Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 80 Alliance Laundry Systems
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www .comlaundry .com Installation/Operation/Maintenance Drying T umblers 30 Pound Capacity (28" W ide) 30 Pound Capacity (31.5" W ide) Refer to Page 7 for Model Numbers KEEP THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. (If this tumbler changes owne rship, be sure this manual accompanie s the tumb ler.
© Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Sys tems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SEC TIO N I Safety Important Sa fety Instruct ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SECTION II Introduc tion Informat ion for Ha ndy Reference . .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 2 M414545 SECTION V Operating I nstructi ons Manual Dual T imer T umbler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Coin-Operat ed T umbler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 3 Section I Safety IMP ORTAN T: Wa rrant y is vo id un less dr ying tumb ler is install ed ac cord ing to instru ction s in th is man ual.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 4 M414545 IMPORTANT: Infor mation must be obtained fr om your local gas supplie r on instr uctions to be followed if the user smel ls gas. These instr uctions must posted in a prominent lo cation.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 5 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS) 1. Read all instruc tions bef ore using the tu mbler . 2. R efer to the GROUNDING INSTR UCTIONS for t he proper grounding of the tumbl er .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 6 M414545 17. Do not put articl es soiled with v eg etable or coo king oil i n the tumbl er , as these o ils may not be remo ved dur ing dryin g. D ue to t he rema ining oil, the fabr ic ma y catc h on fire by i tself.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 7 Section II Introduction Inform ation in th is manual is applic able to the se tumbl er models. Information For Handy Reference Date P urchased __ ______ ________ _________ ________ ______ ________ _________ _ Model No.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 8 M414545 PARTS ORDERING INFORMATION If lite rature or re place ment part s are require d, contact the source f rom whom th e m.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 10 M414545 Roughing-In Dimensions and Specifications Exhaust Thimble Locations HEIGHT ACROSS TMB1959N ACROSS ACROSS DEPTH HEIGH.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 11 Roughing-In Dimensions and Specifications Steam Connection Locations ACROSS T328IE3A STEAM OUTLET HEIGHT SPAN STEAM INLET HEIGHT TUMB LER MODELS STEAM INLE T STEAM OUT LET DIAMETER AC ROSS HEIGHT SP AN DIAMET ER ACROSS HEIGHT SP AN 30CSL 30CSH 3/4" (19 mm) I.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 12 M414545 Roughing-In Dimensions and Specifications Gas Connection Locations ACROSS T329IE3A HEIGHT TUMB LER MODELS GAS CON NECTION D I A M E T E R ( N .P .T .) A C R O S S H E I G H T 30XG 1/2" (12 .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 13 Roughing-In Dimensions and Specifications Electrical Connection Locations NOTE: These are approximate di mensions onl y.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 14 M414545 28" wide Gas Tumbler 28" wide Electric Tumbler Cabinet F inish : Electros tatical ly appli ed thermose tting pol yester . Cylinder : 26.5" x 30" (67.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 15 Gas Tumbler Electric Tumbler Steam Tumbler Cabinet Finish : Electro statica lly appli ed the rmosetting po lyester . Cylinder : 30" x 30" (76.2 cm x 76.2 cm) perfor ated gal va nized s teel with t hree baf fles; 30 pounds ( 13.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 16 M414545 Note s.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 17 Section III Installation Instructions RECEIVING INSPECTION Upon de li very , visuall y inspect crate carton a nd part s for any visible s hippi ng damage.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 18 M414545 POSITIONING THE TUMBLER The tu mbl er may b e rem oved from th e ski d befo re movin g it to t he installa tion lo cation or it may be mov ed whil e still atta ched t o the sk id.