Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Expression Premium XP-530 Epson
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Us e r ' s G u i d e NPD5242-00 EN.
Co py r i g h t No part of this pu blication m ay be rep rod uced, sto red in a retrieval syst em, or transmi tt ed in any fo rm or b y an y me ans , el ec t roni c, me chan ic a l, pho to copy ing , re cord in g, or ot her wi s e, w ith out t he pr i or wr itten p er mi ssi on of Seiko Epso n Corporation.
T r ademarks ❏ EPSON ® is a regist ered trademark, and EPSON EX CEED Y OUR VIS ION o r EXCEED Y OUR VIS ION is a trademark o f S eiko Ep s on Corporation. ❏ PRINT Im age Mat ching™ and the PRINT I mage Matchin g logo are trademarks o f Seiko Epson Corporation.
❏ General N otice: Other product names used her ein are fo r identication p urpos es only and m ay be trademarks of their respective owners. Epson disclaims an y and all r ights in those marks.
Contents Copyright T rademarks About This M anu al I n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e M a n u a l s ......... .......... 8 M a r k s a n d S y m b o l s ............... ..........8 D e s c r i p t i o n s U s e d i n t h i s M a n u a l .......... ....
S c a n n i n g B a s i c s ................ ........ . 6 9 S c a n n i n g U s i n g A d v a n c e d F e a t u r e s ........... 7 2 S c a n n i n g f r o m S m a r t D e v i c e s ........... ...... 7 5 I n s t a l l i n g E p s o n i P r i n t ....
Removin g Jamm ed Paper fro m the Rear Cover. 117 P aper Does N ot F eed C orr e ctly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 P a p e r J a m s ...... .......... .......... .. 1 1 9 P a p e r F e e d s a t a S l a n t ..... .......... ..... 1 1 9 Several Sheets of P ap er are F ed at a T ime.
Abou t This Ma nual Intr oduc tion to the Manuals e follo wing manuals are supplied with your E pson prin ter . As w ell as the manuals, see the help included in the various E ps on soware ap plications.
Descriptions U sed in this Manual ❏ Screenshots of the printer driver and t he EPSON Sc an (sca nner driver) s creens are fro m W indows 8.1 or Mac OS X v10.10.x. e con tent disp layed on the screens varies dep ending on the model and situation. ❏ Illustrations o f the printer used in this manual ar e examples only .
Impor tant Instructions Safety Instruc tions Read and follow these instr uct ions to ensure safe use of this printer . Make sure y ou keep this manual for fut ure referen ce. Als o, be su re to follow a ll w ar ni ngs and instr uct ions mar ked on the pr inter .
Advisories and W arnings for Setting Up/Using the P rinter ❏ Do not block or co ver t he vents and o p enings in the printer . ❏ U s e only the type of power source indicated on the printer's label. ❏ A void using outlets on the same circuit as photo copiers or air control systems tha t regul arly sw itch on and o.
Advisories and W arnings for Us ing the P rinter with a W ireless Co n n e c t i o n ❏ Radio waves from this printer may negatively aect the operation of medical elect ronic equipmen t, ca using them to malfunction.
Pri nte r B a si c s P ar t Names and F unc tions A F ront c over Open to load pape r in the paper cassett e. B Output tray Holds the ejected pap er . Pull ou t manually and push it back in to st ore. C P aper ca ssette Loa ds paper . D Edge guide Feeds the p aper straight into the printer .
A Ink car tridge holder Install the ink car tridges. Ink is ejected from the print head nozzles underneath. B Scanner unit Scans placed original s. Open to replace ink cartr idges or to remove jammed paper . This unit should usually be kept closed. C Memory card slot Inser t a memor y card.
A AC inlet Connects the po wer cord. B Rear cover Remove when removing jammed paper . C V e nt Releases heat from the inside of the printer . Vents are on the bottom right, bottom left, and on the ri ght-hand side . Do not cover the vents when placing the printer .
Guide to the L CD Sc reen M enus and messages ar e displayed on the LCD screen. S elect a menu or setting by p ressing the u d l r buttons. Guide to the Home Screen e following ico ns and menus ar e displa yed on the home scr een. A Icons that show the network s tatus are displayed.
C F unc tion icons and names ar e displayed as mode ic ons. Copy Enters Copy mode that allows you to copy a document and a photo. Print Photos Enters Print P hotos mode tha t allows you to print photos on your memor y card. Scan Enters Scan mode that allows you to scan a document or a photo.
Icons Descriptions Switches the character ty pe. ABC: Uppercase charac ters abc: L owercase c haracters 123: Numbers and symbols u d Selec ts the ch aracter to be entered. r Move s the cursor to the right. l Deletes a charac ter to the left (backspace).
