHLUNGEN UND H INWEISE ...................................................................................................... .............................. 28 CHARAKTERISTIKE N .....................
TR 6 6 Kullanim Kilavuku IÇERIKLER TAVSIYELER VE Ö NERILER .............................................................................................................................................. 3 5 ÖZELLIKLER ...............................
IT 7 7 CONSIGLI E SUGGERIMENTI INSTA LLAZIONE • Il produttore de clina qualsia si responsa bilità per danni dov uti ad installa zione non corre tta o non c onform e a lle regole dell’arte. • La dist anza mini ma di sicu rezza tra il P iano d i cottura e la Cappa de ve es sere di 65 0 mm .
IT 8 8 CARATTERISTICHE Ingombro 650 min. 490 60 108 259 150 min. 730 max. 1000 545 260 300 63 41 126 81 Componenti Rif. Q.tà Componen ti di Prod otto 1 1 Corpo Ca ppa compl eto di: Co mandi, Luc e, Grupp o Ventilato re, Filtri 2 1 Camin o Telesc opic o form at o da: 2.
IT 9 9 INSTALLAZIONE Foratura P arete e Fissaggio Staffe 11 12a 320 X 11 6 1÷2 11 6 650 min. 7.2.1 Tracciare sull a Parete: • una linea Ve rticale f ino al sof fitto o al lim ite supe riore, a l centr o della z ona prev ista per i l monta ggio de lla Cappa; • un a linea Orizzon tale a: 65 0 mm min.
IT 1 10 Montaggio Cor po Cappa • Prima di ag ganciare il Corpo Cap pa, serrare le 2 Viti Vr situate sui punt i di ag gancio de l Corpo C appa. • Agganc iare il Corpo Cappa alle Viti 12a. • Serrare def initivame nte le Viti 12a di suppor to. • Agire sulle Viti Vr per live llare il Corpo Cap pa.
IT 1 11 CONNESSIONE ELET TRICA • Collegare la Cappa a ll’Alime ntazione di Rete inte r- ponend o un I nterruttore bipola re c on apert ura dei contatti di alme no 3 mm .
IT 1 12 USO S V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V3 L L Luci Accende e sp egne l’Impiant o di Illuminazio ne. S Led Led accen sione Mo tore.
IT 1 13 MANUTENZIONE Filtri antigrasso PULIZI A FIL TRI AN TI GR ASSO ME TA L LI CI AU TOPO RT AN TI • Sono lavabili anche in lavastoviglie, e necessitano di essere la vati ogni 2 m esi circa di utilizzo o più fre quenteme nte, per u n uso partic olarm ente inten- so.
EN 1 14 RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS INSTA LLATION • The manuf acturer will not be held liable for any damages resulting from incorrect o r imprope r install ation. • The minimum s afety distance between the cook er top and the extrac- tor hood is 650 m m.
EN 1 15 CHARACTERISTICS Dimensions 650 min. 490 60 108 259 150 min. 730 max. 1000 545 260 300 63 41 126 81 Components Ref. Q.ty Produc t Compon ents 1 1 Hood Body, comp lete with : Controls, L ight, Blow er, Filters 2 1 Te lescop ic Chim ney comp rising : 2.
EN 1 16 INSTALLATION Wall drilling and bracket fixing 11 12a 320 X 11 6 1÷2 11 6 650 min. 7.2.1 Wall m arking: • Dra w a v ertical line on the supp orting wa ll up to the c eiling, or as high as practical, a t the centre of the are a in which the hood w ill be insta lled.
EN 1 17 Mounting the hood b ody • Bef ore attaching the hood body , tighten the tw o screws Vr lo- cate d on the h ood bo dy m ounting poi nts. • Hook the ho od body onto the screw s 12a . • Fully tig hten support screw s 12a . • Adjust screws Vr to level the ho od body .
EN 1 18 ELECTRICAL CON NECTION • Connect the hood t o the m ains thro ugh a tw o-pole switc h having a contac t gap of at leas t 3 mm. • Remove the grease f ilters (see paragra ph Mainte- nance) b eing su re that the connect or of th e feeding cable is co rrectly insert ed in t he socket p laced o n the side of the f an.