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 19 TUMBLER ENCLOS URE CO NSTRUC TION IMPORTANT: DO NOT block t he airflow at the rear of the t umbler wit h laundry or other arti cles. Doing so would pre vent adequat e air supply to the combustion chamber of the tumbler.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 20 M414545 FACILITIES REQUIRED T o assure compli ance, cons ult local bui lding cod e requir ements. FLOOR The t umb ler mus t be i nst alled on a le vel f loor c apab le of support ing 100 p ounds per s quare foot (488.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 21 • Collector V enting While i t is pr efera ble to exhaust tumble rs ind ividually to the ou tdoors , a main coll ector duc t may be used i f it is siz ed accordi ngly .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 22 M414545 Figure 3 Solvent gases and v apors fr om dry cleaning machine s create acids w hen drawn thr ough the heater of a drying tumbl er . These ac ids are corr osive to the drying tumbler as well as to the laundr y load being dried.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 24 M414545 GAS REQUIREMENTS IMPORTANT: Any pr oduct re visions or con ve rsions must be made by the Manufac turer ’ s A uth orized Dealers, Distrib utors or local se rvice personne l.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 25 Figure 6 Check al l pipe connections, internal and externa l, f or gas leak s using a soap y solution. T o reduce the risk of explosion or fire, DO NO T USE AN OPEN FLAME T O CHECK FOR GAS LEAKS! Gas connections should be ch ec ked annuall y for l ea kag e .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 26 M414545 Example of Gas Loop Piping Figure 7 Example of Gas Supply Piping Figure 8 GAS METER IMPORTANT: Gas loop piping must be installed as illustrated to equalize gas pressure for all tumblers connected to single gas service.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 28 M414545 STEAM REQUIREMENTS (Steam Drying Tumblers) The size of the st eam servic e pipe is depende nt upon many v ariables (le ngth, tees, hi gh pressur e system, lo w pressur e system, e tc.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 29 INSTALLING STEAM SOLENOI D VALVE AND MAKING STEAM INLET CONNECTIONS High pres sure machi nes requir e a (cons tant) 80 t o 100 psig (pou nds per sq uare inch ga uge) (5.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 30 M414545 STEAM REQUIREMENTS STEAM DRYING TUMBLERS O NL Y Figure 9 Table 3 STEAM BONNET 12" (30.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 31 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS GROU NDING INSTRUCTIONS This tumbl er must be grounded. I n the e vent of malfunct ion or bre akdo wn, grou nding will reduce th e risk of electr ic shock b y pro viding a path of leas t resist ance for electri c curren t.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 32 M414545 The fol lo wing st eps o utline the proc edure for connect ing the el ectr ical s ervic e to th e tumbl er . NOTE: The wiring diagram is suppli ed in materi al packet i n cylinder.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 33 JUMPER CONFIGURATION INSTRUCTION S (OPL MICRO CONTROL MODELS ONLY) Changing t he trans former conf iguration jumper is requir ed if an y of the foll ow ing apply : • Y ou ha ve 2 08V service and are co nnecting a gas or steam model rated f or 208 or 240 V .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 34 M414545 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS F or 28" wide T umblers NOTE: Minimum wire sizes a re obtain ed from Canadi an Electri cal Code and are int ended for use as a guideline only.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 35 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS For 31.5" wide Tumblers NOTE: Minimum wire sizes a re obtain ed from Canadi an Electri cal Code and are int ended for use as a guideline only.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 36 M414545 ACCESSORY TIMING CAM INSTALLATION (Coin Meter Model s) The tumble r is ship ped wit h two acc essory cams which allo w you t o change your vending t imes. The coin slid e tumbler accumulato r will ha ve a 60 mi nute time r mot or .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 37 PRELIMINARY OPERATING CHECKS 1. Remo ve or open all p anels and check acce ssible bolts, n uts, sc re ws, termina ls and f itt ings for tigh tness. 2. Check V -belt ten sion and adjust if necessar y .