Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 6 kVA Emerson
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AC P ow er For Bu siness-Criti cal C ontinuity ™ Lieber t ® GX T2 ™ 6 kV A & 10 kV A UPS R ack/T owe r Co nfigurable UPS F or Net work Prot ec tion 168997_SL23172:15615 govern 7/22/08 2:27 PM.
2 C omp ac t UPS Syst ems F or High Pow er Net work R ack Appli ca tions Liebe r t GXT2 10 kV A 168997_SL23172:15615 govern 7/22/08 2:28 PM Page 3.
3 Liebert Solutions T o meet these needs f or higher capacities in sm aller spac es we ha ve deve loped the Liebert GXT2 6 kV A and 10 kV A UPS systems. These true on-line double conve rsion UPS systems fe ature integra ted mainte nance bypa ss, as we ll as option al ex te nded batte r y runtime.
4 Liebert GX T2 6 kV A is the first true on-lin e UPS that combines 6 kV A of power capacit y , internal batteries and dual ou tput voltage in a single 4U size cabinet. This makes it an ideal fit in app lications where the power requirements are demanding—but rack space is limited.
5 Pat ent ed Feature Enhanc es R eliabilit y The Liebe r t GXT2 6 kV A includes a patent ed output neutral bonding feature designed to comply with UL 1778, whic h requires that input conductors of the UPS (including neutral) be disconnected from the input s ource when the UPS is in battery mode.
6 A standard removable po wer distribution box pro vides flexibilit y when installing the UPS. Optional power distribution bo xes are av ailabl e with a built -in maintenance bypass switch that allo ws hot -swapping of the entire UPS .
7 PD-004 Includes bypa ss Input: L14-30 Output: (4) C19 PD-001 Includes bypa ss Input: L14-30 O u t p u t : (4) 5-15/20 (1) L6-30 (1) L14-30 Liebert GX T2 4.5 kV A and 6 kV A 230V Models Designed for in tern ational de ployment, Lie bert GX T2 4.5 kV A and 6 kV A 230V models off er true on-line double con version opera tion with sinewave o ut put .
8 This Liebert GX T2 10 kV A unit is a flexible solution for protectin g rack -mount eq uipment, in cluding V oIP and PoE. Especially designed for use with the n ew generation of hi gh po wer switches, this com pact UPS packs 10 kV A (8 kW) of pow er into a 6U rack/tow er package with flexible outp ut vo ltage and optional output distribution .
9 Other Produ c t F eatures Of The Lie ber t GXT2 10 kV A Inclu de : Low T otal Cost Of Owner ship ■ Standard two-year warranty ■ Us es le ss ra ck sp ac e le aving more room for ne t work equipment. ■ Batteries are shielded from heat ge nerating e lectronic compone nts, enhanc ing battery life.
10 10kV A Liebert GXT2 UPS 10kV A Liebert GXT2 UPS 10kV A Liebert GXT2 UPS PD-20X Paralle l POD Paral lel POD Standard Features Offer Greater Overall V alue Flexibilit y: ■ Adap ts existing Liebert GX T2 10 kV A UPS to a redundant powe r configura tion.
11 Liebert GX T2 10 kV A 230V Models Designed for in ternation al deployme nt, Liebert GXT2 10 kVA 230V models off er true on-line double conve rsion op erat ion with sinewav e output. These units only require 5U of rack spac e and include intern al batteries and c harger .
12 A New View On C onfi guring Y our UPS Each Liebert GX T2 6 kV A and 10 kV A system is shipped with Windows ® compatible sof tware that allows the user to program a variety of operating parameters.
13 Liebert Power Assurance P ackage Offers A Worry-F ree UPS Solution Fo r You r N e t wo r k The Liebe r t GXT2 6 kV A and 10 kV A UPS systems can be purcha sed as part of the Liebert Power Assurance Package .
14 Spec ific ations Note: Part Numbers GXT2-6000RT208 and GXT2-10000RT208 do not include in ternal battery kits. When calc ulating total unit we ight, add w eight of int ernal batteries.
15 Liebe rt GX T2 6 kV A 230V International Mode l Liebe rt GX T2 10 kV A 208V Liebe rt GX T2 10 kV A 230V International Mod el Note: Cont act your Liebert representa tive or www.
Emerson Net work P ower . The global leade r in enabling Bu siness-Critic al Con tinuity ™ . EmersonNet workP ower .com AC P ower Connectivit y DC Powe r Embedded Computing Embedded Powe r Monitorin.
An important point after buying a device Emerson 6 kVA (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Emerson 6 kVA yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Emerson 6 kVA - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Emerson 6 kVA you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Emerson 6 kVA will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Emerson 6 kVA, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Emerson 6 kVA.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Emerson 6 kVA. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Emerson 6 kVA along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center