EN 1 19 USE S V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V3 L L Light Switches the lighting sy stem on and off . S Le d Motor ru nning le d. V1 Motor Sw itches the extra ctor motor on a nd of f at low spe ed. Used to provide a contin-u os and s ilent air c hange in the pres ence of light cook ing v apours.
EN 2 20 MAINTENANCE Grease filters CLEANI NG META L SE LF- SUPPO RTIN G GREA SE FIL TE RS • The f ilters must be c leaned ev ery 2 months of ope- ration, or more f reque ntly for pa rticula rly he avy usage, an d can b e washed in a dishwasher.
FR 2 21 CONSEILS ET SUGGEST I O NS INSTA LLATION • Le fab ricant décline toute res ponsa bilité en cas de do mmage dû à une install ation non correc te ou no n conform e aux règles de l’art. • La distance minimale de séc urité ent re le plan de cui sson et la ho tte doit être de 65 0 mm au moins .
FR 2 22 CARACTERISTIQUES Encombrement 650 min. 490 60 108 259 150 min. 730 max. 1000 545 260 300 63 41 126 81 Composants Réf. Q.té Composan ts de Produit 1 1 Cor ps Hott e équi pé de:C oman des, Lu mière, Group e Ventilateu r,Filtres 2 1 Che minée Té lescop ique formée de : 2.
FR 2 23 INSTALLATION Perçage Paroi et Fixation Brides Tracer sur la paroi: • une lig ne v ertical e allant jus qu’au p lafond ou à la lim ite supérie ure, au centre de la zo ne prévue pour le m ontage de la hott e; • une ligne horiz ontale à 650 m m m in.
FR 2 24 Montage Corps Hotte • Avant d ’accrocher le co rps hotte, serrer les deux vis Vr situées sur les poi nts d’accro chage du corps hott e. • Accrocher le co rps hot te aux vis 12a prévues à cet effet. • Serrer définitiveme nt les vis 12a de s upport .
FR 2 25 BRANCHEMENT ELECTRIQ UE • Branch er la hot te sur le secteu r en interpo sant un in- terrupt eur bipolai re avec ouvertu re des con tacts d’ au moi n s 3 m m.
FR 2 26 UTILISATIO N S V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V3 L L Lumières Allu me et éteint l’inst allation de l’éclai rage.
FR 2 27 ENTRETI EN Filtres anti-graisse NETTOYAGE FILTRES ANTI-GRAISSE MET ALL I QUES AUTOPORTEURS • Lavabl es au lave-vai ssell e, ils d oivent être lavé s en- viron tous les 2 m ois d’em ploi ou plus fré quemm ent en cas d’emploi pa rticulièrem ent intense.
DE 2 28 EMPFEHLUNGEN UND HINWEISE MONTAGE • Der Herstel ler haftet nicht für Sc häden, die auf ein e fehlerhaft e und unsachgemäße Montage zurückzuführen sind. • Der minimal e Sicherheits abstand zwi schen Kochmulde und Hau be muss 650 mm betr agen.
DE 2 29 CHARAKTERISTIKEN Platzbedarf 650 min. 490 60 108 259 150 min. 730 max. 1000 545 260 300 63 41 126 81 Komponenten Pos. St. Produ ktkom ponent en 1 1 Ha ubenk örper mit Sc halter n,Bele ucht ung, Gebläs e- gruppe ,Filt er 2 1 Te leskopkam in be stehend au s: 2.
DE 3 30 MONTAGE Bohren der B efestigungslöcher und Fixier en der Befestigungsbügel 11 12a 320 X 11 6 1÷2 11 6 650 min. 7.2.1 Nachstehen de Lin ien an di e Wand zeichn en: • E ine v ertikale Lin i.
DE 3 31 Montage des Haubenkör pers • Bev or der Ha ubenkörpe r einge hakt w ird, die 2 Schra uben Vr bei den Haubenk örper -Anha kpunk ten fe stziehe n. • Den Haubenk örper be i den Schrauben 12a einhäng en. • Die Haltes chraube n 12a definitiv festziehe n.