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 38 M414545 FINAL OPERATING CHECKS OPL MICRO CONTROL TUMB LER Refe r to OPL micr o-con trol s ectio n to ch eck c ontro l for proper o perat ion. MANUAL DUAL TIMER TUMBLER Refer to Figure 13 .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 39 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 TEMPERATURE COOLING 15 0 10 5 PUSH TO START MED HIGH LOW DRYING 30 0 20 25 10 15 5 T02.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 40 M414545 Note s.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 41 Section IV Adjustments MAIN GAS BURNER AIR SHUTTER All Gas Models NOTICE: Air inl et shutte rs on the bur ner must be adjus ted so suff icient a ir is me tered int o the syst em for prope r combustion a nd maximum efficien cy.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 42 M414545 AIRFLOW SWITCH For Gas and Electric Tumble rs The airfl ow swit ch (located on the rear of tumbler) is set at the f actory f or proper opera tion. Refer to F igur e 17.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 43 LOADING DOOR SWITCH The door swi tch should be adjus ted so the c ylind er stops when door is ope ned two inche s (5.08 cm), plus or minus 1/4 inc h (.63 c m). This sw itch is a normally open switc h and is cl osed b y the in terlock ro d when the door is cl osed.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 44 M414545 LOADING DOOR STRIKE The door s trike must be adj usted to h a ve suf ficien t tensio n to hold loading doo r clos ed agains t force of load tumbling against it. Proper a djustment i s when 8 to 1 5 pounds (3 5.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 45 CHAIN DRIVE Nonreversing Mode ls Refer to Figure 20 . Proper t ension is when the bel t can be d epress ed approxi mately 1/2 inch (1 .27 cm) b y applying light thumb pres sure at a point midw ay between the c ylinder spro cket an d the idl er spr ocket.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 46 M414545 BEL T DRIVE Reversing Mod els Refer to Figure 22 . Proper t ension is when the dr i ve belt can b e depresse d approxi mately 1/2 inch (1 .27 cm) b y applying light thumb pres sure (app roximately 5 p ounds) at a point midway be tween the shea ve and motor pul ley .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 47 Figure 20 WARNING! DO NOT OPERATE WITHOUT GUARDS IN PLACE. TMB1966N NOTE: Tumbler is shown with guards removed for ilustration purposes only. Never operate the tumbler with the guards removed.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 48 M414545 Figure 21 T234IE3B POLY V-BELT (Poly V-belt is self-adjusting) IDLER HOUSING ASSEMBLY DRIVE V-BELT IDLER HOUSING BOL.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 50 M414545 Note s.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 51 Section V Operating Instructions ALWAYS FOLLOW THE FABRIC CARE INSTRUCTIONS SUPPLIED BY THE GARMENT MANUFACTURER. The fo llo wing step s outline the pro cedure for operatin g a tumbler through a c omplete dry ing c ycle.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 52 M414545 COIN-OPERATED TUMBLER 1. Ener gize the elect rical c ircuit to the tumbl er at t he disconne ct switch or the ci rcuit br eaker . 2. Open the l int scre en panel a nd check for an y accumul ated li nt on lint screen.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 53 Figure 23 REVERSING OPERAT ION This tum bler is equipped wi th a secon d motor and additi onal cont rols to re v erse the dire ction of the c ylin der rotati on. The ma in reason for this option is to pre v ent tangli ng of lar ge pi eces and min imize wrink ling.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 54 M414545 ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED OPL TUMBLER INTRODUCTION Drying ca n be don e automati cally or by ti me dry . When drying a utomati cally , the tumbler stops dryi ng when laundry reache s the f actory s et or prog rammed dry ness le vel and star ts cool do wn.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 55 Figure 25.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 56 M414545 STATUS LIGHTS, SIGNAL AND REVERSING DOOR OPEN Lights when do or is open. Note: Dis play windo w also f lashes. DR YING Lights whe n laundry is drying. COOL DO W N Li ghts when l aundry is cooling.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 57 3. SELECT F ABRIC TYPE – Press an ON/SELECT pad to s elect a tempe rature. HIGH, MEDIUM, MEDIUM LO W , LO W or NO HEA T for items th at shoul d not be dried with heat.