4. Press the r bu tton o nce to move the cursor , and then press the button to sw itch the char acte r ty p e to ABC . Press the u button tw ice to s el ec t "B ". 5. Press the r bu tton o nce to move the cursor , and then press the button to sw itch the char acte r ty p e to abc .
Loa d in g Pap e r P aper Handling Precautions ❏ Read the inst ru ction she ets suppl ied w ith th e pap er . ❏ Fan and align the edg es of the paper b efo re loading. Do not fan o r curl photo paper . Doing so may damage the pr int ab l e si de .
A vailable P aper and Capacities Epso n recomm ends using genuine Epson paper to ensure high-quality prin touts. Genuine Epson Paper Media Name Size Load ing Capac it y (Sheets) 2-Sided Print ing Bor der less Printi ng *1 Epson Bright Wh ite Ink J et Pap e r A4 80 *2 Auto, Manual – Epson Ultr a Glossy Ph oto Pap e r A4, 10 × 15 cm (4 × 6 in.
Commercially A vailable Paper Media Name Size Load ing Capac it y (Sheets) 2-Sided Print ing Bor der less Printi ng Plain paper Let te r *1 , A4, B5 *1 Up to the line indicated by the triangle symbol on the edge guide.
Media Name Media T ype Cont ro l Pan el Printer Driv er , Smar t device *2 Envelop e Envelop e E nvelope *1 These paper types are compatible with Exif Print and PRINT Image Matching when printing from the printer driver . For mor e details, see the do cumentation provided wit h the Exif Pr int or PRINT Image Match ing compatible digital camera.
4. Slide the edge guides to their maxim um positio n. 5. Slide the front edge guide to the paper size you wan t to use. 6. W ith the prin table side facing down, load p aper against the fron t edge guide.
c Impor t ant: ❏ Ma ke sure the paper does not extend beyond the triangle symbol at the end of the cassette. ❏ Do not load m or e tha n the maxim um num ber of sh eets specied f or the paper . Fo r plain pa per , do not load ab ove the l ine ind icat ed by the t rian gle sy mb ol on t he edge gu ide.
❏ Pap e r l a rg er t h a n A 4 s i z e 7. Slide th e right edge guide to the edge of the paper . 8. I nse rt pape r casse tte. 9. Check the pap er size and pape r type s ettings displayed on the contr ol panel. T o use the settings, s elect Conrm using the u or d bu tto n, pr ess the OK bu tton, and then go to step 11.
10. On th e paper size set ting scr een, select th e paper s ize us ing the l or r but ton, and then press the OK bu tton. On the paper ty pe setti ng scr een, select th e paper ty pe in the same wa y , and then p ress the OK but ton. Ch eck the settings, and t hen press the OK butt on.
Placing Originals on the Sc anner Glass c Impor t ant: When plac ing bulky orig inals such a s books , prevent ex ter ior lig ht from shinin g directly onto the scanner g lass. 1. Open the d ocume nt co ver . 2. Remov e any dus t or stains on the scanner glass.
Y ou can place photos o f di erent sizes at the same time. e photos should be larger than 30 x 40mm. ❏ If y ou are scanning using Ful l Auto Mo d e or th umbnail pr eview in EPSON Scan, place the original 4.5 mm away fro m the corner mark of the scanner glass.
Placing Other Originals When copying a double-page spread When copying into 2-up layout User 's Gui de Placing Originals on the Scanne r Glass 30.
Inser ting a Memor y Car d Suppor ted Memor y Cards miniSD * miniSDHC * microSD* microSDHC * microSD X C * SD SDHC SDX C * Attach an adapter to t the memor y card slot. Other wise, the card may get stuck. Related Information & “Sup ported Mem or y C ard Specications” on page 134 Inser ting and Removing a Memor y Car d 1.
c Impor t ant: Do not tr y to force the card al l th e way into the slot. It should not b e f ully ins e r ted . 2. When y ou have nished using the memo r y card, make sure the ligh t is not ashing, and then remo ve the card.
Pri n ti n g Prin ting from the C ontrol P anel Printing Photos b y Selec ting from a Memor y Car d 1. Load paper in the printer . c Impor t ant: M ake the pape r settings o n the cont rol pa nel. 2. Inser t a memor y card into th e pri nter . c Impor t ant: Do not remove the memor y card u ntil you have nished pr intin g.
& “ Menu Opt ions for Pri nti ng Phot os” on p age 37 Printing Photos from a Memory Card with Handwritt en Notes Y ou can prin t a phot o on a memory card with handwritt en text or drawings. is allows you to create o r iginal cards s uch as New Y ear's cards or birthday cards.
12. Clos e the outp ut tray by hand. Remove the A4-size plain paper , lo ad photo paper , and t hen pull out the o utp ut tray . c Impor t ant: M ake the pape r settings o n the cont rol pa nel. 13. Select Print using the T empl ate using the l or r bu tto n, and then press the OK but ton.