DE 3 32 ELEKTROANSCHL USS • B ei Anschlus s der Ha ube an das Stromnetz muss ein zwei poliger Sc halter mit e inem Öff nungsw eg von mindestens 3 mm zwischen geschal tet werden.
DE 3 33 BEDIENUNG S V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V3 L L Beleuc ht. Schaltet die Beleuc htung e in und aus. S Led Betriebsan zeigela mpe.
DE 3 34 WARTUNG Fettfilter SELBST TRAG E NDER M ETALL FETTFI LTER REINI GUNG • Sie müssen na ch 2-m onatigem Betrieb bzw . bei starkem Einsat z auch h äufiger gerein igt werden, was im Geschirrs püler m öglich ist.
TR 3 35 TAVSIYEL ER VE ÖNERI LER MONTA J • Yaln ιş veya eksik montaj dan do ğ an herhangi bir zarar ι n sorum - lulu ğ u üreticiye ait de ğ ildir. • Davlumbaz il e pi ş irici ciha z ι n ocak k ι sm ι aras ι ndaki minim um güvenlik m esafesi 650 mm .
TR 3 36 ÖZELLIK LER Boyutlar 650 min. 490 60 108 259 150 min. 730 max. 1000 545 260 300 63 41 126 81 Parçalar Ref. Adet Ürünün parç aları 1 1 Ş unla rdan o lu ş an dav lumb az göv desi: Kumand alar, Lamba, Fan gr ubu, Fil trel er 2 1 Ş unla rdan olu ş an t el esko pik bac a: 2.
TR 3 37 MONTAJ Duvarın Delinmesi ve Br aketlerin Sabitlenmesi Duvara ş un ları çizin iz: • Tavana ya da üst sınır a kada r uzunan Dik ey bir ç izgi: Dav lumbazı n monte e dilece ğ i yerin tam merkezinde n ge çmelidir; • Tezgâh (setü stü o cak) yüzeyind en 650 mm mesafeden geçen bir Yata y çizgi.
TR 3 38 Davlumbaz Gövdesi Montajı • Davlu mbaz Gövdesi ni kan calara takmadad an ön ce gövd e üze- rindek i kanc alama noktalar ında b ulunan 2 adet v iday ı Vr sıkı- nız. • Davlu mbaz Gövdesini vidal ara 12 a takınız. • Des tek vidalarını 12a nihai olar ak sık ınız.
TR 3 39 ELEKTR İ K BA Ğ LANT ISI • Davlu mbazı ş ebeke cereyan ına ba ğ larken aray temas aralı ğ ı en a z 3 mm olan çift kut upl u bir elekt rik ana- htarı koy unuz.
TR 4 40 KULLANIM S V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V3 L L Lam balar Ay dınlatma s istem ini yakar ve söndürür S Led Mot orun çal ı ş makt a oldu ğ unu bildiren le d la.
TR 4 41 BAKIM Ya ğ tutucu filtreler METAL İ K YA Ğ TUTU C U F İ LTRELER İ N TEM İ ZLENMES İ • Bu filtrele r bula ş ık m akina sında da yık anabilir ve norma l kullanıldıkların da iki ay da bir, yo ğ un k ul- lanım halinde ise da ha sıkça y ıkanma larıı ge rekli- dir.
436002803_v er3 Il si mbol o sul prod otto o s ull a co nfezi on e indi ca c he il prodo tto no n dev e ess ere c ons id erat o co me un nor mal e r ifi uto dom est ico, ma dev e ess ere port ato n el p unt o di r acc olta appr opr iat o per il ric icl aggio di ap parec chi atur e el ettri ch e ed el ettr oni ch e.
An important point after buying a device Franke Consumer Products FDF 9046 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Franke Consumer Products FDF 9046 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Franke Consumer Products FDF 9046 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Franke Consumer Products FDF 9046 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Franke Consumer Products FDF 9046 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Franke Consumer Products FDF 9046, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Franke Consumer Products FDF 9046.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Franke Consumer Products FDF 9046. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Franke Consumer Products FDF 9046 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center