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 58 M414545 B. Time Dry and No Heat After f abri c select ion, pres s the TI ME pad . Re f e r to F igur e 29. TIME DR Y Pads Figure 29 A preset drying ti me, “ Td:** ” will replace “ A0:00 ” in th e displa y .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 59 D . Spe cial Ti me Mode This mode is just li ke the T ime Dry mode, e xcept that the re gulati ng t emperature for e ach heat cyc le range s fr om 80 ° F to 180 ° F .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 60 M414545 SECURITY LOCK-OUT The progra mming pads ca n be “ locked out ” so ope rator s cannot c hange c ycles on t heir o wn. When lock-out is used, the oper ator can use o nly the factor y-set Aut omatic cyc les and the one Custom c ycle allo wed per Select pad .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 61 Load T ype Load T ype Custom Cycle Record Te m p Te m p Figure 30 Time Cool Down Special T ime Cool Down Dry Dry A u.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 62 M414545.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 63 Notes Drying Instructions Te m p e r a t u r e Figure 31 Cool Down Dryness Lev el/T ime Select Load T ype.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 64 M414545.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 65 Section VI Preventive Maintenance Instructions DAILY LINT REMOVAL Refer to Figure 32 . 1. Open the l int panel. 2. Remo ve al l accumula ted lint in the l int compar tment area.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 66 M414545 MONTHLY LUBRICATION Motor bear ings, idl er housin g bearings and trunni on bearing s are pre -lubed sea led beari ngs an d require no lubric ation . LINT REMOVAL 1. Remo ve th e exha ust duc t from the exhaus t thi mble and remo v e lint.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 67 THRE E MONTH MAINTENANCE (DATES) Clean ai r vent s on dri ve motor . Chec k and clean stea m coil s. (Stea m Mode ls Only ) Clean e xhaust ducts. Check flo w of combusti on air .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 68 M414545 ENERGY SAVING TIPS 1. Instal l the tu mbler so that short, str aight v entin g can be used. T urns, elbo ws and long v ents tend to increa se drying time . Longer dry time means th e use of more en erg y and highe r operati ng costs .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 69 TROUBLESHOOTING THE TUMBLER 1. Exhaust a irflo w res triction. Ex haust duct size is recomme nded to be l arg er than th e e xhaust ope ning. 2. T umbler inle t air i s essenti al fo r each uni t.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 70 M414545 Note s.
www .comlaundry .com Instalaci ó n/Operaci ó n/Mantenimiento Secadoras Capacidad de 30 libras (28 pulgadas de ancho) Capacidad de 30 libras (31,5 pulgadas de ancho) Consulte p á gina 79 para los n ú meros de modelo GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES PARA REFERENCIA EN EL FUTURO.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 73 Í NDIC E SECCI Ó N I Seguridad Instru cciones de segur idad impor tantes . . . . . . . . . . 77 SECCI Ó N II Introducci ó n Info rmaci ó n de refe renci a r á pida .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 74 M414545 (SP) Placa de cierre de l a puerta de ca rga . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Accionamie nto por ca dena modelos sin in versi ó n de giro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 75 Sección I Seguridad IMPORTANTE: La garant í a es nula a menos que la secador a se instal e seg ú n las i nstruccion es de este manual.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 76 M414545 (SP) IMPORTANTE: Se debe o btener la i nformaci ó n de un p roveedor de ga s local sob re las in strucciones que deben seguirs e si el usuari o percibe o lor a gas. Est as instr ucciones deben c olocarse e n un lugar a l a vista de t odos.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 77 INSTRUCCIONES DE S EGURIDAD IMPORTANTES (GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES) 1. Lea las i nstrucc iones a ntes de ut ilizar la secado ra. 2. Consulte las INSTR UCCIONES DE PUEST A A TIERRA para poner a ti erra la secado ra de la forma debida.