Printing Original W riting Paper and Ca lendars Y ou can easil y pri nt lined pa per , calen dars, an d ori ginal wri ting paper usin g the Pe r s o n a l S t a t i o n e r y menu. 1. Load pape r in the prin ter . c Impor t ant: M ake the pape r settings o n the cont rol pa nel.
Prints a weekly or m onthly calender . Select the year and the mon th for the monthly calendar . Printing Photos U sing O ther F eatures is section intr oduces the other p rinting featur es available using the co ntrol panel.
Select the paper size yo u loaded. Pa per T ype Select the paper type yo u loaded. Bord erless Prints wi thout mar g ins aro und t he edges. e image is enlarged a little to r emove borders from the edges o f the paper . Qual ity Se le ct the pri nt qu ali ty .
Co nt ra s t A djusts the dierence between the brightness and darkness. Sharpne ss Enhances or defocuse s the outline of the image. Saturation A djusts the vividness of the image.
5. Select Pref erences or Pro per t ie s to acc ess t he pri nter drive r wind ow . 6. Mak e the following set t ings. ❏ Docum en t Size: Select the pape r size you loaded in the p r in ter . ❏ Borderless: Select to print wi th no margins aro und the image.
Printing Basics - Mac OS X Not e: Explan ations i n the sectio n use T e xtEdi t as an examp le. Opera tions a nd screens dier de pend ing on t he ap plica tion. See th e appl icatio n's help for deta il s. 1. Load paper in the printer . c Impor t ant: M ake the pape r settings o n the cont rol pa nel.
5. Select Prin t S etti ngs from the pop-u p menu. Not e: On Mac OS X v10.8.x or later , if the Print Settings men u is not displ ayed, t he Ep son prin ter dri ver has not been install ed cor rectly .
❏ A uto matic 2-sided prin ting ❏ Manua l 2 -s id ed pri nti ng (f or W ind ows only ) When the prin ter has nished prin ting the rst side, ip the pape r over t o print o n t he other side. Y ou can also print a booklet t hat can be created by f olding the printo ut.
6. Click P r int Density , select th e document type from Select Documen t T yp e , and then click OK . e printer driver automatic ally s ets the Adj u s t m e nt s opt ions for t ha t do c um ent ty pe .
Printing Sev eral Pages on One Sheet Y ou ca n pr int t wo or four pa ges of d at a on a s ing l e she et of pa pe r . Printing Sev eral P ages on One Sheet - W indows Not e: is fea tur e is not av ailab le fo r bor derless pri nt ing. 1. Load pape r in the prin ter .
5. Set the n umber of pag es in Pages per Sheet , the Lay o ut Di re cti on (p age or der), and Borde r . 6. Set the other items as necessary . 7. Click Prin t .
Related Information & “Loading P aper in the P aper Casset te” o n page 23 & “Printin g Basics - W indo ws” on pag e 39 Printing to F it the Paper Size - Mac OS X 1. Load pape r in the prin ter . 2. Open the le you want to p r int. 3.
4. Select Job A r r a ng e r L i te on t he Ma in tab. 5. Click OK to close th e printer driver window . 6. Click Pri nt . e Job A r r a n g er L i t e window is displayed and the print job is added to the Pr in t Pr oj e c t .
7. Click Prin t . Related Information & “Loadin g Pa per in the P aper Cas s et te” on page 23 & “Printin g Basics - W indo ws” on pag e 39 Making Posters U sing O ver lapping Alignmen.
1. Prepare Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. Cut o the margins of Sheet 1 alon g t he vertical blue line through the center o f the top and botto m cross marks. 2. Place the edg e of Sheet 1 o n top o f Sheet 2 and align the cross mar ks, then tempo rarily tape the two sheets tog ether fro m the back.
3. Cu t the taped sheets in two alo ng the vertical r e d line thr ough the alignmen t markers (thi s time, the li ne to the le of the cr oss marks). 4. T ape the shee ts t ogeth er fr om the back. 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 to tape Sheet 3 and Sheet 4 t ogether .
6. Cu t o the margins of Sh eet 1 and Sheet 2 al ong the ho rizontal bl ue line thro ugh the cen ter of the le and right side cross m arks. 7. Place the edge of Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 on top o f Sh eet 3 and Sheet 4 and align the cross marks, and then tem porarily tape them tog ether fro m the bac k.
8. Cu t the taped sheets in two alo ng the ho rizontal r ed line thro ugh the alignm ent markers (this time, the lin e above the cross marks). 9. T ape the shee ts t ogeth er fr om the back.
10. Cut o the r emaining margins alon g the outer guide. Printing U sing Adv anced F eatures is section in t roduces a variety of additio nal layou t and printin g features availab le o n the printer driver .
