Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product EAP350 EnGenius Technologies
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1 High Powered Gigabit W ired 802.11 b/g /n Multi- Functi on A cces s P oint EAP350 11N Multi - Fu ncti on A cc ess P oint V1 .0.
1 T able of Contents 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Feat u res and Benefi ts ................
2 6.1 Wirele ss Netw o rk .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 6.2 Wireless Securit y ............
3 R evision Histor y V er sion Date 1.0 Dec 01, 2011.
4 1 Introducti on The E AP 3 50 is a Gigab it wired multi - functioned 802.11b/g/n product with 3 major functions . It is d esigne d to opera te in ever y workin g environmen t for enterp rises. The E A P350 is a W ireless Network device that delivers up to 6 x fas ter s pe eds and 7x extended cove rage than 802.
5 Suppor t Multi - SSID function (4 SSID) in AP mode Allows clients to access different networks through a sing le access point and assign d ifferent policies and functions for each SSID through t he buil t in softwar e . WP A2/W P A/ IE EE 802. 1x support P ower ful data security .
6 1.3 System Requirements The f ollowi ng are the mini mum syst em requir eme nt s in or der conf igur e the d evic e. • Computer with an Ethernet interface or Wirele ss Netw ork . • Windo ws, Mac OS, o r Linux based operating systems. • Web - Browsing Application (ex ample: Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari, or other s imilar s oftware) 1.
7 e) Small Off ice and Home Of f ice (SOHO) Networks SOHO user s need a cost - effect ive, easy and qu ick installation of a sm all network . f) W ireless Extensions to Ethernet network s Network managers in dy namic environments can minimi ze the overhead caused by moves, e xtensions to networks , and other chang es w ith wi rele ss LAN s.
8 2 Before you Begin This section w ill guide you thr ough the inst allation pr oces s. Pl acement o f the ENGENIUS EAP350 is ver y im por tant to maximize the EAP35 0’ s per fo r mance. Avoid plac ing the EA P35 0 in an enclosed space s uch as a closet, cabin et, or ward robe.
9 2.2 Comput er Settings (Windows XP/ Wind ows 7 ) In orde r to us e the EAP35 0, you m ust f irst conf igure the T CP/IPv 4 connec tion o f your comp ute r syste m.
10 • In Windows X P , click Network Connections • In Windows 7 , click View Network Status and Tasks i n the Network and I ntern et section, then select Change Adapter Settings • Right click on .
11 • Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and select Properties • Select Use the followi ng IP address and enter IP address and subnet mask th en press OK . Note: Ensure that the IP address and subnet mask are on th e same subnet as the device.
12 2.3 Apple M ac X O S • Open th e System Preferences (can be ope ned in the Appl ications folder or selectin g it in the Apple Menu) • Select Netw ork in the Internet & Network section • Highlight Ethernet • In Configure IPv4 , sel ect Manua lly • E nter IP addres s and subnet mask then press OK .
13 2.4 Hardware Installation 1) Ensure t hat the c omput er in us e has an Ethe rnet Car d (RJ - 45 Etherne t Port) . For more i nfor mation, v erif y wi th our compute r user m anual. 2) Connect one end of the Category 5 Ethernet ca ble into RJ - 45 port of the EAP350 and the other end to the RJ - 45 port on the compu ter that will use the EAP350.
14 Front Panel Rear Pa nel Front P anel R eset Butto n Press and hold the “R es et ” but ton ov er 10 seconds to re set EAP 350 to factor y defaul t. LED Lights LED lights for W ireless, Et hernet L AN por t , and P ower . R ear P anel DC IN DC IN for P owe r .
15 3 Configur ing Your Ac cess Point This section w ill show you how t o conf igure the device u sing the web - bas ed conf igurati on int er face . 3.1 Default Se ttings Please u se your Ethernet port or wireless net work adap ter to conn ect the Access P o int .
16 3.2 Web Con figur ati on • Open a web browser (Int ernet Ex plorer/Fir efox/Safar i) and ent er the IP Addr ess: http: //192.168.1 .1 Note: If you h ave changed the defaul t LAN IP Address of the Acc ess Poin t , ensure you enter the correct IP Addre ss.
17 • If su cces sful, you w ill see the E AP35 0 U ser Menu.
18 4 S tatus The Sta t us section contai ns the f ollowing op tions: Save/Reload , Main , W ireless Cli ent List , and Sys te m Log . The f ollowi ng sections desc ribe t hese options .
19 4.2 Main Clicking th e Main link under the Sta tu s menu or click ing Home at the top - right o f the W eb Conf igurator s hows stat us informa tion ab out the curr ent oper ati ng mod e.
20 - The C urrent W irel ess S etting s section s hows wi rele ss infor mation s uch as operat ing mode , freque ncy and channel . Since the EAP350 sup por ts multiple - SSIDs, informati on about e ach SSID , such as it s ESSID and security settin gs are displayed.