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 78 M414545 (SP) 16. La secado ra no f unciona con la puert a de car ga abi erta. NO ponga e n deri v aci ó n e l inter ruptor de segur idad para permiti r que la s ecadora op ere con la puerta ab iert a.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 79 Secci ó n II Introducci ó n La in forma ci ó n de este manual corres ponde a esto s modelos de s ecadora. Informaci ó n de referencia r á pida Fecha de com pra ____ ________ ________ ______ _________ ________ ________ ______ Modelo No.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 80 M414545 (SP) INFORMACI Ó N PARA PEDIDO DE PIEZAS Si nece sita m á s i nform aci ó n escrita o repu estos, p ó ng ase en .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 82 M414545 (SP) Dimensiones y especificaciones Ubicaci ó n de aberturas de escape HEIGHT ACROSS TMB1959N ACROSS ACROSS DEPTH H.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 83 Dimensiones y especificaciones Ubicaci ó n de conexiones de vapor AL TRAV É S T328IS3A ALTURA DE LA SALIDA DE.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 84 M414545 (SP) Dimensiones y especificaciones Ubicaci ó n de conexiones de gas AL TRAV É S T329IS3A ALTURA MODELOS DE SECADORA CONEX I Ó N DE GAS DI Á M E T R O ( N .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 85 Dimensiones y especificaciones Ubicaci ó n de conexiones el é ctricas NOTA: Estas di mensiones son aproximadas solam ent e.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 86 M414545 (SP) Secadora de gas de 28 plg de ancho Secadora el é ctrica de 28 plg de ancho Acabado de l armario: Poli é ster ter moestable aplicado electro st á ticame nte.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 87 Secadora de gas Secadora el é ctrica Secadora de vapor Acabado de l armario: Pol i é ster te rmoestab le apli cado elect rost á t icamente.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 88 M414545 (SP) Nota s.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 89 Secci ó n III Instrucciones de instalaci ó n INSPECCI Ó N A LA LLEGADA En el moment o de la ent reg a, insp eccione v isualment e el embala je y las p iezas par a v er si se ha n producido da ñ os visibl es durant e el tran sporte.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 90 M414545 (SP) UBICACI Ó N DE LA SECADORA La seca dora pu ede reti rarse del ca lzo ante s de des plazar la a la ubicaci ó n de instal aci ó n, o p uede d esplazar se cuando aun est á acoplada al mismo.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 91 CONSTRUCCI Ó N DEL RECINTO DE LA SEC ADORA IMPORTANTE: NO bloquee el paso de aire por la parte tr asera de la secadora co n ropa u ot ros art í culos. Al hace r esto s e impide el suminist ro de aire adecuad o a la c á mara d e combusti ó n de la secadora.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 92 M414545 (SP) INSTALACIONES REQUERIDAS Consulte los r equisito s de los c ó dig os de co nstrucci ó n locale s para cer ciorars e de que se cumpla con l os mismos.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 93 • Conducto cole ctor de v entilac i ó n Aunque s e pre fie re desc ar gar e l escape de las sec adoras indi vidua lmente al exte rior , se puede usar un conducto colect or princi pal si t iene las dimensione s apropia das.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 94 M414545 (SP) De los ga ses y vapores de los disolve ntes de las m á quinas de limpieza en seco emanan á cidos durante su paso por el calentador del tam bor se cador .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 95 Figura 3 T108IS3A NOTA: La superficie interior del conducto debe ser pulida.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 97 REQUISITOS DE GAS IMPOR T ANTE: Cualquier r e visi ó n o con versi ó n debe ser l lev ada a cabo po r los r epr esentante s, distri buido r es o persona l de ser vicio l ocal autor izado por e l fabric ante .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 98 M414545 (SP) Figura 6 Inspec cione todas l as conexiones de la tuber í a, i nternas y externas , mediante una soluci ó n jabonosa, a fin de detectar eventuales fugas de gas.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 99 Ejemplo de coloca ci ó n de tub er í a de gas en bucle Figura 7 Ejemplo de coloca ci ó n de tub er í a de g.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 100 M414545 (SP) Tabla 2 TA M A Ñ O DE TUBO DE GAS REQUERIDO P ARA GAS NA TURAL DE 1.