Wi nd o ws T o add your own pr es et, set items such as the Doc ument Size and Pa per T ype on th e Main or Mor e O p ti o n s tab , and then click A dd/Remove Pr esets in Printin g Presets . Not e: T o delete an added pr es et, click Add/Remove Presets , select the preset na me you want to de lete f rom the list, and then delet e it.
Mac OS X Ac c e s s t h e p r i n t d i a l og . S e l e c t Col or Ma tc hi ng f rom the pop-up men u, and then s elect EP SO N Co lo r Co nt ro ls . Se le ct Col or Op ti on s from the p op- up me nu, and the n se le ct one of t he a va i la ble opt ion s.
Prin ting from Smar t Devic es Using Epson iPrint Ep son iPrin t is an applicatio n that allows you to prin t pho tos, do cuments, and web pages fro m a smart device such as a smartpho ne or tablet.
e follo wing s creens ar e subject to chan ge without no tice. A Home screen displayed when the application is star ted. B Displays information on how to setup the pr inter and a F AQ . C Displays the screen where you can select the printer and make pr inter settings.
Using AirPrint AirPrint enables instan t wireless printin g f ro m iPhone, iP ad, and iPod touc h with the latest v ersio n of iOS, and Mac wi th the latest ve rsion of OS X. Not e: If you disabled paper con gurat ion messages on your prod u ct cont rol pa nel, you cannot use AirPrint.
Printing fr om a Digital Camera C onnec ted W irelessly Y ou ca n w irel essl y pr int phot os from di git al c a mer as tha t supp or t t he DPS ove r I P st an da rd (f rom here on refe rre d to as PictBridge (wireles s LAN)).
Canc eling Printing - Print er Button Press the y but ton to cancel the print job in progress. Canc eling Printing - W indows 1. A ccess t he printer driver window . 2. Select the Main tenance ta b. 3. Click Pri nt Q u e u e . 4. Right-click o n the job you wan t to cancel and then select Cance l .
Co p y i n g Co p y i n g B a s i c s 1. Load paper in the printer . c Impor t ant: M ake the pape r settings o n the cont rol pa nel. 2. Place the originals. 3. Enter Co py from the ho me s creen using the l or r bu tto n, and then press the O K but ton.
Copies the original in black and wh ite (mo no chrome). Density Increase the level of density by pr essing t he r but ton when the cop y ing r esu lts ar e faint.
of the scanner glass ar e detected as the scan ar ea, but the margin s at the opposi te side may be crop p ed. ❏ 10x15cm->A4, A4->10x15cm, and so on A utomatically enlarges or reduces the original to t to a specic paper size. ❏ Custom Siz e Selec t to specif y the magnication to enlarge or r educe the original.
C opying Photos Y ou can copy multi ple photos at t he same time. Y ou can als o res tore the co lors in faded photos. Not e: ❏ e smallest siz e of or iginal y ou can copy i s 30 x 40 mm. ❏ Whi te space ar ound the photo ma y not be det ected. 1.
& “Men u Options f or Copy/Resto re Photos ” on page 66 Menu Options for C opy/Restor e Photos Co lo r R e s to r a ti o n Res tores th e c olor of f ad ed photo s. Settings ❏ Pa p e r S i z e Select the paper siz e yo u loaded . ❏ P aper T ype Select the paper ty pe you loaded.
Sc anning Scanning Using the C o ntr ol Panel Scanning to a Memor y Card Y ou can save the sc anned image to a memory card. 1. Place the originals. 2. Inser t a memor y card into th e pri nter . 3. Enter Sca n from the home screen using the l or r but ton, and t hen press the OK butto n.
❏ To C o m p u t e r ( E m a i l ) : Starts the email client on your co mput er , and then auto mat ically attaches it to an email. 4. Selec t the comp uter to which you wan t to sa ve the scanned images .
Select whet her to scan in color o r in monochro me. Scan Area Select the scan area. T o crop the white space ar ound th e t ex t or ima ge whe n sc a nn ing , s el ec t Au to Croppi ng . T o scan at the maximum area o f the sc anner glass, select Max Are a .
3. Select Hom e Mo d e fro m the Mod e list. 4. Mak e the following set t ings. ❏ Documen t T yp e : Select the ty pe of the o rig inal you wan t to scan. ❏ Imag e T y p e : S elect the colo r type of the image y ou want to scan. Altho ugh this is au tomatically se lected b y the Document T y pe set ting, yo u can c hang e the se ttin g.
5. Click Pre v i e w . Not e: ❏ D epe ndin g on the pho tos an d t he scanni ng c onditi ons , the sc an res ult s m ay not be a s int ended. Clear umbnai l , and o nly place o ne photo . ❏ When pl acing m ultip le photos, p lace them a t least 20 m m (0.