21 4.3 Wireless Clien t List Clicking th e W ireles s Client Lis t link under the Sta t us menu dis plays the lis t of clients currently asso cia ted to th e E AP350 , along with the MAC addr esses and signal strength for each client. Clicking th e [ Re fr e s h ] button updat es (r efreshes) the client lis t.
22 4.4 System Log The EAP3 5 0 automatic ally logs (r ecords) the sy stem event s and actions of the EAP350. T o view the logged information, click the System Log link under t he Sta t us menu. If the re i s not enoug h inte rnal memory to log all events, older events will be del eted from the log.
23 5 System 5.1 Op erat ion Mo de Each operati ng mo de offers different f eatures. I n order to sw itch the op erating mo de, select it from the Oper ation Mode from the Sy s t em . Th ere are three operatio n modes: Access P oint , WDS AP , and WDS Bridge .
24 S ystem Proper ti es Device Nam e Enter a name for the devic e. The name you type appears in SNMP management. This name is not the SSID and is not bro adcast to other devices. Coun t r y / Re g i o n Select a Countr y/Regi on to c onform to local regul a tions.
25 5.2 IP Setting s This page allows you to modify the device 's IP settin gs. IP Se tt ing s IP Network Settin g Select whether the device IP address will use static IP address specif ied in the IP Address f ield , or be obtained aut omatically when the devic e connect s to a DHCP ser ver .
26 5.3 Spanning T ree Setting This page al lows you to modify the Sp anning T ree settings. Enabling Sp anning T r ee prot ocol will pr event ne twork loop s in your LAN networ k . Spa nning T ree Spa nning T ree S tatus Enable or disable the Spanni ng T ree function.
27 Priority Specify the Pr iority numb er . Smaller number has g reater priority . Accept / C ancel Click [ Accept ] to c onf irm the changes or [ Cancel ] to cancel and r eturn previous settings.
28 6 Wireless 6.1 Wireless Network This page displays the current status o f the device 's wireless conf igu ration s..
29 W irel ess Netwo rk W irel ess Mode W ireless mode suppor ts 802.11b/g /n mixed mode . Channel HT Mode The default channel band wid th is 20/ 40MHz. The larger the channel, the bett er the transmission quality and speed. Extens ion Chann el Select upper or lower channel.
30 SSID Pr of ile SSID Prof ile SSID Specify the SSID fo r current pr of ile. VLAN ID Specify the VL AN tag for the curr ent pro f ile. Sup pressed SSI D Allow you to hide the SSID from cl ient s. If check ed , the SSID will not appear in the site sur vey .
31 6.2 Wireless Security The W ireless Securit y section allo ws y ou to conf igure the EAP350 ' s sec urity mo des: WEP , WP A - P S K , W PA 2 - P S K , W PA - PSK Mixed, WP A, WP A2, and WP A Mix ed. W e stron gly r ecommend y ou use WP A2 -PSK.
32 • 128 Bit - data is encrypt ed, using the default key, before being transmitted . You must enter at least the default key. For 128 Bit Encryption, the k ey size is 26 chars in HEX (0~9 and A~F ). Default K ey Select the k ey you wish to be the default.
33 WPA - PSK ( W PA Pre - Shared Key ) Encr yption: W PA P r e - Sh ared Ke y Encr ypt ion W PA t y p e Select the WPA encryption you would like. Please ensure that your wireless c lients use the same settings. • TKIP: Uses a Pre - Shared Key with a dynamically generated ke y for each 128 - bit packet.
34 WPA Enc ryptio n: WP A RA DIUS En cr yp ti on W PA t y p e Select the WPA encryption you would like. Please ensure that your wireless c lients use the same settings. • TKIP : Uses a Pre - Shared Key with a dyna mically generated ke y for each 128 - bit packet.
35 6.3 Wireless MAC Filter W ireless M AC Filter s are used to allow or d eny net work access to wireless clients accordin g to their MAC addresses. Y ou can manu al ly add a MAC add ress to grand the permissio n to access E AP350 . The defa ult set ting is Disa ble W ireless MAC F ilter .
36 6.4 Wireless A dvanced This page dis plays the adv an ced wir eless op tions of the EAP350 . It is rec ommended that the EAP350 ’ s default settings are used unless the user has expe rience with adv an ced networki ng.
37 W irel ess A d van c ed Data Rate Select a d at a rate from th e drop - down list. The dat a rate affect s throughp ut. If you select a low dat a rate v alue, the thr oughput is r educed but the transmission dist ance increa se d. T ran smit Power Set desired output powe r of the wireless signal.
38 6.5 WPS ( Wi-Fi Protec ted Setup ) WPS feat ure follows the W i - F i Allia nce WP S s t andard and it eases the set up of securit y- ena bled W i - Fi netw orks in home and /or small o ff ice en vironment s .
39 Wi - Fi Protec ted Setup (WPS) WPS Check to Enable or Disable the WPS feature. WPS Cu r rent S tat us Shows whether the WPS function is C onf igured or Un -C onf igu red . Conf igured means th at WPS has been used t o authorize connection bet ween the device and wireless clients.