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 101 REQUISITOS DE VAPOR (Secadoras de vapor) El tama ñ o de la tuber í a de servici o de v apor depe nde de muchas v ar iables (l ongitud, uni ones en T , sistema de alt a presi ó n , sistema d e baja pre si ó n, etc.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 102 M414545 (SP) INSTALACI Ó N DE LA V Á LVULA DE SOLENOIDE DE VAPOR Y CONEXIONES DE ENTRADA DE VAPOR Las m á qu inas de al ta presi ó n r equiere n un ser vicio de v apor ( constant e) de 5,62 a 7,03 kg/c m 2 (80 a 100 psi g) para u na oper aci ó n ó ptima.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 104 M414545 (SP) REQUISITOS EL É CT RICO S INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA PUESTA A TIERRA Esta sec adora debe estar puesta a tierra.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 105 Los pasos siguient es des criben el procedimi ento para cone ctar el ser vici o el é ctrico a la secadora . NOTA: El diagrama de conexiones s e suminis tra en el paquete de materiales del cili ndro.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 106 M414545 (SP) INSTRUCCIONES DE CONFIGURACI Ó N DEL PUENTE (MODELOS OPL MICRO CONTROL SOLAMENTE) Se requi ere camb iar el pu.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 107 REQUISITOS EL É CT RICO S P ar a secado r as de 28 pulgad as de an cho NOTA: Los tama ñ os m í n imos de los cables s e obtiene n del Canadia n Elect rical Code y se debe n utiliz ar s ó lo como gu í a.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 108 M414545 (SP) REQUISITOS EL É CT RICO S Para secadora s de 31,5 pulgadas d e ancho NOTA: Los tama ñ os m í n imos de los cables s e obtiene n del Canadia n Elect rical Code y se debe n utiliz ar s ó lo como gu í a.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 109 INSTALACI Ó N DE LEVA DE SINCRONIZACI Ó N ACCESORIA (modelos con medidor de monedas) La secado ra se en v í a con dos le v as acce sorias qu e le permite n cambiar su s tiemp os de v enta.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 110 M414545 (SP) COMPROBACIONES DE OPERACI Ó N PRELIMINARES 1. Quite o abra todo s los pan eles y c ompruebe que est é n apret ados todos los pe rnos , tuer cas, tornil los, termina les y cone xiones .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 111 COMPROBACIONES DE OPERACI Ó N FINAL ES SECADORA CON OPL MICRO CONTROL Consulte la secci ó n de OPL micro control para comprobar que el cont rol e st á funciona ndo corr ectamente .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 112 M414545 (SP) Figura 13 Figura 14 Figura 15 TEMPERATURE COOLING 15 0 10 5 PUSH TO START MED HIGH LOW DRYING 30 0 20 25 10 15.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 113 Secci ó n IV Ajuste s OBTURADOR PRINCIPAL DE AIRE DEL QUEMADOR DE GAS Todos los model os de gas AVISO: Los ob.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 114 M414545 (SP) INTERRUPTOR DE FLUJO DE AIRE Para secadoras de gas y el é ctricas El interr uptor de fl ujo de aire ( ubicado en la p arte trase ra de la seca dora) est á f ijado de f á brica par a la operaci ó n adecuada.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 115 INTERRUPTOR DE LA PUERTA DE CARGA El inter ruptor de la puert a deber á aj ustarse d e forma q ue el cil indro se d etenga c uando la puerta s e abra 5,08 c m (2 pulg adas), con una tol erancia de ± 0,63 cm (1 /4 de pulgada ).
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 116 M414545 (SP) PLACA DE CIERRE DE LA PUERTA DE CARGA La placa de cierr e de la pue rta debe a justars e para que tenga u na ten si ó n suf icient e para ma ntener la puerta cerrad a contra l a fuerza de la car ga a gitad a contra é sta.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 117 ACCIONAMIENTO POR CADENA Modelos sin inversi ó n de giro Consulte la Figura 20 .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 118 M414545 (SP) A C CIONAMIENT O POR CORREA Modelos con inversi ó n de giro Consulte la Figura 22 .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 119 Figura 20 W AR NING ! D O NO T OPE RA TE W ITH OU T GU AR DS IN PLA CE. T229IS3A NOTA: La figura muestra la secadora desprovista de los protectores s ó lo para fines de la ilustraci ó n.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 120 M414545 (SP) Figura 21 T234IS3B CORREA EN “ V ” DE POLIETILENO (la correa en “ V ” de polietileno es autoajustable).