Scanning Using Adv anced F eatures Scanning by Detec ting the Origin al Aut o matically (F ull Auto Mode) Y ou can start scanning b y simply placing the original and clicking Sca n .
Not e: Oce M ode is not avai lable fo r Ja panese operatin g sy stems. User 's Gui de Scan ning 73.
Scanning by Adjusting the Imag e Quality (Prof essional Mode) Y ou can scan images while adjus ting the quality and co lo r . is mo de is recommended for advanced users.
Scanning from Smar t Device s Ep son iPrin t is an application that allo ws you to scan pho tos and documents from a sm ar t device, such as a smartpho ne or tablet, that is connected t o the same wireles s network as your printer . Y ou can save the scanned data on a smart dev ice or to Cloud ser vices, se nd it b y email, or prin t it.
A Home screen displayed when the application is star ted. B Displays information on how to setup the printer and a F AQ . C Displays the screen where you can select the printer and make printer setting s. Once you have select ed the printer , you do not need to select it again from the next time.
Replacing Ink Ca r tridges Checking the Ink Lev els Y ou can check the appr oximate ink levels f rom the co ntrol p anel or the com put e r . Checking the Ink Lev els - Control P anel 1. Enter Set up f rom the home screen using the l or r bu tto n, and then press the OK bu tton.
Icon BK (Black) PBK (Photo Black) C (C yan) M (Magenta) Y (Y ellow) Oranges 33 33XL * 33 33XL * 33 33XL * 33 33XL * 33 33XL * * "XL" indicates a large car tridge.
❏ Do not to u ch the sections sh own in the illustratio n. D oing so may p revent no r mal operation and p r inting. ❏ In stall all ink cartridges; other wise you canno t print. ❏ Do not r eplace ink cart ridges wi t h the pow er o. Do not mo ve the print h e ad by hand; other wise, yo u may damage th e prin ter .
❏ Y ou cannot use the cart ridges t hat came with the printer for the r eplacement. ❏ Quoted yields may var y depe nding on the images that yo u are prin ting, the pa per typ e that you are using, the frequency of your prints and en vironmental condition s such as temperature.
c Impor t ant: ❏ When r eplaci ng th e black i nk cartridge, gen tly sh ake the new b lack in k cartridge fo ur or ve tim es and th en remove it f rom its package.
3. Open the s canner unit with the do cument cover closed. 4. Push the tab to unlock the ink cartridge ho lder , and then re mov e the cartridge diago nally .
5. In ser t the ink car tridge diagonally in to the cartrid ge holder and gen t ly push it do w n until it clicks in to place. 6. Close t he scanner unit, and then press the x button.
T emporarily Prin ting with Black Ink - Windo ws 1. When the following windo w is displayed, cancel printing. Not e: If you ca nnot cance l printin g from the com puter , cance l using the print e r's con tro l panel. 2. A ccess t he printer driver window .
5. Select Gray sc ale . 6. Set the other i tems on the Main and Mor e O pt io n s tabs as necessar y , and then click OK . 7. Click Pri nt . 8. Click Prin t i n Bl ac k in t he window di splayed.
C onser ving Black Ink when the Black Ink Is Lo w (for Wi n d o ws O n l y ) When b lack ink is running low and ther e is enough color ink r emaining, you can use a mixt ure of colo r inks to create blac k. Y ou can con tinue printin g while preparing a replacem ent blac k in k cartr idge.
Maintaining the P rinter Checking and Cleaning the Print Head If the nozzles are clogged, the print outs become faint, there is visible banding, or unexpected colors appear . When print q uality has declined, use t he nozzle check featur e an d check if the nozzles are clogged.
❏ ere are br oken lines or missing segmen ts: e print head nozzles may be clogged. Go to the next step . Not e: e tes t pa ttern may va r y by mode l. 7. Select Ye s using the d or u but ton, and then press the OK butt on. 8. Fol l ow th e on -s cre en ins tr u ct ion s to c le an th e pr int he a d.
5. Foll ow t he on- s cre en ins tr u ct i ons. Related Information & “Loading P aper in the P aper Casset te” o n page 23 Aligning the Prin t Head If y ou notice a misalignment o f ver tical lines or b lurred images, align the p rint head. Aligning the Print Head - C ontrol P anel 1.
3. Click P rint Head Alignment on t he Maintenance ta b . 4. Foll ow t he on- s cre en ins tr u ct i ons. Related Information & “Loading P aper in the P aper Casset te” o n page 23 & “W indows Printer Driver” o n pa ge 100 Aligning the Print Head - Mac OS X 1.
Cleaning the Scanner Glass When the cop ies or scanne d images are smeared o r scued, clean the scanner glass. c Impor t ant: Never u se alcohol or thinne r to clean the pr inter . es e chemi cals can damage the pr inter . 1. Open the d ocume nt co ver .
