Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PLQ-20D/20DM Epson
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E P S O N D O T M A T R I X R A N G E 9 - P I N D O T M A T R I X P R I N T E R S 2 4 - P I N D O T M A T R I X P R I N T E R S.
E P S O N D O T M A T R I X R A N G E Epson is the world’ s largest manufactur er of dot matrix printers with a pr oduct range that offers the ultimate in high speed, low cost, r eliable and durable printing acr oss all stationery types.
THE DOT MA TRIX PRINTER ADV ANT AGES • Low TCO per print-outs (as low as 20 eur o cents/ 100 pages) • Multi-part capability (up to 1 original + 9 copies) • Long lasting print-outs (up to 100 yea.
E P S O N DOT MA TRIX PRINTER SELECTOR P APER SIZE 9 pin – speed is more important than print quality PRINT VOLUME PRINT VOLUME LX-300+II FX-890 LX-1170II FX-2190 DFX-9000 Quick comparison Speed lmm.
PRINT QUALITY 24 pin – print quality is as important as speed P APER SIZE PRINT VOLUME FLA TBED FLA TBED LX-300+II FX-890 LX-1170II FX-2190 DFX-9000 Quick comparison Speed lmmmm llllm lmmmm llllm ll.
LX-300+II C11C640041 (220 V) C11C640051 (240 V) USB, parallel, serial, optional: 802.11b/g ESC/P IBM 2380+ l l l m 50 sheet 1 year replacement or repair optional extension to 3 years LX-1170II C11C641001 (220 V) C11C641002 (240 V) USB, parallel, serial, optional: 802.
LX-300+II C11C640041 (220 V) C11C640051 (240 V) USB, parallel, serial, optional: 802.11b/g ESC/P IBM 2380+ l l l m 50 sheet 1 year replacement or repair optional extension to 3 years LX-1170II C11C641001 (220 V) C11C641002 (240 V) USB, parallel, serial, optional: 802.
Key features • Wide carriage 9-pin printer • Up to 337 characters per second (12 cpi) • Copy capability of 1 original + 4 copies • Versatile top, bottom and r ear paper paths • 8 built-in ba.
E P S O N F X - 8 9 0 9- PI N DO T MA T R I X PR IN TE R This n arro w carriage printer c ombines hi gh speed w ith the hi ghest r eliabil ity . A mean vo lume betwe en failur e of 52 million l ines makes it ideal for medium and lar ge print volumes.
Key features • Compact 24-pin narrow carriage printer • Up to 300 characters per second (10 cpi) • Copy capability of 1 original + 3 copies • Versatile top, bottom and rear paper paths • 8 b.
E P S O N L Q - 5 9 0 24 -P IN D OT M A T R I X PR IN TE R With a mean volume between failure of 40 million lines and a high print speed of 529 cps this extremely r obust printer is ideal for medium and lar ge print volumes.
Key features • 24 pin, 106 column, medium duty fl atbed printer • Prints up to 529 cps (12 cpi) • Print Sp eed En hanc er: Fa st pri nti ng of bit im age dat a f r om Wind ows ® • Highly rel.
E P S O N L Q - 2 0 9 0 2 4 - P IN D OT M A T R I X PR IN TE R An ex tr em ely r ob ust pr int er wit h a me an vol ume be twe en fai lur e of 40 mil lio n lines. Its high print speed of 529 cps makes it an ideal solution for medium and lar ge print volumes.
Key features • Neat, compact and robust design • Automatic sheet alignment and thickness adjustment • High print speed of up to 480 cps • Qui et 24 -p i n do c um en t o r p as sb o ok p rin t.
SPECIFICA TIONS EPSON 9-PIN LX-300+II LX-1170II FX-890 FX-2190 DFX-9000 CARRIAGE WIDTH IN COLUMNS 80 136 80 136 136 PRINT SPEEDS 10 cpi | 12 cpi 10 cpi | 12 cpi 10 cpi | 12 cpi 10 cpi | 12 cpi 10 cpi .
SPECIFICA TIONS EPSON 24-PIN LQ-300+II LQ-590 LQ-630 LQ-680/Pro LQ-690 CARRIAGE WIDTH IN COLUMNS 80 80 80 106 106 PRINT SPEEDS 10 cpi | 12 cpi 10 cpi | 12 cpi 10 cpi | 12 cpi 10 cpi | 12 cpi 10 cpi | .
LQ-300+II LQ-590 LQ-630 LQ-680/Pro LQ-690 CARRIAGE WIDTH IN COLUMNS 80 80 80 106 106 PRINT SPEEDS 10 cpi | 12 cpi 10 cpi | 12 cpi 10 cpi | 12 cpi 10 cpi | 12 cpi 10 cpi | 12 cpi High speed draft 300 |.
OPTIONS, ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES OP TI ONA L P AP ER HA ND LI NG Order code LX-300+II LX-1170II FX-890 FX-2190 DFX-9000 Colour upgrade kit C12C832082 l Convertible tractor unit C12C800202 l C12C80021.
TYPICAL P APER P A THS MOTORISED SHEET FEEDERS For high volume cut sheet printing, optional motorised cut sheet feeders are available for selected pr oducts, like the 150 sheet cut sheet feeder for the Epson LQ-2180.
An important point after buying a device Epson PLQ-20D/20DM (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Epson PLQ-20D/20DM yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Epson PLQ-20D/20DM - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Epson PLQ-20D/20DM you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Epson PLQ-20D/20DM will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Epson PLQ-20D/20DM, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Epson PLQ-20D/20DM.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Epson PLQ-20D/20DM. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Epson PLQ-20D/20DM along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center