40 6.6 WDS Link Settings Using WDS ( W ireless Distr ibution System ) to conn ect Access Point wirelessly extends a wired infrastructure to locations where cabling is not possible o r ineff ici ent to implemen t . Note : C ompatibility betwe en different brands and models o f Acces s P oint is not guarant eed .
41 WDS Link S ettings MAC A ddre ss Enter the Access Point’s MAC address to whic h you want to extend the wireless area. Mode Select Disable or Enab le fro m th e dro p - down list. Accept / C ancel Click [ Accept ] to c onf irm the changes or [ Cancel ] to cancel and r eturn to previous settings.
42 7 Management 7.1 Admi n istration This page allows you to change the EAP350 default passwo rd. By defau lt, t he u ser name i s admi n and the password is: adm in . P assword c an contain 0 t o 12 alphan umeric character s and is case sensi tive. Chang e Password Na me Enter a new username fo r logging in to EAP350 w eb user int er face .
43 7.2 Manage ment V LAN This page allows you to a ssi gn a VLAN tag t o the p acket s. A VLAN is a group o f compute rs on a networ k whose software has been conf igured so th at they b ehave as if th ey were on a separa te Local A rea Netwo rk (L A N), regard less of their physical lo cation.
44 7.3 SNMP The SNMP sect ion of the Ma nageme nt menu allow s you to a ssign the c ont act de t ails, location, c ommunity nam e, and trap se ttings f or the Simple Network Managem ent Pr otocol (SN MP). The S NMP is a netw orking ma nageme nt prot ocol used t o monitor net work - at tac hed devices .
45 Community Name (Rea d/Write) Specify the passwor d for access t o the SNMP community with r ead/writ e access. Tr a p T rap Destinatio n Addre ss Specify the IP address of the computer that will receiv e the SN MP traps. T rap Destinatio n Community Name Specify the passwor d for the SNMP trap community .
46 7.4 Backup/Restore This page allow s you to save the current EAP 350 conf iguratio ns. Once you save d the conf i gurati ons, y ou ca n also re - loa d the save d conf igurations int o the de vice through t he [ Restore Saved Settings from A F il e ].
47 7.5 Firmware Upgrade This page allows you to upgrade the de vice 's f irmware . To perform the Firmware Upgrad e: 1. Download the firmware vers ion that you want to install into the EAP35 0 and place it in a known locati on. 2. Click the [ Brow se ] button and navigate to the location of the firmwar e upgrade fil e.
48 7.6 Time Setting This page allows you to set the system time. T ime Manu ally Set Date and T ime Manually specify the dat e and time. Automa tically G et Date and T ime Select a time zone from the dr op - down list and check whether yo u want to en ter the NTP ser ver IP addr ess o r use the default NTP ser ver .
49 7.7 Log This page allows you to se tup Sys log and local log f unctions . Log Sy s lo g Enable or disable the syslog function. Log Ser ver IP Address Enter IP addr ess o f the log ser ver .
50 7.8 Diagnosis This page allows you to as cer tain connection quality and trace the r outing table to the t arget. Diagnosis Ta r g e t I P Enter the IP addr ess you would lik e to search. Ping Packet Size Enter the pack et size of e ach ping. Numb er of Pings Enter the number o f times you want t o ping.
51 7.9 LED Control This page allows you to control LED on /off for P ower , L AN inter face and WL A N inter face..
52 7.10 Logout Click [ Logout ] in Man agement menu to logout..
53 7.11 Reset In some circums tances it may be requ ired t o reb oot the device . Click on [ Reboot the Device ] t o reboot..
54 8 Building a Wir eless Network W it h its ability to oper ate in v arious o perating mo des, you r E AP350 i s the id eal devi ce for building you r WL AN . This appendix describes how to build a WL AN around your E AP350 using t he device ’ s operation mo des.
55 8.2 Acces s Point Mod e with WDS Function (WDS AP mode) The E A P350 also sup po r ts WDS AP m ode . Thi s oper ation m ode all ows wirel ess conne ctions to the E A P350 by using WDS t echnology . In this m ode, conf igure the MA C add res ses in both Acc ess P oints to ex te nd the wireless coverage area by en abling WDS Lin k sett ings.
56 8.3 WDS Bri dge Mo de In WDS Br idge Mode, the E AP350 can wirelessly con nect to different L ANs by conf iguring the MAC addre ss and securit y set tings of eac h E A P350 device. Use t his mode whe n two wired LANs locat ed in a shor t distance ap ar t and want t o communicat e with e ach other .
57 Appendix A – FCC Interference Stateme nt Federal Communication Commission Inter f erence S tatement This equip ment has be en tes ted and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digit al devic e, pursuant to P art 15 of th e FCC Rules.
An important point after buying a device EnGenius Technologies EAP350 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought EnGenius Technologies EAP350 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data EnGenius Technologies EAP350 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, EnGenius Technologies EAP350 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get EnGenius Technologies EAP350 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of EnGenius Technologies EAP350, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime EnGenius Technologies EAP350.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with EnGenius Technologies EAP350. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device EnGenius Technologies EAP350 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center