Saving P ow er - Wi ndow s 1. A ccess t he printer driver window . 2. Click P rinter and Op tion I nformatio n on t he Mainte nance tab . 3. Selec t the time p erio d before the prin ter enters sleep mode as the Sleep T imer setting, and click Sen d .
Menu Options f or Setup Mode By selec ting Set up on the home screen from the co ntrol panel, y ou can make printe r settings or perfo r m print er maintenance. Menu Options for Ink L ev e ls Selec t the menus on the contro l panel as describ ed below .
❏ Pa p e r C o n g u r a t i o n A utomatically displays the pap er settings screen when pap er is loaded. Disable this feature if you always load the same size of paper and you do no t wan t to make paper settings every time you load paper . AirPrint is not available when this is disable d.
Con nec ts th e printer to a wi reless (W i-Fi) ne twork u sing a computer t hat is connec ted to th e acc ess poi nt. I nsert the soware disc supplied with the printer in to the comput er , and then follow the on- screen instruc tions. Wh e n you ar e prom pted to operate the printe r , r un this menu.
Menu Options for F ile Sharing Selec t the menus on the contro l panel as describ ed below . Set up > Fi l e S h a r i n g Select the co nnection me thod between the p r in ter and a com puter that will have write access to the mem or y card inserted in the printer .
Curr ent V ersion Displays the cu rrent rmware versio n of your p rinter . Notication Checks f or rmware u pdates periodically an d noties y ou if an update is available .
Ne tw ork Se r vi ce and So f twa r e Inf ormation is section in t roduces the netwo rk ser vices and soware prod ucts available fo r your prin ter from the E pson website or the supp l ied CD .
Running W eb Cong on a W eb Brow ser 1. Check the printer's IP addr ess. Se le ct Set up > Ne t wo r k S ett i ng s > Pr int St a tus S he et from the con trol panel, and then press the x button or the OK b utto n. Check the prin ter's IP addr ess on the p r int ed status sheet.
W indow s Prin ter Driver e prin ter driver con t rols the p r inter acc or ding to the co mmands from an application. Makin g settings on the printer driver pr ovides the b est printing r esu lts. Y ou can also check the status of the prin ter or keep it in t op operating condition using the printer driver u t ility .
Y ou can also make set t ings fo r printing both sides o f t he paper or prin ting multi ple pa ges o n one sheet. User 's Gui de Network Ser vice and S oft ware Information 101.
More Options T ab Y ou can select addition al layout and p r inting o ptions such as changing t he size of a p rinto ut or making colo r correctio ns. User 's Gui de Network Ser vice and S oft wa.
Maintenance T ab Y ou can run maintenance featur es such as nozzle check and prin t head cleaning, and by s t arting EPSON S tatus Mon it or 3 , you can ch eck prin ter statu s and error informatio n. Making Operation Settings for the W indow s Prin ter Driver Y ou can make settin gs such as enabling EPSON S tatus Mo nitor 3 .
Acc essing the printer driver from applications Click P age S etup or Prin t on th e Fi l e menu of y our ap plication. I f necessar y , click Show D eta il s (or d ) to exp and the pri nt windo w .
Not e: On Mac OS X v10.8.x or later , if Print Settings menu is not displa yed, Epson printer d river has not been instal led correctl y . Sel ect S ystem Preferen ces fro m the menu > Printers & Scann ers (or Print & Scan , Print & Fax ), remove the prin ter , and then add the printer aga in.
❏ Establish bidirectional co mmunicatio n: U sually , this should be set to On . Se lect O when acquiring the printer info r mation is im p ossible because the prin ter is shared with W indows com puters o n a networ k or for an y other rea s on.
Epson Easy Photo P rint Ep son Easy Photo P r int i s an application that allo ws you to easily prin t photos with various layouts. Y ou can preview the ph oto imag e and adj ust the images or positi o n. Y ou can also prin t photos with a frame. See the application's hel p for details.
EPSON Sof tware Updater EPSON Soware U pdater is an applicatio n that checks for new o r updated soware on the int ernet and installs it. Y ou can also update the prin ter's rmware and manual. Starting on Windo ws ❏ W indows 8.1/W indows 8 Ente r the application name in the search c har m, and then selec t the displayed icon.
Click U ninstall/Change or Un i n s t a l l . ❏ Wi n d o w s X P Click Change/Re m ove or Remove . Not e: If t h e Us e r A c c o u n t C o nt ro l w indow is di splayed , click Contin ue . 7. Foll ow t he on- s cre en ins tr u ct i ons. Uninstalling Applications - Mac OS X 1.