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 122 M414545 (SP) Nota s.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 123 Secci ó n V Instrucciones de operaci ó n SIGA SIEMPRE LAS INSTRUCCIONES DE CUIDADO DE LAS TELAS PROPORCIONADAS POR EL FABRICANTE DE ROPA.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 124 M414545 (SP) SECADORA OPERADA CON MONEDAS 1. A ctive el circu ito el é ctrico que va a la seca dora en el interr uptor de d escone xi ó n o el cortacir cuitos. 2. Abra el p anel de la rejill a de pelus a y compruebe si hay p elusa acum ulad a en la rejilla .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 125 Figura 23 OPERACI Ó N DE INVERSI Ó N DE GIRO Esta sec adora est á equipada con un se gundo mo tor y control es adicio nales q ue in v ierten el sentido de l giro del cilind ro.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 126 M414545 (SP) SECADORA OPL CONTROLADA ELECTR Ó NICAMENT E INTRODUCCI Ó N El secad o puede h acerse au tom á ticamen te o por t iempo de seca do.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 127 Figura 25.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 128 M414545 (SP) LUCES DE ESTADO, SE Ñ AL E INVERSI Ó N DE GIRO DOOR OPEN (puerta a bierta) Se enciende cuando se abre la puer ta. Nota: La v entan a de visua lizaci ó n tamb i é n dest ella.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 129 3. SELECCIONE EL TIPO DE TEJIDO – Pulse un b ot ó n de ON/SELECT ( encendido/ selecc ionar) pa ra sel eccionar la temper atura.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 130 M414545 (SP) B. Secado por ti empo y Sin calor Despu é s de se leccionar el tej ido, pulse el bot ó n TI M E ( t ie m po ) .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 131 D . Modal idad de ti empo especial Esta modal idad es co mo la modalid ad T ime Dry (secado por tiempo) , exce pto que la temper atura reg ulador a para cad a ciclo de calor os cila ent re 27 ° C (80 ° F) a 82 ° C (180 ° F) .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 132 M414545 (SP) BLOQUEO DE SEG URIDAD Los botone s de progr amaci ó n pueden “ bloquea rse ” de modo que los operador es no pue dan cambiar los cicl os por su cu enta.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 133 MODALIDAD MOSTRAR Esta modal idad mostr ar á los LED y enc ender á toda l a pantall a mientra s se desac ti v an todos l os botones. Esta modalidad permite abrir y cerr ar la pu erta de car ga.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 134 M414545 (SP) Tipo de carg a Tipo de carg a Registro de ciclos a la medida Te m p e r a t u r a Te m p e r a t u r a Figura .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 135 Notas Instrucciones de secado Te m p e r a t u r a Figura 31 Enfr iamie nto Nivel de secado/T iempo Sele ccion.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 136 M414545 (SP).
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 137 Secci ó n VI Instrucciones de mantenimiento preventivo DIARIAMENTE REMOCI Ó N DE PE LUSA Consulte la Fig ura 32 . 1. Abra el panel de pelus a. 2. Quite la pelusa ac umulada en e l á rea del comparti mento de la pelusa.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 138 M414545 (SP) MENSUALMENTE LUBRICAC I Ó N Los ro dami entos del m otor , r odami entos de la c aja de la polea gu í a y las mu ñ o neras son rodamien tos sell ados y prelubr icados que no requ ieren lu bricaci ó n al guna.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 139 MANTENIMIE NTO DE TR ES MESES (FECHA S) Limp ie los respi rader os del moto r de impulsi ó n. Compruebe y l impie los serpe ntines de v apor . (model os de v apor s olament e) Limpie lo s conduc tos de esc ape.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 140 M414545 (SP) CONSEJOS PARA EL AHORRO DE ENERG Í A 1. Instal e la seca dora de fo rma que pu eda util izarse tuber í a de ventil aci ó n corta y derecha. Los gi ros, los codos y l as v entilaci ones lar g as tiende n a incremen tar el t iempo de sec ado.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT M414545 (SP) 141 RESOLUCI Ó N DE PROBLEMAS DE LA SECADORA 1. Restric ci ó n del flujo de a ire de escap e. Se recomi enda que el tama ñ o de co nducto de es cape se a m á s grande que la abe rtura de escape.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 142 M414545 (SP) Nota s.
An important point after buying a device Alliance Laundry Systems 80 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Alliance Laundry Systems 80 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Alliance Laundry Systems 80 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Alliance Laundry Systems 80 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Alliance Laundry Systems 80 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Alliance Laundry Systems 80, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Alliance Laundry Systems 80.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Alliance Laundry Systems 80. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Alliance Laundry Systems 80 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center