2. When installing the printer driver or EPSO N S can, disconnec t the printer and the com puter tem p orarily . Not e: Do not connect the prin ter and the compu ter un til you are ins tructed to do so. 3. In stall the applications b y following the in str uctions on the w ebsite belo w .
4. Check the message disp layed o n the scr e en and p ress th e OK bu tton. e print er star ts searching f or available upd at es. 5. If a message is displayed on the LCD screen informing you that a rmware update is avail able, follow the o n- screen instruct ions to start the update.
Solving Problems Checking the Printer Status Che c k in g E rro r Code s o n th e L C D S c re en A code is displayed on the LCD screen if there is an erro r or info rmation that requires y our atte ntion. Cod e Situation Solution s E-01 A printer error has occurred.
Cod e Situation Solution s I-61 Y our computer may not suppor t WSD ( Web Ser vices for Devices). The scan to computer ( WSD) feature is only available f or computers running English versions of Windows 8.1, W i ndows 8, Window s 7 or Windows Vista. Make sure that the p rinter is correct ly connec ted to the computer .
Checking Printer S tatus - Mac OS X 1. Select System Preferen ce s fro m the menu > P rinters & Scanners (or Pri nt & S c a n , Pr int & Fax ), and the n sel ect the p rint er . 2. Click Options & S upplies > Uti li t y > Open Prin ter U tility .
4. Align the edg es of the paper an d slide the edge gui des to the edges o f the paper . 5. I nsert th e paper casset te in the p rinte r . Removing Jammed P aper fr om Inside the Printer ! Caution: ❏ Be car eful not to tr ap your ha nd or ngers when openi ng or clos ing the sca nner un it.
2. Rem ove the jam med paper . c Impor t ant: Do not touch the whi te at ca ble or tr ans lucen t part insid e the p r in ter . Doin g so may ca use a mal f un ction.
Removing Jammed P aper from the Rear Co ver 1. Remove the re ar cover. 2. Rem ove the jam med paper . 3. Rem ove jamm ed paper from the rear co ver . User 's Gui de Solving Problems 117.
4. Open the cover of the rear co ver. 5. Rem ove the jam med paper . 6. Close t he cover o f the rear cover, and then insert the rear cover in the prin ter . P aper Does Not F eed Corr ec tly Check the follo wing poin ts, and then tak e the ap prop riate actions to solve th e pr oblem.
Related Information & “ E nv i ron m e nt al S p e c i c a t io n s ” on p a ge 1 36 & “Paper Handling Precautions” on page 20 & “A vailabl e P aper and Capac ities” on pag .
Lights Came On and then W ent Out e printer's vol t age may not matc h the outlet rating. T urn o the printer and un plug it immediately . en check the label on the p rint er . ! Caution: If t he volta ge does no t ma tch, D O NOT P LUG Y OUR PRINTER B ACK IN.
& “ Ca nce ling Pri nting ” on p age 60 Cannot U se AirPrint ❏ In t h e Pri nter S etu p > Pa p e r S o u rc e S e tt i ng menu o n the con t rol panel, enab le Pap er C o n g u r a t io n . ❏ Enable the Air Print setting o n W eb Cong .
❏ When p r inting images or pho tos, p rint usin g high-reso lu tion data. Im ages on websit es are oen low resolutio n although they look good enough on the display , and so print quality may decline.
Related Information & “Aligning the Print H ead” on page 89 & “List o f Pa per T ypes” o n page 22 C opy Quality Is Poor Check the f ollowing if uneven co lor s, smears, do ts, or straigh t lines appear in the copied image . ❏ Clean the paper pat h.
Related Information & “Loading P aper in the P aper Casset te” o n page 23 & “Cle aning the Scanner Glass” on pag e 91 & “Printab le Ar e a” o n page 132 Multiple Originals are.
P a per Is Smeared or Scued ❏ When h orizontal banding appears o r the top o r botto m of the paper is smeared, load paper in the correct direction and slide the edge guides to t he edges of the paper . ❏ Wh en vertic al ban ding ap pears o r the pa per is sm ear ed, clean the paper path.
Related Information & “Uninstalling A pplications” on page 108 & “Installing A pplications ” on page 109 O t he r Pri nti n g Pro bl e ms Printin g Is T oo Slow ❏ Close any unneces s ar y applications. ❏ Lower the q uality setting.
Run W eb Cong, and then select P ort9100 as the T op Priority P rotocol setting in AirPrint S etup . S elect System Pref erences fro m the menu > Printe rs & S ca nne rs (or Pri nt & S c an , Pr int & Fa x ), remo ve the prin ter , and then add the printer again.
❏ Check the scanning set t ing assigned in E pson Even t Manager . Related Information & “C annot S t art S canning” on page 127 & “ Eps on Eve nt Man age r” on p age 10 6 Scanned Image Problems Scan Qual ity Is P oor ❏ Clean t he scanner gl ass.
❏ In Ho m e Mo d e or Oce Mode in EPSON Scan, select Ima ge O pti on as the Im a ge Adj us tm e nt s setti ng, a nd then select T ext E nhancement . Related Information & “ Menu O pti ons for S ca nn in g” on p age 68 Moire ( Cross-Hatch) P atterns Appear in the S canned Im age ❏ Place the o r iginal at a slightly dierent angle.
The Scanned Image Problem C ould Not be Cleared If y ou have tried all of the solu tions and co uld not sol ve the pr oblem, clic k Conguration in a mode other than Fu l l Auto Mo d e in t he EPSON Scan w indow , and then click Rese t Al l on th e Other tab to initialize the EPSON Scan s ettings.
O ther Pr oblems Slight Electric Shock when T ouching the Print er If man y p eripherals are connected to the com puter , you may feel a slight electr ic shock when touching the printer . Install a ground w ire to the com puter that is connected to the print er .
Appen dix T echnical Specications Printe r Specications Print Head Nozzle Placement Black ink nozzles: 180 Photo black ink nozzles: 180 Color ink nozzles: 180 f or eac h color W eight of Paper P.
A 3.0 mm (0.12 in.) B 5.0 mm (0.20 in.) C 18.0 mm (0.71 in.) D 41.0 mm (1.61 in.) Scanne r Sp ecica tions Scanner Type Flatbed Photoelectric Device CIS Maximum Document Size 216 × 297 mm (8.
*3 Not supported for IEEE 802.11b. *4 Simple AP mode is compatible with Wi-F i connection (infrastruc ture). See the Network Guide for more deta ils. *5 Complies with WP A2 standards with support for WP A/WP A2 Personal.
Image Size Horizontal: 80 to 10200 pix els V er tical: 80 to 10200 pixels File Siz e Less than 2 GB Maximum Number of F iles 9990 *3 *1 Design rule for Camera F ile system. *2 Photo data st ored in the built-in memor y of a digital camera is not suppor ted.
Elec trical Specications Model 100 to 120 V Model 220 to 240 V Model Rated Fr equenc y Range 50 to 60 Hz 50 to 60 Hz Rated Cu rren t 0. 7 A 0.35 A Po wer Consumption (with USB Con- nection) Standalone copying: Approx. 15 W (ISO/IEC24712) Ready mode: Appro x.
Sy stem Requir ements ❏ W indows 8.1 (32-bi t, 64-bit)/W indows 8 (32-bi t, 64-bit )/W indows 7 (32-b it, 64-bit)/W indows V ista (32-bit, 64- bit)/W indows XP Pr ofessional x64 Edition/W indows XP (32-bit) ❏ Mac OS X v10.10.x/Mac OS X v10.9.x/Mac OS X v10.
R&T TE directive 1999/5/EC EN300 328 EN301 489-1 EN301 489-17 EN60950-1 For Euro pe a n us e rs W e, Seiko E p son Corporation, he reb y declare that the fo l lowing eq uipment Model is in com pli.
Printers can b e mi suse d by imprope rly copyin g copyri ghted m ater ia ls. Unless ac ti ng on the advi ce of a knowledgeable attorney , b e responsible and r espec tfu l by obtaining the permiss ion of the cop yrig ht holder before copying published mater ia l.
7. Open the s canner unit with the do cument cover closed. Sec ure the ink car tridge holder to the cas e with tap e. 8. Close the s canner unit. 9. Prepare to pack the printer as sho wn below . 10. Pac k the prin ter in i ts b ox, usin g the protectiv e materials.
c Impor t ant: ❏ Insert a memor y card ae r removing w r ite prot ection. ❏ If a n image is sa ved to th e memo r y car d fro m a com puter , the im age and t he num ber of pho tos ar e not refr eshed on the LCD screen. Remove and insert the memor y card aga in.
I f y our E pso n pr oduct is no t oper ating pro perl y and yo u cann ot so lve t he pr obl em, co nta ct E pson s up port service s for assistance. Co nt a c t i n g E p s o n S u p p o r t Befor e .
Phone: 1300 361 054 W e encourage yo u to have all the relevant inf ormation on hand when you r ing. e mor e info r mation yo u prepare, the faster we can hel p s olve the p roblem. is informatio n includes yo ur Epson product manuals, type of com puter , operating system, application pr ograms, and any inf ormation you f eel is requir ed.
An important point after buying a device Epson Expression Premium XP-530 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Epson Expression Premium XP-530 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Epson Expression Premium XP-530 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Epson Expression Premium XP-530 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Epson Expression Premium XP-530 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Epson Expression Premium XP-530, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Epson Expression Premium XP-530.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Epson Expression Premium XP-530. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Epson Expression Premium XP-530 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center